View Full Version : H.R.6054 - Unmasking Antifa Act of 2018

10-17-18, 11:49
Anyone read it? This may also be where one is forced to defend the Const Rights of people you really dislike. I think you're a POS for walking down st yelling racist comments about X group, but I will defend your Const Rights to do it. This has slippery slope written all over it and I need to read up on the proposed law before having any support for it. Don't give your Rights away just because they're applying to a group you hate today. I have not read it, so that's my pre read thoughts:


10-17-18, 11:58
My cursory interpretation:

We already have laws against violent assembly, destruction of property, and assault.

This proposal says those things are also illegal while wearing a costume.

I’m sure I’m missing something.

10-17-18, 12:04
Read the pdf version from the link you provided. At work so wasn't able to dig too deep into the sections they mention amending or the US Code referenced. Will do so this afternoon when I have more time. At first blush I agree it appears to be a slippery slope as written. Say someone does something during the winter/colder weather. If they were wearing a ski mask or scarf over their face, would that mean they are in violation of this proposal as well? If they are already guilty of committing a crime, where's the need to add further charges/penalties as listed in this proposal? I'm not well versed in the legal area, so honestly wondering.

10-17-18, 12:05
My cursory interpretation:

We already have laws against violent assembly, destruction of property, and assault.

This proposal says those things are also illegal while wearing a costume.

I’m sure I’m missing something.

Should it be illegal to have the ability to hide your face during lawful assembly? If, as you say, no lack of laws laws against violent assembly, destruction of property, and assault, what's the purpose of this new law directed at the Antifa chit heads?

just a scout
10-17-18, 12:40
That also begs discussion of “hate crime” laws. Why is murder worse if a gay is killed vs. someone else? Crime is crime, nothing makes it worse if you wear a mask or “hate” someone based on affiliation or whatever.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

10-17-18, 12:44
This may also be where one is forced to defend the Const Rights of people you really dislike.

I can think of no scenario where I am forced to defend rights of people I dislike. OK, maybe if they hook up a battery to my testicles....

10-17-18, 13:04

I can think of no scenario where I am forced to defend rights of people I dislike. OK, maybe if they hook up a battery to my testicles....

When those laws have such weak qualifiers that they could easily be used against you one day.

And what constitutes a a "costume"? What if you are coming from comicon or some other event, do you get exempt?

Seems to me they'd have better luck applying RICO laws against these tards who "organize" for the purpose of committing crimes.

10-17-18, 13:07
When those laws have such weak qualifiers that they could easily be used against you one day.

Then I would be fighting the law, not the person I dislike who was charged.

10-17-18, 13:19
This has stupid written all over it. Any common-sense American knows not to break the law; whether or not you're in costume shouldn't have a bearing on the legality of the issue. Ergo, this is just another law to be used against innocent people, eventually.

10-17-18, 13:28
Has antifa been officially designated a terrorist group yet?

I would rather have the DOJ go after local govs that side with antifa.

10-17-18, 13:40
Should it be illegal to have the ability to hide your face during lawful assembly? If, as you say, no lack of laws laws against violent assembly, destruction of property, and assault, what's the purpose of this new law directed at the Antifa chit heads?

Most certainly should be lawful. The assembly of snowboarders at a mountain protesting the snow god for the lack of precipitation when its 10 below will certainly draw the face coverings.

I see no purpose in this law unless there is some nuance we aren’t seeing. Maybe doing a crime with a mask ups the punishment? As already mentioned, seems going after the organization itself is a better approach. If they are found to be domestic terrorists, they should be labeled as such.

10-17-18, 14:25
Yet another redundant and retarded case of: enforce the laws currently on the books, we don't need any new ones.

10-17-18, 15:47
Has antifa been officially designated a terrorist group yet?

I would rather have the DOJ go after local govs that side with antifa.

Well the SPLC has specifically declared they aren't a racist / hate group. Even though they are very much a racist / hate group. Who knew the KKK had only to embrace communism and they would have been just fine by the SPLC.

10-17-18, 15:56
A well-liked Sheriff said it well; "Suspend the bill of rights for two weeks and I'll fix all of these problems." (He was clearly referring to enforcing laws, nothing more)

10-17-18, 21:24
This is not a problem that the federal government should be addressing. Maybe state or local governments, but even then I'd have reservations.

10-17-18, 21:48
This is Virginia’s qualifier for the mask law:

Code of Virginia section 18.2-95 provides the definition for the crime of wearing masks in public. Essentially, it is a crime in Virginia for any person above the age of 16 years old to wear a mask in public with the intent to conceal identity. ... This crime also applies to wearing masks on private property.

This gets to the point of why antifa is doing it. I’d be fine if they qualifier was while in the commission of a crime, ie vandalism, assault, unlawful assembly.

10-18-18, 00:21
I forget which but I thought there were a couple of states (Deep South) with laws on the books that prohibit "protesters" from wearing masks due to the terror wing of the DNC (KKK) committing felonies and civil rights violations once upon a time. But maybe I was thinking about VA?

Antifa's use of balaclavas is not really all that different than the Klan's dunce hoods, black-bloc Marxist agitators committing felonies is not "free speech".

10-18-18, 03:33
This has stupid written all over it. Any common-sense American knows not to break the law; whether or not you're in costume shouldn't have a bearing on the legality of the issue. Ergo, this is just another law to be used against innocent people, eventually.

I'm afraid we are in short supply of common-sense Americans these days... The more I'm out in public the more it worries me for the future of this nation.