View Full Version : Acosta gets his WH credentials revoked

11-07-18, 22:12
.. for putting hands on the girl that was was instructed to take the mic from him.


Coal Dragger
11-07-18, 22:31

Screw that guy.

11-07-18, 22:39
Good. That guy is a degenerate.

11-07-18, 22:57
I wish the POTUS would have left the podium and got nose to nose with him and taken the damned thing.

11-07-18, 23:05
That girl could have done that. I thought she was going to. She looked back at Trump with the... "can I kick his ass now" look.

Can you imagine if the tables were turned.

Acosta forces Whitehouse aide to kneel before him after physically assaulting her.

11-07-18, 23:26
Sit your five dollar ass down, before I make change.

Trump's comment to the next reporter was even better. The man can insult with the best of them.

11-08-18, 01:03
A couple of questions pop into my head when I watched that earlier.

One, at what point does the USSS intervene to handle an unruly press corps member?

Two, where are all the #MeToo 3rd-wave vagina hats? (yeah that's what I thought)

11-08-18, 01:13
It would have been awesome if she flip him on his head and walk away with the mic.

11-08-18, 07:27
They need to incorporate a tazer zapper into the mics for people that won't give them up.

11-08-18, 08:41
They need to incorporate a tazer zapper into the mics for people that won't give them up.

Lol!!! 1000x on this. Heck I’ll even pony up the $$ to buy one for the press room.

Dr. Bullseye
11-08-18, 11:54
Every day, in every way, this guy represents illegal alien interests. Why can't he just leave the country and go back to his beloved Mexico?

11-08-18, 11:59
The same media that constantly bemoans Trump's lack of civility and tone, are now defending the amount of physical contact made by Acosta...

11-08-18, 13:45
I'd love to see him try that with my daughter.

11-08-18, 14:20
What DJT lacks in "grace" he more than makes up for in style and balls. Folks hold an illusion of how a president's should conduct themselves today. In more "manly" times they fought duels...

I trust DJT to lay it on straight with his shoot from the hip style, better than a bunch of flowery $10 words that don't mean shit at the end of the sentence.

11-08-18, 14:20
well that is a good spin

"ABC’s Hostin: White House Aide Battered Jim Acosta"
they are saying SHE is the one that battered him !

11-08-18, 14:36
well that is a good spin

"ABC’s Hostin: White House Aide Battered Jim Acosta"
they are saying SHE is the one that battered him !

Surprised they didn't accuse her of a hate crime due to the fact she is white and he is Hispanic.

11-08-18, 17:27
Surprised they didn't accuse her of a hate crime due to the fact she is white and he is Hispanic.

Too Late Bro;
A former federal prosecutor and senior legal analyst for ABC News Hostin said, “For me, when I saw that, I mean, I learned very early on that what I saw was battery, not by Jim Acosta, but by the young White House aide. When you are holding something —”

Picking up a coffee cup, Hostin continued, “If I may, if you’re holding something and you snatch this from me, this cup is now an extension of me, and that means you’ve battered me, you’ve assaulted me.”

Co-host Abby Huntsman said, “So you’re blaming the woman in this situation for doing her job?”

Hostin shot back, “That’s just the law. I’m not assigning blame. I’m telling you what the law is.”

11-08-18, 18:44
I'd love to see him try that with my daughter.

If your daughter is anything like mine, she would have TAKEN the microphone away. In defense of this certain young lady, you can see her searching for permission from both her supervisor and President Trump to yank the microphone away as Acosta keeps it from her.

11-08-18, 18:58
A couple of questions pop into my head when I watched that earlier.

One, at what point does the USSS intervene to handle an unruly press corps member?

Two, where are all the #MeToo 3rd-wave vagina hats? (yeah that's what I thought)

Until staff requests they be removed or they are deemed a possible threat. nothing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-08-18, 19:14
I think the White House should permanently ban Acosta. He isn't a reporter anyway, just a liberal pundit. Tell CNN to send someone to replace him or none at all, and if the replacement doesn't follow proper etiquette, they will also be permanently banned. This would apply to every single person in the press. Send the message that the circus sh*t show is over and will not be tolerated.

11-08-18, 19:22
I'm actually kind of surprised that Sarah Sanders did not yell for the intern to beat Acosta like a rented mule.


11-08-18, 19:45
I think the White House should permanently ban Acosta. He isn't a reporter anyway, just a liberal pundit. Tell CNN to send someone to replace him or none at all, and if the replacement doesn't follow proper etiquette, they will also be permanently banned. This would apply to every single person in the press. Send the message that the circus sh*t show is over and will not be tolerated.

This would be the solution.
Simply ban Acosta, then demand a public apology from CNN.
No apology to the young intern from Acosta? Simply remove CNN completely.
They are dependent upon this type of bad behaviour to garner viewers, let them take that attitude elsewhere.

11-08-18, 20:04
I think the White House should permanently ban Acosta. He isn't a reporter anyway, just a liberal pundit. Tell CNN to send someone to replace him or none at all, and if the replacement doesn't follow proper etiquette, they will also be permanently banned. This would apply to every single person in the press. Send the message that the circus sh*t show is over and will not be tolerated.

This! Teach them the lesson on manners. Either you bring them, or you get your walking papers. Just because they're members of the press doesn't give them the right to act like spoiled little second graders who don't get their way. It's time for "Bubba" to get a job as the microphone custodian at a Trump press conference. Someone around 6'6 and 250 pounds or so would fit the bill nicely. :D

Yes I realize Bubba Smith is not with us anymore. Just using him as an example.
