View Full Version : The SnowFlake Diet

10-24-18, 13:30
Cuz I'm an A hole at times, I like to invent terms for Urban Dictionary that poke fun at those who annoy me or just for the LOLs. So far, they're all #1. Just added this one:

SnowFlake Diet

Concluding you're so unique and special, you must combine various diet approaches into one diet to support your snowflake-like uniqueness, even though your physiology is the same as everyone else on the planet.

"Due to my unique and special metabolism, I found what works for me is a vegan diet where I follow intermittent fasting and keto, then a carb and animal protein reload on the Jewish high holidays, Halloween, and Lincoln's birthday. I will then annoy the hell out of everyone within ear shot about the amazing effects and superiority of my utterly unscientific SnowFlake Diet approach."


Here's the others:


10-24-18, 14:47
FYI, just submitted this one:

Gun Derpa Derp

A person who is pro gun control who knows nothing about guns, history, or the statistics on guns and no amount of facts nor data will alter their positions.

"If we could just ban all the high capacity semi full automatic handguns with bayonets attached the world would be a much safer place when only the police and criminals have guns" says the Gun Derpa derp

10-25-18, 19:06
I hear they eat a lot of soy.

10-25-18, 20:19
I always figured that snowflakes just lived on Ramen Noodles and Red Bull. :rolleyes:

10-25-18, 21:01
I always figured that snowflakes just lived on Ramen Noodles and Red Bull. :rolleyes:

Replace the Red Bull with a RipIt and you just described my lunch ;-)

10-26-18, 16:16
I hear they eat a lot of soy.

I'm sure they find a way to fit the soy in there....

10-26-18, 16:33
I'm sure they find a way to fit the soy in there....

It's in the little silver foil packet.

10-26-18, 19:26
Seriously check out "soy boy" and "soi boi" memes sometime, hilarious :lol:

There are a couple of FB pages devoted to said memes.

10-26-18, 23:50
I have a special metabolism that likes rare steak and Pappy Van Winkle. Occasionally, Lucky Charms.