View Full Version : Wife just texted me;

09-20-18, 11:05
Apparently her Cousin and her Cousin's Husband were killed by a Drunk Driver yesterday afternoon.
This is why my Road King is kind of Dusty this summer, people are assholes.

Doc Safari
09-20-18, 11:10
Wow. Sorry to hear this.

You're right. People suck. Someone interested can Google who said it, but I've always lived by the philosophy: "Hell is the presence of other people."

09-20-18, 11:14
Five kids are now orphaned because someone chose to drink and drive.

09-20-18, 11:16
Wow terrible- sorry for your loss - just saw about the children - absolutely horrible.
Im assuming they were on a bike based on your post... thats the turn-off for me, you can do everything right and get killed by someone (drunk or not paying attention) much easier than a car.

Stay safe out there.

Doc Safari
09-20-18, 11:18
Five kids are now orphaned because someone chose to drink and drive.

My mom used to rent an apartment. The owners' grandkids were killed by a drunk driver. It destroyed their whole outlook on life. Their health failed and one of them died not long after. The other one may be dead by now.

When I worked for the prison system there was a guy in for felony DWI and involuntary manslaughter. He had so many convictions he no longer qualified for a misdemeanor charge. On top of that his last arrest involved killing a couple of people.

I sometimes think if the DWI laws were as strict as the civil forfeiture laws there would never be another drunk driving death. Drive while drunk; lose your house. That would stop a lot of people I think. Trouble is: a lot of drunk drivers are scumbags with nothing other than the keys to a car, so what do you do do them?

09-20-18, 11:34
Three of those kids are under seven.
I'm asking the Wife how we can help, She's just numb at this point.

Straight Shooter
09-20-18, 12:15
Five kids are now orphaned because someone chose to drink and drive.

In Jesus sweet name- blessings on the children, family, friends & loved ones.
If approved by mods, would there be anyway we as a board could help maybe? Im in for a donation.

09-20-18, 12:27
Five kids are now orphaned because someone chose to drink and drive.

This shit. Right here.

Is why I will always be an advocate for bringing back Roman and or Medieval forms of punishment.

09-20-18, 12:33
Apparently her Cousin and her Cousin's Husband were killed by a Drunk Driver yesterday afternoon.
This is why my Road King is kind of Dusty this summer, people are assholes.

My wife's parents were killed by a drunk shortly before our wedding. I know what it's like. Having a cop show up on your doorstep late night one evening is weird (for us at least); having them accompanied by a priest is very ominous. No I won't forget that.

I have nothing positive to say. But if you are able, you need to step up and do everything you can for their children. They will be traumatized, probably really messed up for years in ways you wouldn't expect, and permanently messed up for life to a lesser extent. You don't want to hear that, but it's reality. You are welcome to PM or email me if I can provide any more guidance.

MADD can provide some useful resources, but they also have some strange people of their own, so I would sample lightly at the MADD buffet then go on your way.

The children, through their guardian/estate, will want to sue the driver and anyone else who may be responsible. Get on that immediately because a lot of the evidence they need is people's memory, not written notes, and it will fade very fast. I don't care if this sounds like ambulance chasing, unless the family was incredibly wealthy the kids are going to need every dime they can get from any legitimate claim they may have.

Again, PM me if I can help.

09-20-18, 12:40
Wow.. condolences are not enough.. Very sorry to hear. In our house we have zero tolerances for dwi and texting. Doc, I'm stealing your quote, soo true. "Hell is the presence of other people."

09-20-18, 12:51
I retired earlier this year, almost a decade earlier than I thought I could.
I'm not in touch with the Wife as She is at work, I'm really considering what we can do to help. Who can take in five kids?

09-20-18, 13:07
I retired earlier this year, almost a decade earlier than I thought I could.
I'm not in touch with the Wife as She is at work, I'm really considering what we can do to help. Who can take in five kids?

So I'm guessing you are mid to late 50's. I don't know your family or housing situation, or what other relatives you have, but really the closest relative to the deceased who is kid-friendly and competent is the person who should take them in, if at all possible. It's hard to imagine childhood being wrecked more than by having both parents suddenly killed, and the kids will need the greatest stability and continuation of family life that they can get.

I know I have strong words on this but I have lived through almost the same thing - only difference is my wife and her brother were already in college, although brother was only 19. They were fortunate to have a lot of local relatives who could support them - more in family and emotional ways than money - so there was no issue of guardianship or homelessness. Still a very rough time.

09-20-18, 14:21
Very sorry!
Will be praying for you and your family.
In for a donation as well.

Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk

09-20-18, 14:23
This shit. Right here.

Is why I will always be an advocate for bringing back Roman and or Medieval forms of punishment.

It is also why I have no time for DUI / DWI assholes. You want to do that shit, stay home.

09-20-18, 14:30
Horrible news... Thoughts and prayers to you and your family. Makes me ill.

I also have no use for pricks that drink and drive or a-holes who text and drive.

Who do they think they are to put my life and that of my family in danger? So selfish and irresponsible.

It is also why I have no time for DUI / DWI assholes. You want to do that shit, stay home.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-20-18, 14:42
Averageman, sorry to hear that, that's horrible.


09-20-18, 15:05
So sorry to hear that and my condolences. That is a hard hand to be dealt.

09-20-18, 15:13
I'm waiting for the Wife to get off work.
My less than logical reaction is to sell some properties and buy a larger home and go back to work.
Man it's gotta suck to be those kids.

09-20-18, 15:21
One assholes bad decision has directly wrecked the lives of seven people. If this guy has Liability insurance than here is hoping he gets taken for all he is worth.

09-20-18, 18:22
The Drunk died a couple hours ago.

26 Inf
09-20-18, 18:49
I'm waiting for the Wife to get off work.
My less than logical reaction is to sell some properties and buy a larger home and go back to work.
Man it's gotta suck to be those kids.

Your thoughts aren't less than logical, they are the thoughts of a good man, willing to step up and help.

Someotherguy noted this: So I'm guessing you are mid to late 50's. I don't know your family or housing situation, or what other relatives you have, but really the closest relative to the deceased who is kid-friendly and competent is the person who should take them in, if at all possible. It's hard to imagine childhood being wrecked more than by having both parents suddenly killed, and the kids will need the greatest stability and continuation of family life that they can get.

That is good advice. Depending on the children's age, unless you think the kids will be going into a bad situation, it would probably be best if some younger relative took the kids and your family adopted the role of doting second cousins.

I was close to 47 when we took our daughters, first as foster kids, then as ours. They were 3 months and 1 year 3months when we got them. Don't get me wrong, I would do it again in a minute, but there were times when I thought to myself, they really deserve a younger dad and mom. But it worked.

Whatever happens, you guys are in our prayers. God knows your names.

09-20-18, 19:51
Thoughts and prayers to you, your wife, the kids, and the rest of your family.

09-20-18, 20:47
That's just horrible. My wife and I will keep you and your family in our prayers this evening. Really sorry to hear of this sort of thing.

Coal Dragger
09-20-18, 21:03
The Drunk died a couple hours ago.

Good, that removes the need for you to hunt him down and kill him.

09-20-18, 21:56
Good, that removes the need for you to hunt him down and kill him.

The problem is, unlike the drunk, most of us have shit to lose and can't engage in a lot of "should be done" activities. Not worth flushing your life over a POS unless you are really at the point where you are willing to sacrifice it all to make it happen.

09-20-18, 22:02
I'm waiting for the Wife to get off work.
My less than logical reaction is to sell some properties and buy a larger home and go back to work.
Man it's gotta suck to be those kids.

If you are the best candidate to take on that kind of responsibility, sit down and take a long, objective look at your capability to do so. Don't do it on just emotion because that is a decade and a half of commitment, lifetime if you really invest yourself.

Hopefully the parents were well insured and anyone who decides to step up is going to start out with a lot of financial help. And yeah, probably not many things that could be worse for those kids, I can't imagine what it must be like.

LMT Shooter
09-20-18, 22:02
I'm waiting for the Wife to get off work.
My less than logical reaction is to sell some properties and buy a larger home and go back to work.
Man it's gotta suck to be those kids.

I'm so sorry for you & your family, especially the kids. Right now, just be there for the kids. The long term decisions do not have to be made tonight. You seem like a good man, with a good heart and good intentions. You have a lot to handle right now, and I pray for the best, for the kids, for your family, and for you.

09-21-18, 00:03
Well the wife just shut down and went to bed.
I don't blame her, I'm just hoping the best available help gets to these kids (whom, I've never met.) as soon as possible.

09-21-18, 00:36
Well the wife just shut down and went to bed.
I don't blame her, I'm just hoping the best available help gets to these kids (whom, I've never met.) as soon as possible.

It was a tall order. Best you can do is just try and help whenever you can. One thing that always helped me, was having my Grandparents house available to me in Iowa. So no matter what crap and stress might be going on in FL with family, school or other issues the times I was able to just spend the summer with my Grandparents made all the difference in the world.

09-21-18, 12:15
The Drunk died a couple hours ago.

It doesn't bring back his victims but that is outstanding news.

Society would never punish him as he deserves and he will never be able to kill again.

Now at least the kids won't have to endure the horror of having to relive their parents deaths in two different trials.

09-21-18, 13:18
Wow, sorry to hear that. Things like this just change so many people's lives in the blink of an eye.

09-21-18, 14:58
This has just gone really sideways.
I'm offering my full support, I have advice, but at this point the legal vultures have descended and relatives have taken sides and have begun questioning motives.
Being an in-law I will leave this to the outlaw's.

09-21-18, 20:15
Man-o-man, I'm so sorry to hear this horrible news. My heart aches for those poor kids. People ****ing suck.

09-21-18, 20:16
This has just gone really sideways.
I'm offering my full support, I have advice, but at this point the legal vultures have descended and relatives have taken sides and have begun questioning motives.
Being an in-law I will leave this to the outlaw's.

Smart move, you'll just want to strangle someone otherwise.

09-21-18, 22:20
This has just gone really sideways.
I'm offering my full support, I have advice, but at this point the legal vultures have descended and relatives have taken sides and have begun questioning motives.
Being an in-law I will leave this to the outlaw's. Be there for your wife. Be there if someone calls on you to help those kids. Otherwise, there really isn't much more you can do.

For you fathers and mothers that are reading this thread. This is an eye opener to have your affairs in order. Families do weird shit when someone dies. Having it spelled out who will take your kids and how your financial affairs are to be handled in a will goes a long way towards having things go as smoothly as possible.

09-22-18, 00:53
This has just gone really sideways.
I'm offering my full support, I have advice, but at this point the legal vultures have descended and relatives have taken sides and have begun questioning motives.
Being an in-law I will leave this to the outlaw's.

Sounds like there is some insurance money up for grabs. Sad. AKDoug has the best advice.

09-22-18, 13:20
Some Father of 5, here in Mesa, AZ yesterday, got killed on his bike when (it appears) a school bus turned in front of him. Riding bikes is crazy with the number if idiots on the roads... drunk or not.