View Full Version : Florida takes hit to 2A

12-11-18, 13:19
Meet your new Commissioner of Agriculture.

Wait, what? What's that got to do with the 2A?

Well the Agriculture Dept. is a massive regulation agency. Everything from oranges to CCW permits. Gas prices, schools ( Parkland ring a bell? ), you name it. Business licenses to consumer complaints. For instance if Florida decided to start Universal Background Checks it would go though that office.

But that's not the fun part.....

Watch this and use your imagination....


You as a citizen won't really get a vote because they will tie it up with something else that will pass.... like say... marijuana legalization, some lower tax, whatever..

Now meet your new commissioner.... She had a just under $200K war chest against a just under $1M war chest. But she's from one of those deep blue pockets they win elections with.

Fried, a gun owner herself, emphasizes that her stance is nonpartisan.

“For the past eight years the NRA has run Florida’s Department of Agriculture,” she writes. “That ends on Nov. 6.” Right, got it... non partisan gun owner.
https://twitter.com/nikkifried/status/1046729671071621120/video/1 --- her comment to the NRA in video.

12-11-18, 13:27
Sounds like it's time for the Governor and state legislature, all run by Republicans, to restructure the government a bit and take away the management of CCW licenses from the Dept. of Agriculture.

12-11-18, 13:52
She's kind of attractive in a "Basic Instinct" sort of way, though.

12-11-18, 14:14
So ask yourself - is voting going to fix this?

Do you think real votes even count in Florida? Do they "count" when the opposition just manufactures however many fake votes they need to "win"?

12-11-18, 14:16
Sounds like it's time for the Governor and state legislature, all run by Republicans, to restructure the government a bit and take away the management of CCW licenses from the Dept. of Agriculture.

It sure is..... !!! and that very thing was done in Wisconsin I believe.. Not so much CCW but after the Dems won the Gov. the Repubs rewrote the powers so the newly elected Dem could not have so much power. They need to get right on the ball.

12-11-18, 14:18
So ask yourself - is voting going to fix this?

Do you think real votes even count in Florida? Do they "count" when the opposition just manufactures however many fake votes they need to "win"?

Good question --- https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/thousands-of-mailed-ballots-in-florida-were-not-counted/ar-BBQMed9?OCID=ansmsnnews11

12-11-18, 17:46
Legal weed, which means everyone who gets a prescription (which means pretty much anyone who wants one) will be smoking it everywhere and you will choke on it and potential CWP shenanigans means I got out of there just in time.

My redneck, hillbilly neighbors used to smoke that crap all the time on the front porch with three kids running around and I always seemed to be downwind. Got to the point I realized it was just another reason to sell my house and leave.

When those bucket head kids start doing drugs in the next 5-10 years it will be even worse.

12-12-18, 08:20
Legal weed, which means everyone who gets a prescription (which means pretty much anyone who wants one) will be smoking it everywhere and you will choke on it and potential CWP shenanigans means I got out of there just in time.

My redneck, hillbilly neighbors used to smoke that crap all the time on the front porch with three kids running around and I always seemed to be downwind. Got to the point I realized it was just another reason to sell my house and leave.

When those bucket head kids start doing drugs in the next 5-10 years it will be even worse.

I don't think it will be a problem. Those neighbors you had, be it weed, alcohol, meth, would be like that no matter what. The more "responsible' users would be just like the public who goes out to the bars and clubs and drinks. Most are responsible and will have it under control. The ones who don't, never did anyway and will abuse whatever they get their hands on. I don't use weed and never have, but I don't see it changing anything much. Alcoholics and drunks are a lot worse crowd.

12-12-18, 10:03
That's not the point. The point is that now this new Dem control can bundle UBC with Recreational pot and other such 'will pass' amendments.

71% !!! are pro pot and that was just for special medical situations. They still want recreational use and grow your own. so the Dems will bundle RecPot with UBC (registration) and maybe one or two other amendments that they know might have 70-85% approval ratings. Boom... done deal. It doesn't matter how the society will behave on pot. It matters that 2A laws will be passed by specially crafted bundling of amendments that suit the Left's agenda. Effectively eliminating any possibility to fail.

Maybe... the Repubs. in Legislature can keep any 2A amendments out of a bundle such as that but who knows. This is how the Left captures States and once they get FL it's basically game over.

Florida's medical marijuana constitutional amendment passed by a landslide with 71 percent of voters in favor. Amendment 2 makes full-strength marijuana legal and broadens the definition of "debilitating medical condition" to include cancer, epilepsy, glaucoma, HIV, AIDS, Crohn's disease, PTSD, Parkinson's disease, ALS, multiple sclerosis, or a "debilitating medical condition ... for which a physician believes that the medical use of marijuana would likely outweigh the potential health risks for a patient." That last part of the Amendment is currently being hotly debated by Florida health officials and advocates. The state Department of Health has proposed allowing the Florida Board of Medicine to decide what conditions could qualify a patient for medical cannabis. Advocates argue individual doctors can decide if marijuana will help their patient or not.

12-12-18, 10:28
So, why didn't we lump pot with something cool and sexy. Don't get me wrong, I hate the players and the game, but if that is the game- be a playa.

12-12-18, 15:15
I don't think it will be a problem. Those neighbors you had, be it weed, alcohol, meth, would be like that no matter what. The more "responsible' users would be just like the public who goes out to the bars and clubs and drinks. Most are responsible and will have it under control. The ones who don't, never did anyway and will abuse whatever they get their hands on. I don't use weed and never have, but I don't see it changing anything much. Alcoholics and drunks are a lot worse crowd.

Not in Florida. Guaranteed 90% of the vape tards will now be blazing in public instead.

12-12-18, 15:19
So, why didn't we lump pot with something cool and sexy. Don't get me wrong, I hate the players and the game, but if that is the game- be a playa.

Under Bush (43) we had EVERYTHING. The house, senate and Presidency...and what did we do with that level of government control? What was the big issue? Gay marriage. Two terms even, and the GOP accomplished NOTHING meaningful.

12-12-18, 19:40
States need to do away with ballot initiatives.

12-12-18, 20:42
Under Bush (43) we had EVERYTHING. The house, senate and Presidency...and what did we do with that level of government control? What was the big issue? Gay marriage. Two terms even, and the GOP accomplished NOTHING meaningful.

They gave us Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act, 2005 ban on imported self loading rifle barrels/receivers, and other similar things.

They got rather busy unfortunately.

12-13-18, 05:37
States need to do away with ballot initiatives.

It’s built into the Florida Constitution, currently there is a proposed amendment to change these ballot initiatives from 60% threshold to 2/3s. I’ve been completely in favor of doing away with these, sadly now that the gun grabbers have learned about this, they are going to be relentless trying to ram this BS down our throats.

In regards to the current amendments being passed around for signatures, it’s possible the Florida Supreme Court throws them out completely. The chance of that happening is much greater with Ron DeSantis replacing 3 out of the 4 activist judges currently on the court due to mandatory retirement on his first day in office (7 total justices), which SHOULD yield a 6-1 majority of judicial originalists vs. activists in Florida (it was previously 4-3 advantage for the activists). Because of the current Constitutional protections of RKBA in Florida, the justices can deal this ballot gun grabbing a death blow, but we will not know if that happens for 2 years.

01-21-19, 19:07
The true threat this nation has is the politicians, unionized government employees and military. These is the enemy that is destroying this republic . Russia and China could only dream of the destruction being done.