View Full Version : Trump re-election chances?

12-19-18, 18:27
It seems like overnight Trump’s re-election chances have dropped precipitously. Between the bumpstock BS, the other gun grabber crap about restraining orders and caving in on the wall (his primary issue) with no leverage left. Does anyone think Trump stands a chance at re-election?... and maybe an even more important question, does anyone still want him re-elected?

I’ll be honest, he’s had some positives, my income taxes were lowered rather substantially and we havetwo new originalist SCOTUS members (along with other federal judges) in our favor, but is it enough to continue supporting him? I struggle with that question, I think I will support him in re-election, after all I did begrudgingly vote for GWB after he asked congress to renew the AWB (something that irked me a lot and I was living in NY with virtually no RKBA right at the time), I voted for McCain (solid on gun rights, anything else conservative, not so much) and I voted for Mitt Romney who actually signed MA’s AWB. I believe general elections are about the better of 2 choices or as some like to refer to it, the lesser of 2 evils. In the end, I think RKBA will be cominf to a head in SCOTUS in the near future and I think Trump has (maybe accidentally) stacked the deck more in our favor than it was previously. So, I am genuinely curious where everyone is today with their support or lack of support for our current POTUS?

Mods, anyway to make this a poll? It could be “Will you vote for Trump in 2020” with yes, no or unsure.

12-19-18, 18:31
He's gotta finish this term before he can get re-elected...

12-19-18, 18:35
I'll vote against him in the primary again just like I did in 2016.

Question...did anybody really believe there was gonna be a border wall? Did anyone really believe he'd lock Hillary up? I didn't figure he'd pass more gun control than Obama, so I was wrong about him there.

12-19-18, 18:37
Been off the Trump Train the day I realized anime was not going to be made real, I wasn’t getting a free SR-25 and harem in the mail, and that his shit is weak.

12-19-18, 18:54
A out the same as him beating HRC in the election. 0% was the consensus if I remember correctly, even here.

26 Inf
12-19-18, 19:03
I think that if President Trump chooses to run again, I'll probably end up voting for him in the primary.

According to the article linked below, historically incumbent Presidents who chose to seek another term have never been beaten for the nomination by a challenger. LBJ skates on this distinction because he made his 'if nominated, I will not serve' speech, and President Truman quit campaigning after loosing the New Hampshire Primary.

In recent history, most sitting Presidents facing an opponent in the primary have gone on to lose the general election:


Cliff's Notes: If the Republican Party is so fractured that their is an opposing Republican vying for the nomination against President Trump, history tells us that the Republicans will have given the election to the Democrats.

12-19-18, 19:10
I will just say, I will not vote for any dam Democrat. To me the only thing worst than a spineless Republican is a lying pathetic liberal Democrat.

12-19-18, 19:18
I will just say, I will not vote for any dam Democrat. To me the only thing worst than a spineless Republican is a lying pathetic liberal Democrat.

Well said sir!

12-19-18, 20:26
Dropping fast, indeed. Not many voters are going to care about the bump stock BS, but wimping out on the budget and immigration, and generally getting very little done, is going to weigh heavily.

Not to mention that the Dems seem to have "won" 10-20 seats in the House this year by outright and brazen voting fraud, and are likely to repeat and amplify in 2020 based on that success. Don't be surprised if things look like Venezuela in terms of "democracy" come 2020.

12-19-18, 20:36
Trump re-election chances?

Versus whatever turnip the democraps belch up?

40 state landslide, minimum.

12-19-18, 20:50
I never liked him and begrudgingly voted for him to prevent HRC from winning. F@&! Trump. He’s a NY Democrat and overall dispicable person. I hope there is someone who represents my values to vote for in 2020.

I’d take a solid libertarian any day.

12-19-18, 20:54
I never liked him and begrudgingly voted for him to prevent HRC from winning. F@&! Trump. He’s a NY Democrat and overall dispicable person. I hope there is someone who represents my values to vote for in 2020.

I’d take a solid libertarian any day.

Yeah, but you won't get one.

As to 2020, the likelihood of anyone other than Trump beating whomever the Democrats put up is vanishingly small.

12-19-18, 20:57
It sucks, but you’re right.

12-19-18, 21:22
Today, I spoke to two dozen people that came in my store that I know were Trump supporters. Not one of them even knew about the bump stock ban, and most really didn't care. They also weren't so sure the wall isn't going to be built. To top it off, I did two firearms transfers for people I didn't know their politics, and neither had heard of the bumpstock ban either.

That's a really small sample, but I really wonder if folks besides us gun people are even paying attention.

12-19-18, 21:35
If Trump doesn't win in 2020 does that mean we finally get to burn shit down?

Also are we having this conversation already? Really? Still a couple years left to go to make a final decision before folks go starting to get all weak at the knees again here...
I'm not one of those people that thinks the dude is gonna "save America" or whatever, but damn, I love how quick the right is to embrace defeatism.

12-19-18, 21:37
Trump VS. Michelle Obama .... who would you vote for?

12-19-18, 21:42
I'll vote against him in the primary again just like I did in 2016.

Question...did anybody really believe there was gonna be a border wall? Did anyone really believe he'd lock Hillary up? I didn't figure he'd pass more gun control than Obama, so I was wrong about him there.Nope, nope, and nope! And I also never for a second thought that the NFA would be dissolved or that reciprocity would happen. These things are a little more complicated than just wishing so makes it so.

What I was hoping for is that it would be quite for 4 years in regards to the 2A. Things would calm down, people would stop making mini panics at every laud fart. Anything more would be icing on the cake

12-19-18, 22:21
I never liked him and begrudgingly voted for him to prevent HRC from winning. F@&! Trump. He’s a NY Democrat and overall dispicable person. I hope there is someone who represents my values to vote for in 2020.

I’d take a solid libertarian any day.
Perhaps you have forgotten that during the Vietnam War, soldiers returning home were met by operatives of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS, aka Weather Underground) and spiting on these soldiers. Aligned with the SDS were the Libertarians, and they were also spiting on US troops returning from Vietnam.

I am surprised so many never have studied the early history of the Libertarian movement. Now they seem to be moving back in a left leaning direction, perhaps back to their roots.

12-19-18, 22:52
Today, I spoke to two dozen people that came in my store that I know were Trump supporters. Not one of them even knew about the bump stock ban, and most really didn't care. They also weren't so sure the wall isn't going to be built. To top it off, I did two firearms transfers for people I didn't know their politics, and neither had heard of the bumpstock ban either.

That's a really small sample, but I really wonder if folks besides us gun people are even paying attention.

I noticed this on Facebook today across several military centered pages. Most of the people don't care about a bump stock ban.

I'd be willing to bet the bump stock ban probably gained as much if not more non shooter fence sitter votes than it lost very pro 2A votes.

The Dumb Gun Collector
12-19-18, 23:20
I am sure his drones will vote for this Democrat as long as he keeps telling them he hates Mexicans. Our only hope is he goes to jail soon so we can rebuild before he signs an assault weapons ban and all his supporters run to this page to tell us how it is 4d chess.

12-20-18, 00:03
Perhaps you have forgotten that during the Vietnam War, soldiers returning home were met by operatives of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS, aka Weather Underground) and spiting on these soldiers. Aligned with the SDS were the Libertarians, and they were also spiting on US troops returning from Vietnam.

I am surprised so many never have studied the early history of the Libertarian movement. Now they seem to be moving back in a left leaning direction, perhaps back to their roots.

If spitting on US soldiers returning from Vietnam is the worst that Libertarians have ever done, then they're still in a better moral position than the GOP or the Democrats who sent those soldiers to fight and die to prove the politicians weren't soft on communism - and then failed to support the veterans of that conflict when they came home.

12-20-18, 01:44
Depends on his opponents. I hope for a small primary so we can avoid the Cluster F*** from last time. Failing that if it is Clinton round 3 then he wins again. Someone like Beto and his chances are much much lower.

12-20-18, 03:54
Let me ask you one thing... if you were a sitting President who'd decided to throw the next election but didn't have the balls to do the right thing and resign, what would you do differently than what Trump's doing?

I'm not advancing that as a particular theory, mind you, just throwing the question out on the table, because pissing off all the people you depend on to stay in your current position is a great way to find yourself alone on the street real fast. And how many core constituencies has this guy and/or the feckless, backstabbing unfit-to-feed-starving-worms VERMIN infesting Capitol Hill rammed the knives hilt-deep into since January 20, 2017 now?

12-20-18, 05:06
I'm not convinced he has any interest in running again.

We would have lost a hell of a lot more than bump stocks if the C-hag was president. Resistance would have folded once Congressmen and Senators started finding the severed heads of fellow Republican in their beds and their aids and chauffers were found dead in the streets after being killed in robberies where nothing was taken...

12-20-18, 06:14
I'm surprised that anyone would be surprised at the fact that the whole bump-stock thing won't have any overall effect on a presidential election.


12-20-18, 06:17
Depends on his opponents. I hope for a small primary so we can avoid the Cluster F*** from last time. Failing that if it is Clinton round 3 then he wins again. Someone like Beto and his chances are much much lower.

My hope is that the democrats will continue to shoot themselves in the feet. My fear is that with control of all House committees, they now have enough power to do real damage to a conservative agenda, and they would do that by hamstringing its de facto standard bearer. They're hope (if they can't get him indicted) is that he and his uncontrolled mouth/temper will get frustrated and quit.


Doc Safari
12-20-18, 06:28
A out the same as him beating HRC in the election. 0% was the consensus if I remember correctly, even here.

Exactly. Don't judge his re-election chances until you see who he's running against next time.


12-20-18, 07:40
The bump stock ban is not the only thing that he's lost supporters on. It won't be the thing that gets him defeated, but it could one of the death by a thousand cuts that do. I'd like to think his anti gun ways will stop here, but if you go back and read his tweets post Sandy Hook tweets...

12-20-18, 08:19
Exactly. Don't judge his re-election chances until you see who he's running against next time.


Biden-Beto looks like what is coming, at least from my view.

12-20-18, 09:09
Trump VS. Michelle Obama .... who would you vote for?

that would be a johnson measuring contest of epic proportions...

I think Michelle's is bigger though...

12-20-18, 10:53
IF the economy holds strong I’d say he has a 40/60 chance of reelection. If it slows or tanks I put it at 20/80.

The juggernaut is against him- the media, Hollywood, celebrities, rich assholes; all the folks that shouldn’t really matter but the general public is a bunch of sheep that are asleep so they listen to those morons.

He has done some stupid shit to piss off enough of the folks that got him elected to make a negative impact.

I’ll hold my nose and vote for whomever isn’t the D candidate. It’s getting tiring to do so, like banging my head against the wall while both sides of the isle bend me over and take turns going deeper and deeper each go around...

12-20-18, 10:57
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they try Oprah/Obama.

One "celebrity" with a very large following paired with a quasi-celebrity with "experience".

They'd be able to accuse anyone who doesn't support the idea of being what-ever the favorite "-ism" of the moment is. Could also see the signs as reading "O & O" as an inside joke/reference to the phrase being used in the media for "Owned & Operated".

Doc Safari
12-20-18, 10:57
I think they're going to run Beato.

26 Inf
12-20-18, 11:01
that would be a johnson measuring contest of epic proportions...

I think Michelle's is bigger though...

We could ask Stormy Daniels...:p

26 Inf
12-20-18, 11:14
It could be that President Trump decides that he is a one and done President around the end of 2019. By that time he will know for certain if any of his major goals have come to fruition, or have a chance of doing so.

Look at it from his point of view, he will be 76 years old, the job is physically demanding, and it is probably (I would hope) interfering with running his business and golfing. He could ride off into the sunrise (not the sunset given his personality) and watch and comment as his successor takes on the crushing job of being President.

So if he decides not to try for a second term: 1) would he throw his support behind the Republican Party and it's nominee? 2) who is waiting in the wings that could energize across the Republican Party, and grab enough other votes to win?

Doc Safari
12-20-18, 11:17
For you 4D Chess aficionados, here's a carrot:


As the chorus of discontent echoed on Twitter and Fox News on Wednesday and Thursday, Trump seemed to be mounting a defense. He tweeted angrily at Democrats, declaring “I will not sign any of their legislation, including infrastructure, unless it has perfect Border Security.” He also argued that border security is “tight” due to military and law enforcement efforts.

12-20-18, 15:09
IF the economy holds strong I’d say he has a 40/60 chance of reelection. If it slows or tanks I put it at 20/80.

The juggernaut is against him- the media, Hollywood, celebrities, rich assholes; all the folks that shouldn’t really matter but the general public is a bunch of sheep that are asleep so they listen to those morons.

He has done some stupid shit to piss off enough of the folks that got him elected to make a negative impact.

I’ll hold my nose and vote for whomever isn’t the D candidate. It’s getting tiring to do so, like banging my head against the wall while both sides of the isle bend me over and take turns going deeper and deeper each go around...

The juggernaut was against him in 2016 and he still won.

He did a ton of stupid shit before the election and he still won.

If the economy keeps chugging along he will win reelection.

12-20-18, 17:19
Mattis is bailing. He says Trump deserves someone whose world view aligns more closely with that of our current president. That's a very artfully worded resignation statement.


12-20-18, 17:52
Perhaps you have forgotten that during the Vietnam War, soldiers returning home were met by operatives of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS, aka Weather Underground) and spiting on these soldiers. Aligned with the SDS were the Libertarians, and they were also spiting on US troops returning from Vietnam.

I am surprised so many never have studied the early history of the Libertarian movement. Now they seem to be moving back in a left leaning direction, perhaps back to their roots.

“Left leaning” is a very disingenuous way to look at it. I would argue that the Republican Party has shifted significantly more to the left in terms of their belief in government’s ability to solve problems. The issue du jour may make libertarians seem to the left or seem to the right depending on what you’re talking about and to whom you’re talking.

Gun control? I believe that you should be able to buy every military grade small arm you could want...and to some degree I believe you should be able to buy artillery too.

Taxes? **** taxes. Excise taxes only, and in extremely limited scope.

Regulations? You can’t rob me, harm me, or commit fraud. Air and water quality could easily be handled through property rights and the courts.

Punishing the American consumer or manufacturer because some other country has more or fewer taxes is stupid and the government pretending that they can control the market. It’s on par with Kim Jung Il pretending that he was the “master of industry” or whatever stupid title he took on.

But I believe you should be legally allowed to poison yourself with whatever drug you want and die in a ditch, and while I can voluntarily choose to help you and morally really should, there should be no man with a gun preventing you.

I’m also not only pro choice but actively pro abortion. I have no desire to pay for the children that would most certainly need government services and there is a very persuasive connection to plummeting crime rates.

I also believe in free trade and the market’s ability to solve complex problems in a way that is significantly better than some government enforcement. I believe in the free trade of labor. If some Mexican is willing to do the job you do for half the price? Good. I hope you lose your job. Put your effort and your labor towards something that makes sense. Obviously I don’t mean you specifically but in general. It’s why propping up coal is a folly from the republicans and as equally stupid and of communist/socialist ideals as anything the democrats have offered for decades.

This idea that the modern Republican Party represents anything remotely about small government or of free markets and free minds is a fallacy.

I’ve voted for Republicans in my most recent election, but not because they represent anything remotely worth voting for. Their ideas are as bad as the Democrat’s ideas. They just have fewer of them.

Whether or not some kid rebelling against one of our most regrettable and costly wars thought he was a libertarian is irrelevant to me. It’s certainly shameful and wrong to protest the people who served our nation honorably instead of the people who sent them, I won’t defend it. But I won’t deny that I believe in free markets and free minds and join a party that is currently campaigning on the idea that FDR has the right idea and that readily available cheap labor is somehow harmful. He didn’t, and it isn’t.

12-21-18, 06:56
Yeah, but you won't get one.

As to 2020, the likelihood of anyone other than Trump beating whomever the Democrats put up is vanishingly small.

And that is a hard pill to swallow but true. Admittedly, Trump had me fooled that he was a supporter of the 2nd amendment. This was in large part due to Don Jr. & the interview he did with Silencerco. I also believed uncontrolled immigration is a key component to what is moving this country further left, Trump’s key issue. Trump now seems to have reconsidered rolling over on this issue, so we will see what happens. He definitely lost votes with the bumpstock & red flag BS and in an election that will likely be razor thin, that was a foolish thing to do.

12-21-18, 07:31
All the dems have will be a 78yo Joe Biden. Not a very electable guy. Trump needs to get some funding for the wall, trade deals done with China and the EU to stabilize the market and he will win re-election by a landslide.

12-21-18, 07:40
I will vote Trump if for no other reason he keeps the Dems’ panties in a constant wad. Might as well have some fun in the waning days of this great republic.

12-21-18, 07:52
The Dems haven't done much to promote themselves as as viable alternative to Trump. Their current crop of hopefuls for 2020 are so out there in the far left, they terrify your average American voter. Many of them bring the same baggage, if not worse, than either Trump or Hillary. They'll bring a huge amount of enthusiasm in areas that were already going to go to the Dems in the first place, but that's about it. Someone as liberal as Obama could get it in 2020, but America, as a whole, is not ready for anything further left than that. We're not that far gone yet.

12-21-18, 08:41
The Dems haven't done much to promote themselves as as viable alternative to Trump. Their current crop of hopefuls for 2020 are so out there in the far left, they terrify your average American voter. Many of them bring the same baggage, if not worse, than either Trump or Hillary. They'll bring a huge amount of enthusiasm in areas that were already going to go to the Dems in the first place, but that's about it. Someone as liberal as Obama could get it in 2020, but America, as a whole, is not ready for anything further left than that. We're not that far gone yet.

I believe Obama moved the country hard left, Trump was a natural response to that, but it seems the left continues to move further left, pulling the mushy middle left. I believe Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, Robert O’Rouke & Andrew Gillum all have a strong chance at winning, again, this is a hard pill to swallow for lovers of freedom but that is where we are. Out of the names I’ve mentioned, all but Kamala Harris are very smooth talkers, much like Obama. I wish we had someone with charisma and wit to oppose these commie bastards, but what we have is a blunt instrument in Trump who has proven to be a bit of a loose cannon.

12-21-18, 08:59
WTH??? When did the guy who kept HRC from taking over our country become such an enemy to the gun community? Damn. Reading this thread, the man sounds terrible. Did he not vastly improve the economy, fix some bad trade deals, bring lots of jobs back to America and greatly slow the mass exodus of American companies from America, while lowering unemployment to the lowest levels seen since the 60s? Has he not stopped all the BS talk about gun control in the wake of some pretty serious shootings, and the resultant media firestorm? Where would we be if some pansy RINO or Hillary were in office during these times?

He hasn't built the wall yet, but damn, aren't you glad he's at least talking about it? GW got on the tele and was whining about how it just isn't logistically possible to deport 12 million illegals from L.A. What??? Mexico is two hours to the south. I've got a horse trailer. I can haul 50 or 100 a day back home by myself. He said this right after we evacuated 22 million Americans from New Orleans during and after Katrina, all the way to other states. What a stupid thing to say. At least Trump is saying "America and Americans FIRST!"

Of course he hasn't made all of our wet dreams come true (Looks like I may never get a 20 something Phoebe Cates in the sack...) but really, the man is pushing a giant boulder up hill with people on BOTH sides of the aisle doing their level best to push him back down that hill. What did we really expect from him? Personally, I'm happy to finally have at least one person saying the right stuff, in public, on camera. Personally, I think his brash FU-to-the-media attitude is EXACTLY what is needed right now. Someone to tell those lefty commies that, no, what you are saying is BS, and I'm not going to sit here and listen to it. Look at the unprecedented backlash and attacks leveled at him for doing so. Taking the high road, suffering in silence, and being afraid to simply speak the truth about what is happening in our country is what got us to this point in the first place. If I ever meet the man, I will look him straight in the eye and thank him profusely for being who he is and doing what he's done. A mild mannered, quiet, socially appropriate politician is NOT what our side needs right now. We need a damn political gladiator that is unafraid and impervious to the attacks from the left. I think we've got that, and I, for one, would like to keep that.

Of course I want the wall and the illegals sent home. I've wanted that for decades. Of course I want the NFA, '68 GCA, and the entire BATF stricken from the record. I also want national reciprocity, or Constitutional Carry, to be Federal law, no matter what CA, NY, and NJ think. Because Trump hasn't accomplished these fantastic goals is not a reason to throw our best champion in decades under a very large bus. Who else has the balls to step up, give the finger to the giant left wing propaganda machine, and then bask in the light of their outrage? Who else will give is so many liberal tears on such a wholesale level? Hell no, he ain't perfect. Never has been, never will be, but where would we be if he hadn't come along saying what he's been saying?

I'm happy to vote for someone else, if someone else comes along that I think could hold up a fraction of the burden this man is carrying. I just don't see that happening with any conservative that I can think of. This man with all of his flaws is the outspoken unafraid enemy of my enemy. Any man who invites and incurs such vitriol and hatred from the left is clearly doing the right stuff. The same stuff I want done. The entirety of the left has been doing their best to smash him to smithereens, yet he stands tall, unbroken against their continual assault. Name someone else capable of withstanding that sort of onslaught.

12-21-18, 09:35
I believe Obama moved the country hard left, Trump was a natural response to that, but it seems the left continues to move further left, pulling the mushy middle left. I believe Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, Robert O’Rouke & Andrew Gillum all have a strong chance at winning, again, this is a hard pill to swallow for lovers of freedom but that is where we are. Out of the names I’ve mentioned, all but Kamala Harris are very smooth talkers, much like Obama. I wish we had someone with charisma and wit to oppose these commie bastards, but what we have is a blunt instrument in Trump who has proven to be a bit of a loose cannon.

The country as a whole has not really moved hard left. The left has just moved harder left and gotten louder and more violent. True socialists are only winning in areas that are already socialist, like NYC or Vermont. Your average American is not a socialist though. These mid-term elections showed that pretty well.

12-21-18, 10:13
Dropping fast, indeed. Not many voters are going to care about the bump stock BS, but wimping out on the budget and immigration, and generally getting very little done, is going to weigh heavily.

Not to mention that the Dems seem to have "won" 10-20 seats in the House this year by outright and brazen voting fraud, and are likely to repeat and amplify in 2020 based on that success. Don't be surprised if things look like Venezuela in terms of "democracy" come 2020.

It’s not so much “getting little done” (which is an issue) for me, it’s having so much drama associated with whatever is being done.

12-21-18, 10:40
It’s not so much “getting little done” (which is an issue) for me, it’s having so much drama associated with whatever is being done.

Drama created by the Dems to taint President Trump, which is what they want so that voters get tired of it. They are hoping maybe next time the voters will pick a candidate who will go along to get along.

12-21-18, 11:37
It’s not so much “getting little done” (which is an issue) for me, it’s having so much drama associated with whatever is being done.

Well to each his own. I wouldn't object to lots of drama if we had a wall, HRC in prison, and fair trade or no trade with China. The worst is having tons of drama with nothing getting done. There may be some progress on trade, but no apparent progress on HRC or general Dem corruption (all the "Q" plan BS for naught), and only slight progress on immigration. Yeah I'm well aware that the Dems have pulled out all the stops to block any change on immigration and that the permanent state / deep state is riddled with Quislings, but regardless of reasons I would like to see real progress.

Drama created by the Dems to taint President Trump, which is what they want so that voters get tired of it. They are hoping maybe next time the voters will pick a candidate who will go along to get along.

You mean like 99.999% of RINO's, who pretty much always say "Oh Dems, don't make me do this, oh no, oh OK I guess I will just to be 'bipartisan' and pretend I'm a good person to people who loathe me with every fiber of their being and will never say a nice thing about me ever no matter what."

12-21-18, 11:41
The Dems haven't done much to promote themselves as as viable alternative to Trump. Their current crop of hopefuls for 2020 are so out there in the far left, they terrify your average American voter.*** but America, as a whole, is not ready for anything further left than that. We're not that far gone yet.

What is the "average American voter" today, and what will it be in 2020? There are many reasons that immigration is such an important issue. The major reason Dems are pushing so hard to keep legal and illegal immigration flowing is that virtually all immigrants, regardless of origin, color, education level or religion, vote Dem and do so reliably. The only exception seems to be the few immigrants coming here legally from post-Communist Europe, and that's a small and shrinking number. Migrants from pseudo-Communist China seem to be entirely "D" voters.

A lot of the currently prominent Dem politicians look both crazy and stupid to me, and of their rising stars I doubt any have an IQ over 110. But that is a non-issue for most Dem voters, and the portion of Dems who are smart and would care are largely aging out of existence.

Here's a preview of 2020 and likely future elections:


12-21-18, 11:51
WTH??? When did the guy who kept HRC from taking over our country become such an enemy to the gun community?

Pretty much this week, when he unzipped and urinated all over the Constitution and the rule of law. :(

12-21-18, 12:25
He's far from being a limited Government PODUS and re-establishing a small Government Republic as founded. Still very much in line with the Industrial Military Complex Empire, more in line with an Oligarchy that founders had fought against. People get so caught up in rooting for their team. Two sides to the same coin. Both parties are one party. Both implement more government and more government spending. Gradually taking more wealth and liberty from the American people. There has been no economic fixing. Him bolstering and grandstanding on this issue will further destroy him next election will further tank him as we are in the beginnings of a bubble-bubble beings the last reset wasn't allowed to happen. Forest over trees. He couldn't fix it even if he wanted to, and he'll be blamed, regardless of the ponzi scheme being unfix-able, as the economic situation worsens over the next year and continues to abruptly or gradually worsen into the next election. The days of the US being the worlds superpower are done.... Trump won't get re-elected and supposed conservatism, capitalism and so called free markets will be to blame...Followed by a more socialistic leaning PODUS and an even worsening situation resembling a banana republic to follow....

12-21-18, 13:18
Trump may or may not be toast, but I think his biggest problems...the things that are going to sink him for 2020, are yet to come. The onslaught will intensify as these next two years progress. Even if/when he's done... resigning, electing not to run, or defeated in the GOP primary...a lot of my hopes for his presidency have already been realized. It clearly defined the lengths that the left will go to in order to preserve their utopian fantasy...the Promise that Obama carried the banner for..., but more importantly, he has appointed two Supreme Court Justices, and with Ginsburg coughing up blood there may be a third within the next two years. That is a thought to savor.

12-21-18, 13:42
POTUS Trump made some dramatic errors, he may not get, or even want to be reelected unless some real big changes happen over the next two years.
There is a lot of criticism for some of his actions, but quite honestly when some of the senior Legislators are rabid dog anti Trump'ers how did you expect this to work out?
Yeah, he's not the guy we thought he might have been, but honestly McCaine fought him literally until the day he died and then Flake picked up his slack after he passed.
How much help were McConnell and Ryan when he needed steam for his policies? What did they do to help him get the wall? Where were they when it came time for them to pay him back for not shutting down the .gov last time?
Yeah, he's an idiot on Twitter and an overall Bastard sometimes, but he's in the middle and both sides are fighting against him.

12-21-18, 14:08
And Roberts does it again...

Supreme Court rejects Trump’s border asylum request by a 5-4 vote!


12-21-18, 14:12
And Roberts does it again...

Supreme Court rejects Trump’s border asylum request by a 5-4 vote!


Roberts has turned out to be the turd in the punch bowl. Where can we donate to RBG's retirement fund? :(

12-21-18, 14:17
Roberts has turned out to be the turd in the punch bowl. Where can we donate to RBG's retirement fund? :(

Roberts is really going to be a historically noted SCOTUS justice and it won't be good.

RBG is recovering from surgery, she needs to go and enjoy the remaining years off the bench. Now would be a good time.

12-21-18, 15:00
Roberts is really going to be a historically noted SCOTUS justice and it won't be good.

RBG is recovering from surgery, she needs to go and enjoy the remaining years off the bench. Now would be a good time.

Sadly, it’s Clarence Thomas who is likely to go down in infamy, at least by those who continue to write Howard Zinn inspired versions of American history.

12-21-18, 19:11
Did he not vastly improve the economy, fix some bad trade deals, bring lots of jobs back to America and greatly slow the mass exodus of American companies from America, while lowering unemployment to the lowest levels seen since the 60s? Has he not stopped all the BS talk about gun control in the wake of some pretty serious shootings, and the resultant media firestorm?

I mean...no. He didn’t accomplish any of those things. Economies don’t work that way. Does Obama deserve credit for a recovering economy during his tenure? One person cannot fix an economy.

What ideology drives you to the “right?” Just guns and illegals?

As long as the right continues to further distance ourselves from the likes of Friedman, Smith, or Hayek we are doomed to truly being Democrats who like guns.

Please watch this. https://youtu.be/IYO3tOqDISE

Doc Safari
12-21-18, 19:19
I predict Trump's opponent will be B- E- T -O.

12-21-18, 19:23
I didn't vote for him. I voted for Carson. He is much more intelligent and respectful. Who I vote for this time depends on who the republicans decide to throw up against Trump, if anyone. It ain't gonna be no leftists dem, so if Trump is it, he'll get my vote. Not my favorite, but he's doing ok. I support most of what he does. I do wish he'd learn to keep his damn mouth shut. Don't like how flaky he is on gun rights though. We all have seen that just recently.

12-22-18, 20:05
WTH??? When did the guy who kept HRC from taking over our country become such an enemy to the gun community? Damn. Reading this thread, the man sounds terrible. Did he not vastly improve the economy, fix some bad trade deals, bring lots of jobs back to America and greatly slow the mass exodus of American companies from America, while lowering unemployment to the lowest levels seen since the 60s? Has he not stopped all the BS talk about gun control in the wake of some pretty serious shootings, and the resultant media firestorm? Where would we be if some pansy RINO or Hillary were in office during these times?

He hasn't built the wall yet, but damn, aren't you glad he's at least talking about it? GW got on the tele and was whining about how it just isn't logistically possible to deport 12 million illegals from L.A. What??? Mexico is two hours to the south. I've got a horse trailer. I can haul 50 or 100 a day back home by myself. He said this right after we evacuated 22 million Americans from New Orleans during and after Katrina, all the way to other states. What a stupid thing to say. At least Trump is saying "America and Americans FIRST!"

Of course he hasn't made all of our wet dreams come true (Looks like I may never get a 20 something Phoebe Cates in the sack...) but really, the man is pushing a giant boulder up hill with people on BOTH sides of the aisle doing their level best to push him back down that hill. What did we really expect from him? Personally, I'm happy to finally have at least one person saying the right stuff, in public, on camera. Personally, I think his brash FU-to-the-media attitude is EXACTLY what is needed right now. Someone to tell those lefty commies that, no, what you are saying is BS, and I'm not going to sit here and listen to it. Look at the unprecedented backlash and attacks leveled at him for doing so. Taking the high road, suffering in silence, and being afraid to simply speak the truth about what is happening in our country is what got us to this point in the first place. If I ever meet the man, I will look him straight in the eye and thank him profusely for being who he is and doing what he's done. A mild mannered, quiet, socially appropriate politician is NOT what our side needs right now. We need a damn political gladiator that is unafraid and impervious to the attacks from the left. I think we've got that, and I, for one, would like to keep that.

Of course I want the wall and the illegals sent home. I've wanted that for decades. Of course I want the NFA, '68 GCA, and the entire BATF stricken from the record. I also want national reciprocity, or Constitutional Carry, to be Federal law, no matter what CA, NY, and NJ think. Because Trump hasn't accomplished these fantastic goals is not a reason to throw our best champion in decades under a very large bus. Who else has the balls to step up, give the finger to the giant left wing propaganda machine, and then bask in the light of their outrage? Who else will give is so many liberal tears on such a wholesale level? Hell no, he ain't perfect. Never has been, never will be, but where would we be if he hadn't come along saying what he's been saying?

I'm happy to vote for someone else, if someone else comes along that I think could hold up a fraction of the burden this man is carrying. I just don't see that happening with any conservative that I can think of. This man with all of his flaws is the outspoken unafraid enemy of my enemy. Any man who invites and incurs such vitriol and hatred from the left is clearly doing the right stuff. The same stuff I want done. The entirety of the left has been doing their best to smash him to smithereens, yet he stands tall, unbroken against their continual assault. Name someone else capable of withstanding that sort of onslaught.

Fix the Economy? Someone has not been paying attention....

The ONLY thing Trump was good for was keeping Hillary out. He has whiffed on everything else.

12-23-18, 04:02
So Bump Stocks are gone, I am fine with it. I would much rather see bump stocks gone than a full blown assault weapons bill passed.

If this will keep you from voting for Trump in the next election, then your short sighted and foolish.

If the Dems., get the WH, and both bodies of Congress, we will see AWB and worse.

So if President Trump runs again, he will get my full support.

Has he made some mistakes, yes. But he is better than any democratic president any day

12-23-18, 04:38
Presidents are figureheads in my mind, or at least they should be. Yeah, they can do things with pens, and steer the party where they want it, but ultimately it's the job of Congress to make and pass laws. Something they have been loath to do because they are too concerned about their reelection chances. So instead of showing up, and doing meaningful work they leave it to the President.

The wall issue isn't the President's to lose. It's the Congress and Republicans. They had Congress and the White House locked up and yet they were so spineless they couldn't get anything done.

If you thought the first 2 years have been panem et circenses you ain't seen nothing yet. Ultimately, if the markets continue to slide, and we don't get shit fixed he will be done for.

12-23-18, 07:54
Perhaps you have forgotten that during the Vietnam War, soldiers returning home were met by operatives of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS, aka Weather Underground) and spiting on these soldiers. Aligned with the SDS were the Libertarians, and they were also spiting on US troops returning from Vietnam.

I am surprised so many never have studied the early history of the Libertarian movement. Now they seem to be moving back in a left leaning direction, perhaps back to their roots.

Many 48'ers who identified as Socialists/Communists and escaped Europe following their failed revolution of 1848 ended up in the USA and the Republican Party/Union Army.

One of the more well known 48ers and his bio lists his associates


12-23-18, 08:28
If the Dems., get the WH, and both bodies of Congress, we will see AWB and worse.

Been there done that in the 111th congress, only thing I got out of it was the ability to carry in National Parks. The republicans with the same majority have banned shit.

Stop telling me to worry about who the president is, since Obama enacted more pro-gun legislation than this dude. I like gridlock. Keep the house or keep the senate and I’m not terribly worried.

12-23-18, 12:15
SCOTUS picks are huge. He's put 2 on there and should get a 3rd if he wins re-election. He'll have my vote just because of that! No way RBG lasts 6 more years. And we need that seat filled before the end of his term is near so they will not put it off.

I went to the local rally before the mid terms, he's able to pack the stadium. Maybe that'll continue for his re-election chances. I've always said that I wasn't a huge fan but he's way better than the alternative democRAT!

12-23-18, 12:41
So Bump Stocks are gone, I am fine with it. I would much rather see bump stocks gone than a full blown assault weapons bill passed.

If this will keep you from voting for Trump in the next election, then your short sighted and foolish.

If the Dems., get the WH, and both bodies of Congress, we will see AWB and worse.

So if President Trump runs again, he will get my full support.

Has he made some mistakes, yes. But he is better than any democratic president any day

I'm actually not worried about bump stocks. I do not like that the Executive branch and it's departments can make regulations, that is Congresses job. And I really don't like the 5th amendment violation of surrendering property (no matter how small) without compensation.

12-23-18, 13:44
Presidents are figureheads in my mind, or at least they should be. Yeah, they can do things with pens, and steer the party where they want it, but ultimately it's the job of Congress to make and pass laws. Something they have been loath to do because they are too concerned about their reelection chances. So instead of showing up, and doing meaningful work they leave it to the President.

The wall issue isn't the President's to lose. It's the Congress and Republicans. They had Congress and the White House locked up and yet they were so spineless they couldn't get anything done.

If you thought the first 2 years have been panem et circenses you ain't seen nothing yet. Ultimately, if the markets continue to slide, and we don't get shit fixed he will be done for.

Presidents, or any other politician, are just the hired help. Americans should return to that concept instead of letting "the help" rule their lives. Depending on the economy, foreign policy success or failures, and who the competition is will determine Trump's re-election. People wanted something different and they got it with Trump. They may decide that "different" wasn't all it was supposed to be and return to career politicians.

12-23-18, 13:44
Exactly. Don't judge his re-election chances until you see who he's running against next time.


The Dems are up to 30 Candidates so far and 12 Debates. 6 in 2019 and 6 in 2020.

After all the craziness, Trump could actually come out looking same. Of course that's before the Republicans try to run an un-electable.

The 2020 election is going to be the biggest circus we've ever seen.

Coal Dragger
12-23-18, 15:34
I don’t see Trump getting re-elected. He won 2016 because Hillary was a horrible candidate not because he was a good one.

Maybe he gets lucky a second time, but I doubt it.

So we’ve got 2 years or so to stock up on spare parts, ammo, and magazines.

12-23-18, 15:58

If I counted right, since 1960 the tally is 19 (R) vs. 11 a)(D).

12-23-18, 16:59
I don’t see Trump getting re-elected. He won 2016 because Hillary was a horrible candidate not because he was a good one.

That doesn't explain how he beat all the Republicans in order to get in the ring with Hillary. ... and she was and still is the best they have. It's not like we get to pick from a pool of quality.

Do you want to vote for a good Republican? There is none. They are all scum and they all have fought Trump to this day. Maybe not each and every one each and every day. More like a tag team match. Trump against everyone. He beat every segment of society in a representative contest across the board.

Coal Dragger
12-23-18, 17:06
The Republicans put forth in 2016 were all garbage too.

Both parties are broken, but the leftists have dumber more easily manipulated base making it easier for them to win more votes. Odds and demographics increasingly favor the leftists.

12-23-18, 17:23
Do you want to vote for a good Republican? There is none. They are all scum and they all have fought Trump to this day. Maybe not each and every one each and every day. More like a tag team match. Trump against everyone. He beat every segment of society in a representative contest across the board.

Exactly right. Trump won the primary because of the do-nothing Republicans. Trump winning was more a slap at the Republicans than it was at the Dems. Which is why he is facing as much opposition from inside his party as outside.

12-23-18, 17:24
Speaking of garbage that's a good analogy.

Dems: Outside several dumpsters. They have 5 dumpsters with some freshly tossed food. They argue about should they eat the corn, bread, watermelon, chicken, or apples. They vote and corn wins. So they all happily eat corn.

Republicans: Outside several dumpsters. They have 5 dumpsters with some freshly tossed food. They argue should they eat the day old meat in a refrigerated carton. The canned goods that are still date and got tossed by accident, The precooked complete meals that simply didn't get sold by PM. They argue and argue, and argue. They argue so long, never accept that they all should eat one of the perfectly good meals and be done with it until all the food spoils. Some starve, some get sick, the herd is thinned but made non the wiser by the groups ability to function as a whole.

So yeah, it's all garbage but the Dems accept unity and survive on garbage. The Republicans just get lucky because they are too damn picky about what they need and the water in that lucky well has just about dried up. In fact I think that well is dry and I don't see anyone digging a new one.

12-23-18, 17:36
Looks like republicans can act decisively often enough on new anti-2nd Amendment initiatives. Repealing them is where they get in to the theatrics.

12-23-18, 19:50
Looks like republicans can act decisively often enough on new anti-2nd Amendment initiatives. Repealing them is where they get in to the theatrics.

I'm more and more of the opinion that their outwardly Pro-2A stances are also just theatrics.

Ed L.
12-23-18, 21:21
That doesn't explain how he beat all the Republicans in order to get in the ring with Hillary. ... and she was and still is the best they have. It's not like we get to pick from a pool of quality.

Because he had more media coverage than any other candidate in the primaries.

The reasons for such are:

He was way more interesting and newsworthy than the other candidates--and that drives ratings. He was interesting and newsworthy because he was an outsider with no political experience running for the presidency and had attracted a wide following.

He pulled no punches, had no self censoring and restraint, and said outrageous things that grabbed media attention.

Overall, he was far more interesting than any of the other candidates.

Finally, I think on one level the liberal news media thought that he could never win a general presidential election. So I believe they gave him more coverage hoping that he would get the republican presidential candidacy and then proceed to lose the election against the democratic candidate.

I don't think the democrats took him seriously as a threat, and Hilary was not a popular candidate. I think a lot of people who might have voted for her sat it out and did not vote, and then were shocked when Trump won. This included people like some Bernie Sanders fans who thought he had the candidacy stolen from him and decided to sit it out.

I think there were a lot of unusual factors that contributed to Trump getting elected.

Sadly, I think that he will serve as a huge rallying force for the democrats.

I also think a lot of his words and actions which are beneath the dignity of the presidency will result in some of the people who voted for him simply not voting.

It is not as simple as people voting for either/or candidates. Some people may simply decide to not vote period.

12-23-18, 22:39
I believe the hacked emails from the DNC showed the DNC wanted the media to push Trump as the GOP candidate, because HRC's campaign believed that their best bet was to run against Trump in the general election.

The Dumb Gun Collector
12-23-18, 22:53
Pence better pull the 25th Amendment ejection lever on him. I will never vote for this guy. The only excuse I can think of for Trump on the bump stock ban is the idiots at the NRA gave him cover. He might have backed off but for their stupidity. Honestly, I have stuck up for the NRA for years but I may have to start sending my money to the GOA. Have never given them a dime because I don't like the idea of having splinter groups...but if the NRA and Trump are going to be Democrats why bother?

Ed L.
12-24-18, 00:39
Pence better pull the 25th Amendment ejection lever on him. I will never vote for this guy. The only excuse I can think of for Trump on the bump stock ban is the idiots at the NRA gave him cover. He might have backed off but for their stupidity. Honestly, I have stuck up for the NRA for years but I may have to start sending my money to the GOA. Have never given them a dime because I don't like the idea of having splinter groups...but if the NRA and Trump are going to be Democrats why bother?

The Trump and NRA are going to be Democrats?

If you look at the long list of things that the Democrats want to ban I think you will find that there is a huge difference between the NRA Trump, and the Democrats.

12-24-18, 03:05
I believe the hacked emails from the DNC showed the DNC wanted the media to push Trump as the GOP candidate, because HRC's campaign believed that their best bet was to run against Trump in the general election.

Yes, from what I recall Rand Paul was who the DNC was most concerned about running Hillary against, whereas Trump was perceived as a more desirable opponent because of the relative ease with which Hillary was supposed to be able to beat him.

Shows you just how awful a candidate Hillary was, that she could run against Trump, have the media acting as the propaganda wing of her campaign, and have like the entire deep state apparatus trying to propel her into the White House.....and she still loses.
I do still find that fairly hilarious.

12-24-18, 04:47
I supported Goldwater but was too young to vote then. In '68 I voted for the Wallace/LeMay ticket, they would have brought North Vietnam to its knees. I will vote for the major party that offers the most conservative solutions for me. 2A first. No more third party votes either.

12-24-18, 09:07
Yes, from what I recall Rand Paul was who the DNC was most concerned about running Hillary against, whereas Trump was perceived as a more desirable opponent because of the relative ease with which Hillary was supposed to be able to beat him.

Shows you just how awful a candidate Hillary was, that she could run against Trump, have the media acting as the propaganda wing of her campaign, and have like the entire deep state apparatus trying to propel her into the White House.....and she still loses.
I do still find that fairly hilarious.

Not too much of a loss since the firearms infringements on the books are staying plus new ones are getting added.

12-24-18, 09:34
Not too much of a loss since the firearms infringements on the books are staying plus new ones are getting added.

Yes, it has been a complete disappointment and I'm disgusted both with the way things panned out and with myself for actually being naive enough to feel optimistic back in November 2016. But that doesn't change the fact that I hate Hillary and love that she failed.
I hope she cried real tears of anguish and shame, I really do.

12-24-18, 09:56
I don't know if I'll vote for him again. Its not even about bump stocks, it's the " take the guns first" comment. After telling us " your 8 year attack on the 2A is over or whatever they hell he said. I can't blame him entirely because the NRA has been putting a bug in his ear about a bump stock ban. I am done with the NRA. I'm GOA, and now a FPC member. I don't have a good feeling about the SCOTUS either. I think RBG will be gone soon. I hear she has cancer again so we might get a 3rd justice. But Roberts is the new Kennedy and i dont think they will hear any 2A cases . I fear Beto may win in 2020 if he runs or Trump barely squeaks a win he'll be a second term GWB. Both parties suck. 3rd party Libertarian or constitutional party would be nice, but we have a better chance of repealing the NFA or constitutional carry before that happens. Welcome to Amerika comrades. South American style communism is on the way with a big crazy eye Alexandria Ocasio Cortez smile.

12-24-18, 10:03
Trump had a history of supporting gun control before running for president. Then he says he supports gun rights, and then supports a ban on gun ownership for those on the no fly list. He backtracked on that, but then makes his "take the guns first" push and bans bumpstocks. He's a NYC elite, with a NYC elite's views on guns and rights. We got, myself included, exactly what we asked for. All the evidence was there for us to look at, but we yelled MAGA and ignored it. Some of you are still doing that, it's insane!

I hesitantly voted for Trump because I was tired of throwing my vote away on third parties. I am ashamed of what I did. I won't do that again. Trump hasn't done anything he said he was going to do, and in most cases has acted in the exact opposite.

His recent treatment of Mattis has turned most veterans, at least Marine Corps vets, off completely.

12-24-18, 10:17
I'll vote for him again against any Democrat. Any Republican in the 2020 primary...? Depends on which Republican...not just his/her positions but chances his/her chances of beating the Democrat that they put up. I'm not going to throw my vote away on anyone that might pave the way for any Democrat in the current crop of possible contenders.

As to the extent of the 2020 GOP candidate's 2nd Amendment support...that's just one of the components of my vote choice. An important one, yes, but not the only one.

12-24-18, 10:36
As to the extent of the 2020 GOP candidate's 2nd Amendment support...that's just one of the components of my vote choice. An important one, yes, but not the only one.

I'll admit to being a borderline single-issue voter, with that single issue being guns. Sometimes I question the wisdom of that but mostly feel as though a candidate's stance on the 2A is kind of a litmus test on their views on liberty overall.
It's an imperfect test though since so many "Pro 2A" pols are just liars telling their base what they want to hear.

12-24-18, 10:40
It might be time to start discussing viable alternatives for a nominee.
If they march the same twelve Muppets out on stage again, were likely to have similar results.
I don't think he should seek re-election, but his ego may not allow for that.

12-24-18, 11:12
I'll admit to being a borderline single-issue voter, with that single issue being guns. Sometimes I question the wisdom of that but mostly feel as though a candidate's stance on the 2A is kind of a litmus test on their views on liberty overall.
It's an imperfect test though since so many "Pro 2A" pols are just liars telling their base what they want to hear.

Good points.

12-24-18, 11:16
I've entertained the theory off and on that Trump himself never thought he'd actually win and didn't actually want to win, and planned on losing the election and then touring the country attention-whoring for the cameras and ranting about the the rigged electoral system. Basically just getting all the attention and coverage he craves.
Then comes election day and, uh oh, it turns out Hillary was so bad that she still managed to lose despite the deck being completely stacked in her favor. So Trump, who never wanted to win, wins anyway and at that point his ego forces him to go full steam ahead.
It's possible that his entire campaign was just a gigantic publicity stunt that was never intended to go as far as it did. And now that he's in office, big surprise, President Donald Trump acts like.... Donald Trump.

Or maybe not, I have no idea.

12-24-18, 12:14
Considering my wish of getting 1 of the 2top vote getters to ever be actually different on the 2nd Amendment (ie., truly support it), my back up wish is for Charles Schumer to change his registration to Republican and make a potus run with the movers and shakers getting him the nomination. Would be entertaining to have him described as the lesser of 2 evils, how we need his scotus picks to set things right again by building on the 19 (R) to 11 (D) justices appointed since 1960, and have him announced at the NRA convention as "a brave man who needs no introduction since he has always been out at the front on the 2nd Amendment fight."

The Dumb Gun Collector
12-24-18, 12:45
So much winning!!!https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/24/us-stock-futures-fall-slightly-as-the-dow-attempts-to-rebound-from-its-worst-week-in-a-decade.html

12-24-18, 13:06
I've entertained the theory off and on that Trump himself never thought he'd actually win and didn't actually want to win, and planned on losing the election and then touring the country attention-whoring for the cameras and ranting about the the rigged electoral system. Basically just getting all the attention and coverage he craves.
Then comes election day and, uh oh, it turns out Hillary was so bad that she still managed to lose despite the deck being completely stacked in her favor. So Trump, who never wanted to win, wins anyway and at that point his ego forces him to go full steam ahead.
It's possible that his entire campaign was just a gigantic publicity stunt that was never intended to go as far as it did. And now that he's in office, big surprise, President Donald Trump acts like.... Donald Trump.

Or maybe not, I have no idea.This has been my theory as well. Unfortunately I also feel that only a fool would want to be president.

Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk

The Dumb Gun Collector
12-24-18, 13:11
I completely agree with Circle 10. I think he has even hinted he never planned on winning. I am sure he thought he would get tossed out in the primary, Jeb would probably lose to Hillary and then he would brag for 4 years about how he would be fixing everything. Norm MacDonald said, America hated Hillary so much they elected someone they liked less just to tell her screw off. Unfortunately, we now know Hillary was so terrible we could have won with pretty much any Republican. Instead we peed away everything on a NYC liberal sociopath reality show moron. Santa, please let this guy resign or something.

26 Inf
12-24-18, 13:14
So much winning!!!https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/24/us-stock-futures-fall-slightly-as-the-dow-attempts-to-rebound-from-its-worst-week-in-a-decade.html

I kind welcomed downturns when I was plugging money into the market. Now that I'm living on the proceeds, not so much.

ETA: Just looked, this will be our secret, my wife would stroke if she saw that 5% drop.

Doc Safari
12-24-18, 13:49
So much winning!!!https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/24/us-stock-futures-fall-slightly-as-the-dow-attempts-to-rebound-from-its-worst-week-in-a-decade.html

A lot of people believe the Fed raising interest rates has a lot to do with the current market woes, although you do have to also consider the uncertainties over the trade war.

12-24-18, 13:54
I've entertained the theory off and on that Trump himself never thought he'd actually win and didn't actually want to win, and planned on losing the election and then touring the country attention-whoring for the cameras and ranting about the the rigged electoral system. Basically just getting all the attention and coverage he craves.
Then comes election day and, uh oh, it turns out Hillary was so bad that she still managed to lose despite the deck being completely stacked in her favor. So Trump, who never wanted to win, wins anyway and at that point his ego forces him to go full steam ahead.
It's possible that his entire campaign was just a gigantic publicity stunt that was never intended to go as far as it did. And now that he's in office, big surprise, President Donald Trump acts like.... Donald Trump.

Or maybe not, I have no idea.

LOL...please tell me that you haven't seen the Southpark season from the 2016 election....before Trump got elected, and just came up with your theory on your own. Garrison runs for President exactly like you said, and wins against Clinton(Turd sandwich was her name in the show...lol).

I'll admit to being a borderline single-issue voter, with that single issue being guns. Sometimes I question the wisdom of that but mostly feel as though a candidate's stance on the 2A is kind of a litmus test on their views on liberty overall.
It's an imperfect test though since so many "Pro 2A" pols are just liars telling their base what they want to hear.

I completely agree. 2A is a real test of a society's ability to deal with freedom. The more free you are, the scarier it becomes to many sheep. Firearms are one of the most representative feature of a free society imho.

12-24-18, 14:09
Speaking of, one of the best political cartoons ever.


The Simpsons appear in three tales of terror: Bart discovers an evil twin brother living in the attic; Lisa creates a microscopic society; and space aliens transform themselves into Clinton and Dole look-alikes.
