View Full Version : The unmitigated and never ending audacity of H. Clinton.

11-28-18, 17:26
Hillary Clinton on Tuesday suggested that President Trump is “part of the cover-up as to what happened” in the killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi.
“We have a president who is part of the cover-up as to what happened in that consulate or embassy when Mr. Khashoggi was murdered,” Clinton said.
“And we have a president and those closest to him who have their own personal commercial interests,” she added.

Does anyone step up in any MSM outlet and point out the Clinton's might have a more direct connection to some people who have died mysteriously?
No, nothing but crickets chirping.
I will drop this here as a reminder;

1- James McDougal – Clintons convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr’s investigation.

2 – Mary Mahoney – A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown .. The murder …happened just after she was to go public w:th her story of sexual harassment in the White House.

3 – Vince Foster – Former White House counselor, and colleague of Hillary Clinton at Little Rock’s Rose Law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the head, ruled a suicide.

4 – Ron Brown – Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman. Reported to have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the investigation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown’s skull resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death Brown was being investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with prosecutors. The rest of the people on the plane also died. A few days later the Air Traffic controller commited suicide.

5 – C. Victor Raiser, II – Raiser, a major player in the Clinton fund raising organization died in a private plane crash in July 1992.

The list goes on for 46 names of associates and former body guards.
We're never going to have a united country until the MSM goes through a major overhaul.

Doc Safari
11-28-18, 17:29
She will remain a shameless arrogant bitch until they put her in the ground. Please let it be soon.

Although.....if she's hurting her own kind by not shutting up....may she live to be a thousand.

11-28-18, 17:34
She will remain a shameless arrogant bitch until they put her in the ground. Please let it be soon.

Although.....if she's hurting her own kind by not shutting up....may she live to be a thousand.

She has no soul.
I honestly blame the Clinton's on our Media. They've managed to support these two sociopaths through thick and thin.

Dr. Bullseye
11-28-18, 17:38
Outside of the Washington-NYC Blue Bubble, there is nobody in the United States of America who gives a rat's rear about Khashoggi or this whole made up issue. He was a Saudi and killed in Turkey, none of our business at all. BUT if the entire staff of the Washington Post were to fly to Turkey and offer themselves up, I certainly would not object. This goes double for Hillary Clinton.

11-28-18, 18:16
Khashoggi's support of the enemies of the United States makes me "Ho Hum" when it comes to the Saudi's offing him, if they did it at all.
Considering the amateur way it went down and how quickly the finger was pointed, my guess is Turkey has a lot of explaining to do when it comes to this whole matter. A Prince in the "House of Saud." likely knows a bit more about how to have this done and who to have do it than almost anyone else on earth.

11-28-18, 18:17
When HRC opens her mouth all I hear is Charlie Brown's teacher.

11-28-18, 18:19
My question is Why is the media and HC more concerned with a consulate in Turkey, than a US consulate in Benghazi?

11-28-18, 18:25
This bitch has a higher body count than cancer. She has zero room to discuss people in power covering things up.

LMT Shooter
11-28-18, 19:03
My question is Why is the media and HC more concerned with a consulate in Turkey, than a US consulate in Benghazi?

Well, you won't get far trying to use facts & logic in this fashion, but nice try:p

11-28-18, 19:15

11-28-18, 19:19

just a scout
11-28-18, 19:25
My question is Why is the media and HC more concerned with a consulate in Turkey, than a US consulate in Benghazi?

Because one makes Trump look bad (supposedly) while the other should indict Clinton.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

11-28-18, 20:34
My question is Why is the media and HC more concerned with a consulate in Turkey, than a US consulate in Benghazi?

Clearly you're just a racist. Sadly that is how most people would respond to such a succinct question.

11-28-18, 20:54
My question is Why is the media and HC more concerned with a consulate in Turkey, than a US consulate in Benghazi?

The media? Because it's another way to attack Trump vs protecting the friendly Obama admin & the Clintons.

HRC? Purely self interest (in both cases).

11-30-18, 12:35

11-30-18, 14:00
My question is Why is the media and HC more concerned with a consulate in Turkey, than a US consulate in Benghazi?

Exactly!!! You can't get much more personal involvement than her role in getting our ambassador murdered in Libya!

11-30-18, 15:11
Get over it guys. She lost.

Doc Safari
11-30-18, 15:18
I've read a couple of internet blogs over the last couple of days the Hillary is now coming out against open borders.

Rush Limbaugh says that the dems must be reading some devastating polling data on immigration for the bitch to be publicly saying such things.

On the other hand, maybe she's just gone senile or bat shit crazy and just doesn't know what she's saying.

11-30-18, 15:35
Get over it guys. She lost.

LOL, why don't you go remind HER of that fact! ;)

11-30-18, 16:00
Speaking of audacity, any one of you seen that video going around of Obama taking credit for the surge in energy? Obama was recently invited to Rice University to give a speech and he is sitting in a huge chair, slouched over like a cheap pimp from Chicago and speaking with a tone of "im better than all of you". He was asked about current oil production in the US and his response was:

A lot of people might not know this but the production of oil and energy went up every year in my administration, and all of a sudden people are saying the US is number 1 in oil production? Uh.....That was Me people, im the one who did that, so....i don't know.....your welcome.


Doc Safari
11-30-18, 16:05
Speaking of audacity, any one of you seen that video going around of Obama taking credit for the surge in energy? Obama was recently invited to Rice University to give a speech and he is sitting in a huge chair, slouched over like a cheap pimp from Chicago and speaking with a tone of "im better than all of you". He was asked about current oil production in the US and his response was:

A lot of people might not know this but the production of oil and energy went up every year in my administration, and all of a sudden people are saying the US is number 1 in oil production? Uh.....That was Me people, im the one who did that, so....i don't know.....your welcome.


Well, you know, the mother-effing sun shines out of that damn idiot's behind. We're all better for having served under him and all that happy horseshit.