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10-22-18, 11:00


My only comment is that Israel is going to hell in a hand basket, just a few years ago these articles would never have been allowed. The fact that the head of the Mossad is know and interviewed just blows my mind.

10-22-18, 14:16
You know, Yoni, you couldn't have picked two more left leaning publications for your spy chief to interview with...

10-23-18, 09:47
I didn't pick the publications, and here is a secret. The press world wide is 99% made up of leftist scum.

10-23-18, 09:50
I didn't pick the publications, and here is a secret. The press world wide is 99% made up of leftist scum.

I don't disagree with you. However, some are more blatant than others.

10-23-18, 17:33
. The press world wide is 99% made up of leftist scum.

Truer words have never been spoken .

10-23-18, 17:47


My only comment is that Israel is going to hell in a hand basket, just a few years ago these articles would never have been allowed. The fact that the head of the Mossad is know and interviewed just blows my mind.

"Last fall, Israeli officials agreed to provide Vanity Fair unprecedented access to some of YAMAM’s activities, facilities, and undercover commandos."

Firs thing I thought when I read that was, but why?!

10-23-18, 23:27
I didn't know about any of that. Thank you for the links.

I'm also curious about their motivation for releasing this information and inviting hard core leftist journalists into their midst. Are they attempting to gain favor in the court of public opinion? Maybe they are trying to use the giant propaganda machine against our common enemies? In my limited experience, Israeli's are not a stupid lot. Quite the opposite, so there must be a good reason for this.

10-24-18, 07:55
I am old school, I remember when the head of Mossad and Shaback were not named in public. I am still governed by laws on what I can and can not reveal about my staff and business partners .

Which is so strange we are regulated, then you see articles like these.

I obviously, don't support articles like these being written, but if they are out there I will use them to get business for my company.

10-24-18, 09:03
I am old school, I remember when the head of Mossad and Shaback were not named in public. I am still governed by laws on what I can and can not reveal about my staff and business partners .

Which is so strange we are regulated, then you see articles like these.

I obviously, don't support articles like these being written, but if they are out there I will use them to get business for my company.

How do they assist your biz?

10-25-18, 10:19
I send them out or parts of them out to clients or potential clients. I have 1 current running project and 2 projects that should go from pending to done deals, that the clients came to us because we are who we are. They didn't even ask any other company to bid on the projects.

So I use things like this as part of our marketing and PR.

10-25-18, 11:14
I send them out or parts of them out to clients or potential clients. I have 1 current running project and 2 projects that should go from pending to done deals, that the clients came to us because we are who we are. They didn't even ask any other company to bid on the projects.

So I use things like this as part of our marketing and PR.

At least someone benefits from such articles.

10-25-18, 13:09
Only thing I can think of is for a decoy and disinformation campaign
Could be the person interviewed is not actually the head and the information given is not actually correct etc

10-25-18, 13:10
Put the bait out and see what’s biting

10-26-18, 20:39


My only comment is that Israel is going to hell in a hand basket, just a few years ago these articles would never have been allowed. The fact that the head of the Mossad is know and interviewed just blows my mind.

I remember reading of the same dismay when Obama allowed Hollywood access to make Zero Dark Thirty. Former DEVGRU and M4C contributor Jeff Gonzalez said something similar in an interview when he was asked about his reaction to Operation Neptune Spear.

10-27-18, 22:06
At least someone benefits from such articles.

Yes we did, just this week. A large multi year contract, and articles like this I am sure helped us in no small way.