View Full Version : Comey and Lynch Subpoena - December closed door testimony

11-22-18, 16:02
Wow just back from Turkey Day dinner and there was more fowl .. I mean foul things on the menu.


Happy Thanksgiving. Got a subpoena from House Republicans. I’m still happy to sit in the light and answer all questions. But I will resist a “closed door” thing because I’ve seen enough of their selective leaking and distortion. Let’s have a hearing and invite everyone to see.

— James Comey (@Comey) November 22, 2018 Yep, Jimmy, we know you love the limelight.

“Mr. Comey respectfully declines your request for a private interview,” said Kelley. “He would, however, welcome the opportunity to testify at a public hearing.”

In a statement to Politico, Goodlatte’s office brushed aside the proposal and reiterated the committee stood ready to issue a subpoena if their request was not met.

“We have invited Mr. Comey to come in for a transcribed interview and we are prepared to issue a subpoena to compel his appearance,” a staffer for the House Judiciary Committee chair said.

I'm thinking Lynch might have indigestion.

26 Inf
11-22-18, 16:30
Happy Thanksgiving. Got a subpoena from House Republicans. I’m still happy to sit in the light and answer all questions. But I will resist a “closed door” thing because I’ve seen enough of their selective leaking and distortion. Let’s have a hearing and invite everyone to see.

— James Comey (@Comey) November 22, 2018

Like him or hate him, I think he has a point. If he wants to do it in the open, why not? That eliminates a lot of he said she said, plus should be entertaining.

11-22-18, 17:31
Open door then he'll just say "sorry, classified, can't talk about it here" to everything.

That's the game, wants to have his cake and eat it too.

11-22-18, 19:40
Yep,,, screw him. It's not his party. No pun intended but if the shoe fits.

He will turn a question and answer session into a statement session. Spartacus redux

11-22-18, 22:25
If the open session is so wonderful and antiseptic, why didn't he have Clinton questioned in public?

11-23-18, 05:00
Screw the Republicans.

2 years they don't do this and now on the way out the door they find a set between their legs.

The country is as messed up as it is, because Republicans are cowards and wimps!

11-23-18, 07:02
Screw the Republicans.

2 years they don't do this and now on the way out the door they find a set between their legs.

The country is as messed up as it is, because Republicans are cowards and wimps!

^^^This. The Communist Democratic party is evil (yes, evil) and the gutless Republicans haven't done a thing to stop them and their agenda. President Trump has been the only counter to the dems.

11-23-18, 07:17
G-D Bless President Trump.

The only president in my life time to stand up to evil. Now if we could get an Israeli Trump, the world would be a better place.

11-23-18, 10:26
G-D Bless President Trump.

The only president in my life time to stand up to evil. Now if we could get an Israeli Trump, the world would be a better place.

Amen. I'd make Israel as the 51st state (if you'd have us) and consider moving there.

11-23-18, 15:03
Amen. I'd make Israel as the 51st state (if you'd have us) and consider moving there.

No thank you!

USA is 21 T in debit. In light of this, I call on Israel to refuse American aid. Tell the American people they need relief from the debit and Israel is here to do it's part.

11-23-18, 17:20
No thank you!

I don't blame you. :cool:

11-24-18, 23:17
Happy Thanksgiving. Got a subpoena from House Republicans. I’m still happy to sit in the light and answer all questions. But I will resist a “closed door” thing because I’ve seen enough of their selective leaking and distortion. Let’s have a hearing and invite everyone to see.

— James Comey (@Comey) November 22, 2018

Like him or hate him, I think he has a point. If he wants to do it in the open, why not? That eliminates a lot of he said she said, plus should be entertaining.

The people's business should be done in the open, not behind some closed doors.

11-25-18, 01:07
Screw the Republicans.

2 years they don't do this and now on the way out the door they find a set between their legs.

The country is as messed up as it is, because Republicans are cowards and wimps!

It's better late that never. It may have a bad taste but it's a start. I'm not patting them on the back but forward motion is forward motion.

The only president in my life time to stand up to evil.

Totally agree. He is the only person in politics I have known that had everything to lose and yet he will not bend to power. I know he is no saint but I do believe he cares about America more so than any recent politician I can recall.

When Bill Clinton began to run to office I told my wife and a few people around me that he was a liar and a crook. "How do you know?" "Why, how can you say that?" I said I don't but he sounds like a liar to me. I said I have friend that is basically a good guy but he will stretch reality, get in trouble, then tell you the real story. Small time friends is one thing. A POTUS is another.

I never got that vibe off Trump. Not that he's an alter boy but I don't think he would sell America down the river and I always thought Clinton would from the very first time I saw his face and heard him speak. I really was not all that into politics back then either.

I get where you are coming from on the REpublicans growing a pair though. But.. they opened the door. We now have two choice. Bitch and moan about the past or ring the phones and blast teh emails and tell them it's hammer time for Comey and Lynch. Show them no mercy. Get into the every nook and cranny of their lives.

It took the CUBS a while to win the world series. It was not a bad thing when they did.

11-25-18, 01:09
The people's business should be done in the open, not behind some closed doors.

You mean like the Internet where everything is grounded in reason and righteousness?

11-25-18, 08:45
The people's business should be done in the open, not behind some closed doors.

He wants it in the open so when asked questions he can say it’s classified and not answer in public.

Behind closed doors that shit doesn’t fly, he’ll actually have to answer.

I’d love it to be public, but not at the cost of him not answering questions.

11-25-18, 11:30
He wants it in the open so when asked questions he can say it’s classified and not answer in public.

Behind closed doors that shit doesn’t fly, he’ll actually have to answer.

I’d love it to be public, but not at the cost of him not answering questions.

I agree. Gowdy had a suggestion on Face the Nation today that they should video record Comey's testimony, scrub for any classified information, then release the recording publicly so anyone can view it if they wish. While I agree it would potentially eliminate any grandstanding for the media, I see many suggesting it was selectively edited to hide more than just classified topics.