View Full Version : Charlottesville and Parkland Prosecutions

10-25-18, 01:36
Where are these prosecutions? Considering that the MSM uses them as main points in their agenda against conservatives, it seems like we should have had more progress on these cases. Lot's of unknowns in each case- not in a conspiracy sense, just in a what's the whole story.

For things that get brought up so much, there doesn't seem to be a lot of desire to actually prosecute the cases? Did the Charlottesville cases get resolved and I missed it?

10-25-18, 09:12
The C'Ville cases are proceeding. I think the driver is due for trial next month. Also I believe I saw that the guys from CA in the right wing group were just found guilty. I have not heard of a single ANTIFA charge... Now this is just me hearing the news casually. But I have heard something recently, like this Summer.

Oh, and one of those guys, I forget which one it was... just this past week... The mother of the shooter, whom she was afraid of and knew he was a nut case, took him to buy the guns!! I forget which one that was.

ETA: Well and then there is this.....

By Andrew Blake - The Washington Times - Saturday, February 3, 2018

A judge ruled Friday on three people charged with assaulting white nationalist organizer Jason Kessler as he attempted to hold a press conference last summer a day after his deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

High school teacher Phoebe Stevens, local activist Jeffrey Winder and Public Housing Association of Residents worker Edgar Brandon Collins were each convicted and sentenced in connection with assaulting Mr. Kessler during the Aug. 13 press conference, local media reported following Friday’s hearing in Charlottesville General District Court.

Stevens was ordered to 50 hours of community service, while Winder and Collins each received suspended sentences, the local Daily Progress newspaper reported.


I think 50 hours of community service in Charlottesville means helping out as a volunteer for a Dave Mathews concert.

ETA2: Looks like some new developments happening right now... just saw this on local radio page.