View Full Version : Poland and America

11-08-18, 13:22

Having lived in Chicago, I knew about Pulaski- patron saint of the Monday off in the middle of winter- but I didn't know about the Post WWI involvement in Poland by US pilots against the Russians.

So you end up with a Revolutionary war promise being upheld over 100 years later by a pilot and his likeness ending up up on the tail of an aircraft built in the country that the American was helping to defend Poland from....

murphy j
11-08-18, 13:33
My wife is half Polish, and I participated in a memorial ceremony last year in Lviv, Ukraine honoring those dead and the flyers. I'm in 3 of the 4 pictures.


11-08-18, 17:12
If there was ever an Allies that could use a couple of Tank Brigades, it might be Poland.
I wouldn't station Tanks in Germany, they have no desire to maintain their own.

11-08-18, 19:07
America is lucky to have an ally like Poland, they are great folks.

I'm going to try and spend some time next summer in Warsaw and Prague, and am eagerly looking forward to it.

11-08-18, 19:34
America is lucky to have an ally like Poland, they are great folks.

I'm going to try and spend some time next summer in Warsaw and Prague, and am eagerly looking forward to it.

Pulaski County in Virginia is a couple of counties over from mine. We here in southern West Virginia and the start of south western Virginia know who Pulaski is. ;) The Polish are great allies. It would serve our nation well to remember who our true allies really are.

11-09-18, 13:45
Not just Americans, everyone including tons of Germans rolled right into fighting the red hordes up and down eastern europe. Post WWI in Europe was a pretty effed up time.

Out of the many countries in Europe, Poland seems to get the shit end of the stick the last couple centuries. Definitely home to many fine warriors.

Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

11-09-18, 14:52

11-09-18, 17:10
My late Uncle married a Polish gal he met while overseas post WW2.
I remember she was beautiful, great cook, taught my brothers and myself to swear in Polish, despised Russians with a holy passion.

Alex V
11-09-18, 21:33
Poles and Ukrainians share a common bond of hating Russians lol. They are excellent allies.

11-13-18, 04:24
I'm going to try and spend some time next summer in Warsaw and Prague, and am eagerly looking forward to it.

Let me know when you are going to arrive. I'll threat you to a beer, some pierogi and can show you some interesting places in Warsaw ;)

BTW US role was crucial to Poland regaining independence after 123 years of Russian and German occupation (Austria after all is Germany, only a bit on the East). If not for POTUS Woodrow Wilson things could turn out differently. Now one of most prominent places in Warsaw is Plac Wilsona (Wilson Plaza) and one of most important communication arteries is Aleja Stanów Zjednoczonych (United States Avenue). Both names were kept even during communistic era of Soviet Occupation. Communist did not dare to touch this names. Same to Rondo Waszyngtona (Washington Roundabout).

Here is short movie on how it happened that Poland was back on the map and what was US role in that:


Poles and Ukrainians share a common bond of hating Russians lol. They are excellent allies.

Unfortunately we also share a level of hate for each other, that was incited by Russia in XIX century (divide and rule) and even today Russia cleverly use it against both of us. Only if Piłsudski's federation of independent states of Poland, Ukraine and Lithuania could work out, things could be better for all of us in coming years

11-13-18, 11:51
America is lucky to have an ally like Poland, they are great folks.

I'm going to try and spend some time next summer in Warsaw and Prague, and am eagerly looking forward to it.

Also planning a trip to Poland and Prague next year, but I'll probably only spend a day or so in Warsaw so that I can spend more time in Krakow and the area around there.

11-13-18, 18:54
Let me know when you are going to arrive. I'll threat you to a beer, some pierogi and can show you some interesting places in Warsaw ;)


Deal! Actually, I am a much bigger fan of Polish vodka than I am of anybody's beer. You can teach me the local favorites. And I love pierogi's, too.

11-14-18, 04:19
You can teach me the local favorites.

Deal, however I do not drink vodka (or any anything) much. In Poland carry and drinking is absolutely no-go.

BTW I'll share recipe for good vodka experience:
1. Get Polish vodka at your nearby Polish grocery store.
2. Put this vodka in the freezer compartment of your refrigerator and forget about it for 2-3 weeks.
3. Take vodka of the freezer .
4. Drink vodka straight.
5. Profit.