View Full Version : Native Born Texans voted 51% for Beto vs. 48% for Cruz

11-09-18, 21:17

... and Texas transplants voted 57% for Cruz vs. 42% for Beto, Texans, you fellas have some ‘splainin to do.

11-09-18, 21:33
CNN exit poll published by Newsweek... so consider the source.

Would be more interesting how many native borns are first generation Americans too... or even citizens at all.

11-09-18, 21:39
Well thank the young’ns and of course minority vote.. I’m 25 and hispanic and my vote went to Ted... F Francis.. Fake mexican...

11-09-18, 22:04

... and Texas transplants voted 57% for Cruz vs. 42% for Beto, Texans, you fellas have some ‘splainin to do.

of course %72 of those folks are dead ! and %12 are not of age to vote

joke of course ;) but the reality is I do wonder how many dead voters voted and of course as mentioned consider the source where they were to poll etc

11-09-18, 22:10
More fraud. I'm betting this much more widespread.



Paxton is taking on voter fraud in Texas, 9 arrested more to come:

UPDATE from @TXAG @KenPaxtonTX says NINE arrests made today... "More arrests are expected in connection with the organized illegal voting scheme in Edinburg." #VoterFraud #Texas #RGV https://t.co/2CBx0BiUNZ
— Erin Anderson (@TrueTexasTea) November 8, 2018

11-09-18, 22:19
CNN exit poll published by Newsweek... so consider the source.

Bingo. CNN just seems like nothing more than a DNC PSYOP these days.

More fraud. I'm betting this much more widespread.



Paxton is taking on voter fraud in Texas, 9 arrested more to come:

UPDATE from @TXAG @KenPaxtonTX says NINE arrests made today... "More arrests are expected in connection with the organized illegal voting scheme in Edinburg." #VoterFraud #Texas #RGV https://t.co/2CBx0BiUNZ
— Erin Anderson (@TrueTexasTea) November 8, 2018

Infuriating but not surprising.

11-09-18, 22:23

... and Texas transplants voted 57% for Cruz vs. 42% for Beto, Texans, you fellas have some ‘splainin to do.

I did not move to Texas because it is liberal paradise. I know I am not alone in that regard. So it comes as no surprise transplants are more likely to vote R.

11-09-18, 23:37
More fraud. I'm betting this much more widespread.



Paxton is taking on voter fraud in Texas, 9 arrested more to come:

UPDATE from @TXAG @KenPaxtonTX says NINE arrests made today... "More arrests are expected in connection with the organized illegal voting scheme in Edinburg." #VoterFraud #Texas #RGV https://t.co/2CBx0BiUNZ
— Erin Anderson (@TrueTexasTea) November 8, 2018

It's the Valley, it they were doing illegal stuff then something would be wrong.

11-09-18, 23:40

... and Texas transplants voted 57% for Cruz vs. 42% for Beto, Texans, you fellas have some ‘splainin to do.

I would love to see how they actually came up with these numbers. Like I tell my son, if you don't show your work it is wrong.

11-09-18, 23:46
I would love to see how they actually came up with these numbers. Like I tell my son, if you don't show your work it is wrong.

Simple as reading the article:

CNN asked voters: "How long have you lived in Texas?" A majority of folks born in Texas—51 percent—said they voted for O'Rourke. Forty-eight percent of native-born Texans said they voted for Cruz, according to the exit polls.

11-09-18, 23:49
Simple as reading the article:

CNN asked voters: "How long have you lived in Texas?" A majority of folks born in Texas—51 percent—said they voted for O'Rourke. Forty-eight percent of native-born Texans said they voted for Cruz, according to the exit polls.

That doesn't mean shit. I want raw numbers and locations. Did they poll Native Texans in Dallas and transplants in Lubbock? That would tell the real story.

11-09-18, 23:51
That doesn't mean shit. I want raw numbers and locations. Did they poll Native Texans in Dallas and transplants in Lubbock? That would tell the real story.

LOL. I have never seen an exit poll do that.

Probably natives in RGV and transplants from MagPul. :-)

11-09-18, 23:58
I keep saying that no one I know is fleeing Commiefornia, going to red states and voting blue. I'm not inclined to believe anything from CNN, but this does mirror what I've personally seen.

We are losing this double speak war of words. The signs are all around us. It seems like more people are waking up, but apparently not enough. I've now seen two people here wearing Beto shirts. Turns my stomach. They are lucky that its illegal to smack people upside the head.

11-10-18, 01:02
I hate exit polls. Guess how many times I have been polled in our conservative district in 8 years since being legal voting age. He answer is none. Exit polls are a sham designed to discourage folks from voting later in the day by swaying the numbers so badly it's a "Why bother putting in my vote." ideas start formulating.

11-10-18, 04:58
I keep saying that no one I know is fleeing Commiefornia, going to red states and voting blue.
My experience in Texas is very different. It is called californication. People moving here from CA, then trying to turn it into what they moved from. But maybe that is because most coming here are doing so for jobs and not necessarily "fleeing". Austin, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio all vote majority blue and represent 4 of the 11 largest cities in the US based on population within the city limits (not metro). Plus the Rio Grande Valley to El Paso is mostly blue. The smaller counties are mostly red, and so far, together out vote the large blue counties, but that won't last forever.

See election map and results here: https://www.politico.com/election-results/2018/texas/ You can mouse over the counties to see the results in each.

11-10-18, 05:35
I did not move to Texas because it is liberal paradise. I know I am not alone in that regard. So it comes as no surprise transplants are more likely to vote R.

I certainly understand that, but it does defeat the “don’t California my Texas” narrative. So that begs the question, what is shifting Texas blue? Is it purely illegal immigration, if so how the hell are these people voting? Makes me think our 2 most significant issues as a nation are 1. Building the wall and strengthening our ability to deport illegals and 2. Developing strong voter ID laws so nobody who is ineligible to vote is voting and unduly influencing our elections.

11-10-18, 05:48
I certainly understand that, but it does defeat the “don’t California my Texas” narrative.
A sample of one (Renegade) does not answer the question. I moved here for a job, but was a lifelong R and stayed that way. Most of the people moving here move for work and bring their ideology with them, whatever it may be.

11-10-18, 07:02
This story is built to get Beto the Dem nomination to run for POTUS.
Listen to the guy, he certainly isn't about Texas values, or for that matter American values. He is the next step from Obama toward socialism.
I don't believe any of it, its a set up.

11-10-18, 07:11
I hate exit polls. Guess how many times I have been polled in our conservative district in 8 years since being legal voting age. He answer is none. Exit polls are a sham designed to discourage folks from voting later in the day by swaying the numbers so badly it's a "Why bother putting in my vote." ideas start formulating.

^ This. For all the media hype concerning attempted influencing/swaying elections, the media itself is one of the biggest culprits. We saw it big time in 2016 and even more this time around. Add in big tech's attempt to silence opposing views and I'm actually surprised as many non-Democrat candidates won that currently have.

11-10-18, 07:24
Developing strong voter ID laws so nobody who is ineligible to vote is voting and unduly influencing our elections.

As I posted in another thread, apply the rules for firearm ownership to voting. Background checks to obtain a permit/license. Must vote in person and present your permit/license, another background check at the voting station, and depending on your state a waiting period before being given your ballot/access to the voting booth. IIRC it was Doc that suggested a $200 fee and 10 month wait for additional background check to get a tax stamp for early voting.

Naturally there would be outrage/push back. In my opinion, if the process does not count as infringement to the Second Ammendment then it is not infringing on voting rights either.

11-10-18, 07:34
I did not move to Texas because it is liberal paradise. I know I am not alone in that regard. So it comes as no surprise transplants are more likely to vote R.I made like Snake Plissken and escaped from New York back in 2013. Damned glad my votes finally count.

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11-10-18, 07:35


I took these screenshots the other day and asked myself the same question: If most of the state is red, obviously most of the blue votes are in major cities. Where there is a vast population of younger voters. The GOP needs to focus on this group. Look at the age gap, a lot of these older voters will be passing on. We’ll be f*cked in 20 years or sooner if the GOP doesn’t take action now!

11-10-18, 10:51
This story is built to get Beto the Dem nomination to run for POTUS.
Listen to the guy, he certainly isn't about Texas values, or for that matter American values. He is the next step from Obama toward socialism.
I don't believe any of it, its a set up.

This 100%. He is another Obama, even in his style.

11-10-18, 10:54
I certainly understand that, but it does defeat the “don’t California my Texas” narrative.

Since it is a single data point, how do you know?

Maybe when I moved here, transplants were 90%, then 5 years later, 80%, then 5 years after that 70% and now here we are at 57%.

11-10-18, 12:00
Well... Anchor babies born in the state are "Native Texans". I bet there are a lot of them over voting age by now. Just saying... The strategy is working.

11-10-18, 12:35
This 100%. He is another Obama, even in his style.https://photos.smugmug.com/photos/i-jHMDgZR/0/33d6cfe8/L/i-jHMDgZR-L.jpg

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11-10-18, 13:11
Well... Anchor babies born in the state are "Native Texans". I bet there are a lot of them over voting age by now. Just saying... The strategy is working.

There are hundreds of thousands of college aged kids who's parents more or less allowed them to be raised by the public school system, whether they are "anchor babies" or 6th generation American, all they know is the progressive, leftist, propaganda they've been bombarded with daily since elementary school. Many of them are so deeply indoctrinated they have difficulty even questioning what they've been told to believe.

11-10-18, 19:42
There are hundreds of thousands of college aged kids who's parents more or less allowed them to be raised by the public school system, whether they are "anchor babies" or 6th generation American, all they know is the progressive, leftist, propaganda they've been bombarded with daily since elementary school. Many of them are so deeply indoctrinated they have difficulty even questioning what they've been told to believe.

This I have seen first hand. My question is: How come it didn't work on me? Or all the other people that didn't fall for it?

11-10-18, 19:48


I took these screenshots the other day and asked myself the same question: If most of the state is red, obviously most of the blue votes are in major cities. Where there is a vast population of younger voters. The GOP needs to focus on this group. Look at the age gap, a lot of these older voters will be passing on. We’ll be f*cked in 20 years or sooner if the GOP doesn’t take action now!

And those young voters will have families, jobs, kids in school. Lot's of young dem voters switch.

26 Inf
11-10-18, 20:06

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That looks more like Bobby Kennedy than Obama.

That's all we need is more babble about Camelot.

11-10-18, 20:15

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I just shot water out my nose j was laughing so hard.

11-10-18, 20:16
This I have seen first hand. My question is: How come it didn't work on me? Or all the other people that didn't fall for it?

Good question. I don't know the answer.

11-11-18, 12:53

11-11-18, 13:19
I was hoping that part of "draining the swamp" would be putting an end to voter fraud and illegals voting. Guess we haven't gotten to that part of the swamp yet.

11-11-18, 13:51
There are hundreds of thousands of college aged kids who's parents more or less allowed them to be raised by the public school system, whether they are "anchor babies" or 6th generation American, all they know is the progressive, leftist, propaganda they've been bombarded with daily since elementary school. Many of them are so deeply indoctrinated they have difficulty even questioning what they've been told to believe.

Agreed. That is the master plan. Jimmy Carter KNEW what he was doing when he created the Department of Indoctrination (Education).

You guys have to have at least 20% of the voters being illegals to get those numbers. I can't believe that Texas is 50/50 Dem/Rep. Unless it's all just bullshit and Texas is the New California like Colorado is becoming.

Both of the above. Now that Colorado has been successfully taken over, the locust swarms from CA are descending on Arizona and Texas. It's just a matter of time before those states turn dark blue. Add the thousands of illegal alien votes and it will happen that much sooner. Were going to see TWO (D) senators in AZ in the next 10 years or LESS. Mark my words.

So far, the federal courts have ruled that states cannot have an electoral system. THAT imho is the only thing that will save the republic. Even California would be a red state if the rest of the state got as much of a say as San Fransisco and L.A. do...

I was hoping that part of "draining the swamp" would be putting an end to voter fraud and illegals voting. Guess we haven't gotten to that part of the swamp yet.

I'm starting to think that we've hit the tipping point on that one. The millions that are illegally voting (D) now, will just do it legally then next time that there is a (D) POTUS. There will be amnesty at some point, then they will all have voter registration. The moderate progressive RINOs are on board too. The support to fix this is not there. Whats worse, the areas with the worse offenders are all (D) controlled. They are not going to cut off their own food supply.

11-11-18, 16:06
I was hoping that part of "draining the swamp" would be putting an end to voter fraud and illegals voting. Guess we haven't gotten to that part of the swamp yet.

Agreed, stop illegals from coming here by building a wall, adding border security, deporting illegals here and ending voter fraud need to be top priority items, although it will be hard to act on them with the Dems controlling the House.

11-11-18, 16:07
You guys have to have at least 20% of the voters being illegals to get those numbers. I can't believe that Texas is 50/50 Dem/Rep. Unless it's all just bullshit and Texas is the New California like Colorado is becoming.
Your premise is wrong. I don't doubt there were some illegal votes; however, it appears we simply had a bunch of lazy-assed Rs and the Ds got out the vote better. There are 15.6 million total registered voters in Texas and only 53% of that total voted in the midterms.

It was much worse in the 2018 primary where only 10% of total registered voters bothered to vote.

11-11-18, 19:58
Grass roots, all politics are local.
If you want Texas to stay Red, what needs to happen is State and Local political leaders need to get out very regularly and press the flesh and meet the voters and explain to them why the R brand is better for them.
It does no good to sit in an ivory tower for a year and a half and then begrudgingly go out for six months and try to get re elected. The Governor and the Lieutenant Governor need to be getting down on the ground at least once a week to establish the brand. They need to be getting with Mayors and R Candidates to make their point.
A big part of "Representing" people is actually getting down on the ground and listening to them as you take note of their concerns.

11-14-18, 03:30
Grass roots, all politics are local.
If you want Texas to stay Red, what needs to happen is State and Local political leaders need to get out very regularly and press the flesh and meet the voters and explain to them why the R brand is better for them.
It does no good to sit in an ivory tower for a year and a half and then begrudgingly go out for six months and try to get re elected. The Governor and the Lieutenant Governor need to be getting down on the ground at least once a week to establish the brand. They need to be getting with Mayors and R Candidates to make their point.
A big part of "Representing" people is actually getting down on the ground and listening to them as you take note of their concerns.

Abbott came to town two years ago, I have a photo of him and I shaking hands. His Texas Ranger PSD looked me up and down as I was printing pretty bad that day lol.

These mid-terms have put a fire under my butt, I have voted in every election since I was legally able to including every mid-term. But now I'm thinking of volunteering or something to help out more than just merely voting or taking someone with me to the poles. Before me, my wife never voted now she votes in every election to include the local ones since she sees how much our taxes keep going up every year. I got my FIL to go vote in the mid-terms, it was his first time to ever do that. We can all do more.

11-16-18, 21:48
First of all, Texas dodged a bullet. Like a .50 BMG. I don't know what the whole Beto run for Senate was all about but I believe there is an agenda behind it. I believe this because of the amount of money he raised from outside Texas. He raised millions from donors and celebrities across the US. Like more money than you need to raise to run for Senate.

Beto didn't say anything different than any other democrat candidate.

To which I know have a successful step-by-step formula for running for office as a democrat:

1. Speak only to liberals and millennials, remember to use the phrase "us", "we" when referring to your campaign.

2. Explain that Trump and GOP takes credit for what democrats have been fighting for, for years, then explain why Trump is actually failing at economics, foreign policy, equal rights, immigration etc. and how progressive policies would help make a better America.

3. Talk about the rising cost of health care. This is when you introduce your comprehensive 5 step plan to reduce the cost while benefiting millions. This is when you point out that countries like Canada and Denmark have tremendous success.

4. Talk about legalizing marijuana, state a bunch of facts you found online like marijuana helps treat and prevent illnesses- then list up to 5 serious illnesses, then cite the source as some doctor no ones ever heard of. When doing this, you really need to use a lot of medical words, and phrases that doctors use because liberals go nuts over that shit. They will think you have the expertise and authority on medical marijuana.

5. Talk about the rising cost of tuition, don't say anything about teachers union or the fact that most universities are liberal, just explain that no one should have to spend there live savings on an education.

6. Talk heavily on immigration, don't inform anyone between the difference between illegal or legal immigration- its all the same. Make sure to justify immigration by saying that these are people just like you who want a better life. Liberals go nuts over that.

7. Now its time to bring up a "common sense gun reform" that is supported across the isle. This will bring applause. Explain what common sense is first, then talk about all the mass shooting in the past and how no one should live in fear.

8. Talk bout women being able to be in charge of there own bodies and how women's health,(abortion) should be left alone and that Planned Parenthood actually serves millions of women annually with breast exams etc.

10. This is the time to say , "I cant do this without you" and subtly ask for money.

11. Now conclude with they typical "we are going to clean up Washington" bullshit.

VIP3R 237
11-16-18, 22:03
Like more money than you need to raise to run for Senate.


11-16-18, 22:34
I hate exit polls. Guess how many times I have been polled in our conservative district in 8 years since being legal voting age. He answer is none. Exit polls are a sham designed to discourage folks from voting later in the day by swaying the numbers so badly it's a "Why bother putting in my vote." ideas start formulating.

Most exit polls are conducted in the larger and most are pretty liberal. I can believe those numbers based on location taken.