View Full Version : Missed my gunfight by five minutes...

12-01-18, 16:49
Was walking into Arby's with my son and there was a guy and what appeared to be his girlfriend milling around the door. He as on the phone giving his name, let's say Ben.

Police eventually show up and while I couldn't hear it, my son said that the guy left the girl in the car and went in to get lunch. A guy got out of a car and was going to enter behind him, but instead swept Ben's right side and then grabbed his right hand while trying to steal his wallet. Ben fought him off, and the guy moved away and jumped into a car that was waiting and sped off. The attackers were young black males.

My son only heard a brief part of the report to the responding officer, so there may have been more details, but he didn't hear that the attackers had weapons. Ben seemed pretty certain that they were probing him for a firearm. I guess they don't plan on robbing lefties. Never heard of pocket carry?

Middle of the day, in the 'burbs, nice new Arby's. I yacked with some parents picking up my son, or else I would have been in Ben's 'appointment'. Surprised by the probing for a firearm. If they felt one, what was their plan? break contact? Try to take the gun? I would have thought that they would just sucker punch, grab the wallet and skee-daddle.

Now, Ben was on the small and slim side. I am not, and my son is man sized. They probably wouldn't have done the same thing if we had walked in a few minutes earlier, but that is the closest I've been in time and space to potential incident. The CCW check was the interesting part.

ETA: The guys name was middle eastern actually, I didn't to use his real name or want to imply anything so I used 'Ben', but that is why I mentioned his attackers were YBM. Ben's girlfriend was caucasian, so my first though was some white-trash getting lippy or something. Nope, just your normal, everyday, equal-opportunity mugging.

12-01-18, 21:19
Or as it's known in Ft. Lauderdale..."friday."

The only ones that ever gave me LOTS of concern was about 10-15 years ago there was a crew working Dunkin Donuts locations who would come in shooting with shotguns and kill everyone. Robbery was a secondary motive. Eventually they were caught after a few months and it was gang banger types just seeing how many people they could kill.

I realized I probably wouldn't survive that scenario.

12-01-18, 21:40
Glad you and your son was safe. And glad "Ben" survived too. Getting crazy out there...

12-02-18, 00:23
Thanks for the reminder to watch out for those who might suspect and try to snatch my concealed pistol.

Glad you weren't the victim.

12-02-18, 00:30
Thanks for the reminder to watch out for those who might suspect and try to snatch my concealed pistol.

Glad you weren't the victim.

That was the odd part. Now, maybe Ben misunderstood the probing. Frankly, I wouldn't have thought of him as a usual CCWer. If true, it does show that CCWing is factoring into perps MO. Retention wasn't on my list of opening acts. Sure for OCing and LEOs that is an issue. Still don't know why they didn't just bonk him on the head and take his wallet.

12-02-18, 01:23
That was the odd part. Now, maybe Ben misunderstood the probing. Frankly, I wouldn't have thought of him as a usual CCWer. If true, it does show that CCWing is factoring into perps MO. Retention wasn't on my list of opening acts. Sure for OCing and LEOs that is an issue. Still don't know why they didn't just bonk him on the head and take his wallet.

I OWB with a shirt covering. IWB at 3:00 has taken it's toll over the years and it presses on a nerve that just kills me. Apendix isn't in the cards for me either. I've been doing a lot of searching for an concealable OWB with retention and haven't found what I'm looking for yet.

12-02-18, 01:31
You OK with the earth quake?

12-02-18, 01:56
You OK with the earth quake?

Oh yeah, we're good. There's a thread about it below. Just was doing some research tonight. Seismologists say that the 1964 earthquake that destroyed a bunch of Alaska released 2000 times the energy this one did. I'm trying to wrap my head around that info.

12-02-18, 05:49
Or as it's known in Ft. Lauderdale..."friday."

The only ones that ever gave me LOTS of concern was about 10-15 years ago there was a crew working Dunkin Donuts locations who would come in shooting with shotguns and kill everyone. Robbery was a secondary motive. Eventually they were caught after a few months and it was gang banger types just seeing how many people they could kill.

I realized I probably wouldn't survive that scenario.

You just gotta calmly tell the lead honcho - "You forgot your fortune cookie." :cool:

12-02-18, 07:03
A guy got out of a car and was going to enter behind him, but instead swept Ben's right side and then grabbed his right hand while trying to steal his wallet.

Ben seemed pretty certain that they were probing him for a firearm.

Surprised by the probing for a firearm. If they felt one, what was their plan? break contact? Try to take the gun? I would have thought that they would just sucker punch, grab the wallet and skee-daddle.

One of many reasons why I EDC a fixed blade weak side.

12-02-18, 08:05
Can you spell out what the "probing" was? Did they actually put their hands on the intended victim's side, i.e. quick frisk him? or did they just stare at his side?

12-02-18, 10:22
One of many reasons why I EDC a fixed blade weak side.

When I can't have a gun, I keep an Benchmade 940 with Axis lock that I can pop or flick one handed. I tend to keep it 'weapon side'. Usually, I have a Surefire LX2 clipped support side. Better than nothing, but you are right a fixed blade weakside would be perfect. Actually was looking for a centerline option.

Can you spell out what the "probing" was? Did they actually put their hands on the intended victim's side, i.e. quick frisk him? or did they just stare at his side?

The way that he descibed it to the cop, the guy frisked him, and then grabbed his wrist and started twisting. That was the jist from being able to hear over the Xmas music.

Doc Safari
12-02-18, 11:53
Yeesh. Threads like this make me want to move even further out in the middle of nowhere. Maybe Rodeo, New Mexico? I think there are maybe five people that live there.

12-02-18, 13:12
When my Son was in High School he had a fast food job about six blocks from home. A Coworker, his night manager was giving him a ride home, but they need to find someplace near by that sold Diesel fuel.
Long story short, they find a place a couple of miles away and my Son went in to use the facilities. My Son comes out of the Bathroom and his Coworker is handing over her wallet to a guy with a knife. The guy with the knife has his back to my Son and isn't aware of his six.
My little bundle of joy is six three and about 240, he was a great nose guard and a competitive power lifter.
He said the guys head hit the pump, then the fender and then the little curb for the pump. K.O.
He called and said he was "Staying over at a friends house." that night. I think she was grateful.

12-02-18, 13:13
double tap.
Well at least I hope he tapped it twice...

12-03-18, 01:48
Yeesh. Threads like this make me want to move even further out in the middle of nowhere. Maybe Rodeo, New Mexico? I think there are maybe five people that live there.

I hear Perfection, Nevada and Calumet, Colorado are nice this time of year and have a populace with a known skill set . . .

12-03-18, 05:41
The way that he descibed it to the cop, the guy frisked him, and then grabbed his wrist and started twisting. That was the jist from being able to hear over the Xmas music.


One shouldn't let anybody touches him.