View Full Version : Cory Karma

10-21-18, 22:24

Here is a description of the incident as I described it to a lawyer: I stopped to use one of the building’s single-occupancy restrooms. Upon washing my hands prior to leaving, I heard knocking on the door. When it comes to these restrooms it is customary to knock first in case someone is using it, even though there is an inner lock. When I opened the door, Mr. Booker was there. He smiled and very gregariously said “Hey!” We engaged in some brief idle chitchat in the entryway and then he asked me to speak in private. What happened next, happened so fast that it was hard for me to comprehend what was going on. It was one of those surreal moments where what was happening was such a deviation and such a perversion of one’s natural daily routine that I hardly knew how to react. He pulled me into the restroom, albeit not too forcefully and slowly pushed me against the restroom wall. He said that “Being a hero was a serious turn-on”. He continued, “The Senate appreciates fine citizens like you. Especially this Senator.” He then put his left hand on my groin, over my jeans and began to rub. I seem to remember saying something like “What is happening?” It was a bit like having vertigo. He then used his other hand to grab my left hand with his right and pulled it over to touch him. At the same time, he disengaged from rubbing me and used his left hand to push me to my knees from my shoulder for what was clearly a move to have me perform oral sex on him.

I think watching Cory get grilled by an investigation just like Kavanaugh would be the perfect Christmas gift this year.

26 Inf
10-22-18, 00:38
Instead of posting this crap on twitter this guy should be talking to the police and the sexual battery of which he claims to be a victim.

'Described it to a lawyer' - what the hell is the matter with folks, if it is true, just report it.

If Booker did this his ass needs to be prosecuted, not talked about on twitter.

10-22-18, 05:51
How is this not slander?

10-22-18, 06:03
I believe we (the right) are winning because we dont do stuff like this.

Dont start doing stuff like this.

10-22-18, 11:18
No, we don't need another grilling like the Kavanaugh deal for the love of all that is holy. Stop. If this happened, we will never be able to find actual proof (most likely) and it will be a complete waste of taxpayer money.

10-22-18, 12:25
Bowling ball Booker is a nobody.

Alex V
10-22-18, 12:37
I believe we (the right) are winning because we dont do stuff like this.

Dont start doing stuff like this.

Actually, this is exactly what we need to do. Give them a taste of their own medicine.

10-22-18, 13:39
Actually, this is exactly what we need to do. Give them a taste of their own medicine.

I agree with the concept while staying within the bounds of ones principles.
Calling BS on the Kavanaugh situation (which it was), then doing the same makes us hypocrites.

Destroy the left by calling them out and holding them accountable and asking tough questions... not by becoming a “conservative“ version of them. Throwing away the principles that got us this far is a terrible tactic, no matter how good it feels in the moment.

If it actually happened, dude needs to press charges.

Alex V
10-22-18, 14:47
I agree with the concept while staying within the bounds of ones principles.
Calling BS on the Kavanaugh situation (which it was), then doing the same makes us hypocrites.

Destroy the left by calling them out and holding them accountable and asking tough questions... not by becoming a “conservative“ version of them. Throwing away the principles that got us this far is a terrible tactic, no matter how good it feels in the moment.

If it actually happened, dude needs to press charges.

No, what I am saying it let the FBI investigate lol.

10-22-18, 15:46
I wonder if SNL will do a gay Spartacus character? ... oh wait.... no, no they won't.

I saw the funniest thing from SNL the other day. Kenan Thompson was being interviewed by some talk show host. They were asking him about Kayne and MAGA... he was saying how he got trapped on stage and wanted to get off.

Then the funny part. He said, you know we are fair about politics, we're fair and treat everyone the same, but Kayne trapped us. Oh I think it was Seth Meyers interviewing him. I don't even think Seth believed what he was hearing about "fair"... and Seth is just an angry seething Liberal. I honestly thought it was a joke and that he was going to laugh but he was dead serious... "we're fair".... holy cow.

10-22-18, 18:29
I agree with the concept while staying within the bounds of ones principles.
Calling BS on the Kavanaugh situation (which it was), then doing the same makes us hypocrites.

Destroy the left by calling them out and holding them accountable and asking tough questions... not by becoming a “conservative“ version of them. Throwing away the principles that got us this far is a terrible tactic, no matter how good it feels in the moment.

If it actually happened, dude needs to press charges.

Well is it really the same thing?
Kavanaugh was 35 years ago with a accuser who had no ability to give the relevant details.
This guy not so much, he has the details and released them through an Attorney.
So it is not so much real hypocrisy, it's more like if you're going to apply legal standards, well they apply to everyone.
If our "principals" were working it would allow us to look at something like this in the light of day and not again sweep it under the rug. Booker took no issue riding his high horse and is a likely candidate in 2020, isn't it fair and just to let the voting public know about these charges, or should they be again swept under the rug.
If you'll remember Corey Booker admitted to something very similar during the Kavanaugh hearings, but that time it was a Woman and it happened while he was in college. If that's the case, can we potentially expect another "Clinton like" scandal if Booker sits in the Oval Office?
How do we know he hasn't pressed charges?
Conservatives didn't cause this to happen and they would be remiss if they didn't attempt to investigate it.
That's why it's called Karma.

10-22-18, 19:36
Well is it really the same thing?
Kavanaugh was 35 years ago with a accuser who had no ability to give the relevant details.
This guy not so much, he has the details and released them through an Attorney.
So it is not so much real hypocrisy, it's more like if you're going to apply legal standards, well they apply to everyone.
If our "principals" were working it would allow us to look at something like this in the light of day and not again sweep it under the rug. Booker took no issue riding his high horse and is a likely candidate in 2020, isn't it fair and just to let the voting public know about these charges, or should they be again swept under the rug.
If you'll remember Corey Booker admitted to something very similar during the Kavanaugh hearings, but that time it was a Woman and it happened while he was in college. If that's the case, can we potentially expect another "Clinton like" scandal if Booker sits in the Oval Office?
How do we know he hasn't pressed charges?
Conservatives didn't cause this to happen and they would be remiss if they didn't attempt to investigate it.
That's why it's called Karma.

If he pressed charges, then yes- tell everyone. But if you tell everyone and dont press charges, its bull crap IMO.

“Apply the legal standard” through legal means. Again- just my view on it.

10-22-18, 20:11
If he pressed charges, then yes- tell everyone. But if you tell everyone and dont press charges, its bull crap IMO.

“Apply the legal standard” through legal means. Again- just my view on it.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

10-22-18, 20:13
So who would be willing to fight this battle?

Who stands to win this battle?

1. The Dem money machine
2. 'Caramel' Harris

This whole thing, if it's even remotely real and not someone punking the Internet, seems very Democrat Party oriented.

Not accidental, not Leftist, not really political. The whole thing seems like it would serve a purpose only within the Democrat Party.

So if you are Dem Money it would certainly raise your odds of placing your candidate. Fauxcohontas is just too stupid.

Mark Warner is up for re-election on his Senate seat in 2020. So he would be out of job if he tried to run. Booker has no chance. Hillary who?, 'shotgun' Joe, the Dems have to unite and go all in.

Who is the most attractive? - Harris
Who is guaranteed her home State - Harris
Who is a woman - Harris
Who will the Left be able to accuse Trump of being a racist against? - Harris or basically anyone that doesn't look as white as a Easter Lily.
Who would be open to being another Obama in female form? - Harris

This really looks to me like someone is simply trying to take Booker out of the equation now so they can get on with other business. It really doesn't matter if it's real.

He and the media have been silent on the matter today though, so maybe it is real. The end results will still be the same for the Dems.