View Full Version : Get Your Hot New CCW Weapon NOW: a hockey puck

Doc Safari
11-29-18, 16:22

Would-be mass shooters beware: Faculty and students at Oakland University in Michigan are going to be ready to fight back, should you target their school.

University police are reportedly training faculty at the college to fight gunmen in their classrooms with an unlikely weapon: hockey pucks.

Who came up with this idea?

Detroit Free Press explains:

The idea of using the quirky self-defense tool grew out of a training session Police Chief Mark Gordon led in March for faculty members on what they should do if a gunman enters their classroom.

A participant asked what people could bring to campus to be better prepared in case they need to fight back. The university has a no-weapons policy.

Gordon’s advice? Be ready to throw something — anything — that could distract a shooter, even a hockey puck, as a last resort if fleeing or hiding aren’t an option.

“It was just kind of a spur-of-the-moment idea that seemed to have some merit to it and it kind of caught on,” Gordon said.

Gordon said he once got hit in the head with a puck, and the painful event spawned the idea that the hard disks could be used for self-defense.

My take: Oh, I dunno. Just certain words float through my head. Let's free associate. Dumbshittery. Asshattery. Dumbassery. Efftardery. The depth of stupidity is just unreal. I'd suspect this of being a hoax story from The Onion if it weren't on a generally reputable site.

There isn’t any research to support the use of hockey pucks in an active shooter situation, Gordon admits.

Nah. COME ON. I thought this would have been supported by some idjit's bogus study, like they're always watching the sexual habits of fruit flies an' shit.

Really. Please tell me this is a joke. A student can't have a legitimate weapon of self-defense on campus but he can be issued a "feel good" prop more likely to get him killed than just hiding under a table or something.

And didn't anybody ever teach that if an emotionally hyped up person is subject to pain from a non-lethal blow that the person is more likely to react with anger and a more determined intent to retaliate?

Maybe if the hockey pucks are embossed with Punisher skulls it will make all the difference.

11-29-18, 17:03
Get 'em while they're hot!


11-29-18, 17:07
I would think Hockey stick would be a better improvised weapon along with baseball bats, etc.

11-29-18, 17:24
I really wonder how these stupid libs keep a straight face when they propose these idiotic ideas. Serious, adults sitting down and saying "I know, we'll give everyone hockey pucks and explained how well armed they are to respond to an active shooter!". And all the other libtards nodding their heads in unison agreeing. Liberalism truly is a mental disorder.

11-29-18, 17:27
Get 'em while they're hot!


That's the ticket! You need to send a flyer to that school and tell them you will sell those to them for a low, low price of $29.99 each. But wait, there's more.......

26 Inf
11-29-18, 17:44
That's the ticket! You need to send a flyer to that school and tell them you will sell those to them for a low, low price of $29.99 each. But wait, there's more.......

By flyer, do you mean an advertisement or a Philadelphia hockey player?

just a scout
11-29-18, 20:08
I really wonder how these stupid libs keep a straight face when they propose these idiotic ideas. Serious, adults sitting down and saying "I know, we'll give everyone hockey pucks and explained how well armed they are to respond to an active shooter!". And all the other libtards nodding their heads in unison agreeing. Liberalism truly is a mental disorder.

Because they have little real life experience and NO experience with violence besides what they’ve seen in bad movies and Call of Duty.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

11-29-18, 21:03
You’ll never be able to toss a disc faster than 1100 FPS

11-29-18, 21:34

My take: Oh, I dunno. Just certain words float through my head. Let's free associate. Dumbshittery. Asshattery. Dumbassery. Efftardery. The depth of stupidity is just unreal. I'd suspect this of being a hoax story from The Onion if it weren't on a generally reputable site.

Nah. COME ON. I thought this would have been supported by some idjit's bogus study, like they're always watching the sexual habits of fruit flies an' shit.

Really. Please tell me this is a joke. A student can't have a legitimate weapon of self-defense on campus but he can be issued a "feel good" prop more likely to get him killed than just hiding under a table or something.

And didn't anybody ever teach that if an emotionally hyped up person is subject to pain from a non-lethal blow that the person is more likely to react with anger and a more determined intent to retaliate?

Maybe if the hockey pucks are embossed with Punisher skulls it will make all the difference.

But if they carry them with the intent to use as a weapon, they are carrying a weapon and needs expelled.

What do you do when someone beats someone to death with a hockey puck?

11-30-18, 03:08
You’ll never be able to toss a disc faster than 1100 FPS

They don't want to, that would make it a deadly weapon and they'd be as bad as the shooter.

They truly imagine themselves stalking up to the shooter from behind and either throwing an ace pitch which knocks him unconscious or failing that throwing a puck down a hall behind him as a diversion which works 100% all the time, every time and while the shooter goes down the empty hall believing it is more victims, glorious "hockey puck hero" sneaks all the people in hiding out of the school down the other hall with complete success.

11-30-18, 03:09
But if they carry them with the intent to use as a weapon, they are carrying a weapon and needs expelled.

What do you do when someone beats someone to death with a hockey puck?

Make them hall monitor in light of a proven track record of success?

11-30-18, 08:25
I really wonder how these stupid libs keep a straight face when they propose these idiotic ideas. Serious, adults sitting down and saying "I know, we'll give everyone hockey pucks and explained how well armed they are to respond to an active shooter!". And all the other libtards nodding their heads in unison agreeing. Liberalism truly is a mental disorder.

I dont know if it would be all of them :) I am sure some are saying I don't know I watched one knock a guys teeth out one time and what if the children get ahold of it ? I mean do they have safeties or something ? maybe we can come up with a lock box like a security box where the teacher has the key and the principal and ONLY once the principal OKs the use of deadly puck force they can come around and unlock the teachers that need them !

11-30-18, 09:39
Everyone should be contacting the university and condemn them for arming students and faculty with weapons. Are they even bothering to conduct background checks before handing out free weapons, as specified under Michigan Penal Code 750.224(d)? Oh...Wait... it's not a "weapon":

Hockey pucks can be carried in briefcases or backpacks and are “not considered a weapon”. They will meet the goal of distracting the shooter, according to Gordon.

And yet:

The idea of using the quirky self-defense tool grew out of a training session Police Chief Mark Gordon led in March for faculty members on what they should do if a gunman enters their classroom.

Gordon said he once got hit in the head with a puck, and the painful event spawned the idea that the hard disks could be used for self-defense.

There isn’t any research to support the use of hockey pucks in an active shooter situation, Gordon admits. Still, they can serve as a defensive tool, like throwing a stapler, a laptop, “or anything that has weight” and could hurt and distract a shooter so he or she could be disarmed, he said:

“Anything that you can throw that’s heavy and will cause damage, cause injury is the bottom line of what you’re trying to do. (A hockey puck) was just a thing that was suggested that could possibly work, especially when you have 20 or 30 people in a classroom and they all throw hockey pucks at the same time, it would be quite the distraction.”

Am I the only one who's confused??? Is it a weapon or a "distraction" tool"? The "police chief" seems to be swerving all over the place here. Has he ever had training on criminal law? Or is he just an appointed figurehead with no background in law enforcement?

Actually, I think I know what it really is in the context of this article and Oakland University's ludicrous "plan". A hockey puck will be the official Oakland University Weapon of Mass Distraction. :rolleyes:

Doc Safari
11-30-18, 09:44
Just because you have a hockey puck doesn't mean you know how to use it. Will their be classes on puck throwing?

diving dave
11-30-18, 09:48
I'm fine with a class of 30 students hurling pucks at an active shooter, as long as school staff/ trained teachers are also hurling bullets at the bad guy.

Doc Safari
11-30-18, 09:55
Maybe we should forward this article to them:


As the National Sentinel reports, referencing the FBI:

A report by Jacob Paulsen at ConcealedCarry.com found that in 94 percent of cases, armed citizens successfully intervene during what the bureau calls “active shooter events,” which is defined by the FBI as, “One or more individuals actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area.”

Paulsen notes that the FBI has published three reports that detail active shooter events between 2000 and 2017. The first covers event between 2000-2013; the second from 2014-2015; and the third from 2016-2017.

… He notes … that the FBI does not include domestic shooting incidents or gang-related shootings in its reports.

Also, “For the FBI to define an incident as an Active Shooter incident both law enforcement personnel and citizens have to have the potential to affect the outcome of the event based upon their responses to the situation,” he writes.

It turns out that 283 events qualify as Active Shooter incidents, and Paulsen and his colleagues found that of them, an armed citizen was present 11.7 percent of the time (in 33 cases).

Moreover, the Sentinel also informed, “A further examination of those 33 cases found ‘armed citizens were successful at stopping the active shooter 75.8 percent of the time (25 incidents) and were successful in reducing the loss of life in an additional 18.2 percent (6) of incidents.’ Translated, ‘armed citizens are successful 94 percent of the time at active shooter events,’ he concluded.”

My take: A good guy with a gun is the best defense against a bad guy with a gun. Only an eight-ball would suggest using a hockey puck.

11-30-18, 10:53
who started the recent you cant take on a rifle with a handgun because of velocity or something recently ? was it that stupid pig kid ? or was it the press :)

reckon this would be the perfect come back you cant throw the puck fast enough (mentioned above) !

11-30-18, 17:41
Just because you have a hockey puck doesn't mean you know how to use it. Will their be classes on puck throwing?

I'm going to open a school that specializes in shuriken jutsu just for the hockey puck fighters.

12-01-18, 05:49
This equestrian feces is right up their with rape whistles.