View Full Version : Solution to Illegal Immigration--but We'll Never Do It

Doc Safari
12-05-18, 10:35

Denmark has taken a bold new step in its efforts to combat the influx of illegal aliens: send them to a remote island! While this may seem like a fantasy to many of us – sending criminals off to a deserted isle and away from the rest of society – the Danes are making this fantasy island a reality. And, of course, not everyone is happy about it.

t’s important to make clear that this is not for illegal immigrants going into the country; only for those who have committed criminal acts or who are rejected asylum-seekers that for some reason cannot be deported.

Martin Henriksen of the anti-immigration Danish People’s Party (DF) said the government’s plan “is a signal to the world that Denmark is not attractive” for migrants.

My take: I would love to see this happen here, but it won't.

As for illegal immigrants who DO get into the country but don't commit any crimes (other than sneaking in), the solution is to punish people that hire them so severely that they don't dare do it. The illegals will self-deport pronto.

26 Inf
12-05-18, 11:23
Don't think that would work with the millions of illegal aliens in the United States:

So, what would life on Lindholm Island be like for the migrants?

“Rejected asylum seekers who cannot be deported are given accommodations - where they cannot prepare their own meals - food, and an allowance of about $1.20 per day, which is withheld if they fail to cooperate with the authorities.”

The 17-acre island is about two miles from the nearest shore in an inlet of the Baltic Sea. The inhabitants will not be stranded there like the hapless cast from Gilligan’s Island, but they will be required to report to the center daily or face imprisonment. A ferry service will be available to take them to and from the island, but the service will be infrequent.

“We’re going to minimize the number of ferry departures as much as at all possible,” Henriksen said. “We’re going to make it as cumbersome and expensive as possible.”

Finance Minister Kristian Jensen said while they are not actually prisoners and the island is not a prison, placement there will help control the criminal alien population.

12-05-18, 11:42
Devils Island :)

always thought that was a good idea

12-05-18, 11:56

12-05-18, 12:17
We stand a very good chance of loosing the ability to determine what is best for our country and our progeny because the Demoncrats quest
for power has eroded common sense.
We are apparently not willing to destroy those who would destroy us.

12-05-18, 13:09
they are at least smart enough to see that masses of immigrants are a detriment to society.

We see it too, but those of us who are not duped by the MSM lies are not willing to get up off our asses and do something bout it, yet. I've got to go to work, enjoy time with my wife and child, take care of my animals, pursue my hobbies and interests. I don't have time to go fight with the tards who are trying to take over our country. Further, I make damn good money for a stupid fun and easy job, and I'm not willing to die or go to prison over what is currently happening. I see it. I've seen it coming for decades, but I don't see how to stop it. Its wrong, its un-American, its illegal, its against the Constitution and BoR, and they will get away with it for as long as we let them.

We kicked their asses in WWI, and they re-grouped, came back and got their asses handed to them royally in WWII. Seemed like they were coming back again in the 80s', but from my POV, Reagan and his cohorts put that one down without a war. Here they are again, but with each loss they seem to refine their craft. They won't win a war with bullets and they know it, so this time they are coming at us from within and turning us all against each other. Its a war of words and emotions. Red vs. Blue. Trump vs. Obama. This is all smokescreen BS. We all know that the real war is the globalists/commies/socialists (Call them whatever you want...) against the American people. We all know the the current Repubs are in on it too, and have been since at least the Bush 41 years, if not sooner. These illegal immigrants are just one more tool in their new bag of tricks to defeat us, where they have continually failed in the past. Marx and Alinsky told us exactly what they were going to do, and they are doing it. We are letting them. Well, at least some of us are. They've used their giant propaganda machine to confuse and infuriate us, to turn us against our own countrymen, and they've done it very successfully.

They will fail again. I don't know when or how, but they won't win. I don't agree with you that we've already lost. The fight hasn't been had yet. They are still poking the slumbering giant, and our lazy asses are still too comfortable to wake up and smash them to smithereens again. They are playing the long game this time, and we are letting them. At some point, we simply won't let them anymore. We are Americans. We are rebellious by nature. They just haven't made things bad enough yet for us to be willing to fight. We all have good lives. Clean air, water, food, electricity. Jobs, healthy families, nice homes, etc... We all recognize what is going on, but life is still good. At some point, it won't be. Enough people will realize what's been going on and we will unite and rise up, as we always have.

12-05-18, 13:19

Dr. Bullseye
12-05-18, 13:21
San Clemente Island.

12-05-18, 16:14

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12-05-18, 16:42
Wall AND catapults! :cool:

12-05-18, 17:51
We see it too, but those of us who are not duped by the MSM lies are not willing to get up off our asses and do something bout it, yet. I've got to go to work, enjoy time with my wife and child, take care of my animals, pursue my hobbies and interests. I don't have time to go fight with the tards who are trying to take over our country. Further, I make damn good money for a stupid fun and easy job, and I'm not willing to die or go to prison over what is currently happening. I see it. I've seen it coming for decades, but I don't see how to stop it. Its wrong, its un-American, its illegal, its against the Constitution and BoR, and they will get away with it for as long as we let them.

We kicked their asses in WWI, and they re-grouped, came back and got their asses handed to them royally in WWII. Seemed like they were coming back again in the 80s', but from my POV, Reagan and his cohorts put that one down without a war. Here they are again, but with each loss they seem to refine their craft. They won't win a war with bullets and they know it, so this time they are coming at us from within and turning us all against each other. Its a war of words and emotions. Red vs. Blue. Trump vs. Obama. This is all smokescreen BS. We all know that the real war is the globalists/commies/socialists (Call them whatever you want...) against the American people. We all know the the current Repubs are in on it too, and have been since at least the Bush 41 years, if not sooner. These illegal immigrants are just one more tool in their new bag of tricks to defeat us, where they have continually failed in the past. Marx and Alinsky told us exactly what they were going to do, and they are doing it. We are letting them. Well, at least some of us are. They've used their giant propaganda machine to confuse and infuriate us, to turn us against our own countrymen, and they've done it very successfully.

They will fail again. I don't know when or how, but they won't win. I don't agree with you that we've already lost. The fight hasn't been had yet. They are still poking the slumbering giant, and our lazy asses are still too comfortable to wake up and smash them to smithereens again. They are playing the long game this time, and we are letting them. At some point, we simply won't let them anymore. We are Americans. We are rebellious by nature. They just haven't made things bad enough yet for us to be willing to fight. We all have good lives. Clean air, water, food, electricity. Jobs, healthy families, nice homes, etc... We all recognize what is going on, but life is still good. At some point, it won't be. Enough people will realize what's been going on and we will unite and rise up, as we always have.

Okay, I've heard that for about the last time. The "divide" amongst Americans is REAL, not imagined and not manufactured by some faceless cabal. Half this country has their heads up their asses. It isn't imagined, it is a fact. There will be no great kumbaya moment when we all realize we are really on the same page and were simply duped by some unscrupulous globalist society.....because we aren't "really" on the same page. In fact, far from it.

12-05-18, 18:17
End the welfare state and see how long they stay. In the 18/19th centuries, a lot of immigrants left due to the harsh nature of making a living in America.

12-05-18, 18:24
I like my idea of American Anschluss better where we take over Mexico, make it a commonwealth, fix the water, inoculate them, tax them, and force them to speak English.

Tacos and Latin Chicks, yo. Make it like California but actually cool. Incentivize people to move there and give huge tax breaks for building business and families.

12-05-18, 18:42
I like my idea of American Anschluss better where we take over Mexico, make it a commonwealth, fix the water, inoculate them, tax them, and force them to speak English.

Tacos and Latin Chicks, yo. Make it like California but actually cool. Incentivize people to move there and give huge tax breaks for building business and families.

I'd rather assimilate Canada, 'cause they're more like us (language and culture). Too damn cold though! If we could have taken just a teensy strip of Mexico, from the coast of Texas down to Belize. It would look like that strip of land Thailand shares with Burma (oops, Myanmar) all the way down to Malaysia.

12-05-18, 18:44
I like my idea of American Anschluss better where we take over Mexico, make it a commonwealth, fix the water, inoculate them, tax them, and force them to speak English.

Tacos and Latin Chicks, yo. Make it like California but actually cool. Incentivize people to move there and give huge tax breaks for building business and families.

I've said this vary thing.

12-05-18, 18:55
Too expensive and too consuming for us to do the island thing. Then we have to feed them, house them, provide medical care, make sure Juan doesn't knife Jorge over Juanita etc..... Best to just keep them from coming in illegally.

12-05-18, 18:57
I like my idea of American Anschluss better where we take over Mexico, make it a commonwealth, fix the water, inoculate them, tax them, and force them to speak English.

Tacos and Latin Chicks, yo. Make it like California but actually cool. Incentivize people to move there and give huge tax breaks for building business and families.

We had the opportunity in 1848 and blew it. We could have great beaches, lots of oil, great food and Latina chicks.

12-05-18, 20:55
Never mind...

12-05-18, 21:25
Okay, I've heard that for about the last time. The "divide" amongst Americans is REAL, not imagined and not manufactured by some faceless cabal. Half this country has their heads up their asses. It isn't imagined, it is a fact. There will be no great kumbaya moment when we all realize we are really on the same page and were simply duped by some unscrupulous globalist society.....because we aren't "really" on the same page. In fact, far from it.

I didn't say it wasn't real. I said they did it and they have been very successful. Nearly half of America is intentionally and knowingly voting for socialists. Yes, we have a major problem, but more and more people are figuring it out. Look at who is president. I think the phony dog and pony show with Kavenaugh woke a lot of people up.

My point is that it ain't over, and if they succeed with their current agenda, the rest of us will revolt. Again.

12-05-18, 21:48
Dream on.

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12-06-18, 01:16
wonder what Rome folks were saying when things were going downhill ?
wonder about Spain when it controlled so much ?
wonder what England was saying when the sun never set then poof ! and look at them now if anything this is what will happen to us sadly

12-06-18, 06:37
wonder what Rome folks were saying when things were going downhill ?
wonder about Spain when it controlled so much ?
wonder what England was saying when the sun never set then poof ! and look at them now if anything this is what will happen to us sadly

Well I know what they weren't saying; "diversity is our strength", "gender is a social construct", "cattle farts are melting the ice caps", et al.

Those empires all lasted longer than we ever will.

12-06-18, 09:27
Well I know what they weren't saying; "diversity is our strength", "gender is a social construct", "cattle farts are melting the ice caps", et al.

Exactly! Know how to start a revolution today? Shutdown FB, disable I-phones, board up all the Starbucks and cancel all EBT cards.

12-06-18, 11:59
Well I know what they weren't saying; "diversity is our strength", "gender is a social construct", "cattle farts are melting the ice caps", et al.

Those empires all lasted longer than we ever will.

reckon NOPE

BUT Rome was a freaking mess with bizarre stuff for sure

yeah the PC idiocy and the whole left movement is causing the downfall of humanity and freedom for sure