View Full Version : Sessions Resigns.

Alex V
11-07-18, 13:55
Looks like Trump asked Jeff Sessions to resign.

Details to follow.

11-07-18, 14:05
Going to be an interesting couple of years...

11-07-18, 14:18

I'm a little surprised. Yeah Trump has been poking at Sessions constantly, but I had thought it was all a good cop / bad cop game to allow Sessions to act with less criticism by pretending that Trump was hostile to him. Maybe not so much.

11-07-18, 14:25
From the trend of the last two years, Sessions won't be the last to resign, asked to resigned, fired, retired, quit from Trump's administration.

11-07-18, 14:32
Whoever did not see this coming, is not paying attention. More to come.

On another forum, I predicted it yesterday:

Originally Posted By Renegade:
Hopefully Sessions will be fired tomorrow, if not tonight.

11-07-18, 14:39
It's about time. Sessions was a mill stone around the neck of this Administration.
Sessions isn't the man you want at the helm when the pressures exceed a fair breeze. We've got too many issues at hand for an elderly Muppet to handle.
He's either totally inept or a disloyal swmp creature.

11-07-18, 14:45
Can we replace Pence too? That guy is useless. Talk about being irrelevant and a waste of space.

11-07-18, 14:52
Can we replace Pence too? That guy is useless. Talk about being irrelevant and a waste of space.

Can we replace the 5 year old in the Oval office first? I watched his press conference today and any lingering hope I had is long gone. The man is insane.

Even Obama's administration wasn't this much of a shit show.

11-07-18, 14:54
Can we replace the 5 year old in the Oval office first?

The plan is to replace BOTH of them in 2024.

11-07-18, 15:02
The plan is to replace BOTH of them in 2024.

After watching the press conference there is no way we will make it that long. He needs to be gone. Today. But 2020 will do. Hope he gets primaries out so we can get a real conservative in there instead of a New York Democrat who thinks he is an emperor.

11-07-18, 15:05
Can we replace the 5 year old in the Oval office first? I watched his press conference today and any lingering hope I had is long gone. The man is insane.

Even Obama's administration wasn't this much of a shit show.

I guess we watched different press conferences because the one I watched had a bunch of unhinged liberals trying to fire gotcha questions at him while shouting over one another.

Alex V
11-07-18, 15:20
I guess we watched different press conferences because the one I watched had a bunch of unhinged liberals trying to fire gotcha questions at him while shouting over one another.

I agree. Acosta was being obnoxious. Could Trump have handled it better, sure. Would I have handled it differently? No.

11-07-18, 15:23
After watching the press conference there is no way we will make it that long. He needs to be gone. Today. But 2020 will do. Hope he gets primaries out so we can get a real conservative in there instead of a New York Democrat who thinks he is an emperor.

However much you or others may hate Trump, and however many his failings, people on the left should (but never will) realize that Trump's petty and broad-based demagoguery is saving the country from actual far-right types. His language and mannerisms are crass and abrasive - as are nearly ALL New York politicians regardless of party, skin color or other group status. It goes with the region. His actual positions are not radical by any historical standard and are not at all far from those taken by DEMOCRAT HARRY REID, Ross Perot, and others during the 1990's. Trump was publicly a Democrat through the 90's. The gaslighting of Trump as some racist Nazi is insane, asinine, and simply a sign of how far the pendulum had swung and how NPC echo-chamber like the media had become.

11-07-18, 15:28
After watching the press conference there is no way we will make it that long.


How a POTUS conducts himself during a press conference is something I could not care less about. Economy, Jobs, National Security, Defense, Healthcare, Justice, etc., those are the things that matter.

11-07-18, 15:54

How a POTUS conducts himself during a press conference is something I could not care less about. Economy, Jobs, National Security, Defense, Healthcare, Justice, etc., those are the things that matter.

BINGO!!! I would add for anyone that is having issues with the POTUS to turn off your TV and read the results of what the administration does every week. I think you will be very happy. If you get yourself all wrapped up over what he says, that's on you.

I would also add that one of the main reasons that those not inclined voted for him was judges and he and McConnell have done a hell of a job on that front. This generation of judges will linger for 20 - 30 years and they have been some of the most conservative put in place by any republican president.

11-07-18, 16:27
A roaring economy, China on its heels, NATO actually thinking about defense, trade deals that are actually good for us. Sure, throw the guy out.

If cuck GOPers would stand up for themselves, and us, maybe we could do with out Trump. Trump was supposed to be the start of the dark ages for America and it's nothing but win, win, win. The crazy drives the left nuts and literally cost us nothing.

If you think it is 'bad' now, just wait until Trump starts trolling them over Mueller finding NADA or a pile of BS, and the lack of impeachment. It is going to be DELISH.

11-07-18, 16:38
From the trend of the last two years, Sessions won't be the last to resign, asked to resigned, fired, retired, quit from Trump's administration.

If you ain't makin' America great, hit the road, bums. There's at least 260 democraps that need to drain WITH the swamp now. :mad:

11-07-18, 16:44
I wonder if this has something to do with scuttlebutt about Trump wanting to legalize marijuana after the midterms.

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

11-07-18, 17:01
A roaring economy, China on its heels, NATO actually thinking about defense, trade deals that are actually good for us. Sure, throw the guy out.

If cuck GOPers would stand up for themselves, and us, maybe we could do with out Trump. Trump was supposed to be the start of the dark ages for America and it's nothing but win, win, win. The crazy drives the left nuts and literally cost us nothing.

If you think it is 'bad' now, just wait until Trump starts trolling them over Mueller finding NADA or a pile of BS, and the lack of impeachment. It is going to be DELISH.

These points are partial at best and overall misleading. The economy is doing well but it is hardly in some grand state that is unprecedented. Overall growth has been good yes. But I can point to a number of time is the last 16 years it was as good. But in return we have record setting deficit. Decreased spending power, prices on raw materials increasing and jobs being lost due to the tariffs. All the while China and our trade partners are starting to look elsware for their goods and American farmers need a bailout to get through.

And of course our allies are sick and tired of us in the last 2 years thanks to his antics. He is an embarrassment from an international relations point of view.

You can't just use talking points and claim that makes up the entire economy. You have to look at the long term.

Take trumps desire to bring back manufacturing jobs. I hear people cheer about that, especially here all the time. But the cold hard fact is that those jobs are at best short term. Manufacturing is going to become more and more automated and within many of our lifetimes you can expect fully automated factories for many goods. So what is the point of bringing back all these manufacturing jobs when it is a dying industry? The answer is simple. It appeals to voters who don't look at the long picture.

In the end though it isn't even about politics. To most trump supporters, including many people here, it is about religion. He could walk down and break the neck of a reporter in a press conference and you all would say it is what the guy deserved then go on and vote Trump in as Emperor.

He represents the darkest parts of America. He appeals to radicals and racists like 7n6 and stirs them up. And frankly he is a shitbag that needs to be flushed down the toilet and back to the sewers where he belongs.

If you cheer this guy on like a messiah then you need to go back and read our founding documentation again and try to remember what this country is about. Because Trump isn't it.

11-07-18, 17:03
Can we replace Pence too? That guy is useless. Talk about being irrelevant and a waste of space.

I'm trying to think of a Vice President that wasn't...

11-07-18, 17:11
I'm trying to think of a Vice President that wasn't...

Bush Sr?

11-07-18, 17:13
If you cheer this guy on like a messiah then you need to go back and read our founding documentation again and try to remember what this country is about. Because Trump isn't it.

I cheer this guy on like he's my President, and he's not Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton. The lesser of two (three) evils by a YUGE margin. I might feel differently if he was trying to enact policy that I disagreed with.

I can understand why a typical left-wing, socialist liberal would hate him so much, though. He must be your worst nightmare and vastly counter to your vision for America.

11-07-18, 17:16
However much you or others may hate Trump, and however many his failings, people on the left should (but never will) realize that Trump's petty and broad-based demagoguery is saving the country from actual far-right types. His language and mannerisms are crass and abrasive - as are nearly ALL New York politicians regardless of party, skin color or other group status. It goes with the region. His actual positions are not radical by any historical standard and are not at all far from those taken by DEMOCRAT HARRY REID, Ross Perot, and others during the 1990's. Trump was publicly a Democrat through the 90's. The gaslighting of Trump as some racist Nazi is insane, asinine, and simply a sign of how far the pendulum had swung and how NPC echo-chamber like the media had become.


11-07-18, 17:21
What did the feckless Sessions do that would warrant keeping him? Did he do anything you can name other than go after pot smokers?

11-07-18, 17:22
I cheer this guy on like he's my President, and he's not Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton. The lesser of two (three) evils by a YUGE margin. I might feel differently if he was trying to enact policy that I disagreed with.

I can understand why a typical left-wing, socialist liberal would hate him so much, though. He must be your worst nightmare and vastly counter to your vision for America.

If only socialist left wing liberals hated him that would be fine. But as someone active int he GOP I can tell you that he is the most divisive person in the party in the last 20 years.

11-07-18, 17:29
If only socialist left wing liberals hated him that would be fine. But as someone active int he GOP I can tell you that he is the most divisive person in the party in the last 20 years.

Are you seriously proposing that some guy posting on M4Carbine is privy tithe inner workings of the senior leadership of the GOP; and further more the fact that Trump got 9 new Senators elected or re-elected is somehow divisive? That’s silly.

11-07-18, 17:32
These points are partial at best and overall misleading. The economy is doing well but it is hardly in some grand state that is unprecedented. Overall growth has been good yes. But I can point to a number of time is the last 16 years it was as good. But in return we have record setting deficit. Decreased spending power, prices on raw materials increasing and jobs being lost due to the tariffs. All the while China and our trade partners are starting to look elsware for their goods and American farmers need a bailout to get through. Totally wrong frame of reference. The fact was that we were headed towards a recession and Trump put that off by at least two years. On the other hand, the left said that pandemonium and destruction would happen to the economy if Trump were elected and....... waiting for it. The deficit is from too much spending not the tax cut. Frankly, the dems have largely driven the debt (or not cared) for their own political gain, and since we are all on the line for debt, we might as well take a bite from the forbidden fruit. Adam and Eve both got thrown out. China is going to starve or cut meat from their diets when the Brazilians run out of soybeans. You think the world has that much spare soy beans? Prices are going up, but frankly we have to figure out a way that wages increase before the fed takes away the punch bowl the bankers are drunk.

And of course our allies are sick and tired of us in the last 2 years thanks to his antics. He is an embarrassment from an international relations point of view. BHO was an embarrassment and dangerous, I'll take the 50% improvement.

You can't just use talking points and claim that makes up the entire economy. You have to look at the long term.

Take trumps desire to bring back manufacturing jobs. I hear people cheer about that, especially here all the time. But the cold hard fact is that those jobs are at best short term. Manufacturing is going to become more and more automated and within many of our lifetimes you can expect fully automated factories for many goods. So what is the point of bringing back all these manufacturing jobs when it is a dying industry? The answer is simple. It appeals to voters who don't look at the long picture.

In the end though it isn't even about politics. To most trump supporters, including many people here, it is about religion. He could walk down and break the neck of a reporter in a press conference and you all would say it is what the guy deserved then go on and vote Trump in as Emperor.

He represents the darkest parts of America. He appeals to radicals and racists like 7n6 and stirs them up. And frankly he is a shitbag that needs to be flushed down the toilet and back to the sewers where he belongs.

If you cheer this guy on like a messiah then you need to go back and read our founding documentation again and try to remember what this country is about. Because Trump isn't it.

Trump is a natural response to a democracy poisoned by the MSM/DEM cabal that was never stood up to by the GOP. Call me racist, call me ignorant, call me radical. I am none of those. I am Kavanaugh. And I have had enough. I am tired of standing around social situations and people with job titles that make no sense, spout socialist elitist bullshit that is nothing more than virtue signaling collectivist crap.

They said Reagan was dumb, and he beat the Soviets. They called George Bush a wimp, when he was the youngest pilot in the Navy and head of the CIA. They called W evil, but now he is touted by Pelosi as someone she worked with. They made Romney out to be a serial killer- when he is probably the most moral person ever to run for POTUS.
F that noise. If they can demonize Romney, they will demonize anyone. So we finally woke up to that and instead of letting them demonize the next GOP victim, we decided to skip a step . and just run the Devil.

Trump IS playing the long game by putting SCOTUS on a stable path and by hacking regulations all over the place. Those are the longest games in town.

Sure, sit and snicker at Trump. I always marvel at people that denigrate and put down people, and then get their asses handed to them by.

I'm trying to think of a Vice President that wasn't...

Dick Cheney?

Pence is a ghost. At least be an arrow catcher or something. Maybe he is out there tickling the balls of the evangelicals and I don't hear about it.

11-07-18, 17:38
If only socialist left wing liberals hated him that would be fine. But as someone active int he GOP I can tell you that he is the most divisive person in the party in the last 20 years.

Christ, you are describing the problem. Maybe your GOP buddies are the ones that think that we can keep losing elections on our way to victory. He's a modern Leonidas, winning beyond any rational expectations.

11-07-18, 17:48
Hey kwelz, know what? I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries (I voted for Cruz). But I did vote for Trump in the general.


I absolutely LOVE the way he pisses off the libtards. Yes, his abrasive demeanor warms my heart. About time someone told those bastards what time it was. And the same with the rest of the world, f**k 'em.

I will vote for Trump in 2020 in a heartbeat. If that makes YOUR head explode right along with the libs then TFB.

11-07-18, 17:50
Are you seriously proposing that some guy posting on M4Carbine is privy tithe inner workings of the senior leadership of the GOP; and further more the fact that Trump got 9 new Senators elected or re-elected is somehow divisive? That’s silly.

I don't claim to be privy to the inner workings of the senior leadership of the GOP.
I have however been active int eh GOP for about 20 years. In that time I have served on election and administrative staff for a congressman, I have served on the County, district, and state level central committees, and am friends with a number of high ranking elected officials including one of the Indiana State Senators, enough so that I go tot be there for the birth of his Twins back when he was just running for Congress. That being said I have been far less active and taken a step back in the last few years to focus on my Real Estate career. So I don't sit on the CC anymore or work directly for the party.

I not claiming to be a Political mastermind or overly well connected compared to some people I know. But I explain all of this to show that I do have a fairly good finger on the pulse of the party and the people involved at various levels. And I can tell you that at a local and state level Trump is seen as one of, if not the, most divisive elected figure in the 20ish years I have been involved. He is either loved or hated and it is ab out an even slip on the County and District level with State being a bit more favorable to him. Many of us tow the party line at events, etc because that is what we do. Yay trump. Vote for Mike Braun and trey Holliongsworth so they can support his agenda... Yay... Then we go complain about it while putting out signs and between canvasing houses.

He is either loved or hated. Worshiped or reviled. there isn't an in between with him like most past presidents have been. Bush had people that were tepid on him. Heck I started out like that and ended up becoming a huge supporter. Same with many others. And if you weren't a big fan you just weren't a big fan. For Trump supporters if you don't love him then you are a traitor and hate america. Anything bad said about him is a conspiracy and made up by the Media to discredit him. There is no rationality involved when it comes to him. And that applies equally to the love and the hate.

but here is the fact as much as I hate him I will admit when he has done a good thing. Two solid SCOTUS picks, Right to try law, probably firing sessions (although I question his reasons). He has done good things. But If you don't look at every side of what is said and done then you are doing yourself and this country a disservice.

He is as bad as Obama, and worse in some ways. But it is what makes him bad that differs. And in many ways he is a natural overreaction to Obama and then Hillary being the Dems choice to run. IN the end he is a bad president and a worse human being. And there is a Meme that puts it best. He is a dumb persons Idea of what a smart person is.

11-07-18, 17:53
Hey kwelz, know what? I didn't vote for Trump in the primaries (I voted for Cruz). But I did vote for Trump in the general.


I absolutely LOVE the way he pisses off the libtards. Yes, his abrasive demeanor warms my heart. About time someone told those bastards what time it was. And the same with the rest of the world, f**k 'em.

I will vote for Trump in 2020 in a heartbeat. If that makes YOUR head explode right along with the libs then TFB.

Ahhh. 1930s style isolationism and short shortsightedness. How quaint.

that isn't how the world works. And that isn't how elected officials act. Doing so undermines the country. We don't live in a pre information age world anymore. We need the rest of the world as much as they need us. If you want us to slide into obscurity then that is fine. I am not ok with it however. I want us to remain a power in the world stage.

11-07-18, 17:59
I don't claim to be privy to the inner workings of the senior leadership of the GOP.
I have however been active int eh GOP for about 20 years. In that time I have served on election and administrative staff for a congressman, I have served on the County, district, and state level central committees, and am friends with a number of high ranking elected officials including one of the Indiana State Senators, enough so that I go tot be there for the birth of his Twins back when he was just running for Congress. That being said I have been far less active and taken a step back in the last few years to focus on my Real Estate career. So I don't sit on the CC anymore or work directly for the party.

I not claiming to be a Political mastermind or overly well connected compared to some people I know. But I explain all of this to show that I do have a fairly good finger on the pulse of the party and the people involved at various levels. And I can tell you that at a local and state level Trump is seen as one of, if not the, most divisive elected figure in the 20ish years I have been involved. He is either loved or hated and it is ab out an even slip on the County and District level with State being a bit more favorable to him. Many of us tow the party line at events, etc because that is what we do. Yay trump. Vote for Mike Braun and trey Holliongsworth so they can support his agenda... Yay... Then we go complain about it while putting out signs and between canvasing houses.

He is either loved or hated. Worshiped or reviled. there isn't an in between with him like most past presidents have been. Bush had people that were tepid on him. Heck I started out like that and ended up becoming a huge supporter. Same with many others. And if you weren't a big fan you just weren't a big fan. For Trump supporters if you don't love him then you are a traitor and hate america. Anything bad said about him is a conspiracy and made up by the Media to discredit him. There is no rationality involved when it comes to him. And that applies equally to the love and the hate.

but here is the fact as much as I hate him I will admit when he has done a good thing. Two solid SCOTUS picks, Right to try law, probably firing sessions (although I question his reasons). He has done good things. But If you don't look at every side of what is said and done then you are doing yourself and this country a disservice.

He is as bad as Obama, and worse in some ways. But it is what makes him bad that differs. And in many ways he is a natural overreaction to Obama and then Hillary being the Dems choice to run. IN the end he is a bad president and a worse human being. And there is a Meme that puts it best. He is a dumb persons Idea of what a smart person is.

Do you know anything about being a billionaire? How many buildings have you constructed in New York City? How many NYC public ice rinks have you fixed? How many times have you been elected President of the United States? How many supermodels have you married?

LOL, to call him stupid is insane, literally insane and buffoonish. He may be somewhat abrasive, he may be something less than a sophisticated mandarin of the East Coast Ivy League set, he isn’t a stupid man.

11-07-18, 18:05
If only socialist left wing liberals hated him that would be fine. But as someone active int he GOP I can tell you that he is the most divisive person in the party in the last 20 years.

Yes, he is indeed divisive, petty, impulsive, and he's not capable of even pretending to keep his ego in check as most presidents do. He is decidedly un-Presidential and is the prime contributor to the current divisiveness in American politics. But I'm trying to think who, in the entire Republican party, would have been able to accomplish what he has accomplished toward enacting a political agenda that meshes with mine. There isn't anyone. The way I see it...politics-as-usual in America these days is stupid and counter-productive. Trump is not politics-as-usual. I'd vote for him again in a heartbeat...warts and all. Bush, Bush, Romney...yes, they understood conventional politics. Moral, self-effacing, decent...all of those things and more....they were ineffectual at best and counterproductive at worst.

11-07-18, 18:10
I don't claim to be privy to the inner workings of the senior leadership of the GOP.
I have however been active int eh GOP for about 20 years. In that time I have served on election and administrative staff for a congressman, I have served on the County, district, and state level central committees, and am friends with a number of high ranking elected officials including one of the Indiana State Senators, enough so that I go tot be there for the birth of his Twins back when he was just running for Congress. That being said I have been far less active and taken a step back in the last few years to focus on my Real Estate career. So I don't sit on the CC anymore or work directly for the party.

I not claiming to be a Political mastermind or overly well connected compared to some people I know. But I explain all of this to show that I do have a fairly good finger on the pulse of the party and the people involved at various levels. And I can tell you that at a local and state level Trump is seen as one of, if not the, most divisive elected figure in the 20ish years I have been involved. He is either loved or hated and it is ab out an even slip on the County and District level with State being a bit more favorable to him. Many of us tow the party line at events, etc because that is what we do. Yay trump. Vote for Mike Braun and trey Holliongsworth so they can support his agenda... Yay... Then we go complain about it while putting out signs and between canvasing houses.

He is either loved or hated. Worshiped or reviled. there isn't an in between with him like most past presidents have been. Bush had people that were tepid on him. Heck I started out like that and ended up becoming a huge supporter. Same with many others. And if you weren't a big fan you just weren't a big fan. For Trump supporters if you don't love him then you are a traitor and hate america. Anything bad said about him is a conspiracy and made up by the Media to discredit him. There is no rationality involved when it comes to him. And that applies equally to the love and the hate.

but here is the fact as much as I hate him I will admit when he has done a good thing. Two solid SCOTUS picks, Right to try law, probably firing sessions (although I question his reasons). He has done good things. But If you don't look at every side of what is said and done then you are doing yourself and this country a disservice.

He is as bad as Obama, and worse in some ways. But it is what makes him bad that differs. And in many ways he is a natural overreaction to Obama and then Hillary being the Dems choice to run. IN the end he is a bad president and a worse human being. And there is a Meme that puts it best. He is a dumb persons Idea of what a smart person is.

Funny, I started out as a big Bush supporter but by the end of his eight years I was glad to see him go.

That last statement is quite the GOPe, elitist comment eh? You sound just like the libtards do. How enlightened of you. :angry:

11-07-18, 18:11

Do you know anything about being a billionaire? How many buildings have you constructed in New York City? How many NYC public ice rinks have you fixed? How many times have you been elected President of the United States? How many supermodels have you married?

LOL, to call him stupid is insane, literally insane and buffoonish. He may be somewhat abrasive, he may be something less than a sophisticated mandarin of the East Coast Ivy League set, he isn’t a stupid man.

Everything Trump knows about being a billionaire he learned from his father, who gave him $400,000,000.

I suppose with that amount of money (and 15,000 apartments in NYC) I would look as successful as Trump does.

11-07-18, 18:12
Yes, he is indeed divisive, petty, impulsive, and he's not capable of even pretending to keep his ego in check as most presidents do. He is decidedly un-Presidential and is the prime contributor to the current divisiveness in American politics. But I'm trying to think who, in the entire Republican party, would have been able to accomplish what he has accomplished toward enacting a political agenda that meshes with mine. There isn't anyone. The way I see it...politics-as-usual in America these days is stupid and counter-productive. Trump is not politics-as-usual. I'd vote for him again in a heartbeat...warts and all. Bush, Bush, Romney...yes, they understood conventional politics. Moral, self-effacing, decent...all of those things and more....they were ineffectual.

Nothing that he has accomplished will outlast his Presidency. He hasn't changed a thing.

This is like the socialists that lecture us on how you have to break an egg to make an omelet... but they never seem to have an omelet, do they?

11-07-18, 18:13
Ahhh. 1930s style isolationism and short shortsightedness. How quaint.

that isn't how the world works. And that isn't how elected officials act. Doing so undermines the country. We don't live in a pre information age world anymore. We need the rest of the world as much as they need us. If you want us to slide into obscurity then that is fine. I am not ok with it however. I want us to remain a power in the world stage.

You are extremely arrogant. YOU and your ilk need to be flushed if the Republican Party is ever going to live on in the future. YOU and your ilk are why Trump was elected. Something about a swamp.....

11-07-18, 18:16
Nothing that he has accomplished will outlast his Presidency. He hasn't changed a thing.

This is like the socialists that lecture us on how you have to break an egg to make an omelet... but they never seem to have an omelet, do they?

You can credit (or discredit, however you choose to look at it) the GOPe for that. They were butthurt that he won and their golden boys Jeb or Christie didn't. The Republicans have controlled the White House and Congress for almost two years. Thank them for "He hasn't changed a thing".

11-07-18, 18:17
You are extremely arrogant. YOU and your ilk need to be flushed if the Republican Party is ever going to live on in the future. YOU and your ilk are why Trump was elected. Something about a swamp.....

No I just have an understanding how how the world works. You call it arrogant, I call it realistic. Trump is the swamp. He is a New York Democrat. He will turn on his current supporters in a heartbeat if it benefits him. His Anti 2A feelings have already started to show through a bit as has his contempt for the people who elected him. Goodluck. You are going to need it.

11-07-18, 18:20
Everything Trump knows about being a billionaire he learned from his father, who gave him $400,000,000.

I suppose with that amount of money (and 15,000 apartments in NYC) I would look as successful as Trump does.

But you have neither, nor will you.

11-07-18, 18:22
These points are partial at best and overall misleading. The economy is doing well but it is hardly in some grand state that is unprecedented. Overall growth has been good yes. But I can point to a number of time is the last 16 years it was as good. But in return we have record setting deficit. Decreased spending power, prices on raw materials increasing and jobs being lost due to the tariffs. All the while China and our trade partners are starting to look elsware for their goods and American farmers need a bailout to get through.

And of course our allies are sick and tired of us in the last 2 years thanks to his antics. He is an embarrassment from an international relations point of view.

You can't just use talking points and claim that makes up the entire economy. You have to look at the long term.

Take trumps desire to bring back manufacturing jobs. I hear people cheer about that, especially here all the time. But the cold hard fact is that those jobs are at best short term. Manufacturing is going to become more and more automated and within many of our lifetimes you can expect fully automated factories for many goods. So what is the point of bringing back all these manufacturing jobs when it is a dying industry? The answer is simple. It appeals to voters who don't look at the long picture.

In the end though it isn't even about politics. To most trump supporters, including many people here, it is about religion. He could walk down and break the neck of a reporter in a press conference and you all would say it is what the guy deserved then go on and vote Trump in as Emperor.

He represents the darkest parts of America. He appeals to radicals and racists like 7n6 and stirs them up. And frankly he is a shitbag that needs to be flushed down the toilet and back to the sewers where he belongs.

If you cheer this guy on like a messiah then you need to go back and read our founding documentation again and try to remember what this country is about. Because Trump isn't it.

He is holding out allies accountable.
Manufacturing jobs are here to stay. You can automate some, but a lot of stuff will not be automated for a LONG time.
I dont see raw materials going up, but I only use a few things.
We are creating jobs, I think the teriff catalyzed that.

Your characterization of Trump is vastly different than what I see, and wonder if you are watching the same person. “Deepest parts of America?”
Oh God...:sarcastic:

11-07-18, 18:22
No I just have an understanding how how the world works. You call it arrogant, I call it realistic. Trump is the swamp. He is a New York Democrat. He will turn on his current supporters in a heartbeat if it benefits him. His Anti 2A feelings have already started to show through a bit as has his contempt for the people who elected him. Goodluck. You are going to need it.

You can't see the forest through the trees. Your "realistic" approach is, let me guess, one of compromise and don't upset too many people, correct? THAT has been the problem. Obama and Clinton had a way of essentially saying "F**k you" but keeping it nicey-nice. Trump just flat-out says it. I respect that.

You tell me who should be in the White House if not Trump. I'm curious to hear who your pick is.

11-07-18, 18:25
Nothing that he has accomplished will outlast his Presidency. He hasn't changed a thing.

Seriously? IMO your not paying attention. Just as an FYI to all those old school GOP guys out there. There is a plan. The whole thing is a diversionary tactic that is working wonders. Everyday it's another magic show having you look at things of no consequence. No other administration would even remotely be able to accomplish the things his cabinet is accomplishing every week with out his buffoonish cover. No one is talking about all the little things going on at the lower levels of the administration. There is serious change happening from the elimination of regulations to the shrinking of the federal workforce. And as I said earlier, at the end if the day it is all about judges. If you don't get why that significant your playing checkers.

11-07-18, 18:30
Ding! Alight, everyone go to a neutral corner. Be polite when you discuss this stuff,. or just bitch at each other via PM's.

I'll reopen this thread after people cool down in a bit. But can the pissy tone on both sides.