View Full Version : Miami Police SGT Suspended for Tossing Hebrew Prayer Book

12-02-18, 20:33
A video has been released of an officer tossing a "Hebrew Bible, the Tanakh" in the trash and calling it "crap".

The spin? Miami Fraternal Order of Police claims the video is heavily edited, the release was political, and that an office was infested with mold and termites, so religious texts were discarded.

If it was a copy of the Quran, the press would be calling for his head on a pole, not making excuses.



P.S. This is not an anti-police post. I don't care if it was a county clerk, or a department of public works employee that did it. It was wrong and he was stupid enough to do it on video.

26 Inf
12-02-18, 21:20
If it was a copy of the Quran, the press would be calling for his head on a pole, not making excuses.



I didn't see that the press was doing anything other than reporting.

The only positive things posted were from the union official, and, of course they are initially going to defend him, that is what unions do.

12-02-18, 21:22
If that’s the worst thing he has ever done, why is this even news?

I am a person of faith, but I too have had to trash Bibles, etc etc because it was filling up space and had to go.

I am a person of faith, not superstitious.
Anyone who has spent any time handling property has had to see worthy guns get scrapped or resold, cars auctioned, unclaimed personal effects trashed etc etc

This is a huge yawn

12-02-18, 21:52
Its 2018. Anyone doing something like that on video and posting online is an idiot.

That said, there was no victim (hurt feelings dont make you a victim) and this is not news imo.
Too much “news” is just a someone sharing tweets, and Facebook posts.
The Jurassic Park “no one cares” meme would fit nicely here.

12-03-18, 07:15
I don't know what's worse. Him doing this on camera in today's video happy society or the fact that people in police departments are still playing childish games

12-03-18, 14:10
Is Miami burning?

That's the real story. Let's assume a worst case scenario for a moment, that a racist LE sgt. trashes a religious text out of motivations of hatred. Notice there are no Fatwas. US Embassies in Israel aren't being attacked or even protested.

I don't know if he was just "clearing out the clutter" or being "deliberately hateful of a specific religious text", but at the end of the day a book is just a book and at least "some" people get that.

Also ACLU will be at the Miami PD to protest religious texts in government buildings in 4, 3, 2....1.

12-05-18, 12:24
I would submit, this is most likely not the largest or most serious problem Miami PD is facing...

12-05-18, 12:28
I would submit, this is most likely not the largest or most serious problem Miami PD is facing...

Someone in a supervisory position, especially someone who is the top management of their union, should not be doing anything that even remotely resembles Anti-Semitic behavior, I think everyone can agree on that.