View Full Version : Congrats to TEXAS!!

09-19-18, 19:24
“Voters elected political newcomer Pete Flores (R) to the Texas Senate on Tuesday, flipping a Democratic district red for the first time in 139 years and bolstering Republicans’ supermajority in the chamber ahead of the November elections,” the San Antonio Express-News reports.


Hold the line in Nov. Texas!

If you live in one of the three districts that are up for grabs be sure to vote. You have a 21 seat super majority now and need to retain at least 19.

09-19-18, 20:07
Great news! I am happy to hear voters are waking up to the BS of status quo historical voting patterns.

09-19-18, 20:17
“Voters elected political newcomer Pete Flores (R) to the Texas Senate on Tuesday, flipping a Democratic district red for the first time in 139 years and bolstering Republicans’ supermajority in the chamber ahead of the November elections,” the San Antonio Express-News reports.


Hold the line in Nov. Texas!

If you live in one of the three districts that are up for grabs be sure to vote. You have a 21 seat super majority now and need to retain at least 19.
Thanks for noticing. Yes, it great, maybe we will finally get constitutional carry. But is of more importance to the nation for us to reelect Cruz and send beto boy back to the zoo.

09-19-18, 20:39
Thanks for noticing. Yes, it great, maybe we will finally get constitutional carry. But is of more importance to the nation for us to reelect Cruz and send beto boy back to the zoo.


09-19-18, 22:43
....... maybe we will finally get constitutional carry. .....

Now that Joe Straus is not seeking re-election, we have a chance.

Of course, the open-carry folk will probably come along and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

09-19-18, 22:43
Thanks for noticing.

We are all in this together.

Same situation here in VA. We have two situations. Dave Brat who has really worked his ass off and is an economics professor is being challenged by an ex-CIA out of the blue Dem.
Google Abigail Spanberger terror high

What is really insulting is how they present her going in as part of a door kicker line "with everyone's back".

Dave Brat is a good guy. Will get on the radio at any time and answer questions with detailed direct answers.

Our other issue and biggest issue is de-throning Tim Kaine. Corey Stewert is a hard talking guy. I don;t know that much about him but his father was a longshoreman and he ( Corey ) claims the AR-15 is less deadly than Hillary Clinton. I just don't know if the money is there.

I -think- Spanberger is basically a heat sink for money. Brat backing took out RINO Cantor... So if Spanberger can draw money from Stewert it is good for Little Timmy. She's a pawn. This district is pretty stable. There would typically be unusual situation where anyone would want to remove Brat. Seldom in the news. No one has any issues with him. Yet out of the blue comes this CIA woman. -somehow- someone released some FOIA docs that she did not want exposed. "A clerical mistake".

BUT.... if the Reds don't invest an hour to vote...

Taking Tim Kaine's seat -should be- a nationwide effort. He is a cancer on your 2A rights. Not to mention all manner of other issues of national interest.

The way I understand it. Cruz has a seat on the Trump train now? I think Cruz is smart enough to see that's generally been working. I don't expect Cruz and Trump will ever get along but they can share efforts. Looks like Cruz has three debates with Beto and a couple of points spread. Cruz is supposed to be the brains.... let's hope he brings it.

You know what they say. If it was easy everyone would be doing it.

VOTE With friends!

09-20-18, 01:26
Now that Joe Straus is not seeking re-election, we have a chance.

Of course, the open-carry folk will probably come along and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Yeah, that crazy OC crowd ruins everything.



In Iowa if you have a concealed carry permit, it allows you to open carry as well. So far, not really a problem.

09-20-18, 07:42
In Iowa if you have a concealed carry permit, it allows you to open carry as well. So far, not really a problem.
Same for Texas.

09-20-18, 08:02
But, but, but....BLUE WAVE. My media wouldn't lie to me:nono:

09-20-18, 09:05
In Iowa if you have a concealed carry permit, it allows you to open carry as well. So far, not really a problem.

Same in Texas. We no longer call it a "concealed permit". It's now a License to Carry.

09-20-18, 09:21
It's not a License to Carry.
Correction: It is named License to Carry.

09-20-18, 09:42
Correction: It is named License to Carry.

Yes, I corrected my "not" to be "now". Mistake on my part.

Doc Safari
09-20-18, 10:09
Better not uncork the champagne bottles yet: Some polls show Beto O'Rourke ahead of Ted Cruz.

09-20-18, 10:15
Better not uncork the champagne bottles yet: Some polls show Beto O'Rourke ahead of Ted Cruz.

Yeah I saw that one that shows him 2 points up. There is one that shows Cruz up by 4 and then of course the one that shows a 9 point lead. People need to get out and vote.

I am getting really annoyed at all of these Beto yard signs. FFS the guy across the street from me has one. I have a fairly strict policy of no political or gun stickers or signs but I really want to throw a Cruz sign in the front yard just because.

Doc Safari
09-20-18, 10:19
Beto is a DACA bootlicker. The guy is whiter than I am yet uses a Hispanic nickname "Beto" to try to endear himself to the Hispanic voters. It's like if Ted Kennedy were to call himself "Pancho" or something. Disgusting.

Here's "Beat-O" in a nutshell:


During a town hall event on Wednesday night, Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) — running against Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for the Senate seat — told a black American who questioned his support of illegal immigration that illegal aliens from Central America and Mexico are today’s cotton pickers.
O’Rourke’s remarks were made after a black American asked the congressman if he supported illegal aliens being given U.S. citizenship despite breaking the country’s immigration laws. O’Rourke responded by saying that it is illegal aliens who are working at cotton gins today.

O’Rourke recently said in an interview on CBS The Late Show, that he supported an amnesty for more than three million illegal aliens who were eligible and enrolled for President Obama’s DACA program.

“We can free DREAMers from the fear of deportation by making them U.S. citizens today, so they can contribute to their maximum capacity, to their full potential,” O’Rourke said.

Mass low-skilled illegal and legal immigration has come at the expense of America’s black working and middle-class communities and workers.

Data reported by Breitbart News reveals how studies by economists and researchers find that it is, specifically, underprivileged black American men who suffer the most from the importation of more than 1.5 million low-skilled immigrants every year to the U.S.

09-20-18, 11:02
You know, "Beto" is the natural reaction to what happens when Republicans get a bit too much starch in their collars.
If you get so "Conservative" that you begin to step on other people's freedoms, someone is going to come along eventually and call you on it. So "Beto" may be running from a debate against Cruz, but only because he is well aware that he will be crushed intellectually, but there is going to be a certain amount of people who have a point about Cruz being a complete stick in the mud when it comes to legalizing marijuana and honestly Cruz still doesn't get it.
Sometimes Adults need to be able to make Adult decisions about what they put in their bodies without "Big Brother" coming along and deciding for them. "Beto" O'Rourke is a unique P.O.S., but regardless of his arrest record (even with Daddy, covering for him as a Judge) he's managed to capture a certain segment of the Libertarian attention if not support in this election.
I stand diametrically opposed to "Beto", but honestly Cruz is becoming a dinosaur in some ways. It doesn't help that he looks like a creepy Ice Cream man that scares little kids.

Doc Safari
09-20-18, 11:07
Admittedly there are better candidates than Cruz. Here we have an "anyone but Beto" situation in my book. Just the guy's shit-eating grin makes me not trust him.

09-20-18, 11:28
Admittedly there are better candidates than Cruz.
That may be true, but they aren't in this race, just cruz and beto. Clearly, given that choice, cruz is far and away the better candidate.

09-20-18, 12:21
"Beto" is a pretend Hispanic running against a real Hispanic. If the parties were reversed the left and their MSM would be screaming "cultural appropriation".

The fact that "Beto" has as a criminal record only makes him more popular among his base.

09-20-18, 14:33
Same in Texas. We no longer call it a "concealed permit". It's now a License to Carry.

Yep, we call it a carry permit.