View Full Version : Neil Degrasse-Tyson flaming out like a Supernova

12-04-18, 23:30

Keep you big dipper to yourself.

Can't wait until someone does the naked native american body handshake to him in prison.

I admire his passion for science, but he, like that twit Beaker (Bill Nye the "Science Guy"), they get a little to big for their britches and start to stretch the science to fill some moral position. Ends up NDT was even creepier than he seemed in interviews.

12-04-18, 23:41
Its amazing to me that when Judge Kavanaugh was being accused, Neil accepted the testimony of Ford and went to twitter calling for people to believe her. Now Neil is being accused and he wants people to consider facts and evidence before making a conclusion. Hypocrite!

12-04-18, 23:55
Looks like the cosmos has served up some karma to the #me too guy who is now calling for evidence instead of conjecture.

Even worse, for a rock star level astrophysicist his game is lame. It's a shame, I always enjoyed his documentaries and the reboot of Cosmos even if it was heavy on the cartoons and engaged in imagination even more than Sagan.

When you are a celebrity of that level, there should be NO QUESTION about the nature of the invitation to "come back to my place." And if "your move" is "the native american handshake", you really need a new move desperately. Christ whatever happened to "Wanna come back to my place and watch a movie or something?" It's very 101 but it works from time to time and there is little room for interpretation.

I guess at least he didn't roofie anyone like Cosby or Polanski did.

12-04-18, 23:59
Its amazing to me that when Judge Kavanaugh was being accused, Neil accepted the testimony of Ford and went to twitter calling for people to believe her. Now Neil is being accused and he wants people to consider facts and evidence before making a conclusion. Hypocrite!

From the other article I read, Tyson doesn't deny that the acts (outside or rape) went on, just that he was misunderstood about his actions.....

"Tyson alleges that they dated (Amet says they did not), and that they were intimate only a few times, and went their separate ways because “the chemistry wasn’t there.” "

Physicists don't have chemistry!!!

Alex V
12-05-18, 07:32
Tyson is a slightly better credentialed Bill Nye. Just like Nye he pretends to be an authority on things that are far outside his area of expertise.

He was also a giant scumbag during the Kavanaugh hearings.

Having said that, he should be given the benefit of the doubt, otherwise it makes us all hypocrites.

Dr. Bullseye
12-05-18, 13:29
Well, I did not enjoy Tyson at all. Bill Nye is not the science guy, he is an engineer and should NEVER comment on anything having to do with biology since he knows none. This can be said for Tyson also but ever since that puke Bronowski, we have had physicists thinking they were the smartest people in the world and going way out of their fields of knowledge. No? Want more? Three words: Dr. Angela Merkel. Yes, she has a Ph.D. in Physics. How's that working out for you?

12-05-18, 13:35
The Left never ceases to amaze me in their ability to be so widespread fake. They are just one giant ball of fake BS.

12-05-18, 18:33
Instant Karma’s gonna get you...