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10-15-18, 11:42
VA - 7th District

Spanberger vs Brat --- Really pissed to see what Brat referred to as 'outside money' bring in an exCIA agent that has nothing to say but "I'll do this, and I did that" All she can talk about is her CIA career which she tried to hide but was uncovered in a FOIA request that the Post Office screwed up. She apparently taught at a high school that turned out some pretty bad terrorists.

If you know anyone that lives in the corridor of Central VA from Chesterfield up through Richmond and out west to Goochland... call them and tell them to vote.

Texas - Looks like Real Clear Politics has given Cruz the lead over that Beto guy. Which seems like just another situation of outsiders throwing anything against the wall just to defeat an R. Not caring that their candidate has no skills.

Odds look ok at best for NV, MO, FL, AZ . Need more weight though. MT doesn't look good.... 1 out of 5 to retain control if the rest are valid.

SENATE D-44 ==== TossUp-6 ==== R-50

THE HOUSE --- or perhaps HOUSE OF HORRORS --- I don;t know what to think about this one.

GOVERNORS --- This looks like a disaster.

Doc Safari
10-15-18, 11:47
Red Wave. After the Cavanaugh debacle I see pitchforks and torches being carried by Republicans everywhere.

10-15-18, 11:57
Texas - Looks like Real Clear Politics has given Cruz the lead over that Beto guy. Which seems like just another situation of outsiders throwing anything against the wall just to defeat an R. Not caring that their candidate has no skills.

Beto O’Rourke raises $38 million in 3rd quarter: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/411109-beto-orourke-raises-38-million-in-3rd-quarter

10-15-18, 12:10
Red Wave. After the Cavanaugh debacle I see pitchforks and torches being carried by Republicans everywhere.

Maybe if the Dems had succeeded in blocking him. But instead, the Right will forget all about it by November while the Left, amped up and pissed off, will turn out in droves.

Strategically speaking, it might conceivably have been better to sacrifice Kavanaugh, allowing the endless Dem stalling tactics to stoke the righteous fury of voters, facilitating the GOP maintaining control of the legislature, then coming up with a new nominee after the elections.
Of course, the flip side is, if that turns out to not be enough, and the GOP loses control anyway, now by hypothetically allowing Kavanaugh to go down as collateral damage, the chance to get any decent SCOTUS nominees confirmed would have passed too.

So maybe the safest bet was to go the route they did.
Everything is a gamble I guess.

The only thing I'm sure of is that this country's best days are behind it. Mine too I suspect. I can't wait to go vote for a party I dislike in order to try and keep a party I hate out of power for just a little bit longer...

10-15-18, 12:34
Maybe if the Dems had succeeded in blocking him. But instead, the Right will forget all about it by November while the Left, amped up and pissed off, will turn out in droves.

I completely disagree. No one on the right who cared about Kavanaugh in September will have forgotten. However, the same will generally be true on the left.

So hard to predict any election, but especially this year. I think the biggest factor will be which side's reliable voters care enough to show up. At the moment I think much of the D base won't be caring much. The R base probably has been re-energized by Kavanaugh's ordeal. The Dems probably gained fewer swing or lazy votes from Kavanaugh than the Reps did.

10-15-18, 12:42
I completely disagree. No one on the right who cared about Kavanaugh in September will have forgotten. However, the same will generally be true on the left.

So hard to predict any election, but especially this year. I think the biggest factor will be which side's reliable voters care enough to show up. At the moment I think much of the D base won't be caring much. The R base probably has been re-energized by Kavanaugh's ordeal. The Dems probably gained fewer swing or lazy votes from Kavanaugh than the Reps did.

I derive exactly zero satisfaction from being right in these situations, so I hope your theory is the correct one and I'm proven spectacularly wrong.

10-15-18, 12:57
Strategically speaking, it might conceivably have been better to sacrifice Kavanaugh,

I've always thought that sounded like a Dem plan.

As fast as politics is changing and with the history of 2016 telling us we are out numbered by foot soldiers ( voters ) but not by generals ( electoral votes ) , Trump did the exact right thing. Get Kavanaugh in. Every other past R would have folded at their bluff.

Even if we lose every election from now on out we have him in with some equally powerful associates. AND we know that one of theirs is getting ready for the big sleep.

I would rather put my faith in two givens.. Trump and Kavanaugh than expect some specific retaliatory result across all of America.

I don't know about a RED Wave. We could certainly add a couple seats just as a 50/50 coin flip. The House... I'll be happy if the tide just comes back in to the 218 water line, much less a wave that takes us past the 236 we have now.

The Dems are out for blood. They will do --anything-- at this point.

10-15-18, 13:05
I've always thought that sounded like a Dem plan.

As fast as politics is changing and with the history of 2016 telling us we are out numbered by foot soldiers ( voters ) but not by generals ( electoral votes ) , Trump did the exact right thing. Get Kavanaugh in. Every other past R would have folded at their bluff.

Even if we lose every election from now on out we have him in with some equally powerful associates. AND we know that one of theirs is getting ready for the big sleep.

I would rather put my faith in two givens.. Trump and Kavanaugh than expect some specific retaliatory result across all of America.

I don't know about a RED Wave. We could certainly add a couple seats just as a 50/50 coin flip. The House... I'll be happy if the tide just comes back in to the 218 water line, much less a wave that takes us past the 236 we have now.

The Dems are out for blood. They will do --anything-- at this point.

The Dems only party platform: “We hate Trump and will impeach him”.


And the Democratic gubernatorial candidate for GA wants to bring out the illegal alien vote to win.


10-15-18, 13:15
Alec Baldwin - Overthrow the Trump government via voting.


Olivia Wilde stumps for mom in VA

Notice her husband is a SNL actor.

====== Where do they get these people from?
====== Come on mom, are you that stupid? https://www.dailywire.com/news/33748/democratic-virginia-congressional-candidate-kassy-dillon

10-15-18, 14:20

10-15-18, 18:32
Mid Terms - Thoughts - Pedictions - Aftermath . . .


So hard to predict any election, but especially this year. I think the biggest factor will be which side's reliable voters care enough to show up. At the moment I think much of the D base won't be caring much. The R base probably has been re-energized by Kavanaugh's ordeal. The Dems probably gained fewer swing or lazy votes from Kavanaugh than the Reps did.

The county in which I reside announced last week that they have had 500,000 new voters register for this mid-term. I surmise this is happening all over the country. My FIL was so enraged after the Kavanaugh witch hunt and attempt to usurp SCOTUS that he told me over cigars that he was doing two things he never has done before, vote in the mid-terms and vote a Republican straight ticket. I have a friend and former colleague who is Native American tell me something very similar about not liking Trump but that he is going to vote in the mid-terms for the first time and vote a Republican straight ticket due to how the Democrats did Kavanaugh.

10-15-18, 18:38
My small city is maybe a mile or two in diameter and less than 2% black. However during the 2012 Obama election we had about two dozen tour buses full of African Americans parked at the polling stations for same day voter registration. Obviously they were all on buses because tour buses are needed to drive them the whole mile from their homes to the polling station. Someone stated they might be from Detroit since the tour buses had Michigan license plates. I immediately said that's impossible- we have laws against that.

Since some might miss the sarcasm there, I'm not even kidding, they had water and electric bills from the area to "prove" they were "residents". It absolutely enraged me seeing that level of blatant fraud and likely they went from polling station to polling station in the area to win the county. Which in my state about four counties decide how the state goes. I believe we might see similar fraud during the midterms.

There us a good (well, bad) reason the Dems are fighting a citizenship question on the US Census.


10-15-18, 19:46
Red Wave. After the Cavanaugh debacle I see pitchforks and torches being carried by Republicans everywhere.

And the whiny bastards getting whinier in defeat!

10-15-18, 21:07
I think the Kavanaugh lynch mob hysteria has changed the turnout demo enormously. The screamer left is energized, but they are a minority of Dems needed to gain seats. Enough of the mainstream Dem voters are so disgusted by Feinstein, Shumer, Blumenthal. Hirono and other establishment pols endorsing and inciting the behavior of the insane fringe that they will stay home.

Just believe women and to hell with due process is especially repugnant with black voters who have not forgotten why much of the “strange fruit” hung from trees. Given the current 50 year low unemployment in their community I expect record percentage gains for Repubs amongst blacks and low general turnout for Dems.

Bottom line I see a probable gain of at least one in the senate and not giving up enough seats in the house to lose the majority.

Had the Dems just run with their time-tested formula of touchy-feely arguments regarding the major issues I think we would have lost both the house and senate. Thank God for the SJW terror inflicted for the least apostasy expressed by their side. Even the most careerist Dems dare not criticize the Jacobins.

LMT Shooter
10-15-18, 21:38
Red Wave. After the Cavanaugh debacle I see pitchforks and torches being carried by Republicans everywhere.

I've said the same recently, but I don't think it's just "hard R" Republicans, I hope that an awakening may be afoot, after the Kavanaugh debacle, among the masses of voters in the political middle. I think most all who are not leftists were disgusted, or at least turned off, by the way Democrats handled the confirmation hearings & related matters.

10-15-18, 21:40
This will be my first time voting in midterms, never really bothered before. I'm voting right down the ticket for the good guys! Hope it's a huge red wave!

10-16-18, 07:11
GOP holds the Senate, Democrats get the house, two years of meaningless, fruitless, expensive investigations and attempts to do harm to the president, Trump can't get anything done except through executive order.

10-16-18, 07:41

For the Democrats that is. Historically, the sitting Party in the White House has horrible midterm elections. I doubt this is going to be the case this time around. People are pissed.

A prediction of mine? Joe Manchin flips parties after the election.

10-16-18, 11:39
For the Democrats that is. Historically, the sitting Party in the White House has horrible midterm elections. I doubt this is going to be the case this time around. People are pissed.

A prediction of mine? Joe Manchin flips parties after the election.

If history was applicable to the current political landscape, Hillary would be POTUS right now. It's amazing to me that so many people keep wanting to apply past political concepts to today's political world, and they keep trying to do it over and over and over and over again.

I'm not confident of a Red Wave. I'm pissed, most of the people I know are pissed, but I don't talk politics at all with any of my friends that are Democrats so the only knowledge I have of how pissed they are comes from the news media....so....no clue at all.

10-16-18, 15:31
Prediction (worth what you paid for it):

Republicans lose seats but retain control of the House.

Republicans retain control of the Senate and might even gain a seat or two.

HMAC made a good point about applying past outcomes to the current political environment. The Bitch should be POTUS now and that in and of itself should indicate that not all is well in poll-town.

10-16-18, 17:17
If RCP is accurate the House we will need 19 of 30 toss ups. History or not that's a lot and it's a loss at 19.

I doubt this will happen but I would love to see Tim P*s*Ant Kaine lose in an upset to Corey Stewert. That would make my day. It should make the day of everyone in the USA regarding the 2A. You will hear Feinstein and Pelosi, clinton, whatever talk about gun control... but Kaine actually writes and introduces bills without a word.

Apparently McCaskill has been caught telling lies and admitting to do so by Veritas. She's in a margin of error tie right now.

10-17-18, 17:15
If RCP is accurate the House we will need 19 of 30 toss ups. History or not that's a lot and it's a loss at 19.

I doubt this will happen but I would love to see Tim P*s*Ant Kaine lose in an upset to Corey Stewert. That would make my day. It should make the day of everyone in the USA regarding the 2A. You will hear Feinstein and Pelosi, clinton, whatever talk about gun control... but Kaine actually writes and introduces bills without a word.

Apparently McCaskill has been caught telling lies and admitting to do so by Veritas. She's in a margin of error tie right now.

When Kaine was campaigning with Hillary he had the worst attendance in US political history, every time I see a vid or pic from the rally he had in FL I bust out laughing. I hope that was a sign of things to come for that POS.

I posted the Project Veritas video of McCaskill in the other thread about the DNC and gun control if you want to take a look at it.

10-17-18, 17:19
Prediction: Red tsunami and more violence from the blue squirts.

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10-17-18, 18:24
all I can say to that is .... bring it on, bring it on, bring it on.

Limbaugh had an interesting take today on Beto. Only heard a couple minutes... Cruz is moving steadily over to the + side as the likely winner. Beto has collected a cool $38M and saying "my money, my money". Limbaugh's take is those Dem donors want a payday while Beto thinks he's building an Obama style national war chest.

--my take on the above--
A. He's not black
B. He doesn't have a Muslim name
C. He runs his mouth too much - Obama was more of a poser... aaaaaah this angle and uuuuuuuuh this angle, the Kardashian POTUS

I think the "we want our money back" sounds about right. That may be why he's not sharing it with other Dems. He may need to launder it back to it's owners.

@Moose-Knuckle -- Re:Kaine - "I hope that was a sign of things to come for that POS."

Two words - Northern Virginia.... the only good thing is Corey Stewert is also a NoVA guy. If Stewert wins it will be another upset the likes of Brat over Cantor and it would be demoralizing. It would finish Kaine. He would settle into his job at Univ. Of Richmond and see how many minds he could rot. He is a gutter scum career politician. His partner in crime Mark Warner is another piece of work and I guess he's up in 2020... I don't know if Stewert loses this one if he will take on Warner or what.

Wow--- just a call from a DC number ... Democrats trying to get me to vote for Abigail Spanberger... tried to tie the guy up on the line but he just wanted to hit and run. He was in a call center. I got a poll the day and all the pro Brat answers led to my having to respond to either Spanberger or Brat. they were worded to favor Spanberger but I chose Brat each time anyway. The call tonight was trying to get to me for my absentee balot. Somehow they knew I had requested one.

So yeah... bring on that tsunami

10-17-18, 20:52
I early voted today! Just cancelled out my neighbor down the street at least. He had his signs out in his front yard, poor guy...

10-17-18, 21:12
Voted yesterday. God I hope Sinema doesn't win here in Az.

10-17-18, 23:59
Holy cow I looked that one up and the first link showed Giffords as her support person. That's all I needed to see. That's all I could take. It amazes me how infiltrated a great deal of our country is with freak show Leftists.

One of the Spanberger ads her has a guy that starts off saying he's a Viet Nam vet and he just can't vote for Dave Brat... well being from VA, the first thing I notice is that he has a really unusual accent. Not a VA accent. Now I meet a lot of people every year and one thing I like to do is guess where they are from. We had a lot of transplants. By far most don't really have noticeable accents. the few that do I ask them where they are from after I have guessed. This guy though I have -never- heard his accent here locally. If I had to guess I would say Boston. If not that it would be NY. I just thought it was interesting that he sounds like he's from up north in heavy Dem territory and supposedly Spanberger is from the county I live in, or so the guy on the phone told me tonight.


It's also interesting that she bought her house just down the road from Brat in 2014 and they own it as Trustees now in a revocable trust since 2016-17. Not sure what that means but it seems odd. I just don't trust anything about that woman and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone.

10-18-18, 09:15
Holy cow I looked that one up and the first link showed Giffords as her support person. That's all I needed to see. That's all I could take. It amazes me how infiltrated a great deal of our country is with freak show Leftists.

One of the Spanberger ads her has a guy that starts off saying he's a Viet Nam vet and he just can't vote for Dave Brat... well being from VA, the first thing I notice is that he has a really unusual accent. Not a VA accent. Now I meet a lot of people every year and one thing I like to do is guess where they are from. We had a lot of transplants. By far most don't really have noticeable accents. the few that do I ask them where they are from after I have guessed. This guy though I have -never- heard his accent here locally. If I had to guess I would say Boston. If not that it would be NY. I just thought it was interesting that he sounds like he's from up north in heavy Dem territory and supposedly Spanberger is from the county I live in, or so the guy on the phone told me tonight.


It's also interesting that she bought her house just down the road from Brat in 2014 and they own it as Trustees now in a revocable trust since 2016-17. Not sure what that means but it seems odd. I just don't trust anything about that woman and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone.

Sounds like a Boston accent to me, maybe a little diluted from 25 years of living other places while in the military, but he's no Virginia native.

10-18-18, 09:31
all I can say to that is .... bring it on, bring it on, bring it on.

Limbaugh had an interesting take today on Beto. Only heard a couple minutes... Cruz is moving steadily over to the + side as the likely winner. Beto has collected a cool $38M and saying "my money, my money". Limbaugh's take is those Dem donors want a payday while Beto thinks he's building an Obama style national war chest.

--my take on the above--
A. He's not black
B. He doesn't have a Muslim name
C. He runs his mouth too much - Obama was more of a poser... aaaaaah this angle and uuuuuuuuh this angle, the Kardashian POTUS

I think the "we want our money back" sounds about right. That may be why he's not sharing it with other Dems. He may need to launder it back to it's owners.

Beto's been getting a lot of positive press, however they are covering a DUI he had where wittiness claim he tried to leave the scene. BTW, how do you beat that? well rather easily if your Dad is a Judge.
Very Kennedy of him.
State and local police reports obtained by the Chronicle and Express-News show that O’Rourke was driving drunk at what a witness called “a high rate of speed” in a 75 mph zone on Interstate 10 about a mile from the New Mexico border. He lost control and hit a truck, sending his car careening across the center median into oncoming lanes. The witness, who stopped at the scene, later told police that O’Rourke had tried to drive away from the scene.
O'Rourke recorded a 0.136 and 0.134 on police breathalyzers, above a blood-alcohol level of 0.10, the state legal limit at the time. He was arrested at the scene and charged with DWI, but completed a court-approved diversion program and had the charges dismissed.
The law enforcement reports show two elements of the incident that have been overlooked: that there was a crash involved, and that O’Rourke allegedly attempted to flee.
Police said O’Rourke then attempted to leave the scene but was stopped by the same motorist he had just passed. The unidentified motorist “then turned on his overhead lights to warn oncoming traffic and to try to get the defendant (O’Rourke) to stop,” one report says.
Another report described O’Rourke as having “glossy” eyes, slurred speech, smelling of liquor, and almost falling to the ground as he got out of his car.
The accident occurred just as O’Rourke, the son of an El Paso County Judge, had celebrated his 26th birthday the night before. He told police he’d had two beers and had been on cold medication. He later told the El Paso Times that he was driving an intoxicated friend home, though no passenger is mentioned in the police reports.

10-18-18, 11:18
Unusal thing has been happening to me. Some polling outfit will call, (guy who just called a few minutes ago, had a definite southern accent) ask some questions, usually ending up comparing the dem against the republican,, ask who I'd vote for, and they ask what party I'm affliated with, and then ask if I'm leaning republican, moderate, or strong republican, when I answer strong republican, they hang up..No goodbye, No thanks for your time, just a click.. This exact same thing has happened twice this week.. I'm in Ohio,has anybody else noticed this?

10-18-18, 11:28
Well, with all the idiot leftist progressive dickheads moving to CO from everywhere around the nation, we really don't have much hope here. But I'm hoping Nationally we have a good chance at keeping the house/senate and keep this train moving forward.

I have no clue what is going to happen. Seems the extremes on both sides are revved up and ready to pull the lever for full ticket on either side. Lot's of pissed off people makes for good voter turnout, hopefully it's a Red Tsunami, I can't stomach a blue wave.

10-18-18, 12:27
Well, with all the idiot leftist progressive dickheads moving to CO from everywhere around the nation, we really don't have much hope here. But I'm hoping Nationally we have a good chance at keeping the house/senate and keep this train moving forward.

I have no clue what is going to happen. Seems the extremes on both sides are revved up and ready to pull the lever for full ticket on either side. Lot's of pissed off people makes for good voter turnout, hopefully it's a Red Tsunami, I can't stomach a blue wave.

Voters in CO need to get pissed like when they recalled those Senators after the gun control laws that went into effect a few years back.

10-18-18, 12:53

Claire McCaskill got, got by Project Veritas.
This is a Gem, catching a "moderate" Democrat in outright lie after lie.
Abortion, Check. She wants some abortion.
AR, Hi Cap Magazine and bumptstock ban, check, check and check.
She's all in.

10-18-18, 17:25
Unusal thing has been happening to me. Some polling outfit will call, (guy who just called a few minutes ago, had a definite southern accent) ask some questions, usually ending up comparing the dem against the republican,, ask who I'd vote for, and they ask what party I'm affliated with, and then ask if I'm leaning republican, moderate, or strong republican, when I answer strong republican, they hang up..No goodbye, No thanks for your time, just a click.. This exact same thing has happened twice this week.. I'm in Ohio,has anybody else noticed this?
I got one of those.

They asked if I was leaning Republican or Democrat.

I asked if those were my only choices. I don't think they were impressed.

10-19-18, 15:42
I think the repubs keep the Senate and loose the house
The democrats will move to impeach Trump in the house but probably won't be able to in the Senate.
My home state of Pennsylvania is doomed. We have a shitty governor who just got 1/2 million dollars from evertown for gun safety and his pick for Lt governor is a flat out socialist. The republicans may loose both houses in PA it's going to be a rough 4 years folks

10-19-18, 15:43
Here come the new members of the democratic party. It looks that Soros' money didn't go to waste after all. God save our country!


10-19-18, 18:33

10-19-18, 18:36

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26 Inf
10-19-18, 19:44
That was from the southern end of Mexico - 'The caravan is now believed to be in no-man's land between Guatemala and Mexico'

I'm sure they will disperse into smaller groups by the time they get ready to cross our border.

10-21-18, 13:23

10-21-18, 17:39
It's not up to God. It's up to us. If the government didn't want these people here, they wouldn't be able to cross our border. It's that simple.

After W’s win (or really Gore’s loss in 2000) and McConnel Immaculate Rejection of Garland and the “Do You Beleive in Statiscical Unlikelyhoods” win by Trump- and how the economy is still chugging along- I think God has done everything he can besides starting to smote people....

10-21-18, 19:28
I think God has done everything he can besides starting to smote people....

Well he's got a couple of weeks left and he built an entire world in a week, so who knows what he's got planned?

10-24-18, 17:47
First day to vote early in TX was the 22nd. When I went to our local polling place ( a public library) the parking lot was full so I along with everyone else who drives trucks off-roaded it and parked on the nice tax-payer funded manicured grass. Line was around the building, huge turn-out most I've ever seen on the first day of early voting for the mid-terms.

Trump had a huge rally in Houston that night for Sen. Cruz and Gov. Abbott, best speech yet. Things are looking good here thus far.

10-25-18, 10:33
Early voted on Wednesday here in North Texas. Similar to above, line was out of the door at 8am opening. It will be interesting to see the voting numbers.

10-25-18, 10:36

10-25-18, 10:50
Watch, people will say Trump can control the weather.

Early voted on Monday. Many folks going in and out, but no line. If the votes for Ted Cruz are more than 70% of the total number of registered Texas voters, can beta be made to concede even before November 6?

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

10-25-18, 11:30
Watch, people will say Trump can control the weather.

Early voted on Monday. Many folks going in and out, but no line. If the votes for Ted Cruz are more than 70% of the total number of registered Texas voters, can beta be made to concede even before November 6?

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

I know early voting makes it convenient but I still don’t like it. Leaves too much time and opportunity for the vote counts to be screwed around with.

10-25-18, 12:54
I know early voting makes it convenient but I still don’t like it. Leaves too much time and opportunity for the vote counts to be screwed around with.

For people like me, who will not be CONUS during that time, early voting is needed. I vote 22 in FL where we are in a dead heat between Soros funded (by his own admission) Bernie loving dolt vs a no apologies for being Trump supporter GOP for gov. This one is in many ways a vote of confidence for Trump in FL, which I never thought a socialist type (under FBI investigation no less, ban all ARs, raise taxes etc) would stand a chance much less be Gov. I moved from the NE to get away from such wack jobs and this guy makes many NE politicians look downright centrist. Just goes to show how the demographics in FL have changed.

10-25-18, 13:30
Will you moved to the front lines. I have been saying this for years and people seemed to think it would never happen. Once VA was secured as Blue, which it has been unless we break a few chains. Anyway... all the Dems need is FL and TX. TX will be taken by the likes of Beto. He's just softening up the State. Finding weak spots. FL is what they really want though and then NC and SC will be easy so the whole east cost will be Blue. But FL is a major key State. It could be their most difficult to take over so you will see the most crazy stuff possible.

I'm hoping for a miracle here in VA to defeat Kaine this go round which would possibly lead to getting rid of Warner in 2020 as well. but you moved to the very place the Dems want badly and it's already sort of 50/50 deal anyway.

I think this far Leftist mentality in candidates is only going to get worse too in TX and FL.

10-25-18, 13:46
Will you moved to the front lines. I have been saying this for years and people seemed to think it would never happen. Once VA was secured as Blue, which it has been unless we break a few chains. Anyway... all the Dems need is FL and TX. TX will be taken by the likes of Beto. He's just softening up the State. Finding weak spots. FL is what they really want though and then NC and SC will be easy so the whole east cost will be Blue. But FL is a major key State. It could be their most difficult to take over so you will see the most crazy stuff possible.

I'm hoping for a miracle here in VA to defeat Kaine this go round which would possibly lead to getting rid of Warner in 2020 as well. but you moved to the very place the Dems want badly and it's already sort of 50/50 deal anyway.

I think this far Leftist mentality in candidates is only going to get worse too in TX and FL.

Before i was way behind the lines, now on the front sadly. All is not well on the Western front...

10-25-18, 13:46
Sort of OT but loosely tied to PC and Leftist.

Megyn Kelly had a segment on her show about Halloween Costumes. She said blackface was ok if done tastefully just for Halloween because that's the whole point of dressing up.

Apologized the next day.

Fired today. She killed their ratings when she got her show... I wonder if she was set up. "so Kelly, do a segment on Halloween, you know the sexy costumes, stupid stuff, blackface, etc.. just run with the anti-PC point"


10-25-18, 13:53
I know early voting makes it convenient but I still don’t like it. Leaves too much time and opportunity for the vote counts to be screwed around with.

I would rather have early voting than absentee voting, which used to be the only choice in a lot of places. Absentee ballots are usually NOT EVEN COUNTED unless there is a need.

10-25-18, 14:13
That's a bit of an Internet rumor. Maybe some States will hold them if needed but I know mine are counted. I can look online to see it was received and after the election how I voted.

I think CA pass a law saying they had to be counted. Pretty sure absentee votes are counted. Otherwise a -lot- of .Mil guys are getting left out. Not to mention business travelers, and just all manner of people.

10-25-18, 14:27
That's a bit of an Internet rumor. Maybe some States will hold them if needed but I know mine are counted. I can look online to see it was received and after the election how I voted.

I think CA pass a law saying they had to be counted. Pretty sure absentee votes are counted. Otherwise a -lot- of .Mil guys are getting left out. Not to mention business travelers, and just all manner of people.

Arizona used to not count them until and "If" they were needed in case of a close election.
I was a Soldier overseas for the bulk of the 1980's, so nothing I voted on counted. When I came home surprise, surprise, Arizona, at least Phoenix and Tucson became California and we now had a State Tax.

10-25-18, 14:44
I early voted today. There was as much activity as you would typically see on actual Election Day.

The republican tent was receiving a ton of visitors for sample ballots. The single visit I saw to the democrat tent was a lady whose clothes and vechicle choice was a cliche for “move to a rural area to live out their LL Bean fantasy and be a pain in the ass.” She parked in the lane people need to drive in and out of while going to the tent instead of parking, pissing off everyone and oblivious to the fact she should have parked in a spot.

Everyone in line near me was voting republican and there because they had work, medical appointment, etc. on Election Day. Obviously a disproportionate amount of democratic voters will not have work or other productive obligations that day. So the voting pattern may be very different then.

There was an overwhelming vibe of people sick of asset redistribution, etc. to phrase it nicely.

As noted, the demographics in many states are trending towards a very different country.

Some states are seeing huge growth in non white hsipanics. Completely under-represented by say, Colombian physicians or Argentine grad students here to be net productive citizens, and vastly over represented by low skilled labor and benefit seekers that will be a significant net negative.

Also, growth in the black population is also under represented by Afro Caribbean physicians and African engineers and hugely over represented by home grown generational welfare recipients and low skilled “refugees”, again a huge net negative.

To say nothing of other targeted refugee influxes- familiarize yourself with some of those patterns if you have not.

The voting tendencies of these growing populations, combined with the various toxic goals of several progressive and leftist agendas, do not bode well.

My current opinion, combined with the last election, is like many Americans have realized we are going to hit the iceberg,
And have georten serious. We we be able to slow down enough and turn enough to miss it, or are we just going to hit it later and slower?

Doc Safari
10-25-18, 16:08

NBC Admits "Blue Wave Turning Purple" As Republicans Outnumber Dems In Early Voting

"Is the blue wave turning purple?"

While this statement might not seem like much of a concession from left-leaning NBC News, a more thoughtful analysis reveals that it's just the latest indication of a shifting political reality - one that anti-Trump news organizations can no longer afford to ignore: That, just like in 2016, Republican turnout in the upcoming Nov. 6 midterm vote is already looking to be much higher than the polls initially predicted as issues like the migrant caravan and the contentious confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh have backfired on Democrats (who had hoped they would sway moderates to vote against Republicans) and instead galvanized the conservative movement and alienated those very same moderates they had hoped to attract.

According to the latest polling data, Republican-affiliated voters are outpacing Democratic-affiliated voters in early voting in seven closely watched battleground states. This according to data from TargetSmart, which was analyzed by NBC's Data Lab. Democratic candidates have already fallen behind in Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Montana, Tennessee and Texas. The only battleground state where early voting Democrats outnumbered their Republican peers was Nevada.

While early votes represent only a small fraction of the total, these data appear to confirm that the surge in interest among Republican voters reported by the Wall Street Journal last week has already translated into higher turnout at the ballot box.

My take: The backlash from the right is building like a man slow to anger finally balling up his fist. It's clobberin' time.

10-25-18, 17:28
So if there's a red wave these midterms, we can fully expect a whole new wave of whining and melt downs and violence from the left no doubt where they will blame everyone but themselves for the losses as they did before. I suspect these recent behaviors from the lefties will back fire on them in a major way, and they will double down in that piss poor behavior. Triggering commencing in 3..2..

Doc Safari
10-25-18, 17:30
So if there's a red wave these midterms, we can fully expect a whole new wave of whining and melt downs and violence from the left no doubt where they will blame everyone but themselves for the losses as they did before. I suspect these recent behaviors from the lefties will back fire on them in a major way, and they will double down in that piss poor behavior. Triggering commencing in 3..2..

Notice how you're not hearing much in the MSM about the so-called caravan (or at least not the sources I listen to)? They know that whole thing is hurting them BIG TIME in the public eye.

10-25-18, 17:39
Notice how you're not hearing much in the MSM about the so-called caravan (or at least not the sources I listen to)? They know that whole thing is hurting them BIG TIME in the public eye.

So far, everything they've done or tried to do seems to have backfired on them from what I can gather. NPR was covering the "mass migration" today but every guest on there was sympathetic of course. I am empathetic to their causes but that's obviously not the way to go about it and they're being used by forces larger than they understand. We also send hundreds of millions to those very countries and I'd bet no one in that army of disheveled people has any idea about that.

10-25-18, 17:42
Election day will yield an overall win for the Republicans, I worry most about 1 or 2 significant losses that may not seem that big of a deal at first, could have serious implications in the long run, mainly NV & FL and very specifically Florida. If Gillum wins and sweeps in democrat control in the Florida legislature, you will have the Curley Effect (I will be an example of that, I’ll likely be headed to the hills of Tennessee). If Florida turns perma blue, we as a nation are screwed.

10-25-18, 18:05

My take: The backlash from the right is building like a man slow to anger finally balling up his fist. It's clobberin' time.

So if there's a red wave these midterms, we can fully expect a whole new wave of whining and melt downs and violence from the left no doubt where they will blame everyone but themselves for the losses as they did before. I suspect these recent behaviors from the lefties will back fire on them in a major way, and they will double down in that piss poor behavior. Triggering commencing in 3..2..

Que the false flag mail bombs.

No doubt after the election if the DNC loose even more seats we're see an increase in random school shootings, domestic terror attacks, et al.

10-25-18, 18:23
No doubt after the election if the DNC loose even more seats we're see an increase in random school shootings, domestic terror attacks, et al.

I think we may see some of that between now and Election Day.

10-25-18, 19:18
I find it curious here in Washington... how do they expect to knock off Maria Cantvotewell if they won't stump for and the Leadership PACs won't support the challenger? Seattle's 2.1 mil is only 1/4 the state... and I get screaming "HELP MEEE!!!!" beggarmails on behalf of seemingly every House and Senate Republican in the country EXCEPT those from my home state.

10-25-18, 19:30
The big money won't support Corey Stewert trying to take down Tim Kaine here in VA either.

10-25-18, 22:34
Just announced on the news that the 7th district Brat vs Spanberger is seeing 3X absentee voting thus far in Henrico, Spotsylvania, and Chesterfield has already 2X the number of votes it typically receives on election day at some polling places.

Dave Brat doesn't deserve to dragged down by the likes of Spanberger I don;t say that about many politicians. I know the Chesterfield County Police endorsed him which is something they never do. Her entire campaign is simply Dave Brat is the wrong guy. That's it. Nothing. Other than she wants to bankrupt the country with her version of health care.

This is a nightmare race. I still think she was introduced to take the focus off Tim Kaine so he could skate again.

10-26-18, 09:17
May not hold up, but:

Republicans outpacing Democrats in early-voting numbers in Florida


10-26-18, 11:08
May not hold up, but:

Republicans outpacing Democrats in early-voting numbers in Florida

https://www.wfla.com/news/politics/early-voting-numbers-in-florida/1543829599Thats why the left so adores early and absentee voting. One day just isnt long enough to fake the funk anymore. Now they have plenty of time to add some secret ingredients to the count without resorting too the obvious "look at this giant bag of uncounted votes we just found!"

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10-29-18, 13:03
Well if you needed more motivation..... Hillary is throwing it out there again but wants to see what the mid-terms bring.


"I'd like to be President"

Yes Hillary we know what a narcissist you are.. What would they do? Clinton / Biden??

Doc Safari
10-29-18, 13:07
Well if you needed more motivation..... Hillary is throwing it out there again but wants to see what the mid-terms bring.


"I'd like to be President"

Yes Hillary we know what a narcissist you are.. What would they do? Clinton / Biden??

I read at least four articles on this. The consensus I get is that the Dems wish she would shut the eff up and that her presence just before the midterms might actually hurt them.

10-29-18, 13:16
Progressives just can't give up on the hate and condescension.


10-29-18, 14:19
I read at least four articles on this. The consensus I get is that the Dems wish she would shut the eff up and that her presence just before the midterms might actually hurt them.

That's what I would think but you know I doubt she listens to anything but her worshipers. So I expect she thinks she is actually popular. It would be kinda fun to her, Kamala, Corey, et al, devour each other in the primaries.

10-29-18, 15:49
Oh PLEASE let them run Hillary again. The idea of watching her get trampled twice absolutely makes my day.

She'd run only to lose again and write another book. I wonder what that book title would be?..

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

10-29-18, 18:12
Oh PLEASE let them run Hillary again. The idea of watching her get trampled twice absolutely makes my day.

She'd run only to lose again and write another book. I wonder what that book title would be?..

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

I wanna see an HC and Poka-Honkie ticket. The entertainment value would be legendary.

10-29-18, 18:33
What's the latest polling info suggesting for the "blue wave" now? I was skeptical the bomb plot was going to affect things, but then the synagogue killings occurred and I'm wondering what effect, if any, the cumulative impact of those two incidents, plus whatever else happens between now and voting day might be having.
I'm still not convinced it's going to change much of anything in the Dem's favor but I prefer to keep a close eye on the numbers at this point in time m

10-29-18, 20:23
Oh PLEASE let them run Hillary again. The idea of watching her get trampled twice absolutely makes my day.

She'd run only to lose again and write another book. I wonder what that book title would be?..

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

Instead of "What Happened", how about this for a working title?


10-29-18, 22:06
#VetoBeto :dance3:

10-29-18, 23:37
Im really anxious about these mid terms, but if the 2016 election taught me anything: you can not trust the polls. It's still a game until the clock runs out.

10-29-18, 23:52
We've got a hot governors race with the incumbent "independent" governor dropping out of the three way race to leave the Rep and Dem candidates to duke it out. Today Trump endorsed the Republican candidate (and so did Murkowski) and Hilary endorsed the Dem candidate.. well he can kiss his ass goodbye. Alaskans are a confusing bunch, but with only 36% voting Hilary in 2016, I'm not sure if that was a good move on the Dem's part.

11-01-18, 05:16
Well if you needed more motivation..... Hillary is throwing it out there again but wants to see what the mid-terms bring.


"I'd like to be President"

Yes Hillary we know what a narcissist you are.. What would they do? Clinton / Biden??

Only a wealthy white Democrat can crack a racist joke and still be loved by the DNC and the MSM. A clip from her latest interview . . .


11-01-18, 10:35
Im really anxious about these mid terms, but if the 2016 election taught me anything: you can not trust the polls. It's still a game until the clock runs out.

True. Even Real Clear Politics had Hillary winning.... but they are considered the most thorough and reliable point of reference.

Two days ago they had the Rs up to 54 Senate seats. Now down to 52... but... they also showed a cooling off of Dem seats. So at least it's consistent.

34 toss up House seats now. We need roughly 20 ---- 12 seats in CA alone.

5 more days and a looooong night.

I'll be glad when it's over. I'm pretty well sick of that Abigail Spanberger.

11-01-18, 10:45

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11-05-18, 17:53
Well it's all over but the crying. The day is upon us.

Just got this from Bravo company... excerpt...

The enemies of our freedom are highly organized and abundantly funded … thanks to a group of super-rich political elites hell-bent on “buying” this election to serve their own agenda.

So true. The Mayor of Richmond... a Liberal stronghold and wannabe sanctuary city sought to have GRTC ( Greater Richmond Transit Authority ) to offer free rides to polls. They estimate $23K in expenses. I suppose they need that estimate for a tax write off too. But hey that's not enough... so VCU ( Virginia Commonwealth University ) located mid-city, also has free rides for students. One could argue the students may be a mix but GRTC riders are very likely Dem.

GRTC runs to the suburbs by way of shopping center or parking hubs but not to poling places. In the City it would run directly by if not to the polling places.

11-06-18, 06:15
It's going to be interesting to say the least . . . :dirol:

11-06-18, 10:11
RCP is dropping more and more into the toss-up category for the Senate.

Alex V
11-06-18, 11:12
I have a baaaaaad feeling about this.

11-06-18, 12:21
I have a baaaaaad feeling about this.

I don’t, I simply do not see a scenario where R’s lose the Senate, they should maintain a MINIMUM of 52-53 seats with 57-58 being possible and 54ish being very likely. It’s possible we lose the house but just barely and I am not convinced. Best case scenario for Democrats is 223 seats to 212, best case for Republicans is close to the numbers currently held. Governorships should largely remain R, Florida is worrisome based on polling, but based on votes cast so far, it’s truly a toss up leaning R, in my county (Collier) 73.5k Republicans voted, 30k Democrats voted and approximately 20k non party affiliated voted with a 60.6% turn out number (so far) or registered voters. This is Trump country but these numbers suggest great enthusiasm for Republicans, we generally vote 66-33 in favor of Republicans and NPA voters lean Republican, this puts enthusiasm here for R’s VERY high.

11-06-18, 12:37
Well at least we now can cite precedent that established if the election doesn't go our way it's perfectly fine if we all throw a huge tantrum and riot in the streets...err I mean "speak truth to power". I mean surely there wouldn't be any sort of double standard, right??

Doc Safari
11-06-18, 12:56
Not time to panic yet.


The mainstream media, or MSM, has been furiously backpedaling on grand prognostications of Democrat victory in Tuesday's midterms. Talk in April of a "blue wave" ran out of steam mid-summer, with MSM pundits shifting tone to assure audiences that "well, Democrats will surely take the House."

Now, they're not so sure about that either.

"Where we are now is just so different from four, eight years ago," says The Post's Ginsberg regarding the past two midterm elections, adding that the "takeaway from 2016 is that we should be careful about the metrics we use to judge election results."

If you haven't voted, DO IT.

Alex V
11-06-18, 13:11
I don’t, I simply do not see a scenario where R’s lose the Senate, they should maintain a MINIMUM of 52-53 seats with 57-58 being possible and 54ish being very likely. It’s possible we lose the house but just barely and I am not convinced. Best case scenario for Democrats is 223 seats to 212, best case for Republicans is close to the numbers currently held. Governorships should largely remain R, Florida is worrisome based on polling, but based on votes cast so far, it’s truly a toss up leaning R, in my county (Collier) 73.5k Republicans voted, 30k Democrats voted and approximately 20k non party affiliated voted with a 60.6% turn out number (so far) or registered voters. This is Trump country but these numbers suggest great enthusiasm for Republicans, we generally vote 66-33 in favor of Republicans and NPA voters lean Republican, this puts enthusiasm here for R’s VERY high.

I hope you're right. I had the same defeatist attitude two years ago, we know how that turned out.

Not time to panic yet.


If you haven't voted, DO IT.

Going after work, wife went this morning. Won't make much of a difference in NJ, but we will do our part. Fingers crossed it's the last time I cast a vote in NJ.

11-06-18, 13:22
I'll be going after work, and hopefully will be back before my GF gets home. I'm hoping if I don't say anything she'll forget about voting until it's too late.
If you haven't figured it out yet, I don't think her votes are going to be helpful to the result we're all trying to achieve here.

11-06-18, 13:28
I voted. Don't know how much good it will do here, but I'm trying.

Straight Shooter
11-06-18, 15:10
I woke up early this morning before light out. Hit my knee's and talked to God awhile, thanking Him for this, asking His help for that.
I asked Him for His will to be done today, as it always is. I LISTENED for awhile, and Ill just say this, Ill make NO predictions..but I cannot see Him letting this country go to GOBLINS..GOBLINS THEY ARE...after last election and showing up & SHOWING OUT like He did. An IMPOSSIBLE feat for Trump they said...but not for God. I feel very peaceful today, really hoping for Him show up, & show out again, as only He can.
Went to vote a bit ago, and as always, what a superb feeling that is.
No matter what does occur...He IS in charge and Im STILL blessed and Ill STILL love my country come Wednesday.

Doc Safari
11-06-18, 15:14
I woke up early this morning before light out. Hit my knee's and talked to God awhile, thanking Him for this, asking His help for that.
I asked Him for His will to be done today, as it always is. I LISTENED for awhile, and Ill just say this, Ill make NO predictions..but I cannot see Him letting this country go to GOBLINS..GOBLINS THEY ARE...after last election and showing up & SHOWING OUT like He did. An IMPOSSIBLE feat for Trump they said...but not for God. I feel very peaceful today, really hoping for Him show up, & show out again, as only He can.
Went to vote a bit ago, and as always, what a superb feeling that is.
No matter what does occur...He IS in charge and Im STILL blessed and Ill STILL love my country come Wednesday.

Since you "went there" I will add what I've had on my mind since Trump won the presidency.

Granted, you can never predict 100% and just because I see the following trend doesn't mean the Dems won't win a few victories along the way.

So here goes:

Trump did ONE thing that will ensure God's favor: He moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem and is the best friend Israel has had in a US politician in many moons. Check the promise made to Abraham for evidence that this is a good move with the Almighty.

The Democrat party did ONE thing that will ensure their ultimate doom even if they win a few victories along the way: They voted to remove God from their platform. The Almighty does not like being cut out and will surely not bless them over this.

11-06-18, 15:25
I'll be going after work, and hopefully will be back before my GF gets home. I'm hoping if I don't say anything she'll forget about voting until it's too late.
If you haven't figured it out yet, I don't think her votes are going to be helpful to the result we're all trying to achieve here.

Well that post sure aged well, she's on her way to the polls now, ugh.

At least she's making pizza tonight.

Straight Shooter
11-06-18, 15:29
Since you "went there" I will add what I've had on my mind since Trump won the presidency.

Granted, you can never predict 100% and just because I see the following trend doesn't mean the Dems won't win a few victories along the way.

So here goes:

Trump did ONE thing that will ensure God's favor: He moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem and is the best friend Israel has had in a US politician in many moons. Check the promise made to Abraham for evidence that this is a good move with the Almighty.

The Democrat party did ONE thing that will ensure their ultimate doom even if they win a few victories along the way: They voted to remove God from their platform. The Almighty does not like being cut out and will surely not bless them over this.

Hey brother- I hadnt even thought about that...SPOT ON thinking my friend. I now feel even better-THANK YOU!

11-06-18, 16:20
My prediction RIDE TIDE ROLL.

11-06-18, 17:39

Alex V
11-06-18, 17:54
My wife and I both voted straight Republican, against all tax levies. We then fed our ballots into the Soros voting machine.

It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.

Joseph Stalin

11-06-18, 18:15
Real time map:

Right now, GOP leading in FL. Man I hope that holds...


11-06-18, 18:23
Can someone tell me is wrong with the people living in VT? Avowed communist Bernie Sanders is easily winning, again. Geez, they have come a long way since the Green Mountain Boys.

11-06-18, 18:54
Can someone tell me is wrong with the people living in VT? Avowed communist Bernie Sanders is easily winning, again. Geez, they have come a long way since the Green Mountain Boys.

VT people have been displaced by people from NYC mostly (Hence Bernie accent...) and NE and turned into NYC with trees. NH, which was as die hard GOP as you could get, now a purple state for the same reasons, people moving from MA to save $, only to bring their idiotic politics with them vs moving there to get away from it, as I did with my NE -> FL move, only to go from pan to fire.

11-06-18, 18:55
Can someone tell me is wrong with the people living in VT? Avowed communist Bernie Sanders is easily winning, again. Geez, they have come a long way since the Green Mountain Boys.

And perhaps the first Transgender political something

Alex V
11-06-18, 19:14
Doesn't look good for the House. Damn.

11-06-18, 19:22
Doesn't look good for the House. Damn.

Turn the TV off, the news stations want ratings. They’d have you think this is a WWE match with the face losing only to “hulk up” and come back to win at the end. It’s predictable, I think it will be a good night overall.

Alex V
11-06-18, 19:30
Turn the TV off, the news stations want ratings. They’d have you think this is a WWE match with the face losing only to “hulk up” and come back to win at the end. It’s predictable, I think it will be a good night overall.

I wish I had your confidence.

11-06-18, 19:31
Turn the TV off, the news stations want ratings. They’d have you think this is a WWE match with the face losing only to “hulk up” and come back to win at the end. It’s predictable, I think it will be a good night overall.

I'm hoping that is what happens, but Beto leasing Cruz?

11-06-18, 19:33
Turn the TV off, the news stations want ratings. They’d have you think this is a WWE match with the face losing only to “hulk up” and come back to win at the end. It’s predictable, I think it will be a good night overall.

NBC with F. Chuck Todd thinks he's at the Emmys.

MD just picked up a RED GOV.

Brat vs Spanberger --- Brat is ahead by one point --- HOWEVER... our polls closed at 7PM but Chesterfield is keeping pools open until 9PM for some reason. Chesterfield can be a game changer due to so many people. Plus that's a county with the influx of transplants and I think the 'issue' is in that region. Isn't that special.

VA has 4 House seats open.
Dist. 2 - R
Dist 10 - B -- pickup
Dist 5 -- Looking R
Dist 7 - Brat ( Tea Party that took out RINO ) vs Spanberger ( Outside money )

11-06-18, 19:46
Nothing good has happened thus far that I can see. This is not looking good at all.

11-06-18, 19:51
We pretty much knew the GOP was going to lose the House.

In the Senate race, Texas is worrying me though.

11-06-18, 19:53
Yep, plus Tom Brokaw just spilled the beans. After they win the house, Mueller will release his 'findings'.

11-06-18, 19:57
To quote Ian Malcolm: "I'm fairly alarmed here..."

11-06-18, 20:07
Look at the districts in Texas that have reported. It's mostly the big cities. All the rural areas are still outstanding and im betting Cruz will win those.

11-06-18, 20:07
RCP is reporting Spanberger 49.5 and Brat 49.3. at 94% The two districts that closed late in Chesterfield Co were due to shortage of ballots. Historically that little section is RED.... But.....

The State of VA is only at 74% on their web site.

If she wins it's going to take a massive cash influx with a really hard core set of candidates to ever see VA be RED again.

11-06-18, 20:11
We picked up Indiana for the Senate!!!!!!!!!

11-06-18, 20:13

11-06-18, 20:16



11-06-18, 20:16
Look at the districts in Texas that have reported. It's mostly the big cities. All the rural areas are still outstanding and im betting Cruz will win those.

That's still worrisome. I'm afraid Texas will end up like CA, IL, and other seemingly-permanent blue states: Totally dominated by their left wing urban areas.

With wins in IN, ND, and potentially FL, the GOP should hold the Senate just fine. I just worry about Texas in the long run. Is this just a fluke, like when a GOP senator occasionally wins a state like MA or NJ? Or is this end of Texas as a reliably red state?

11-06-18, 20:20
They are trying to say that Dem Brown in Ohio for Senate is the winner with only 31% of total precincts reporting- that doesn't make sense.

Precincts not People. They have apparently done the math.

Alex V
11-06-18, 20:28
I can't believe what I'm seeing in Texas. This is insane.

11-06-18, 20:29
Chuck Todd is saying the word Socialist does not play well with Hispanics. Keep that in mind. Someone tell Trump. Claims Gilliam in FL lost 4 points from what Hillary had in Dade down in FL.

11-06-18, 20:39
I can't believe what I'm seeing in Texas. This is insane.

I've been trying to tell people here for years. This is how they do it. Good luck throwing that hook like the elusive Black Marlin. Ain't gonna happen.

Tim Kaine presents his winning speech right now in VA... It starts off in Spanish.

What exactly is it you don't believe? How can anyone be alive and somewhat situationally aware and not believe it? It's a perfect plan and it takes very little effort. VA was a chore... that has taken some time. TX is a no brainer with it's border and neighbor States.

ETA: Kaine keeps mentioning Spanbergers name. He's been told,

She is going to beat Brat by 0.x points. He jsut said it's going to be Warner, Kaine, Spanberger.

Goodby Virginia

11-06-18, 20:42
They are calling the house to go D.... Yeah, Texas, wtf. We really needed Cruz to remain in the senate.

11-06-18, 20:50
They are calling the house to go D.... Yeah, Texas, wtf. We really needed Cruz to remain in the senate.

Ya I mean Fox News is not even willing to call it for DeSantis yet are “projecting” the Democrats win the house, based on What? They may be eating crow tomorrow, maybe not, IMO it’s too early for them to be projecting that.

11-06-18, 20:56
Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain) said, "We deserve the government we elect." Consider this a warning- people don't want to think, nor do they want to accept responsibility for their actions.

Edmund Burke said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Remember that, when the traitors in Washington, D.C. don't hold to the oath they take when sworn into their elected office. If YOU don't work for their removal, it's YOUR fault what they do...

It's 2054, here in my AO. Not all the votes are in, nor have they all been counted. If the enemies of the United States have successfully engineered a coup, it's the end of America, if it is allowed to stand...


11-06-18, 20:57
The Dems have the house. Falling like cards now.

11-06-18, 21:07
C-grunt is correct. Cruz will take Texas. Tomorrow morning Robert Francis O'Rourke will be just another bad memory, like Cindy Davis was. Remember her? The darling of the liberal left that was going to beat Greg Abbott for the Texas governor race two years ago?

Six years ago I told people Cruz would beat the incumbent Lt Governor David Dewhurst in the Texas primary to win the GOP Senate bid. I was a precinct chair for Ted here in Texas. People said I was nuts. The Lt Gov is the most powerful elected official in the state, thanks to our constitution written after Reconstruction. NOBODY beats the Lt Gov.

Ted will do it again.

Beto's out of state money will lose this race, but he'll have over 40 million in his war chest to try and snag a VP slot in 2020. That's his real aim.

11-06-18, 21:10
WE HAVE THE SENATE !!! --- unless Pense has an accident.


CRUZ WINS !!!! --- We have the Senate

11-06-18, 21:15

11-06-18, 21:19
Ya I mean Fox News is not even willing to call it for DeSantis yet are “projecting” the Democrats win the house, based on What? They may be eating crow tomorrow, maybe not, IMO it’s too early for them to be projecting that.

ABC is calling Cruz to win. Crickets on Fox News..

Edit.. well they got around to it.

Alex V
11-06-18, 21:20
So I'm expecting impeachment proceedings to start before the end of January. This is total sh*t.

11-06-18, 21:21
So I'm expecting impeachment proceedings to start before the end of January. This is total sh*t.

They can call for impeachment all they want. They aren't going to it without 75 blue seats in the Senate.

11-06-18, 21:22
I think I just heard the Dems have 229 House seats.

11-06-18, 21:24
Well I was hoping that they wouldn't take the house... Guess we will have to put up with a nagging House for the next couple of years...joy...

11-06-18, 21:24
So I'm expecting impeachment proceedings to start before the end of January. This is total sh*t.

Yes, NBC is starting the proceedings right now. The 4th wing of our government. One of the NBC talking heads just said there is nobody else that knows how to be speaker of the House besides Nancy.

.. and she's in early stages of dementia imo. Yep, this is going to be very interesting.

11-06-18, 21:26
So I'm expecting impeachment proceedings to start before the end of January. This is total sh*t.

Yes, rumblings for that..

Alex V
11-06-18, 21:27
They can call for impeachment all they want. They aren't going to it without 75 blue seats in the Senate.

They will still impeach knowing that it won't go anywhere. Just to be dicks. There will be investigation on top of investigation doing nothing but wasting money. It's going to be a total shit show.

11-06-18, 21:28
Well I was hoping that they wouldn't take the house... Guess we will have to put up with a nagging House for the next couple of years...joy...

Nancy Pelosi as Sphincter of the House - that should be comedy gold.....

She's going to have a tough time keeping that spot, if she even gets it. Lots of young turks don't want her to have it.

11-06-18, 21:28
In T E X A S we are . . .


11-06-18, 21:29
Yes, NBC is starting the proceedings right now. The 4th wing of our government.

The Fourth Estate IS the Fifth Column.

11-06-18, 21:35
So I'm expecting impeachment proceedings to start before the end of January. This is total sh*t.

Let the House call for impeachment all they want while we stack conservative judges deep with a Senate majority.

Yes impeachment will be a waste of time and money and make the Dems look like idiots just in time for the election two years away.


11-06-18, 21:35
F. Chuck Todd just said if we get to 54 seats in Senate it would likely lock us until 2022. That is a very real possibility.

11-06-18, 21:39
I have not researched it but I heard all the people that broke with Trump have lost.

They still won't call Brat vs Spanberger. She does not deserve this win. But such is life. She is a hollow "I worked for the CIA" suit.

Alex V
11-06-18, 21:44
Let the House call for impeachment all they want while we stack conservative judges deep with a Senate majority.

Yes impeachment will be a waste of time and money and make the Dems look like idiots just in time for the election two years away.



11-06-18, 21:46
The Fourth Estate IS the Fifth Column.

In a blatant fashion.

11-06-18, 21:48
Yeah, but they all looked like idiots with the Kavanaugh fiasco but it didn't seem to effect the results tonight.

11-06-18, 21:51
Yeah, but they all looked like idiots with the Kavanaugh fiasco but it didn't seem to effect the results tonight.

Just like they didn't care all those times Bill Clinton raped women and Hilary cleaned up his messes via her "their all bimbos" campaign. Or the time she got a client off scott free from raping an underage girl and bragged about slut shaming her on the stand.

Alex V
11-06-18, 21:52
Yeah, but they all looked like idiots with the Kavanaugh fiasco but it didn't seem to effect the results tonight.

Kavanaugh absolutly had an effect look at Donnelly and McCaskill. Both voted against Brett, both lost.

11-06-18, 21:53
At least we still have Ted in the senate.

11-06-18, 21:54
Just like they didn't care all those times Bill Clinton raped women and Hilary cleaned up his messes via her "their all bimbos" campaign. Or the time she got a client off scott free from raping an underage girl and bragged about slut shaming her on the stand.Thats not important

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

11-06-18, 21:57
They just called it for Spanberger in VA7. Even the NBC talking heads seemed 'so what' about that one.

I still believe she was placed to take heat off Tim Kaine. A money soak. I don't think she has any clue what she is doing. Whereas Dave Brat is an economics professor.

Gilliam conceding in FL

ETA: Brat will not concede but 2K votes short.

11-06-18, 21:57
Kavanaugh absolutly had an effect look at Donnelly and McCaskill. Both voted against Brett, both lost.

That's true, I was hoping it would have have swayed more to the right.

11-06-18, 21:58
I fear the stock market is going to take a little dive this week. :(

11-06-18, 22:02
I fear the stock market is going to take a little dive this week. :(

That is a possibility..

11-06-18, 22:09
I fear the stock market is going to take a little dive this week. :(If so, looking on the bright side, it will be a good time to buy.

11-06-18, 22:12

Coal Dragger
11-06-18, 22:38
I’m not going to get all worked up over this. The Democrats are likely to gain a very narrow almost unworkable House majority. We still hold the Senate, now with an improved majority to ram through judges and other appointments. We have the Supreme Court, and RBG’s days in the land of the living are scant, and Breyer is no youngster either.

11-06-18, 22:44
Jeeze.. NBC has got Jeff Flake on camera. Pelosi is up. She sure has some pre-existing medical conditions.

There will be Unicorns in your future.

Well that was fun. Same old song and dance. Money talks.

11-06-18, 22:47
Jeeze.. NBC has got Jeff Flake on camera. Pelosi is up. She sure has some pre-existing medical conditions.

There will be Unicorns in your future.

Well that was fun. Same old song and dance. Money talks.

Yep, Pelosi on all channels. Flipped to TCM, Best years of our lives.. Time to chill.

11-06-18, 22:47
I’m not going to get all worked up over this. The Democrats are likely to gain a very narrow almost unworkable House majority. We still hold the Senate, now with an improved majority to ram through judges and other appointments. We have the Supreme Court, and RBG’s days in the land of the living are scant, and Breyer is no youngster either.

That is one of the few shining lights of reality.

That, and McCaskill is conceding.

I think the Senate is at 53 now.

Coal Dragger
11-06-18, 23:06
I will go out on a limb and predict that Rick Scott in FL will prevail, as will McSally in AZ.

Not sure about Heller in NV.

So I’m guessing we only pick up 3 in the Senate.

I’m not overly concerned with Democrats getting a slim majority in the House. They’ll just investigate things, ineffectively, and make themselves look like morons every time Nancy of Maxine Waters are in front of a camera.

In fact being able to rail against Nancy Pelosi in the House should be an opportunity for the insulter in Chief.

11-06-18, 23:44
I'm psychic. :cool:


Fox posted this 36 minutes ago.

11-06-18, 23:52
I fear the stock market is going to take a little dive this week. :(

The Dems taking over is probably already priced into the market. What I think Trump should have and still can do is say that now that the Dems are mucking things up, the economy is going to slow.

Trump is in the cat's seat for 2020. He can make offers on deals to the Dems and if they don't take him up on them- he can play the Statesman, to a certain degree.

11-06-18, 23:58


11-07-18, 00:12


Haha...love it!

11-07-18, 00:16
I think that you also have to look at this election in regards to what the Collectivists have said about Trump. Just like Trump was supposed to destroy the economy, the economy has booomed. That is a huge swing from expectations. On the elections, Trump and his allies were supposed to be a hated species and.... a typical - if not weak - counterwave after a Presidential election. Actually gain seats in the Senate after the "travesty against women" of putting Kavanaugh on the court. Sure, a loss of the House, but not a huge wave.

The Dem sacrifices are steep and deep. Beto, McKaskill, Gillum, Nelson.

The Dems had some nice pick-ups, but it is more of a Pyrrhic victory. All that heat and noise, for pretty normal, if slightly underwhelming results.

An income tax and a defacto ban on Fracking here in CO didn't pass, but we got our first gay gov. I do have to say that he at least doesn't talk about it all the time and I have no idea who his spouse is, like every other candidate.

ETA: I really hope that Walker wins in WI, mainly because he seems to drive the Collectivists crazy- and he wins and wins.

11-07-18, 01:22

11-07-18, 04:14
I’m a bit disappointed to see the House fall, looks like D’s will pick up 30-32 seats, a loss but not totally unexpected and far from a wave, the House will be thinly divided. Especially with a bunch of so called, “moderate” democrats, I think most of them will be one term and done. I cannot tell you how relieved I am that Florida is still Florida! I was sad to see Nevada appear to become an extension of California, but the senate looks like it will be 55-45 when it is all said and done, securing a potential originalist SCOTUS replacement for Ginsburg.

11-07-18, 05:14
Awesome news indeed. Damn find showing Patriots!

11-07-18, 05:33
This map shows all the districts in the House. Again, the Dems know that all they have to do to control our government is keep the sheeple in the major metropolitan areas fat and dumb.


11-07-18, 05:36


I'll admit that I was worried early on. But good job Texas on making the right decision.

Alex V
11-07-18, 06:47
7 Nov 2018 - 12:55:31 AM
We got what we needed.
Team is stronger [PRO].

You know, a lot of people talk about this guy's posts and I tried briefly to find them but all I learned is that he writes like a total spaz.

11-07-18, 07:20
And New York, not surprisingly, elected that idiot Cortez to the House. So, at 29 years old she has a good 60 years of getting re-elected and living off the taxpayers while trying to destroy this country.

11-07-18, 07:23
VT people have been displaced by people from NYC mostly (Hence Bernie accent...) and NE and turned into NYC with trees. NH, which was as die hard GOP as you could get, now a purple state for the same reasons, people moving from MA to save $, only to bring their idiotic politics with them vs moving there to get away from it, as I did with my NE -> FL move, only to go from pan to fire.

That is one thing I never completely understood. People move away from places with high taxes and ignorant political decisions...

Then vote for the same kind of people to do the same thing in the locations they moved to. I remember when Colorado wasn't completely and utterly retarded. Then a bunch of folks from California moved in and started electing the same style of politicians they left behind.

Quite the definition of insanity.

11-07-18, 07:27
Nancy Pelosi as Sphincter of the House - that should be comedy gold.....

She's going to have a tough time keeping that spot, if she even gets it. Lots of young turks don't want her to have it.

I'm thinking a Thunder Dome style contest to determine Speaker.

First match is Pelosi versus Auntie Maxine.

11-07-18, 07:34
Washington State's I-1639 "gun control" measure has passed with near certainty, it's ahead by a wide margin.


11-07-18, 07:43
7 Nov 2018 - 12:55:31 AM
We got what we needed.
Thank you, Patriots!
Senate means everything.
Think Judges (SC) & Cabinet.
DECLAS overrides all potential House blockades.
POTUS has ultimate authority.
Shift to Senate Judiciary (oversight) from House to now occur (stronger position and held in reserve for this scenario).
Lower chamber (House) used as 2-year starter.
Upper chamber (Senate) will be used next 2-year closer.
Military planned.
No impact re: ongoing investigations
Team is stronger [PRO].

Q is an idiot

11-07-18, 07:46
Last night was an unqualified disaster. There will be no wall. No check on illegal immigration. Florida is now blue. Felon amendment passed which is honesty the right thing, but it’s 2.5 democrat voters now. Texas will be blue in 2020. AR ban by 2021

11-07-18, 07:51
Last night was an unqualified disaster. There will be no wall. No check on illegal immigration. Florida is now blue. Felon amendment passed which is honesty the right thing, but it’s 2.5 democrat voters now. Texas will be blue in 2020. AR ban by 2021

Question on the Florida is blue: What results are you looking at? I was just looking at the NYT election results page for FL, it looks pretty red (won governor, won senate race, most house seats are R).


11-07-18, 07:55
Question on the Florida is blue: What results are you looking at? I was just looking at the NYT election results page for FL, it looks pretty red (won governor, won senate race, most house seats are R).


I’m saying it will be blue in all future elections. Cities finally have managed to destroy the republic.

11-07-18, 08:06
I’m saying it will be blue in all future elections. Cities finally have managed to destroy the republic.

Got it. Agree that the trend is cities are consolidating the population and cities as a whole tend to be blue. I hope that all is not lost yet, but yeah, it's a trend. In WA state where I live, the area of Puget Sound (basically: Seattle and surrounding suburbs) votes overwhelmingly blue, due mainly to all the tech industry people who have moved in from other states and especially California over the last 10 years. I work in the same industry so I see a lot of this firsthand in our company. Meanwhile the rest of the state is mostly red, on a voting map by counties it's just insane, there's red everywhere. But Puget Sound now has enough lefty voters to cancel out the entire rest of the state. And people are moving into the area around Puget Sound at an increasing rate, so it's not going to be an easy trend to break.

11-07-18, 08:16
That is one thing I never completely understood. People move away from places with high taxes and ignorant political decisions...

Then vote for the same kind of people to do the same thing in the locations they moved to. I remember when Colorado wasn't completely and utterly retarded. Then a bunch of folks from California moved in and started electing the same style of politicians they left behind.

Quite the definition of insanity.

Socialists always are doing that, it's a failure migration and "We'll do it right this time" BS. CO showed some sanity by not blocking Fracking and resisting making the income tax tiered.

What happened is what has usually happened to a party in power and holdnig POTUS. WE are a evenly split country, did people think that GOP could hold the three branches of govt. The key is to get back the voters to Trump for 2020 and hold the senate.

That and get some pro-conservative SCOTUS decisions so that people can see that voting GOP gets something.

11-07-18, 08:29
You know, a lot of people talk about this guy's posts and I tried briefly to find them but all I learned is that he writes like a total spaz.

Lol.. Now I have to clean up the spilled coffee ..;)

11-07-18, 08:29
Socialists always are doing that, it's a failure migration and "We'll do it right this time" BS. CO showed some sanity by not blocking Fracking and resisting making the income tax tiered.

What happened is what has usually happened to a party in power and holdnig POTUS. WE are a evenly split country, did people think that GOP could hold the three branches of govt. The key is to get back the voters to Trump for 2020 and hold the senate.

That and get some pro-conservative SCOTUS decisions so that people can see that voting GOP gets something.Not just socialists. Unfortunately it's a human problem. I see it a lot with immigrants. Not all but many come here for a better life but dislike anything not how it was at home.

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

11-07-18, 08:29
So I take it we can still squeeze in another Supreme Court Justice if the opportunity arises?

11-07-18, 08:36
So I take it we can still squeeze in another Supreme Court Justice if the opportunity arises?

Especially in the next year. The election might get dicey, but I think the Senators we have now, and having . a few spares will help. As it comes out what an illegal hit was put on Kavanaugh, I think the protests about the next SCOTUS pick will fall on deaf ears.

11-07-18, 09:15

11-07-18, 09:36
Well my whole state turned blue. Our new governor is anti-2A. The state legislature has gone Dem. The talk of "high capacity" mag bans and the repealing of constitutional carry is already floating around.
Yep....life is good.....*sigh*.

26 Inf
11-07-18, 09:51
Well my whole state turned blue. Our new governor is anti-2A. The state legislature has gone Dem. The talk of "high capacity" mag bans and the repealing of constitutional carry is already floating around.
Yep....life is good.....*sigh*.

By one vote.....your girlfriend. :jester:

Seriously, sorry to hear that.

I live in Kansas,our Governor went Dem this time, but that happens about every other election.

11-07-18, 10:18
FL didn't get an anti gun, cop hating, socialist as Gov at least. A win is a win, but It still blows my mind how close he could get in FL.

11-07-18, 10:24
Last night was an unqualified disaster. There will be no wall. No check on illegal immigration. Florida is now blue. Felon amendment passed which is honesty the right thing, but it’s 2.5 democrat voters now. Texas will be blue in 2020. AR ban by 2021

We have a Rep Gov and 2 Rep Senators, how is FL blue?

11-07-18, 10:26
By one vote.....your girlfriend. :jester:

Seriously, sorry to hear that.

I live in Kansas,our Governor went Dem this time, but that happens about every other election.

There's a good possibility GF voted for the longshot independent candidate for governor vs the Dem slag that actually won, since the latter apparently has a troubled history with the Indian tribe my GF is a member of, but at this point that hardly matters.

The die has been cast....

11-07-18, 12:25
Well my whole state turned blue. Our new governor is anti-2A. The state legislature has gone Dem. The talk of "high capacity" mag bans and the repealing of constitutional carry is already floating around.
Yep....life is good.....*sigh*.

What State?

11-07-18, 12:29
Well my whole state turned blue. Our new governor is anti-2A. The state legislature has gone Dem. The talk of "high capacity" mag bans and the repealing of constitutional carry is already floating around.
Yep....life is good.....*sigh*.

Welcome to California

11-07-18, 12:30
Last night was an unqualified disaster. There will be no wall. No check on illegal immigration. Florida is now blue. Felon amendment passed which is honesty the right thing, but it’s 2.5 democrat voters now. Texas will be blue in 2020. AR ban by 2021

WTF? Texas Added more RED to the State House and Senate. The TX and the US Supreme Court are also RED? Old Beto Won the large cities in Texas ........ which happens every election..... It is the Real part of the state that matters.

11-07-18, 12:34
What State?

That would be Colorado

11-07-18, 12:35
What State?


11-07-18, 12:43
That would be Colorado

That was long gone years ago..... too much Cali there...... Learn from MagPul. :)

11-07-18, 12:51

Looks like Nevada fell as well, now it will be an extension of California.

11-07-18, 12:52

Well that sucks...... Now the entire NE is gone........

11-07-18, 12:53
So far the market has proven me wrong. I'm glad to be wrong.

11-07-18, 14:23
Well my whole state turned blue. Our new governor is anti-2A. The state legislature has gone Dem. The talk of "high capacity" mag bans and the repealing of constitutional carry is already floating around.
Yep....life is good.....*sigh*.

Yeah that sucks. Michigan didn't go totally blue - Republicans kept the legislature, but by a smaller margin - but somehow we got a Dem landslide for governor, and a rather out-there Dem attorney general. I'll just leave this here:


Be sure to read the last sentence of the last paragraph.

As long as the legislature stays "R" we shouldn't have any new gun restrictions, but this was an unpleasant surprise.

Oh, and Wisconsin apparently went "blue" for governor as well. Michigan and Wisconsin have both had thriving economies for the last 8 years with "R" governors and mostly "R" legislatures. I fear that could be in trouble. For Michigan, the preceding 8 years of a female "D" governor and mixed legislature was a lost decade of economic stagnation.

11-07-18, 14:24

Maine a blue state?! That's in large part due to the chit sticks from MA, etc moving their to save $. Hard to picture Maine as a blue state.

11-07-18, 14:42
Well, CO went full retard. Dems took back the senate. We're screwed...

Fvcking transplants ruining this great state!

They are gonna ram gun control down our throats like crazy. And other retarded shit, too.

I'm pissed!

11-07-18, 14:43
SCOTUS needs to put the hammer down on AW and mag bans- NOW.

11-07-18, 14:53
SCOTUS needs to put the hammer down on AW and mag bans- NOW.

We need a good solid case to send there. Do we currently know of any in the works?

Alex V
11-07-18, 15:07
So far the market has proven me wrong. I'm glad to be wrong.

The market likes stability. Gridlock in DC equals stability.

11-07-18, 15:08

11-07-18, 15:11
I think this was a case of people believing that Trump is a meanie. He's racist and mean and that's what they were voting against

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

11-07-18, 15:16
Given half or more of the country votes Democrat it seems, we'll eventually reach a flood level where other than rural areas- Republicans won't stand a chance.
Little pockets of freedom will remain, but you can see the handwriting on the wall. If a State like Florida, Georgia, Texas and Arizona can have a close election with socialists, one hinting at gun confiscation and another equating the deaths of illegals in the desert to American military deaths, you know it is just a matter of time. A new dark age in America is appearing on the horizon. Plan accordingly and make preparations. That includes relocating to buy time if you can do it. The problem is we are running out of places to go.

11-07-18, 15:18
Given half or more of the country votes Democrat it seems, we'll eventually reach a flood level where other than rural areas- Republicans won't stand a chance.

That's the whole idea...
On the bright side, it appears that Ohio where I live, managed to elect a Republican Gov. And the statehouse is all Republican run.. the fly in the ointment is we still have Sherrod Brown as Senator..for some reason, we just can't seem to shake him...

Outlander Systems
11-07-18, 15:22
This. I can't even begin to tell you how Pro-Liberty most of the Georgians I know are. The thought of an avowed socialist almost winning the governorship is abhorrent.

It's truly remarkable where we are at, in terms of the decline of the West...

Little pockets of freedom will remain, but you can see the handwriting on the wall. If a State like Florida, Georgia, Texas and Arizona can have a close election with socialists, one hinting at gun confiscation and another equating the deaths of illegals in the desert to American military deaths, you know it is just a matter of time. A new dark age in America is appearing on the horizon. Plan accordingly and make preparations. That includes relocating to buy time if you can do it. The problem is we are running out of places to go.

11-07-18, 15:43
This. I can't even begin to tell you how Pro-Liberty most of the Georgians I know are. The thought of an avowed socialist almost winning the governorship is abhorrent.

It's truly remarkable where we are at, in terms of the decline of the West...

I really feel for you. Although my father's family in the male line has been in New Mexico since 1622, my wife is half-Cajun from Louisiana, with roots to around 1800 there. I enjoy Southern folks, their history, and the FOOD. It is just stunning to think a full-fledged gun grabber could gain any traction in the Peach State and be the governor.

This Sinema witch in Arizona is just bad news, but less surprising considering the Latino invasion there, in addition to the Californians infesting the place. My State of New Mexico has been Blue for a while, but rural democrat State legislators kept the gun control at bay. That may be history. I have planned accordingly and anticipate the new Prohibition period sometime in the future. It won't affect my family due to years of preparation and we'll just ride it out.

11-07-18, 16:02

11-07-18, 17:34
Historically the incumbent party in the White House looses big in the mid-terms . . .

I think this might be another first for POTUS Donald J. Trump.


11-07-18, 18:27
That's the whole idea...
On the bright side, it appears that Ohio where I live, managed to elect a Republican Gov. And the statehouse is all Republican run.. the fly in the ointment is we still have Sherrod Brown as Senator..for some reason, we just can't seem to shake him...

Deswine is a freaking RINO extraordinaire. I'm originally from Ohio and remember him in the Senate. He's a POS just like Voinovich was.

11-07-18, 18:28
Historically the incumbent party in the White House looses big in the mid-terms . . .

I think this might be another first for POTUS Donald J. Trump.


Thank you for the refreshing dose of reality. This is politics per usual, with the exception that not as many people freaked and flipped sides this go around. My two cents ... The democrats spend the next two years wasting tax payer money on pointless subpoenas and investigations while doing nothing to "help" the people who put them in office.

After America puts up with the idiots blabbering on and wasting money while simultaneously lashing out at 50%+ of the voters in this county ... I think 2020 will be a good year, along the lines of 2016.

11-07-18, 18:37
What amazes me is the wishy-washy "middle" or "independents". R's are gonna vote R and D's are gonna vote D. But if you look at these trends of the party in power losing in the midterms (which admittedly we did better than most this time around) you have to say "Jeez, just two years ago YOU elected this party to power now you're not so sure". Plays out that way more often than not. That is one of the reasons that I have zero respect for those wishy-washy bastages. And this just about always seems to demonstrate my point: they don't know what the hell they want!

11-07-18, 18:38
Thank you for the refreshing dose of reality. This is politics per usual, with the exception that not as many people freaked and flipped sides this go around. My two cents ... The democrats spend the next two years wasting tax payer money on pointless subpoenas and investigations while doing nothing to "help" the people who put them in office.

After America puts up with the idiots blabbering on and wasting money while simultaneously lashing out at 50%+ of the voters in this county ... I think 2020 will be a good year, along the lines of 2016.

The Democrats' only platform is "we hate Trump". That's it. Well, that and their evil communist idealogy.

11-07-18, 18:42
What amazes me is the wishy-washy "middle" or "independents". R's are gonna vote R and D's are gonna vote D. But if you look at these trends of the party in power losing in the midterms (which admittedly we did better than most this time around) you have to say "Jeez, just two years ago YOU elected this party to power now you're not so sure". Plays out that way more often than not. That is one of the reasons that I have zero respect for those wishy-washy bastages. And this just about always seems to demonstrate my point: they don't know what the hell they want!

Hell, just look at the anti-Trump "moderates" on this very forum. They are the proverbial; "With friends like that who needs enemies". The really scary part is how easily they along with all those you mentioned are influenced by the mainstream media's non-stop barrage of disinformation.

11-07-18, 18:44
The Dem's other platform is "the first black, or woman or gay or trans" and whatever the office is.

11-07-18, 18:48
You don't need to be a citizen to vote now apparently.


And Travis county is Austin Texas. No surprise whatsoever.

The Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, has really been working on illegal voting. I would not be surprised AT ALL if the folks in that video were under arrest soon.

They just sentenced several people to several years in state prison for illegal voting here.

11-07-18, 18:51
The Dem's other platform is "the first black, or woman or gay or trans" and whatever the office is.

Yeah, 'cause that one in the White House was soooo successful.....:rolleyes:

11-07-18, 18:52
Deswine is a freaking RINO extraordinaire. I'm originally from Ohio and remember him in the Senate. He's a POS just like Voinovich was.

This. Definately a “hold your nose” vote. I just cant pull a Dem lever at this point. Anyone associating with group that condones such hate and vitriol cannot have power.

11-07-18, 18:57
The Dem's other platform is "the first black, or woman or gay or trans" and whatever the office is.

Well that's what they say . . .

The left/DNC/Marxists rage their culture war with made up terms like "Cultural Appropriation" while they give a historic amount of money to an Irish-American WHITE guy named Robert Francis O'Rourke who committed "Cultural Appropriation" when he wanted everyone to believe he is Hispanic all the while running against a sitting Hispanic-American Senator.

Dr. Ben Carson could have been the second black POTUS, the first Latino POTUS could have been Cruz or Rubio . . . how did the MSM and DNC treat them.

Their girl Hilary spoke in an Ebonics accent at a southern black church and went as far as saying "they all look a like" to an eruption of crowd laughter in a recent interview. No problem because she is a Democrat.

I know people are stupid in general but there really is no comparison to Democrats.

11-07-18, 18:59
This. Definately a “hold your nose” vote. I just cant pull a Dem lever at this point. Anyone associating with group that condones such hate and vitriol cannot have power.

Oh I agree, I've had to do a "hold your nose" vote a time or two. Hate it though.

Deswine is anti-gun, and I remember when Voinovich was governor (right about the time I moved to Tennessee) and he wasn't going to sign a CCW bill in Ohio. Circa 1995-96 or so. It took several years later and a different governor to eventually allow that bill to become law (Kasich no less, wouldn't sign it but allowed it to become law).

11-07-18, 19:35
Add one more casualty to the Midterm chart:


CNN's Chief White House Correspondent Jim Acosta's press pass to access the White House was suspended "until further notice" Wednesday, hours after he engaged in a contentious back-and-forth with President Trump.

Acosta tweeted: "I've just been denied entrance to the WH. Secret Service just informed me I cannot enter the WH grounds for my 8pm hit."

Press secretary Sarah Sanders confirmed Acosta's tweet in a statement, claiming the suspension of his press credentials stemmed from his "placing his hands on a young woman just trying to do her job as a White House intern." She called the behavior "absolutely unacceptable."

Original video here:


11-07-18, 19:39
The master just said "jump."


Democratic billionaire Tom Steyer on Wednesday urged the newly empowered House Democrats to pursue impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump.

"If you look at last night and you look at the popular vote, there was a referendum on the President, and he got crushed," Steyer told CNN in a telephone interview.

He said House Democrats must "stand up for the rule of law" and confront a "lawless" President who is a "threat to the American Constitution and the American people."

11-07-18, 19:46
even the WHITE HOUSE is now bad !

WHITE house you are racist !!!! we need to change the name and what about people that do not have a home HOUSE is racist or uh uh its typical white privilege to those that cant afford a home

sadly that is how the left responds to even common things anymore

the left is unhinged and no direction no grounding and its showing as said even the lefty folks here are coming out more and more

yeah the enemy of this country are those that want to destroy it ignore the laws etc.. and that seems to be almost every lefty and every democrat

serfdom is making a comeback sadly

11-07-18, 20:18
The market likes stability. Gridlock in DC equals stability.

They must like it because Dow went up 500+

11-07-18, 20:24
There's a good possibility GF voted for the longshot independent candidate for governor vs the Dem slag that actually won, since the latter apparently has a troubled history with the Indian tribe my GF is a member of, but at this point that hardly matters.

The die has been cast....

Move while you yet can... Unless something cosmic happens, you're screwed...


11-07-18, 20:40
Thank you for the refreshing dose of reality. This is politics per usual, with the exception that not as many people freaked and flipped sides this go around. My two cents ... The democrats spend the next two years wasting tax payer money on pointless subpoenas and investigations while doing nothing to "help" the people who put them in office.

After America puts up with the idiots blabbering on and wasting money while simultaneously lashing out at 50%+ of the voters in this county ... I think 2020 will be a good year, along the lines of 2016.

I'd say there's a good chance you're right.

11-07-18, 20:46
Well that's what they say . . .

The left/DNC/Marxists rage their culture war with made up terms like "Cultural Appropriation" while they give a historic amount of money to an Irish-American WHITE guy named Robert Francis O'Rourke who committed "Cultural Appropriation" when he wanted everyone to believe he is Hispanic all the while running against a sitting Hispanic-American Senator.

Dr. Ben Carson could have been the second black POTUS, the first Latino POTUS could have been Cruz or Rubio . . . how did the MSM and DNC treat them.

Their girl Hilary spoke in an Ebonics accent at a southern black church and went as far as saying "they all look a like" to an eruption of crowd laughter in a recent interview. No problem because she is a Democrat.

I know people are stupid in general but there really is no comparison to Democrats.

Don't forget this Hillary gem:


They're certainly consistent in their hypocrisy.

11-07-18, 20:59
And Travis county is Austin Texas. No surprise whatsoever.

The Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, has really been working on illegal voting. I would not be surprised AT ALL if the folks in that video were under arrest soon.

They just sentenced several people to several years in state prison for illegal voting here.

Where's the like button?

Project Veritas has been doing great work lately.

It also makes me think I need to seriously consider taking time to volunteer at the polls in 2020.

11-07-18, 22:21
The mob visited Tucker.. Yea, civility is back..


11-07-18, 22:57
The BIG winner? Beto. Bilked Texans and others out of a cool $68Mil. Winning! Talk about someone showing up at your door the next day.

11-08-18, 00:45
Press secretary Sarah Sanders confirmed Acosta's tweet in a statement, claiming the suspension of his press credentials stemmed from him "placing his hands on a young woman just trying to do her job as a White House intern." She called the behavior "absolutely unacceptable."

Original video here:



11-08-18, 06:03
Looks like this is a few days late:


11-08-18, 06:29
Looks like this is a few days late:


Right on time for Newsom.

11-08-18, 08:12
Texas turns Blue forever in 2024-2028. Adios America.

11-08-18, 08:15
Deswine is a freaking RINO extraordinaire. I'm originally from Ohio and remember him in the Senate. He's a POS just like Voinovich was.

You're right.. He was'nt exactly my first choice, and our outgoing gov. may as well be a democrat, honestly I'm ashamed how he acted when Trump won, and then, when the Republican party has it's convention in Cleveland, he snubbs the president by not showing up.I remember Dewine's scam back in the early 90's where you had to pay for your own backround check to buy firearms, it was later thrown out in court and the state had to give everyone their money back..With a republican controlled state house, he can't get too far out of line, Cordray (sp?) OTH, had a nice little list of things to do for "commonsense" gun control...you know, backround checks mag bans etc. There's no doubt Cordray would have been much worse.. As it is, I don't think Dewine will get too far if he goes for gun control, not with a Republican run state house..

11-08-18, 08:30
This. Definately a “hold your nose” vote. I just cant pull a Dem lever at this point. Anyone associating with group that condones such hate and vitriol cannot have power.

Exactly what it was, and it's exactly how I feel about Democrats..On the local ballot was a Democrat running unopposed for cornorer, I left that space blank, I can't knowingly vote anyone that's a Democrat, not after what kind if behavior I've seen from them over the last 2 years..

11-08-18, 08:44
Exactly what it was, and it's exactly how I feel about Democrats..On the local ballot was a Democrat running unopposed for cornorer, I left that space blank, I can't knowingly vote anyone that's a Democrat, not after what kind if behavior I've seen from them over the last 2 years..

We do the same here, leave it blank. The same with Judges we know nothing about.

Side note Ruth Bader broke ribs again.


11-08-18, 08:46
Texas turns Blue forever in 2024-2028. Adios America.
An engineered, self-inflicted destruction of a Country by around one-half of the population. We collapsed from within, utilizing imported 3rd World refugees.

11-08-18, 08:52
The bodies aren't even cold in California and here's this idiocy again:


11-08-18, 10:09
An engineered, self-inflicted destruction of a Country by around one-half of the population. We collapsed from within, utilizing imported 3rd World refugees.

The Fifth Column. Alive and well.

11-08-18, 13:56
Texas turns Blue forever in 2024-2028. Adios America.

"Texas can make it without the United States, but the United States cannot make it without Texas". — Sam Houston

11-08-18, 14:02
"Texas can make it without the United States, but the United States cannot make it without Texas". — Sam Houston

The US did just fine without Texas for about four years. Texas did less well without the US for those same four years. ;)

11-08-18, 14:30
The US did just fine without Texas for about four years. Texas did less well without the US for those same four years. ;)

So says the guy that hates the fact TX votes keeps his candidates from sweeping the Electoral college. :lol:

Alex V
11-08-18, 16:20
Looks like they are recounting the votes in Floridan. Never fails...

11-08-18, 16:58
So says the guy that hates the fact TX votes keeps his candidates from sweeping the Electoral college. :lol:

What candidates?