View Full Version : Amnesty, Gun Control, Top the Agenda if Dems Win Back the House

Doc Safari
10-16-18, 11:34

Politico published an interview with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) in which the former Speaker of the House was described as “plotting her return to the speakership,”laying out an agenda for when — if — she wins.

Pelosi’s next priorities as speaker, she told Politico, would include new gun control laws, and amnesty for illegal aliens

My take: Any gun owner who does not at least get out and vote is no defender of the Second Amendment.

10-16-18, 12:10
Amnesty, Gun Control, Top the Agenda if Dems Win Back the House - this is no surprise to me, but I am glad she was so open about it.

10-16-18, 12:14
Vote - absolutely. But I have diminishing confidence in voting for multiple reasons, including simple outright fraud as long practiced in older big cities.

No matter. For the last two years the Dems have shown that if you don't like a result, you just scream and complain and ignore it, and whoever got elected is "not MY ___." Goose/gander etc. Suggested topics for further reading: breakup of the USSR, end of the British Empire, and the partition of British India following that end.

10-16-18, 12:38

Doc Safari
10-16-18, 13:19
It's almost like they want us disarmed so they can replace us without much of a fight.

Remember this is ultimately the government's agenda since the 1965 Immigration and Naturalization Act- to replace it's people with those who are more compliant, dependent, and less freedom thinking.

I don't know why you use the word "almost."

The only thing that keeps them from taking over is that they keep losing elections. If they could do away with elections they would be in hog heaven.

10-16-18, 13:50
So this happened today . . .

Project Veritas, Senator Claire McCaskill Hides (GUN CONTROL) Agenda from Voters, Amazingly Hypocritical?


10-16-18, 15:04
Amnesty, Gun Control, Top the Agenda if Dems Win Back the House - this is no surprise to me, but I am glad she was so open about it.

She's claiming that she only wants expanded background checks. Of course, we know the Dems' gameplan at this point, and if they get some gun control measure passed, the ink from Trump's signature won't even be dry before a ban bill is introduced in one or both of the houses.

10-16-18, 15:30
Who cares what the Dem's "dream sheet" is... its not like it wasnt known all along for the last 20 years at least...

Trump would VETO all of that and there is NO WAY the dem's get a 2/3 majority in both the house and senate.

10-16-18, 15:38
Create millions of new Dem voters and disarm the rest of us......whoda thunk it?

10-16-18, 15:44
Trump would VETO all of that and there is NO WAY the dem's get a 2/3 majority in both the house and senate.

Watch the Dems attach “assault weapon” confiscation to a bill that funds a border wall or adds billions
To national defense... Still think he’d veto?

10-16-18, 15:49
Watch the Dems attach “assault weapon” confiscation to a bill that funds a border wall or adds billions
To national defense... Still think he’d veto?

Yes he would. Gun bans a political suicide.

Doc Safari
10-16-18, 15:50
Regardless. I don't want to give an inch. If you allow one rat in your house pretty soon your house will be full of rats.

Doc Safari
10-16-18, 16:21
So this happened today . . .


My hope is that there are dozens of videos like this, and that they will be revealed between now and election day.

10-16-18, 18:01
What amazes me is how many Americans that aren't supporters of the hard core left, still vote for the Dems.

10-16-18, 18:21
I'm not too worried about the mid terms. If I recall, Hillary had a 98% chance of winning the Presidency last go around. I believed that and I've also believed that the voting was completely rigged ever since Bill Clinton's second term. Frankly, I'm astounded at what's been accomplished in the last couple of years. I'm well aware that a lot of useful idiots still have their heads buried in the sand, or elsewhere, but I've been pleasantly surprised by how many people seem to be waking up to the fact that the MSM and Dems have been lying to them. I know several black people who have finally realized that it was the Dems who fought to keep them enslaved and a Republican that fought to free them. They are quite pissed and outspoken about it too. #Walk away.

Point #2. They had their man in the White House for 8 years and accomplished NOTHING in regards to gun control. The country simply doesn't want gun control. Its a losing platform and always has been. A large percentage of Dem voters don't want it, and they are truly in conflict about who to vote for because of it. More and more of them are seeing through the deception. I believe her outspoken stance on gun control is the primary reason Hillary lost. It made a lot of fence sitters go our way. Further, the backlash from things like the Kavenaugh witch hunt are hurting the Dems bad. They had to try to keep Kavenaugh off the bench, but I think the majority of people realize it was a pack of lies from a pack of liars, and many Liberals are pissed about their deplorable behavior.

That's my view down her in the middle of liberal town. The pendulum has reached its Zenith. Look out. Its swinging back the other way again.

10-16-18, 20:13
Watch the Dems attach “assault weapon” confiscation to a bill that funds a border wall or adds billions
To national defense... Still think he’d veto?
Yes he would. Gun bans a political suicide.
I agree. The Donald knows the Republicans in the Senate and House wouldn't support anything else he does if he did that.


10-17-18, 17:35
Point #2. They had their man in the White House for 8 years and accomplished NOTHING in regards to gun control. The country simply doesn't want gun control. Its a losing platform and always has been. A large percentage of Dem voters don't want it, and they are truly in conflict about who to vote for because of it. More and more of them are seeing through the deception. I believe her outspoken stance on gun control is the primary reason Hillary lost. It made a lot of fence sitters go our way.

I realize that this is M4C so not to many of the membership cares for the Kalashnikov side of the house but Obama did impose sanctions on Russia which essentially banned the importation of Kalashnikov Concern (formerly Izhmash) rifles, his BATFE declared the Russian 7N6 surplus 5.45 as "armor piercing" and thus banned it, and Trump expanded upon Obama's sanctions which also now includes Molot (VEPR) rifles. While not an out and right ban the tactic they use for the disarmament agenda is the principle of eating an elephant one bite at a time.

The DNC isn't going anywhere, the old adage; "Every vote from here on out is more important than the last one" rings true. They may not win big this mid-term (fingers crossed), or even 2020 but they are not going anywhere.

10-17-18, 17:48
My hope is that there are dozens of videos like this, and that they will be revealed between now and election day.

There is one out now on democrap Phil Bredesen who is running for Senate in Tennessee. Hopefully the people of our state will see through his b.s.

10-20-18, 02:10
Is there any chance a ban of any type would get upheld with this SCOTUS lineup? Not likely.

10-20-18, 04:19
If you want to understand the Left in the US, read the works of Saul Alinsky and read about Cloward and Piven. Those are early examples of what's evolved into the current game plan.

The people in charge of the left aren't Americans. They are essentially home-grown foreigners fighting a soft revolution to overthrow the US and replace it with their own state.

10-20-18, 21:08
Socialists see themselves as revolutionaries. Once they get into power, they don’t see a need for anymore private ownership of guns or even elections. Every election from now on, whether mid term, or POTUS should be seen as potentially changing our society for the future and taken very seriously.

10-20-18, 21:47
Point #2. They had their man in the White House for 8 years and accomplished NOTHING in regards to gun control. The country simply doesn't want gun control. Its a losing platform and always has been. A large percentage of Dem voters don't want it, and they are truly in conflict about who to vote for because of it. More and more of them are seeing through the deception.

The democrat party is in rapid transformation mode. They're uncloaking themselves and making their appeal to the young generation who wouldn't be appalled if the party logo was a hammer & sickle and they all referred to themselves as comrades. These young ones have no perspective on anything. They are the future ruin of the United States.

The old generation democrat was the product of the 1960's generation and they were so screwed up they didn't realize their buffoonery cleared the path and paved the way for the Progressive Marxist takeover of the party. Dumb asses every one of them.

10-21-18, 05:42
*These views are my own and do not represent the DOD or any other government agency*

The liberal youth are a direct result of the failings of the Boomers. They bankrupted this country and still expect millennials to cowtow to them and thank them for being born into this disaster that they created. They say Millenials are entitled because they are requesting college debt relief and higher wages (college being 1076% more expensive than in 1978); adjusted for inflation this generation makes only two-thirds to one-half what your average Boomer made at the same point in their career. If any generation voted themselves mass handouts it was the boomers in the form unsustainable tax cuts, the destruction of the environment, and unrestrained war that has lasted for over three decades. I have airmen that flew combat missions in Afghanistan that were toddlers when that war started!

The Millennials, and to a lesser degree Gen X are completely screwed and I don’t blame the younger cohorts of Gen X and most of the Millenials for the direction they want to take this country based on their own personal circumstances. The only reason I am not with them going full Bernie 2020 is due to my conservative beliefs on abortion and firearms rights.

*These views are my own and do not represent the DOD or any other government agency*

10-21-18, 05:46
Molon labe, baby. :dirol:

10-21-18, 07:45
*These views are my own and do not represent the DOD or any other government agency*

The liberal youth are a direct result of the failings of the Boomers. They bankrupted this country and still expect millennials to cowtow to them and thank them for being born into this disaster that they created. They say Millenials are entitled because they are requesting college debt relief and higher wages (college being 1076% more expensive than in 1978); adjusted for inflation this generation makes only two-thirds to one-half what your average Boomer made at the same point in their career. If any generation voted themselves mass handouts it was the boomers in the form unsustainable tax cuts, the destruction of the environment, and unrestrained war that has lasted for over three decades. I have airmen that flew combat missions in Afghanistan that were toddlers when that war started!

The Millennials, and to a lesser degree Gen X are completely screwed and I don’t blame the younger cohorts of Gen X and most of the Millenials for the direction they want to take this country based on their own personal circumstances. The only reason I am not with them going full Bernie 2020 is due to my conservative beliefs on abortion and firearms rights.

*These views are my own and do not represent the DOD or any other government agency*

“Unsustainable tax cuts”? Kick rocks with that nonsense, I pay almost six figures in taxes every year and I can assure you I am not “rich”. Woodrow Wilson & FDR really helped set the table for what we are experiencing but it was LBJs so called “Great Society” that really got us going down the rabbit hole. It is irresponsible spending that is the problem and the bulk of that is in social programs which the FEDERAL government has no business in. This is, as another poster mentioned the Cloward-Piven strategy, Obama’s presidency was 100% Cloward-Piven, this is how they think they will turn the USA into a socialist utopia. My wife is from Cuba, we know how well socialism works there, in Venezuela and in the USSR. The left may one day get their way here and turn this into Cuba, it will happen over my dead body, I will not be a part of that dystopia.

To want to double down on reckless spending, which is what got us here is mind blowing and that is exactly what Bernie wants. I realize not everyone loves Trump for whatever reason, but he is the last hope we have left. If you weren’t paying attention, he has called for 5% spending cuts, that is a start. He has been delivering on just about everything so far, if R’s hold the house and senate, I have no doubt he will deliver on this as well (maybe he doesn’t get everything he asked for, but it will represents a course correction and hopefully it is not too late).

10-21-18, 08:34
*These views are my own and do not represent the DOD or any other government agency*

The liberal youth are a direct result of the failings of the Boomers. They bankrupted this country and still expect millennials to cowtow to them and thank them for being born into this disaster that they created. They say Millenials are entitled because they are requesting college debt relief and higher wages (college being 1076% more expensive than in 1978); adjusted for inflation this generation makes only two-thirds to one-half what your average Boomer made at the same point in their career. If any generation voted themselves mass handouts it was the boomers in the form unsustainable tax cuts, the destruction of the environment, and unrestrained war that has lasted for over three decades. I have airmen that flew combat missions in Afghanistan that were toddlers when that war started!

The Millennials, and to a lesser degree Gen X are completely screwed and I don’t blame the younger cohorts of Gen X and most of the Millenials for the direction they want to take this country based on their own personal circumstances. The only reason I am not with them going full Bernie 2020 is due to my conservative beliefs on abortion and firearms rights.

*These views are my own and do not represent the DOD or any other government agency*

Uh huh. Your conservative views on firearms are about the ONLY thing in that diatribe that I agree with (don't disagree on abortion, it just isn't a make-or-break for me).

So you're basically a Liberal who is pro-gun and pro-life. Okay I guess, but jeez.....

Also, might wanna bone up on your math. ".....unrestrained war that has lasted for over three decades." ????? That takes us back to 1988. So we've been in endless war since 1988? Riiiight.

10-21-18, 09:23

10-21-18, 09:37
“Unsustainable tax cuts”? Kick rocks with that nonsense, I pay almost six figures in taxes every year and I can assure you I am not “rich”. Woodrow Wilson & FDR really helped set the table for what we are experiencing but it was LBJs so called “Great Society” that really got us going down the rabbit hole. It is irresponsible spending that is the problem and the bulk of that is in social programs which the FEDERAL government has no business in. This is, as another poster mentioned the Cloward-Piven strategy, Obama’s presidency was 100% Cloward-Piven, this is how they think they will turn the USA into a socialist utopia. My wife is from Cuba, we know how well socialism works there, in Venezuela and in the USSR. The left may one day get their way here and turn this into Cuba, it will happen over my dead body, I will not be a part of that dystopia.

To want to double down on reckless spending, which is what got us here is mind blowing and that is exactly what Bernie wants. I realize not everyone loves Trump for whatever reason, but he is the last hope we have left. If you weren’t paying attention, he has called for 5% spending cuts, that is a start. He has been delivering on just about everything so far, if R’s hold the house and senate, I have no doubt he will deliver on this as well (maybe he doesn’t get everything he asked for, but it will represents a course correction and hopefully it is not too late).

Our infrastructure is collapsing in a good part of the country, education is abhorrent, we are rolling back EPA protections which include both clean water to clean air, and you’d better hope you don’t get cancer because if you do it will bankrupt you. While not all of those are social programs, two of the most important ones are. If we do not invest now in our future domestically, we are not going to be able to continue succeeding in the future. If we continue to shortchange these programs, we are going to all suffer. Health Care is a right, education is a right, clean air and water are rights, and should be valued alongside the rights that I think all members of this forum support; the right to bear arms, and the right to free speech.

Also, yes the tax cuts are unsustainable and are expected to add over 1 trillion to the deficit. Additionally, if we are going to consider corporations as people for the interest of free speech and campaign contributions, we should consider them the same as people for taxation and attach the corporate tax rate to the equivalent individual bracket.

Uh huh. Your conservative views on firearms are about the ONLY thing in that diatribe that I agree with (don't disagree on abortion, it just isn't a make-or-break for me).

So you're basically a Liberal who is pro-gun and pro-life. Okay I guess, but jeez.....

Also, might wanna bone up on your math. ".....unrestrained war that has lasted for over three decades." ????? That takes us back to 1988. So we've been in endless war since 1988? Riiiight.

I was starting the timeline with Grenada in ‘83 which given how short and inconsequential that was, I will roll it forward to ‘90 with Desert Shield which still represents 28 years of conflict. And yes that is an accurate descriptor for me, a liberal who likes guns and is prolife.

My degree is in accounting, my loans are paid off, and I am living quite comfortably thank you. It would however have helped the majority of Americans just starting out, if we would actually have raised the minimum wage to keep up with inflation. If we did it would be somewhere between $10 and $14 dollars an hour right now depending on the state. Additionally, the median wage for the middle class in real dollars has not gone up since ‘78 while the cost of living has quite substantially.

*These views are my own and do not represent the DOD or any other government agency*

10-21-18, 10:03
Our infrastructure is collapsing in a good part of the country, education is abhorrent, we are rolling back EPA protections which include both clean water to clean air, and you’d better hope you don’t get cancer because if you do it will bankrupt you. While not all of those are social programs, two of the most important ones are. If we do not invest now in our future domestically, we are not going to be able to continue succeeding in the future. If we continue to shortchange these programs, we are going to all suffer. Health Care is a right, education is a right, clean air and water are rights, and should be valued alongside the rights that I think all members of this forum support; the right to bear arms, and the right to free speech.

Also, yes the tax cuts are unsustainable and are expected to add over 1 trillion to the deficit. Additionally, if we are going to consider corporations as people for the interest of free speech and campaign contributions, we should consider them the same as people for taxation and attach the corporate tax rate to the equivalent individual bracket.

Our infrastructure is not good, I will agree with you on that. Want to know why? Because tax money is being funneled away from infrastructure to social services. Ever look at one of your property tax or vehicle tax bills? 90% of that goes to schools. 5% goes to Police, Fire and EMS. The remaining 5% goes to city and road infrastructure, maybe. Ex...when I live in Missouri I didnt own a house so I only payed tax on my 2 cars, roughly 500-600 a year. Out of that $7 went to the road system, like 30 bucks to police, fire and EMS and the rest went to the schools. And im not even starting in on what the 6% Missouri income tax paid for. WTF... Where I live now in Texas, I pay about $6000 a year in taxes on my house, zero on cars, no income tax and I believe the % are probably roughly the same as to where the money goes. I have no children in school, so I am not a "user" but I am a "payer"..whatever, im over that. BUT I want more of my money going towards road improvements and what not. The city I live in has had 2 bond issues to build new city facilities for public use(parks and what not), they FAILED miserably, because the residents dont see the existing money being used appropriately. None of my city tax's even go to the water system, thats paid for separately out of my water bill...which is outrageous to begin with(my city has one of the highest water bills in the DFW metroplex). Our country as a whole funnels so much money into "social programs" and im not talking SS here either. I get that "some" people need a helping hand, but the shit is out of control and this is yet another area that nobody wants to have a serious conversation, it just turns into partisan bickering.

Education is abhorrent for a lot of reasons and one big one is a lot of parents refuse to work with their kids at home. Some because they dont want to/dont have the time, and others because they dont have the education themselves to help. There are LOTS of free programs for tutoring. I wont even talk about the teaching force thats out there today... Its funny that in private schools in this country there doesnt seem to be much of an issue with students failing, and guess why that is? Because the parents have a VESTED reason to help their kids...that reason is they spend large sums of money to send their kids there...this is ON TOP of their already ridiculous tax burdens where high percentage goes to the public schools.

The EPA clean water and air stuff was getting a little out of whack. I dont disagree with a lot of what they are doing, but it was strangling the ability for people to build and do other things. I could go into story upon story that my buddy who runs heavy equipment has about EPA stuff in them trying to do projects. Stuff that required them to do weeks of extra work and require 10s of thousands in extra material to do something that, while they didnt disagree with doing, but they could have done in an equally safe way(as far as the environment was concerned), and would take a day or two and not require any extra materials. I also think back to the guy in the PNW that was indicted for clean water violation because he was catching rain water from his own gutters... Or farmers who couldnt touch their fields because the EPA deemed storm water run off into "navigable waterways"... i.e. a 1' wide creek that was 6" deep, was deemed "navigable"...

Healthcare was not "fixed" by the Democrats with Obamacare... they simply said "everybody has insurance".... Well the doctors and hospitals then jacked prices up because "who cares, everybody has insurance".... and then the circle jerk started. While drug companies are out of control, I dont really want to see the government step in and limit prices because then the drug companies will just go "**** it, we cant make money, we arent going to develop a single new product"...and our health care quality then drops.

I think you need to read the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. I dont see in there that health care is a right... education is a right... clean air and water are rights... You find me the parts of the Bill of Rights or the Constitution that say that... I want specific references...

The tax cuts are only unsustainable because spending is out of ****ing control... And BOTH sides are to blame. As was already said TAXES arent the problem. PLENTY of tax money coming in. I would guess 10-15% of the tax money is used responsibly... the other 85-90% has HUGE amounts of waste in it. Dont even get me started on the Social Security trust fund which is so insolvent there is no bringing it back because the SS money is skimmed into the general fund and used for other shit, while we fill a hole 10x the size of the Grand Canyon with IOU's...

10-21-18, 10:17
Healthcare is not a right. I can't explain it any better than Ben Shapiro can...


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10-21-18, 10:40
The waste in government spending is so incredible that no one will ever convince me that more taxes are the solution. And don't even get started on the corruption of funneling government contracts to congressional spouses and family members.

10-21-18, 10:42
The fraud, waste and abuse in government. To say they are appalling is an understatement.

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

10-21-18, 11:04
Im not so much worried about mid terms. And Im not really worried about the libs taking back the house while Trump is President.

Im worried about the retaliation against us after Trumps 2 terms are over and the libs control the whole F**king government again. They are going to go after everything. I think its going to get nasty in the future. The isle is not a thin line anymore, its a mile wide. They will undo everything Trump did out of spite against us.

10-21-18, 11:38
Our infrastructure is collapsing in a good part of the country, education is abhorrent, we are rolling back EPA protections which include both clean water to clean air, and you’d better hope you don’t get cancer because if you do it will bankrupt you. While not all of those are social programs, two of the most important ones are. If we do not invest now in our future domestically, we are not going to be able to continue succeeding in the future. If we continue to shortchange these programs, we are going to all suffer. Health Care is a right, education is a right, clean air and water are rights, and should be valued alongside the rights that I think all members of this forum support; the right to bear arms, and the right to free speech.

Also, yes the tax cuts are unsustainable and are expected to add over 1 trillion to the deficit. Additionally, if we are going to consider corporations as people for the interest of free speech and campaign contributions, we should consider them the same as people for taxation and attach the corporate tax rate to the equivalent individual bracket.

I was starting the timeline with Grenada in ‘83 which given how short and inconsequential that was, I will roll it forward to ‘90 with Desert Shield which still represents 28 years of conflict. And yes that is an accurate descriptor for me, a liberal who likes guns and is prolife.

My degree is in accounting, my loans are paid off, and I am living quite comfortably thank you. It would however have helped the majority of Americans just starting out, if we would actually have raised the minimum wage to keep up with inflation. If we did it would be somewhere between $10 and $14 dollars an hour right now depending on the state. Additionally, the median wage for the middle class in real dollars has not gone up since ‘78 while the cost of living has quite substantially.

*These views are my own and do not represent the DOD or any other government agency*

Care to guess which “parts of the country” the infrastructure is collapsing? In regards to infrastructure, California is consistently ranked in the 10 worst states. Here is a list of the top 10 states (9 out of 10 are red states):


Most members on this forum would fit under the description of a, “classic liberal.” It seems you buy into the straw man arguments of the American left. The current Democrat party should be renamed the party of cognitive distortions, that would be an entirely accurate description of that party at this point.

10-21-18, 11:43
Im not so much worried about mid terms. And Im not really worried about the libs taking back the house while Trump is President.

Im worried about the retaliation against us after Trumps 2 terms are over and the libs control the whole F**king government again. They are going to go after everything. I think its going to get nasty in the future. The isle is not a thin line anymore, its a mile wide. They will undo everything Trump did out of spite against us.

Trump was a well needed reset. African American support of Trump has sky rocketed, if this is sustained it will have a lasting impact on the political landscape. If Trump continues to kick ass and take names, like he has been doing, the R’s May get a 3rd time, like after Reagan. If that happens, let’s hope it’s not blown this time by putting in a neocon, that would be disastrous for the entire nation. It was as if the Republican establishment developed retrograde amnesia the minute Reagan’s presidency ended.

10-22-18, 08:02
Our infrastructure is not good, I will agree with you on that. Want to know why? Because tax money is being funneled away from infrastructure to social services. Ever look at one of your property tax or vehicle tax bills? 90% of that goes to schools. 5% goes to Police, Fire and EMS. The remaining 5% goes to city and road infrastructure, maybe. Ex...when I live in Missouri I didnt own a house so I only payed tax on my 2 cars, roughly 500-600 a year. Out of that $7 went to the road system, like 30 bucks to police, fire and EMS and the rest went to the schools. And im not even starting in on what the 6% Missouri income tax paid for. WTF... Where I live now in Texas, I pay about $6000 a year in taxes on my house, zero on cars, no income tax and I believe the % are probably roughly the same as to where the money goes. I have no children in school, so I am not a "user" but I am a "payer"..whatever, im over that. BUT I want more of my money going towards road improvements and what not. The city I live in has had 2 bond issues to build new city facilities for public use(parks and what not), they FAILED miserably, because the residents dont see the existing money being used appropriately. None of my city tax's even go to the water system, thats paid for separately out of my water bill...which is outrageous to begin with(my city has one of the highest water bills in the DFW metroplex). Our country as a whole funnels so much money into "social programs" and im not talking SS here either. I get that "some" people need a helping hand, but the shit is out of control and this is yet another area that nobody wants to have a serious conversation, it just turns into partisan bickering.

Education is abhorrent for a lot of reasons and one big one is a lot of parents refuse to work with their kids at home. Some because they dont want to/dont have the time, and others because they dont have the education themselves to help. There are LOTS of free programs for tutoring. I wont even talk about the teaching force thats out there today... Its funny that in private schools in this country there doesnt seem to be much of an issue with students failing, and guess why that is? Because the parents have a VESTED reason to help their kids...that reason is they spend large sums of money to send their kids there...this is ON TOP of their already ridiculous tax burdens where high percentage goes to the public schools.

The EPA clean water and air stuff was getting a little out of whack. I dont disagree with a lot of what they are doing, but it was strangling the ability for people to build and do other things. I could go into story upon story that my buddy who runs heavy equipment has about EPA stuff in them trying to do projects. Stuff that required them to do weeks of extra work and require 10s of thousands in extra material to do something that, while they didnt disagree with doing, but they could have done in an equally safe way(as far as the environment was concerned), and would take a day or two and not require any extra materials. I also think back to the guy in the PNW that was indicted for clean water violation because he was catching rain water from his own gutters... Or farmers who couldnt touch their fields because the EPA deemed storm water run off into "navigable waterways"... i.e. a 1' wide creek that was 6" deep, was deemed "navigable"...

Healthcare was not "fixed" by the Democrats with Obamacare... they simply said "everybody has insurance".... Well the doctors and hospitals then jacked prices up because "who cares, everybody has insurance".... and then the circle jerk started. While drug companies are out of control, I dont really want to see the government step in and limit prices because then the drug companies will just go "**** it, we cant make money, we arent going to develop a single new product"...and our health care quality then drops.

I think you need to read the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. I dont see in there that health care is a right... education is a right... clean air and water are rights... You find me the parts of the Bill of Rights or the Constitution that say that... I want specific references...

The tax cuts are only unsustainable because spending is out of ****ing control... And BOTH sides are to blame. As was already said TAXES arent the problem. PLENTY of tax money coming in. I would guess 10-15% of the tax money is used responsibly... the other 85-90% has HUGE amounts of waste in it. Dont even get me started on the Social Security trust fund which is so insolvent there is no bringing it back because the SS money is skimmed into the general fund and used for other shit, while we fill a hole 10x the size of the Grand Canyon with IOU's...

Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of which we are a signatory states, “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services.” Healthcare is innumerate as a right in both this document and several other United Nations declarations and treaties that we are party to.

You mention the teaching force in this country and it’s quality, but have you considered the fact that in a large percentage of the country we are paying them salaries that place them in the lower middle to lower class, particularly in the south where in some states it is even illegal to strike. Additionally, we are now outsourcing public education to companies that have a vested interest in the total privatization of the school system and have been shown time and again to be less efficient and to have worse outcomes for children. Detroit is a perfect example of this if you look at their test scores after creating a charter school program, you will find that costs increased per student, but test scores remained either the same or worsened.

The first step in dealing with the cost overruns in education would be to cap the amount of money that can be spent in sports programs not continuing to vilify teachers and public education. There was a school in San Antonio that while I was living there purchased a new multimillion dollar football field. Their field was nicer than the field that we had at the college I graduated from! There is no excuse for doing this when they had just shrunk their music department and teachers were requesting donations for school supplies. Additionally we should cap the max salaries for the nonteaching bureaucratic staff.

The EPA Clean Water and Clean Air regulations are there because contractors will specifically cut corners wherever possible. While you may be correct in some cases that the job could be done for cheaper and for less by not following certain procedures, the second we stop enforcing these regulations we are going to see a rise in the destruction of natural waterways. Clean Coal isn’t and the idea that we should loosen or regulations in it is going to lead to increased occurrences of acid rain and other unpleasantness that I don’t think anyone wants to deal with. I also don’t disagree that the EPA has made call related to the definition of a navigable waterway in the past, but in many cases those stream in NORCAL are emptying straight into rivers and tributaries.

You are right about the massive waste we have in government, but I have run out of time and have to get back on shift so I will have to address those tomorrow.

*These views are my own and do not represent the DOD or any other government agency*

10-22-18, 08:19
Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of which we are a signatory states, “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services.” Healthcare is innumerate as a right in both this document and several other United Nations declarations and treaties that we are party to.

You mention the teaching force in this country and it’s quality, but have you considered the fact that in a large percentage of the country we are paying them salaries that place them in the lower middle to lower class, particularly in the south where in some states it is even illegal to strike. Additionally, we are now outsourcing public education to companies that have a vested interest in the total privatization of the school system and have been shown time and again to be less efficient and to have worse outcomes for children. Detroit is a perfect example of this if you look at their test scores after creating a charter school program, you will find that costs increased per student, but test scores remained either the same or worsened.

The first step in dealing with the cost overruns in education would be to cap the amount of money that can be spent in sports programs not continuing to vilify teachers and public education. There was a school in San Antonio that while I was living there purchased a new multimillion dollar football field. Their field was nicer than the field that we had at the college I graduated from! There is no excuse for doing this when they had just shrunk their music department and teachers were requesting donations for school supplies. Additionally we should cap the max salaries for the nonteaching bureaucratic staff.

The EPA Clean Water and Clean Air regulations are there because contractors will specifically cut corners wherever possible. While you may be correct in some cases that the job could be done for cheaper and for less by not following certain procedures, the second we stop enforcing these regulations we are going to see a rise in the destruction of natural waterways. Clean Coal isn’t and the idea that we should loosen or regulations in it is going to lead to increased occurrences of acid rain and other unpleasantness that I don’t think anyone wants to deal with. I also don’t disagree that the EPA has made call related to the definition of a navigable waterway in the past, but in many cases those stream in NORCAL are emptying straight into rivers and tributaries.

You are right about the massive waste we have in government, but I have run out of time and have to get back on shift so I will have to address those tomorrow.

*These views are my own and do not represent the DOD or any other government agency*

This is not a treaty, we are not a communist nation and nobody has a right to my labor.

10-22-18, 08:25
What amazes me is how many Americans that aren't supporters of the hard core left, still vote for the Dems.

I'm seeing more and more who are abandoning Dems becaitheyre not the party they used to be. I also believe Dems have only solidified the stance Republicans against them. Everything they do is a hail Mary pass

10-22-18, 08:51
I dont give two ****s about the UN which has shown over and over how inept it is and without the USA's money it would not exist any longer. I asked you WHERE it is in The United States Of America's Bill of Rights or Constitution... Not the UN, not NATO, not the EU, etc...

Teachers operate in a commodity based environment like most others. They arent forced into their jobs and they arent forced to stay. The salary is laid out far in advance. The teaching conditions are known far in advance. What draws somebody to do that, I dont know, I dont have that in me so I wont ever understand that. You bring up Detroit schools and their issues... I point right back to the family unit in the lower class neighborhoods in America today and their dis-involvement in their childrens schooling and possibly life in general, which is a well known "phenomenon" if you want to call it that. They use school as free "day care" and thats about it. It doesnt matter if its a charter school or not. And yes, I agree with you that there is TONS of waste in schools and we need to focus on schools and not the sports, but typically the sports stadiums are bonded out and are not part of the general school budget, at least thats the way its been here in Texas. The city I live in has tried to bond a new football stadium 2x and its failed both times. BUT to get rid of sports is not the answer either. We also need to bring in more technical programs into the schools which I know there is private money willing to partner with highshools to build technical skills to teach trades. As far as school supplies, when I went to school(public school) we had a list of everything WE were required to have and some of that went to the classroom for classroom use. I dont believe teachers should have to provide or ask for donations for school supplies, yet I know it exists. My church sponsors a school and provides supplies for students that cant afford their own. I dont know how said students are chosen, but I am sure there is means testing and not just "lazy, inept parents" testing...

I didnt even bring up coal. I dont think its the true evil that its made out to be. I know its not zero emissions and never will be, but I know they have made great strides in it the past 10-20 years. I am not a fan of solar and wind. I dont believe they are mature technologies and any program the government has to give you an incentive to get in to is an automatic loser in my book. I just had a guy this week come door to door selling solar systems. I told him my electric bill was ~50 a month for the 3 years I have lived in this house, I use 500-700kw a month, how much would a system cost me? 20-30k dollars to replace 700kw... so 33-50 years pay back... to break even, oh wait there is only a 20 year warranty on the panels... but the government will kick 5k immediately(to the power company to reduce the cost of the system) so now im 15-25k into it so knock 8 years off the above... then they will kick me 30% of the total cost as a tax credit... so knock another 15 years off the high estimate... so ONLY 27 years to break even... Again, if the government has to kick so much into something to make it viable, its not viable... and I believe the free market is showing that in people like me, passing up on "free money", and passing on solar. There are "wind farms" all over the USA, but last I checked 30% of them were not even hooked to the grid because of no line infrastructure in place because it would cost more to run lines to some of these places than would ever be recouped by the power companies so nobody will invest in the lines... I am a fan of the newer advancements in nuclear energy. There is some cool stuff out there now that could revolutionize nuclear energy. There are systems that can use the waste nuclear fuel rods from legacy power plants and re-use them. There are mini plants that are designed to power 25k homes. There is a lot of stuff out there now that has been developed since our "newest"(im not counting the one in 2016) came on line in 1996. Its something worth looking at.

10-22-18, 09:00
What amazes me is how many Americans that aren't supporters of the hard core left, still vote for the Dems.


10-22-18, 10:45
This is not a treaty, we are not a communist nation and nobody has a right to my labor.

Thank you for your succinct response. No one should be able to compel me by force to provide healthcare for someone else.

26 Inf
10-22-18, 12:37
Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of which we are a signatory states, “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services.” Healthcare is innumerate as a right in both this document and several other United Nations declarations and treaties that we are party to.

BH - you've been a member of this forum for long enough that you should know anything UN is a non-starter.

For the most part I'm in agreement with much of what you posted.

Let's talk about school systems for a moment.

My wife just retired after a very rewarding teaching career. She has a master's degree and enough additional formal training in evaluating and instructing visually impaired folks to equal a doctorate if they gave such a thing. Her highest annual salary was 56,000. But, she was off two months every summer, spring break, Christmas and New Years, etc. Most importantly, the job was self-actualizing. She only retired because she grew tired of doing the work of other teachers on top of her load (you'd have to understand the process of writing and updating IEP's to get it). So here she is, 56 years old, drawing 2/3 of her salary. Sure, we'd like it if she had been paid more, but as others have said, you know the deal going in, and, as I mentioned, there are bennies.

One of the real problems, as others have mentioned, is the imbalance between administrative and teaching salaries. But, that is a problem in almost every organization.

There was a school in San Antonio that while I was living there purchased a new multimillion dollar football field. Their field was nicer than the field that we had at the college I graduated from! There is no excuse for doing this when they had just shrunk their music department and teachers were requesting donations for school supplies.

Been there done that, music departments, especially stringed orchestras, are among the first programs impacted by budget cuts. Both daughters are/were musicians and swimmers, talk about two activities that receive minimal support.

We also built a mega stadium for our high school. We share it with the local JUCO and, in our case, it was voted on because bonds were issued and sales tax was involved. I was against it, but I was wrong. Since it was built our community has begun hosting national JUCO championship events in both football and track. In that aspect, it is an economic driver for our small community of 60,000. I also admit our situation is probably an anomaly.

One of the things that is always disheartening about these type conversations, to me at least, is the short-sightedness that folks demonstrate in their comments. As an example, I've known some pretty well-to-do farmers in my lifetime, most of them bitch about freeloaders, but they still cash those subsidy checks.

Oh, well.

10-22-18, 12:38
If you want a real treat. Turn on CSPAN and listen to debates and Dem pleadings. Holy Cow... it is bizarre. Fauxcohontas and Alec Baldwin are deranged.

The guy running against Feinstein.... "I am running for the soul of America against a president that has no soul" ... but he's actually running against Feinstein. ???? They are just all over the map with BS.

Alec Baldwin... "we need to overthrow the Trump government"

Mark Warner.... OMG.... nobody doing any investigation into Trump or Kavanaugh has really got it right but he would have....... but he's open to where ever the chips fall! ... BS BS BS... he wants Trump guilty and out of office so bad he can taste it.

They are running in circles like headless chickens and the head is just squawking "Trump!!" "Trump!!" "Trump!!"

10-22-18, 12:42
Alec Baldwin... "we need to overthrow the Trump government"
Didn't he vow to move if Trump got elected?

10-22-18, 14:09
The fraud, waste and abuse in government. To say they are appalling is an understatement.

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

Here we go: $1280 coffee cups. To go with the $14000 toilet seats. Yes, taxes need to be raised don’t they?

10-22-18, 14:41
Private education doesn't work? Someone tell the Jesuits that their 400 year old business model is Kaput.

Coal Dragger
10-22-18, 16:19
Private education doesn't work? Someone tell the Jesuits that their 400 year old business model is Kaput.

Well if they don’t stop touching little boys it might be.

26 Inf
10-22-18, 16:41
Private education doesn't work? Someone tell the Jesuits that their 400 year old business model is Kaput.

I sent my problem child to a Catholic boarding school, the change after one-year was remarkable. Unfortunately, because of all the reported abuses elsewhere, they closed after the first year he attended

I think the Jesuit's model is a little different than the Montessori model.

10-22-18, 16:51
Millennial poster children.


These should be placed around the country like Burma-Shave signs.

10-22-18, 17:06
Millennial poster children.


These should be placed around the country like Burma-Shave signs.

You could put that in every Starbucks in the country and the millennials would think it was a campaign poster and agree with it.

10-22-18, 17:12
This is the swamp hard at work or else this shit wouldn't still be going on. We lived through thousand dollar hammers in the early 80's and it's still going on. For the Air Force; why don't they have the same choice the rest of us have (drink cold coffee, or throw it away) Tough shit your coffee is cold! No wonder the AF is referred to as the girls team! These price gougers and the idiot-ass bastards keeping them in business should be locked in Hillary's cell!

10-22-18, 18:49
Well if they don’t stop touching little boys it might be.

Unlike at Penn State, Michigan State, USC, Baylor, Texas A&M or the long list of public high schools...

10-22-18, 18:52
Millennial poster children.


These should be placed around the country like Burma-Shave signs.

Wow, showing your age much?

10-22-18, 20:32
Bush, Clinton, other Bush...
Millenials may have got Obama, but we also got Trump and have yet to pass an Assult weapon ban, or close the market on certain firearms.

We’re not all ****ed up- its just the loud ones. ;)

10-22-18, 21:35
Wow, showing your age much?

I'm old, and damn proud of it. ;)

10-24-18, 18:03
Originally Posted by BH321

Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of which we are a signatory states,

This is not a treaty, we are not a communist nation and nobody has a right to my labor.This is not a treaty, we are not a communist nation and nobody has a right to my labor.

You saved me some typing.

Doc Safari
11-28-18, 17:02
More on the Dems' gun control agenda:


While it is true that most of these attempts at gun-control will fail to see the light of day in a Republican-controlled Senate chamber, much less a signature from President Trump, there is a real possibility that gun-grabbers may succeed at adding a couple of their initiatives to legislation that the Senate must pass and that Trump might be forced to sign. Such legislation could be an infrastructure bill, etc. We do not have to look too far back to note that Obama was forced to expand carry rights in national parks when he signed a bill imposing new restrictions on credit card companies after Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) had inserted the language into the Obama backed credit card legislation.

My take: This is the real fear. Their blatant attempts will fail, but you know how dirty deals are done behind closed doors.

11-28-18, 17:17
More on the Dems' gun control agenda:


My take: This is the real fear. Their blatant attempts will fail, but you know how dirty deals are done behind closed doors.

I think what we are going to see more of is what happened in Washington and what is going on in Florida now. Tons of money from outside sources poured into getting a referendum on the ballet for a popular vote. That way it circumvents our legal governmental processes and allows it to be listed on the ballot as "little baby children and families protection act" without complete details on what is in it for the mindless masses to vote on. Our Constitutional rights do not belong on a ballot.

11-28-18, 17:34
Those damn Millennials and their AR15 collections and anime memes and swinging the 2016 election.

They should be more like the fifty year olds who only need a .38 and a shotgun. You know the REAL men in the house.

Not these stupid twenty something sissies who have been fighting GWOT, policing streets, working ambulances, and struggling in a downturned economy like the queers that they are.

Am I right fellas?!

11-28-18, 18:03
Those damn Millennials and their AR15 collections and anime memes and swinging the 2016 election.

They should be more like the fifty year olds who only need a .38 and a shotgun. You know the REAL men in the house.

Not these stupid twenty something sissies who have been fighting GWOT, policing streets, working ambulances, and struggling in a downturned economy like the queers that they are.

Am I right fellas?!

Pretty sure no one that posted since this thread was revived today implied that.

Maybe you can recruit the rest of the Virtue Signalers back.

11-28-18, 19:08
Pretty sure no one that posted since this thread was revived today implied that.

Maybe you can recruit the rest of the Virtue Signalers back.

Been out of the loop a spell but those cute macros add to the problem of the generation divide.

A lot of young people today have more in common with the solution than the problem.
Just saying.

Like, how can I put this. You’d like to think your kid is right-thinking and decent. Well, a lot of folks are somebody’s kid. And even the ones who had lame parents see how they don’t want to be like that.

Nobody is all “yay take away my rights” if they are working towards the privilege of maybe one day having kids and a house.

11-28-18, 19:12
Nobody is all “yay take away my rights” if they are working towards the privilege of maybe one day having kids and a house.You'd be surprised. These aren't rights!

11-28-18, 20:39
I'm knocking on 50 and I totally get what Firefly is saying. We are doing no favors by alienating a generation that we (as middle aged guys) fathered and are responsible for. When an old guy bitches about millennials I wonder why he hasn't helped fix his own kids or grandkids? A 20 year old shitbag of ANY generation wasn't born that way, they were made that way.

11-29-18, 04:21
Pretty sure no one that posted since this thread was revived today implied that.

Maybe you can recruit the rest of the Virtue Signalers back.

That's how trolling works and if you take a look around several of them are back posting at the same time, surprise . . . surprise.

We are doing no favors by alienating a generation that we (as middle aged guys) fathered and are responsible for. When an old guy bitches about millennials I wonder why he hasn't helped fix his own kids or grandkids? A 20 year old shitbag of ANY generation wasn't born that way, they were made that way.

There are plenty of Millennials who bitch about "old people" i.e. Boomers and even the Silent Generation, they're called ageists.

As a Xennial I have the luxury to bitch about them both. You are correct about they were made that way, the vast majority of public school systems and academia are nothing more than indoctrination centers.

11-29-18, 04:51
As I recall growing up it seems that every generation bitches about the follow-on ones. It's how things go. Not saying it's correct mind you, just that the old "Yeah well when I was a kid we didn't have no damn buses, we walked barefoot to school uphill....both ways!" is still alive and well.

I don't have kids so I can criticize freely! ;)

I think as opposed to generational bickering it comes down to age. Generally speaking "kids" in their 20's have lots of pie-in-the-sky dreams and may tend to vote that way (see that idiot Ocasio-Cortez as an example). It's only later in life that reality sets in and they (hopefully) become more conservative in their views.

11-29-18, 06:37
As I recall growing up it seems that every generation bitches about the follow-on ones. It's how things go. Not saying it's correct mind you, just that the old "Yeah well when I was a kid we didn't have no damn buses, we walked barefoot to school uphill....both ways!" is still alive and well.

I don't have kids so I can criticize freely! ;)

I think as opposed to generational bickering it comes down to age. Generally speaking "kids" in their 20's have lots of pie-in-the-sky dreams and may tend to vote that way (see that idiot Ocasio-Cortez as an example). It's only later in life that reality sets in and they (hopefully) become more conservative in their views.I believe for the most part that's how it goes. No one in my family nor I was ever political but when I was 20 I was more liberal than I am today at 39. Even in college I was noticing a difference. I went when I was in my early 20s and never thought of myself as conservative but I noticed a difference between me and thetheds coming out of highschool. There was only a 5-6 year age difference but I noticed either they were coming of of highschool more liberal then my age group did or I was slowly getting more conservative.

11-29-18, 08:16
I think what we are going to see more of is what happened in Washington and what is going on in Florida now. Tons of money from outside sources poured into getting a referendum on the ballet for a popular vote. That way it circumvents our legal governmental processes and allows it to be listed on the ballot as "little baby children and families protection act" without complete details on what is in it for the mindless masses to vote on. Our Constitutional rights do not belong on a ballot.

That is what has turned me off on ballot initiatives that are constitutional amendments (like here in CO) with 50%+1. That is the lion and hyena voting with zebra as to what's for lunch. Plus, the left always has the courts to stop right-leaning initiatives like Prop 8 in Cali. Not giving the people who sponsored the bill standing?

11-29-18, 08:35
That is what has turned me off on ballot initiatives that are constitutional amendments (like here in CO) with 50%+1. That is the lion and hyena voting with zebra as to what's for lunch. Plus, the left always has the courts to stop right-leaning initiatives like Prop 8 in Cali. Not giving the people who sponsored the bill standing?

This is the perfect example of these guys going completely off the sheet music and they do it time and time again and overplay their hand.
Remember the Blue Wave? They ruined those chances with Kavanaugh and they did it again in 2016 with Hillary and the "Deplorable" quote.
Although they have an amazing ability to organize and vote en mass as a party, they have no ability to judge the common interest or feeling of the general public outside of their coastal enclaves.
We have become two Nations. No matter how they may think they have our best interests at heart, they always manage to muck it up, just short of victory.
The greatest concern should be our Borders. If there is any lesson in what's happening in Texas, it is that the Left is importing voters and playing fast and lose in South West Texas with the voting Laws. This will stop if we have the fortitude to end it.

Doc Safari
12-05-18, 11:33
Push to criminalize private sales:


House Democrats plan to introduce legislation criminalizing private gun sales once the new Congress is in session.
Mother Jones reports that Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA) met with gun control groups that included the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, Everytown for Gun Safety, the Center for American Progress, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, and Gabby Giffords’ group. He asked them what they wanted, and a bill to criminalize private gun sales was on their wish list.

So Thompson will sponsor legislation requiring a background check before someone may buy a gun from his neighbor, a co-worker to get a background check before buying a gun from a co-worker, and so forth. The bill will go so far as to require a son to get a background check before a father can give him a gun as a gift.

My take: This is the beginning of their overreach. I hope NRA gloms onto this as a draconian proposal because it would not have stopped a single mass shooting in the 21st century (per the Breitbart article).

12-05-18, 11:44
Push to criminalize private sales:


My take: This is the beginning of their overreach. I hope NRA gloms onto this as a draconian proposal because it would not have stopped a single mass shooting in the 21st century (per the Breitbart article).

I'm jaded to the point I will be surprised if it doesn't get passed.

I hope it fails, but I can't see that happening.

12-05-18, 15:53
I think what we are going to see more of is what happened in Washington and what is going on in Florida now. Tons of money from outside sources poured into getting a referendum on the ballet for a popular vote. That way it circumvents our legal governmental processes and allows it to be listed on the ballot as "little baby children and families protection act" without complete details on what is in it for the mindless masses to vote on. Our Constitutional rights do not belong on a ballot.

It might get passed because frankly to most people that don't understand gun-politics, it sounds reasonable. Don't sell guns to bad guys. That we don't follow-up on failed BGC now isn't something that most people know. The fact that it wouldn't stop mass shootings is another. The biggest reason is that this isn't the real 'get'. The real get is that when this doesn't work, the next thing will be that it doesn't work because we don't know where all the guns are so sales are made with out a BCG are almost impossible to prove. I think it is worth calling the next shot before they do. Maybe even put a poison pill in the law to prevent the next step or at least gun up the works somehow.

They will make noise with it now, but I don't think anything really happens until the next POTUS.

12-05-18, 18:03
Universal Background Check = registration.

See, the Feds were specifically forbidden from keeping data on gun purchases once the NICS went into effect in the 90's. But as per their usual sneaky-ass ways, the ATF center in Martinsburg, WV, has purportedly been doing just that over the years, despite the prohibition on doing so. Anyone surprised?