View Full Version : How to deal with young hard headed liberals?

10-29-18, 03:42
Went to Subway today. The guy who made my sandwich, asked me if I had already voted. I replied yes. He then says: Can I ask you who you voted for?

I said, its very unprofessional to talk about politics to customers- even for subway.

He then goes on for about 5 minutes, first saying "I bet your a Trump supporter" and go on and on and basically repeats himself. He must have said "trust me, this is what I am majoring in" at least 5 times during his speech. By the way, he goes to Dallas County Community College (Mountain View) where he is studying economics, foreign policy, business administration and political science. However, both Rice and SMU are interested in him attending there school next year. His words- Not mine! He also thinks Rice and SMU cost around $10k-$12k a year. He also thinks because he was on the BETO street team, that will lead to opportunities or open some big doors for him to pursue his dream job: being a staffer for a major senator or being on "some" committee where he is over public policy.

I didn't really say much but I did notice how he used both Bill Maher and John Oliver as sources on how Trump has hurt job growth, made our "GOP"- GDP go down 50% blah blah blah… I just listened because I didn't want to talk to him but I did very sarcastically say after his time was up: Well, hope it works out for you and if it doesn't, the world always needs sandwich makers.

Where do they get this? When did 19-20 year olds start thinking they know more about life than we do? Without having any life experience- other than the job making sandwiches at Subway, why do they feel like they have the answers? Why do they feel like what they say matters? It seems like when I was 18-22 back around 2000, I didn't talk politics, probably because I was chasing girls. But today, it seems like every high schooler is involved in politics and wants to have those grown up conversations.

How do you deal with these people if not just ignore them.

10-29-18, 05:20
Eh, he has probably seen Hoggboy and the bald headed lesbian on the tv and figured he would like that gig, too.

10-29-18, 05:26
How do you deal with these people if not just ignore them.


When he’s buried in debt, can’t find that dream job and is working third shift at UPS, he has a 50% chance of realizing he was lied to by the Left.

10-29-18, 06:16
How to deal with young hard headed liberals?

Wasn't that the impetus for the development of SS109/M855 in the 80s?

Seriously though, I find that kid's behavior outrageous. Customers are not supposed to be sounding boards for one's unsolicited political idiocy.

I think part of the "know it all" problem with that age group is simply the arrogance of youth but coupled with, and exacerbated by two decades of participation trophies and being told how special they are by their bourgeois helicopter parents.

10-29-18, 07:04
How do I deal with them? I just don't get into conversations with them. If that were me I would have asked for my money back!

I'm just a customer, came in to eat not get a political lecture from a college kid. If you can't simply take my money and give me my sandwich then I'll go get one somewhere else and I'd make sure to let the owner know

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10-29-18, 07:41
How do I deal with them? I just don't get into conversations with them. If that were me I would have asked for my money back!

I'm just a customer, came in to eat not get a political lecture from a college kid. If you can't simply take my money and give me my sandwich then I'll go get one somewhere else and I'd make sure to let the owner know

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

I'm generally the type who just quits going to an establishment that pisses off vs complaining to the management, but the above incident might have annoyed me enough to actually do the latter.
On the other hand I don't think I would have allowed myself to get drawn into a discussion in the first place. I don't come across as very approachable in public anyway so this particular situation of being lectured by some millennial "sandwich artist" Bolshevik I don't even know probably wouldn't even happen to me.

10-29-18, 07:42
call the owner and corporate say how some kid started berating you about politics and ragging on me even though I said nothing like he was hoping for a argument
lecturing me on how biz and life works

get his candy a$$ fired

10-29-18, 07:51
I'm generally the type who just quits going to an establishment that pisses off vs complaining to the management, but the above incident might have annoyed me enough to actually do the latter.
On the other hand I don't think I would have allowed myself to get drawn into a discussion in the first place. I don't come across as very approachable in public anyway so this particular situation of being lectured by some millennial "sandwich artist" Bolshevik I don't even know probably wouldn't even happen to me.I'm the same way. I never complain to management but this case I would have simply because it's starting to be an epidemic with these sjw types. Time it starts to effect their wallets.

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

10-29-18, 08:51
I would have simply explained to him that the MSM is a giant propaganda machine, he's been lied to and that he should look up the term "useful idiot" on his next break. And I would have shut him down long before he got all that non-sense out. Then, I'd inform the manager about his unprofessional behavior.

Ignoring this, failing to engage, and just walking away is how we've gotten to this point. Its much easier to ignore this sort of thing, and who wants to waste their time arguing with an idiot, but leaving it alone only makes it worse. I'm not saying to spend hours of your time in a futile discussion, but seeds can be planted fairly quickly. A simple: "Did you know unemployment is the lowest it has been since 1969? Yeah man, look it up. You are being lied to."

"Their" tactic is to keep us divided and hating each other. My tactic is to find common ground and unite against "them".

Alex V
10-29-18, 09:44
Wasn't that the impetus for the development of SS109/M855 in the 80s?

I was going to say a baseball bat... but that works too...

10-29-18, 09:46
I was interested in firearms rights by my late teens so by his age I had already seen the down side of liberal democrats. By reading Congressional Record and other stuff on people being touted by conservative republicans it became rather obvious By my early 20's few, if any, of those people viewed the 2nd Amendment as a right either.

Had to sift through all of that in hard copies too. Pretty sad when people can get the info with the touch of a button and obviously don't. Assuming they haven't looked is giving them the benefit of the doubt too.

10-29-18, 10:02

Where do they get this? When did 19-20 year olds start thinking they know more about life than we do? Without having any life experience- other than the job making sandwiches at Subway, why do they feel like they have the answers? Why do they feel like what they say matters? It seems like when I was 18-22 back around 2000, I didn't talk politics, probably because I was chasing girls. But today, it seems like every high schooler is involved in politics and wants to have those grown up conversations.

Some people are just know-it-alls. Or they grew up with their parents hanging on every clever utterance that dribbles out of their mouth, so they think everyone cares what they think.
Others get this idea from their collage professors.

The thought of someone like that working in government and making policy makes me shudder.

I don't discuss politics so I would have not had any arguments to counter his theories.

10-29-18, 10:08
I had a similar thing happen to me yesterday in Harbor Freight. I give the guy my number. He says how are you Mr. ... "what's it like to have a name like a famous family... Well I knew exactly who he was talking about and I just cringed. Then I said oh I try not to go there, I just tell people it's spelled just like the piano.

He pauses for a second then back to some comment about the 'famous' family and trying to get me to comment. Then... finally when he realized I just wasn't going there, he says... oh I play piano btw.

Normally I would think this was small talk but he just seemed to be taking a poll. I guess he got his answer when I didn't say oh yeah Alec is a cool guy.

It could just be me and maybe he was just the overly outgoing type but he sure seemed like he was digging for answers. This went on the whole time I was checking out.

10-29-18, 11:09
Subway, WTF? Does any actually eat there anymore??? So many other good sandwich shop options.

As soon as he started in with the Trump lines, I would have gone to my Grandfathers go-to phrase that has never let me down. "If I wanted shit out of you, I'd squeeze your head."

The dude is F'd. Maybe he is one of those uber smart people that just can't hack real life. More likely he is a moderately smart person, who has delusions of grandeur and thinks that everything should be handed to him. His punishment is to be him the rest of his life until he gets his head out of his ass.

10-29-18, 14:11

26 Inf
10-29-18, 14:21
I guess he got his answer when I didn't say oh yeah Alec is a cool guy.

I don't think Alec Baldwin is a cool guy, but since you mentioned pianos, I do appreciate his support of the New York Philharmonic as their radio presence. Beyond that, though, I don't agree with him on anything.

10-29-18, 14:26
Oh yeah, I acknowledge he is a talented guy and I'm sure does good work for the arts community but man his politics drives me crazy.... and his Trump impersonation is not his best acting my any stretch.

10-29-18, 14:31
How do you deal with these people


10-29-18, 14:34
I guess he got his answer when I didn't say oh yeah Alec is a cool guy.

Alec Bösendorfer? He IS a cool guy.

10-29-18, 14:46
He then goes on for about 5 minutes,
You actually listened to him for 5 minutes....that's on you bro! :rolleyes:


10-29-18, 14:56
I always tell people I voted for Christy Canyon.

10-29-18, 14:57
I had a similar thing happen to me yesterday in Harbor Freight. I give the guy my number. He says how are you Mr. ... "what's it like to have a name like a famous family... Well I knew exactly who he was talking about and I just cringed. Then I said oh I try not to go there, I just tell people it's spelled just like the piano.

He pauses for a second then back to some comment about the 'famous' family and trying to get me to comment. Then... finally when he realized I just wasn't going there, he says... oh I play piano btw.

Normally I would think this was small talk but he just seemed to be taking a poll. I guess he got his answer when I didn't say oh yeah Alec is a cool guy.

It could just be me and maybe he was just the overly outgoing type but he sure seemed like he was digging for answers. This went on the whole time I was checking out.

Go back and if he starts again, ask if he is still head of the film actors guild.

10-29-18, 15:02
We all thought we knew everything when we were that age. Some figure it out, some don't. As you said; the world always needs sandwich makers.

10-29-18, 15:03
How would I deal with it. "Congrats Sonny, you just bought yourself that sandwich you were preparing." Then I would turn around and walk out. Later I would hit up the social networks and local rating searches like Yelp or others to inform others of a toxic dining experience due to an employee venting his unsolicated spleen.

10-29-18, 15:04
I did very sarcastically say after his time was up: Well, hope it works out for you and if it doesn't, the world always needs sandwich makers.

That was worth it.

Where do they get this? When did 19-20 year olds start thinking they know more about life than we do?

Well in fairness, I thought I was the smartest person on the planet too when I was 19, after all I had just voted for Reagan over Carter.

10-29-18, 15:05
Simple, "Let me speak to the manger. **** you and your shitty sandwich, you can shove it up that little pricks ass"

10-29-18, 15:19
The guy who works overnight in my department is like this in that he quotes Maher and Oliver (along with Colbert) as reputable "news sources". The other month when Warren suggested corporations making over X-amount in revenue be forced to give the excess to the gov't my co-worker was all for it. Three weeks ago we had one of the four people who work in our AO quit. I told the over night guy he might not get his second week of vacation in November if we aren't fully staffed by then as it puts too much OT on the remaining two of us to cover his being gone on top of covering for the currently empty position.

Overnight guy threw a tantrum that out-did my 5 month old granddaughter. Threatened to quit if he didn't get his full vacation time. Said the company and me "owed him" all his vacation. I pointed out all the times we've been short handed this year that he took unpaid days off to avoid working any OT. Pointed out that legally we don't owe him a single thing. Also pointed out that I have no trouble covering for the team, unless members of the team don't help cover for the others. He then complained to HR that the bumper sticker I've had on a file cabinet the past year that read "Extremely Deplorable" suddenly feels offensive to him.

Long story short, I have mornings off this week and have appointments for helping update my resume, translate military experience to civilian speak, and improving my interview skills.

10-29-18, 15:23
I didn't really say much but I did notice how he used both Bill Maher and John Oliver as sources on how Trump has hurt job growth, made our "GOP"- GDP go down 50% blah blah blah… I just listened because I didn't want to talk to him but I did very sarcastically say after his time was up: Well, hope it works out for you and if it doesn't, the world always needs sandwich makers.

LOL. That's savage.

10-29-18, 16:20
Went to Subway today. The guy who made my sandwich, asked me if I had already voted. I replied yes. He then says: Can I ask you who you voted for?

I said, its very unprofessional to talk about politics to customers- even for subway.

He then goes on for about 5 minutes, first saying "I bet your a Trump supporter" and go on and on and basically repeats himself. He must have said "trust me, this is what I am majoring in" at least 5 times during his speech. By the way, he goes to Dallas County Community College (Mountain View) where he is studying economics, foreign policy, business administration and political science. However, both Rice and SMU are interested in him attending there school next year. His words- Not mine! He also thinks Rice and SMU cost around $10k-$12k a year. He also thinks because he was on the BETO street team, that will lead to opportunities or open some big doors for him to pursue his dream job: being a staffer for a major senator or being on "some" committee where he is over public policy.

I didn't really say much but I did notice how he used both Bill Maher and John Oliver as sources on how Trump has hurt job growth, made our "GOP"- GDP go down 50% blah blah blah… I just listened because I didn't want to talk to him but I did very sarcastically say after his time was up: Well, hope it works out for you and if it doesn't, the world always needs sandwich makers.

Where do they get this? When did 19-20 year olds start thinking they know more about life than we do? Without having any life experience- other than the job making sandwiches at Subway, why do they feel like they have the answers? Why do they feel like what they say matters? It seems like when I was 18-22 back around 2000, I didn't talk politics, probably because I was chasing girls. But today, it seems like every high schooler is involved in politics and wants to have those grown up conversations.

How do you deal with these people if not just ignore them.

Ignoring the fact he shouldn't be talking to costumers about politics. How do you know he is wrong and you are right?

10-29-18, 16:28
Ignoring the fact he shouldn't be talking to costumers about politics. How do you know he is wrong and you are right?

Democrats are never right.

10-29-18, 16:41
When I was 19 I knew more than any of the old guys, I was just raised to have respect, so I kept my mouth shut.

Admittedly, 40 or so years have shown me that I didn't know quite as much as I thought I did.


10-29-18, 16:57
At least he didn't try to spit on your Sandwich when you weren't looking.

10-29-18, 19:09

When he’s buried in debt, can’t find that dream job and is working third shift at UPS, he has a 50% chance of realizing he was lied to by the Left.

Do you really think so? You just described at least 51% of these people and they have not realized they were lied to. These people have a Walt Disney level of optimism and they take everything the hear on MSNBC, CNN, Late Night, Real Time and Comedy Central like its an official White House press publication. When you have to tell people, "trust me, this is what I am majoring in" after only being in community school for less than a year, I don't think they are going to wake up one day and realize anything.

I'm the same way. I never complain to management but this case I would have simply because it's starting to be an epidemic with these sjw types. Time it starts to effect their wallets.

It really is an epidemic and its growing, like cancer.

Subway, WTF? Does any actually eat there anymore??? So many other good sandwich shop options.

As soon as he started in with the Trump lines, I would have gone to my Grandfathers go-to phrase that has never let me down. "If I wanted shit out of you, I'd squeeze your head."

The dude is F'd. Maybe he is one of those uber smart people that just can't hack real life. More likely he is a moderately smart person, who has delusions of grandeur and thinks that everything should be handed to him. His punishment is to be him the rest of his life until he gets his head out of his ass.

I think you are giving him way too much credit. Yes I eat at Subway, in south Dallas there isn't many choices. I would never rip on anyone who worked anywhere if they were supporting a family or in a transitional period in there life. But this guy had long hair in a man bun and I think part of his hair was dyed green. You cant just walk in to most places and apply like that. So I doubt he takes his life seriously. Probably mad at the world because of his decisions and he doesn't want to change, he wants the world to bend over for him. I think that's the mentality of these young millennials. That's why they are able to change there gender over night, because they can do whatever they want.

You actually listened to him for 5 minutes....that's on you bro! :rolleyes:


Literally listening to him speak as he was making my 6" ham and cheese sandwich with lettuce, 3 equally spaced tomato's and mayonnaise with a little salt and pepper. Maybe it wasn't 5 minutes exactly, it could of been 3 or 4 but it felt like eternity to me.

Ignoring the fact he shouldn't be talking to costumers about politics. How do you know he is wrong and you are right?

I never said I was right or he was wrong. But facts are facts. If your going to have a adult conversation, it needs to be based on facts or at least present your opinion from a knowledgeable standpoint with supporting facts of your claims . Most of these millennials live in some type of alternate fantasy world where feelings are sources. A 19 year old cannot be a SME in business, political science, economics and foreign policy if the only experience he has is working for Subway.

There was a saying back in 1929: when the shoe shine boy is giving you stock tips, its time to sell. The same is true today about politics. This is why America will fail eventually.

10-29-18, 19:27
At least he didn't try to spit on your Sandwich when you weren't looking.

I always turn down Rush Limabugh when I'm ordering lunch at the drive thru.

There is a scene in "Thank You for Smoking" where the hero teaches his son that arguing isn't always about changing the mind of the person you are engaging, it is to change the mind of people watching.


10-29-18, 20:00
Ignoring the fact he shouldn't be talking to costumers about politics. How do you know he is wrong and you are right?

this is like a child saying NO the easter bunny is real !!!!

some things the left does/says cracks me up :) hahahahahaha

10-29-18, 20:41
I've got a real good friend that has a daughter that moved to Atlanta...She's gone full bore retard liberal. He and his wife are just beside themselves, so bad that he's unfriended her on FB. I will poke at her every once and a while on her political posts but for the most part my wife and I just shake our heads and feel sorry for our buddy. We all hope she will come around but she's in deep. Even went to DC for a gay pride parade. Some one asked her on FB if she was "alternative lifestyle"...lol She said that she was just there supporting what she believed was a good cause. She's got me beat because she's at least active in what she believes in and I for the most part do not like or follow anything publicly that's political on FB. I don't want something to come back and be a promotion stumbling block later. But I'm starting to think people like me need to start getting involved before our country gets even closer to hell in this jacked up hand basket...

10-29-18, 21:43
So this person was admittedly at the very bottom of the barrel of millions of academically educated people, with no life experience or human understanding enough to offer any meaningful perspective on the world, and who works at subway.

I'd have ridiculed him in front of as many of his customers as possible.

10-29-18, 22:21
So this person was admittedly at the very bottom of the barrel of millions of academically educated people, with no life experience or human understanding enough to offer any meaningful perspective on the world, and who works at subway.

I'd have ridiculed him in front of as many of his customers as possible.

But you have to remember that when you do that, you are also insulting every other employee there. And while maybe the person you are talking to is a world class loser, it might not apply to others. I've also found that the worst thing you can do to these people is be completely dismissive of their sense of importance.

I usually give them a Hakuin "is that so?" and move on.

10-29-18, 23:31
I just finished up a two week vacation that included a night supporting my friend's 21 y.o. daughter who is running for re-election as a state representative in New Hampshire, complete with a town hall candidate's forum meeting in a 200 y.o. building damn near where this country was founded. It was a powerful moment for me being from Alaska. There was a complete spectrum of candidates from Harvard educated progressive democrats to Marine Corp educated hard core right wingers... and everything in between. It was the most civilized evening of politics I think I've been around. We stood around afterwards discussing all manners of topics and debating their merits. At no point did anyone get aggressive. Yes, the underlying tension was still there, but people remained civilized. BTW my buddy's daughter is a staunch conservative millennial that got off her ass at 19 and bravely entered the world of politics.

The trip then moved to Washington D.C. I ate in a dozen restaurants and not once did politics ever come up anywhere. We took about a a dozen Uber rides and all of them, even the ones that professed to be democrats were polite about it and were generally curious about us Alaskans and seemed to be surprised at our conservatism. The only thing that came close to being argumentative was over trade with China and my objection to doing business with a country that can still "disappear" citizens. He didn't believe it until I Googled up the Chinese gov't's "disappearing" of the Interpol chief Meng Hongwei on my Ipad and showed it to him when we stopped at a traffic light. The Uber driver readily admitted that maybe he should do some more research... Maybe, just maybe, I enlightened him.

Overall, my two week jaunt to the east coast proved to me that the media is trying to destroy us. They want us to believe that we are all at each other's throats. I saw nothing of the sort on my trip. The average normal American, regardless of their political persuasion is, by and large, just trying to make a pay check and go home to their families.

The day Hilary call me a deplorable was the day I decided that I was going to kill them with kindness. I was going to be a respectful deplorable and debate everyone with civility. The beauty of this country is that we are allowed to debate and have differing opinions. Yes, the Subway guy was rude, but you can control the situation with carefully applied verbal Judo. I far prefer my opponents look like idiots to bystanders and I appear to be the calm one (even if I'm raging inside).

10-29-18, 23:40
But you have to remember that when you do that, you are also insulting every other employee there. And while maybe the person you are talking to is a world class loser, it might not apply to others. I've also found that the worst thing you can do to these people is be completely dismissive of their sense of importance.

I usually give them a Hakuin "is that so?" and move on.

Probably a more sage approach.

10-29-18, 23:43
I just finished up a two week vacation that included a night supporting my friend's 21 y.o. daughter who is running for re-election as a state representative in New Hampshire, complete with a town hall candidate's forum meeting in a 200 y.o. building damn near where this country was founded. It was a powerful moment for me being from Alaska. There was a complete spectrum of candidates from Harvard educated progressive democrats to Marine Corp educated hard core right wingers... and everything in between. It was the most civilized evening of politics I think I've been around. We stood around afterwards discussing all manners of topics and debating their merits. At no point did anyone get aggressive. Yes, the underlying tension was still there, but people remained civilized. BTW my buddy's daughter is a staunch conservative millennial that got off her ass at 19 and bravely entered the world of politics.

The trip then moved to Washington D.C. I ate in a dozen restaurants and not once did politics ever come up anywhere. We took about a a dozen Uber rides and all of them, even the ones that professed to be democrats were polite about it and were generally curious about us Alaskans and seemed to be surprised at our conservatism. The only thing that came close to being argumentative was over trade with China and my objection to doing business with a country that can still "disappear" citizens. He didn't believe it until I Googled up the Chinese gov't's "disappearing" of the Interpol chief Meng Hongwei on my Ipad and showed it to him when we stopped at a traffic light. The Uber driver readily admitted that maybe he should do some more research... Maybe, just maybe, I enlightened him.

Overall, my two week jaunt to the east coast proved to me that the media is trying to destroy us. They want us to believe that we are all at each other's throats. I saw nothing of the sort on my trip. The average normal American, regardless of their political persuasion is, by and large, just trying to make a pay check and go home to their families.

The day Hilary call me a deplorable was the day I decided that I was going to kill them with kindness. I was going to be a respectful deplorable and debate everyone with civility. The beauty of this country is that we are allowed to debate and have differing opinions. Yes, the Subway guy was rude, but you can control the situation with carefully applied verbal Judo. I far prefer my opponents look like idiots to bystanders and I appear to be the calm one (even if I'm raging inside).
This last bit is probably the finest mark of being civilized and productive as I can imagine.

No merit to being calm if you're an empty, mindless husk inside.

10-30-18, 07:38
I just finished up a two week vacation that included a night supporting my friend's 21 y.o. daughter who is running for re-election as a state representative in New Hampshire, complete with a town hall candidate's forum meeting in a 200 y.o. building damn near where this country was founded. It was a powerful moment for me being from Alaska. There was a complete spectrum of candidates from Harvard educated progressive democrats to Marine Corp educated hard core right wingers... and everything in between. It was the most civilized evening of politics I think I've been around. We stood around afterwards discussing all manners of topics and debating their merits. At no point did anyone get aggressive. Yes, the underlying tension was still there, but people remained civilized. BTW my buddy's daughter is a staunch conservative millennial that got off her ass at 19 and bravely entered the world of politics.

The trip then moved to Washington D.C. I ate in a dozen restaurants and not once did politics ever come up anywhere. We took about a a dozen Uber rides and all of them, even the ones that professed to be democrats were polite about it and were generally curious about us Alaskans and seemed to be surprised at our conservatism. The only thing that came close to being argumentative was over trade with China and my objection to doing business with a country that can still "disappear" citizens. He didn't believe it until I Googled up the Chinese gov't's "disappearing" of the Interpol chief Meng Hongwei on my Ipad and showed it to him when we stopped at a traffic light. The Uber driver readily admitted that maybe he should do some more research... Maybe, just maybe, I enlightened him.

Overall, my two week jaunt to the east coast proved to me that the media is trying to destroy us. They want us to believe that we are all at each other's throats. I saw nothing of the sort on my trip. The average normal American, regardless of their political persuasion is, by and large, just trying to make a pay check and go home to their families.

The day Hilary call me a deplorable was the day I decided that I was going to kill them with kindness. I was going to be a respectful deplorable and debate everyone with civility. The beauty of this country is that we are allowed to debate and have differing opinions. Yes, the Subway guy was rude, but you can control the situation with carefully applied verbal Judo. I far prefer my opponents look like idiots to bystanders and I appear to be the calm one (even if I'm raging inside).

Excellent post, thanks for sharing this.

10-30-18, 08:12
Went to Subway today. The guy who made my sandwich, asked me if I had already voted. I replied yes. He then says: Can I ask you who you voted for?

I said, its very unprofessional to talk about politics to customers- even for subway.

He then goes on for about 5 minutes, first saying "I bet your a Trump supporter" and go on and on and basically repeats himself. He must have said "trust me, this is what I am majoring in" at least 5 times during his speech. By the way, he goes to Dallas County Community College (Mountain View) where he is studying economics, foreign policy, business administration and political science. However, both Rice and SMU are interested in him attending there school next year. His words- Not mine! He also thinks Rice and SMU cost around $10k-$12k a year. He also thinks because he was on the BETO street team, that will lead to opportunities or open some big doors for him to pursue his dream job: being a staffer for a major senator or being on "some" committee where he is over public policy.

I didn't really say much but I did notice how he used both Bill Maher and John Oliver as sources on how Trump has hurt job growth, made our "GOP"- GDP go down 50% blah blah blah… I just listened because I didn't want to talk to him but I did very sarcastically say after his time was up: Well, hope it works out for you and if it doesn't, the world always needs sandwich makers.

Where do they get this? When did 19-20 year olds start thinking they know more about life than we do? Without having any life experience- other than the job making sandwiches at Subway, why do they feel like they have the answers? Why do they feel like what they say matters? It seems like when I was 18-22 back around 2000, I didn't talk politics, probably because I was chasing girls. But today, it seems like every high schooler is involved in politics and wants to have those grown up conversations.

How do you deal with these people if not just ignore them.

Wow!! That's a level of engagement with a Subway worker that wouldn't have even entered my mind. Had this "Sandwich Artist" asked me the same questions, my response would have been "sweet peppers, please". That's about as far as my interest in a fast food debate goes.

10-30-18, 08:43
Good thing it was a subway. At least you could tell if he put something "extra" in your sandwich.

That was worth it.

Well in fairness, I thought I was the smartest person on the planet too when I was 19, after all I had just voted for Reagan over Carter.

"I think, therefore I vote Republican."

10-30-18, 09:43
Went to Subway today. The guy who made my sandwich, asked me if I had already voted. I replied yes. He then says: Can I ask you who you voted for?

I said, its very unprofessional to talk about politics to customers- even for subway.

He then goes on for about 5 minutes, first saying "I bet your a Trump supporter" and go on and on and basically repeats himself. He must have said "trust me, this is what I am majoring in" at least 5 times during his speech. By the way, he goes to Dallas County Community College (Mountain View) where he is studying economics, foreign policy, business administration and political science. However, both Rice and SMU are interested in him attending there school next year. His words- Not mine! He also thinks Rice and SMU cost around $10k-$12k a year. He also thinks because he was on the BETO street team, that will lead to opportunities or open some big doors for him to pursue his dream job: being a staffer for a major senator or being on "some" committee where he is over public policy.

I didn't really say much but I did notice how he used both Bill Maher and John Oliver as sources on how Trump has hurt job growth, made our "GOP"- GDP go down 50% blah blah blah… I just listened because I didn't want to talk to him but I did very sarcastically say after his time was up: Well, hope it works out for you and if it doesn't, the world always needs sandwich makers.

Where do they get this? When did 19-20 year olds start thinking they know more about life than we do? Without having any life experience- other than the job making sandwiches at Subway, why do they feel like they have the answers? Why do they feel like what they say matters? It seems like when I was 18-22 back around 2000, I didn't talk politics, probably because I was chasing girls. But today, it seems like every high schooler is involved in politics and wants to have those grown up conversations.

How do you deal with these people if not just ignore them.

It is quit simple actually. All you need to do is nod and get your sandwich and pay.... then laugh at his as you leave....... "hope you like this job retard, because this is all you dumb ass will ever have."

10-30-18, 13:02
Given the fact that the majority of your most recent threads have been proven to be full of lies and wild exaggerations I don’t think this one is any different.

11-17-18, 21:40
Given the fact that the majority of your most recent threads have been proven to be full of lies and wild exaggerations I don’t think this one is any different.

I’m still wondering where my barrel is.[emoji102]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-18-18, 02:49
Subway, WTF? Does any actually eat there anymore??? So many other good sandwich shop options.
Seriously, Jersey Mike's or Firehouse are better on their worst days than Subway at its BEST. Wish Blimpie were still here, and Quizno's hadn't moved to a pain-in-the-ass part of town... Subway had the start of a good idea, then stagnated while otherspicked up the ball and ran with it far better.

How would I deal with it. "Congrats Sonny, you just bought yourself that sandwich you were preparing." Then I would turn around and walk out. Later I would hit up the social networks and local rating searches like Yelp or others to inform others of a toxic dining experience due to an employee venting his unsolicated spleen.
+1. Except I'd just walk out, take my business to the nearest competitor, then call the store, ask to speak to the manager and say "Your employee XYZ sent $X of business to your competitor ABC because he couldn't keep his politics out of my food. I will not be returning to your establishment because of him."

Outlander Systems
11-18-18, 05:27
Did You drive a Lamborghini 35 miles through an underground tunnel after getting $35,000 worth of surgery at the dentist in your $1,000,000 airplane just to post this, CPM?

Given the fact that the majority of your most recent threads have been proven to be full of lies and wild exaggerations I don’t think this one is any different.