View Full Version : Molle Panel for Gun Safe Door

12-01-18, 10:00
I have the smallest Liberty Revolution rifle "safe" in our closet with an AR and pistol in it because our bedroom is on the second floor and my big "safe" is on the first.

Like all the small cheap safes, the interior layout is pretty spartan and there are no logical spaces to put magazines, holsters, flashlight, etc. They sell door panels, but $100 for a panel to put in my $200 safe seems pretty high.

Enter the surplus molle "seat panel" - example here: https://armysurpluswarehouse.com/military-issue-molle-vehicle-seat-panel-acu-digital/

I plan to put a panel on the safe door with screws/washers, add a cheap molle holster, and some of the mag/utility pouches I have laying around collecting dust.

I would welcome your thoughts, better ideas, etc.

Please don't turn this into a debate about "gun safes". We all know they suck.



26 Inf
12-01-18, 11:02
I'm not sure where you come up with $100.00 a panel. for that size Liberty lists them for $49.99, they are also available on Amazon for around that price:



I kind of run the same way, my big safes are away from the master bedroom so I have a Liberty Pro Vault from Cabela's in the bedroom.

On my bigger safes the door panel holsters seem nice and sturdy, I keep 2 loaded 30 round mags in one, a snug to be sure, but no seams are ripping out, etc.

The mesh pocket will hold mags, as will the choke tube pouch. I can't speak to the durability of the mesh pockets loaded with mags because I don't use them for pistol mag storage in my bigger safes.

Suddenly I felt the need for one of these for the bedroom safe, thanks. :rolleyes: I ordered from Amazon, it will be here December 3, I'll let you know what I think.

12-01-18, 11:18
I obviously have not priced the Liberty panels lately or I was looking at a larger size. $50 for a good solution is more attractive than $30 (ish) for a cobbled together one.

I am interested to hear what you think of the panel. If it's decent, I know what to put on my wife's X-Mas shopping list.


26 Inf
12-01-18, 11:40
I'll let you know.

12-01-18, 12:10
The "Door of Doom" is a good idea, especially when you combine it with cheap surplus holsters and mag pouches from a gun show.

Just be careful about optics, so that you do not damage a lens. Hasn't happened to me, just pointing out the glaringly obvious. Which some people overlook.

12-14-18, 07:11
Just a quick follow-up. This morning my wife handed me an early Christmas present, the Liberty door panel for my "12" gun safe.

It seems well made (in China of course) and was easy to install. Basically it clips to the door panel and you tighten velcro straps to snug it up.

The top pistol pockets each hold an AR mag just fine, the middle pocket my G19, and various pockets hold holster, pistol mags, and a flashlight.


12-15-18, 15:14

26 Inf
12-16-18, 00:06
Just a quick follow-up. This morning my wife handed me an early Christmas present, the Liberty door panel for my "12" gun safe.


Andy, sorry I let you down on getting back with you. It sounds as if you are as happy with yours as I am with mine.

26 Inf
12-16-18, 00:17
What if your doors have no room around the edges for clipping anything? Mine is a Sturdy Safe so it has no room it seems but would like to add some type of organizer for pistols on the door. I got them all laying in those cheap pistol rugs for now stacked on top of eachother. Maybe something that velco's onto the door? Not sure.

Is your safe door fire lined?

This linked off the Sturdy Safe site:


Sturdy Safe Accessories Page: https://www.sturdysafe.com/pages/gun-safe-assessories

12-17-18, 10:37
What if your doors have no room around the edges for clipping anything? Mine is a Sturdy Safe so it has no room it seems but would like to add some type of organizer for pistols on the door. I got them all laying in those cheap pistol rugs for now stacked on top of eachother. Maybe something that velco's onto the door? Not sure.

It may be best to contact Sturdy. If your door liner is bolted on it gets easier. If it is welded, Sturdy may be able to advise locations to drill. If you attach the panel with screws, it will be better than velcro.
