View Full Version : Jamal Khashoggi event

10-16-18, 09:27
This one confuses me a bit. Can be solved in 1 min: Release vid of his entering the building, and vid showing his leaving the building. There's cameras every damn inch of that building, and everyone know that. This seems rather simple to me for the Saudis to demonstrates he was unmolested while in their building. No searches needed, etc. Are the Saudi's claiming they have no vids? If they refuse to release vids, then they're guilty as chit. What am I missing?

Jamal Khashoggi: Pressure grows on Saudis as US envoy meets king

Pressure is growing on Saudi Arabia to explain the fate of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, as US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met King Salman in Riyadh.

Mr Khashoggi was last seen at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul two weeks ago.

Turkish officials believe Mr Khashoggi was murdered by Saudi agents but the Saudis have denied this.

However, US media are reporting that the Saudis may be preparing to admit that Mr Khashoggi died as a result of an interrogation that went wrong.


10-16-18, 09:52
I don't know what the think about this new Prince. Out of the gate he seemed to want to modernize and kick the 7th Century guys in the nuts. Then he went after some corrupt (I know redundant) princes. Now pulling a Putin and killing off bad press?

Seems like enough evidence to convict someone of murder.

10-16-18, 10:20
I predict someone will fall on their sword over this.

10-16-18, 10:50
I predict someone will fall on their sword over this.

Probably because they were told their entire family will cease to exist if they don't. We don't need their oil anymore. When do we stop making excuses for those chit heads? Sure, they're a counter to the Iranians, but that's getting old too. Then there's 9/11, but no need to even go there.

10-16-18, 11:32
Who cares? This would not even be a story if they guy did not work for WaPo. He is not even a US citizen. Turkey and the MSM are playing us.

10-16-18, 12:31
Who cares? This would not even be a story if they guy did not work for WaPo. He is not even a US citizen. Turkey and the MSM are playing us.

Exactly. Why the righteous indignation? This guy isn’t a US citizen. Not our problem.

10-16-18, 13:08
Exactly. Why the righteous indignation? This guy isn’t a US citizen. Not our problem.

He was a journalist living in the US. That's likely why it's getting the traction it's getting.

10-16-18, 13:33
Here's what I've been able to figure out. Someone pissed off the wrong people. Said people then sent a very clear message about what happens to you when you cross them. We the pee on's of the world will never know what truly happened other than he died, and someone(s) wanted him very dead. Not "mostly dead", but "all dead".

10-16-18, 13:52
Probably because they were told their entire family will cease to exist if they don't. We don't need their oil anymore. When do we stop making excuses for those chit heads? Sure, they're a counter to the Iranians, but that's getting old too. Then there's 9/11, but no need to even go there.

Right now Saudi is an Islamic Monarchy, bad as that is it is still better than an Islamic Theocracy. Sure they play footsie with the wahhabist, but it still better than the wahhabists running everything.

Who cares? This would not even be a story if they guy did not work for WaPo. He is not even a US citizen. Turkey and the MSM are playing us.

Saudi journalist who was critical of Saudi royals. I dare say they don't tolerate progressives to the extent that we do. This is very much SSDD.

10-16-18, 13:55
I wish we could send the White House Press Corp there . . .

10-16-18, 14:13
I wish we could send the White House Press Corp there . . .

The plane would land and the would just push them out the exit with out a jet bridge or stairs....

10-16-18, 15:36
The plane would land and the would just push them out the exit with out a jet bridge or stairs....

There are significant fines for littering...

10-18-18, 09:20
Interesting Political Football;
Police investigating the disappearance of Khashoggi, who they believe was killed by Saudi agents inside the country's consulate in Istanbul, will begin reviewing security footage from the entrances to Istanbul's Belgrad Forest and also expect to search farmland in Yalova province about 60 miles away, Turkish media reported.
A Turkish official confirmed that investigators had broadened their search for Khashoggi's body to “gardens” around the Istanbul area. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss details of the case.

The Gulfstream jets that Turkish officials say ferried operatives who apprehended and likely killed a dissident Saudi journalist in Istanbul belong to a company controlled by Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, people familiar with the matter said.
Turkish authorities also released on Wednesday the names and photographs of the 15 men they say were involved in Jamal Khashoggi’s suspected killing in the kingdom’s consulate in Istanbul on Oct. 2 before returning hours later to Saudi Arabia. They included a forensics expert and a man who in 2017 was pictured wearing a Saudi Royal Guard uniform.
Saudi officials have denied involvement and say they are assisting the Turkish investigation into Mr. Khashoggi’s disappearance. Officials didn’t respond to requests to comment.
Mr. Khashoggi, a Washington resident living in self-imposed exile, was in Istanbul to obtain documents to marry his Turkish fiancée when he disappeared, sparking a diplomatic crisis between Turkey and Saudi Arabia, two influential regional rivals that are both U.S. allies.

Khashoggi, a critic of Saudi policy who has written for The Washington Post and other publications, has not been seen since he entered the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul on Oct. 2. The Turkish government alleges he was murdered, a charge the Saudis have vehemently denied.
Turkish officials reportedly hope on Wednesday to enter the Saudi consul's residence as part of their probe into the journalist's disappearance.
Pompeo was dispatched by President Trump on Monday to meet with leaders in both countries. Trump has recently give the Saudis the benefit of the doubt in Khashoggi's disappearance, after taking a harder stance last week.
"Here we go again with you know you're guilty until proven innocent," Trump told The Associated Press on Tuesday.
On Wednesday, Trump spoke about the close business and strategic relationship between Saudi Arabia and the U.S. "They're an important ally, but I want to find out what happened, where is the fault, and we will probably know that by the end of the week," he told reporters.

Khashoggi was dragged from the consul-general’s office at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul and onto the table of his study next door, the Turkish source said.
Horrendous screams were then heard by a witness downstairs, the source said.
"The consul himself was taken out of the room. There was no attempt to interrogate him. They had come to kill him,” the source told MEE.
The screaming stopped when Khashoggi - who was last seen entering the Saudi consulate on 2 October - was injected with an as yet unknown substance.
Salah Muhammad al-Tubaigy, who has been identified as the head of forensic evidence in the Saudi general security department, was one of the 15-member squad who arrived in Ankara earlier that day on a private jet.
Tubaigy began to cut Khashoggi’s body up on a table in the study while he was still alive, the Turkish source said.
The killing took seven minutes, the source said.
As he started to dismember the body, Tubaigy put on earphones and listened to music. He advised other members of the squad to do the same.
“When I do this job, I listen to music. You should do [that] too,” Tubaigy was recorded as saying, the source told MEE.

My take;
It's very and almost too convenient to have film evidence of the victim entering but not leaving, but to also have audio of his murder and the disassembly of the body?
This alliance we have is shaky at best and has an awful lot to do with how we deal with a nuclear Iran. It's already stacking up against the Administration.
I don't trust the House of Saud, but I trust Turkey and Iran even less.

10-18-18, 13:33
Already a thread going on this one . . .


10-18-18, 13:56
So...the theory is that either the Sauds did it to get back at Jamal for his criticism of the Royal Prince (which according to Occam's and Hanlon's Razor is the most likely), Ex-pat Sauds in collusion with Iran did it in an attempt to sow discord between the U.S., Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, or Jamal is now living in Turkey with his fiancèe and a sense of smug satisfaction that he has screwed up diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia?

10-18-18, 14:40
Lot's of journalist die in automobile accidents these days, look at the guy who broke the story on Gen. Petraeus's affair.

Modern automobile controls can be easily hacked.

10-18-18, 14:43
"I never did mind the little things...."

10-18-18, 14:46
These are two “allies”, both questionable at best. This occurred on foreign soil and the victim is not a United States citizen. It may be a horrible situation but I don’t see where the pressure is on us to do something. What am I missing?

10-18-18, 14:51
These are two “allies”, both questionable at best. This occurred on foreign soil and the victim is not a United States citizen. It may be a horrible situation but I don’t see where the pressure is on us to do something. What am I missing?

I wished the media would have given journalist Daniel Pearl's beheading as much attention.

10-18-18, 15:19
The people involved in this will disappear, then after the next hollywood marxist calls for the President to be removed by any means possible and the President responds.

This story fades into history.

News flash, the Royal family stays in power through murder and rape of dissidents.

10-18-18, 15:53
This is really only a story because of WaPo.
I really couldn't care less, not our problem, many mafia types have suffered worse fates. MS13 right now does worse every day. Focus on that.

10-18-18, 16:10
I love how this is the perfect excuse to spank Saudi for being dicks (and 9/11) and y'all are like, "Damn, I wish we could do that here!"

Be careful what you wish for.

10-18-18, 17:03
I love how this is the perfect excuse to spank Saudi for being dicks (and 9/11) and y'all are like, "Damn, I wish we could do that here!"

So we're supposed to go and give the people ruled by the House of Saud free elections because they iced one of their own citizens while cleaning house?

And the Deep State does the same shit here.


10-18-18, 17:42
I love how this is the perfect excuse to spank Saudi for being dicks (and 9/11) and y'all are like, "Damn, I wish we could do that here!"

Be careful what you wish for.

The Saudis (who I am in no way defending) killed a Saudi citizen in Turkey in the Saudi embassy (sovereign Saudi territory) and this is somehow an opportunity for us to spank them? We have better reasons to “spank” Saudi Arabia but this isn’t one of them. This is just another excuse for the MSM to go after DJT.

10-18-18, 21:12
I love how this is the perfect excuse to spank Saudi for being dicks (and 9/11) and y'all are like, "Damn, I wish we could do that here!"

Be careful what you wish for.

You don't think Bill and Hillary didn't do that to build the fortune they have?

Dr. Bullseye
10-18-18, 21:48
Why is this a story? Someone help me. A Saudi Arab Washington Post writer is killed in a Saudi embassy in Turkey? So what? One down. There was not this uproar when four Americans were killed in Bengazzi.

10-19-18, 00:05
Why is this a story? Someone help me. A Saudi Arab Washington Post writer is killed in a Saudi embassy in Turkey? So what? One down. There was not this uproar when four Americans were killed in Bengazzi.

Nor was there this much stink being made when American journalist Daniel Pearl was beheaded by oxygen thieves for all the world to see.

10-19-18, 10:37
Here is a whole new angle on the Khashoggi event https://www.americanpartisan.org/2018/10/tinker-tailor-journalist-spy-jamal-khashoggi-and-the-story-theyre-not-telling/
He was not just a journalist.

10-19-18, 10:59
That was a good read. Enlightening

10-19-18, 15:45
Here is a whole new angle on the Khashoggi event https://www.americanpartisan.org/2018/10/tinker-tailor-journalist-spy-jamal-khashoggi-and-the-story-theyre-not-telling/

This article shows a fundamental ignorance of the ME, that is at the root of the long term stupidity of American policy in the ME.

Democracy does not exist in the ME, as we know it. Democracy in every case will bring the Muslim Brotherhood to power and that will bring the world to greater war. Every Islamic state in the ME in ruled by thugs, with secret police to kep them running

10-19-18, 18:29
So now the Saudi's are admitting it was ostensibly a "one-off" killing by rogue elements. Bullshit. Under the House of Saud and their iron fist nothing happens without approval. An obvious face-saving attempt.

10-19-18, 18:31

10-19-18, 19:02
Why do we care though? It's their country.

I don't, and we as a nation shouldn't. But you know there are those that will.....

26 Inf
10-19-18, 19:39
Why do we care though? It's their country.

From my perspective it simply gives us an excuse to cut bait. Which we wont do, regardless of how many terrorist organizations they fund, because the defense industry would scream bloody murder.

10-19-18, 19:52
And they counter Iran in the ME.

10-19-18, 20:02
And they counter Iran in the ME.

And that is the ONLY thing that makes me hesitate to call for a full-out suplex body-slam of the Saudis, rhetorically and diplomatically speaking of course. We have our agenda, and like it or not they are an integral part of it in the Middle East. Use them but screw them if possible.

10-19-18, 23:54
I just don’t get why this is a big thing for the left right now, a Saudi citizen, who may have been murdered in a Saudi consulate in Turkey, and somehow we should be involved in the investigation? I’m nowhere near the bigly fan of Trump, but that’s a really far stretch by my imagination

10-20-18, 02:01
I guess Saudis picked up a new hobby to go along with crashing planes into buildings, Yemeni genocide, and buying weapons from the USA. Now there's chopping up journalists in embassies.

10-20-18, 02:12
So now the Saudi's are admitting it was ostensibly a "one-off" killing by rogue elements. Bullshit. Under the House of Saud and their iron fist nothing happens without approval. An obvious face-saving attempt.

I guess Saudis picked up a new hobby to go along with crashing planes into buildings, Yemeni genocide, and buying weapons from the USA. Now there's chopping up journalists in embassies.

After reading several articles that I linked earlier in this thread, there is no way this wasn't approved. It was almost a baited trap waiting for this guy to happen to walk in to.
They were chopping up the body in movable pieces on the desk before he was even dead, or so the story goes..

10-20-18, 10:39
The ever more gory details being reported without any questions from the "media" has pegged my echo chamber detector.

Here is one. How does Turkey have audio from inside the Saudi embassy?
How about another. Why would they burn this great source of intel over a "journalist"?
And. When has Turkey worried about jailing or killing dissidents?

This is Iran/Turkey/Muslim Brotherhood trying to wedge the US and Saudi apart.

10-20-18, 11:51
I just don’t get why this is a big thing for the left right now, a Saudi citizen, who may have been murdered in a Saudi consulate in Turkey, and somehow we should be involved in the investigation? I’m nowhere near the bigly fan of Trump, but that’s a really far stretch by my imagination
I don’t think it’s all that hard. Kashfaggi was a Muslim brotherhood dude. Which basically means Islamic Marxist. Which is Obama’s favorite flavor. Added that he’s tied with WaPo and all that goes with that, well it ends up being “he’s one of ours” for the left. Pearl was a Jew so he doesn’t count. Anyway, this simply gives the left another hammer to hit at Trump with. Whatever he does, it won’t be the right thing.

10-20-18, 12:09
“Arab youths fight shoulder to shoulder with Mujahedeen,” Don Jr ...
5 days ago - Arab youths fight shoulder to shoulder with Mujahedeen,” Don Jr gleans for some less than helpful insights into Jamal Khashoggi's disappearance. ... journalist Jamal Khashoggi once covered the Mujahideen in Afghanistan.


10-20-18, 12:12
Never thought I would say this, but given his burning hatred of the house of Saud and unnatural desires to suck off Iran, I'd be really interested in hearing good ol' KalashniKEV's view on this.

10-20-18, 15:40
I like how we “need to figure this out”

And at the same time “dont worry about Bengazi”.

Odd shit.

10-20-18, 17:30
I like how we “need to figure this out”

And at the same time “dont worry about Bengazi”.

Odd shit.

And once again, if it wasn’t for double standards the Communist Democratic Party wouldn’t have any.

10-20-18, 18:20
“Arab youths fight shoulder to shoulder with Mujahedeen,” Don Jr ...
5 days ago - Arab youths fight shoulder to shoulder with Mujahedeen,” Don Jr gleans for some less than helpful insights into Jamal Khashoggi's disappearance. ... journalist Jamal Khashoggi once covered the Mujahideen in Afghanistan.


They've been busy erasing the legacy of some of the crazy stuff this guy has written.
The article you linked has gone. A Google search shows little bit ghost links that lead you nowhere, but if you look on various military history links you'll find some things. He was very impressed with Bin Laden and praised his efforts against the Russians pretty heavily.
I'm guessing he was the leftist hero that combined the Socialists with the muslim brotherhood from what I can tell.

10-20-18, 20:50
Gas lighting BS. What is going on behind curtain number 3 please? If this journalist was an outspoken critic of the current Saudi regime and probably knew he was NOT liked by his country men as a result, why on earth would he go into a secure facility where no one could see what could happen to him? Not smart at all and he was surprised no doubt.

Ned Christiansen
10-20-18, 20:58
A somewhat similar event, in Venezuela. Get arrested, taken to HQ, and oops next thing you know it's a ten-story fall.


Nice HQ (SEBIN, the National Intelligence Service), guess they musta skimped on the windows though. Referred to in Caracas as "The Tomb".

10-21-18, 00:20
Pinochet liked helicopters.

10-21-18, 00:53
Don't forget China just disappeared the head of INTERPOL.


10-21-18, 08:29
A somewhat similar event, in Venezuela. Get arrested, taken to HQ, and oops next thing you know it's a ten-story fall.


Nice HQ (SEBIN, the National Intelligence Service), guess they musta skimped on the windows though. Referred to in Caracas as "The Tomb".

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

Ned Christiansen
10-24-18, 17:53
New and interesting word, thank you.