View Full Version : Reneck Revolt/Antifa arming up.... Somthing I think we need to be aware of.

11-01-18, 00:33
I came across this video on YouTube, and thought I'd share. The following video is an expose produced by ABC Australia, which covers an Antifa affiliate group called Redneck Revolt, which has decided to carry loaded firearms to their protests. Obviously as of today they are a small group within a group of lunatics, and I'm not one to deny anybody their 2A rights. However, my concern is that this ideology will spread within Antifa, and lead to armed conflict on US soil. This video was created by a mainstream media outlet, and as such has a leftwing bias, and may cause some of you to lose your lunch. However I think it's important to keep up with what's current within groups like Antifa. I used to think they were just a bunch of punk kids throwing a tantrum. It's somewhat alarming a small number of them are now carrying firearms to their protests, a number that is bound to grow as time goes on.


11-01-18, 00:48
Greensboro Shooting Part II.

Game on.

11-01-18, 02:18
A oddball white boy talking about violence of whites that are not violent arming his white folks to do violence against others
Those folks are so uncomfortable doing that stuff yeah not going to end well

Hope they investigate them also why antifa should be on watch list also why every time they riot arrest all charge them with felonies so then this won’t happen legally and they can go to prison sure some inside would like some fresh woos meat to play with

11-01-18, 06:18
I will never understand ANTIFA. Bunch of girly dudes running around pretending they care about stuff in an attempt to get some from manly chicks who are angry because no real men want to bang them.

Now they want to carry guns because the guys catch beat-downs at all the protests and the girls keep getting punched because they look like dudes.

11-01-18, 08:04
It's always funny to me when a group that claims to be anti fascism promotes fascism.

11-01-18, 09:27
This is gonna hurt. And leave a mark.

11-01-18, 09:29
These groups can't exist without money.

11-01-18, 10:14
These groups can't exist without money.

One of the things I've noticed with these videos, there are a few on youtube about leftwing Antifa type groups gunning up and training, is that for non gun people they sure seem to have better gear than expected. Most people that buy their first AR15 buy an Anderson or something and mount an NC Star optic on it.

11-01-18, 10:15
Now they want to carry guns because the guys catch beat-downs at all the protests and the girls keep getting punched because they look like dudes.

:lol: That’s good!

11-01-18, 10:29
It's always funny to me when a group that claims to be anti fascism promotes fascism.

Don't tell them that, lest you get bike locked. I tried to articulate the similarities between Antifa behavior and the Brown Shirts, and it was a disaster. The individual could not wrap her head around why beating people for political ideology was universally a bad thing. Once I made my point the woman resorted to the typical hysterical 'this conversation is OVER. You're triggering me!' defense. The best part is this twit has a BS in Polysci....

11-01-18, 11:10
Don't tell them that, lest you get bike locked. I tried to articulate the similarities between Antifa behavior and the Brown Shirts, and it was a disaster. The individual could not wrap her head around why beating people for political ideology was universally a bad thing. Once I made my point the woman resorted to the typical hysterical 'this conversation is OVER. You're triggering me!' defense. The best part is this twit has a BS in Polysci....

Dinesh D'Souza's 'Death of a Nation' is a must see for historical value that is not being taught. These factions are blind to the truth and unteachable, the level of intentional ignorance is really troubling. We may be heading to another history rinse, repeat. Sad..

LMT Shooter
11-01-18, 11:39
Watch the video, at 26:20, it looks to me like the dude with the AK pistol is told to shoulder it, and he does while he fires.

11-01-18, 11:41
Watch the video, at 26:20, it looks to me like the dude with the AK pistol is told to shoulder it, and he does while he fires.

Yes, and?

LMT Shooter
11-01-18, 12:18
If I'm wrong, please correct me, but isn't shouldering a pistol brace illegal?

11-01-18, 12:26
If I'm wrong, please correct me, but isn't shouldering a pistol brace illegal?

Not illegal.

Dr. Bullseye
11-01-18, 12:37
This is not the 1960s. People on the Right mostly have no interest in street brawling. We will leave that to law enforcement so long as law enforcement will actually enforce the law. What concerns me and I think most people on the Right is the eventual use of firearms by the street thugs after their views go unheeded and then continue to lose in the street to law enforcement. Then, a couple instances of firearms use by the Left on rather innocent right wingers, and it will be on.

The Leftist politicians in California where I live know this well and have passed firearms legislation aimed us. Next year people will have to pass a background check to buy ammo and those sales and the number of rounds will be reported to State officials. Who is that aimed at? That is not aimed at antifa street thugs.

LMT Shooter
11-01-18, 12:46
Not illegal.

OK, I thought it was. It was at one time, not long ago, wasn't it?

11-01-18, 12:50
OK, I thought it was. It was at one time, not long ago, wasn't it?

It's never been "Illegal".

It's been a discussion of Opinion from a five (at the time 3) letter agency that doesn't have any legal authority or "Voice of the People" to create and enforce any "legislation".

With that being said, YMMV.

LMT Shooter
11-01-18, 13:09
Understood, I recall the "opinions" & flip-flopping that happened. I should have said that I believed the current "opinion" was that shouldering it was a violation.

11-01-18, 13:36
Understood, I recall the "opinions" & flip-flopping that happened. I should have said that I believed the current "opinion" was that shouldering it was a violation.

If you build/design it to shoulder, you create an sbr regardless of hardware.

If it is set up to be shot like a pistol, with that intent, then you can shoulder it “occassionally” or “incidentally” (I forget exact verbage). No different then sticking a stockless ak or ar pistol buffer tube against your shoulder.

11-01-18, 13:56
You GO, girlfriends! :sarcastic:


11-01-18, 14:00
You GO, girlfriends! :sarcastic:


Holy Shit! That's hilarious. I'd love to see any one of those cucks in a fist fight, the entertainment value would be off the charts!

Must've been doing some serious training to have to go to the MOUNTAINS!

Thank god that when we REALLY had to fight ACTUAL fascism, real men showed up and not these little queers...

11-01-18, 14:08
There are Special Forces and then there are Special Ed Forces. Here's hoping that they put the targets up against the rocks...

Do MRE's come in a Brunch option?

Instead of yelling "WOLVERINES!!!", do they yell "GERBILS!!!!".

11-01-18, 14:30
You guys give antifa way more sustance then what they actually are.

11-01-18, 14:50
You GO, girlfriends! :sarcastic:


HAHAHAHAHA! Oh my gawd.

I wonder if their mommies packed them avocado toast and juice boxes and waited in the car while they practiced? What a bunch of ****s.

11-01-18, 14:59
Everybody has a game plan ( and they are treating this like a game ) until they get punched in the nose.
That they speak about violence with weapons ( when most have never been punched in the nose ) against
their political opposites who in many cases have actually been engaged as a rifleman with our nations enemies
speaks volumes about their naivete.
I would not however make fun of or lite of someone who say's they are prepared to kill you.

11-01-18, 15:07
Everybody has a game plan ( and they are treating this like a game ) until they get punched in the nose.
That they speak about violence with weapons ( when most have never been punched in the nose ) against
their political opposites who in many cases have actually been engaged as a rifleman with our nations enemies
speaks volumes about their naivete.
I would not however make fun of or lite of someone who say's they are prepared to kill you.

Very observant. The thing that unsettles me is there are those who have been riflemen that support the left. They aren't all soy boys and limp wristed SJW's on the left.

11-01-18, 15:15
Very observant. The thing that unsettles me is there are those who have been riflemen that support the left. They aren't all soy boys and limp wristed SJW's on the left.

A guy I went to high school with was a Marine and saw a lot of combat in Afghanistan and Iraq. Over the years, I knew he'd become pretty anti war after his experiences but I was shocked when he started posting Antifa stuff on FB. I unfriended him but I occasionally go lurk on his page and he's still up to it.

11-01-18, 17:05
The worst case scenario is that these people recruit a recently returned combatant who studied enemy tactics and teaches improvised explosives,
ambushes preceded by firepower demonstrations that feint/retreat through ambush zones, ect, ect.
We have spent billions of dollars on Iraq and Afghanistan Army forces that cannot tread water against ISIS/Taliban without US advisors, artillery
and air power to keep up their morale.
Will power is the greatest weapon, if they have it and we don't it is just a matter of time.

Dr. Bullseye
11-01-18, 17:10
Soy Team 6: are these males? The person on the lower left looks like a female. It may be these are all transexuals. I can't believe these people are taking themselves seriously. Is this a joke?

11-01-18, 18:34
Soy Team 6: are these males? The person on the lower left looks like a female. It may be these are all transexuals. I can't believe these people are taking themselves seriously. Is this a joke?

Actually, back when I was really looking into them more I came to the conclusion that lot of Antifa Facebook pages really are satire. I don't know that to be true, but it was the conclusion I came to.
The pages were often a little too ludicrous to not be someone lampooning the group.

I realize that in this day and age that nothing is really too ludicrous to be true but a lot of these Antifa Facebook pages were engaging in what was obvious self-parody with their posts, so unless they really do have that little self awareness ( Which is actually a distinct possibility) I formed the opinion that many of of the Antifa pages on Facebook were just people making fun of them.

As far as the Feral Left establishing an armed wing, we also an Antifa-affiliated group - the John Brown Gun Club - rent a table a gun show last year. Looked like a couple of scrawny hipsters with a Mosin and some sort of partially Tapco'd AK on the table in front if them.
Nobody at the show gave paid then much mind.

just a scout
11-01-18, 18:39
Everybody has a game plan ( and they are treating this like a game ) until they get punched in the nose.
That they speak about violence with weapons ( when most have never been punched in the nose ) against
their political opposites who in many cases have actually been engaged as a rifleman with our nations enemies
speaks volumes about their naivete.
I would not however make fun of or lite of someone who say's they are prepared to kill you.

Exactly. While they are fools and children, they are dangerous fools.

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11-01-18, 20:06
Exactly. While they are fools and children, they are dangerous fools.

Aim a firearm at someone who KNOWS how to use one, and they'll find out how dangerous their foolishness can be...

11-01-18, 20:12
This whole movement has been a bit of a train wreck and unfortunately no one on the Left is going to disavow them as dangerous radicals.
Yeah this is going to go bad, bike lock guy gets a gun, what could go wrong with that?
I'm anxious to see how these folks will be handled in Court. Suddenly the bad guy with a gun is Liberal.

How the Neo-Liberals use the Far Left.

Mr. Goodtimes
11-01-18, 20:39
What a bunch of retards on both sides.

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11-02-18, 01:54
You GO, girlfriends! :sarcastic:

http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc305/The_War_Wagon/Soy%20Team%206_zpsz5upkkzk.jpgWow, by the looks of it only 1 or 2 of these "guys" has made a fist before...

And yes, I am including the game of rock, paper, scissors to determine whose GF would drive them in my estimate.

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11-02-18, 11:21
As far as the Feral Left establishing an armed wing, we also an Antifa-affiliated group - the John Brown Gun Club - rent a table a gun show last year. Looked like a couple of scrawny hipsters with a Mosin and some sort of partially Tapco'd AK on the table in front if them.
Nobody at the show gave paid then much mind.

The John Brown Gun Club is part of the Redneck Revolt. JBGC has a pretty large chapter in the area where I live.

11-02-18, 18:23
There are Special Forces and then there are Special Ed Forces.

LOL What would THAT patch look like???

11-02-18, 18:29
LOL What would THAT patch look like???https://photos.smugmug.com/photos/i-wGwSg5b/0/cec7a152/XL/i-wGwSg5b-XL.jpg

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11-02-18, 18:31

Sent from my G8341 using TapatalkHaha there you go!

11-02-18, 19:08

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There is porn and a tab for everything....