View Full Version : Celebrate Recovery Program?

11-15-18, 13:35
So I recently discovered Celebrate Recovery (https://www.celebraterecovery.com/index.php), a national program started by Rick Warren's church as an alternative to AA that is Christ-Centered and is open to anyone with any hurt, habit, or hangup.

I've been attending for perfectionism, insecurity, and anxiety. I also started their 12 step program. I can't believe how amazing it has been.

Anyone heard of it?

11-15-18, 14:13
A friend of the family runs one of the local chapters here. She's been involved with addiction counselling for more than 20 years and she tells me that this program checks all the boxes that she looks for, which is what attracted her to it.

11-15-18, 15:48

11-15-18, 16:30
Celebrate recovery is solid. It offers the tools most people should have for a functioning life and healthy relationships. The application is far and wide. Not just for addicts.

Takes courage to admit our weaknesses. But that’s where we find real power and growth.

11-15-18, 16:58

11-15-18, 20:14
Celebrate recovery is solid. It offers the tools most people should have for a functioning life and healthy relationships. The application is far and wide. Not just for addicts.

Takes courage to admit our weaknesses. But that’s where we find real power and growth.

I have found it to be solid as well. I love that the author of the program, John Baker, is not negative about AA or Al-Anon at all but just wanted a Christ-Centered program. I love that it is based on the beatitudes and each step has a biblical basis. Best is that it is hosted at, and supported by, my church home.

Struggling single-moms, young couples with marital issues, women with eating disorders, men with porn or sex additions, Christians who need to be on medication for various disorders and have to hide it because the "Pharisees" in their life say it is wrong, and a host of other people are finding help, support, and growth in their relationship with Christ (not religion or judgement) through the program at our location. It's amazing to see, and Christ gets all the credit.

I know it is changing my life. It has grown my faith and my compassion for others-including myself.

11-15-18, 20:43

11-15-18, 21:05
Another affirmation that evangelicalism is an undiscerning wasteland. We must go to the pagans for their God affirming ways...God speaking in the Bible just isn't enough for the modern and relevant Christian. What a sad spectacle.

God's Word is paramount in this program. Read their 12 Steps or 8 Principles? (https://www.celebraterecovery.com/resources/cr-tools)

"Reserve a daily time with God for self-examination, Bible reading, and prayer in order to know God and His will for my life and to gain the power to follow His will. (Steps 10 and 11)"

11-15-18, 21:28

11-15-18, 21:41
I have a buddy involved in it, a former addict. It's solid for sure.

11-15-18, 22:01

11-16-18, 00:39
glad its helping and you are finding your way but please please please get better and then get away from Rick Warren !!!!

many false prophets and he is one of the current ones many feel are out there !!!