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10-22-18, 21:25
Not going to call them migrants or immigrants as thats lefty psyops, Clearly we're not going to shoot them or napalm, can't build a wall in time.

But what is the correct course of action with the time we have right now?


10-22-18, 21:34
Not going to call them migrants or immigrants as thats lefty psyops, Clearly we're not going to shoot them or napalm, can't build a wall in time.

But what is the correct course of action with the time we have right now?


Blackjack Pershing & Georgie Patton - with 75,000 troops at the border - to greet them. :mad:

10-22-18, 21:40
Blackjack Pershing & Georgie Patton - with 75,000 troops at the border - to greet them. :mad:

That worked before.......

10-22-18, 21:42
Bus them to Canada. Time to make some pain for Mexico. Have the NSA follow the comms trail from the DNC to the caravan and back.

10-22-18, 21:47
What are we talking about here? Is something new going on, or are we talking about the river of northbound Mexicans that has been flooding us for decades?

Dreamers my ass. Their country sucks. Ours is better. Of course they are going to flock here. As long as we keep letting them.

10-22-18, 22:16
Let them across the border, right into training camps funded by the money we used to send to those governments.
After they've been trained in guerrilla warfare send them home to reform their own countries.

10-22-18, 22:22
But what is the correct course of action with the time we have right now?

Have Mexico turn them back.

Our current laws are not favorable to keeping them out. OTMs only need to set one foot on US soil and if they ask for asylum it is catch & release. There is no amount of soldiers we can put on the border and keep them from setting foot on US soil. Never mind all the immigration lawyers and media that will be there watching every move.

10-22-18, 22:51
I've just read that the POTUS has ordered two Army Divisions to the border.

10-23-18, 05:44
Bus them to Canada.

Exactly my thought. Their socialist president has called us out for our "refugee" policies, let him welcome them.

Hell, they are already on busses because they are not going to walk across Mexico, just tell them to keep riding north.

Or we set up a huge, fenced containment camp in the desert and start screening them for illness. The US can refuse entry for communicable diseases like TB, HIV, Measles, etc.


10-23-18, 05:53
Not going to call them migrants or immigrants as thats lefty psyops, Clearly we're not going to shoot them or napalm, can't build a wall in time.

But what is the correct course of action with the time we have right now?


Language is important they are not a "caravan" they are an "invading horde". What I think needs to be done is military to border, setup a POW tent camp to house them, process for terrorist to send to gitmo, all military age men send asap to Honduras (I don't care where they are from, send them all). Women and children returned to point of origin, but whatever you do keep them out of the ICE system, no claims for asylum permitted, transport should be all military not commercial. And this all needs to be done fast, also need the SCOTUS on standby squash any inference from scumbag lawyers and liberal federal judges who try to slow or stop the process. And take money from enabler countries to pay for all this.

Do I think this will happen? No but a guy can dream can't he?

10-23-18, 06:21
I had heard that Pelosi and Schumer are directing Dem candidates campaigning for the midterms to just keep their mouths shut about the "caravan" out of fear it will cost them votes.

The footage of the horde swarming over the Mexican border, scaling or pushing down fences etc reminds me of the scenes from the last couple of years of Muslim "refugees" forcing their way through European borders. And also a zombie movie.

10-23-18, 06:25
Language is important they are not a "caravan" they are an "invading horde". What I think needs to be done is military to border, setup a POW tent camp to house them, process for terrorist to send to gitmo, all military age men send asap to Honduras (I don't care where they are from, send them all). Women and children returned to point of origin, but whatever you do keep them out of the ICE system, no claims for asylum permitted, transport should be all military not commercial. And this all needs to be done fast, also need the SCOTUS on standby squash any inference from scumbag lawyers and liberal federal judges who try to slow or stop the process. And take money from enabler countries to pay for all this.
While I agree with your post, doesn't current law require the US to accept them if they claim asylum?? (see post #7) And why hasn't that law been changed?

Katie Waldman, a [DHS] spokeswoman, said in a statement that the caravan was "what we see day-in and day-out at the border as a result of well-advertised and well-known catch-and-release loopholes."

"As we have said time and again, until Congress acts, we will continue to have de-facto open borders that guarantees future 'caravans' and record numbers of family units entering the country 'illegally,'" she said.

Alex V
10-23-18, 06:50
Dumb question: can a group is armed Patriots in similar numbers stop them? Say in the same way they with the Bureau Of Land Management in Nevada over Bundy's cows.

Alex V
10-23-18, 06:51
While I agree with your post, doesn't current law require the US to accept them if they claim asylum?? (see post #7) And why hasn't that law been changed?

Katie Waldman, a [DHS] spokeswoman, said in a statement that the caravan was "what we see day-in and day-out at the border as a result of well-advertised and well-known catch-and-release loopholes."

"As we have said time and again, until Congress acts, we will continue to have de-facto open borders that guarantees future 'caravans' and record numbers of family units entering the country 'illegally,'" she said.

From what I understand of the law, you have to claim asylum in a consulate, embassy or at a point of entry. Once you cross illegally you can't seek asylum.

10-23-18, 07:09
From what I understand of the law, you have to claim asylum in a consulate, embassy or at a point of entry. Once you cross illegally you can't seek asylum.
Perhaps I am confusing "catch & release" (C&R) of an illegal crossing with asylum? But then again maybe not in the case of asylum seekers not going thru proper channels and crossing illegally, which then puts them in the C&R category.

I do think the current caravan is going to motivate a lot of R voters to vote this midterm, perhaps even more so than the D voters.

10-23-18, 07:12
Let them across the border, right into training camps funded by the money we used to send to those governments.
After they've been trained in guerrilla warfare send them home to reform their own countries.

Yeah, that's not worked out so well for us in the past...

10-23-18, 07:36
Let them cross the border and step right onto either a bus a or plane and fly or bus them right back to where they came from. Use the funds that we are paying those countries to cover the deportation costs.

10-23-18, 07:42
Use the funds that we are paying those countries to cover the deportation costs.
I would include Mexico in that since they have to cross there to get to us.

10-23-18, 08:45
Blow the bridge !!! LOL

10-23-18, 08:55
Odd how this “caravan” is coinciding with our midterm elections.

10-23-18, 09:06
Yeah, that's not worked out so well for us in the past...

And it is better having them here?

10-23-18, 09:11

10-23-18, 09:48
Odd how this “caravan” is coinciding with our midterm elections.

Interesting isn't it? How do 7k-14k people travel by foot without serious logistics support? That is a lot of food and water, not to mention the human feces trail.

10-23-18, 09:49
Reminds me of the zombie hordes in World War Z.

10-23-18, 10:44
Yeah, that's not worked out so well for us in the past...

I've thought of that. Maybe learn from what went wrong in the past.
I don't know what the answer is.

It's going to be interesting...

10-23-18, 10:53
Interesting isn't it? How do 7k-14k people travel by foot without serious logistics support? That is a lot of food and water, not to mention the human feces trail.

That's like moving and infantry division, with out transport... Anyone with experience care to describe the needed logistics for that?

Doc Safari
10-23-18, 11:32
Watching some of the videos, I noticed the vast majority appear to be military-service-aged males. How many of them are actually Islamic terror agents? Just because someone claims to be from Honduras, Mexico, or fill-in-the-blank don't make it so. Are we seeing a disguised invasion in the same vein as the Muslim hordes now clogging the European countries?

Prediction: This is Trump's most important test. If he doesn't stop this invasion he will lose the respect of his base and may not win reelection. How bad this gets will also help the Red Wave keep Congress and even increase seats on election day.

10-23-18, 11:34
Perhaps I am confusing "catch & release" (C&R) of an illegal crossing with asylum? But then again maybe not in the case of asylum seekers not going thru proper channels and crossing illegally, which then puts them in the C&R category.

I do think the current caravan is going to motivate a lot of R voters to vote this midterm, perhaps even more so than the D voters.

Aliens apprehended at the border (either at or in between Ports of Entey) are set up for removal proceedings. If they state that they have a “credible fear” of being returned to their home country then they are assigned an asylum officer to review the case. Depending on the officer’s investigation, the alien may be given an opportunity to see an immigration judge who will make the final determination as to whether or not the alien’s fear is reasonable. If so, asylum proceedings begin. If not, the alien is removed. The aliens are generally detained throughout this process, but sometimes released on their own recognizance before a final decision is made. Over the last decade or so, credible fear statements have increased but I believe that the number of aliens granted asylum has remained relatively the same.

Are you referring to the Orders of Release under the previous administration ‘s DACA/DAPA policy? If so, that policy has been ended.

26 Inf
10-23-18, 11:36
Interesting isn't it? How do 7k-14k people travel by foot without serious logistics support? That is a lot of food and water, not to mention the human feces trail.

According to articles I've read they are getting support from the Mexican population - rides, water, food.

Didn't mention the feces trail, though.

26 Inf
10-23-18, 11:46

I think that there is a difference in many people's minds between a 'gallant person risking all for a better life' and a mob descending on our border.

I believe this to be true even if the majority of folks haven't been keeping up with migration/invasion events in Europe.

Hopefully, this will be a game changer in terms of how folks view illegal entry.

The one thing I worry about when cutting of aid to G, H, E, is that it may give China an opportunity.

Doc Safari
10-23-18, 11:51

I think that there is a difference in many people's minds between a 'gallant person risking all for a better life' and a mob descending on our border.

I believe this to be true even if the majority of folks haven't been keeping up with migration/invasion events in Europe.

Hopefully, this will be a game changer in terms of how folks view illegal entry.

The one thing I worry about when cutting of aid to G, H, E, is that it may give China an opportunity.

I think this goes deeper than the Dems: think George Soros or other international globalists. They are starting to try to do to us what they did to Europe with the Muslim invasions. The thing is: It will end up hurting the Dems big time. They will see that their so-called benefactors are willing to watch them suffer along with their enemies.

10-23-18, 12:08
Not going to call them migrants or immigrants as thats lefty psyops, Clearly we're not going to shoot them or napalm, can't build a wall in time.

But what is the correct course of action with the time we have right now?


Tongue in cheek.. Bus them and setup a permanent camp at 168 Cantitoe St., Bedford NY. He's been paying for this crap, let him take care of them.

10-23-18, 12:15
From what I understand of the law, you have to claim asylum in a consulate, embassy or at a point of entry. Once you cross illegally you can't seek asylum.

Not really. Very few Cubans applied at a port of entry, and for decades there was no embassy.

10-23-18, 12:18
Perhaps I am confusing "catch & release" (C&R) of an illegal crossing with asylum? But then again maybe not in the case of asylum seekers not going thru proper channels and crossing illegally, which then puts them in the C&R category.

OTMs (Other than Mexicans), can ask for refugee status when one foot touches US soil. They are then released while their refugee status is researched. Most are never heard from again.

So this is the game those OTMs understand. Get a foot on US soil, and instead of trying to hide from CBP, seek them out and ask for refugee status.

10-23-18, 12:39
Not really. Very few Cubans applied at a port of entry, and for decades there was no embassy.

We had a policy that stated, if a Cuban refugee gets one foot on dry land they become a refugee.
I'm not opposed to using the Military to turn them back, I'm also not opposed to them moving the Military in to Mexico so not one of them sets foot on US soil.

10-23-18, 12:44
We had a policy that stated, if a Cuban refugee gets one foot on dry land they become a refugee.

Uh yeah, that was the point you do NOT have to "have to claim asylum in a consulate, embassy or at a point of entry", and then I gave a well known example. The difference with Cubans though, was they status was almost always approved right away.

10-23-18, 12:51
Uh yeah, that was the point you do NOT have to "have to claim asylum in a consulate, embassy or at a point of entry", and then I gave a well known example. The difference with Cubans though, was they status was almost always approved right away.

I believe that policy was very specific and only applied to Cubans and only Cubans. A Haitian coming in was going to be treated very, very differently.
If you have ever experienced the more modern process people have to go through to immigrate legally it's very intense and requires a lot of background checks, medical checks and educational verification. Using a "Claim" of asylum, especially when they are being coached on what to say and do is a slap in the face to people who might spend years and tens of thousands of dollars to do the right things

10-23-18, 12:52
I believe that policy was very specific and only applied to Cubans and only Cubans. A Haitian coming in was going to be treated very, very differently.

The specific portion was a Cuban's Refugee request was processed immediately, while other nations required a court date later.

10-23-18, 13:04
The specific portion was a Cuban's Refugee request was processed immediately, while other nations required a court date later.

I believe their rate of approval was very high also. There weren't a lot of Cubans sent back to Castro to be slammed in to a cell as a traitor to the revolution.
It was also very easy to say "Yes, that's some persecution."

10-23-18, 14:00
I believe their rate of approval was very high also. There weren't a lot of Cubans sent back to Castro to be slammed in to a cell as a traitor to the revolution.
It was also very easy to say "Yes, that's some persecution."

Yes the Cubans benefited from the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966, which the Hondurans, Salvadorans, etc., do not have.

10-23-18, 14:34
I don't care how they're stopped, they need to be stopped just for the sake of principle.

A thousands strong horde, caravan is quite a misnomer; threatening to illegally enter our country- that's absolutely an invasion. No way around it.

If we cannot protect our border and enforce our laws against a well known thousands strong horde as a sovereign nation, we're truly beyond the pale and quite frankly ****ed.

10-23-18, 14:52
Expect a mass shooting in a school, movie theater, concert, or shopping mall in the next two weeks before the election.

The democrats are playing every card they have.

10-23-18, 14:54
I don't care how they're stopped, they need to be stopped just for the sake of principle.

A thousands strong horde, caravan is quite a misnomer; threatening to illegally enter our country- that's absolutely an invasion. No way around it.

If we cannot protect our border and enforce our laws against a well known thousands strong horde as a sovereign nation, we're truly beyond the pale and quite frankly ****ed.

You mean something like this?
At some point with no security, your shelves and your store are emptied. In this case your entire Country will become an empty shell ruled by the tyranny of Progressive Leftists and the stupidity of the masses.

26 Inf
10-23-18, 15:09
I don't care how they're stopped, they need to be stopped just for the sake of principle.

A thousands strong horde, caravan is quite a misnomer; threatening to illegally enter our country- that's absolutely an invasion. No way around it.

If we cannot protect our border and enforce our laws against a well known thousands strong horde as a sovereign nation, we're truly beyond the pale and quite frankly ****ed.

At the 1968 Democratic National Convention rioters chanted 'the whole world is watching.' I believe that will be true of this event, should it culminate at the U.S. border. They need to be denied entry, but at the same time we do not need images of women and children injured by police/military actions broadcast around the world.

I think that the Congress needs to get their rear in gear and pass some legislation which modifies the circumstances under which refugees can seek asylum and expand the use of military forces to guard the borders. They are supposedly in session for the next three weeks, if they are working for us they could get it done.

JM .02

These are samples of stories, which are sympathethic to the mob, the first is just a link:


This is an excerpt from the article linked below:

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto said Monday it will be difficult for the migrant caravan to reach its goals if they don't respect Mexican immigration laws.

"To all those who have chosen to continue with this caravan, which operates outside of the legal order, I respectfully say and want to make clear, if you continue with this behavior it will be difficult for you to reach your goal, be it entering the United States or staying in Mexico," Peña Nieto said during a speech in Mexico City. "Any other means that don't involve respecting the law will make it very difficult for those marching with this caravan to reach their objective."..............

........Mexican officials have been sending buses and offering to transport them, but migrants have been hesitant to board -- worried they'll end up trapped in government custody, unable to continue their journeys to the US border.......

........Miguel Hernandez watched members of the caravan march by in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas, waving and offering words of encouragement. "I've never seen anything like this in my life, in 60 years, until today," he said. "It must be that where they live they don't take care of them the way they should."

Mexicans lined up along roads to hand out supplies to passersby, many expressing a sense of solidarity with the migrants' plight. They distributed hot food and cold drinks, and gave children bags full of candy.
Adela Ochoa Martinez passed out cups of water, noting that she was eager to help the passing migrants.

"They are people who need it. Today it's for them," she said. "Tomorrow it's for us."

It's painful, Ochoa said, to see so many children in the crowd. https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/22/americas/mexico-migrant-caravan/index.html

Stories like this paint the Mexican government in a positive light, which kind of works against potential U.S. efforts to block the mob's entry to the U.S.

If you read the entire article at the link, you'll see that they counter President Trump's assertion that the mob contains MS-13 and Middle-Eastern operatives.

It would have been better for President Trump to say something like:

'it is entirely reasonable to expect that members of criminal or terrorist organizations will use this illegal exodus as cover to enter the United States, therefore we must take extreme security measures to assure this does not happen'

Doc Safari
10-23-18, 15:14
More on a SECOND caravan forming:


A second caravan of Central American migrants has formed, crossing the border from Honduras into Guatemala on Sunday and on to the town of Chiquimula on Monday night, according to Fox News.

The group is following the first caravan which has been estimated at over 7,000 people by the UN, while Mexican newspaper El Universal says it has swelled to around 14,000.

Vice President Mike Pence, meanwhile, told the Washington Post that there are most certainly people of Middle Eastern descent in the crowd, while Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández told him that the migrant caravan was "financed by Venezuela," according to Breitbart's Joshua Caplan.

“It’s inconceivable that there are not people of Middle Eastern descent in a crowd of more than 7,000 people advancing toward our border,” Pence said. “In the last fiscal year, we apprehended more than 10 terrorists or suspected terrorists at our southern border from countries referred to in the lexicon as ‘other than Mexico’ — that means from the Middle East region.”

The Vice President then revealed that Hernández told him that “leftist groups” from the Central American country organized the caravan, “financed by Venezuela” to “challenge our sovereignty, challenge our border.” -Breitbart

My take: This is only the beginning. Soon MILLIONS will be trying to head north. Buy your stuff NOW.

Doc Safari
10-23-18, 15:15
Expect a mass shooting in a school, movie theater, concert, or shopping mall in the next two weeks before the election.

The democrats are playing every card they have.

Darn. I was hoping we'd just get Beto claiming to be 1/1024th Hispanic.

10-23-18, 15:19
That's like moving and infantry division, with out transport... Anyone with experience care to describe the needed logistics for that?

Pre-arranged: resupply points (food, hydration, tents/temp shelters), daily start/end points (most likely based off of average "walking" speed), over night accommodations (ranging from "here on the road" to "this guy has room at his place"), possibly porta-john. Definitely route recon performed as well.

Based on experience I'd guess at least two or three months of planning and procurement, before even putting the word out the event was going to happen.

10-23-18, 16:24

10-23-18, 16:38
This shit is crushing our welfare system. Sure, there's people who want to do unskilled labor, and they're no doubt hearing jobs are plentiful, but they still need, or just take benefits to make ends meet. This shit ain't right when we have natural citizens who are homeless, and vets that can't get decent jobs! The leftys need to pay the difference for all these guests they are helping across the border and leave the rest of us the hell alone so we can enjoy our "crumbs".

10-23-18, 17:49
This is a prime example of leftist's and criminal cartels in business together.
Prime example is the middle easterners reaching Greece/Italy in $20,000 rubber rafts, who paid for them?
There is big money involved in this and they are destabilizing countries.

26 Inf
10-23-18, 18:11
It would have been better if the President said, we will shut down the border, blow the bridges and open fire on anyone attempting to cross into the United States unlawfully.

Yeah, it is nice to spout that kind of stuff, but really, you want to machine gun kids who are following their parents?

Aside from the moral implications, pretty sure that would result in a world wide shit storm.

Suffice to say, we need to shut down our border, but fvck, we've needed to do that for 50 years.

10-23-18, 18:11
It would have been better if the President said, we will shut down the border, blow the bridges and open fire on anyone attempting to cross into the United States unlawfully.

this isn't going to happen. what constructive plausible means do you suggest?

10-23-18, 18:13
Yeah, it is nice to spout that kind of stuff, but really, you want to machine gun kids who are following their parents?

Aside from the moral implications, pretty sure that would result in a world wide shit storm.

Well it would certainly weaken our moral high ground about killing a journalist....

And then of course, we would pay 100x for new bridges.

10-23-18, 18:15
This shit is crushing our welfare system. Sure, there's people who want to do unskilled labor, and they're no doubt hearing jobs are plentiful, but they still need, or just take benefits to make ends meet. This shit ain't right when we have natural citizens who are homeless, and vets that can't get decent jobs! The leftys need to pay the difference for all these guests they are helping across the border and leave the rest of us the hell alone so we can enjoy our "crumbs".https://photos.smugmug.com/photos/i-Q7qLxT5/0/d02ca6f1/S/i-Q7qLxT5-S.jpg

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

10-23-18, 18:31
Yeah, that's not worked out so well for us in the past...

The Contras were ultimately successful in the un-election of the Sandinistas.

Just sayin'.....

10-23-18, 18:44
I don't care how they're stopped, they need to be stopped just for the sake of principle.

A thousands strong horde, caravan is quite a misnomer; threatening to illegally enter our country- that's absolutely an invasion. No way around it.

If we cannot protect our border and enforce our laws against a well known thousands strong horde as a sovereign nation, we're truly beyond the pale and quite frankly ****ed.

I do not give two shits about their children. I do not give a damn about their women. I sure as hell don't give a damn about the males. Your country sucks? Tango Foxtrot Bravo. Fix it or suffer.

I DO NOT CARE ABOUT THESE URCHINS AT ALL!!! Really, no regrets. These dirtbags CANNOT be allowed to stay. We don't want you, you are NOT welcome. They will be welfare-sucking parasites.

I've read where shitstain Obama changed the asylum rules. Can't Trump just change them back if it was a POTUS thing?

I would instantly stop the catch-and-release thing if the f****d up rules don't allow us to send them packing right away. You will ALL stay in a shitty concentration camp until your deportation hearing, the brats included.

I am SOOOO sick of this shit......

10-23-18, 18:44

10-23-18, 19:38
Let México deal with them. I mean, they’d have to go there first...

10-23-18, 19:39
Yeah, it is nice to spout that kind of stuff, but really, you want to machine gun kids who are following their parents?

Its easy, you just don't lead them so much....


10-23-18, 19:49

Pretty much sums up my thoughts. Fix the issues where you are from rather than storming another country.

10-23-18, 20:05
Why didn't the U S, Mexico and Canada trade treaty address any concerns we might have about these kinds of issues?

10-23-18, 20:16
You're right, we should accept that we will watch this country waste away to third world shithole status because we didn't want to get our hands dirty. It's already working in the inner cities, now we just need to give the 40 million illegals voting rights and watch how fast they'll burn the place to the ground.

I'm not suggesting that at all, but blowing up bridges as good as it would feel and as likely effective as it would be isn't going to happen. You and I both know this. What plausible thing can be done?

10-23-18, 20:22
I saw on TOS a suggestion that we start rounding up the illegals in country today. Send the message that they are not wanted and deportation will happen. Even if they make it in, they are eventually going back.

10-23-18, 20:34
This is what needs to be done:

1) This horde must be stopped by ANY means necessary. Not starting with shooting people, but leading there if they force us into that position.

And let me pause momentarily with my list by saying, these people are creating this situation. Period. They decided to take the risk of uprooting their children and lives and committing multiple crimes to get here. Anyone that gets hurt or killed as a result is squarely on THEM! NOT us.

2) Immediately following whatever goes down to stop them from entering illegally, we figure origin nations of those taken into custody and completely kill all aid, pass legislation specific to fugees and asylum coming from these countries, and renegotiate all trade agreements. Hit them hard to make a point.

3) Go after any and every employer of illegals here at home with a glorious vengeance and impose fines that cripple and destroy their businesses upon another infraction moving forward.

It's rather simple. Screw what the rest of the world will think. Seriously. Those who see us positively won't change their minds and those who see us negatively won't either. We need to protect our country. Need to take a stand. Protecting our borders, our sovereignty and our people is the only reason we even wanted or needed a federal entity in the ****INg first place!

If the Feds can't protect the Nation at our borders, we have no Nation. Just a shopping mall with a bunch of bullshit rules that mean nothing because the limp dick security guard ain't doing shit to stop anyone from dicking the dog.

Reality must be faced. Sooner than later.

I'm non violent until forced and then violence is warranted and should be handed out accordingly.

I don't want anyone let alone kids to get hurt or die, but I didn't create this situation, those individuals in the horde created this and they should be responsible for their actions.

It would be far more damaging to our Nation to do nothing and let this horde in. Far, far more damaging here at home and on the world stage.

10-23-18, 20:42

10-23-18, 21:20
Then use concrete road blocks across the bridges and just shut down the border entirely. Hungary did a very smart move, they put a fence within a couple miles of their border, thereby keeping anyone from getting into the actual country but within their actual borders- essentially creating a no man's land. The migrants moved on.

Just to put that in perspective, in terms of land area Hungary is roughly 13% the land area of the state of Texas, or about 1.15% of the area of the contiguous US.

Your Hungarian border fence is 109 miles long, while the length of the US/Mexico border is 1,934 miles (1,254 of that being in Texas).

It's a little hard to believe solving our illegal immigration problem is as simple as building a 100 mile fence along one side of a country roughly the size of Indiana.

Dr. Bullseye
10-23-18, 21:25
1. Air strikes to take out the railroads running north.
2. Army sets up a buffer zone in Northern Mexico which nobody crosses.

10-23-18, 21:38

10-23-18, 21:43
If we can build a rail line from one end of the country to another- we can build a fence.

not in the next two weeks, but yes for the future I agree.

26 Inf
10-23-18, 21:54
Its easy, you just don't lead them so much....


Well, in the spirit of humor, you understand the difference between toddlers and kids, correct? Generally kids run faster than their parents, so determining lead could be iffy.

Depending on magazine size and cyclic rather. (edit: really, auto correct, you insert rather for rate?) a better strategy might be swinging through, or stationary and let them come to the bullets.

Nonetheless, messing with kids and animals is a sure way to get most people turned against you.

10-24-18, 00:09
Dumb question: can a group is armed Patriots in similar numbers stop them? Say in the same way they with the Bureau Of Land Management in Nevada over Bundy's cows.

Look up "Ranch Rescue" last time Americans defended their property they got sued by the SPLC, lost their land and it was actually awarded to the illegals they were trying to protect it from.

Alex V
10-24-18, 07:48
not in the next two weeks, but yes for the future I agree.

Can we plant enough anti-personal mines in that time? Asking for a friend...

Look up "Ranch Rescue" last time Americans defended their property they got sued by the SPLC, lost their land and it was actually awarded to the illegals they were trying to protect it from.

Ah, yes, Steyr, I believe I do remember something like this. However, what I am talking about is not individual ranchers but a concerted effort by thousands of people like the Bundy/BLM standoff.

At the end of the day, I don't know how much the government can or wants to do about this, even with DJT in office. Say we place troops on the border, once those animals climb the fences, will the soldiers open fire? I doubt they will make this a Kent State x1,000. Once their feed touch American soil, it's over. They have to have legal procedures and follow all protocols for deportation and determine refugee status. Our system is already overburdened and it takes years for the process to take place. Most never show up and disappear into the crown.

The only solution for this, as I see it, it a patriot lead one.

10-24-18, 07:50
And just to brighten everyone's day, there is a new caravan forming in El Salvador: https://thehill.com/latino/412839-us-watching-new-migrant-caravan-forming-in-el-salvador-report

10-24-18, 08:08
A few things need to happen that will wake all of these countries up. Our military needs to cross the border into Mexico and set up caravan collection points just south of or border. This way very few will actually make it to our porous border. Next we need to set up shop on Mexico's southern border to stop the flow at the source. Mexico will not do anything. Very little if any gunfire would need to happen if done correctly and with overwhelming force.

All foreign aid needs to be halted now to every one of these countries including Mexico. No more threats. Halt it 100%.

Whatever it takes. If we don't stop this it will never end.

10-24-18, 08:11
While they need to be stopped, the vast majority of these people are just pawns of whichever progressive globalist planned and is paying for this event. All of this talk about gunning down women and children is disappointing, even if some of it is mean in jest.

With all the other crazy crap that's been posted lately I think it's time for me to take a break from this place for a while.

10-24-18, 08:19
While they need to be stopped, the vast majority of these people are just pawns of whichever progressive globalist planned and is paying for this event. All of this talk about gunning down women and children is disappointing, even if some of it is mean in jest.

With all the other crazy crap that's been posted lately I think it's time for me to take a break from this place for a while.

While I agree that talk of gunning people down is stupid, I just wanted to inform you that this isn't an airport, you don't have to announce your departure.

10-24-18, 08:25
While I agree that talk of gunning people down is stupid, I just wanted to inform you that this isn't an airport, you don't have to announce your departure.

The comment wasn't made under the illusion that anyone here will miss me, just as a general statement on the direction I've seen the forum taking.

I retrospect there was probably a better way to make the point.

10-24-18, 08:32
I wouldn't say the forum has moved into any particular direction . With any online forum you will have stupid people say stupid things because they are stupid and you will have normal people say stupid things sometimes because....well they are human.

I agree with your comment though. Talk of gunning down the crowd as they get close to the border is dumb and never going to happen. Now with that said, those dudes running around with the Honduran flags.......

Doc Safari
10-24-18, 08:57
I just had a thought: I wonder how many people on THIS side of the border have been groomed to welcome these invaders and provide them with aid. How many have been organized to start protests and riots the minute POTUS takes a hard line against the caravan by stopping them at the border? How much of this is going to contribute to the chaos or potential civil war we've been discussing?

10-24-18, 09:06
They want to force the sheeple to demand more security in exchange for their liberty.

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

26 Inf
10-24-18, 09:18
Say this on another forum ' unknown if it is credible, but interesting:

Big Bear and Big Panda Just Joined the Discussion – Vice President Mike Pence Reveals Central American Invasion Horde is: “Financed by Venezuela”…

Well, there it is. Quietly within the deliberate words from Vice-President Mike Pence a revelation that explains the origination of the Central American invasion force. For those who are not deep in the geopolitical weeds, the subtlety can pass unnoticed; for those who travel within the deepest international conflicts, Pence’s words here are as subtle as a brick through a window:

[…] “Financed by Venezuela; and sent North to challenge our sovereignty and our border”…

SUMMARY (by author of article): It makes sense from the perspective of China, Russia and Venezuela to use their alliance to create a border crisis between the United States and Mexico, especially since the interests of President-elect Lopez Obrador and President Trump are now aligned within the U.S-MCA trade agreement; which is structured to the detriment of pre-existing Chinese investment in Mexico under their prior -and corrupt- Mexican leadership.

Remember, President Trump out manuevered Chairman Xi Jinping in North Korea. Xi lost most of his control position over DPRK Chairman Kim Jong-un; and while President Trump stood guard on the watchtower North Korea (Kim) and South Korea (Moon) are now happily joined in mutual fellowship. In the grand trade-conflict between the Red Dragon and the United States, Xi needed a new form of leverage.

In the geopolitical realm this invasion force makes much more sense now…


10-24-18, 10:38
Say this on another forum ' unknown if it is credible, but interesting:

Big Bear and Big Panda Just Joined the Discussion – Vice President Mike Pence Reveals Central American Invasion Horde is: “Financed by Venezuela”…

Well, there it is. Quietly within the deliberate words from Vice-President Mike Pence a revelation that explains the origination of the Central American invasion force. For those who are not deep in the geopolitical weeds, the subtlety can pass unnoticed; for those who travel within the deepest international conflicts, Pence’s words here are as subtle as a brick through a window:

[…] “Financed by Venezuela; and sent North to challenge our sovereignty and our border”…

SUMMARY (by author of article): It makes sense from the perspective of China, Russia and Venezuela to use their alliance to create a border crisis between the United States and Mexico, especially since the interests of President-elect Lopez Obrador and President Trump are now aligned within the U.S-MCA trade agreement; which is structured to the detriment of pre-existing Chinese investment in Mexico under their prior -and corrupt- Mexican leadership.

Remember, President Trump out manuevered Chairman Xi Jinping in North Korea. Xi lost most of his control position over DPRK Chairman Kim Jong-un; and while President Trump stood guard on the watchtower North Korea (Kim) and South Korea (Moon) are now happily joined in mutual fellowship. In the grand trade-conflict between the Red Dragon and the United States, Xi needed a new form of leverage.

In the geopolitical realm this invasion force makes much more sense now…


^This and many other reasons is EXACTLY why we must stop them at all costs. As I said in my other posts herein, NOT stopping this horde will absolutely be MUCH worse for the USA here at home and on the world stage. The damage it will cause and the costs both monetarily and to our culture/society are alarming.

If we cannot repel a ten thousand+ strong horde from forcibly entering our Nation, we essentially have no borders and no security. We will be exploited to the 10th degree by anyone and everyone seeking to make us weaker.

We've got to make a stand. We've got to make a point and drive it home for the rest of the world to see.

Of course this isn't just a bunch of families that decided- ah hell, lets take a road trip up north ya'll, we'll travel in the biggest pack of people ever to attempt to illegally cross a border and we don't need to plan or fund it, lets just go and all will be swell...

This is a funded, well planned and tactical move to screw the USA over and make our sitting President look weak and exploit our future sovereignty.

This is much more serious than I think a lot of members here and the general public believes it to be. Time to wake up people!


10-24-18, 10:50
^This and many other reasons is EXACTLY why we must stop them at all costs. As I said in my other posts herein, NOT stopping this horde will absolutely be MUCH worse for the USA here at home and on the world stage. The damage it will cause and the costs both monetarily and to our culture/society are alarming.

If we cannot repel a ten thousand+ strong horde from forcibly entering our Nation, we essentially have no borders and no security. We will be exploited to the 10th degree by anyone and everyone seeking to make us weaker.

We've got to make a stand. We've got to make a point and drive it home for the rest of the world to see.

Of course this isn't just a bunch of families that decided- ah hell, lets take a road trip up north ya'll, we'll travel in the biggest pack of people ever to attempt to illegally cross a border and we don't need to plan or fund it, lets just go and all will be swell...

This is a funded, well planned and tactical move to screw the USA over and make our sitting President look weak and exploit our future sovereignty.

This is much more serious than I think a lot of members here and the general public believes it to be. Time to wake up people!


This will be a no win situation for the Trump administration. Yes this invading horde needs stopped but all you will see on the television leading up to Election Day are a bunch of crying, hungry children and mothers holding babies being pushed around by the evil ICE agents. And the usual suspects on the Left crying foul with all the media coverage they want.

10-24-18, 10:50
Double tap

10-24-18, 11:03

10-24-18, 11:20
This will be a no win situation for the Trump administration. Yes this invading horde needs stopped but all you will see on the television leading up to Election Day are a bunch of crying, hungry children and mothers holding babies being pushed around by the evil ICE agents. And the usual suspects on the Left crying foul with all the media coverage they want.

It will be a no-win for Trump with the never-trumpers, progressives, etc and the rest of the insane America-hating world. With his supporters and the sane folks in the world; he can win or he can lose.

If Trump went to the border personally and handed out free green cards and $1K bills to everyone and welcomed them in the media would hype it into a negative spin. Who cares. We should do whats right for the country, screw the perception of morons who hate this country anyways...

10-24-18, 11:21
This is just the beginning of what soon will become a flood.

Agreed. Perhaps we should work together with Mexico to seal their southern border? Much smaller footprint would be easier to contain.

10-24-18, 11:35
It will be a no-win for Trump with the never-trumpers, progressives, etc and the rest of the insane America-hating world. With his supporters and the sane folks in the world; he can win or he can lose.

If Trump went to the border personally and handed out free green cards and $1K bills to everyone and welcomed them in the media would hype it into a negative spin. Who cares. We should do whats right for the country, screw the perception of morons who hate this country anyways...

Not saying he shouldn’t stop this invasion and by all means necessary do so. Just saying be ready for the massive b.s. and grandstanding from the msm and loony Dems.

10-24-18, 11:42
Not saying he shouldn’t stop this invasion and by all means necessary do so. Just saying be ready for the massive b.s. and grandstanding from the msm and loony Dems.

Be ready for it? It hasn't stopped fro even one second since he took the election! Nothing new.

One of the things I like the most about Trump is he doesn't really GAF what the MSM says or does. That's a really good thing. Being the leader of a Nation means doing the right thing for the Country when it makes you look good or bad, not just doing what you think will be perceived by some morons as dandy and what "they want".

Screw the Dems and screw the MSM! Their anger and screaming about everything can only hurt them with sane people. Insane people will follow along with the nonsense as they always have, but screw them too!

Dist. Expert 26
10-24-18, 11:56
I guess I'll come out of hiding for this one.

These "refugees" should be treated as a hostile invasion force with ROEs to reflect. Inform Mexico of our intentions and, should they allow said invaders to approach the border they can deal with the results.

If we roll over and do nothing it spells the end of our country in more ways than one.

10-24-18, 12:00
Well, in the spirit of humor, you understand the difference between toddlers and kids, correct?


Nonetheless, messing with kids and animals is a sure way to get most people turned against you.

It is a quote from Full Metal Jacket:

Marine - "How can you shoot women and children?"
Door Gunner - "It's easy, you just don't lead them so much."

A failed attempt at levity.

I have no idea how we deal with the caravan. I know good fences make good neighbors.


10-24-18, 12:32
Bring in the Military, Keep them in Mexico and shut down all traffic coming out of Mexico until the threat of this is over.
Leave these folks in Mexico and let the Mexican Government deal with it.

10-24-18, 12:38
^^ Second this.

And; turn a deaf ear to the MMM / snowflakes wailing and melting down.

10-24-18, 12:43
If we don’t bring in the military... create an augmentation force of LEOs to work alongside the BP guys as a special assignment away from their parent LE agency. I’d sign up in a heartbeat.

10-24-18, 12:50
Bring in the Military, Keep them in Mexico and shut down all traffic coming out of Mexico until the threat of this is over.
Leave these folks in Mexico and let the Mexican Government deal with it.

+2. Once they know we aren't going put up with this nonsense Mexico will have to deal with it, potentially ending these caravans.

10-24-18, 12:51
If we don’t bring in the military... create an augmentation force of LEOs to work alongside the BP guys as a special assignment away from their parent LE agency. I’d sign up in a heartbeat.

We need the Military to make the point.
Just fly A10's over the Rio Grand and close all legal crossing points, use your LEO's for the traditional crossing points and check points in the desert.

10-24-18, 12:56
We need the Military to make the point.
Just fly A10's over the Rio Grand and close all legal crossing points, use your LEO's for the traditional crossing points and check points in the desert.

Agree on both. I’m sure some battalions from Pendleton and the Stumps could use a real world “CAX” or whatever it’s called now.

10-24-18, 12:59
We need the Military to make the point.
Just fly A10's over the Rio Grand and close all legal crossing points, use your LEO's for the traditional crossing points and check points in the desert.

So how much leading is necessary by when lighting up women and children with a GAU-8/A?

Only joking, only joking....

10-24-18, 13:05
Money makes the world go 'round.

STOP all funds going anywhere south of the US/Mexican border, even to the countries not affiliated with this fiasco, FORCE them to deal directly with their neighbors. Use the funds for point #2.

Lock down the border as tight as logistically possible, by any means necessary so that even the cartels take notice to the fact that it is going to affect their bottom line. Force them to question there involvement on going.

Political suicide be damned, a message has to be sent loud and clear. Today its a caravan from South America, tomorrow it might be cruise ships from overseas. (figuratively speaking).

10-24-18, 13:14
So how much leading is necessary by when lighting up women and children with a GAU-8/A?

Only joking, only joking....

I appreciate the humor.
We wouldn't have to fire a shot. I would imagine the Cartels would be happy to escort these folks somewhere else when the Law Enforcement, Military and Air assets of both begin cutting in on their bottom line.

10-24-18, 15:39
So how much leading is necessary by when lighting up women and children with a GAU-8/A?

Only joking, only joking....Find some Gulf War I A-10 pilots..... theyve handled these sorts of targets before...

Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

10-24-18, 15:41
Slow moving targets don't require much lead at all :)

Then again maybe Willa will take care of that problem.

10-24-18, 16:44
Slow moving targets don't require much lead at all :)

Then again maybe Willa will take care of that problem.

It wouldn't be the first time a storm repelled invaders from our country.


10-24-18, 17:18
Just saying be ready for the massive b.s. and grandstanding from the msm and loony Dems.

This has been happening since day one of the Trump Presidency Part 1. He could find the cure for cancer and the left will still spin it negatively.

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

10-24-18, 18:04
Can we plant enough anti-personal mines in that time? Asking for a friend...

Well, we do have tons of DPICM 155mm rounds not being used.

Alex V
10-24-18, 20:27
Someone brought up a good point about using the cartels. Like some real Sicario/Sicario2 shit. Have some three letter agencies come down hard on the smuggling of drugs. I'm sure they know where all the routs are. Stopping the flow of drugs into the US is bad for business on both sides of the border and both sides of the law.

Squeeze the Cartels' balls a bit then say, "want me to let go? Stop this and all other caravans" problem solved. Yes the cartels will make this a blood bath but it's not on "our hands"

10-24-18, 21:16
Someone brought up a good point about using the cartels. Like some real Sicario/Sicario2 shit. Have some three letter agencies come down hard on the smuggling of drugs. I'm sure they know where all the routs are. Stopping the flow of drugs into the US is bad for business on both sides of the border and both sides of the law.

Squeeze the Cartels' balls a bit then say, "want me to let go? Stop this and all other caravans" problem solved. Yes the cartels will make this a blood bath but it's not on "our hands"

The US would never do anything like that......

10-24-18, 22:07
Someone brought up a good point about using the cartels. Like some real Sicario/Sicario2 shit. Have some three letter agencies come down hard on the smuggling of drugs. I'm sure they know where all the routs are. Stopping the flow of drugs into the US is bad for business on both sides of the border and both sides of the law.

Squeeze the Cartels' balls a bit then say, "want me to let go? Stop this and all other caravans" problem solved. Yes the cartels will make this a blood bath but it's not on "our hands"

No different than how we do Gang Enforcement... no one wants to take the heat for someone else’s issue.

B Cart
10-25-18, 12:01
Looks like Trump is sending 800 troops to the border. Curious to see how this plays out...


10-25-18, 12:20
Looks like Trump is sending 800 troops to the border. Curious to see how this plays out...


For logistical support like tents and trans. They won’t be the ones to stop these guys, and may very well have problems just trying to control and detain them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Doc Safari
10-25-18, 13:01
This will be a cluster F*** no matter how you slice it. Either the troops will be unarmed and there just for show, or let one "migrant" child get so much as a hangnail and the MSM will be all over the Trump administration committing atrocities. The very best case scenario is that we spend billions housing and processing these people, and it will take years to accomplish that. We should stop them in Mexico at all costs.

10-25-18, 18:36
It will be interesting to see how many peel off & hit the RGV to cut the Ca trip in half?? The McAllen sector is tapped out & at processing capacity already...word has it we are catching our share of thugs & middle easterners. I don't see how the cartels are going to allow & will certainly get their cut into much of this group who don't hit the POI. Right no the MO is to coordinate the river crossing at shift change & those seeking asylum search out BP for help to get detained & into the bogus process. The remaining thugs, previously deported, mules, etc. hit the gaps heading to a town near you. We are overwhelmed & don't see how the military support is going to stop anything with current immigration law??

Note the vids reporting SOTB & those few traveling young men with their faces covered in long sleeves...hiding ink IMO.

Doc, this is beyond a clusterF!! Poverty is not a claim for asylum with current law...however, if they step foot out of the Rio Grande & have been instructed on what to say then the cycle continues. It's already happening by the hundreds daily & now we got a tsunami coming??

10-25-18, 19:21
I read where Obama changed the rules for asylum. Was it him or was it a change in the LAW governing it? If it was just that asshole making his own change then Trump can easily undo it, right?

10-25-18, 21:42
since we are making bad jokes :)

I think a secret society needs to make a video game that you shoot people coming over the border !
not tell them the game is real and controlling real remote guns at the border ;)

reality ditto others shut down ALL aid to Central and South America and lock the border down insane hard
tax any US citizen going in and out to help pay for it also :)

anyone coming in for tourism gets to pay a border tax also

considering I had to pay border taxes when I travelled in Central America

10-28-18, 12:35
I read where Obama changed the rules for asylum. Was it him or was it a change in the LAW governing it? If it was just that asshole making his own change then Trump can easily undo it, right?

Current law states we can immediately process & deport only those from Mexico once apprehended...OTM's are handled completely different with a hearing date given & like reported only 2% return. I don't know what options Trump has to get around this but have heard using some angle about national security to circumvent?? We shall see.

My thoughts:

~A wall won't help this situation even if it was in place here in Texas...it would have to be constructed in the middle of the damn rio grande to be effective. Once They step foot on the bank we still got the same bullshit. (due to current law)

~The military coming is no different than the 2500 guard already in place...it's purely symbolic & can only observe / advise BP. (due to current law)

~I cannot blame those in the caravan, this cluster lies at every congressman that has been in office for the past 30-40 years. Pathetic

~I'm expecting the cartels to play a hand as they get closer to the border as they are not going to roll over without getting a cut. These are not desperate people fleeing poverty for a better life in their eyes...they only see a $5k toll for every head, which I'm not surprised some will roll!! Lots of $$$$

10-28-18, 20:39
Current law states we can immediately process & deport only those from Mexico once apprehended...OTM's are handled completely different with a hearing date given & like reported only 2% return. I don't know what options Trump has to get around this but have heard using some angle about national security to circumvent?? We shall see.

My thoughts:

~A wall won't help this situation even if it was in place here in Texas...it would have to be constructed in the middle of the damn rio grande to be effective. Once They step foot on the bank we still got the same bullshit. (due to current law)

~The military coming is no different than the 2500 guard already in place...it's purely symbolic & can only observe / advise BP. (due to current law)

~I cannot blame those in the caravan, this cluster lies at every congressman that has been in office for the past 30-40 years. Pathetic

~I'm expecting the cartels to play a hand as they get closer to the border as they are not going to roll over without getting a cut. These are not desperate people fleeing poverty for a better life in their eyes...they only see a $5k toll for every head, which I'm not surprised some will roll!! Lots of $$$$

Well then I would have them ALL detained together until their "hearing". I would stop catch-and-release immediately. The MSM and their inevitable whining would not matter one iota. The pwecious wittle children and their parents can all sit together in some tent-camp and be given only what is necessary to survive, i.e. adequate food and shelter. No TV, no internet, no soccer balls. Suck it, you came here and we didn't ask you to now deal with it.

I would not bat an eye at the wailing and gnashing of teeth that the Left would orchestrate.

10-29-18, 11:32
5000 more. Troops that is.


I am all for Posse Comitatus BUT I wish we’d exclude the border from “Domestic” with respect to law enforcement activities. Day to day activities the BP in a LE role is adequate and they do great with what they’re given... but you have a group threatening your sovereignty en mass... that moves beyond a LE mission. That’s playing defense.

Alex V
10-29-18, 11:55
I'm pretty sure a single drone strike would solve this problem as well...

10-29-18, 12:45
I'm pretty sure a single drone strike would solve this problem as well...


Mexico is offering them refugee application and they are turning it down. Many anyway. Not all.

So apparently they don't simply want a place to live. They want to rub this in our faces.


Dr. Bullseye
10-29-18, 16:11
I don't normally call for troops to be sent overseas. One tactical nuke in their path would be my solution of choice but nobody will do that. Send the Army in and set up a buffer zone inside Northern Mexico where we impose martial law on them. Then, we can do whatever any 18 year old with an M4 says to do with the Mexicans. By the way, if they come over the Mexican border, they are Mexicans.

10-29-18, 16:17
I don't normally call for troops to be sent overseas. One tactical nuke in their path would be my solution of choice but nobody will do that. Send the Army in and set up a buffer zone inside Northern Mexico where we impose martial law on them. Then, we can do whatever any 18 year old with an M4 says to do with the Mexicans. By the way, if they come over the Mexican border, they are Mexicans.

That seams a little extreme don't you think? If you see a spider do you burn down the neighborhood?

Doc Safari
10-29-18, 16:19
I'm not in favor of some inhumane response, but the only way to discourage this type of thing is to halt it decisively. And I'll go so far as to say I rack my brain as to what that response might be without dropping mustard gas on them or something.

10-29-18, 19:09
That seams a little extreme don't you think? If you see a spider do you burn down the neighborhood?

but if 7000 were in your kitchen the next morning I bet you would call a fumigator :)

10-29-18, 20:23

10-30-18, 09:57
Looks like the caravaners are resorting to violence against the federales...

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

10-30-18, 11:08
Take away the incentive to come here bit by bit. Start TAXING ALL of the money wired outside of the U.S at 50%. This crap would slow to a trickle. This would be low hanging fruit compared to taking away birthright citizenship for ILLEGALS.

10-30-18, 11:19
Take away the incentive to come here bit by bit. Start TAXING ALL of the money wired outside of the U.S at 50%. This crap would slow to a trickle. This would be low hanging fruit compared to taking away birthright citizenship for ILLEGALS.

Taxing all money sent south of the border heavily is actually a pretty good idea.

10-30-18, 13:45
Take away the incentive to come here bit by bit. Start TAXING ALL of the money wired outside of the U.S at 50%. This crap would slow to a trickle. This would be low hanging fruit compared to taking away birthright citizenship for ILLEGALS.

Taxing all money sent south of the border heavily is actually a pretty good idea.

I have always thought that was what he intended when he said Mexico would pay for the wall. That and tariffs. I have been disappointed that he never followed thru on it. I hope he finally will.

10-30-18, 14:57
It will just give the smugglers something to bring back on their return trips- and will be met by the Mexican police at the border.

Doc Safari
10-30-18, 15:25
Well, well, well, lookee here:


Traveling at a sluggish pace of 10 miles per day, the migrant caravan probably wouldn't arrive at the nearest US border crossing at McAllen, Texas until February, according to one observer, who debunked claims widely circulated by the media that the caravan would arrive before the Nov. 6 midterm election.

But as it turns out, the organizations that have been aiding the caravan since it first formed in Honduras nearly three weeks ago have already accounted for this. And to help ensure that images of border patrol agents arresting families and separating small children from their parents are flashing across cable news in the days and hours before the polls open, these groups are employing a new tactic: Busing.

That's right. As Fox News report on Tuesday showed, migrants traveling with the caravan are being loaded on to chartered buses and transported to the next stop on the trail to the US, having refused Mexico's offer of asylum, shelter and jobs should they opt to stay in the country. Fox News reporter Griff Jenkins revealed that multiple professional buses have lined up to board the migrants, as footage from the report showed.

10-30-18, 15:35
Well, well, well, lookee here:


Buses can be disabled without harm to passengers or drivers. Isn't this what we have the CIA for ;) ? A little mystery diarrhea might slow them down a bit too...

Doc Safari
10-30-18, 15:37
Buses can be disabled without harm to passengers or drivers. Isn't this what we have the CIA for ;) ?

With the marchers making molotov cocktails and supposedly an even more violent caravan forming for the trip here, I don't see a very huggy-bear type confrontation coming for our military and the illegals.

It may get ugly. Uglier than a Frida Kahlo painting.

EDITED TO ADD: This whole thing smacks of a certain "community organizer's" tactics. Hmmmm....Who do we all know that's a "community organizer?" What was the guy's name with the big ears?

10-30-18, 17:20

Doc Safari
10-30-18, 17:22
You think the Islamo homosexual from Kenya that's married to a trannie is behind this?

Yeah, that guy. The guy that's doing everything to sabotage Trump from behind the scenes.

Doc Safari
10-31-18, 13:49
Armed civilians possibly joining the fight:


Texas landowners along the US-Mexico border have reportedly been told this week by the US Border Patrol to expect a possible influx of "armed civilians" on their property as a Central American migrant caravan makes its way towards the United States, reports AP.

he Associated Press reported that these civilians say they intend to support the National Guard and Border Patrol to prevent the illegal migrants from crossing into the U.S.

But some see the move as a negative, arguing that the armed civilians' presence would add even more tension should there be a confrontation.

Three activists told the AP they were going to the border or organizing others, and groups on Facebook have posted warnings about the caravan. One said it was “imperative that we have boots on the ground.” Another wrote: “WAR! SECURE THE BORDER NOW!” -Associated Press

Texas Minuteman militia president Shannon McGauley told AP that the group has members stationed at three points throughout the state's border, and expects 25-100 more arriving in coming days.

10-31-18, 18:26
I wonder if the govt can really stop a person from making a citizen's arrest.

I also seriously doubt if they can tell a private citizen they cannot carry firearms, especially with a landowners permission.

Doc Safari
11-01-18, 14:51
Before the so-called "caravan" even gets here, there is already a crisis in refugees that have come already:


An influx of Central American refugees to the U.S.-Mexico border and a recent change in federal practice in housing asylum-seekers is straining a multi-denominational network of churches in Doña Ana County that temporarily shelters immigrants as they're en route to other parts of the country.

Indeed, a Catholic-run project in Las Cruces that offers short-term refugee housing is seeking to expand the number of churches that provide shelter to immigrants in light of the changes.

"We have two up and running, and we're hoping to get three more up and running," said Leonel Briseño, a coordinator for the Catholic Church's portion of the effort, known as Project Oak Tree.

Federal officials sparked an uproar in El Paso last week after they delivered several buses full of immigrants who'd been previously held in detention centers to a Greyhound bus station in the city — the start of a new practice by ICE of releasing immigrant families, once they reach certain court-set time limits on how long they can be detained. Left in an unfamiliar place, the migrants in El Paso had few or no resources.

My take: What the Hell is this? The southwest is merely a hub now to be used to bus illegals all over the country?

11-01-18, 15:01
I wonder if the govt can really stop a person from making a citizen's arrest.

I also seriously doubt if they can tell a private citizen they cannot carry firearms, especially with a landowners permission.

It's a gonna be bubba magnet for sure.

11-01-18, 15:08
Now that they've began to use force, it's anyone's guess how they'll react to being greeted by our military. I'm guessing it's a sh-tshow waiting to happen.
Mix in a little antifa operating behind the military and it's going to go sideways really quick.
I'm not looking forward to this.

11-01-18, 15:15
Now that they've began to use force, it's anyone's guess how they'll react to being greeted by our military. I'm guessing it's a sh-tshow waiting to happen.
Mix in a little antifa operating behind the military and it's going to go sideways really quick.
I'm not looking forward to this.

I'm not really sure what their options are in terms of where/how they could attempt to cross into the US is in terms of ability for us to keep them contained, what access protestors, etc might have to make it worse, and all that. Potential to go sideways is high. As their will probably be almost as much press as mil there, they will be looking for any op to get pics that make us look like monsters who just hate anyone who wants to come to the US "babies ripped from mothers arms" headlines and all.

I hope someone has developed a solid plan on the ground and it's not hodge podg of poor planning, which will potentially make it far worse.

11-01-18, 15:42
Tent cities along the beaches of LA, San Fran., Martha’s, the Hamptons. In the hills of Hollywood and neighborhoods of the Zuckerbergs.

11-01-18, 15:43
I think this has been given to General Mattis to work out.
If anything, that is the right man for the job and he's had plenty of experience dealing with both refugee's a potential violence.
I don't think there is a better person for the job.

11-01-18, 17:38
ROE : Rocks are rifles, shoot if they are thrown. Man, wish we had that kind of ROE at the tail end of OIF. OEF was stupid there for a while too, not sure what current state of affairs looks like.

11-01-18, 17:42
ROE : Rocks are rifles, shoot if they are thrown. Man, wish we had that kind of ROE at the tail end of OIF.

Would've been nice.

11-01-18, 18:32
what needs to happen is some martial law that if you live in California your house is over 4 bedrooms you have to open up your home to refugees ! 2 for each bedroom in the house if your house is over 4500 sqft it will be forced to take in 10 refugees

11-01-18, 18:34
what needs to happen is some martial law that if you live in California your house is over 4 bedrooms you have to open up your home to refugees ! 2 for each bedroom in the house if your house is over 4500 sqft it will be forced to take in 10 refugees
That would be epic!

11-01-18, 18:42
Screw court-ordered time limits for detention. Ignore it while it goes to SCOTUS, then it *should* go our way. Enough of this lower courts freezing everything. Nope, send it on up the chain to SCOTUS and until they say yes or no then it continues unabated.

Didn't one of the Circuit Courts put the kybosh on Obama's "Dreamer" thing? And IIRC he basically ignored it.

Also, seal off the border areas where this "meet and greet" will take place. No press, no protesters. They'll get a press conference at the end of each day, that's it. TFB if they don't like it.

11-02-18, 09:38
Now some of the "caravan" illegal invaders are suing that Trump's measures to secure the border "deprive" them of their "rights" under the US Constitution.

I'm struggling for words to describe just how fing insane this is.


11-02-18, 09:41
Now some of the "caravan" illegal invaders are suing that Trump's measures to secure the border "deprive" them of their "rights" under the US Constitution.

I'm struggling for words to describe just how fing insane this is.

https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-11-02/migrant-caravan-members-sue-trump-over-shockingly-unconstitutional-border-policiesI'm sure they'll shop around and find an activist (read "unconstitutional") judge sympathetic to their (non) plight.

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Doc Safari
11-02-18, 10:11
Beto O'Rourke campaign workers admitting on undercover video that they are funneling campaign funds to the caravan:


James O'Keefe's undercover operatives at Project Veritas have done it again; this time filming campaign staffers for Congressman and US Senate candidate Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke, seemingly engaging in the illegal use of campaign resources to help transport Honduran nationals traveling in the Central American caravan headed towards the southern US border.

O'Rourke staffers Dominic Chacon and AnaPaula Themann admit to facilitating transportation to airports and bus stations.

Via Project Veritas:

Chacon: “The Hondurans, yeah… I’m going to go get some food right now, like just some stuff to drop off…”

Themann: “How did they get through?”

Chacon: “Well I think they accepted them as like asylum-seekers… So, I’m going to get some groceries and some blankets…”

Themann: “Don’t ever repeat this and stuff but like if we just say that we’re buying food for a campaign event, like the Halloween events…”

Chacon: “That’s not a horrible idea, but I didn’t hear anything. Umm, we can wait until tomorrow for that.”

Themann: “Well that’s exactly the food we need. And I will just mark it as, I do have dozens of block walkers.”

Using “pre-paid credit cards” … “some sort of violation”

A Project Veritas Action attorney reviewed the footage and assessed:

“The material Project Veritas Action Fund captured shows campaign workers covering up the true nature of spending of campaign funds and intentionally misreporting them. This violates the FEC’s rules against personal use and misreporting. It also violates Section 1001, making a false statement to the federal government. The FEC violations impose civil penalties, including fines of up to $10,000 or 200 percent of the funds involved. Violations of Section 1001 are criminal and include imprisonment of up to five years.”

My take: I hope this goes viral and Beato is just a memory in six months.

11-02-18, 10:15
More on Beto's funding the invasion.

11-02-18, 10:16
This so needs to be investigated.

Doc Safari
11-02-18, 10:20
This so needs to be investigated.

I don't know if this will affect the election, but it may put a black spot on Beato's political aspirations. People are already talking about his being a potential candidate for the 2020 Presidential campaign. This could sink his boat or at least put enough of a question mark on him that the Dems look elsewhere for a nominee. And I base that assessment on the fact that immigration is still a huge issue and is the reason Trump got elected. After the caravan creates whatever crisis it creates, and before 2020 even gets here, it may not be safe to be seen as an illegal alien sympathizer.

11-02-18, 10:24
I don't know if this will affect the election, but it may put a black spot on Beato's political aspirations. People are already talking about his being a potential candidate for the 2020 Presidential campaign. This could sink his boat or at least put enough of a question mark on him that the Dems look elsewhere for a nominee. And I base that assessment on the fact that immigration is still a huge issue and is the reason Trump got elected. After the caravan creates whatever crisis it creates, and before 2020 even gets here, it may not be safe to be seen as an illegal alien sympathizer.

I 'm pretty sure the GOP will "Cruz" to a victory here, but this guy Beto seems to be running fast and loose with the rules to the point where he's even pissing off the Left because he's not sharing the wealth with his other party members.
You got this guy red handed, it's time for some legal "Whack a Mole" to keep him down.

11-02-18, 11:44
Now some of the "caravan" illegal invaders are suing that Trump's measures to secure the border "deprive" them of their "rights" under the US Constitution.

I'm struggling for words to describe just how fing insane this is.


I saw. Didn't even know that was possible!

11-02-18, 11:58
I saw. Didn't even know that was possible!

Freaking Insane.

11-02-18, 12:09
I saw. Didn't even know that was possible!Last I checked, Chile is the only country south of us in the visa waiver program. Non-citizens have zero Constitutional right to enter our country.

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

11-02-18, 12:42
I saw. Didn't even know that was possible!

Theatrics. They don't have constitutional rights until they have crossed into the U.S.. Sadly, a liberal court ruled years ago that they have full force constitutional protections once they cross, even if illegally. THIS needs to be fixed also. Trump is correct, our immigration laws are the laughing stock of the world.

From the press release.. They were nice enough to include contact information on their websites AND at the bottom of the LINK if anyone wants to write or call...


"Caravan Asylum Seekers File Lawsuit against President Trump, the Department of Homeland Security, and White-Supremacist Militias Who Threaten Carnage on the US-Mexico Border"

Nexus Services, Inc. is funding these lawsuits to protect individuals and families from President Donald Trump and the administration’s xenophobic behavior, defending rights of those seeking liberty, justice and pursuit of happiness

November 01, 2018 04:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--

Press Conference Announcing Lawsuit Against President Donald TrumpWHEN:
Friday, November 2, 201811:00 A.M. PT

Mike Donovan, President & CEO Nexus Services, Inc.
Mario Williams, President Nexus Derechos Humanos Attorneys, Inc.Evan Ajin, Vice President of Operations, Nexus Services, Inc.Where:
JW Marriott Downtown Los Angeles
Diamond Ballroom, Salon #6
900 West Olympic Blvd.Los Angeles, CA 90015
Lawsuit Background:

As thousands flee drug-fueled gang violence, misery and poverty in Central America, President Trump is waging war on the immigrant population and their constitutional right to seek asylum. Sending soldiers to border, Trump continues his campaign to militarize the border and brutalize immigrant families to score political points and enflame racist tendencies among his supporters.

Nexus Services, Inc. is petitioning a federal court to protect these individuals seeking asylum from Trump’s illegal policies and its draconian enforcement by the military and other armed federal agents, as well as gun-toting white-nationalist militias.

Mike Donovan, President of Nexus Services, said: “Federal law enables migrants to apply for asylum in the United States. President Trump and his administration have used ‘increased enforcement,’ like separating families and lengthening detention to violate migrant rights. Now, the President has sent soldiers to the southern border to stop legal immigration and legitimate asylum seekers. The President’s rhetoric has inspired gun-toting racists to flood the border with the desire to shoot and kill migrants, many of whom are women and children. The President is violating federal law, trampling the rights of Americans and legal immigrants to be free from use of the military for law enforcement, and has set up a potential catastrophe at the US/Mexico border all in the name of white nationalism and with the objective of scoring political points. At Nexus we love the good people we serve who come to this country for a better life, and will stand with them against the hate of the Trump White House.”

Nexus Services, Inc. is a leading provider of immigrant bond securitization and of services provided to detained individuals. The organization funds Nexus Derechos Humanos Attorneys, Inc. as a part of its corporate giving plan to open access to justice for disadvantaged people across the United States. http://www.nexushelps.com/

Nexus Derechos Humanos Attorneys Inc. is a civil-rights law firm funded by Nexus Services Inc. Nexus Derechos Humanos is committed to holding public officials accountable for placing money or politics above the lives of human beings, protecting due-process rights, challenging government coercion and demanding justice and enforcement of hard-won civil rights. https://www.ndhlawyers.com

11-02-18, 14:07
While i don't think our people should open up with a belt fed if a few rocks get thrown, and we know that's not the REO no matter what the triggered masses think "only a rock" is also BS. For example:

Border Patrol agent, 36, killed by 'rock throwers' in ambush attack near US-Mexico border in Texas that also injured his partner


11-02-18, 18:21
While i don't think our people should open up with a belt fed if a few rocks get thrown, and we know that's not the REO no matter what the triggered masses think "only a rock" is also BS. For example:

Border Patrol agent, 36, killed by 'rock throwers' in ambush attack near US-Mexico border in Texas that also injured his partner


No but a few well-placed designated marksmen can pick off rock throwers standing next to a mother and her pwecious wittle bambino with no problem. Like you said, no need to call in an airstrike but rock throwing should be dealt with using deadly force on the perp.

11-02-18, 18:29
No but a few well-placed designated marksmen can pick off rock throwers standing next to a mother and her pwecious wittle bambino with no problem. Like you said, no need to call in an airstrike but rock throwing should be dealt with using deadly force on the perp.

Israelis have been doing that for decades, or so I hear.

11-02-18, 18:49
Israelis have been doing that for decades, or so I hear.

They are sure not shy about letting rubber bullets or beanbag rounds fly.

11-02-18, 18:51
I still think Phoenix PD is in for the win!


11-02-18, 19:03
Now some of the "caravan" illegal invaders are suing that Trump's measures to secure the border "deprive" them of their "rights" under the US Constitution.

I'm struggling for words to describe just how fing insane this is.


and lawyers that are doing this if US bound need to have their lic pulled and abuse of the system and make sure they can never practice again maybe also fine them a insane amount ! send a good message to those wanting to destroy our country

if their are outside lawyers help ? get all names and ban them from ever entering the country again and put them on a terrorist watch list

again we need to play their game and fight back not just keep deflecting and defending but hit back with equal or harder force

26 Inf
11-02-18, 19:05
They are sure not shy about letting rubber bullets or beanbag rounds fly.

Nope, they aren't I have several pics Palestinian and Irish kiddo's beaned with rubber bullets - that is the problem with this kind of deal, soldiers, hell anyone gets frustrated and pissed at anyone throwing rocks at them.

Firehoses, CS gas and sonic weapons.

I saw a list of units being sent to the border, it seemed Engineer Heavy, mayhaps they are sending some Engineer Firefighters - our units were equipped with crash rescu trucks that would be ideal for riot usage - if they could get there over rough terrain.

11-02-18, 19:08
and lawyers that are doing this if US bound need to have their lic pulled and abuse of the system and make sure they can never practice again maybe also fine them a insane amount ! send a good message to those wanting to destroy our country

if their are outside lawyers help ? get all names and ban them from ever entering the country again and put them on a terrorist watch list

again we need to play their game and fight back not just keep deflecting and defending but hit back with equal or harder forceUnfortunately, it's not just the lawyers, but the activist judges who rule in their favor. I predict a judge will issue an injunction keeping the administration from enforcing the law.

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11-02-18, 19:13
They are sure not shy about letting rubber bullets or beanbag rounds fly.

I was thinking more along the lines of knee capping people with a suppressed .22 of those trying to hide behind children while throwing rocks or worse.

11-02-18, 19:27
Nope, they aren't I have several pics Palestinian and Irish kiddo's beaned with rubber bullets - that is the problem with this kind of deal, soldiers, hell anyone gets frustrated and pissed at anyone throwing rocks at them.

Easy fix. Stay clear of riots with people throwing rocks at armed troops.

I was thinking more along the lines of knee capping people with a suppressed .22 of those trying to hide behind children while throwing rocks or worse.

I've "heard" of that too.

11-02-18, 19:48
Unfortunately, it's not just the lawyers, but the activist judges who rule in their favor. I predict a judge will issue an injunction keeping the administration from enforcing the law.

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

but if the lawyers cant bring it to them ?
also then every judge should have every case they have ever done looked at :)

26 Inf
11-02-18, 22:34
Easy fix. Stay clear of riots with people throwing rocks at armed troops.

There is that, LOL.

Public opinion-wise, if kids start getting whacked, support will start hemorrhaging.

This is the reason that I support a physical barrier, such as a wall, along our borders.

We aren't going to solve our illegal immigrant problem as long as dozens of folks illegally cross the border each day.

11-03-18, 00:05
Beto O'Rourke campaign workers admitting on undercover video that they are funneling campaign funds to the caravan:


My take: I hope this goes viral and Beato is just a memory in six months.

HuffPo is reporting that Beto's campaign claims the money was spent on people already in the US seeking asylum:

A Project Veritas operative posing as an O’Rourke campaign worker secretly recorded other O’Rourke staffers talking about using prepaid campaign debit cards to buy food for asylum-seekers last week in Texas. The asylum-seekers were not part of the caravan ― they were already in Texas, apparently taking shelter in churches while the government processes their legal claims.

Nevertheless, the Cruz campaign insisted the senator’s question about “funding” the caravan is fair.

“Beto campaign staffers confirmed they are giving supplies to immigrants who have crossed the border illegally,” Cruz spokeswoman Catherine Frazier said in an email.

In fact, it’s not clear if those immigrants crossed the border illegally. It’s legal to come to the U.S. to seek asylum. It’s also legal to lodge an asylum claim after crossing the border without authorization. The immigrants in question had reportedly been dropped off at a bus station last week by federal authorities after they’d been processed by immigration officials.

Plus, the Federal Election Commission website says it’s legal for political campaigns to donate to charity. The O’Rourke campaign said it did nothing wrong, although the video’s release appeared to catch them off guard.

“Staff members took it upon themselves to use prepaid cards from one of our more than 700 field offices to buy baby wipes, diapers, water, fruit and granola bars, and donate them to a local humanitarian nonprofit named Annunciation House that helps mothers and children in the community,” O’Rourke spokesman Chris Evans said. “The value was under $300 and it will be appropriately reported to the FEC.”
(Emphasis mine.)

Link (https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/beto-orourke-undercover-video-ted-cruz_us_5bdca1fde4b09d43e31edb65).

11-03-18, 08:13

11-03-18, 08:43
HuffPo can say whatever they like, if you watch the video, it is pretty clear that wasn't the intent at all.

Doc Safari
11-21-18, 13:13


President Trump's chief of staff John Kelly signed a memo late Tuesday allowing troops stationed at the border to act in a law enforcement capacity and use lethal force, if necessary, according to Tara Copp of Military Times.

The new “Cabinet order” was signed by White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, not President Donald Trump. It allows “Department of Defense military personnel” to “perform those military protective activities that the Secretary of Defense determines are reasonably necessary” to protect border agents, including “a show or use of force (including lethal force, where necessary), crowd control, temporary detention. and cursory search.”


Kelly said in the signed directive that the additional authorities were necessary because “credible evidence and intelligence” have indicated that the thousands of migrants who have now made their way to the U.S. checkpoint near Tijuana, Mexico, “may prompt incidents of violence and disorder” that could threaten border officials. -Military Times

11-21-18, 13:47

11-21-18, 17:23

11-21-18, 18:42
Did the A-1 Skyraiders show up yet?

11-21-18, 19:54
3k there now.. Reports I've seen are that they are planning a "Human Stampede". Well if so things could get interesting really quick.

11-21-18, 20:36
Break out the A-10s

11-22-18, 00:53
3k there now.. Reports I've seen are that they are planning a "Human Stampede". Well if so things could get interesting really quick.

You could see where this could play in their favor, but a majority of people want the laws to be followed, or at least not flouted. A literal wave of humanity doesn't really give them the optics that the left needs. Kids in tent cities in Mexico.

If I were gov of the border states, I'd start housing the 'refugees' in the parks of all the suburban areas that went blue. Use the school buses to move them around so that the parents have to drive their own kids to school. Clog their schools with the kids.

If you were coming to the US, why wouldn't you claim asylum?

11-22-18, 18:38
3k there now.. Reports I've seen are that they are planning a "Human Stampede". Well if so things could get interesting really quick.

The kind of thing that miniguns were made for.

No harm meant to peaceful people, but when criminal invaders try aggressive but stupid tactics, I have no problem with providing them terminal education.

11-22-18, 20:05
So how does Posse Comitatus play into this?

the Tent City is set up inside our borders as a domestic abode.

How can we say we didn't plan for occupants? It's not set up as a hospital for casualties.

I just don't see how this is going to play out.

11-22-18, 20:27
The kind of thing that miniguns were made for.

The MK-19 was supposedly developed from a response to "human wave" attacks in Korea. It would be well suited in this case.

11-25-18, 16:30
Well here we go..


11-25-18, 16:49
Hyperspike. Turn 'em right around.

11-25-18, 17:33
I personally do not give a damn if the poor wittle children and their mothers suck CS gas. Too bad so sad. The ONLY ones responsible for that happening (or anything else that might occur) is THEM. No one else.

Haven't they gotten the idea that we don't want their sorry asses here? It has to be painfully obvious. Why in hell would you go where no one wants you? Where you'll be rejected? It ought to be perfectly clear by now, but apparently isn't. Oh well, they will learn eventually.

11-25-18, 17:45
So how does Posse Comitatus play into this?

It's designed for preventing police action within our borders by the military. Since the action is focused away from the internal United States, troops can be used to support local and Federal Authorities. However, the Act was created in 1878, yet the military was used many times internally during the Indian Wars. At that time, the Native Population here were regarded more as non-American population to be controlled/exterminated. Posse Comitatus never seemed to be an issue during that period.

11-25-18, 19:20
The immigrants criminals will probably end up being job security for the unionized government employees and another burden for the taxpayers that already support a too large parasite class.

11-25-18, 19:35
I've been noticing three things in these videos.

1. Lots of people smiling / laughing / often women
2. Clean clothes and hair
3. Everybody and their brother has a nice camera setup

The media really needs to step up their game if they are going to continue to advocate for these people while pretending to be unbiased. Someone needs to hire a new editing team. Too many wide shots spoil the lie they intend to convey.

12-12-18, 16:09
The caravan wants $50,000 per person extortion money to go home.


12-12-18, 16:41
The caravan wants $50,000 per person extortion money to go home.


Cheaper in the long run.... ;)

12-12-18, 17:38
PC is very complicated, and has been updated by further modifications.

Are they CG with LE exceptions?
Are they NG working for the state vs federal?
Is JSOC in support of activities?
Is natural disaster declared?
Are they US Citizens?

12-12-18, 17:51
The caravan wants $50,000 per person extortion money to go home.


Or we can not give them a dime, keep them from entering the US, and let them contract all the diseases they want living in the conditions they are currently in there in Mexico, not our problem.

In fact, I would be in talks with the Mexican President if I was in charge, telling him to make them go home and keep others like them from bothering us again in the future in exchange for some economical benefits. Let the Mexican Gov. keep people (including their own) from crossing our border in exchange for use throwing them a bone financially.

12-12-18, 18:14
At what point can payment be made with lead?

12-12-18, 19:16
my vote still is anyone caught illegal entering you tattoo the forehead with a huge thick "CRIMINAL"

yeah how un-humane etc.. well don't enter and it wont happen :)

next time they come in super super easy to know if they have tried :)

as far as pay them NO WAY do like the one movie was it Mel Gibson who had his kid taken got on the news and said OK instead of giving it to you I am going to give it to who ever turns you in :)

just say OK new rules our border will now be monitored by military and anyone entering will be shot soldier who gets the kill will get 50K :)

12-12-18, 21:16
Cheaper in the long run.... ;)

Joking, right? We would have millions of people doing this annually if extortion payments were made.

I have an idea for solving this that wouldn't cost more than $50k total and would resolve the issue for at least a few years to come.

12-12-18, 21:36
Joking, right? We would have millions of people doing this annually if extortion payments were made.

I have an idea for solving this that wouldn't cost more than $50k total and would resolve the issue for at least a few years to come.

The actual solution is to address the fact that the market wants more labor...and we pay Americans to not work.

What do the overwhelming majority of illegals do when they come here? They work shit jobs for shit money, and many of them save enough to send home to their families. Does that mean it’s okay? No, but the labor markets aren’t wrong. People are coming because there is work. Work that would be and should be done by Americans.

This anti-immigration streak is wrongheaded and won’t address the problem...which is that we’ve taught generations of Americans that hard work is for brown people...and generations of northerners that brown people took the jobs that actually went to robots.

26 Inf
12-12-18, 22:29
The actual solution is to address the fact that the market wants more labor...and we pay Americans to not work.

The market may want more labor, but it doesn't want to pay what the going price should be for that labor.

What do the overwhelming majority of illegals do when they come here? They work shit jobs for shit money, and many of them save enough to send home to their families.

I know you are from Texas, and I'm sure that you have seen the multiple illegal families or illegal males living in one apartment so that they can send money home, pretty common here in Kansas.

Would you crawl up on a hot Texas roof during the summer and roof for minimum wage? Nope you wouldn't, unless you had no other option. Those roofers, those landscapers, those asphalt workers, those hod carriers, are doing rough jobs that no American will do for the wages that many of the illegals are paid.

Does that mean it’s okay? No, but the labor markets aren’t wrong. People are coming because there is work. Work that would be and should be done by Americans.

The thing that is wrong about the labor market is that it might be under, not over, regulated. The illegals will have jobs, as long as they can get here, until we:

1) Start throwing folks in jail for hiring them. A sheetrock contractor who has an American crew can't compete with another sheetrock contractor who is running an illegal crew that he isn't paying any benefits to. You can put just about any heavy anual labor job in that context.

2) Force the market to pay a higher wage. Driving down the numbers of illegal immigrants should begin to raise wages, but that alone won't do it. Wages need to go up to get people off subsidy programs. And the subsidy programs we have need to stop punishing folks who are moving up in their jobs.

Unfortunately, that will mean prices will go up, unless shareholders are willing to reign in their greedy CEO's.

This anti-immigration streak is wrongheaded and won’t address the problem...which is that we’ve taught generations of Americans that hard work is for brown people...and generations of northerners that brown people took the jobs that actually went to robots.

I don't think being anti-immigration is wrong, what I think is wrong is turning anti-immigration beliefs into hate directed against individual immigrants.

And, because of the enmity that exists between employer and employee in many situations, a lot Americans believe that the role of the employer is to take advantage of the employee. That results in a sorry environment with no loyalty and no desire to do more than the absolute minimum.

12-13-18, 00:41
I grew up in the %1 I had a great life as a kid and great parents but my dad made me get a job to get some spending money and learn what work was

when I was 15 I got a job as a dishwasher :) I think many in my school did dishwashing jobs or cut wood or worked at McDonalds really back in the late 70s early 80s those fast food places were one older manager not sure how old back them from my perspective they seemed old but sure they were like 30 :) but all the other workers were other kids from our school or other schools
same thing as bag boys as they called them grocery helpers and so on all kids

I remember the dishwashing job sucked so I struck out on my own doing various things stacking wood splitting wood fixing mowers etc.. I learned a good lesson to work with my head and see things :)

also back then I think every friend I knew did the parents lawn !!!! their was no gardener ! they were kids the few older folks would hire local kids who would push the mower down the road and do his ! some times for free cause the parents would say its the right thing to do and the older folks would make the kid a lunch or give him a $5 anyway :)

the problem is our country youth does not want to work ! well unless they can start as a CEO but know way would they actually wash dishes ! or mow lawns !

not sure what went wrong :)

12-13-18, 01:09
I grew up in the %1 I had a great life as a kid and great parents but my dad made me get a job to get some spending money and learn what work was

when I was 15 I got a job as a dishwasher :) I think many in my school did dishwashing jobs or cut wood or worked at McDonalds really back in the late 70s early 80s those fast food places were one older manager not sure how old back them from my perspective they seemed old but sure they were like 30 :) but all the other workers were other kids from our school or other schools
same thing as bag boys as they called them grocery helpers and so on all kids

I remember the dishwashing job sucked so I struck out on my own doing various things stacking wood splitting wood fixing mowers etc.. I learned a good lesson to work with my head and see things :)

also back then I think every friend I knew did the parents lawn !!!! their was no gardener ! they were kids the few older folks would hire local kids who would push the mower down the road and do his ! some times for free cause the parents would say its the right thing to do and the older folks would make the kid a lunch or give him a $5 anyway :)

the problem is our country youth does not want to work ! well unless they can start as a CEO but know way would they actually wash dishes ! or mow lawns !

not sure what went wrong :)

What went wrong? 43% of kids in this country are growing up with no father in the home. Another large percentage are in divorced families and go back and forth between each family after mom and dad get remarried. You cannot build a successful society on numbers like this. Kids can't get jobs because they are bouncing back and forth between homes and have no stability. In my son's small high school graduating class of 24 there was ONE other kid in the class that was in an intact "traditional" family besides him. That kid and my son are the only two that have decent jobs and starts on a career at age 22.

I bet, given the opportunity, kids would love to work and have some normalcy. A job gives you a routine and normalcy. The problem is that parents have screwed this up these days, it's not the kid's fault. I'm all about telling an 18 yr old to get tough and figure it out, but telling that to a 13 yr old is counter productive.

12-13-18, 05:33
And, because of the enmity that exists between employer and employee in many situations, a lot Americans believe that the role of the employer is to take advantage of the employee. That results in a sorry environment with no loyalty and no desire to do more than the absolute minimum.

This is perpetuated by the Communist Democratic party and the MSM and is straight out of the communist doctrine.

12-13-18, 05:38
my vote still is anyone caught illegal entering you tattoo the forehead with a huge thick "CRIMINAL"

yeah how un-humane etc.. well don't enter and it wont happen :)

next time they come in super super easy to know if they have tried :)

as far as pay them NO WAY do like the one movie was it Mel Gibson who had his kid taken got on the news and said OK instead of giving it to you I am going to give it to who ever turns you in :)

just say OK new rules our border will now be monitored by military and anyone entering will be shot soldier who gets the kill will get 50K :)I am hoping you are being hyperbolic but in case you are not, the following needs be said. We in the military are not murderers and you proposing we be used in this manner continues the propagation of the myth that we are. Not only is what you are proposing a crime against humanity under international law, it flatly violates U.S. Federal law and the law in most U.S. States.

Additionally, and I do not use this term lightly, what you have proposed fits the definition of evil. We all agree that these individuals are breaking the law, but under no circumstances should we dehumanize them to the point that the idea that slaughtering them at the border should ever be discussed, even hyperbolically. Not one item on your list would actually work, as, as long as these people are in the desperate conditions they are in they will always try to come here. Look at the Berlin Wall and people trying to escape Soviet Berlin. The Berlin Wall was much more dangerous than our U.S. Southern border, or even what you are proposing, and yet people still attempted it.

EDIT: Just to add, at this point the only thing that is going to work is locking down the border, rapidly deporting those who come here illegally, and prosecuting criminally those who hire illegal immigrants. The most important of those steps is to get rid of the monetary incentive to come to America illegally. If they can’t find work, then they won’t be able to stay here.

26 Inf
12-13-18, 08:06
This is perpetuated by the Communist Democratic party and the MSM and is straight out of the communist doctrine.

Nah, it is a result of guys like 'Chainsaw' Al Dunlap and thinking of employees as resources rather than people who help them make their money.

It's because of the attitude 'I don't owe you anything but a paycheck' when in actuality the success of the company is built on the backs of the folks who spend their lives put substance to the vision.

It's because we have a surfeit of managers and a deficit of leaders.

It's because excessive greed has, in fact, changed the profit motive into something that will, in the end, topple the market.

What it isn't is the Communists, it good old fashioned Capitalists run amok.

All of which has helped the illegal immigrant to gain a foothold in our economy. Been happpening for quite some time.

12-13-18, 14:00
At what point can payment be made with lead?


12-13-18, 14:47
I am hoping you are being hyperbolic but in case you are not, the following needs be said. We in the military are not murderers and you proposing we be used in this manner continues the propagation of the myth that we are. Not only is what you are proposing a crime against humanity under international law, it flatly violates U.S. Federal law and the law in most U.S. States.

Additionally, and I do not use this term lightly, what you have proposed fits the definition of evil. We all agree that these individuals are breaking the law, but under no circumstances should we dehumanize them to the point that the idea that slaughtering them at the border should ever be discussed, even hyperbolically. Not one item on your list would actually work, as, as long as these people are in the desperate conditions they are in they will always try to come here. Look at the Berlin Wall and people trying to escape Soviet Berlin. The Berlin Wall was much more dangerous than our U.S. Southern border, or even what you are proposing, and yet people still attempted it.

EDIT: Just to add, at this point the only thing that is going to work is locking down the border, rapidly deporting those who come here illegally, and prosecuting criminally those who hire illegal immigrants. The most important of those steps is to get rid of the monetary incentive to come to America illegally. If they can’t find work, then they won’t be able to stay here.

OH I was not going to respond :)
first we should be chatting like two buds at a BBQ smiling laughing :) ribbing each other :) so read it like that mate !!!

yeah comparing to a movie :) turn the demand around and make it a bounty
so calling me evil ? sure picture me in a suit holding a bald cat with my finger up to my mouth demanding ONE MILLION DOLLARS

being triggered and using big words illegal and international crimes against humanity and then comparing it to something like the Berlin wall ? hmmmmmmm do I sense some lefty in you :) (read this in Mel Gibson voice from the movie) how to trigger a trigger :) hahahahahahaha
kinda like that actress crying we are gassing the children at the border just like the nazis did !!!

also there is a reason Trump sent troops to our border so your whole idea of illegal and international law and such is blown out of the water !
and no that would not be a crime against humanity either !
many countries do put military out in airports and borders and so on !! its common enough all around the world !!!
I remember it in Europe in the 70s going through the airports and all the military and of course my time through Central America troops are on every street corner it seems
heck sadly our own country has turned our troops against our people on our soil !

you want evil its what is mixed in coming across those borders !!!!

having lived in Honduras I do know first hand what evil is !!!!
my wife having a green card it can be done LEGALLY and no excuse for anyone who says they have to break the law !

and I realize why so many do want to get out of evil places and many try but sadly much of it is just for a free hand out and to take advantage the days of folks coming over and starting business and doing well integrating and contributing is less and less and many are here to just do more crime and be a burden not to contribute etc..

in the past I do think many who came here illegal there was not a good way to come legal so they had to BUT they did fit in work hard and contribute and are good folks I bet today they would have went the legal way !!!

agree on your edit :) BIG TIME agree truly nail those employing and that would dry it up ! but we know that would be lost votes and taxes etc.. !!!
that happening is about as silly as me saying do what a movie did and turn it around and make it a bounty on their heads !

12-13-18, 16:37
Joking, right? We would have millions of people doing this annually if extortion payments were made.

I have an idea for solving this that wouldn't cost more than $50k total and would resolve the issue for at least a few years to come.

Of course I was kidding, but that doesn't make me wrong! Hell, $50k won't cover schooling a kid through high school in US public schools...

01-21-19, 19:12
The illegals are job security for the unionized government employees redistributing the taxpayers wealth.End all migrant welfare and see if the parasite stop invading. Mexico doesn't have welfare.

Doc Safari
01-24-19, 13:13

A town hurting for American tourists, and blaming the migrant caravan...

Rosarito Beach is a resort town on the coast of Mexico’s Baja California peninsula. It is known as a nightlife destination for young Americans partying at dance clubs, was desolate. While winter is not generally the party season, residents and business owners warn economic activity has collapsed, reported The New York Times.

“This is not normal, it’s all empty!” said Luis Pacheco, a waiter at Papas and Beer, a popular beachside bar.

“This used to be full of people,” he said, pointing at the rows of colorful wooden chairs on the sand, devoid of sunbathers.

Businesses who depend on Americans for their livelihood blame the collapse in tourism on the recent turmoil at the border in the neighboring city of Tijuana, where a migrant caravan with thousands of people from Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and El Salvador arrived in mid-November.

“It has been isolated incidents that have created a distorted, negative image of the border, and we are all suffering from it,” said Ricardo Argiles, the chief executive of the company that operates the Rosarito Beach Hotel, which is a frequent spot for Hollywood elites.

Millennials consider the town an exciting, more cultured alternative to Tijuana, and until recently, young Californians who flooded the beaches on weekends and holidays, enticed by nightlife, seafood, and avocados, have vanished.

Many residents share Argiles' view that negative news reports of the caravan situation at the border have deterred millennial tourists.

The incident that frightened many Southern Californians, Argiles said, was the complete shutdown of the San Ysidro Port of Entry last November when migrants attacked the border crossing.

Since then, the Rosarito Beach Hotel has experienced a 60% drop in room occupancy, Argiles said, and the property had its worst December in several decades.

There were a few tourists who spoke with the The New York Times agreed with Argiles’s assessment of why Americans are staying away.

John Aslanyan, a pharmacist from San Diego and a regular to Rosarito, said he could not convince his fiancée to accompany him on the stay.

She was terrified, he said, that there would be a repeat of November’s border closing, a worry shared by many Californians, he added.

“This is the first time I am seeing this beach this empty,” said Aslanyan, the lone diner at a restaurant on Rosarito’s oceanfront.

Moises Espitia, an analyst with the Metropolitan Center of Economic and Business Information, a research group situated in the area, said the economic pain caused by the border’s shutdown in November severely damaged the services and tourism sector.

The migrant caravans have usually been welcomed in Mexico. But as soon as tourism collapsed in the Baja California region, some residents have begun criticizing the migrant caravan for the loss of business.

“They came here with an arrogant attitude, demanding things, and abused the help we offered them, arguing they are fleeing violence or poverty, but we all are poor!” said Jorge Medina, a manager of the Bombay Beach nightclub in Rosarito.

My take: Karma is a great big fat ugly bitch.

01-24-19, 13:59

My take: Karma is a great big fat ugly bitch.

But, but.... They are just nice people trying to come to this paradise that we so selfishly keep to ourselves. See:

01-24-19, 16:39

A long time ago, when I was in SoCal on business, I would make a run down to Rosarito to eat lobster on the beach. NoMo, not in a very long time. I don't go to Cozumel to dive any more either. Mexico can suck my big toe.

Doc Safari
01-30-19, 17:20
HOLY S***!!!!!


There are three migrant caravans headed to the United States’ southern border with Mexico, according to top Pentagon official John Rood.
Rood testified to the House Armed Services Committee on Tuesday that one of the caravans contains over 12,000 migrants.

“Current information shows that a caravan of over 12,000 people — there’s three that we are tracking, that the DHS is tracking en route, one that is over 12,000 by the latest estimate,” said Rood, who is the under secretary of Defense for policy.

My take: Flooding your enemy with refugees is an ACT OF WAR. We need to get tough with whichever countries are allowing these caravans to form.

01-31-19, 08:43
HOLY S***!!!!!


My take: Flooding your enemy with refugees is an ACT OF WAR. We need to get tough with whichever countries are allowing these caravans to form.

12,000 plus people is a shit ton of people . Fox had video this morning of a large crowd waiting on buses that were picking them up and taking them further north. Somebody has to be paying for this and pushing it. Where are they getting food, etc.

01-31-19, 18:44
I will ask this as I have in several threads but haven't got an answer (and can't seem to find one fishing around on the internet): Is the "time limit" on holding these vermin established by a judge's decree or is it part of the f****d up asylum law itself?

If it is only a judge's edict then Trump should ignore it effective IMMEDIATELY and let the inevitable appeal go to the SCOTUS.

02-01-19, 12:54
Emergency declaration in 5 4 3.............?

Doc Safari
03-06-19, 11:18


The number of migrant families crossing the southwest border has once again broken records, with unauthorized entries nearly doubling what they were a year ago, suggesting that the Trump administration’s aggressive policies have not discouraged new migration to the United States,” the Times reports.

“More than 76,000 migrants crossed the border without authorization in February, an 11-year high and a strong sign that stepped-up prosecutions, new controls on asylum and harsher detention policies have not reversed what remains a powerful lure for thousands of families fleeing violence and poverty.”


U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) reports that 76,103 migrants appeared at ports of entry and illegally crossed between ports in February. This is the largest number of apprehensions and inadmissible migrants for a February reporting period in 12 years, CBP stated Tuesday.
Of the 76,103 migrants who came to the border seeking admission or illegally crossing between ports of entry, 62 percent were family units and unaccompanied minors. This presents both a border security and humanitarian crisis at our southwest border, U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin K. McAleenan said in a press conference on Tuesday afternoon.

United States Border Patrol Chief of Operations Brian Hastings told reporters that during February, Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 66,000 migrants who illegally crossed the border from Mexico between ports of entry. This is up from nearly 48,000 in January — a nearly 40 percent increase. When compared to the first five months of Fiscal Year 2018, this fiscal year has seen a 97 percent increase, he stated.

My take: What other term can you use to describe this except "invasion?" Yet people like Rand Paul are more worried about some procedural or technical legal horseshit that protecting our country.

03-06-19, 12:28



My take: What other term can you use to describe this except "invasion?" Yet people like Rand Paul are more worried about some procedural or technical legal horseshit that protecting our country.

So what has Paul done?

Doc Safari
03-06-19, 12:29
So what has Paul done?

He's voting against the emergency declaration, which most legal scholars have said is perfectly within Trump's authority.

03-06-19, 12:37
He's voting against the emergency declaration, which most legal scholars have said is perfectly within Trump's authority.

Bet most say the same thing about the bump stock ban.

Paul has called for taking away the incentive to enter illegally. Cutting off subsidies and nailing those who hire/shelter them when they get here would likely negate any need for a wall in the first place but would rapidly free up funds to build it.

Doc Safari
03-06-19, 12:39
Bet most say the same thing about the bump stock ban.

That has nothing to do with the immigration issue. Stop muddying the waters.

Paul has called for taking away the incentive to enter illegally. Cutting off subsidies and nailing those who hire/shelter them when they get here would likely negate any need for a wall in the first place but would rapidly free up funds to build it.

I agree with that sentiment, but hampering an emergency measure certainly does not help the situation, especially when some very smart people have said that the emergency declaration does not violate the law. Rand Paul is just full of shit on this one.

03-06-19, 12:41
Yup, this is way beyond an immigration issue at this point. There HAS to be something more behind this that is actively being kept from the public eye on U.S. soil.

Those that think that this is just a border state issue are about to have a very rude awakening. Still surprises me to this day how many people can't grasp the concept that these folks are not staying in the border states when they cross, they are going pretty much everywhere else but.

I don't know what's worse anymore. Those pushing for this or those that are turning a blind eye or are willfully ignorant.

03-06-19, 12:43
Bet most say the same thing about the bump stock ban.

Paul has called for taking away the incentive to enter illegally. Cutting off subsidies and nailing those who hire/shelter them when they get here would likely negate any need for a wall in the first place but would rapidly free up funds to build it.

It is cheaper and much more effective to simply STOP them from entering. Even if there are no "incentives" for them to come they will still come and WE, the US Taxpayer, Will still pay for them. Not all of the Laws can be changes. EMTALA will not be changed so they can still get "FREE" medical care at the ER........ So he is a tard if he thinks that will do anything.

03-06-19, 13:01
It is cheaper and much more effective to simply STOP them from entering. Even if there are no "incentives" for them to come they will still come and WE, the US Taxpayer, Will still pay for them. Not all of the Laws can be changes. EMTALA will not be changed so they can still get "FREE" medical care at the ER........ So he is a tard if he thinks that will do anything.

If there is no place to work and the freebies are cut off, then that would put a major demotivator on coming here.

Any law can be changed. We keep getting to see Constitutional limitations/Constitutionally recognised rights stripped away by simple majority votes so it can be done.

Not opposed to a wall, but executive orders should have been stopped from the get go and it isn't like Mexico is going to crack down on tunnel entrances on the south side either.

03-06-19, 13:09
If there is no place to work and the freebies are cut off, then that would put a major demotivator on coming here.

Any law can be changed. We keep getting to see Constitutional limitations/Constitutionally recognised rights stripped away by simple majority votes so it can be done.

Or they will still come because the US with nothing is still better than the SH!T hole they came from.

True any law can be changed........ But it won't be. EMTALA is a perfect example. If it is changed to say that you have to prove citizenship to get care Great!!!!! then as soon as an American Citizen can't prove it and dies in the parking lot that law is right back on the books..........

That is the difference between concept and application...... two very different things.

Doc Safari
03-06-19, 13:13

It is too late to build a wall.

It is too late to round up illegal aliens roaming the country.

We have one choice now: Lock down the border, period. Put the military on the border and prevent anyone from crossing even if "shoot to kill" orders have to be issued.

People may think that's extreme, but we are already past the point of dealing with this politely and humanely.


03-06-19, 13:15

It is too late to build a wall.

It is too late to round up illegal aliens roaming the country.

We have one choice now: Lock down the border, period. Put the military on the border and prevent anyone from crossing even if "shoot to kill" orders have to be issued.

People may think that's extreme, but we are already past the point of dealing with this politely and humanely.


Yes there is and it is never too late to make a change....... Changing the laws just won't do anything.

03-06-19, 14:01
Yet people like Rand Paul are more worried about some procedural or technical legal horseshit that protecting our country.


03-06-19, 14:52

Well played!

03-06-19, 15:26

It is too late to build a wall.

It is too late to round up illegal aliens roaming the country.

We have one choice now: Lock down the border, period. Put the military on the border and prevent anyone from crossing even if "shoot to kill" orders have to be issued.

People may think that's extreme, but we are already past the point of dealing with this politely and humanely.


Why is everything such a huge crisis with you?

If we started jailing or supertaxing those who hired illegals and denied them housing and healthcare and got rid of that whole "Press 1 for English" BS they would get tired and go right on back.

Frankly a wall is unnecessary compared to a minefield like S. Korea and Chile have.

I notice in pretty much all your posts we are going to have a civil war, race war, Chinese/Russian invasion, and a total gun confiscation any day now.

Doc Safari
03-06-19, 15:45
Why is everything such a huge crisis with you?

I notice in pretty much all your posts we are going to have a civil war, race war, Chinese/Russian invasion, and a total gun confiscation any day now.

I post things that I think people need to take seriously because I know there are many people like you who will immediately try to say they're nothing to worry about.

I've noticed that most of your posts contribute nothing of relevance to any thread you post in other than to add some smart-ass snarky comment intended (I guess) to be humorous. That the mods don't consider your output to be glorified trolling I can't fathom.

If you don't like my threads, nobody is forcing you to read them.

26 Inf
03-06-19, 15:46
If you look at the attached graph, here seems to have been some wild swings in both apprehensions and people found inadmissible at the border over a short period of time. As an example, Look at FY2017, especially March through July, and compare it those data points to the same ones in the other years.



On the other hand, another report says that in 2016 arrests for border crossings hit a 46 year low:

Arrests of people trying to cross illegally into the U.S. from Mexico plunged to the lowest level since 1971, as fewer people attempted the trek, the Department of Homeland Security announced Tuesday.

Meanwhile, immigration arrests in the interior of the country increased by 25 percent, the data show…..

"Overall, removals are down because the border's under better control than it has been in 45 years," said Tom Homan, acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.


03-06-19, 15:48
I post things that I think people need to take seriously because I know there are many people like you who will immediately try to say they're nothing to worry about.

I've noticed that most of your posts contribute nothing of relevance to any thread you post in other than to add some smart-ass snarky comment intended (I guess) to be humorous. That the mods don't consider your output to be glorified trolling I can't fathom.

Well.....If it makes you feel any better, I'll be the first one to get wiped out when the race civil world war happens. Keep keeping hope alive.

Doc Safari
03-06-19, 15:50
Well.....If it makes you feel any better, I'll be the first one to get wiped out when the race civil world war happens. Keep keeping hope alive.

LOL. Then I couldn't read another post on your undying lust for AOC.


I just think you're seeing a "crisis" in my posts when I consider them "informational at an expedited level."

26 Inf
03-06-19, 16:24
I post things that I think people need to take seriously because I know there are many people like you who will immediately try to say they're nothing to worry about.

I've noticed that most of your posts contribute nothing of relevance to any thread you post in other than to add some smart-ass snarky comment intended (I guess) to be humorous. That the mods don't consider your output to be glorified trolling I can't fathom.

If you don't like my threads, nobody is forcing you to read them.

Brother Safari, I hate to tell you this but, Fly ain't the only one.

From starting threads titled Something Hits my cheek every once in a while to the Possible Glock Gen 5 crooked rear sight Issue? including your the Aggressive Homeless People and including your the end id near threads: Is Economic Collapse Already Here?; And This is How Civil Wars Begin....; and War, Children, Is Just a Shot Away....with China.

You kind of give off a Chicken Little/Henny Penny, making mountains out of molehills, vibe.

Doesn't mean you are a bad person, though.

26 Inf
03-06-19, 16:25
Well.....If it makes you feel any better, I'll be the first one to get wiped out when the race civil world war happens. Keep keeping hope alive.

Not as long as I have ammo.

Doc Safari
03-06-19, 16:27
Brother Safari, I hate to tell you this but, Fly ain't the only one.

From starting threads titled Something Hits my cheek every once in a while to the Possible Glock Gen 5 crooked rear sight Issue? including your the Aggressive Homeless People and including your the end id near threads: Is Economic Collapse Already Here?; And This is How Civil Wars Begin....; and War, Children, Is Just a Shot Away....with China.

You kind of give off a Chicken Little/Henny Penny, making mountains out of molehills, vibe.

Doesn't mean you are a bad person, though.

Well, sorry you guys take it that way. My main intent is to keep it interesting. I was always taught to write in such a way that the reader can't wait to devour it.

03-06-19, 16:58
Not as long as I have ammo.

And my bayonet!

03-06-19, 18:19
It is cheaper and much more effective to simply STOP them from entering. Even if there are no "incentives" for them to come they will still come and WE, the US Taxpayer, Will still pay for them. Not all of the Laws can be changes. EMTALA will not be changed so they can still get "FREE" medical care at the ER........ So he is a tard if he thinks that will do anything.

Absolutely! They are coming for the freebies they can't get in their own shithole countries. We have more than enough natural-born freeloaders in this country, we certainly do NOT need to import more.

I agree 110% that the "incentives" (as far as jobs) need to stop, and a crackdown on those who do is certainly in order. No problem with that whatsoever. That said, you know damn well that mama-san and her 4 kids are indeed going to get welfare and food stamps. They shouldn't, but they will. The asinine asylum law needs to be changed too; "My country is a shithole and it sucks living there" is NOT a reason for asylum, yet every one of these skill-less leeches coming across is claiming that (duh!).

We don't owe these people ANYTHING. They have no God-given right to be here. They contribute NOTHING but take all they can get. We don't want you, go the f**k home.

03-06-19, 18:38
And my bayonet!Swords!

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

03-06-19, 19:58

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk


03-06-19, 20:28
Well, sorry you guys take it that way.

I don't take it that way. I appreciate being informed about what is happening in our country. I don't see your posts as overly dramatic, and I don't think "the sky is falling".

I enjoy a funny post from the Firefly, and I enjoy the back-and-forth from 26 Inf all the other personalities here, but there is no pretending that everything is just hunky-dory fine, and that none of the stuff being posted here in these threads is going to cause us any problems.

I think the "vibe" might be different in different parts of the country. This might explain away some of the difference of opinion on these matters. Personal habits might play a role too. My wife still watches MSM news and some of the libtard TV shows. I occasionally get a peek at what "they" are saying about us and the state of the country. If someone else never watches that leftist garbage, and why would they..., they might not be seeing what I'm seeing. I'm not saying we should all wallow in misery and start preparing for the end times, but I think its foolish to turn a blind eye to current events with a "it won't happen to me" attitude.

The venerable Firefly and 26 Inf are certainly entitled to their opinions, and I value their opinions and posts, but I don't want you to think everyone sees it that way. The dissenting posts and civil arguments on this forum present some of the best learning opportunities for the uninformed (Me), so please sir, carry on when you are finished with the self-reflection that I am sure is happening right now due to these comments.

03-07-19, 00:58
Absolutely! They are coming for the freebies they can't get in their own shithole countries. We have more than enough natural-born freeloaders in this country, we certainly do NOT need to import more.

I agree 110% that the "incentives" (as far as jobs) need to stop, and a crackdown on those who do is certainly in order. No problem with that whatsoever. That said, you know damn well that mama-san and her 4 kids are indeed going to get welfare and food stamps. They shouldn't, but they will. The asinine asylum law needs to be changed too; "My country is a shithole and it sucks living there" is NOT a reason for asylum, yet every one of these skill-less leeches coming across is claiming that (duh!).

We don't owe these people ANYTHING. They have no God-given right to be here. They contribute NOTHING but take all they can get. We don't want you, go the f**k home.

This ^

03-07-19, 05:28
70,000 documented crossings last month, we're on par for 100,000 this month.
So how many undocumented aliens aren't being counted and why isn't this a crisis?

03-07-19, 06:14
70,000 documented crossings last month, we're on par for 100,000 this month.
So how many undocumented aliens aren't being counted and why isn't this a crisis?

I assume this is a rhetorical question? It isn’t a crisis because “Never Trump”, aka TDS.

03-07-19, 07:05
I assume this is a rhetorical question? It isn’t a crisis because “Never Trump”, aka TDS.

I understand that, the irony in that, at least to me is, avoiding reality does not make reality change.

The other morning I watched white Democrats honor and celebrate the people who were hurt during the march on Bloody Sunday in '65. Black Democrats stood side by side on the podium with White Democrats and no one bothered to acknowledged the hypocrisy that it was White Democrats that committed that violence.
To have Hillary Clinton there only added to the amazing level of irony. Her support of Planned Parenthood has killed more black babies in the womb than any virulent racist could have ever dreamed.
That your average Democrats neither understands the history of their "party" or is willing to acknowledge their violent racist history against Blacks to me is amazing.
Of course, that only makes swallowing what's going on in the border even easier.
Pointing these facts out to anyone today causes an amazing reaction.

Doc Safari
03-07-19, 08:39
I think the "vibe" might be different in different parts of the country. This might explain away some of the difference of opinion on these matters.

I think you nailed it. The further north and east you get, the less the immigration problem seems that big a deal. Around here I'm literally an hour's drive from what I see as a "foreign, unarmed invasion." It would only be worse if it were an army coming across the border. If I were in North Carolina or somewhere I might go "Meh."

03-07-19, 08:50
I think you nailed it. The further north and east you get, the less the immigration problem seems that big a deal. Around here I'm literally an hour's drive from what I see as a "foreign, unarmed invasion." It would only be worse if it were an army coming across the border. If I were in North Carolina or somewhere I might go "Meh."
And you see the crime that goes along with it in New Mexico. Car theft is a big problem in addition to drugs. Albuquerque is probably the car theft capitol of the US. A large number of the stolen vehicles end up in Mexico via Juarez. I value Doc's opinion because he see's the problem up close and personal.

I live in NE New Mexico, but I too have spent a lot of time on the border. The New Mexico Cattle Growers Association is a close group and I know families on the border towards the Arizona State line. I also have close associates across the line in Cochise County, Arizona. Went to the U of Arizona in Tucson with members of that family who ranch. These people would like to have free rein to start shooting at the invaders crossing their land, tearing up fences, stealing anything that isn't tied down, and in one case - kidnapping a ranch employee. They know if they start the war, nobody from the US government or State government will back them up because if you start killing drug running invaders, your whole family will be murdered. If not right away, sometime in the future. Without exaggeration, it's that bad.

03-07-19, 08:50
How about this?

I’m a pessimist in times of peace and an optimist in times of strife.

Doc Safari
03-07-19, 08:56
And you see the crime that goes along with it in New Mexico. Car theft is a big problem in addition to drugs. Albuquerque is probably the car theft capitol of the US. A large number of the stolen vehicles end up in Mexico via Juarez. I value Doc's opinion because he see's the problem up close and personal.

I live in NE New Mexico, but I too have spent a lot of time on the border. The New Mexico Cattle Growers Association is a close group and I know families on the border towards the Arizona State line. I also have close associates across the line in Cochise County, Arizona. Went to the U of Arizona in Tucson with members of that family who ranch. These people would like to have free rein to start shooting at the invaders crossing their land, tearing up fences, stealing anything that isn't tied down, and in one case - kidnapping a ranch employee. They know if they start the war, nobody from the US government or State government will back them up because if you start killing drug running invaders, your whole family will be murdered. If not right away, sometime in the future. Without exaggeration, it's that bad.

There was a recent news story on a local channel about how people in the bootheel of New Mexico are basically starting to feel like the white farmers in South Africa and they are finding out that New Mejico's dem governor doesn't give a hoot about them.

If I knew the terrain and had some help I'd be down there patrolling. No joke. The Second Amendment ain't about duck hunting. My problem is knowing where to go to be effective and what to do once I get there.


03-07-19, 11:45
I think you nailed it. The further north and east you get, the less the immigration problem seems that big a deal. Around here I'm literally an hour's drive from what I see as a "foreign, unarmed invasion." It would only be worse if it were an army coming across the border. If I were in North Carolina or somewhere I might go "Meh."

And there in lies the rub. (not directed at you Doc, but the rest of the country). Our apathy and/or willful ignorance will be our down fall.

The U.S./Mexico border is not a destination, it's the doorway. Those that don't see the problem like we do in the border states because of their geographical location, well, all I can say is don't worry, they will be along shortly to change your mind.

Doc Safari
03-07-19, 15:00

Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) told Breitbart News on Thursday that, despite some media reports, there remains a “five-alarm crisis” at the southern border and President Donald Trump is right to take action to protect the American people.
Sen. Perdue told Breitbart News that there remains a crisis at the southern border and that ending illegal immigration requires more than a wall–America needs more border patrol agents and needs to close asylum loopholes.

“I just got back from the southern border. There’s a five-alarm crisis going on down there. It’s not just the human traffic, it’s the drug traffic. This is not just about building the wall – it’s about closing the loopholes and getting border patrol agents the resources they need,” Perdue told Breitbart News. “President Trump knows that, and he’s right to take action to protect the American people.”

The Georgia conservative traveled in February to the southern border with Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) and witnessed first-hand the border crisis. Perdue told Breitbart News that the border crisis was “staggering.” The two Republicans saw illegal crossing hotspots and received real-time briefings from border patrol agents.

Daines told Breitbart News that he backs Trump’s national emergency, contending without a secure border, every state is a border state.