View Full Version : DeadPool II (Review)

09-17-18, 19:00
I had generally high expectations for this movie as the reviews and such were quite good. Maybe they saw a different movie. It was predictable, poorly written, and tried too hard to be funny and edgy, and failed. Good action and CGI didn't make up for the attempt to recreate the formula of the first movie, but failed. The trailer is best part of it. I really wanted to like this movie, but the plot was lame, constant X Men jokes and such got old real fast, and just didn't have the dialogue and characters the first did to make it all work. Tons of annoying little details that accumulated to kill the enjoyment. The all inclusive stuff was the nail in the coffin for me. C+


09-17-18, 19:03
I thought it was hilarious.


09-17-18, 19:08
I thought it was hilarious.

It had a few good lines but tried too hard and just flopped for me. First was far better.

09-17-18, 19:11
I really enjoyed it ::shrug::. My wife LOL'd, which is rare, in theater, during baby-penis.

10-22-18, 20:21
Am I the only one that was waiting for the scene from the trailer where he's trying to do the "Superman quick-change in a phone booth" and wondering where the heck it went? Cuz that was hilarious...

So... on to the rest...
I was not entirely impressed with the first movie to start with- there were some great moments, and then sort of "meh" in other spots where it felt like it should have been "driven home" for lack of a better phrase, a bit more. Fun but a little "been there" cliche.

The second one is about the same... actually a bit more of a roller coaster than the first as it is either balls-out great, or "meh".
I mean the one opening fight scene with the cocaine garage gang was SO Deapool... just sheer chaos. There was so much going on I had to rewind and watch it three times, and I almost puked laughing each time... :laugh:
Then the thing with Vanessa you can see coming a mile away, and is literally the oldest cliche in action movies. Not really sure why they went there...
The left lean of the writers/producers is blatantly obvious in this one, they managed to stick in some of the typical messaging, in both subtle and obvious ways. Real cute...
The kid from Wilderpeople is pretty much the kid from Wilderpeople- mildly interesting, but I found myself caring less about his story line, which was I guess supposed to be the main cause of much of the movie, than I did about other characters and events going on. Domino was actually more fun/interesting of a character...
I actually quite liked Cable. I don't follow the comics, so I have no idea how faithful a recreation he was but... he felt like everything more or less worked, IMO, a good foil for 'Pool. And of course his mega-guntraption goes to 11, so...have to give him points for that... :laugh:
The ending was half predictable, half hilarious.

I'd put it at like 7/10- the good parts are good enough where you'll sort of forget the not so great parts by the time the movie ends.

10-22-18, 21:44
I really liked the first one too, and had high hopes for this one. I found it entertaining and funny in some parts, but it wasn't as good as the first. Still, I thought it was a good movie. I'd go see a third one if they do it. Or at least I'd watch it on a cross country flight again.

El Vaquero
10-23-18, 01:03
I also had high hopes for this one. The first one I thought was great. Nailed it. This one was predictable and lacking the same creative wit as the first one. It clearly had a different director at the wheel. Very disappointed in the second one. Hoping this one is as Temple of Doom was to the Indiana Jones trilogy (I ignore the Crystal Skull movie and just consider it a bad dream) and they make a 3rd one that is much better.

10-23-18, 16:14
Josh Brolin did an excellent job of bringing Cable to life. Very spot on and accurate depiction of the comic book character. Domino I was very pissed about because she is clearly a pasty white chick in the comics and seeing her as a black chick with Kapernick fro immediately put a bad taste in my mouth. HOWEVER, she killed it and did a great job. I was very wrong about my initial thoughts/judgements. Not to mention I was unsure how they were going to capture/show off her mutant power of “luck”. I think they pulled it off well and didn’t overdue it and look forward to seeing that character on the big screen again.