View Full Version : Center Mass Podcast by Fred Masterson

10-31-18, 21:11
I posted this on another firearms forum but wanted to also share it here. I spend over an hour in my truck every day and have become a huge fan of podcasts, and generally listen to them much more than the radio these days.

A latest favorite is one I recently found. It's an outstanding firearms related podcast titled "Center Mass":


The podcast is hosted by Fred Mastison, who is, among other things, a professional firearms instructor, seasoned firearms author, and advanced martial arts instructor. His bio is located here:


This was the episode that really hooked me. It's an outstanding discussion with Tim Forshey, a gun rights lawyer, firearms/CC instructor, and amateur competitive shooter. Learn more about him here:


He brings an excellent perspective to MANY firearms related legal issues from a guy who is absolutely qualified to talk to it. The episode is available for free download (podcasts are pretty much all free content) here:


Also, another episode I really enjoyed is titled "All things Glock:..."


So if you're looking for something to listen to on a long drive or sitting out on the porch enjoying a stogie and a beer, these podcasts are pretty interesting and very well executed.

11-01-18, 11:05
Thanks for the info...I'll have to check it out! I'd be nice to have a good firearms podcast in the lineup.

I also listen to a ton of podcasts, but I've to date, found the firearms-related casts to be almost universally bad. Shitty cell-phone quality audio and a bunch of bubbas spending half the show jacking about "what they did in the world of shooting this week"

"What'd you do in the world of shooting this week, Cleetus?"
"Well Joe Bob...I loaded up ten round of 30 Super Banger Ultra Short to sight in pappy's ol' Winchester for deer season, but it was rainy here in Bumblefuk, so I couldn't get out to test them. How about you Joe Bob, what'd you do in the world of shoot this week?
"Well Cleetus, I oiled my Savage 340 and read a couple interesting articles in Guns and Ammo. How about you Jimmy Jack...What'd you do in the world of shooting this week?"
"Well Joe Bob, I...."

Ugh...I don't care...Get to the point.

diving dave
11-01-18, 12:40
I'll have to check that one out. I also have become a big fan of podcasts. Ryan Cleckner's"going ballistic" is a good one, as is the snipershide podcast.

11-01-18, 13:05
A few more firearms-ish podcasts I enjoy are:

- Team VTAC
- Fieldcraft Survival
- Skill Set Magazine Podcast

11-01-18, 13:27
So I sub'd Center Mass and listened to about half of the Tim Forshey episode over lunch.
Pro quality audio and production, clear presenters with high-quality info, they got to the point without a bunch of idiotic blather...Very nice! I think this one is a keeper!