View Full Version : Nunchuck ban unconstitutional

12-18-18, 14:56
Nice to see a correct application of the 2nd Ammendment, even if it's not gun rights.

"A federal court has ruled that a New York state ban on possessing nunchucks is unconstitutional."

12-18-18, 14:59
No way NY will let this go.

See how this holds up.

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12-18-18, 15:18
It's ironic that in 1974 NY banned a weapon that was improvised from a horse bridle over 100 years ago when invading Satsuma forces occupied Okinawa and banned conventional weapons.


Most "karate weapons" are improvised or developed from agricultural tools including boat oars (eku) and sickles (kama).

Of course the Bruce Lee hysteria that existed in 1974 which included "police weapon experts" testifying that the "karate sticks" could turn an ordinary person into a lethal swirling death machine capable of delivering strikes with 10,000 lbs. of force in half a second were truly something that had to be seen to believe.

12-18-18, 16:29
Of course the Bruce Lee hysteria that existed in 1974 which included "police weapon experts" testifying that the "karate sticks" could turn an ordinary person into a lethal swirling death machine capable of delivering strikes with 10,000 lbs. of force in half a second were truly something that had to be seen to believe.

Sounds like the same physics was taught in the PR24 training I received years ago.

12-18-18, 17:12
I’d probably poke my eye out or give myself a concussion with those damned things.

12-18-18, 19:22
Or de-nut yourself

12-18-18, 19:30
20 year old me thinks this is frikkin awesome!
38 year old me is wondering if unexplained back-of-head and testicle self-injuries will spike in the ER.
(38 year old me also thinks it’s pretty awesome)

12-18-18, 21:56
I wonder if this will somehow alter the AZ anti nunchaku laws.

12-18-18, 22:00
Sounds like the same physics was taught in the PR24 training I received years ago.

Yep, same silliness. Kept waiting for someone with an actual knowledge of physics to explain that it is impossible for a hinged stick do deliver the same striking force as a stick of equal strength and weight. Same holds true for a stick with an offset handle.

Both had potential as a useful compliance tool (when used correctly), but sadly they were probably both too complex as a law enforcement tool and required too much training and practice to employ as intended, so lots of guys under pressure just resorted to baseball bat technique and once their was video of a half dozen cops using PR24s to club Rodney King that was pretty much the end of the PR24, nunchaku and every other exotic compliance tool.

12-18-18, 22:01
I wonder if this will somehow alter the AZ anti nunchaku laws.

Will open the door for a challenge, but that's about it.

12-18-18, 22:07
All the murders by nunchucks justify a ban.

Yep, all them drive by nunchuckings...

12-18-18, 22:32
Of course the Bruce Lee hysteria that existed in 1974 which included "police weapon experts" testifying that the "karate sticks" could turn an ordinary person into a lethal swirling death machine capable of delivering strikes with 10,000 lbs. of force in half a second were truly something that had to be seen to believe.

Joe Friday knew how to deal with nunchucks... :cool:


12-18-18, 22:37
Never bring numb chucks to a gun fight! [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

12-18-18, 22:45
All the murders by nunchucks justify a ban.

Think of the children!

Dr. Bullseye
12-18-18, 23:51
Doesn't Nanchuck mean Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Shumer?

Maybe New York will ban them.

12-19-18, 00:25
Or de-nut yourself

Nunchucks cause numbnuts.

12-19-18, 00:45
All the murders by nunchucks justify a ban.

Yep, all them drive by nunchuckings...

Thankfully I've stacked them deep.



12-19-18, 05:28
Joe Friday knew how to deal with nunchucks... :cool:



And on that fateful night, young Barak swore an oath to move past his life of petty crime and become the president of his adopted country. After succeeding, he avenged the roundhouse kick delivered to him by a Republican and no man cold refuse to surrender his money or cigarettes.

Doc Safari
12-19-18, 09:27
I never understood how you're supposed to fight with nunchucks.

The larger picture is, of course, that the Second Amendment is about more than just firearms. Here in New Mexico you can own as many machine guns as you want, but get caught with a switchblade or butterfly knife and you're going DOWN. I think that applies to brass knuckles, too, although I've seen knives with brass knuckle grips at gun shows, so I'm not sure about that one.

The point is that 2A should apply to any weapon.

12-19-18, 14:53
I never understood how you're supposed to fight with nunchucks.

It's a flexible impact weapon that requires a higher degree of skill than an ordinary impact weapon.


It has it's advantages in being compact concealable. It has some trapping applications and a few unique striking applications. Other than that it is underestimated by some and dramatic presentations of the weapon cause others to over estimate the weapons potential.

It's a lot like fixed blade knives compared to switchblades and balisongs. Most knife fighters understand a simple fixed bowie style knife is faster on the draw and usually a more practical fighting knife. But the dramatic presentation of switchblades and balis cause some people to assume they are somehow a more lethal bladed weapon and they tend to believe that those who employ them are somehow more dangerous than a person with a fixed blade knife.

12-19-18, 22:14
Chen said in her ruling that the court couldn't just take that part out of the existing law. She ruled that the state law as it pertained to possessing the weapon was in violation of the Second Amendment.

She also said that the law as it applied to the manufacturing, transporting or disposing of nunchucks was unconstitutional.

Maloney, professor at the State University of New York’s Maritime College, said in an email to the AP that his motivation for the case was based on outrage over the ban.

“How could a state simply ban any and all possession of a weapon that had a long and proud history as a martial-arts weapon, with recreational, therapeutic and self-defense utility,” he said.

So are we done with gun and related accessory bans now? :rolleyes: