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09-12-18, 11:55

Incidents of violence and threats against the political right have escalated as the establishment media amp up its hate rhetoric against President Trump and his supporters.

While most voters roll their eyes at the melodrama, the real world effects of this inflammatory rhetoric are strikingly real.

Breitbart News has already tallied over documented 550 instances of harassment, threats, and outright violence aimed at Trump and his supporters, and now were are seeing a definite uptick this week as the media have amped up their ad hominem attacks.

On top of the two incidents above, a GOP congressional candidate in California was attacked with a switchblade on Saturday; a GOP campaign office in Laramie, Wyoming, was lit on fire two days after it opened; conservative columnist Denise McAllister has been forced into hiding due to death and rape threats; and a Broadway actress openly called for Trump’s assassination,

When you compare Trump supporters to segregationists, claim Trump is worse than the 9/11 terrorists, and tell the world we have a madman for president, of course you are calling for drastic action against both him and his supporters, and that includes assassination.


I hate to copy and paste all 554 incidents, but I want to illustrate how bad it is:

September 10, 2018: Hispanic Immigrant says she was spit on in Santa Monica for Trump hat.
September 10,2018: Broadway Star Carole Cook on Trump: ‘Where’s John Wilkes Booth When you Need Him?
September 6, 2018: Media and Leftists Harass Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) and His Family
September 6, 2018: Black Trump Fan Booted from Bar for Wearing Trump Hat
September 6, 2018: Arsonists hit Wyoming GOP Headquarters
September 5, 2018: TV Writer Hopes Kavanaugh Daughters ‘Go to School Without Being Shot’
August 31, 2018: Dem Rep. Ruben Gallego Threatens Immigration Officials
August 28, 2018: California student arrested for stealing MAGA hat from classmate, slapping teacher
August 19, 2018: Dad Dares Daughter To Knock Off Guy’s MAGA Hat For 100 Bucks. She Does It.
August 18, 2018: Trump supporter assaulted by aging punk rocker.
August 14, 2018: CNN’s Chris Cuomo justifies and encourages violence against Trump supporters.
August 12, 2018: TX Restaurant forced to close social media accounts over photo of Jeff Sessions
August 9, 2018: FBI announce arrest for contract killing threat of ICE agent via Twitter
August 9, 2018: Antifa blocks Infowars reporter’s access to park
August 8, 2018: Democrat protester harass GOP rep. “Shame on your Mexican wife!”
August 6, 2018: Infowars reported harassed by Antifa in Portland
August 6, 2018: FL: Vandals throw dead fish on Lee Co. Republican headquarters
August 4, 2018: Trump supporter’s car has all 4 tires slashed in Philly.
August 4, 2018: Left-wing terrorists Antifa follow and harass Candace Owens
August 2, 2018: Man arrested for threatening Rep. SteveScalise
August 1, 2018: Woman charged with trying to hit man with her car over Trump sticker
July 26, 2018: KY: Fayette County GOP headquarters vandalized
July 26, 2018: Trump supporter punched in Hollywood
July 25, 2018: Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star destroyed … again.
July 25, 2018: Man arrested, indicted on charges after allegedly threatening Congresswoman Diane Black
July 24, 2018: Sen Cory Booker (D-NJ) Says Brett Kavanaugh supporters are “complicit in evil”
July 23, 2018: Denver Post Runs Letter to Editor Suggesting Trump Should Be Executed
July 23, 2018: Elizabeth Warren Supporter Shoves Challenger
July 20, 2018: Green-Haired “Gender Fluid” Guy Spits All Over Teen’s MAGA Hat
July 20, 2018: ‘Hang Trump’ Shirt Peddled on Facebook
July 19, 2018: ‘New Yorker’ Kills Trump
July 19, 2018: CA Anti-Trump Protesters Target Legal Immigrant’s Cafe Over Trump Support, Hurl Feces
July 17, 2018: Uber Driver Refuses to Serve Black Conservatives Over MAGA Hat
July 17, 2018: Gory Trump Throat-Cutting Art Decorates Portland Gallery
July 16, 2018: House Democrat Calls For ‘Military Folks’ To ‘Stop Trump’
July 16, 2018: Mob chases pro-Trump group out of Los Angeles bar
July 15, 2018: Anti-Trump Paraglider Who Buzzed Trump Visit Arrested in Britain
July 15, 2018: Former Clinton WH Staffer: It’s ‘Tempting’ to Beat up Rand Paul
July 13, 2018: Anti-Israel protesters harass Jared and Ivanka with loud speakers outside their home
July 13, 2018: 76-year-old man assaulted by anti-Trump thugs in San Diego.
July 11, 2018: ABC’s Terry Moran shames Fox News’s Shannon Bream for feeling threatened at SCOTUS protest
July 10, 2018: Protesters arrested, accused of assaulting officer at Portland ICE office
July 10, 2018: Man threatens to ‘curb stomp’ Trump supporter at Disneyland
July 10, 2018: Fox News Reporter Harassed, Threatened And Forced To Leave Supreme Court By Leftist Mob
July 9, 2018: Far-left blog Talking Points Memo mocks Stephen Miller over report of confrontation with bartender.
July 9, 2018: Trump senior aide Stephen Miller harassed on street by angry bartender.
July 9, 2018: Motorists scream curse words at Sean Spicer in his yard.
July 9, 2018: Trump senior aide Kellyanne Conway harassed in grocery store
July 9, 2018: Anti-Trump activists vandalize New York DHS office
July 8, 2018: LISTEN: Idaho GOP Rep. Receives Threatening Voicemails, Emails Because of This Facebook Post
July 8, 2018: Longtime Hillary Clinton aide publishes contact information about bookstore owner who stopped the harassment of Steve Bannon, Reines’s obvious goal is to see the bookstore owner harassed.
July 8, 2018: Far-left Daily Beast writer defends public harassment of Steve Bannon
July 7, 2018: Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) menaced outside restaurant. We know where you live!
July 7, 2018: Steve Bannon harassed at bookstore; police called
July 7, 2018: Left-wing AntiFa terrorists attack peaceful Tommy Robinson supporters in San Francisco
July 7, 2018: New York Times editorial calls for Dems to “take a page from The Godfather” to “go to the mattresses” to stop Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.
July 6, 2018: BLM activist calls for assassination of Supreme Court Justice
July 6, 2018: Brick Thrown Through Front Door Of Wheeling, IL, Township Republican Headquarters
July 6, 2018: CNN analyst justifies violence against Trump supporters
July 6, 2018: Long Island Man Threatened to Kill Supporters of Republican Congressman, Trump: Police
July 6, 2018: Florida man attacked over Trump flag in yard.
July 6, 2018: Woman threatens to stab Alan Dershowitz in heart.
July 5, 2018: Founder of #WalkAway campaign refused service at camera store.
July 5, 2018: Trump supporter wearing Make America Great Again hat allegedly assaulted in burger joint (video at link).
July 4, 2018: Paul Begala Reportedly Sending Serial-Harasser Mike Stark To Harass Barbara Comstock July 4th
July 3, 2018: Left-wing Catholic calls for sending Trump supporters to the guillotine
July 3, 2018: Nebraska GOP office vandalized.
July 3, 2018: EPA head Scott Pruitt harassed at restaurant.
July 2, 2018: MAGA hat wearer harassed at seafood restaurant
July 2, 2018: Mother of cancer survivor harassed online for thanking Eric Trump for $16 million in St. Jude support
July 2, 2018: Cher accuses ICE of “Gestapo tactics.”
July 2, 2018: Man accused of threatening to kill Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and his family.
July 1, 2018: Washington Post reporter publicly calls on mobs to give Trump officials a “life sentence” of harassment.
July 1, 2018: Man wearing MAGA hat refused service in restaurant.
July 1, 2018: AntiFa terrorists attack Patriot Prayer rally in Portland.
June 30, 2018: Attorney Attacks Elderly Vet at “Keeping Families Together” March
June 29, 2018: Media falsely blame Trump for murder of five journalists in Maryland.
June 29, 2018: Hollywood actor calls on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to be harassed at “every meal.”
June 29, 2018: California man accused of threatening to kill FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s children.
June 28, 2018: Reuters editor says Trump has blood on his hands for murder of five journalists in Maryland. He still has a job.
June 28, 2018: Singer John Legend praises and agrees with Rep. Maxine Waters for calling on mobs to publicly harass Trump officials out of public spaces like restaurants.
June 28, 2018: Journalist lies about Maryland mass-shooter being a Trump supporter.
June 28, 2018: Co-Chair of Women for Trump Receives Death Threats After CNN Appearance
June 28, 2018: Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) calls on “angry” Latinos to oust Trump.
June 27, 2018: Media defend and champion Virginia restaurant owner who kicked White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and her family out, and then reportedly harassed them as they ate at a nearby restaurant.
June 26, 2018: Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao harassed at home by protesters.
June 26, 2018: Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH) blames President Trump for her intern yelling “**** you!” at him through the halls of the U.S. Capitol. The intern was not fired.
June 26, 2018: Comedienne Kathy Griffin attacks the Trump administration as “pro-Nazi.” Obviously, once you describe someone as a Nazi, you are calling for violence against them.
June 26, 2018: Chicago bar refuses to serve Trump supporters.
June 26, 2018: Singer John Legend calls on Trump officials to be harassed until our immigration policies are weakened.
June 26, 2018: Late night comedians celebrate the harassment of Sarah Sanders and her family.
June 25, 2018: Burned animal carcass left on Trump staffer’s porch.
June 25, 2018: After refusing to serve Sarah Sanders and the family, we learn a restaurant owner then organized a mob to harass Sanders’ family at a nearby restaurant.
June 25, 2018: Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) calls on mobs to confront Trump officials over immigration policies.
June 25, 2018: CNN contributor attacks those on the right calling for civility.
June 25, 2018: CNN’s Jake Tapper dismisses harassment of Sarah Sanders as a political ploy on Sander’s part.
June 24, 2018: Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) publicly calls on mobs to “turn on” Trump officials, to “harass” them, ensure they “they won’t be able to go to a restaurant, they won’t be able to stop at a gas station, they’re not going to be able to shop at a department store.”
June 23, 2018: Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi harassed, menaced, and reportedly spit at by left-wing protesters at movie theater.
June 22, 2018: Sarah Sanders and her family booted out of restaurant by left-wing owner.
June 22, 2018: Member of Canadian media, Patrick Dussault, threatens Don Jr.s 4-year-old daughter
June 22, 2018: Kirstjen Nielsen harassed by protesters outside her private home.
June 22, 2018: Rep. Jackie Sperier (D-CA), compares border enforcement to Auschwitz.
June 22, 2018: Left-wing activists vandalize billboard.
June 22, 2018: On Morning Joe, Donny Deutsch smears Trump and his supporters as “Nazis.”
June 21, 2018: Democrat state legislator in Pennsylvania greets Vice President Mike Pence with a “middle finger salute.”
June 21, 2018: White House Senior Adviser Stephen Miller heckled and harassed at restaurant.
June 21, 2018: Actor Adam Scott compares Tucker Carlson to a Nazi.
June 20, 2018: Left-wing AntiFa terrorists publish list of ICE agents for harassment purposes.
Jun 20, 2018: Florida man accused of threatening to kill Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL), a U.S. combat veteran, and his children in a series of nearly 500 calls to his office.
June 20, 2018: Actor Peter Fonda calls for a mob to kidnap President Trump’s 11-year-old son and throw him in a cage with pedophiles.
June 20, 2018: Actor Peter Fonda calls for a mob to sexually humiliate and abuse Sarah Sanders and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.
June 20, 2018: Nancy Sinatra praises Peter Fonda for his tweets.
June 20, 2018: Manhunt Underway For Central Pa. Man Accused Of Threatening To Kill President Trump, Other Officials
June 20, 2018: Documentary filmmaker Josh Fox praises Peter Fonda for his tweets.
June 20, 2018: Arnold Schwarzenegger calls for politicians in favor of border security to be put in cages.
June 19, 2018: Kirstjen Nielsen harassed out of restaurant.
June 19, 2018: Democrat interns screams “**** you!” at Trump through the halls of the U.S. Capitol. She was not fired.
June 19, 2018: New Yorker fact checker publicly (and falsely) accuses a disabled war veteran who works for ICE of being a Nazi.
June 16, 2018: Jewish Trump Supporter Attacked Outside Kathy Griffin Show In San Francisco
June 15, 2018: Man has MAGA flag stolen at rally.
June 15, 2018: CNN analyst heckles and screams at Sarah Sanders.
June 14, 2018: Nancy Pelosi wonders why there ‘aren’t uprisings’ across nation: ‘Maybe there will be’
May 30, 2018: Anti-Trump Band NOFX Tells Vegas Audience ‘At Least It Was Country Fans’ Killed in Oct. Shooting
May 24, 2018: Anti-Trump forces threaten lawmakers’ lives in name of #Resistance
May 23, 2018: Tomi Lahren has water thrown at her at Minnesota restaurant
May 22, 2018: Trump supporter suspended from school over border wall t-shirt.
May 21, 2018: 14 threats reported against EPA chief Scott Pruitt.
May 18, 2018: Gunman shot at Trump golf club
May 16, 2018: CNN’s Chris Cillizza puts Trump in crosshairs.
May 14, 2018: Black man in MAGA hat harassed, threatened, called “nigger” at Cheesecake Factory.
May 12, 2018: MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace asks “How do you resist the temptation to run up and wring [Sarah Sanders’] neck?”
May 4, 2018: Chula Vista school mural depicts severed, speared Trump head
May 2, 2018: San Antonio elected official threatens to poison Republicans’ food
April 23, 2018: Trump supporter shouted out of bar in New York.
April 13, 2018: Tourist in NY mugged at knifepoint while wearing MAGA hat — attackers wouldn’t give hat back
April 8, 2018: David Crosby celebrates fatal Trump Tower fire: ‘oh boy … burn baby burn’
April 7, 2018: Mental Health Expert who hates POTUS cheers Fire at Trump Tower-Jeffrey Guterman
April 6, 2018: During Ellen appearance, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) “jokes” about killing Trump, Pence, Sessions on elevator.
April 5, 2018: Orange Park, FL Trump supporter spends two hours in surgery after attack
April 4, 2018: Councilwoman accused of yelling obscenities at teen wearing Trump shirt
April 3, 2018: Woman brutally attacked in restaurant over support for Trump.
April 1, 2018: Trump golf course sign vandalized.
May 22, 2018: CNN guest on Trump: “If you’re going to shoot him, you have to shoot to kill.”
March 21, 2018: Former VP Joe Biden says he beat the hell’ out of Trump if in high school
March 19, 2018: Democratic Congressman Hints at Armed Rebellion Against Trump
March 19, 2018: Trump supporters attacked for protesting anti-police coffee shop.
March 17, 2018: Trump Staffer Heather Swift assaulted by ShareBlue/American Bridge operative Wilfred “Mike” Stark.
March 16, 2018: Capitol police arrest male democrat operative over assault of Trump official
March 15, 2018: Student with ‘Trump’ flag assaulted by mob during National School Walkout
March 8, 2018: Female Trump supporter assaulted while staging Oscars boycott in LA
March 4, 2018: WATCH: MSNBC Joy Reid Panel Hopes Conservatives ‘Die Off’
February 27, 2018: Trump supporter threatened with knife.
February 23, 2018: Spanish teachers have students hit Trump piñata in Laguna Hills
February 22, 2018: Guardian, HuffPost Contributor Karen Geier: ‘Hopefully’ Kim Jong Un ‘Can Drop a Bomb on CPAC’
February 21, 2018: CNN audience shouts “murderer” at Dana Loesch
February 21, 2018: CNN publicly smears elderly Trump supporter as Russian plant, death threats follow
February 8, 2018: Northeastern University wishes death on Trump during lecture
February 8, 2018: Journalist calls for profs to drown conservative students
February 7, 2018: Trump supporters’ home vandalized in Oceanside CA
February 7, 2018: Democrat attested for sending white powder to Donald Trump Jr.
February 2, 2018: CNN Writer Thanks God for Fatal GOP Train Wreck
January 31, 2018: Party thrown to hurl stuff at television image of Trump.
January 29, 2018: Saginaw, MI businessman’s Trump sign vandalized.
January 24, 2018: Portland, OR, Trump supporter punched in head at protest
January 22, 2018: AntiFa calls for “riot porn” against Trump supporter Tom, Brady
January 21, 2018: NY: Protester charged in Trump supporter attack tried to put cop in headlock
December 20, 2017: AntiFa terrorists assault Trump supporter outside bookstore
December 18, 2017: Eminem song ‘Framed’ plots assassination of Ivanka Trump
December 9, 2017: Students wearing MAGA hats booted from ‘safe space’ coffee shop
December 3, 2017: Trump supporter’ home and vehicle vandalized for second time.
November 27, 2017: Singer Morrissey: I would kill Trump ‘for the safety of humanity’
November 22, 2017: Trump-hater snatches, steals student’s MAGA hat.
November 22, 2017: Man mistaken for Trump supporter attacked
November 20, 2017: University of IL instructor assault Trump supporters
November 13, 2017: Trump supporter assaulted for wearing MAGA hat.
November 12, 2017: Blaire White attacked for wearing MAGA hat
November 3, 2017: ‘Multicultural’ office at Providence College hosts ‘stab a Trumpkin’ display
October 31, 2017: ShareBlue, American Bridger operative Mike Stark arrested for harassing Ed Gillespie in VA
October 26, 2017: SF Gate columnist says death threats against EPA chief Scott Pruitt make sense
October 24, 2017: MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace: Trump Administration Does ‘Not Appear to Be Human Beings’
October 19, 2017: Left-wing thugs arrested for disrupting College Republican meeting, shouting “fascists,” “racists” and “white supremacists”
September 28, 2017: Education Secretary Betsy DeVos heckled as “white supremacist” during speech.
September 26, 2017: Professor Doubles Down on Tweet Saying ‘Trump Must Hang’
September 17, 2017: Trump supporter physically assault in Roosevelt High School gym.
September 15, 2017: CNN host “jokes” about killing Trump with hemlock in his food.
September 10, 2017: Portland police arrest seven in latest antifa violence aimed at Patriot Prayer
September 4, 2017: Georgia Teacher Kicks Out Students Over “Neo-Nazi” MAGA Shirt
August 28, 2017: Car with Trump bumper sticker vandalized in San Francisco.
August 28, 2017: Trump supporter Arthur assaulted in Berkeley
August 28, 2017: Left-wing AntiFa terrorists attack peaceful Trump supporters at Berkeley.
August 28, 2017: GOP headquarters in Fayetteville, KY vandalized. “Die Nazi Scum” spray painted on windows.
August 27, 2017: Vandals deface Trump supporter’s lawn signs.
August 24, 2017: PA AntiFa Cell Calls for Violence Against Police, All-out Revolutio
August 24, 2017: Black Trump supporter spit at for wearing MAGA hat.
August 23, 2017: Black Trump supporter sucker punched in Laguna Beach.
August 23, 2017: Black Trump supporter punched multiple times while leaving Trump’s Arizona rally
August 19, 2017: WATCH: Older Woman Holding American Flag Hit, Dragged in Boston
August 18. 2017: Top Missouri Democrat calls for Trump to be “assassinated.”
August 17, 2017: ‘Nazis’ spray painted on New Hampshire GOP headquarters
August 16, 2017: Anti-Donald Trump campaigner ‘shoots Republican neighbour twice in the head’
August 14, 2017: After Branding Trump a Fascist, Never Trumper Calls for Lynching of Fascists
August 14, 2017: Conservative student attacked for “YAF” hat at vigil for Charlottesville victims.
July 31, 2017: Women’s studies professor wants Trump shot
July 25, 2017: Fox News commenter soaked with water
July 19, 2017: Rosie O’Donnell sparks outrage with Trump-killing game
July 7, 2017: Student threatened for supporting Trump.
July 7, 2017: Man attacked for wearing MAGA hat in New York bar.
July 5, 2017: CNN threatens to expose Trump supporter to online mob over parody video.
July 3, 2017: Philadelphia Trump supporter jumped by three men after rallies
June 22, 2017: Rep. Jason Chaffetz Death Threat: ‘Prepare for the Battle, Motherf***er’
June 22, 2017: Ohio Man Charged With Threatening GOP Congressman
June 22, 2017: WATCH – Pulitzer-Winning Novelist Michael Chabon Expresses ‘Hope’ that Trump Has ‘Massive Stroke
June 22, 2017: Actor Johnny Depp “jokes” about assassinating Trump.
June 19, 2017: University of Georgia Socialist Group Under Police Investigation After Calling for Beheading Republican
June 17, 2017: Dem Strategist James Devine Launches Hashtag #HuntRepublicanCongressmen After Steve Scalise Shooting
June 17, 2017: Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO) reports five death threats to Capitol Police
June 15, 2017: Powder-Filled Letters With Threatening Notes Shut Down Georgia Republican’s Neighborhood
June 15, 2017: Several shots fired at truck flying ‘Make America Great Again’ flag on I-465 in Indiana
June 14, 2017: HuffPo publishes article calling for “execution” of Trump.
June 14, 2017: Republican receives threat after shooting, warning “one down, 216 to go…”
June 14, 2017: Bernie Sanders supporter opens fire on a group of Republican congressman. Rep. Steve Scalise is shot and nearly dies.
June 12, 2017: Wire creator David Simon calls on mobs to pick up a “brick” if Trump fires special counsel Robert Mueller.
June 10, 2017: Trump supporter beaten with ‘Queers for Muslims’ sign in Seattle.
June 10, 2017: Left-wing terrorists with AntiFa hurl urine at woman protesting against Sharia
June 7, 2017: HuffPo: ‘Inherent Value’ and ‘Logic’ in Violence Against Trump Supporters
June 7, 2017: Veteran’s wife violently beaten for voting for Trump
June 6, 2017: “Trump” is stabbed to death in front of cheering audience in Central Park
June 3, 2017: Anti-Trump band decapitates Trump statue on stage
May 30, 2017: Kathy Griffin beheads Trump.
May 21, 2017: Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL.) office vandalized, staff threatened
May 19, 2017: Man arrested for multiple acts of anti-Trump vandalism.
May 15, 2017: Tucson school district employee arrested over threats to U.S. Rep. Martha McSally
May 13, 2017: Woman attempts to drive GOP congressman off road over health-care vote, police say
May 12, 2017: Man Gets Physical With GOP Congressman At Town Hall [Video]
May 10, 2017: Police investigate death threats Rep. Tom Garrett (R-VA) received prior to town hall
May 8, 2017: TN Woman Arrested for Trying to Run GOP Congressman’s Car Off Road
May 4, 2017: Leaked Screenshots Reveal BuzzFeed Director Wishing for Trump Assassination
April 27, 2017: Oregon Parade Canceled Due to Violent Threats By ‘Anti-Fascists’ Against Republican Participants
April 23, 2017: Left-wing AntiFa arrested for assault in DC.
April 20, 2017: University of Alaska is displaying a painting of a decapitated Trump in its gallery
April 19. 2017: MSNBC ‘Counter-Terrorism Analyst’ Calls for ISIS Bombing of Trump Property
April 15, 2017: Left-wing AntiFa terrorists start riot in Berkeley.
April 15, 2017: Left-wing terrorists with AntiFa assault Trump supporter with bike lock.
April 14, 2017: Two arrested for burning Trump sign in Maryland
April 3, 2017: Left-wing AntiFa terrorists disrupt pro-Trump rally in Vancouver
March 27, 2017: Pro-Trump march organizer pepper-sprayed by protester
March 20, 2017: Violent kids hit Trump supporter in face with skateboard
March 19, 2017: MAGA hat wearer kicked out of bar
March 19, 2017: ‘Murder Trump ASAP’ graffiti found on freeway wall in San Diego
March 17, 2017: ‘Making History’ Star Adam Pally Says He Wants To ‘Kill Trump’
March 16, 2017: Rapper Bow Wow threatens to “pimp” first lady Melania
March 16, 2017: Pro-Trump Michael Savage assaulted.
March 15, 2017: University of Michigan student detained after damaging Trump supporter’s flag
March 14, 2017: Young Trump supporters harassed online as Nazis
March 12, 2017: Snoop Dogg “shoots” Trump in the head.
March 9, 2017: Florida man punched in face after road rage incident sparked by Trump bumper sticker
March 7, 2017: Hillary VP pick and Sen. Tim Kaine’s (D-VA) son arrested for hurling smoke bomb in the Minnesota Capitol rotund
March 7, 2017: CNN points what looks like a sniper scope at the Oval Office.
March 6, 2017: Berkeley man arrested for destroying College Republican sign
March 5, 2017: Leftist rioters crash peaceful pro-Trump rally with tasers
March 4, 2017: Left-wing rioters attack peaceful pro-Trump rally at Berkeley
March 1, 2017: Trump supporter’s car vandalized in Oregon
February 27, 2017: Leaked Audio Reveals Anti–Trump Forces Manufacturing Hostile Town Hall
February 27, 2017: Flier in North Carolina calls on mobs to assault Trump supporters
February 26, 2017: Trump supporter’s house egged three times in New York
February 26, 2017: Female Trump supporter assaulted in Hollywood
February 25, 2017: Ohio man assaulted by anti-Trump mob
February 22, 2017: Tires slashed at Congressman’s town hall meeting in Mariposa
February 17, 2017: Professor tweets ‘Trump must hang,’ gets paid leave:
February 16, 2017: Kansas City man with AR-15 taunts Trump supporter, rips down Trump flag
February 15, 2017: Hateful messages found on Trump supporter’s historic Denver home
February 15, 2017: Mob knocks district director for Dana Rohrbacher (R-CA) unconscious
February 14, 2017: Stephen Colbert puts White House adviser Stephen Miller’s head on a pike.
February 13, 2017: Black Trump supporter’s home vandalized with “KKK’ spray paint – hoax hate crime
February 11, 2017: University of Central Florida Club Incites Young Kids To “Kill Donald Trump”
February 10, 2017: Black Lives Matter bully threatens to smash woman’s laptop over Trump sticker.
February 10, 2017: Trump supporter assaulted in Berkeley as police do nothing
February 10, 2017: Protesters block Education secretary Betsy DeVos from entering school.
February 9, 2017: Man arrested for attacking Trump supporter in California
February 9, 2017: AntiFa middle school teacher Yvette Felarca arrested for starting riot in Berkeley
February 8, 2017: Police investigating multiple incidents of anti-Trump graffiti in North Carolina.
February 8, 2017: CSUF instructor suspended for striking pro-Trump student
February 7, 2017: Girl in MAGA hat pepper sprayed
February 7, 2017: Oceanside, CA Vandals deface home and Trump sign
February 6, 2017: 6th grader wearing Trump hat attacked on school bus, suspended
February 5, 2017: Rapper Big Sean Threatens to Kill Donald Trump in New Freestyle
February 4, 2017: School suspends victim after he is beaten for wearing MAGA
February 3, 2017: More than 12,000 tweets have called for Trump’s assassination since the inauguration
February 2, 2017: Comedienne Sarah Silverman calls on military to overthrow Trump.
February 2, 2017: Ex-Obama Official Rosa Brooks Suggests ‘Military Coup’ Against Trump
February 2, 2017: Arrests at NYU after left-wing thugs disrupt conservative speaker
February 2, 2017: Trump supporter attacked in street in Berkeley
February 1, 2017: Seahawks Quarterback Russell Wilson Hints at Trump Assassination
February 1, 2017: Left-wing terrorist group AntiFa assaults Trump supporters at Berkeley.
January 31, 2017: Portland Trump Supporter Beaten Unconscious After Being Hit by Airport Protesters
January 31, 2017: Pike/Pine New Year’s Eve ‘red baseball cap’ assault reported
January 31, 2017: Former VP candidate, Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA), calls on Democrats to “fight in the streets” against Trump.
January 31, 2017: Video shows Trump supporter knocked unconscious ‘with something metallic’ during airport immigration protest
January 30, 2017: Spokane, WA, GOP headquarters hit with vandalism
January 30, 2017: Anti-Trump graffiti spray-painted on Rowan University sign
January 29, 2017: Protesters damage Trump supporter’s vehicle after march downtown Eugene, OR
January 29, 2017: Times Journo Calls for Assassination of President Trump
January 29, 2017: Video: Trump Supporter Has House, Flag, Vehicle and Camper Vandalized in Burlington, WA
January 27, 2017: Donald Trump Campaign Sign Set On Fire In Hull, MA
January 26, 2017: Actor Shia LeBeouf arrested for shoving Trump supporter
January 26, 2017: Texas Teacher Pretends to Shoot Trump in Class
January 24, 2017: Gold Star family members say they were assaulted during inaugural ball festivities
January 24, 2017: Woman harassed, spit on by anti-Trump protesters
January 23, 2017: Golden Trump Graffiti Sprayed Onto Bentley in Queens
January 23, 2017: WATCH woman harass Trump supporter on flight
January 23, 2017: Woman charged with trespassing, Vandalism at Mar-a-Lago, President Trump’s estate
January 23, 2017: Protesters Throw Water at Trump Inaugural Ball Attendees
January 22, 2017: Frank Luntz Recounts Hotel Assault by Trump Inauguration Protester
January 22, 2017: CA Woman Slashes Trump Sign Because it ‘Ruined Her Chill’: Police
January 22, 2017: Trump supporter Scott Baio was roughed up by protesters in DC
January 21, 2017: Graffiti girl gang arrested for scrawling anti-Trump and Black Lives Matter slogans over cop car, stores in NC
January 21, 2017: Madonna fantasizes about blowing up the White House.
January 21, 2017: Video: Sean Hannity and Geraldo Rivera Egged by Liberal Protesters at Inaugural Ball
January 20, 2017: Parker, CO, man’s Trump destroyed over Trump sticker
January 20, 2017: 66 Inauguration Day threats on Twitter
January 20, 2017: Anti-Trump protesters light limo on fire in DC
January 20, 2017: Anti-Trump protesters smash Starbucks windows
January 20, 2017: Anti-Trump protesters smash Bank of America windows
January 20, 2017: Anti-Trump protesters smash local hotel windows in DC
January 20, 2017: Anti-Trump protesters smash steakhouse windows
January 20, 2017: Anti-Trump protesters smash ATM
January 20, 2017: Anti-Trump protesters throw garbage in the street and try to light it on fire
January 20, 2017: Trump supporter coat slashed at Inauguration
January 20, 2017: WA: High School Senior Beaten by Mob for Wearing American Flag Hat at U of W
January 20, 2017: Trump Supporter Suckerpunched at Deploraball by Left-wing AntiFa Terrorists
January 20, 2017: Reporter falsely accuses 10-year-old Barron Trump of killing 100 small animals
January 20, 2017: Comedian Limmy tells Donald Trump assassination joke
January 20, 2017: Anti-Trump protester lights Trump supporter’s hair on fire.
January 20, 2017: Trump supporter says she feels ‘hurt’ after being spit on, called racist
January 20, 2017: Left-wing terrorist group Antifa riots over Trump’s inauguration.
January 19, 2017: CNN fantasizes about Obama staying in power if Trump is assassinated.
January 17, 2017: German journalist: Assassination of Trump would end ‘tragedy’
January 17, 2017: Wilmington, NC, woman’s car vandalized with swastika over Trump sticker
January 16, 2017: ‘Project Veritas’ Exposes Groups Planning Violent Disruptions At Inauguration, Chemical Attack at ‘Deploraball’
January 5, 2017: Left-wing thugs kidnap, beat, and torture an 18-year-old with schizophrenia while shouting “**** Trump” and “**** white people.”
January 4, 2017: Santa Rosa, CA: Man Harassed, Verbally Abused for Wearing Trump T-Shirt
December 29, 2016: Ronald Reagan portrait defaced during break-in reported at Goldsboro, NC, GOP office
December 29, 2016: Charlie Sheen Wishes Death Upon Trump
December 23, 2016: Bryn Mawr Student And Trump Supporter Harassed Until She Drops Out
November 22, 2016: Trump supporter victim of hate crime in Montgomery County, Third attack on home
December 22, 2016: Ivanka Trump harassed on JetBlue flight by college professor
December 20, 2016: Foley, AL, deputies investigate rash of anti-Trump vandalism
December 18, 2016: Trump electors face countless death threats
December 15, 2016: Cornell College Republicans president assaulted, called ‘racist bitch’
December 14, 2016: Politico reporter accuses Trump of incest.
December 13, 2016: $300,00 car torched over Trump signs
December 10, 2016: Orange Coast College prof calls Trump election “act of terrorism,” “we are in Civil War times”
December 8, 2016: Man in Ithaca, NY, kills UPS Driver believing driver was Trump
December 5, 2016: Corvette with Trump sticker trashed in MD
December 5, 2016: Truck spray painted with anti-Trump slogans, set on fire in Madison, WI
December 1, 2016: Donora, PA: 69-year-old woman assaulted over support for Trump
November 30, 2016: Rockville, MD Trump supporter’s car vandalized with swastika
November 30, 2016: Navy veteran’s home torched, tagged with anti-Trump graffiti in Florida
November 30, 2016: CBS Boston Freelancer Tweets that ‘Trump Died Sleeping’ calms him.
November 29, 2016: Kansas City, MO: Man beaten at bus stop after being asked political questions
November 26, 2016: Anti-Trump thugs vandalize jeep, American flag
November 21, 2016: Trump supporter refused service at DC bar, assaulted outside
November 20, 2016: Blue-haired woman sentenced for scrawling anti-Trump graffiti on Los Angeles government buildings
November 19, 2016: Texas High School Students Perform Trump ‘Assassination’ Skit
November 18, 2016: Car set on fire, spray painted with anti-Trump vandalism in Portland
November 18, 2016: Actor Michael Shannon: Time for Trump voters to die
November 16, 2016: PacketSled CEO resigns after threatening to kill Trump
November 16, 2016: Man gunned down outside bar after he joked about voting for Trump
November 16, 2016: MD Student wearing Trump hat punched, kicked to ground
November 16, 2016: Left-wing thugs assault 15-year-old Trump supporter.
November 15, 2016: Lexington, KY man’s car vandalized for Trump sticker
November 15, 2016: Trump supporter’s Mustang vandalized, set on fire in Santa Maria, CA
November 15, 2016: ‘My Pro-Trump Stickers, Flags Got my Tires Slashed,’ Says NJ Man
November 15, 2016: Boston Man assaulted outside bar
November 15, 2016: Atlanta, GA: Man Murdered in Shooting Outside Atlanta Bar After Joke About Voting for Trump
November 14, 2016: Polson, MT GOP headquarters vandalized
November 14, 2016: Toronto Student Wants Trump To Be Assassinated
November 14, 2016: Portland, OR, man’s car attacked by anti-Trump thugs
November 14, 2016: Anti-Trump Woman Throws Coffee on Trump Supporters in their Car
November 14, 2016: Trailer park in Hillsborough County FL vandalized with anti-Trump graffiti
November 14, 2016: Avengers director Joss Whedon says Trump “CANNOT” be allowed to serve out his term in office.
November 14, 2016: Film Director Paul Schrader Calls for Violence to Protest Against Trump
November 14, 2016: 6 Arrested at anti-Trump protest in Austin, TX, one for felony assault
November 12, 2016: 2 Men Attack Trump Supporter in Meriden, CT
November 12, 2016: ‘**** Trump’ Spray painted 3 times on Phoenix, AZ, home
November 12, 2016: Man in MAGA hat attacked by New York subway rider.
November 11, 2016: Man beaten by mob for voting for Trump
November 11, 2016: FL Student Charged With Battery After Punching Boy Holding Trump Sign
November 11, 2016: TX, Southwest University Trump supporter’s car vandalized
November 11, 2016: Redwood City, CA: Female High School Student Attacked for Supporting Trump
November 11, 2016: BLM Anti-Bullying Activist Arrested for Assaulting 74 Year-Old Trump Supporter
November 11, 2016: Mother emotionally abuses child for “voting” for Trump.
November 10, 2016: Anti-Trump riot breaks out in Portland
November 10, 2016: Telegraph’s columnist Monisha Rajesh expressed a desire that Donald Trump be assassinated in a tweet
November 10, 2016: Student Trump supporter attacked at Woodside High School
November 10, 2016: Black Trump Supporter Attacked at NYC College; MAGA Hat Almost Set Alight
November 10, 2016: CA: 82-year-old Discovers ‘[Expletive] Trump’, ‘666’ Spray Painted on Car
November 10, 2016: Va. GOP headquarters vandalized amid anti-Trump protests
November 10, 2016: Anti-Trump Protester Calls For Death and Violence on CNN
November 10, 2016: Anti-Trump vandals hit Old Chapel Hill, NC, Cemetery gazebo, path
November 10, 2016: Trump Supporter Beaten in Chicago Street, Recorded on Video
November 10, 2016: ‘People Have to Die’: Anti-Trump Protester Calls For Violence on CNN
November 10, 2016: Orange Is the New Black star Lea DeLaria threatens “to pick up a baseball bat and take out every f*cking Republican and independent I see.”
November 10, 2016: Palm Bay, FL, student punches classmate over Trump sign
November 9, 2016: Trump supporter’s dog brutally attacked by anti-Trump thugs
November 9, 2016: TX: Anti-Trump Protester Punches Trump Supporter
November 9, 2016: Anti-Trump vandals target Lansing, MI, building
November 9, 2016: GoFundMe pages advocate murdering Donald Trump
November 9, 2016: Stafford, TX student says he was attacked for supporting Trump in mock election
November 9, 2016: Trump supporters car vandalized in Tuscon, AZ
November 9, 2016: Marilyn Manson “kills” Trump in music video.
November 9, 2016: BMW with Trump sticker vandalized in Fort Myers, FL, community
November 9, 2016: 16-year-old Trump supporter BULLIED, CAR VANDALIZED
November 8, 2016: Man Attacks FEMALE TRUMP SUPPORTER at Jupiter, Florida, Polling Station
November 8, 2016: NYPD Investigating Tires Slashing On Hasidic Trump Supporters Van
November 8, 2016: Matlacha, FL: Woman’s Trump sign, Art Gallery Vandalized
November 8, 2016: Cornell College Republicans female president assaulted, called ‘racist bitch’
November 7, 2016: Trump volunteer assaulted, robbed for wearing MAGA hat
November 6, 2016: 72-year-old Costa Mesa, CA, Trump Supporter robbed of Trump sign, injured
November 6, 2016: VIDEO: Trump Supporter’s Truck Torched Because of Bumper Sticker
November 6, 2016: Boston, MA, school spray painted with “Kill Your Local Trump Supporter”
November 6, 2016: Trump Supporter’s Truck Torched Because of Bumper Sticker
November 5, 2016: CA: Black Trump Supporter Is Told “Ni**as Like You Should Be Killed”
November 5, 2016: Rock Island, IL, Republican office vandalized with spray paint
November 4, 2016: Trump Denver, CO, headquarters hit with second act of vandalism in same day
November 4, 2016: Trump’s Denver, CO, Campaign Office Vandalized with Painted Anti-Trump Message
November 4, 2016: Alamance County, NC, GOP Headquarters Vandalized with Anti-Trump Graffiti
November 3, 2016: LA Times reporter tweets: ‘I would rather see Donald Trump’s life end.’
November 3, 2016: Vandals continue to attack Trump headquarters in Ukiah, CA
November 2, 2016: Evanston, IL, man’s Donald Trump sign burned on his front lawn
November 1, 2016: Denver, CO, Arsonist Sets Trump Campaign Sign On Fire, Endangers Entire Neighborhood
October 31, 2016: Nampa, ID: 100’s of Pro-Trump Signs Destroyed. Swastikas. Car Keyed.
October 31, 2016: St. Cloud, FL, Trump signs vandalized with racist stickers
October 31, 2016: East Stroudsburg, PA, Church Hit With Anti-Trump Graffiti
October 29, 2016: VA: Leesburg Neighborhood Tagged With Anti-Trump Graffiti
October 28, 2016: Homeless woman guarding Trump’s Walk of Fame star assaulted in Hollywood.
October 28, 2016: CA: Truck Vandalized Because Of Pro-Trump Bumper Sticker
October 28, 2016: Trump signs vandalized in Quincy, IL.
October 28, 2016: Man Wanted for Stealing Donald Trump Cutout from Holbrook
October 27, 2016: Platteville, WI, man arrested for torching Trump sign
October 27, 2016: Vandals run over Trump signs, owner flattens their tires with nails
October 27, 2016: Trump signs taken from outside local business in Hickory, NC
October 26, 2016: Video: University of Pittsburgh Trump Supporters Campaign Table Flipped
October 26, 2016: 3 Maine Women Face Theft Charges for Stealing Dozens of Trump Signs
October 26, 2016: Gainesville homes with Trump signs vandalized with swastikas
October 26, 2016: Trump’s Walk of Fame star vandalized.
October 26, 2016: Man caught on camera trashing Trump yard sign in Jacksonville, FL
October 25, 2016: Grant, AL, Trump supporters Cadillac trashed, thousands of dollars in damage
October 25, 2016: Battle Creek. MI man says Trump yard signs were vandalized two nights in a row
October 25, 2016: Leftist in Falmouth Maine admits to stealing 40 Trump signs.
October 25, 2016: Trump signs stolen in Mauston, WI
October 25, 2016: Bucks County, PA Man Says He’s Had 13 Trump Signs Stolen From His Yard
October 25, 2016: Trump supporter Feras Jabro attacked at BLM protest for wearing Trump hat
October 24, 2016: Trump sign, vehicle vandalized at Reno gun shop
October 20, 2016: Provo, UT: Trump signs damaged,defaced with vulgar graffiti; vandals damaged front door, two vehicles painting signs and property with profanity along with “#FeelTheBurn” and “AmeriKKKa”.
October 18, 2016: Cape Coral, FL, man arrested for running over Trump sign
October 18, 2016: IN: Vandals throw bricks through windows at Delaware County Republican Party office
October 18, 2016: Trump signs spray painted with swastikas in Cape Coral, FL
October 17, 2016: WI Woman mistakes town meeting for Donald Trump rally and smears 30 cars with peanut butter in protest
October 16, 2016: Left-wing terrorists firebomb GOP headquarters in North Carolina.
October 16, 2016: 17 vehicles vandalized at Trump rally in Bangor, Maine.
October 16, 2016: Campaign of terror launched against Trump supporter in McKinney TX.
October 15, 2016: Bloomington, MN, Trump Supporters Lawn was Salted and Sign Torched
October 15, 2016: Maui, HI, Trump supporter’s home egged by vandals
October 15, 2016: Texarkana AR, Woman’s Trump signs burned in arson attack
October 13, 2016: Gay Couple Backing Trump Receives Threats and Barbs in Ohio
October 13, 2016: Trump Mobile vandalized in Walled Lake, MI
October 12, 2016: Streak of vandalized Trump signs ‘unprecedented,’ local party leaders say
October 12, 2016: Surveillance Photos Released in Trump Sign Vandalism Investigation
October 10, 2016: IN GOP office windows broken by bricks aimed at Trump signs.
October 7, 2016: Robert De Niro says he wants to “punch” Trump in the face.
October 3, 2016: Hillary supporters attack Trump-supporting woman and steal Trump signs in Hanford/Lemoore, CA area
October 3, 2016: Trump billboard defaced with swastikas.
September 28, 2016: IL: Anti-Trump Vandalism Outside Polish Center Ahead of Appearance
September 28, 2016: Donald Trump signs stolen by ex-college VP in NY
September 27, 2016: Trump supporter threatened if he wars MAGA hat: “I’ll shit on your face.”
September 26, 2016: Trump-supporting Minnesota co-ed says she was ‘assaulted’ on debate night
September 25, 2016: Man urinates on Naples mailbox, steals Trump sign
September 18, 2016: Trump supporter beaten in El Cajon.
August 20, 2016: Hillary Supporters Attack Old Woman Trump Supporter Minneapolis
August 20, 2016: Leftist Activists Crash Trump Fundraiser, Attack Motorcade, Assault Trump Supporters in Violent ‘Gauntlet
August 19, 2016: Left-wing thugs attack Trump’s motorcade and his supporters.
August 19, 2016: Walpole, MA,, Veteran Upset About Four Stolen ‘Trump 2016’ Signs
August 18, 2016: 68-year-old Cancer Survivor Attacked at Garage Sale Over Support for Trump
August 18, 2016: Trump yard sign-stealing epidemic has gotten seriously out-of-hand in Massachusetts
August 12, 2016: Twitter Video Purports to Show Trump Supporter Assaulted After Being Refused Service
August 10, 2016: Marblehead, MA, Trump Supporter’s Sign Stolen 7 Times: Video
August 10, 2016: Suspects Caught On Camera Stealing Trump Signs From Front Lawns In Hillsdale, NJ
August 9, 2016: FL: Trump signs in Arlington vandalized with ‘KKK’
August 9, 2016: Woman charged with Trump sign vandalism in Lawrence, MA
August 9, 2016: Man’s Trump T-shirt sparked crowbar attack, cops say
August 8, 2016: NH: Trump Campaign Sign Torched Near Nashua
August 7, 2016: Pro-Trump ‘installation’ torched on Staten Island
August 7, 2016: TX: Woman’s Home Vandalized Because Of Trump Signs
August 6, 2016: Massachusetts woman vandalizes Trump sign, tries to run down owner.
August 5, 2016: Big Trump sign vandalized in Haverhill
August 3, 2016: New Jersey woman faces months-long campaign of terror over Trump support
August 1, 2016: Video: Leftist Mob Violently Ejects Trump Supporter From New York City Park
August 1, 2016: CA: Trump Supporters Pushed Out of San Francisco Bar Zeitgeist & Stalked Down the Block
August 1, 2016: Kalamazoo man finds Trump campaign sign burned on lawn
July 31, 2016: WATCH: Clinton Supporter Lights Flag On Fire, Attacks Trump Supporter
July 27, 2016: OH: Black Trump Supporter Shot at Cleveland Bar During Heated Political Debate
July 11, 2016: Brooklyn: Vandal attacks Gowanus Trump-fan’s home
July 7, 2016: FL: Trump Supporter Ambushed, Hit in the Face, Stomped on the Ground, Broke his Arm
July 1, 2016: Black Teenage Trump supporter in Atlanta receives death threats For Supporting Trump
June 29, 2016: VA: Virginia Family ‘Enraged’ After Trump Sign Vandalized. Five American flags they placed on the sign broken and tossed on the ground. Signs were spray painted and eggs were thrown.
June 23, 2016: Camera captures woman ripping Donald Trump flag off New Jersey porch
June 18, 2016: Man attempts to assassinate Trump in Nevada
June 18, 2016: Female Trump supporters harassed, refused service at restaurant
June 16, 2016: Legally Armed business owner confronts anti-Trump vandals
June 7, 2016: Vandals Hit ‘Trump Truck’ in Scranton, PA
June 4, 2016: Vandals destroy Donald Trump signs in Whatcom County
June 2, 2016: Angry Mob Attacked Gay Latino Trump Supporter & Log Cabin Republican
June 2, 2016: San Jose Woman is Stalked, Spat On, Shoved, Pushed and Hit For Being a Trump Supporter
June 2, 2016: Left-wing thugs violently attack Trump supporters. One women was surrounded by a mob and pelted with raw eggs.
May 25, 2016: Brad Thor on Glenn Beck: ‘If Congress Won’t Remove’ Trump from White House, ‘What Patriot Will Step Up’
May 24, 2016: NM: Trump Rally Protesters Attack Trump Supporters, Burst Through Police Barricades, Throw Rocks, and Set Fires in the Streets.
May 24, 2016: Milo Yiannopoulos Assaulted by BLM ‘Protesters’ at Chicago’s DePaul University (Video)
May 24, 2016: NM: Disabled Trump Supporter Gets Water & Water Bottles Thrown At Him By Protester
May 20, 2016: FL: Trump Supporters’ Home Vandalized, Lawn Burned
May 16, 2016: CA: Vandals Egg Home of Trump Supporter, Destroy Trump Flag, & Throw Paint on his Truck
May 9, 2016: Left-wing arsonists torch Trump campaign sign in Hollis, NH
May 9, 2016: Man says he was called a ‘Trump supporter’ before Bellingham beating
April 29, 2016: WATCH: Women, Children, Elderly Trump Supporters Pepper Sprayed in CA
May 8, 2016: Trump Supporter Christopher Conway Attacked By AntiFa terrorists
April 29, 2016: CA: Trump Protesters Beat Up Trump Supporter & Threw His Phone
April 28, 2016: Trump Supporter Gets Beaten Up. Rocks are Thrown at Trump Supporters, Police, and Police Horse at Costa Mesa Rally.
April 27, 2016: CA: Girls, 8 and 11, Hit with Anti-Trump Thug’s Pepper Spray
April 24, 2016: Man Arrested, Charged With Threatening To Bomb Trump Rally
April 16, 2016: OR: Masked Anti-Trump Protester Spits In Trump Supporters’ Face
April 16, 2016: NY: Trump Supporter with 2nd Amendment Banner Grabbed, Pushed By Anti-Trump Thugs
April 13, 2016: PA: Trump Supporter Attacked Outside Pittsburgh Rally
April 10, 2016: WA: Trump Supporter’s Tire Slashed; Vandal Claims “Act Of Community Service”
April 8, 2016: OR: Protesters Crash Pro-Trump Student Event, Make Threats
April 7, 2016: Actor Mickey Rourke challenges Donald Trump to a fight – with a baseball bat
April 6, 2016: NC: Trump Supporter Shocked After Vehicle Vandalized Because of His Trump Support
April 6, 2016: RI: Vandals Key Coventry Man’s Car Bearing Trump Bumper Sticker
April 4, 2016: Teen Arrested After Throwing Egg at Donald and Melania Trump at Milwaukee Rally
March 29, 2016: AntiTrump thug punches Trump supporter
March 21, 2016: Man’s homemade Trump billboard vandalized and destroyed in Michigan.
March 19, 2016: Florida Man shatters door at Donald Trump Jacksonville headquarters
March 18, 2016: Trump stickers’ vandalized, Republican students harassed at Saint Mary’s College
March 18, 2016: Donald Trump supporter’s billboard burned in Egg Harbor Township
March 17, 2016: Woman records herself running over Trump signs in NC
March 17, 2016: Trump campaign signs stolen from a Naples home, home vandalized
March 17, 2016: Violent protesters attack Trump supporters in Chicago.
March 15, 2016: Vandals deface Trump signs in Dayton Ohio.
March 14, 2016: 70 Year-Old Virginia Trump Supporter Faces Threats, Harassment, and has Home Vandalized
March 14, 2016: Vandals target Trump supporters in College Park. “**** Trump … Nazi scum”
March 14, 2016: CNN treats man who tried to tackle Trump as folk hero.
March 12, 2016: Man tries to tackle Trump at campaign rally.
March 11, 2016: Riots After Trump Chicago Rally Cancelled. Police Officer Attacked by Anti-Trump Protesters. Blocking Ambulance.
March 9, 2016: Trump billboard removed due to repeated vandalism in West Town IL.
March 8, 2016: 3 arrested for pulling gun on Trump supporter
March 1, 2016: Former Daily Show contributor Larry Wilmore “jokes” about killing Trump.
February 29, 2016: FL: Trump Volunteers Brutally Assaulted & Body Slammed While Campaigning
February 24, 2016: NYT columnist Ross Douthat “jokes” about assassination attempt on Trump
January 26, 2016: Protesters Threw Two Tomatoes at Donald Trump at a Rally in Iowa City
January 25, 2016: NH: Trump Supporter’s Large Sign Vandalized with Graffiti Islamic Symbol
January 9, 2016: Donald Trump’s campaign headquarters in Mass. vandalized
January 5, 2016: Jewish Trump support’s Trump sign vandalized with Nazi images.
December 28, 2015: Bridgewater, MA, Man Catches Neighbor Stealing Trump Signs
November 19, 2015: ‘Black Lives Matter’ Activist Calls for Donald Trump’s Assassination
September 1, 2015: Texas teen says Donald Trump is the reason he was attacked at bus stop

My take: This does not inspire people on the other side to do nice things. We need to wake up to the fact that we may already be at war and not know it. Although I certainly do not condone violence of any kind, one still has the right and the duty to defend oneself if threatened. Plan your life around surviving or avoiding trouble if possible. Don't wear provocative hats or shirts; don't have political bumper stickers on your vehicle or political signs in your yard. Keep a low profile. And especially: Keep your powder dry and your eyes open.

09-12-18, 12:42
National Security Implications of Unresolved Grievances.

"In his letter written in 1814, John Adams provides an ominous warning that suggests that the Republic is inherently doomed to fail. Research suggests that his 200-year-old prophecy may have been accurate as reflected in the current state of the Republic. A recent study by Pew Research Center finds the partisan divide in the United States is at its highest level since the Civil War.[ii]

If this partisan divide was confined to the voting booths and family debates, there would be little cause for concern. Today however, this partisan divide represents a more serious problem than hurt feelings due to bickering over political candidates or a few social issues. The Pew Research Center suggests that political polarization in the United States has reached a dangerous extreme. Divisions on fundamental political and social issues reached record levels during President Obama’s term in office. And the gaps have increased even further during President Trump’s first year.[iii]

This polarization is caused by political and social entrenchment combined with a general reluctance to compromise creating extreme fractionalization. Fissures have opened up along every major demographic line including race, ethnicity, religion, place of origin, gender, and along every major political and social issue including immigration, national security, gay marriage, religious freedom, structural inequalities and many others."


We're unfortunately heading toward a civil war unless the Conservatives just outright abandon their principles to pacify the increasingly hostile leftists.

09-12-18, 12:46
The constant ebb and flow of "Civil War 2" talk is tiring.
Could we just do it or not do it please (preferably the latter)? This slow burn really gnaws at my psyche.

On the other hand I shoot a lot more than I used to, in preparation for some vague "something" on the horizon which makes me uneasy, and I've lost about 45 pounds since last May. So I guess it's not all bad.

09-12-18, 12:56
Last week, PJ Media contributor and Fox News guest Denise McAllister sent out a powerful tweet denouncing the abortion movement. Little did she know, days later she would be in hiding, scared for her life. When she went public about receiving death and rape threats, pro-abortion Twitter users championed the threats against her.
"At the root of [abortion] hysteria is women’s unhinged desire for irresponsible sex. Sex is their god. Abortion is their sacrament," McAllister tweeted. "It’s abhorrent as women have flung themselves from the heights of being the world’s civilizing force to the muck and mire of dehumanizing depravity.

But the real danger came from elsewhere. McAllister told PJ Media that she received death and rape threats, over multiple forms of private communication.
"They are threats outside of Twitter, stating they know where I live," McAllister said. "Threats of rape and strangling. I spoke to the police. I am on home watch."
"My children are very frightened," she added.
On Sunday, she went public about the threats. "I am facing legit death & rape threats because I have dared to call out women who are hysterical about abortion and to challenge them to be responsible and not to elevate sex to the point that they’re willing to kill human life to avoid their responsibilities. How sick is that?" McAllister tweeted.

They keep upping the ante hoping we will fold our cards and let them take the pot.
If I knew and loved that Woman, I would be camping out on her couch with an armory and no small amount of unchristian like hate in my heart..

09-12-18, 13:04
I was unconvinced until I read this shit...

August 19, 2018: Dad Dares Daughter To Knock Off Guy’s MAGA Hat For 100 Bucks. She Does It.

That combined with the destruction of Trumps star on the Walk of Fame have me loading magazines.

Seriously 90% of that shit is nonsense and both sides go back and forth with the same nonsense.

Straight Shooter
09-12-18, 13:08


I hate to copy and paste all 554 incidents, but I want to illustrate how bad it is:

My take: This does not inspire people on the other side to do nice things. We need to wake up to the fact that we may already be at war and not know it. Although I certainly do not condone violence of any kind, one still has the right and the duty to defend oneself if threatened. Plan your life around surviving or avoiding trouble if possible. Don't wear provocative hats or shirts; don't have political bumper stickers on your vehicle or political signs in your yard. Keep a low profile. And especially: Keep your powder dry and your eyes open.

My God- anyone who calls themselves Christian/Conservative/Right-Wing/Constitutionalist/Libertarian/Center-Right, ect..have BEEN "at war" for years now..or should have been. What do they have to do..come to each one your doors before you know it?
One of the Founders..I forget just now which one..said a quote, and Ill paraphrase here: The war? { speaking of the Revolutionary War} That was just the end result. The real war started much earlier when the British, again paraphrasing..did all they did to us here without believing we would ever rise up.
ALL the lefty shit going on now- IS WAR. THEY openly say it---WHY THE HELL DONT WE?!

09-12-18, 13:22
So once we acknowledge that, then what?

I almost feel like while I'm sitting around waiting for Civil War 2 to pop off, I'm fighting another war against time, which is ticking away. I'm going to be 40 in a couple years. I'm afraid of fighting a literal war at 38 but I'm *really* afraid of fighting one at 68.

Regarding time also, there's also something sobering about the knowledge that I'm young enough that I may very well live to see the de facto destruction of the country I once knew.

09-12-18, 13:30
There isn't going to be a war. I'll just be progressives burning shit while conservatives complain on the internet, and in 10 years the US will be unrecognizable.

09-12-18, 13:45

09-12-18, 14:44
Don't wear provocative hats or shirts; don't have political bumper stickers on your vehicle or political signs in your yard.

The fact this sounds like perfectly rational advice and not tin foil crazy says a lot about where things are... because it would have sounded bat crap crazy 10 years ago.

09-12-18, 14:52
I almost feel like while I'm sitting around waiting for Civil War 2 to pop off, I'm fighting another war against time, which is ticking away. I'm going to be 40 in a couple years. I'm afraid of fighting a literal war at 38 but I'm *really* afraid of fighting one at 68.

We're already in CW2 - 4GW edition. We have been for several years now. It's not at all hot right now, and it may never get hot, or it might be raging in a few weeks' time. Who knows. There was no formal declaration, there probably never will be, and it will never formally end, just run out of steam at some point. In 300+ years historians will refer to this as the "American empire's age of crisis." Somewhat like the Roman Empire's crisis:


or to a lesser extent, the crisis of the Roman Republic:


Stay away from crowds and enjoy life. Be ready for worse things, but don't obsess about it. Chill.

I wouldn't live or work in a powderkeg city though. If you currently do, now's the time to find a new job someplace happier.

26 Inf
09-12-18, 15:21
I was unconvinced until I read this shit...

August 19, 2018: Dad Dares Daughter To Knock Off Guy’s MAGA Hat For 100 Bucks. She Does It.

That combined with the destruction of Trumps star on the Walk of Fame have me loading magazines.

Seriously 90% of that shit is nonsense and both sides go back and forth with the same nonsense.

You need to help me out and use the little facey thingies to let me know for sure when you are being ironic.

09-12-18, 16:40
There isn't going to be a war. I'll just be progressives burning shit while conservatives complain on the internet, and in 10 years the US will be unrecognizable.

They said that 10 years ago and the country remains completely imperfect but still a long way off from imploding. Some things got better, some things got worse. Expect more of the same in the next 10 years.

The people who think there is going to be an ACTUAL civil war are delusional. The simple fact is there is no money in it and even worse for government, no guarantees of security. People in Congress, both sides, want you going to work so they can pick your pocket for social security, income taxes, etc. During a civil war all of that reliable revenue simply disappears.

People who think there is going to be an economic catastrophe having been paying attention. Already happened and it was called the housing crash where all those "working people" saw their primary investment lose all of it's gained value and then watched as their tax dollars bailed out the banks and wall street who all profited from the housing market bubble.

Go back another 10 years and it was the collapse of 401ks where working folks saw their second primary investment become almost worthless. Seeing a trend? Basically working people, those who purchased a home with the intention of paying their mortgage and those who planned for their future simply keep getting their pockets picked hard. But if you have a 1930s type of crash, working people are no longer there to provide all that reliable revenue.

Congress will do whatever they can to keep that money train (you) chugging down the tracks.

09-12-18, 16:49
Congress will do whatever they can to keep that money train (you) chugging down the tracks.

Ain't that the damn truth...

09-12-18, 16:52
You need to help me out and use the little facey thingies to let me know for sure when you are being ironic.

Oh sorry. Yeah I don't think stupid shit like a father daring his daughter to knock off a guys hat is going to be the "shot heard around the world." Sports fans regularly engage in much worse behavior all the time and for no better reason than "my team and your team" stupidity. When somebody wins the superbowl, depending where it happens they actually destroy the field, tip over cars and start fires.

We are much more likely to have a civil war result from retarded sports fans, but I guess at least the uniforms will already be picked out.

I can only think of a single event that was truly significant and that is when some whack job decided to shoot up some Republicans when they were getting ready for a baseball game. And as much as the left wants to indict every conservative on the planet as a white supremacist because some alt right jackass used a car to kill a hard left communist antifa POS, they are stunningly silent on the actually shooting of members of Congress because of their political affiliation.

If you reversed the variable and some antifa POS ran a car into a crowd at an alt right event and killed somebody, they'd dismiss it as a lone individual not representative of their group as a whole and would paint the victim as a white supremacist who had it coming anyway. But if a conservative targeted a group of Democrats who were about to play a little baseball they would declare it an act of war and the shitstorm that would follow would make Sandy Hook and Parkland look like no big deal.

So it's very much the same bullshit we have been dealing with since the 2000 election polarized the two parties to the radical extremes and made all hypocrisy fair game. Since then it's been better and worse depending upon the variables in place.

09-12-18, 16:53
Hell I can add to that list.

08/30/2017 - Some rabid liberal cunt tried to stove my head in with a bar chair over a Trump vs Hillary debate that she wasn't even a part of. It didn't work out for her.

09-12-18, 17:41
So once we acknowledge that, then what?I almost feel like while I'm sitting around waiting for Civil War 2 to pop off, I'm fighting another war against time, which is ticking away. I'm going to be 40 in a couple years.

Heh... I started prepping at 23. Now I'm 51. I'm gonna be "Ben Johnson (Mr. Mason)" in Red Dawn before long! :eek:

26 Inf
09-12-18, 17:57
So it's very much the same bullshit we have been dealing with since the 2000 election polarized the two parties to the radical extremes and made all hypocrisy fair game. Since then it's been better and worse depending upon the variables in place.

Yeah I pretty much agree, 2000 on has set a new level - I wonder if we will ever heal the schism between the two branches of the Republican Party, much less come to reasonable expectations of the two parties working together on stuff that is actually important to America.

Looking back though, if Kennedy had to campaign and govern with the same media BS as Bush, Obama and Trump have had to put up with he would have either never been elected or, if elected, assassinated earlier.


I remember some of the stuff detailed in the article.

09-12-18, 18:27
Heh... I started prepping at 23. Now I'm 51. I'm gonna be "Ben Johnson (Mr. Mason)" in Red Dawn before long! :eek:I'm feeling the Burt Gummer ("Tremors") vibe

09-12-18, 18:27
Heh... I started prepping at 23. Now I'm 51. I'm gonna be "Ben Johnson (Mr. Mason)" in Red Dawn before long! :eek:

I feel like the old VN vet in "The Postman": "Can't walk too good either...but I know stuff."

09-12-18, 18:42
Don't never say never, it don't even have to make sense.
Some advancement of the never ending aggrieved that goes off the rails and whoopee! here we go !

09-12-18, 20:17
Balkanization or civil unrest/war is inevitable. Will we see it in our lifetimes? Maybe, maybe not.

One thing is for sure, the media and certain political and powerful non political figures are fanning the flames currently.

09-12-18, 20:38
Balkanization or civil unrest/war is inevitable. Will we see it in our lifetimes? Maybe, maybe not.

One thing is for sure, the media and certain political and powerful non political figures are fanning the flames currently.

Honestly I do not see it.

Pullman Strike, Haymarket Square, Cripple Creek, Bonus Army, Tulsa Fires, Pettigrew Bridge, Watts/Detroit/DC riots, LA Riot - that is 130 years of out-and-out gunplay between various U.S. factions. What we have today is mostly a list of hurt-feelings and petty crimes.

The system eventually worked to moderate the nut cases on both sides, even if that takes some bloodshed and a few generations. That is what Trump was failing to effectively convey on the mutual combat comments in Charlottesville, we can get through this stupid fringe behavior over a statue.

What really worries me is so few Americans have the education to put together a coherent historical narrative- and understand where they fit in it.

09-12-18, 21:46
This is not about money, this is about power. This started long before 2000, 60's radicals become college professors begin indoctrination, fast forward to today and the entire education system is rotten to the core. Entire generations have been brainwashed, capitalism/America BAD, socialism/communism GOOD. Obama flat out stated it, fundamentally transform America, he started it, Hillary was to continue it, and by the time she left office elections would be meaningless like they are in commie countries. The left was convinced they had it all sewed up, only to have it snatched away when Trump won. Now they have totally lost it, the Deep State is in revolt, we are in the middle of a soft coup that is failing, politicians and the media are rabble rousing and don't delude yourself, if you don't agree with them they want you powerless or dead.

09-12-18, 21:47
Balkanization or civil unrest/war is inevitable. Will we see it in our lifetimes? Maybe, maybe not.

One thing is for sure, the media and certain political and powerful non political figures are fanning the flames currently.

For money. But never forget if you tip the apple cart ALL the way over, the money stops coming in. Better believe they know that and most of this is just political theater and using tragedy to line their pockets whenever the opportunity presents itself.

They believed Obama was going to change the world, some believe Trump will change it back. But as much as I prefer Trump to Obama or Hillary, at the end of the day they have far more in common with each other than with any of us.

Trump isn't going to build a wall, Mexico isn't going to pay for it.

09-12-18, 22:15
Honestly I do not see it.

Pullman Strike, Haymarket Square, Cripple Creek, Bonus Army, Tulsa Fires, Pettigrew Bridge, Watts/Detroit/DC riots, LA Riot - that is 130 years of out-and-out gunplay between various U.S. factions. What we have today is mostly a list of hurt-feelings and petty crimes.

The system eventually worked to moderate the nut cases on both sides, even if that takes some bloodshed and a few generations. That is what Trump was failing to effectively convey on the mutual combat comments in Charlottesville, we can get through this stupid fringe behavior over a statue.

What really worries me is so few Americans have the education to put together a coherent historical narrative- and understand where they fit in it.

My main paint being that it is inevitable, given enough time. This particular time and climate may not be "it". But the path we are on is eventually going to lead to Balkanization or civil war. The Nation has been going the route of division and the extremes getting more polarized with the middle disappearing over time.

The pendulum swings further to each direction with every election.

It's only a matter of time. It may be tomorrow or a hundred years down the road.

09-12-18, 22:34
For money. But never forget if you tip the apple cart ALL the way over, the money stops coming in. Better believe they know that and most of this is just political theater and using tragedy to line their pockets whenever the opportunity presents itself.

They believed Obama was going to change the world, some believe Trump will change it back. But as much as I prefer Trump to Obama or Hillary, at the end of the day they have far more in common with each other than with any of us.

Trump isn't going to build a wall, Mexico isn't going to pay for it.

I absolutely agree with you. It's just that the consequences of polarizing people to extremes and dividing them and fomenting violence between them doesn't just go away when you decide to make money some other way and stop.

Deeper divisions and polarization is created.

My point being, that given enough time, regardless of how the media or politicians act- we will Balkanize or a civil war will break out. Eventually.

It is an inevitability. History continues to repeat.

09-12-18, 22:57
My main paint being that it is inevitable, given enough time. This particular time and climate may not be "it". But the path we are on is eventually going to lead to Balkanization or civil war. The Nation has been going the route of division and the extremes getting more polarized with the middle disappearing over time.

The pendulum swings further to each direction with every election.

It's only a matter of time. It may be tomorrow or a hundred years down the road.

Actually we mostly agree on the issue - every empire falls. The Romans were kingshit for most of 150 decades. They had a lot of civil and uncivil war.

Anyone remember James Meredith at Ole Miss 1962? President Kennedy invoked the Insurrection Act, deployed regular and Guard units and then had to create hundreds of temporary federal Marshals. The resulting kerfuffle made Charlottesville and Ferguson MO look like a tea party. People died, a Bishop got a beat down and the riot almost certainly contributed to Kennedy’s assassination. US Marshals’ story - https://www.usmarshals.gov/history/miss/02.htm

James Meredith is a pretty righteous guy - Republican Air Force vet that forced a Democratic president to declare martial law on the most Democratic place in the country. Meredith then started a solo protest walk across Mississippi- and got shot. Soon as he healed enough to walk again, he rejoined his Freedom March. One hell of an agitator.


My Grandfather had the National Guard setting up machine guns in front of his farm to enforce order - against broke farmers like his family. Less than a decade later, he was wearing the same Army uniform, killing the Japanese.

A few decades later, my uncle was nearly killed by a Black Panther’s bomb. All because some guy with some moderate bomb-making skills was insulted by a judge when being arraigned. There were thousands of bombings across the country at the same time.

A couple Puerto Rican terrorists came close to shooting President Truman in 1950. Truman even commuted the surviving bad guys death sentence. A crazy Democrat from Illinois shot up the House Republican Caucuses’ baseball practice in 2017. Not that much changes.

09-13-18, 01:10
I absolutely agree with you. It's just that the consequences of polarizing people to extremes and dividing them and fomenting violence between them doesn't just go away when you decide to make money some other way and stop.

Deeper divisions and polarization is created.

My point being, that given enough time, regardless of how the media or politicians act- we will Balkanize or a civil war will break out. Eventually.

It is an inevitability. History continues to repeat.

I disagree.

You think alt right / antifa stuff is anything new? It's just the current version of the Greensboro shootout between the KKK and the ACP only far less bloody.

You think the riots at Bezerkley were out of hand because a professor smacked a guy with a bike lock? Doesn't even come close to the riots at the DNC in 1968. Not even close.

Do you think the socialists are on the verge of taking over? We aren't even close to what was actually being done in the name of socialism in the 1930s.

We really aren't getting closer to anything. In some respects things have never been better compared to the past. Nobody is winning, they aren't getting their way despite their best efforts and neither are we for the most part. But government keeps stoking those flames of controversy so we fight each other rather than figure out most of the conflict is manufactured in order to keep the focus off of them.

Each party takes turns being the bad guy for the other side, they take away some rights and everyone remembers to vote for the other party next time, and then it's their turn to take away some more rights at everyone's expense and we are collectively stupid enough to cheer for things like The Patriot Act, The nuclear option, Obamacare mandates, etc.

Never forget the government isn't divided, they have successfully divided the population. They aren't too crazy about the current outsider as we've all seen, but make no mistake he is still more one of them then one of us.

09-13-18, 07:24
Totally agree with SteyrAUG. The goal of the Globalist elite is not civil war. Just distraction while the middle class is ground down to serfdom. Keep raiding their stores of wealth and then tax them more! It is all about systematic transfer of wealth but let the workers keep enough to hope for better. If you are agile and determined you can stay ahead of the curve but the majority will be over run eventually.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Doc Safari
09-13-18, 09:15
I see your points, but consider this:

The Soros-led loony left is deliberately instigating these attacks to elicit a response from the conservative side so they can crack down by declaring martial law or some other draconian policy--and they then take over by fiat. While Trump is president, he won't do it and the left doesn't have the power. But wait until the next Democrat president can look back on four or eight years of violence and say, "Something's got to be done, and I'm going to do it. Everybody turn in your weapons, blah blah blah...."

The attacks you are seeing now are an attempt by the left to intimidate and provoke the conservative gun-owning, Christian, right-wing, milk-drinking WHATEVER into going full bubba so there can be a clampdown.

09-13-18, 09:42
The attacks you are seeing now are an attempt by the left to intimidate and provoke the conservative gun-owning, Christian, right-wing, milk-drinking WHATEVER into going full bubba so there can be a clampdown.

I'm not saying I particularly agree or disagree with that assessment, but assuming it were true, what than would the best course of action be for those citizens who form the broad group collectively referred to as "The Right"? At the moment it looks like a lose/lose situation. Or is that the point, that the party is over no matter what way you slice it?
Or is the point that if doing something and doing nothing both lead to disaster, you might as well do *something* in hopes of coming out better on the other side?

09-13-18, 09:46
Someone, see outlayer is going to take this a step further, it almost cannot be stopped at this point.
Steyer is correct about the history of these things being bloody, bit if history teaches us anything it is that violent events are much easier to ramp up as they seem to gather momentum, rather than ease back
I'm cautiously optimistic that we will make it through the midterms without incident, however violence that would require a major federal law enforcement action would certainly make the right look like oppressors.
So ramping up to the event of the election is aost an inevitably.

Doc Safari
09-13-18, 09:56
I'm not saying I particularly agree or disagree with that assessment, but assuming it were true, what than would the best course of action be for those citizens who form the broad group collectively referred to as "The Right"? At the moment it looks like a lose/lose situation. Or is that the point, that the party is over no matter what way you slice it?
Or is the point that if doing something and doing nothing both lead to disaster, you might as well do *something* in hopes of coming out better on the other side?

Let the lefty loons keep escalating until they go too far (we are nearly there). That will turn public opinion against them BIG TIME. I remember before the Oklahoma City bombing the militia movement was gaining in popularity. To this day I wonder if Tim McVeigh had been recruited and trained by an alphabet soup agency as an agent provocateur and instead he ended up being the patsy.

09-13-18, 11:27
Let the lefty loons keep escalating until they go too far (we are nearly there). That will turn public opinion against them BIG TIME.

I think the Left is too good at playing the PR game to actually overstep to this degree.
This is my alternative theory:
The Left go too far all right, but they will totally get away with it by doing it in a manner sufficiently incremental and sufficiently proportional to changing voter demographics that will, over years, decades, whatever, produce increasingly "progressive" attitudes among the US population. When viewed by these more progressive-minded/statist future voters, the actions of the Totalitarian Left will be judged as reasonable ("They're only killing Nazis, so it's okay" and a "Nazi" will be anyone they say is one.).

Basically I think because more Americans are statist-minded losers than ever before, and that trend is likely to become *more* prevalent with time, a Left wing crackdown on "enemies of the State" is going to be considered more and more palatable (or even appealing) to a greater number of US citizens as time goes on. Public opinion will come to favor the heroes of the state security apparatuses, heroically rooting out the deplorables whose very existence threatens the new Utopia.

09-13-18, 11:33
I'm not saying I particularly agree or disagree with that assessment, but assuming it were true, what than would the best course of action be for those citizens who form the broad group collectively referred to as "The Right"? At the moment it looks like a lose/lose situation. Or is that the point, that the party is over no matter what way you slice it?
Or is the point that if doing something and doing nothing both lead to disaster, you might as well do *something* in hopes of coming out better on the other side?

Read or watch "Ender's Game" and you'll figure it out.

Another key issue is control of the media, because so many people are so easily swayed by idiots on the idiot box. At the moment the right (standard and alt- alike) are losing the media control battle, but they are at least aware of that it's going on so there's some hope.

09-13-18, 11:51
I was unconvinced until I read this shit...

August 19, 2018: Dad Dares Daughter To Knock Off Guy’s MAGA Hat For 100 Bucks. She Does It.

That combined with the destruction of Trumps star on the Walk of Fame have me loading magazines.

Seriously 90% of that shit is nonsense and both sides go back and forth with the same nonsense.

Of all things that has you concerned???

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09-13-18, 13:24
I see your points, but consider this:

The Soros-led loony left is deliberately instigating these attacks to elicit a response from the conservative side so they can crack down by declaring martial law or some other draconian policy--and they then take over by fiat. While Trump is president, he won't do it and the left doesn't have the power. But wait until the next Democrat president can look back on four or eight years of violence and say, "Something's got to be done, and I'm going to do it. Everybody turn in your weapons, blah blah blah...."

The attacks you are seeing now are an attempt by the left to intimidate and provoke the conservative gun-owning, Christian, right-wing, milk-drinking WHATEVER into going full bubba so there can be a clampdown.

And what would Soros gain from that outcome? Nothing. In fact he'd lose everything. Once the gloves come all the way off and there is nothing else to lose, those who lost the most would storm the Bastilles of individuals like Soros.

09-13-18, 13:27
Of all things that has you concerned???

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Check your saracasm meter. Much of the list is things of no consequence.

Doc Safari
09-13-18, 13:28
And what would Soros gain from that outcome? Nothing. In fact he'd lose everything. Once the gloves come all the way off and there is nothing else to lose, those who lost the most would storm the Bastilles of individuals like Soros.

I just threw his name in there as a euphemism for "The Powers That Be". The left has a lot to gain from taking over. Think "Dirty War" in Argentina.

09-13-18, 13:45
You think alt right / antifa stuff is anything new? It's just the current version of the Greensboro shootout between the KKK and the ACP only far less bloody.

Did you REMEMBER that, or did you look it up? ;) Cos' I'm amazed how FEW people remember that event, although I'm now living 4 states away; NO ONE HERE, ever recalled it.

That little dust-up in November '79, ALMOST got started 5 mos. earlier, in a little town called China Grove, NC. The KKK was going to have a public showing of "Birth of a Nation (the D.W. Griffith version, for you millennials...)" at the public library of this one stoplight town, after their parade that morning. They went down Main St., and then up Franklin St. (which ran parallel to Main, one block west, and was the second longest street in town). We lived on Franklin St.

The local police chief decided he was gonna "go fishin'" that day, which left one town cop, and one Sheriff's deputy, to keep about a hundred Klansmen and a hundred counter-protestors from rioting. SOME damage was done to the library, but no heads got busted, or bullets exchanged. I seem to recall 5 arrests for, "disturbing the peace."

As the parade came up Franklin, my dad - for the only time in his life that I ever saw - strapped his G.I. .45 on (it was given to him as a retirement piece - nickel, and engraved, when he retired from the USCG). I was 12 - I remember peeking around him & his holster out the side door as the counter protestors marched down the street chanting - "We are black - we are proud - we will never die!" My dad caught me, pushed me back inside, and said, "Git yo' ass back in there, boy!" Wild stuff, for a (n otherwise) quiet little southern town, of about a thousand people.

I remember watching local news coverage of that shootout in Greensboro all day long that Saturday (it pre-empted college football!), but by 6:00pm, it was already November 4 on the other side of the globe. Therefore, a DIFFERENT story (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran_hostage_crisis), was the breaking headline, of that night's national newscast...

09-13-18, 15:54

Doc Safari
09-13-18, 16:13
What? That doesn't make sense at all.

I'll try to explain it this way: The government knew after the Randy Weaver episode that there was a growing backlash and militia movement. They had enticed and entrapped Randy Weaver into committing a crime and the public knew it. When Weaver's wife was gunned down a whole sea of militia types started loading their magazines. The Clinton administration used the Waco massacre to further intimidate the anti-government pro-2A types. Instead, that operation was so botched it actually fueled the militia movement.

The Dot-Guv people working against the militia movement in the 1990s probably were secretly egging on and grooming people like Tim McVeigh who were already on their radar. McViegh and Nichols took the bait and blew up the Murrah Federal Building. That discredited the militia movement and turned public opinion against it. The Dot-Guv types won the gambit and neutered their "opposition" just like they wanted to. McVeigh handed them prima facie evidence that militia and pro-2A types are no good worthless terrorists and blah blah. The government had its patsy that the militia types are all a bunch of good-for-nothings. I might even wonder if McVeigh was on some government payroll to pull off the whole operation and they burned him after the fact. I know that sounds like Alex Jones stuff, but the way our intelligence community operates...

This time, the lefty loons are going to be their own worst enemy, do something stupid without necessarily having government provocation, and the public will turn against them just like it turned against the militia movement in the 1990's.

The lefty loons won't have the dot-guv people provoking and entrapping them into doing something to turn the public against them: they will do it all on their own.

I know it's not a perfect analogy, and I probably tried to oversimplify things. I was just trying to say the left will go too far like McVeigh went too far and they will discredit their own movement.

09-13-18, 17:50
Did you REMEMBER that, or did you look it up? ;) Cos' I'm amazed how FEW people remember that event, although I'm now living 4 states away; NO ONE HERE, ever recalled it.

That little dust-up in November '79, ALMOST got started 5 mos. earlier, in a little town called China Grove, NC. The KKK was going to have a public showing of "Birth of a Nation (the D.W. Griffith version, for you millennials...)" at the public library of this one stoplight town, after their parade that morning. They went down Main St., and then up Franklin St. (which ran parallel to Main, one block west, and was the second longest street in town). We lived on Franklin St.

The local police chief decided he was gonna "go fishin'" that day, which left one town cop, and one Sheriff's deputy, to keep about a hundred Klansmen and a hundred counter-protestors from rioting. SOME damage was done to the library, but no heads got busted, or bullets exchanged. I seem to recall 5 arrests for, "disturbing the peace."

As the parade came up Franklin, my dad - for the only time in his life that I ever saw - strapped his G.I. .45 on (it was given to him as a retirement piece - nickel, and engraved, when he retired from the USCG). I was 12 - I remember peeking around him & his holster out the side door as the counter protestors marched down the street chanting - "We are black - we are proud - we will never die!" My dad caught me, pushed me back inside, and said, "Git yo' ass back in there, boy!" Wild stuff, for a (n otherwise) quiet little southern town, of about a thousand people.

I remember watching local news coverage of that shootout in Greensboro all day long that Saturday (it pre-empted college football!), but by 6:00pm, it was already November 4 on the other side of the globe. Therefore, a DIFFERENT story (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran_hostage_crisis), was the breaking headline, of that night's national newscast...

I remembered it. I was a in middle school but I remember watching it on the news. I also remember the Skokie controversies from the year before.

09-13-18, 17:57
I just threw his name in there as a euphemism for "The Powers That Be". The left has a lot to gain from taking over. Think "Dirty War" in Argentina.

Can't and won't happen. You think the GOP and the DNC actually mean all the rhetoric they are espousing? Do you not understand it's a cooperative effort for the most part to make sure everyone involved stays in power?

The Republicans aren't going to take over the entire government and neither are the Democrats and more importantly, they aren't going to let anyone from the outside take over either.

We aren't Argentina with some bush league government. We have firmly entrenched power brokers who know all the angles and have absolutely fortified their positions. Nobody from the outside is coming in and if you want a place at the table it costs a LOT of money.

09-13-18, 21:54
I remembered it. I was a in middle school but I remember watching it on the news. I also remember the Skokie controversies from the year before.

My mom had relatives in Chicago so I paid attention to that too, but that's ALSO what the "Illinois Nazis" in The Blues Brothers was based on. :p

Dr. Bullseye
09-13-18, 22:17
All I want is if we are going to civil war, I need it right away, before someone says I am too old.

09-13-18, 23:08
My mom had relatives in Chicago so I paid attention to that too, but that's ALSO what the "Illinois Nazis" in The Blues Brothers was based on. :p

Knew that as well. Honestly the ANP was almost completely irrelevant until Skokie.

Doc Safari
09-14-18, 08:34
Can't and won't happen. You think the GOP and the DNC actually mean all the rhetoric they are espousing? Do you not understand it's a cooperative effort for the most part to make sure everyone involved stays in power?

The Republicans aren't going to take over the entire government and neither are the Democrats and more importantly, they aren't going to let anyone from the outside take over either.

We aren't Argentina with some bush league government. We have firmly entrenched power brokers who know all the angles and have absolutely fortified their positions. Nobody from the outside is coming in and if you want a place at the table it costs a LOT of money.

I agree with most of this, but there is a leftist faction that wants to go beyond the Demicans and the Republicrats. THOSE are the people I'm worried about. The people who want to go around the democratic process to impose their policies.

09-14-18, 09:37
My mom had relatives in Chicago so I paid attention to that too, but that's ALSO what the "Illinois Nazis" in The Blues Brothers was based on. :p

You know Skokie Illinois had a large Polish population. A lot of blue collar folks who immigrated from Europe or served in Europe in WWII. Those folks didn't fool around when it came to "outsiders" in Skokie. An acquaintance of mine claimed it was like the entire population was mobbed up, kept a tight lip and took care of a lot of "justice" quietly and on their own.
I just wished the Law Enforcement agencies would have not shown up to protect the faux "Brown Shirts" from a very angry population of folks who had either "been there and done that" or had relatives with little numbers tattooed on their arms. There would have been an increase in fertilizer in the cornfields in and around Skokie.

09-14-18, 10:29
I've said this before...look out for our foreign enemies taking advantage of a CW here. I'm sure they are fomenting it.

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09-14-18, 13:20
I agree with most of this, but there is a leftist faction that wants to go beyond the Demicans and the Republicrats. THOSE are the people I'm worried about. The people who want to go around the democratic process to impose their policies.

And there always has and always will. Back in the 1960s you probably had a dozen factions trying to overthrow or otherwise reform the US, including the Weather Underground who had declared actual war on the United States and everyone in it. Problem is competition. None of them had the organization or ability to actually pull it off and like the mafia, Congress will never go away quietly.

Even within Congress there are "factions" who want to move to the extremes, but it won't actually happen because the power brokers won't allow it. They will give away free services because it earns them votes and more power. They will claim they are going to build a wall because it earns them votes and more power.

You have to understand Congress is more united than voters will ever be and so long as they can keep us split on the issues "guns, gay marriage, etc." they can continue to fortify their position. With money and power they can also keep any outsiders or reformers on a leash.

09-14-18, 14:43
The Socialist Progressives don't need to win, like the Viet Cong, the just need to outlast the other side.
90% of Americans are fat, uninformed and spoiled, so everyday it looks better for them.

09-14-18, 23:26

09-14-18, 23:44
The Socialist Progressives don't need to win, like the Viet Cong, the just need to outlast the other side.
90% of Americans are fat, uninformed and spoiled, so everyday it looks better for them.

No disrespect intended but that kind of shit is exactly why Hillary thought she was going to become President. But thankfully the population of this country that is fat, uninformed and spoiled isn't quite 90% yet.

Your point is well taken that things are pretty bad which is why she was even nominated in the first place, but it's not as dark as some imagine just yet. The country was pretty divided after Nixon, then Ford after he pardoned Nixon and then after the disaster of the Carter administration but then Reagan somehow made things "mostly better."

We dodged a huge bullet with Trump defeating Hillary so clearly all is not lost yet.

09-15-18, 00:04

09-16-18, 12:07
I don't know about a civil war, but a communist/ socialist revolution is probably more likely. With many young people are turning voting age and will more likely vote Democrat
We also have a rise in Marxism with Ocasia Cortez in NY
and 4 Democratic socialist running in my State of Pennsylvania 2 of which are running unopposed mind you,
Add the fact that democrats aren't even hiding the fact they want full on socialism. I'm 50 years old I never seen anything like what we are seeing in this county with Antifa terrorist, beating people to silence them. Congressman getting shot at a baseball game because they are republicans, a Press secretary that was told to leave a restaurant, a congress woman who openly calls for attacking Trump supporters, the list goes on and on all of that Plus they want open borders and will flood this country with people from Mexico and South America And Africa. The left wants genocide of all white people, that's not tin foil hat that's truth. Look at SouthAfrica.
I belive we are on the brink of some serious violent shit. If this isn't kept in check

09-16-18, 18:11
I don't know about a civil war, but a communist/ socialist revolution is probably more likely. With many young people are turning voting age and will more likely vote Democrat
We also have a rise in Marxism with Ocasia Cortez in NY
and 4 Democratic socialist running in my State of Pennsylvania 2 of which are running unopposed mind you,
Add the fact that democrats aren't even hiding the fact they want full on socialism. I'm 50 years old I never seen anything like what we are seeing in this county with Antifa terrorist, beating people to silence them. Congressman getting shot at a baseball game because they are republicans, a Press secretary that was told to leave a restaurant, a congress woman who openly calls for attacking Trump supporters, the list goes on and on all of that Plus they want open borders and will flood this country with people from Mexico and South America And Africa. The left wants genocide of all white people, that's not tin foil hat that's truth. Look at SouthAfrica.
I belive we are on the brink of some serious violent shit. If this isn't kept in check

Cui bono?

09-16-18, 18:20
Cui bono?


09-16-18, 18:30

Everything benefits from white people being exterminated?

09-16-18, 20:42

Straight Shooter
09-16-18, 20:55
Question for everyone- especially those who think civil war wont/cant/aint gonna happen:
My Pastor & I were discussing some things today, and he asked me "what do you think would happen if Roe V Wade were overturned"?
I immediately said the left would absolutely go criminally unhinged and I really think we would be in a war then.
Thoughts on this?

09-16-18, 21:21
Question for everyone- especially those who think civil war wont/cant/aint gonna happen:
My Pastor & I were discussing some things today, and he asked me "what do you think would happen if Roe V Wade were overturned"?
I immediately said the left would absolutely go criminally unhinged and I really think we would be in a war then.
Thoughts on this?

I think it would be immediately challenged and restored.

If you truly think a significant part of the population would start a civil war over the issue, then there is your answer. How many politicians are going to flush their careers over something like that?

And even if through some bizarre series of events it remained overturned, there isn't going to be a war, but thousands of clinics will pop up in Mexico to cater to the new demand. Just like TVs and cars, it will be done cheaper and Mexico and in the long run, probably result in a higher number of abortions.

You'd be able to abort your pregnancy, buy some weed and stay at a beach side resort. It's like the ultimate liberal vacation.

09-16-18, 21:34
It's part of their Kalergi Plan.

Cui bono?

09-16-18, 22:19
Everything benefits from white people being exterminated?

Absolutely. It is always better to me a big fish in a small pond then a little and inconsequential fish in a big one

09-16-18, 23:12
Absolutely. It is always better to me a big fish in a small pond then a little and inconsequential fish in a big one

Well, I'm all sorts of confused, now.

09-17-18, 11:24
Well, I'm all sorts of confused, now.

Are you using Cui bono correctly? Because I am referring to motivations for acts.

09-17-18, 11:57
Cui bono?

Are you using Cui bono correctly? Because I am referring to motivations for acts.

As docsherm said...


To reply to the original topic - nations are, historically, people connected by language, customs, religion, and extended family ties. The globalists, who've been around a long time now and have many names and skins, want to destroy the whole concept of nations so they can rule billions of individuals who have no alternative for social ties, economic function, belief system, etc.

The globalists come in many colors, origins, and purported religions, but at the base they are mad for power and hate all nations, as they hate the very concept of a nation. Arguably they hate God as well. Their goal is unlimited power for their human selves. They routinely disguise this under lofty-sounding rhetoric and hijack various movements, but these are only as means to an end.

Straight Shooter
09-17-18, 14:02
I think it would be immediately challenged and restored.

If you truly think a significant part of the population would start a civil war over the issue, then there is your answer. How many politicians are going to flush their careers over something like that?

And even if through some bizarre series of events it remained overturned, there isn't going to be a war, but thousands of clinics will pop up in Mexico to cater to the new demand. Just like TVs and cars, it will be done cheaper and Mexico and in the long run, probably result in a higher number of abortions.

You'd be able to abort your pregnancy, buy some weed and stay at a beach side resort. It's like the ultimate liberal vacation.

If SCOTUS overturned it- who/how could it be challenged & restored?
As for how many politicians would " flush their careers over something like that"...brother, right now? ABOUT HALF OF THEM. They're called Democrats..heard of em? :D
I respect your opinion & answer...but I myself think making it harder, more difficult & more expensive would stop A LOT of abortions right off the bat.

09-17-18, 14:04
If SCOTUS overturned it- who/how could it be challenged & restored?
As for how many politicians would " flush their careers over something like that"...brother, right now? ABOUT HALF OF THEM. They're called Democrats..heard of em? :D
I respect your opinion & answer...but I myself think making it harder, more difficult & more expensive would stop A LOT of abortions right off the bat.

Again, you'd actually make it cheaper by moving the industry to Mexico.

09-17-18, 14:28

09-17-18, 15:02
Again, you'd actually make it cheaper by moving the industry to Mexico.

The real estate market in San Diego for Abortionists would be booming.
Honestly, but sadly it would.
45 minute drive to work, an inexpensive office with inexpensive help and no regulation. It would be a dead baby assembly line.

09-17-18, 19:12
Are you using Cui bono correctly? Because I am referring to motivations for acts.

"Cui bono," as I recall means, "Who benefits?"

So who benefits from a white genocide? Who benefits from whatever the Kalergi Plan is?

As docsherm said...


To reply to the original topic - nations are, historically, people connected by language, customs, religion, and extended family ties. The globalists, who've been around a long time now and have many names and skins, want to destroy the whole concept of nations so they can rule billions of individuals who have no alternative for social ties, economic function, belief system, etc.

The globalists come in many colors, origins, and purported religions, but at the base they are mad for power and hate all nations, as they hate the very concept of a nation. Arguably they hate God as well. Their goal is unlimited power for their human selves. They routinely disguise this under lofty-sounding rhetoric and hijack various movements, but these are only as means to an end.

I read this writing once from one of the Rothschild's who posted on some board- it's out there on the net to find as I've read this in the last six months. To paraphrase; "we are bee keepers, we simply take the honey comb from the bees whenever we wish for more honey". That's basically how they see themselves and with a borderless world with a centralized global government, they would be free to take as much control over our resources as possible. A perfect example of globalism is Africa where the nations aren't even being paid for the natural resources that are being mined from their own soil.

I don't see the profit in the most powerful people on the planet, who already have more wealth than they could ever exhaust in a dozen lifetimes, would go through such hoops to gain even more power (that doesn't gain them anything they don't already have or couldn't already easily acquire).

09-17-18, 19:31

09-17-18, 23:47
Why make a little money off the margins of currency manipulation, interest, and printing of money- when you can own all the nations entire resources.

Because there isn't going to be a single "globalist" entity. There is an entire UN full of globalist wannabes, and if nations are destroyed you better believe they will want an equal share. Right now the very wealthy are in capitalist countries for a reason, they don't have to share their disproportionate wealth with those who would be the designated global representatives of other areas.

The problem with the idea of a "global conspiracy" is that there is more than one. Since civilization began there have always been competing factions for global power. Right now there are probably at least a dozen serious contenders seeking their own version of a New World Order and unlike Democrats / Republicans who are ultimately representatives of the same government that benefits them all, the NWO crowd isn't really interested in working with the other dozen groups who think they should run the world.

As a consequence they generally undermine each other in a constant struggle for dominance and this has been going on since they first group of powerful people believed they should run things for everyone else. These competing factions as a result tend to run "their part" of the world to some degree or another but they are pretty much just maintaining a status quo.

100 years ago the Rothchild banking family and the children of Victoria were a lot closer to global domination by small groups of people than anyone since.

09-18-18, 01:30
Why make a little money off the margins of currency manipulation, interest, and printing of money- when you can own all the nations entire resources.

Owning stuff is work and makes you a target. Skimming is easier and harder to target. You want to own the road or the toll booth?

09-18-18, 02:03

09-18-18, 06:32
The show blacklist is entertainment not a documentary

09-18-18, 08:21
The show blacklist is entertainment not a documentary

I thought the same thing about "Enemy of The State". Turned out I was wrong.

09-18-18, 13:51
I thought the same thing about "Enemy of The State". Turned out I was wrong.

Isn't that the damn truth?!

09-18-18, 21:00
For everyone who keeps saying, "it ain't as bad as it was" you leave out the fact that the US population is sitting north of 300,000,000 people currently which translates into all kinds of new problems. The Fourth Estate is now the propaganda machine for the left which it was not back when ever you are referring to, academia is a leftist indoctrination mill to which even the most flaming liberal professors can't handle the monsters they have created.

During the Bush / Kerry election data mined by political scientists showed that America had not been that divided politically since the Civil War, that chasm has only grown deeper and wider since then. People keep talking civil war and comparing anything in the future to the Civil War of the the 1860's, yeah it won't go down like that.

Ed L.
09-18-18, 23:31
I read this writing once from one of the Rothschild's who posted on some board-

So one of the Rothchild's is supposedly posting secret plans on message boards? Exactly how do you verify who he was or that he was posting truthfully? That reads like conspiracy central. We've been hearing conspiracy theories about the Rothchilds for hundreds of years.

09-18-18, 23:58
During the Bush / Kerry election data mined by political scientists showed that America had not been that divided politically since the Civil War, that chasm has only grown deeper and wider since then. People keep talking civil war and comparing anything in the future to the Civil War of the the 1860's, yeah it won't go down like that.

Source for the, "America as politically divided in 2004 as in 1860"?

09-19-18, 09:30

09-19-18, 09:43
The posts I believe were from David de' Rothschild who has been on several shows and podcasts. He's the only one I've ever heard of that has interacted publicly. He's been in the media quite a bit over the years. Even spoke with Alex Jones for a podcast one time until Jones just went off the rails rather using that time to find some insight. The posts weren't malicious, it went back and forth with several people, he was being very open, spoke very plainly, more like his world view, how he sees his family role in it- as the "bee keeper". He wasn't exactly wrong considering how our own Federal Reserve isn't even owned by our government and that we pay a percentage to an outside entity just to produce our own currency. The same applies to centralized banking throughout many nations including Great Britain where he lives- controlled by various families.

As far as the actual globalist plan for a centralized government controlling all currency, resources- that's the Kalergi Plan. That plan is a hundred years old in the making to basically destroy the ethnic centers, cultural ties, religion, and balance of Western Civilization by flooding nations with non-compatible third world migrants to out breed the host populations until collapse. To undermine, level the playing field, to have nations without borders that can be ruled by a centralized globalist committee for all of mankind. We're seeing that play out right now in case you aren't paying attention. You just have to read the actual Kalergi Plan to understand what it says, there's a lot there.So we get a bunch of afghans that eventually bread us out. Ok. How well are they being governed back home? How well is Somali governed? So why would it suddenly work here? Rules don't work for people like that, never did. The one global gov will be no more effective than the Somali government. Notice only 1st world people actually obey the laws

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

09-19-18, 10:01
So we get a bunch of afghans that eventually bread us out. Ok. How well are they being governed back home? How well is Somali governed? So why would it suddenly work here? Rules don't work for people like that, never did. The one global gov will be no more effective than the Somali government. Notice only 1st world people actually obey the laws

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

All people operate basically the same. If Action A = Bad enough consequences then avoid option A. Bad enough consequences are different to every individual or group of people, but everyone has "their" line. It could be anything, physical harm/death to self or family, starvation, humiliation, religious persecution, etc. or a combination of two or more of them. I would think if there is a one world government, and a group of people run it, that line could be found on every single person or group at will to accomplish whatever they want at will with no inhumanity/moral checks that exist now, they would be their own police.

09-19-18, 10:30

09-19-18, 13:54
Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, founder of the Pan European movement- essentially genocide by replacement of the ethnic people's of Europe.


Nothing about Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi's biography on wikipedia suggests that he would be a proponent of genocide or the extermination of European peoples or races. His associations read like a who's-who of interwar anti-Fascists, anti-Communists, and otherwise center-right politicians. He opposed Naziism, anti-semitism, Communism, and the threat of global nuclear war. He believed a pan-European government would secure a peaceful future for the European continent (and, so far, that's worked out pretty well - the Balkanization of Yugoslavia and Ukraine's civil war, both occurring outside of the EU and well outside of what von Coudenhove-Kalergi seems to have imagined as the social and political center of his United States of Europe being noted exceptions). There seem to have been some worrying monarchist leanings, but nothing unusual for a man born to an aristocratic family.

And the quotes at the end of the wikipedia article suggest a man who was a centrist and opposed to the sort of dystopian world you seem to think he'd support (and consistent with opposition to fascism, Naziism, and communism):

"Every great historical event began as a utopia and ended as a reality."
-Pan-Europa, 1923

"We are experiencing the most dangerous revolution in world history: the revolution of the State against man. We are experiencing the worst idolatry of all time: the deification of the state."
-Totaler Staat – Totaler Mensch (The Totalitarian State Against Man), 1938

09-19-18, 15:49
Source for the, "America as politically divided in 2004 as in 1860"?

I read that particular article in 2007 as the Bush administration was drawing to a close. I've posted it before as well as a few others that state similar conclusions during the various Obama dust ups. I have 18k+ posts on here so if you want you can use the search function but even if you were to find my posts I'd surmise the links there in are long since dead.

09-19-18, 16:44

09-19-18, 16:58
He supports wiping out all the ethnic European people by replacement population style genocide- that's the actual Kalergi Plan. That's the reason why Western European globalist leaders have suddenly opened the gates to allow their countries to be flooded by the third world in order to receive their fatal dose of migrants to out breed the host populations. He envisioned a "United Europe" under one government control and that control was after the nations populations within Europe are "replaced". His idea was essentially destroying nations with a disproportionate amount of migrants until a nation's people were erased over time and then they could be controlled centrally.

“The (European) man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will disappear owing to the disappearing of space (nations), time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its outward appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals. ” Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi.

This is what your world leaders believe in:


So you take one quote about how the world is getting smaller and how interracial coupling will become more common and widespread (as it has - and will probably continue to become more and more widespread) to the point where human beings will be one big race (which we already really are and have always been) to mean that he advocates for genocide?

By that standard, George Orwell was a proponent of totalitarian government and every astrophysicist alive is a proponent of the complete destruction of the earth.

When I Googled, "Kalergi Plan," previously, all that came up were links to anti-semitic/white nationalist websites and fringe loons, nothing that suggests at an objective evaluation of what the so-called, "Kalergi Plan," actually is (and nothing that I care to have in my browser history).

Maybe you've actually read von Coudenhove-Kalergi's works and can comment on where he specifically stated anything that might apply to throwing open the borders of Europe to non-European migration, but nothing that I've read about him suggests that he ever said such a thing. Nor do his endorsements from patriots and colonial imperialists like Churchill and de Gaulle suggest such a thing even remotely.

Frankly, this alleged, "Kalergi Plan," reeks of white nationalist bullshit scaremongering.

09-19-18, 17:23

09-19-18, 20:32
Go read up on forms of Genocide. One of them is population replacement, similar to what China did to Tibet. It is about the systematic eradication of a people or their culture through forced mass migration.

At what point did von Coudenhove-Kalergi advocate for population replacement or forced migration? Be specific.

09-19-18, 23:05

09-19-18, 23:23
The Pan European movement founded by Kalergi in 1922, that served as the blueprint for the EU- is that there would need to be an infusion of the European population centers with immigrants from Asia and Africa to essentially create a hybrid race that can be controlled by a centralized globalist aristocracy. That by Kalergi's own words, will be a mass "artificial evolutionary process".

So what book did he say it in and when was it published?

This is honestly why the left is so threatened by Trump as he could potentially upend their goal of destroying Western Civilization by reversing these mass immigration polices. Notice as well we have the Brexit movement, Poland and Hungary blocking all immigrants, Italy wanting to kick out immigrants, while France and Germany are starting to slowly awaken. They want to flood nations with non loyalist migrants until they are completely overrun.

So you think there's a massive, global conspiracy by world leaders that has been active since the end of the Second World War, whose goal is a world controlled by their hand-picked elite, and can enact sweeping reforms throughout Europe and the US, but somehow - despite their power and reach - can't control a handful of elections? And for some inexplicable reason, they want to genocide white people (I'm still waiting on an explanation for that, BTW)? And you think that there's this big club of the wealthy and powerful, but Trump ain't in it?



09-19-18, 23:35

09-20-18, 00:05
Trump is a wealthy elite but he's not a traitor like the Clintons- so stop trying to paint him in the same light. It shows how completely detached you are from what is actually going on.

The fantastic things you describe are not occurring. Because they are fantasy. Maybe a fantasy you share with others, but a fantasy none-the-less.

In Coudenhove's-Kalergi's book Praktischer Idealismus, the outline for the EU and the genocide of the European people through an artificial evolutionary process;

"The man of the future will be of mixed race. The races and classes of today will gradually disappear due to the elimination of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-negroid race of the future, similar in appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples and the diversity of individuals. Instead of destroying European Judaism, Europe, against her will, refined and educated this people, driving them to their future status as a leading nation through this artificial evolutionary process. It’s not surprising that the people that escaped from the Ghetto-Prison, became the spiritual nobility of Europe. Thus, the compassionate care given by Europe created a new breed of aristocrats. This happened when the European feudal aristocracy crashed because of the emancipation of the Jews [due to the actions taken by the French Revolution]"

The paragraph you quote refers very specifically to the history of Jews in Europe and how persecution of European Jews for over a millennia forced the Jews to become the sort of hardy people who would make the desert bloom in the 1930s and 40s, and not only fought alone, surrounded, and embargoed against every Arab nation, they won out for decade after decade and gave us brilliant men like Einstein and Oppenheimer.

The reading you propose is delusional and is not supported by a single word of the text.

09-20-18, 01:22

Straight Shooter
09-20-18, 08:46
I dont need ANYONE or ANYBODY to tell me white people..ESPECIALLY Christians..and even more especially Christian white men & women...are the most hated, mocked, lied on, & despised group/race of people in America. Followed closely by the un-born. EVERY DAY I see the goblins of the left doing their utmost to denounce and/or trounce upon us. To deny this IS A DAMNED LIE. The left SO DESPERATELY want to remove whiteness any way they can, thru mixing/dilution of the races, "reverse" racism...and/or outright murder. EVERY DAMN DAY I see or read some clown saying this- IN AMERICA. Hell, now the white "elites" are openly hating themselves and others. If anyone needs a fvcking book or text to "support" whats in the news daily/hourly...who gives a flying F WHAT you think.

09-20-18, 10:06
I dont need ANYONE or ANYBODY to tell me white people..ESPECIALLY Christians..and even more especially Christian white men & women...are the most hated, mocked, lied on, & despised group/race of people in America. Followed closely by the un-born. EVERY DAY I see the goblins of the left doing their utmost to denounce and/or trounce upon us. To deny this IS A DAMNED LIE. The left SO DESPERATELY want to remove whiteness any way they can, thru mixing/dilution of the races, "reverse" racism...and/or outright murder. EVERY DAMN DAY I see or read some clown saying this- IN AMERICA. Hell, now the white "elites" are openly hating themselves and others. If anyone needs a fvcking book or text to "support" whats in the news daily/hourly...who gives a flying F WHAT you think.

That right there is telling it like it is. It's true, they are attempting to water down the White Anglo Saxon Protestant every single friggin' day. Independent free thinking WASP's have become the minority now, and this is just the beginning.

Doc Safari
09-20-18, 10:07
That right there is telling it like it is. It's true, they are attempting to water down the White Anglo Saxon Protestant every single friggin' day. Independent free thinking WASP's are in the minority now, and this is just the beginning.

Watch South Africa.

I will leave it at that.

09-20-18, 11:36
Ther are lots of groups of different types of people. Saying every group is exactly the same in every way is like saying three genera of ten species with dozens of subspecies of canines are all exactly the same because they have the same number of chromosome pairs and can interbreed. Or for the two genera, three species, and half dozen or so subspecies of extant elephants.

Overall, in general, the various groups of humans like to fuk; drink, smoke, eat, snort, etc. stuff to get high/drunk/stoned; own resources; fight over resources; take other people’s shit; eat really good stuff that is really bad for them if they can get it and will do so to excess; make other people do stuff for them, and reap the benefits; and not have to answer to the consequences of any of that and other behaviors.

Various governmental, legal, religious, cultural norms, and such frameworks have developed to maximize the beneficial and minimize the detrimental aspects of the above behaviors for societies as a whole.

Depending on your goals and desires you may prefer some groups of people, cultures, lifestyles, and societies over others. You may think an element that hunts, fishes, and gathers enough to last all year in a few months, then spend the rest of the year chilling out, getting drunk, and having lots of sex the rest of the year rocks. I won’t argue the point. They are not likely to put a man on the moon or develop supersonic transcontinental flight though.

Some systems and groups of people have developed societies with very high standards of living compared to others. There is significant jealously among others.

Societies combining elements of classical Rome with Christian moral and legal ethics, comprised of Western Europeans, with male dominated fields have demonstrated very high standards of living, relative safety, upward mobility, reasonable freedom, etc. in comparison to others. This has occurred in other places, like north Western Asia. There are some outliers, like sitting on a ton of oil, etc.

But for the most part, this has led to hatred of white, western, straight, Christian males as somehow keeping all these things from others and keeping down their peoples, their societies, their cultures, etc. instead of having created those things.

That combined with some other issues literally has a ton of movements that just want to tear a society like ours down and burn it to the ground.

There is a swirling tornado of racial, cultural, religious, identity, gender, and other factors just dying to see this culture curb stomped, pissed on, and set on fire. Without regard to whether or not there is any thing better.

They do not think they will be like the people starving after seizing farms and killing the farmers.
They do not think they will be starving in their socialist utopia like others do.

Once, the French were worried about their place in the anglophone world they had contributed to and feared their language, culture, cuisine, and contributions would fade. While focusing on that, a far bigger issue will do them in.

Basically, the fate of the world will rest in someone’s hands one day. Western civilization will find the people they hoped to share their toys with will likely just take them, break them, cry when they are all gone, and get blamed for not being able to make anymore because the criers burned down the toy factory.

A major power that decided not to share will end up with all the toys.

09-20-18, 11:56
Watch South Africa.

I will leave it at that.

Get on social media, tons of vids of beach insertions by boat people (aka military aged males from Africa and the Middle East) in Italy and Spain, then go look up their violent crime epidemics.

I follow at least twenty such blogs from Ireland, the UK, Australia, Canada, South Africa that have countless vids, crime reports, et al. detailing what is really going on. You won't see a peep of it in the MSM and you will encounter tons of leftist deniers who attempt to discredit anyone who talks about.

Joe Rogan is the latest to be smeared for discussing it on his podcast.

Straight Shooter
09-20-18, 12:06
Watch South Africa.

I will leave it at that.

Damn right- and Ill say watch THE SOUTH in America...target PRIORITY ONE. It aint gonna go like they think it will.
EDIT: I JUST saw where Marine Le Pen has been ordered to undergo psychiatric tests 'to see if she is capable of understanding remarks {her tweets} and answering questions".
Yall dont think that shit is coming to fruition here soon if we let it?! Every right wing, conservative and/or CHRISTIAN ordered for testing to see if you understand how "hurtful" & "racist" your beliefs are.

09-20-18, 12:42
Damn right- and Ill say watch THE SOUTH in America...target PRIORITY ONE. It aint gonna go like they think it will.
EDIT: I JUST saw where Marine Le Pen has been ordered to undergo psychiatric tests 'to see if she is capable of understanding remarks {her tweets} and answering questions".
Yall dont think that shit is coming to fruition here soon if we let it?! Every right wing, conservative and/or CHRISTIAN ordered for testing to see if you understand how "hurtful" & "racist" your beliefs are.And her tweets were about ISIS

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

Doc Safari
09-20-18, 12:57
And wait until AI is in charge of it all.

(Did your butthole just pucker?)

09-20-18, 16:55
"This is how civil wars begin"

"it isn't as bad as it was"

Both correct. The ingredients are (and were) there, it's just a matter of a big enough spark at the right time and place to set it off. Just because it didn't happen then doesn't mean it can't now.

09-20-18, 17:01
"This is how civil wars begin"

"it isn't as bad as it was"

Both correct. The ingredients are (and were) there, it's just a matter of a big enough spark at the right time and place to set it off. Just because it didn't happen then doesn't mean it can't now.

This right here. All it takes is the right set of circumstances to fall into place at the right time.

09-20-18, 21:49
"This is how civil wars begin"

"it isn't as bad as it was"

Both correct. The ingredients are (and were) there, it's just a matter of a big enough spark at the right time and place to set it off. Just because it didn't happen then doesn't mean it can't now.

Yet at the same time, the powers that be will do everything they can to prevent it because there is no money stream if it happens. If an actual shooting war starts anything can happen but it probably won't be like anything anyone here imagines.

If shit happens in South America or even Mexico, who cares? If a actual civil war happened here, Putin just might feel inclined to help like the Soviets did in Afghanistan. And Amerika is more likely than a Red Dawn outcome.

Anyone who has seen an actual war knows they don't want that shit to happen here. Won't say "can't happen" but people in Congress are interested in conflict and controversy not combat.

Ed L.
09-21-18, 01:36
EDIT: I JUST saw where Marine Le Pen has been ordered to undergo psychiatric tests 'to see if she is capable of understanding remarks {her tweets} and answering questions".
Yall dont think that shit is coming to fruition here soon if we let it?! Every right wing, conservative and/or CHRISTIAN ordered for testing to see if you understand how "hurtful" & "racist" your beliefs are.

This is a strange situation based on what I consider to be unjustified and absurd French laws.

From: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-45590963

She posted images of ISIS atrocities which violates French laws "against circulating "violent messages that incite terrorism or pornography or seriously harm human dignity" and that can be viewed by a minor."

I would classify this as very disturbing--both the laws and her situation. That law could be applied to a number of things when convenient or desired and stifle freedom of speech, fredom of expression, and the simple ability to communicate.

So posting pictures of an ISIS or terrorist atrocity is against French law.

09-21-18, 05:42
And wait until AI is in charge of it all.

I agree it won’t be human, but I disagree it will be AI.

09-21-18, 06:09
When I see the platform of the socialist, they are the biggest threat facing the Republic today.

That is fine and good, to a point.

But what bothers me in talking to Republican insiders, is they are at a loss when it comes to understanding the threat much less than having a strategy to counter it.

When I give broad brush strokes and what the Republican party needs to do to defeat this threat to the Constitution, the color drains from their face. They stammer out, we can't do that, we want the moral high ground.

I then look them in the eye and remind them that the socialist given power and no constant, would be no different than Stalin.

09-21-18, 06:31
I'm so sick of the "moral high ground". Seriously, f*** the moral high ground with a 10ft piece of rebar.
I'm perfectly comfortable with the idea of using utterly reprehensible tactics against the Left. The "morals" of doing so are irrelevant to me.
Maybe that comes with being a completely secular "right-winger" whose moral code was heavily influenced during his formative years by the constant viewing of nature documentaries. Or maybe I'm just a callous sociopath.

If you can find their weakness, rip them to shreds. (Metaphorically of course...) You aren't going to beat these people by keeping your hands clean.

09-21-18, 13:06
When I see the platform of the socialist, they are the biggest threat facing the Republic today.


Russia, the CHICOMs, and the NORKs don't pose nearly the threat to our nation that the left does.

I'm perfectly comfortable with the idea of using utterly reprehensible tactics against the Left. The "morals" of doing so are irrelevant to me.
Maybe that comes with being a completely secular "right-winger" whose moral code was heavily influenced during his formative years by the constant viewing of nature documentaries.

You aren't going to beat these people by keeping your hands clean.

Seriously, get out of my head! :cool:

09-21-18, 13:59
The NY Times (of all places) is reporting that Rod Rosenstein tried to push Trump out of power using the 25th Amendment way back in 2017:


His effort failed, and he was attempting to use a legal process rather than an armed coup, but it shows how much he hates Trump and the efforts that the various deep state / resistance types have gone to.

With this breaking it seems that RR should be out of office tonight. Though I'm not holding my breath for that.

Doc Safari
09-21-18, 14:31
With this breaking it seems that RR should be out of office tonight. Though I'm not holding my breath for that.

The millstones of the gods grind slowly but exceedingly fine.

09-21-18, 17:11
I think DOJ, FBI, NSA,CIA all need major house cleaning.

I am not sure what to make of this story, was he pissed at his boss and blowing off steam, or did he mean it?

09-21-18, 18:00
The NY Times (of all places) is reporting that Rod Rosenstein tried to push Trump out of power using the 25th Amendment way back in 2017:


His effort failed, and he was attempting to use a legal process rather than an armed coup, but it shows how much he hates Trump and the efforts that the various deep state / resistance types have gone to.

With this breaking it seems that RR should be out of office tonight. Though I'm not holding my breath for that.

Seriously? The NY Times doing Trump a favor? I doubt it. Ask Admiral Akbar what it is.

LMT Shooter
09-21-18, 18:08
The NY Times (of all places) is reporting that Rod Rosenstein tried to push Trump out of power using the 25th Amendment way back in 2017:


His effort failed, and he was attempting to use a legal process rather than an armed coup, but it shows how much he hates Trump and the efforts that the various deep state / resistance types have gone to.

With this breaking it seems that RR should be out of office tonight. Though I'm not holding my breath for that.


09-21-18, 19:51
I'm so sick of the "moral high ground". Seriously, f*** the moral high ground with a 10ft piece of rebar.
I'm perfectly comfortable with the idea of using utterly reprehensible tactics against the Left. The "morals" of doing so are irrelevant to me.
Maybe that comes with being a completely secular "right-winger" whose moral code was heavily influenced during his formative years by the constant viewing of nature documentaries. Or maybe I'm just a callous sociopath.

If you can find their weakness, rip them to shreds. (Metaphorically of course...) You aren't going to beat these people by keeping your hands clean.

F*****G-A!!! You speak the truth. When wrestling with PIGS in the mud you should expect to get a little dirty, right?

09-21-18, 19:55
The NY Times (of all places) is reporting that Rod Rosenstein tried to push Trump out of power using the 25th Amendment way back in 2017:


His effort failed, and he was attempting to use a legal process rather than an armed coup, but it shows how much he hates Trump and the efforts that the various deep state / resistance types have gone to.

With this breaking it seems that RR should be out of office tonight. Though I'm not holding my breath for that.

That little beady-eyed bastard Rosenstein needs to get marched out at bayonet point and subsequently charged with treasonous activity, like fomenting a coup.

Anyone recall how he supposedly threatened members of Congress when he testified in front of them some months back? Not outright "I'll get you" threats but more sublime "I'll use the power of the Deep State to climb up your ass with a microscope" ones.

Here ya go: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/06/12/rosenstein-threatened-to-subpoena-gop-led-committee-in-chilling-clash-over-records-emails-show.html

09-21-18, 20:02
Seriously? The NY Times doing Trump a favor? I doubt it. Ask Admiral Akbar what it is.

Yeah, I see that angle and given the NYT hostility that seems like a real question.

Translation: maybe RR has become an actual danger to other parts of the deep state, and this is a smear to take him out to mitigate the risk.

Alternative: in some Dem fantasy land, firing RR for blatant insubordination would be grounds for Trump's impeachment.

09-21-18, 20:16
Yeah, I see that angle and given the NYT hostility that seems like a real question.

Translation: maybe RR has become an actual danger to other parts of the deep state, and this is a smear to take him out to mitigate the risk.

Alternative: in some Dem fantasy land, firing RR for blatant insubordination would be grounds for Trump's impeachment.

Is he not one of those that serves "at the pleasure of the President"?

I agree with you though that the loonballs on the Left would have collective strokes over firing RR.

09-22-18, 12:48
Is he not one of those that serves "at the pleasure of the President"?

I agree with you though that the loonballs on the Left would have collective strokes over firing RR.

I think it is a warning to him that Mueller is too close to investigating a Democrat donor with links to Clinton and Podesta. Notice how that story has been sent down the 1984 memory hole? Try to Google it.

Caught up in that probe is former Obama White House counsel Greg Craig.

Craig served as White House counsel during the first year of President Obama’s administration.

According to CNN, federal prosecutors in New York are contemplating charges against Craig over whether he failed to register as a foreign agent, along with the law firm where he formerly served as a partner, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP. Mueller referred an investigation of Craig and Skadden to federal prosecutors earlier this year, CNN reported.

09-22-18, 14:18
I agree with you though that the loonballs on the Left would have collective strokes over firing RR.

Is that not the VERY definition of, "WIN - WIN?" :dance3:

09-22-18, 22:06

09-23-18, 08:45
I am so tired of all this, meaning not that the democrats are scum, for to me resent history shows the left has caused more misery and murder than the right.

What I am tired of is the republicans just take it.

For a budget of $3,500,000 to $5,000,000 a month, I know that enough dirt could be dug up on the dems, to muzzle them. I happen to know a company that can do this and never get caught.

A friend of mine who used to be high up in DOJ told me the Clinton's spend about that amount of money digging up dirt on everyone.

09-23-18, 10:13
I wonder how much Justice Scalia's pillow cost at that Obama donor's exotic hunting ranch?

10-02-18, 11:56
Didn't want to start a new thread, so dropping this here. Am I the only one that didn't know Betsy DeVos is the sister of Prince's is the brother of Erik Prince, of BW? I found that pretty amazing.

10-02-18, 13:13
Didn't want to start a new thread, so dropping this here. Am I the only one that didn't know Betsy DeVos is the sister of Prince's is the brother of Erik Prince, of BW? I found that pretty amazing.

From what I have read Eric Prince has had some fairly close dealings lately with the White House and .gov.

10-02-18, 13:18
Didn't want to start a new thread, so dropping this here. Am I the only one that didn't know Betsy DeVos is the sister of Prince's is the brother of Erik Prince, of BW? I found that pretty amazing.

Nope, you just learned me on the subject.

Question, how does the Secretary of Education and her brother who founded the largest private military company in the world have to do with US Civil War 2.0? That sounds like the beginning of a fantastic conspiracy.

Doc Safari
10-02-18, 14:34
Some new tidbits:

Judge Kavanaugh's home vandalized:


Left wing extremists yesterday vandalized Judge Kavanaugh and family home. Some reports say as many as 200 left wing goons showed up and vandalized his and his family’s home.
The left wing vandals weren’t just content with spray paint either. Left wing extremists:

➡️ Smeared Feces on the Windows

➡️ Destroyed the Yard by Driving Cars on it

➡️ Every Outside Wall was Spray Painted

Ricin sent to the Pentagon:


A developing report says packages delivered to the Pentagon’s mail facility tested positive for ricin on Tuesday.

White powder sent to Senator Ted Cruz's office:


Two people at the campaign office of Texas Senator Ted Cruz are hospitalized after a white powdery substance arrived on Tuesday.
Houston Fire Department officials evacuated the ninth floor of the Phoenix Tower, the location of Senator Cruz’s re-election campaign office headquarters. The FBI is conducting an investigation into who sent the package, the Houston Chronicle reported.

Following an investigation by Houston Fire Department HazMat crews, firefighters determined that no hazardous substance was found

10-02-18, 16:08

10-02-18, 16:58
Some new tidbits:

Judge Kavanaugh's home vandalized:


Ricin sent to the Pentagon:


White powder sent to Senator Ted Cruz's office:


Supposedly, the Kavanaugh house vandalism was fake news.

10-02-18, 19:57
Ricin is confirmed sent to Mattis and Trump.


10-02-18, 20:25
Whether or not there will be an all-out "Civil War 2" is one topic for discussion. But another would be "What *kind* of war will it be?". Based on what we are seeing I don't think it's a big stretch to say it isn't going to be like Civil War 1 where both sides treated prisoners humanely and had mutual respect for each other as soldiers.
If it happens, it is going to be exceedingly ugly, like Balkans/Liberia/Utter Insanity ugly.

10-02-18, 20:43
Based on what we are seeing I don't think it's a big stretch to say it isn't going to be like Civil War 1 where both sides treated prisoners humanely and had mutual respect for each other as soldiers.
If it happens, it is going to be exceedingly ugly, like Balkans/Liberia/Utter Insanity ugly.

Uh, ever heard of Andersonville? Bleeding Kansas? Sherman's March to the Sea? CW1 wasn't exactly nice and cordial.

I agree that CW2, if it happens, is likely to be more in the Balkans/Rwanda type range.

10-02-18, 22:20
Deleted because even the though of a second war pisses me off. What the **** happened? I was taught McCarthyism was bad. I think we need it. Communist and socialist have run amok. As a millennial this current divide pisses me off.

10-02-18, 22:55
Uh, ever heard of Andersonville? Bleeding Kansas? Sherman's March to the Sea? CW1 wasn't exactly nice and cordial.

I agree that CW2, if it happens, is likely to be more in the Balkans/Rwanda type range.

When two (or more) large factions of people are trying to kill each other, nothing is cordial. The thing with the Civil War was it wasn't based on any kind of hatred between the North and South; neither side was trying to conquer and enslave or genocide the other side as part of the condition for victory. The North fought to preserve the union, and the South fought to preserve states' rights. So while it was brutal like all wars are, there was a desire by both sides to settle the disagreement that led to the war.

A second civil war, however, would see leftist factions with the goal of wiping out the current nation and all who defend it, establishing a totalitarian state, and either forceably reeducating, or slaughtering, all who may be a threat to their revolution. They see us as people who need to be punished and treated without mercy.

10-02-18, 23:17
Deleted because even the though of a second war pisses me off. What the **** happened? I was taught McCarthyism was bad. I think we need it. Communist and socialist have run amok. As a millennial this current divide pisses me off.

McCarthy was right.


10-02-18, 23:20
In response to SteyrAug:
I’m quickly realizing it. Thank God my parents were able to teach me to see through bullshit and I was able to escape education without being damaged good. Sad so many of my peers fell for the bs.

10-03-18, 02:35
A second civil war, however, would see leftist factions with the goal of wiping out the current nation and all who defend it, establishing a totalitarian state, and either forceably reeducating, or slaughtering, all who may be a threat to their revolution. They see us as people who need to be punished and treated without mercy.

Oh it's going to be a real shitshow.
And for "reasons" I might be more prone than most to really be morphed into a pretty bad person during such a situation. We'll cross that bridge if (when) we come to it though.
But hey, if I turn into a bad guy, at least I'd be one of your bad guys. :P

Maybe I should start stockpiling sharpened poles now.....

10-03-18, 11:25
Whether or not there will be an all-out "Civil War 2" is one topic for discussion. But another would be "What *kind* of war will it be?".

The American Civil War was brought about by outside influences working behind the scenes. Mainly the British bankers. Charles Dickens had a lot of interesting things to say about it in articles he wrote that were published in British newspapers of the day.

Based on what we are seeing I don't think it's a big stretch to say it isn't going to be like Civil War 1 where both sides treated prisoners humanely and had mutual respect for each other as soldiers.


That's now how it happened at all.

The POW camps during the American Civil War were nothing short of barbarism.

If it happens, it is going to be exceedingly ugly, like Balkans/Liberia/Utter Insanity ugly.

"Balkanization" might just be the only hope of saving a glimmer of our Republic. Historically civil wars are always the most vicious.

10-03-18, 11:39
A second civil war, however, would see leftist factions with the goal of wiping out the current nation and all who defend it, establishing a totalitarian state, and either forceably reeducating, or slaughtering, all who may be a threat to their revolution.

Obama's "political career" was hatched in the living room of one of his mentor's Bill Ayers, a convicted terrorist and founder of the left-wing terrorist faction known as The Weather Underground. Here was / is there plan for when they take power and they fully expect a counter revolution hence why the left pushes "commonsense gun control"..... i.e. disarmament.


They see us as people who need to be punished and treated without mercy.

Why should we see them any differently?

10-03-18, 12:00
Whether or not there will be an all-out "Civil War 2" is one topic for discussion. But another would be "What *kind* of war will it be?". Based on what we are seeing I don't think it's a big stretch to say it isn't going to be like Civil War 1 where both sides treated prisoners humanely and had mutual respect for each other as soldiers.
If it happens, it is going to be exceedingly ugly, like Balkans/Liberia/Utter Insanity ugly.

No offense, but this post has a distinct lack of historical understanding....

10-03-18, 18:16
So basically civil war will happen because a bunch a people are butt hurt about a bunch of silly crap that no one has any sources for?

10-03-18, 20:41
No offense, but this post has a distinct lack of historical understanding....

I wasn't aware atrocities were as widespread during the American Civil War as they apparently were, so yeah I guess that was a pretty bad example. Not being a Civil War buff I apparently had a more sanitized impression of the conflict.
My only point though was just that Civil War 2 is not likely to follow anything resembling the "rules of war" or the Geneva Conventions. We've seen what type of behavior Antifa et al and their affiliates will engage in or justify now, but just imagine what they'd do in a "war". It would eventually become a grotesque tit for tat.

10-03-18, 21:18
So basically civil war will happen because a bunch a people are butt hurt about a bunch of silly crap that no one has any sources for?

The butt hurt is a result of manufactured outrage by the left, done to destabilize our country on behalf of a foreign enemy.

10-03-18, 21:49
I have said this before, but I'll say it again. The Left in the United States are revolutionary, the Right in the United States are reactionary. The Left pushes all the buttons to take away traditional American freedoms, and will continue to a point then...... This is the point where it gets ugly. Everyone has always thought of some kind of SHTF scenario but in reality it will start with targeted assassinations of politicians and political leaders, on both sides of the political spectrum. You can't win at the ballot box, so you kill off members of the political opposition. You don't have the right mix on the Supreme Court, you assassinate Justices and let your President and Senate install one you want.

Once this begins, it will trickle down to the local level where some group or person represents the other side, and they end up being murdered. This starts spreading from city to city and State to State. You end up with a breakdown of law and order, martial law is imposed and all activity starts to move underground. In the meantime, our geopolitical enemies on the world stage see the chaos here and start infringing on our interests on a global scale. We'll have conflict domestically and conflict in other areas of the world.

10-03-18, 21:52
For a moment to there, I thought you were describing the country I lived in for 23 years.

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

10-03-18, 22:01
I have said this before, but I'll say it again. The Left in the United States are revolutionary, the Right in the United States are reactionary. The Left pushes all the buttons to take away traditional American freedoms, and will continue to a point then...... This is the point where it gets ugly. Everyone has always thought of some kind of SHTF scenario but in reality it will start with targeted assassinations of politicians and political leaders, on both sides of the political spectrum. You can't win at the ballot box, so you kill off members of the political opposition. You don't have the right mix on the Supreme Court, you assassinate Justices and let your President and Senate install one you want.

Banana republic and all that.

Once this begins, it will trickle down to the local level where some group or person represents the other side, and they end up being murdered. This starts spreading from city to city and State to State. You end up with a breakdown of law and order, martial law is imposed and all activity starts to move underground. In the meantime, our geopolitical enemies on the world stage see the chaos here and start infringing on our interests on a global scale. We'll have conflict domestically and conflict in other areas of the world.

I think that's been the plan since 1783. After being kicked out of the US the Brits retreated to Canada where they tried to get the Native Americans to form a pan-Indian Nation and beat back the young America East of the Appalachians. They tried again in 1812, when that didn't work they worked behind the scenes with other factions until the Civil War broke out. You eat an elephant one bite at a time.

10-03-18, 22:18
For a moment to there, I thought you were describing the country I lived in for 23 years.

Sir, what country might that be? I have been to quite a few, in and out of the Army.

10-03-18, 22:27
Sir, what country might that be? I have been to quite a few, in and out of the Army.Philippines. Targeted assassinations still happen until now.

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

10-03-18, 22:39
Philippines. Targeted assassinations still happen until now.

Interesting. I have served with some Filipino emigrants to the US who became citizens and commissioned in the Army. My knowledge of post WW2 history there is not what it should be, although I read a lot about the Marcos regime.

10-03-18, 22:53
Interesting. I have served with some Filipino emigrants to the US who became citizens and commissioned in the Army. My knowledge of post WW2 history there is not what it should be, although I read a lot about the Marcos regime.1964 to 1987. I was born in Chicago. My Dad decided to move back to the Philippines 6 months after my birth. Lived through the martial law years. The leftists here don't know what an oppressive regime is really like. They never lived it.

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

10-04-18, 07:19
lol, apparently these morons have no idea about Ruby Ridge, Waco, the Hutaree or any other militia group that's been taken down by the federal government.

You want to make your "cell"? Best not to plaster it all over social media.


10-04-18, 07:20
double tap

10-04-18, 07:35
lol, apparently these morons have no idea about Ruby Ridge, Waco, the Hutaree or any other militia group that's been taken down by the federal government.

You want to make your "cell"? Best not to plaster it all over social media.


That's right..the guys you want to watch for are those who are quietly training, and meeting, and staying off of social media..these are the guys who will come out of nowhere,and when they do, will cause alot of damage..

As far as those idiots in Austin are concerned, it's Austin..a liberal collage town, looking at the pics it looks like one has a kel-tec carbine and the other a AK clone of some sort, and if I had to guess they probably could'nt afford more than 3 boxes of ammo at a time..If a real shooting civil war ever started, these assholes would get slaughtered..quick...

10-04-18, 08:46
lol, apparently these morons have no idea about Ruby Ridge, Waco, the Hutaree or any other militia group that's been taken down by the federal government.

You want to make your "cell"? Best not to plaster it all over social media.


They appear to be pretty clueless and very likely heavily infiltrated.

10-04-18, 10:04
lol, apparently these morons have no idea about Ruby Ridge, Waco, the Hutaree or any other militia group that's been taken down by the federal government.

You want to make your "cell"? Best not to plaster it all over social media.


Yeah Fed LE has never been bashful about confronting right leaning groups, lefties not so much.

10-04-18, 10:24
Why can't we have a Senator McCarthy when we need him the most?

10-04-18, 17:59
Why can't we have a Senator McCarthy when we need him the most?

Know what's ironic about most of the bashing McCarthy takes? He was, for the most part, correct in his assertions!

10-08-18, 18:01
Antifa taking over Portland & harassing Old Man for Disobeying. Supposedly LEO's let Antifa slide L-N-L

Scroll down to 2nd video


10-08-18, 18:29
Antifa taking over Portland & harassing Old Man for Disobeying. Supposedly LEO's let Antifa slide L-N-L

Scroll down to 2nd video

I watched the video. So now we have domestic terrorists controlling the movement of citizens who just want to go about their business? Impeding my right to movement or surrounding my vehicle under threat of violence can be an escalation that I couldn't tolerate, but what do you do? I could run over the SOBs. I have Road Armor front bumper on my F250 with a 15,000 lb Warn Winch mounted in it. It would make a good cow catcher on the front. If they try a Reginald Denny on me or my family, the sidearm comes out and people will die. Here in New Mexico, the vehicle is an extension of my home, so as long as I remain in the vehicle, I can shoot the bastards.

10-08-18, 19:24
Ok school me, but how do the police "get ordered" to do nothing when thugs block roads and attack people?

10-08-18, 19:37
Ok school me, but how do the police "get ordered" to do nothing when thugs block roads and attack people?

When the Mayor is also the Police Commissioner, who sympathizes 100% with the rioters... Being a Portland Police Bureau cop today must be like being a CPD flatfoot in the '20s knowing that those above you giving the orders are on Capone's payroll.

10-08-18, 19:44
Ok school me, but how do the police "get ordered" to do nothing when thugs block roads and attack people?

This below is the answer.

When the Mayor is also the Police Commissioner, who sympathizes 100% with the rioters... Being a Portland Police Bureau cop today must be like being a CPD flatfoot in the '20s knowing that those above you giving the orders are on Capone's payroll.

How many times have mayor's told their officers to stand down over the past few years? Baltimore comes quickly to mind. The mayors and police commissioners should be held accountable for not letting their officers do their jobs of protecting the average Jane or Joe going about their daily lives. Knocking a few ANTIFA protestors on the head with a billy club would be a great starting lesson about what is and what isn't acceptable behavior. Unfortunately, we're 30 years or so past that.

10-08-18, 20:11

10-08-18, 20:17
I watched the video. So now we have domestic terrorists controlling the movement of citizens who just want to go about their business? Impeding my right to movement or surrounding my vehicle under threat of violence can be an escalation that I couldn't tolerate, but what do you do? I could run over the SOBs. I have Road Armor front bumper on my F250 with a 15,000 lb Warn Winch mounted in it. It would make a good cow catcher on the front. If they try a Reginald Denny on me or my family, the sidearm comes out and people will die. Here in New Mexico, the vehicle is an extension of my home, so as long as I remain in the vehicle, I can shoot the bastards.

And that is the goal of the Communist Democratic party's anti Second Amendment movement. To disarm good, law abiding citizens so that they can be controlled by the left's thugs and toothless police departments. That crap may work in a socialist wasteland like Portland but try that in my part of the country OH58's scenario would be the outcome.

P.S. I did not watch the video as I did want to get my blood pressure up and go to bed all pissed off.

10-08-18, 20:35
Where is the trunk monkey when you need one....

10-08-18, 21:14
Where is the trunk monkey when you need one....
In today's twisted, PC World, classically funny TV ads like those would now be considered somehow racist. I need to get out my Blu-ray copy of Blazing Saddles and return to a more innocent time when we actually enjoyed freedom of speech and expression.

10-08-18, 21:15
I think he's talking about a different kind of trunk monkey.

Either that or I'm the one misinterpreting....

10-08-18, 21:29
I think he's talking about a different kind of trunk monkey.

Either that or I'm the one misinterpreting....

It's a chimp that comes to the rescue in a series of car dealer ads some years back. No matter the context, or intention, a monkey, a chimp performing like a Homo sapien is now off limits.

10-08-18, 21:36
It's a chimp that comes to the rescue in a series of car dealer ads some years back. No matter the context, or intention, a monkey, a chimp performing like a Homo sapien is now off limits.



10-08-18, 22:18
Ok school me, but how do the police "get ordered" to do nothing when thugs block roads and attack people?

Because this is the guy in charge.

Interestingly enough google had a really hard time trying to figure out what I was looking for...

10-09-18, 00:00
Whenever I see the left causing mayhem like this- blocking streets, trapping people in elevators, shutting down college campuses and in general using violence and intimidation- I wonder what would happen if ‘right wing’ people did the same? the MSM lost their minds when someone on the right took over a unused shack 10 miles from anyone.

10-09-18, 03:48
It's a chimp that comes to the rescue in a series of car dealer ads some years back. No matter the context, or intention, a monkey, a chimp performing like a Homo sapien is now off limits.

Oh, to my understanding "Trunk Monkey" is also slang for the guy in a military convoy or a protective detail motorcade who sits in the rear of a vehicle with a support weapon of some sort, usually a belt fed.

I do remember those commercials though and agree that being mauled by a chimp would also be a hilarious fate for the individuals in question, especially if they survived.

10-09-18, 07:47
I'm fine with someone with a belt fed gun in the back of my SUV. Trunk Monkey, belt fed. Potato, Potatoe.

This is how you actually start a Civil War;


From a Brit paper too. The logic is that since the GOP held the Scalia seat open for a year, the left can pack the court with a collectivist majority for a generation. All because of the hold-open and that Brett got 'political' by defending himself, so all bets are off.

Don't like the results of your political games, so change the game. And he thinks the only game theory outcome is that the GOP would pack it back in their favor when they get in power.

So, the answer to losing an election is:
Tar the winner as a traitor.
Change the way the election is run
Some change how the Senate is constructed
Smear as a rapist anyone that stands in your way

10-09-18, 09:01
Interestingly enough google had a really hard time trying to figure out what I was looking for...

Goolag is as biased as it gets for internet companies. Use DuckDuckGo or another alternative option. You can improve your life, and undermine Goolag, by simply minimizing your use of their services.

Doc Safari
10-09-18, 16:03
So, Antifa is virtually running Portland, Oregon?


The footage further shows multiple instances of cars being hit with rods and fists for refusing to obey their commands. "I'll beat the shit out of you!" men standing in the middle of the road shout at passing cars.

But more revealing is the Portland Police statement, also issued Monday night, which confirms police refused to intervene in order to protect what the department is describing as the free speech of the Antifa members.

My take: Is this coming soon to a city near you? And how will you react?

(I saw mention of this kind of thing in an earlier post, but I didn't realize it was this bad).

10-09-18, 17:07
So, Antifa is virtually running Portland, Oregon?


My take: Is this coming soon to a city near you? And how will you react?

Just think how much money the city of Portland can save by reducing their police force and letting antifa thugs direct traffic and enforce their ideology for them. Yes, another socialist hellhole in the making. Oh, and when a citizen finally defends themself against one of these thugs the police will be right there to throw him under the jail while the media crucifies him.

10-09-18, 17:10
In the making?

Wtf is wrong with you.

It is a hellhole NOW.

Nothing is in dwtn

There are bums pissing and shitting right on the street in broad daylight.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Doc Safari
10-09-18, 17:11
In the making?

Wtf is wrong with you.

It is a hellhole NOW.

Nothing is in dwtn

There are bums pissing and shitting right on the street in broad daylight.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

So I take it "you are there?"

What are you observing? Anything to add to the media reports?

10-09-18, 17:11
If a self-defense shooting starts and there are antifa dead and wounded, will the police and other emergency services come to antifa's aid?

Doc Safari
10-09-18, 17:12
If a self-defense shooting starts and there are antifa dead and wounded, will the police and other emergency services come to THEIR aid?

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

Good point. And when it comes to a city near you, will they want to confiscate YOUR weapons because you might want to defend yourself and violate their right to protest?

10-09-18, 17:21
I'm thinking Portland and other places have plans in place to confiscate firearms if a single shot is fired at antifa because that was their plan all along.

10-09-18, 17:30
If a self-defense shooting starts and there are antifa dead and wounded, will the police and other emergency services come to antifa's aid?

They'll be ordered to... I'm not saying the won't, but I wouldn't be surprised if they slow roll it.

10-09-18, 18:06
In the making?

Wtf is wrong with you.

It is a hellhole NOW.

Nothing is in dwtn

There are bums pissing and shitting right on the street in broad daylight.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

For that you can thank the Rajneeshee who in 1984 made their compound a "haven" for the homeless in order to have the numbers to influence a local election and then dropped them all off in Portland. Not that it wasn't already half a shithole to begin with.

10-09-18, 19:33
The cult dressed in red would have blended in real well in Portland in the 1980's and today. Nothing has changed. The compound in Antelope stuck out like a sore thumb then like it would today. A religious compound in the high desert attracted a lot of attention from both the cowboys already there and the feds monitoring the good Bhagwan's
and his bitch side kick's actions. Eastern Oregon is very xenophobic. If a group of people look and act different, word spreads fast. The Muslims who started a terrorist camp in the Fremont NF? They got discovered and shut down quickly by the locals and feds.

10-09-18, 21:38

10-09-18, 21:42
Oh boy! Was it really a defensive situation or did he put himself there in order to confront the crowd?
This is a leftist's wet dream and that's what they are trying to push us to do.

10-09-18, 21:49

10-09-18, 21:53

Worst place to be is in a leftist town.

10-10-18, 06:13
A lot of american cities on the coasts are controlled by the marxist, but you go just 40 miles or so out of the cities you have normal people.

The country side makes the food, electricity, and everything that the city needs travels through the country side.

So if you want civil war, the folks in the country need to destroy power lines and blockage the interstates and let the cities die. I currently spend my time in some of those cities on the east coast, but very soon will be splitting my time between Texas and Arizona.

10-10-18, 06:24
The violent left continues...

The West coast antifa activity in Portland is contagious. Not a mob style protest. But a violent expression against the rest of the country.

10-10-18, 06:36
A lot of american cities on the coasts are controlled by the marxist, but you go just 40 miles or so out of the cities you have normal people.

The country side makes the food, electricity, and everything that the city needs travels through the country side.

So if you want civil war, the folks in the country need to destroy power lines and blockage the interstates and let the cities die. I currently spend my time in some of those cities on the east coast, but very soon will be splitting my time between Texas and Arizona.
It isn't just the coasts. The large Texas MSAs are all majority blue - Austin, Dallas, El Paso Houston and San Antonio. Luckily, however, we haven't had the mob rule problems to the extent the west coast has and our state government is mostly red because the voters in the numerous small red counties still outnumber the voters in the large blue MSAs.

10-10-18, 07:29
A lot of american cities on the coasts are controlled by the marxist, but you go just 40 miles or so out of the cities you have normal people.

The country side makes the food, electricity, and everything that the city needs travels through the country side.

So if you want civil war, the folks in the country need to destroy power lines and blockage the interstates and let the cities die. I currently spend my time in some of those cities on the east coast, but very soon will be splitting my time between Texas and Arizona.

Now I imagine starving hordes of city dwellers, looking for scapegoats and pumped full of class warfare propaganda by urban Marxist apparatchiks, fanning out en masse from their dark, decaying urban zones desperate for food and vengeance against the greedy "fascist" horders in the suburbs and rural areas.
Kind of like army ants, but with less "swarm intelligence" and organization.

10-10-18, 07:38
Now I imagine starving hordes of city dwellers, looking for scapegoats and pumped full of class warfare propaganda by urban Marxist apparatchiks, fanning out en masse from their dark, decaying urban zones desperate for food and vengeance against the greedy "fascist" horders in the suburbs and rural areas. Kind of like army ants, but with less "swarm intelligence" and organization.
Sounds a bit like the movie World War Z.

10-10-18, 08:47
This is sad!

When asked for comment, Portland Police Bureau's said that introducing law enforcement to a crowd of people engaged in illegal activity could "change the demeanor of the crowd for the worse."


Doc Safari
10-10-18, 09:02
This is sad!

When asked for comment, Portland Police Bureau's said that introducing law enforcement to a crowd of people engaged in illegal activity could "change the demeanor of the crowd for the worse."


Let me translate that:

"Our officers are too valuable to risk injury or lawsuits protecting a bunch of good-for-nothing citizens from something that doesn't even remotely affect us."

10-10-18, 09:31
This is sad!

When asked for comment, Portland Police Bureau's said that introducing law enforcement to a crowd of people engaged in illegal activity could "change the demeanor of the crowd for the worse."


Lesson learned. When the police come to remove you, start tearing things up.

How about when people turn into violent mobs, you crack skulls and institute real jail time. That might also work. Put some of these radical, temper tantrum snowflakes in #indass prison and see how that mitigates behavior.

10-10-18, 12:22
Now I imagine starving hordes of city dwellers, looking for scapegoats and pumped full of class warfare propaganda by urban Marxist apparatchiks, fanning out en masse from their dark, decaying urban zones desperate for food and vengeance against the greedy "fascist" horders in the suburbs and rural areas.
Kind of like army ants, but with less "swarm intelligence" and organization.

I live in a rather small community an hour or less from the mecca of Texas Socialism. If that ever happens, I would imagine hanging a few of these miscreants from the overpasses leading in to town along the most likely avenues of approach might cause some pause.
If your local Law Enforcement doesn't understand the ramifications of standing aside to avoid insults, injuries or legal issues all they are a part of the problem.
The elderly gentleman who was accosted in his car simply needs to apply the correct legal pressure and make this a more interesting issue to address.

10-10-18, 13:04
I live in a rather small community an hour or less from the mecca of Texas Socialism. If that ever happens, I would imagine hanging a few of these miscreants from the overpasses leading in to town along the most likely avenues of approach might cause some pause.

I was joking about it a bit earlier in the thread but I really have to wonder about what horrific stuff would become necessary and what kind of a psychopath the strain of existing amidst Civil War 2 might mold me into.

10-10-18, 14:11
I was joking about it a bit earlier in the thread but I really have to wonder about what horrific stuff would become necessary and what kind of a psychopath the strain of existing amidst Civil War 2 might mold me into.

If "They" are willing to use blunt force weapons against an elderly and perhaps confused and scared driver on a city street, I'm just guessing all bets are off. We just haven't become rationally aware and willing to accept how far down that road they've already gone.
If this was material shown on the MSM, this would end.

Doc Safari
10-10-18, 14:13
If "They" are willing to use blunt force weapons against an elderly and perhaps confused and scared driver on a city street, I'm just guessing all bets are off. We just haven't become rationally aware and willing to accept how far down that road they've already gone.

Study other civil wars to see what depths of Hell people descend into. I am of the opinion that the cartel violence in Mexico is in reality a civil war described in other terms. Look at how people are kidnapped, tortured, killed, etc., and you can get an idea of what countries become once a civil war turns from talk to action.

10-10-18, 14:29
If "They" are willing to use blunt force weapons against an elderly and perhaps confused and scared driver on a city street, I'm just guessing all bets are off. We just haven't become rationally aware and willing to accept how far down that road they've already gone.
If this was material shown on the MSM, this would end.

Yeah, what is with the guy with the asp taking a swing at the old guys car. I had always thought those were illegal, guess not. It does look like we are there now. Hillary is calling for violence, that's how the left crazies will interpret.

10-10-18, 14:31
I have a history of mental illness in my family up to and including psychopathic and apparently homicidal behavior.
While I'd like to state in no uncertain terms that I'm not a psychopath, I do exhibit *some* traits also seen in people with that type of disorder.
When I see the Left behaving this way, and knowing their agenda it kinda makes my blood boil. It also kind of makes my mind wander and start posing the question to myself as to whether the stress of a Civil War 2 situation, coupled with my extreme hated for the opposition might cause some mostly latent tendencies in my genes to come to the forefront.

10-10-18, 14:34
It's a chimp that comes to the rescue in a series of car dealer ads some years back. No matter the context, or intention, a monkey, a chimp performing like a Homo sapien is now off limits.

They were referring to this type of "trunk monkey", USSS PPD CAT (Presidential Protective Detail Counter Assault Team).


Doc Safari
10-10-18, 14:39
I have a history of mental illness in my family up to and including psychopathic and apparently homicidal behavior.
While I'd like to state in no uncertain terms that I'm not a psychopath, I do exhibit *some* traits also seen in people with that type of disorder.
When I see the Left behaving this way, and knowing their agenda it kinda makes my blood boil. It also kind of makes my mind wander and start posing the question to myself as to whether the stress of a Civil War 2 situation, coupled with my extreme hated for the opposition might cause some mostly latent tendencies in my genes to come to the forefront.

Be careful what you admit to. Google is watching you.

10-10-18, 14:59
A lot of american cities on the coasts are controlled by the marxist, but you go just 40 miles or so out of the cities you have normal people.

The country side makes the food, electricity, and everything that the city needs travels through the country side.

So if you want civil war, the folks in the country need to destroy power lines and blockage the interstates and let the cities die. I currently spend my time in some of those cities on the east coast, but very soon will be splitting my time between Texas and Arizona.

I've said it for years, wall off the cities and let them burn. They are the proverbial self fulfilling prophecy, within a twelve month period the problem would correct itself.

Now I imagine starving hordes of city dwellers, looking for scapegoats and pumped full of class warfare propaganda by urban Marxist apparatchiks, fanning out en masse from their dark, decaying urban zones desperate for food and vengeance against the greedy "fascist" horders in the suburbs and rural areas.
Kind of like army ants, but with less "swarm intelligence" and organization.

This is exactly what is happening to White farmers in South Africa currently.

10-10-18, 15:05
Study other civil wars to see what depths of Hell people descend into. I am of the opinion that the cartel violence in Mexico is in reality a civil war described in other terms. Look at how people are kidnapped, tortured, killed, etc., and you can get an idea of what countries become once a civil war turns from talk to action.

Read up on our own. Wasn't that uncommon for guerrillas (on both sides) to cut a man's junk off and stuff it in his mouth as they rode on to their next target. You can use your imagination what they did to women. The POW camps were sadist playgrounds.

10-10-18, 15:10
I've said it for years, wall off the cities and let them burn. They are the proverbial self fulfilling prophecy, within a twelve month period the problem would correct itself.

Can you imagine Truckers pulling up to over passes, bridges and tunnels and dropping their trailers and turning around?
At some point no one will take a load in to those cities and they will ditch the trailer and try to make it home, not only will those folks in the cities not get fed, they will have a maze to navigate when they try to leave.

10-10-18, 15:12
Study other civil wars to see what depths of Hell people descend into. I am of the opinion that the cartel violence in Mexico is in reality a civil war described in other terms. Look at how people are kidnapped, tortured, killed, etc., and you can get an idea of what countries become once a civil war turns from talk to action.

Excellent example of what to expect.
The Left, Hillary, Obama, Holder and others are Cheering On this "Get in Their Face" program.
It's going to spiral out of control quickly.

10-10-18, 15:14
This is sad!

When asked for comment, Portland Police Bureau's said that introducing law enforcement to a crowd of people engaged in illegal activity could "change the demeanor of the crowd for the worse."


I wonder what kind of oath those officers take? Protecting lives must not be part of it. Maybe they take an oath to go home safely everyday.

Doc Safari
10-10-18, 15:15
Excellent example of what to expect.
The Left, Hillary, Obama, Holder and others are Cheering On this "Get in Their Face" program.
It's going to spiral out of control quickly.

An acquaintance in a bar one time asked me, "Have you drawn up your list yet?"

He could tell I was kind of puzzled.

"You know, the people you're going to kill as soon as it's acceptable?"

I know a chill ran up my spine. I had never thought of things like that before. But he's right: there are people out there right now who may have you or your neighbors' names on their list once the SHTF.

10-10-18, 15:16
Read up on our own. Wasn't that uncommon for guerrillas (on both sides) to cut a man's junk off and stuff it in his mouth as they rode on to their next target. You can use your imagination what they did to women. The POW camps were sadist playgrounds.

I recently read a book about the bushwhackers in Appalachia during the Civil War. It was very ugly on both sides and rivals any brutality you would read about in other countries.

10-10-18, 15:22
"Now I imagine starving hordes of city dwellers, looking for scapegoats and pumped full of class warfare propaganda by urban Marxist apparatchiks, fanning out en masse from their dark, decaying urban zones desperate for food and vengeance against the greedy "fascist" horders in the suburbs and rural areas."

Replace fascist with european and its certainly an apt description of a whole chunk of Africa in the 70s and 80s. One thing though, as far as I know, no communist countries are supplying arms to the Antifa - yet.


Doc Safari
10-10-18, 15:24
One thing though, as far as I know no communist countries are supplying arms to the Antifa - yet.


That you know of. It may be a controlled escalation designed to force the opposition to fire the first shots, thereby letting Antifa claim the high ground that they were peacefully protesting when they got massacred.

I would be very careful interacting with any of those oxygen thieves. They are just pawns for very powerful and evil players.

10-10-18, 15:46
An acquaintance in a bar one time asked me, "Have you drawn up your list yet?"

He could tell I was kind of puzzled.

"You know, the people you're going to kill as soon as it's acceptable?"

I know a chill ran up my spine. I had never thought of things like that before. But he's right: there are people out there right now who may have you or your neighbors' names on their list once the SHTF.

I'm lazy, I'll just use my X-Mas card list in reverse.

Read up on our own. Wasn't that uncommon for guerrillas (on both sides) to cut a man's junk off and stuff it in his mouth as they rode on to their next target. You can use your imagination what they did to women. The POW camps were sadist playgrounds.

"Sadist Playground". F yes, got the new name for my heavy metal band....

Seriously though, can we stop channeling Mad Max fantasies. The civil war ones are like the Zombie ones, everyone thinks that they and theirs will be the 'good' guys and never the zombies. News flash, you get to be a zombie.

10-10-18, 15:48
AntiFa has thousands of people training in Syria. The first American to get killed was a Lakota Indian from if I remember correctly North Dakota.

10-10-18, 16:10
Be careful what you admit to. Google is watching you.

If things ever get so bad I have to start making those kind of ugly choices I doubt it will matter.
Until then I shall content myself with merely wishing all manner of ill will on the Feral Left.

Doc Safari
10-10-18, 16:12
If things ever get so bad I have to start making those kind of ugly choices I doubt it will matter.
Until then I shall content myself with merely wishing all manner of ill will on the Feral Left.

Something tells me that concurrent with the new Civil War in America, we will also have a "Dirty War" a la Argentina.

10-10-18, 16:21
I wonder what kind of oath those officers take? Protecting lives must not be part of it. Maybe they take an oath to go home safely everyday.

"To Protect the Demeanor, and serve the Most Vocal Complainants." :rolleyes:

10-10-18, 16:26
"Now I imagine starving hordes of city dwellers, looking for scapegoats and pumped full of class warfare propaganda by urban Marxist apparatchiks, fanning out en masse from their dark, decaying urban zones desperate for food and vengeance against the greedy "fascist" horders in the suburbs and rural areas."

Not ALL of us are stuck in the urban cessmaze willingly - NOT all of us are from here, or were raised with that crap. And some of us know, that if you're gonna play Alamo, EVEN John Wayne dies at the end. I'll try & thin the herd a bit, BEFORE they get to your place. Remember me as one of the GOOD guys.

10-10-18, 16:30
They were referring to this type of "trunk monkey", USSS PPD CAT (Presidential Protective Detail Counter Assault Team).


The "Trunk Gorilla" has a mini-gun......

Doc Safari
10-10-18, 16:31
Remember me as one of the GOOD guys.

You'll have to wear a pink vagina cap with Molon Labe stencilled on it so we can recognize you as friend and not fire on you. :jester::laugh::sarcastic::lol::dance3::haha::nono::bad::rolleyes::cool::confused:

10-10-18, 16:33
An acquaintance in a bar one time asked me, "Have you drawn up your list yet?"

He could tell I was kind of puzzled.

"You know, the people you're going to kill as soon as it's acceptable?"

I know a chill ran up my spine. I had never thought of things like that before. But he's right: there are people out there right now who may have you or your neighbors' names on their list once the SHTF.

I had a list...when I was in Florida. :sarcastic:

10-10-18, 16:36
Be careful what you admit to. Google is watching you.

I just ordered 50 copies of Unintended Consequences on Amazon.

Doc Safari
10-10-18, 16:39
I just ordered 50 copies of Unintended Consequences on Amazon.

Cool. And you're paying it forward to us deserving M4C members, right?

10-10-18, 16:43
The last democratic president used the FBI,IRS, and federal courts as a weapon against conservatives.

Look at what has happened in the last 2 years. Multiple terror attacks against Republicans and mobs in their face when they are out in public.

Now ask yourself a simple question. What will the dems do the next time they are in the WH, and control Congress?

Doc Safari
10-10-18, 16:47
The last democratic president used the FBI,IRS, and federal courts as a weapon against conservatives.

Look at what has happened in the last 2 years. Multiple terror attacks against Republicans and mobs in their face when they are out in public.

Now ask yourself a simple question. What will the dems do the next time they are in the WH, and control Congress?

This is the perfect time for this post. Your girlfriend Hillary Clinton appears to declare war on the opposition as long as the dems are out of power:


...Hillary Clinton’s statement Tuesday that Democrats “cannot be civil” as long as Republicans hold the White House and Congress.

“You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about,” Clinton told CNN. “That’s why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength.”

There you have it — a declaration of war and a license for violence. Where is the media outrage?

Clinton knows we are already in the danger zone when it comes to the political temperature. Her comments, then, are as reckless as bringing a can of gasoline to a bonfire.

She’s stoking trouble to gain a foothold in the 2020 race — and damn the consequences.

Her claim that civility can return when Dems have power is an admission that the ends justify the means.

My take: if this is how they look at things when they have no power, imagine what it will be next time they ARE in power. How long will it be until they decide to simply declare their opposition illegal through some of the myriad of anti-terrorist, organized crime, or other obscure laws? When will they be bold enough to simply go after conservatives using RICO or other statutes? AND WHAT WILL THE CONSERVATIVES' RESPONSE BE?

10-10-18, 17:16

Same as it's been all along, we (while I'm more of a libertarian than a conservative, I'm somewhat conservative-adjacent) sit on our hands. While I think we'll could do fairly well for ourselves if the time ever comes, deciding *when* the time has come is going to be a big mental obstacle for our typically law-abiding side of the aisle to overcome. The opposition is likely banking on our long-standing tendency to respect the rule of law. We play by the rules, while they ignore or re-write them.

10-10-18, 17:41
My take: if this is how they look at things when they have no power, imagine what it will be next time they ARE in power. How long will it be until they decide to simply declare their opposition illegal through some of the myriad of anti-terrorist, organized crime, or other obscure laws? When will they be bold enough to simply go after conservatives using RICO or other statutes? AND WHAT WILL THE CONSERVATIVES' RESPONSE BE?

It is kind of interesting the asymmetry of it. The right won't do anything on a large scale because they are inherently law abiding. The left decides that they won't break the laws, they will just 'break' the law and replace it with a new one that suits their purposes. Ironically, the courts have been their way to get that done usually. Now neither side is acting- not a Mexican stand-off, more a Taco Bell Stand-off.

10-10-18, 17:42
Same as it's been all along, we (while I'm more of a libertarian than a conservative, I'm somewhat conservative-adjacent) sit on our hands. While I think we'll could do fairly well for ourselves if the time ever comes, deciding *when* the time has come is going to be a big mental obstacle for our typically law-abiding side of the aisle to overcome. The opposition is likely banking on our long-standing tendency to respect the rule of law. We play by the rules, while they ignore or re-write them.

Things will fall apart when the left starts moving their shenanigans out of the liberal bastions protecting them to predominant conservative (read: rural or semi rural) areas. If they came down my road, knowing my neighbors, they would never make it to my house. And the local Sheriff's Department will be standing on our side.

Actually I can visualize it. Here they are, a bunch of kooks in black, walking down the middle of my road. Neighbor John is driving up in his ten year old F-250 when one of them hits the hood of his truck and tells him to turn around. Well, time to call animal control to pick up all the run over, dead carcasses on the road.

10-10-18, 17:58
Things will fall apart when the left starts moving their shenanigans out of the liberal bastions protecting them to predominant conservative (read: rural or semi rural) areas. If they came down my road, knowing my neighbors, they would never make it to my house. And the local Sheriff's Department will be standing on our side.

Actually I can visualize it. Here they are, a bunch of kooks in black, walking down the middle of my road. Neighbor John is driving up in his ten year old F-250 when one of them hits the hood of his truck and tells him to turn around. Well, time to call animal control to pick up all the run over, dead carcasses on the road.

The left passes laws and then selectively enforces them. So, for us, they outlaw stuff and tell us to turn it in or become a potential felon. So you either have this stuff laying around that you can't go out and use with out risk of doing real time. Really passive aggressive. They never are going to go house to house. They'll pick us off one by one as ex-girlfriends turn us in, neighbors get bitchy or you pop up on a threat matrix and they actively come after the 0.1%.

10-10-18, 18:07
My girlfriend Hilary, not.

The worse person I have ever had to be around.

Left outlaws tools, I need to survive.

Good luck dealing with me, if you make me an instant felon.

10-10-18, 18:08
The left passes laws and then selectively enforces them. So, for us, they outlaw stuff and tell us to turn it in or become a potential felon. So you either have this stuff laying around that you can't go out and use with out risk of doing real time. Really passive aggressive. They never are going to go house to house. They'll pick us off one by one as ex-girlfriends turn us in, neighbors get bitchy or you pop up on a threat matrix and they actively come after the 0.1%.

I agree there, but I was just expounding on the antifa lawlessness that we were discussing.

10-10-18, 18:13
"Sadist Playground". F yes, got the new name for my heavy metal band....

Your welcome, just give me a shout out in your debut album's credits. :cool:

Seriously though, can we stop channeling Mad Max fantasies. The civil war ones are like the Zombie ones, everyone thinks that they and theirs will be the 'good' guys and never the zombies. News flash, you get to be a zombie.

I don't think civil wars, usurpers, revolutions, insurgencies, et al. are fantasy. I believe them to be eventualities, our Civil War and the next one are orchestrated by outside influences enacting the age old "divide and conquer" contrivance.

As for zombies, when George A. Miller invented the zombie film genre he always said he found the neighbors to be more scary than the Universal movie monsters (Dracula, Wolfman, Frankenstein, etc.) and that the device was merely a metaphor for the average ordinary everyday Tom, Dick, and Harry. So as Philip K. Dick put in his short story; "All You Zombies".

10-10-18, 18:16
AntiFa has thousands of people training in Syria. The first American to get killed was a Lakota Indian from if I remember correctly North Dakota.

I've had two, two mind you SJW trolls on this very forum deny this.


The last democratic president used the FBI,IRS, and federal courts as a weapon against conservatives.

Look at what has happened in the last 2 years. Multiple terror attacks against Republicans and mobs in their face when they are out in public.

Now ask yourself a simple question. What will the dems do the next time they are in the WH, and control Congress?

Put more pillows over the faces of Conservative SCOTUS Justices and stack the high court with activist leftist judges (infiltrators) and abort the 1st and 2nd Amendments.

They will go after We the People's right to speak out against them and take away our means in which to defend ourselves.

10-10-18, 18:17

Bitch about it on the internet...

10-10-18, 18:23
The irony of turning me in to the Felon that I am not is, I have not a lot to lose afterwards.
We can disagree, but when you move that bar so forward that a theological/constitutional question becomes my right to live and thrive, or die and sink, you've pushed that bar a bit too forward.
those who have nothing to lose have little reason to obey the rules of society.

10-10-18, 18:34
Things will fall apart when the left starts moving their shenanigans out of the liberal bastions protecting them to predominant conservative (read: rural or semi rural) areas. If they came down my road, knowing my neighbors, they would never make it to my house. And the local Sheriff's Department will be standing on our side.

Actually I can visualize it. Here they are, a bunch of kooks in black, walking down the middle of my road. Neighbor John is driving up in his ten year old F-250 when one of them hits the hood of his truck and tells him to turn around. Well, time to call animal control to pick up all the run over, dead carcasses on the road.

While I generally am happy with my own reclusive tendencies, during discussions like these I find that I envy those people on this board who live in a communities with a decent "support network" of friends and nieghbors they can trust to have their backs. I live in a suburban nieghborhood but I'm really not a "meet and greet" kind of guy and my job leaves me thoroughly burnt out on human interaction every day, so I've made basically no effort at socializing with my nieghbors and as a result I'm kind of on my own if things go sideways. I've lived in my house for two years now and I don't even know the last name of the people across the street from me.

10-10-18, 18:51
You'll have to wear a pink vagina cap with Molon Labe stencilled on it so we can recognize you as friend and not fire on you. :jester::laugh::sarcastic::lol::dance3::haha::nono::bad::rolleyes::cool::confused:

Just for that, I'm NOT leaving you my 1911's! :haha:

10-10-18, 20:11
There was a post or an article I read about how to deal with violent mobs that involved using snipers hidden in the back of pickups for mobility. Anyone have a link to it?

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

10-10-18, 20:21
There was a post or an article I read about how to deal with violent mobs that involved using snipers hidden in the back of pickups for mobility. Anyone have a link to it?

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

You may be thinking about this article by Matt Bracken:


10-10-18, 20:26
You may be thinking about this article by Matt Bracken:

https://westernrifleshooters.wordpress.com/2012/09/03/bracken-when-the-music-stops-how-americas-cities-may-explode-in-violence/That's the one. Thank you!

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

10-10-18, 20:44
While I generally am happy with my own reclusive tendencies, during discussions like these I find that I envy those people on this board who live in a communities with a decent "support network" of friends and nieghbors they can trust to have their backs. I live in a suburban nieghborhood but I'm really not a "meet and greet" kind of guy and my job leaves me thoroughly burnt out on human interaction every day, so I've made basically no effort at socializing with my nieghbors and as a result I'm kind of on my own if things go sideways. I've lived in my house for two years now and I don't even know the last name of the people across the street from me.

I've lived in my house for about six years and I've gotten to where I know the names of most of my neighbors... who are dogs.

The names of the humans who live with those dogs I couldn't tell you.

10-10-18, 21:08
I'm not into the civil war thing as I never believe it solves anything. But lately the democrats, socialists, liberals, communists, etc. are just out there promoting violence. Here are a couple from their leaders:

Holder: When they go low, We kick 'em.


Clintonwitch: Civility can start again when democrats take the house and or the senate.


They are stirring up craps and the media are not calling them out. Remember the uproar when Gabby Gifford was shot in 2011? the media were blaming Sarah Palin.

10-10-18, 21:11
...They are stirring up craps and the media are not calling them out. Remember the uproar when Gabby Gifford was shot in 2011? the media were blaming Sarah Palin.

The MSM won't call them out because they are complicit. antifa, blm, etc., are the militant arm of the democrat/leftist/socialist/communist party. The MSM is the propaganda arm.

10-10-18, 21:40
It is kind of interesting that Clinton's comment really isn't aimed at the GOP. It is aimed at voters. It is essence is "Vote for us or we will continue to whine and mob up". The GOP didn't take control of all forms of govt away from the dems, the voters did. Being mad at the GOP is like being mad at the OScar statue because you lost to another actress. The real issue is the academy voters.