View Full Version : So now the good old fashioned "A-Ok" sign is racist?

09-16-18, 11:48

Good, I'll have to make sure I do it at every opportunity. F*****g whiners, quite frankly I'm tired of it. Grow a pair and quit being so damned thin-skinned. I REFUSE to allow the debate to be framed by friggin' crybabies.

LMT Shooter
09-16-18, 12:12
I keep hearing these stories, but I have no idea about how, or by what group/individual, this hand gesture was adopted as a "white power" symbol. I hope somebody posts an answer to that. I wonder if this "white power hand sign" is some BS story that a snowflake came up with, and now the media is just going with it.

Not that I give a damn, I'm just curious.

09-16-18, 12:17
Manufactured outraged.

"The Anti-Defamation League previously noted that the “OK” gesture isn’t a hate symbol. “Has the simple thumb-and-forefinger ‘OK’ hand gesture become a white supremacist hand sign? Well, no, it hasn’t, but you are likely to hear just the opposite from social media, thanks to the latest hoax from members of notorious website 4chan,” read a post from the anti-racism group."

I guess all divers, regardless of race, are white supremacists. :rolleyes:

09-16-18, 13:14
Its not, no one thinks it is... people just scream “racist” at random stuff to either try to get it to stick, or as a meme and people take it serious.

Dr. Bullseye
09-16-18, 13:17
Its not, no one thinks it is... people just scream “racist” at random stuff to either try to get it to stick, or as a meme and people take it serious.

....and I have an old Anglo-Saxon sign ready for them.

09-16-18, 13:30
Good info here. I was all confused. Now it makes sense. Hyper sensitive politically correct all inclusive feel goods got pranked by 4chan.


09-16-18, 13:31
Guys on 4chan literally made it up as a prank and started spreading it around. The media is just dumb enough to pick it up and run with it.

09-16-18, 14:36
Guys on 4chan literally made it up as a prank and started spreading it around. The media is just dumb enough to pick it up and run with it.

Because so many idiots WANT it to be true.

09-16-18, 14:40

Social media has a way of mocking stupidity. Here’s a super top secret white supremecist guide using the sign language alphabet.

09-16-18, 14:59

Social media has a way of mocking stupidity. Here’s a super top secret white supremecist guide using the sign language alphabet.

Just, it's just...… :shout:


09-16-18, 15:01
That Coast Guard guy was relieved of duty for it! Looks like he was trying to plug his ear with his finger so he could hear the phone he had up to the other side. Unreal!

09-16-18, 15:11
Don’t forget the thumbs up... is Hitler. Hahaha


09-16-18, 15:41

09-16-18, 16:21
This speaks to lack of intellectual depth and critical thinking ability of, well, most of our planet.

09-16-18, 17:14
I had to google "1488", not sure if that is good thing or a bad thing.

09-16-18, 17:19
Can I hazard a guess, at who be-otches the LOUDEST? :rolleyes:


09-16-18, 17:54
You guys know that's all fake right? The Chans made all those hand gestures up so snowflakes see racism and oppression everywhere.

Yes. Fake but Poe.

09-16-18, 19:07
You guys know that's all fake right? The Chans made all those hand gestures up so snowflakes see racism and oppression everywhere.

So I've heard. Nonetheless, the Left has run with it. Just look at what happened to the Coast Guard guy, with the USCG being a government entity (kinda lends some "credence" to it, albeit misguided). Oh, and since when has the Left cared about "fake news" or even it being exposed as BS? The ends justify the means to those bastards. 4-Chan was yanking their chains (from what I've read) but mark my words: it will now be verboten to do it. Of course that doesn't matter one iota to me; I'm so politically incorrect it ain't funny!

One positive thing.....the "you're number one with me" sign is still good-to-go! ;)

09-16-18, 19:13
:sarcastic::laugh:How long till someone gets fired for saying “I hope” and crosses their fingers��

09-16-18, 21:27
Somebody needs to show 4chan how to do kuji in.


09-16-18, 22:21

LMT Shooter
09-16-18, 22:31
Is that kapernick?

diving dave
09-17-18, 10:06
Buckwheat says its O-tay though......:rolleyes:

09-17-18, 11:26
Amazing how the left continues to write and rewrite the narrative which then becomes the acceptable norm. This will now be included in all sensitivity training- flash the OK sign or thumbs up and you will be fired for being a racist white supremist. And I do not see an end to this madness.

09-17-18, 13:07
Years ago;
We had a a Company of Tanks parked in column formation in a small Bavarian Village. I can't remember why we stopped, but we stopped in this Village for about 20 minutes. All the vehicles were up against the curb as far as we could go and were waiting for the order to move out.
The hand signal for this is the right arm stiff and raised at a 45 degree angle from the shoulder to gain the attention of the Tank Crew behind you. When the signal is received it is reversed back from the rear most vehicle to the front most vehicle.
So I'm waiting for the signal to come back to me so I can pass it forward and I look down and there is like an 80 year old German man passing the same "signal" toward the rear of the column
Yeah, that cracked me up.

09-17-18, 13:28
So here is the thing what that guy did is old bag. In the past year the circle game has come back in fashion for some reason. When I was a kid you would make that geasture usually right around your pocket and if your buddy looked he would get a punch in the arm.

That game has returned except there is no punching(because that's frowned upon now). It has been in memes for over 6 months now and it's just now a "haha got you" kind of thing. The reason it's being spouted as racist is because some soccer mom who can't internet when online asking what it is got trolled hard and spouted of incorrect information that spread like herpes.

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