View Full Version : Judge orders deported asylum seekers returned to U.S.

12-19-18, 18:45

I LOATHE what this sorry-ass excuse for a country has become. I HATE, yes vehemently despise the existence of, the "other side" and their cohorts. I have ZERO desire to "meet them halfway", or think that this divide in this country is caused by some mysterious cabal that wants us all at each other's throats; no folks, half this country has it's head firmly planted up it's ass. I just cannot believe the f*****g bullshit that comes down.

I hope the administration says a big "F**k you!" to Sullivan and ignores his "order" (really an edict). Ignore it while it gets appealed on up the chain. F**k Sullivan.

Sorry for the rant (well, not really). Not everything tweaks me like this article did. Certain things just really climb up my ass and for some reason this shit-show just did.

Dr. Bullseye
12-19-18, 18:55

I LOATHE what this sorry-ass excuse for a country has become. I HATE, yes vehemently despise the existence of, the "other side" and their cohorts. I have ZERO desire to "meet them halfway", or think that this divide in this country is caused by some mysterious cabal that wants us all at each other's throats; no folks, half this country has it's head firmly planted up it's ass. I just cannot believe the f*****g bullshit that comes down.

I hope the administration says a big "F**k you!" to Sullivan and ignores his "order" (really an edict). Ignore it while it gets appealed on up the chain. F**k Sullivan.

Sorry for the rant (well, not really). Not everything tweaks me like this article did. Certain things just really climb up my ass and for some reason this shit-show just did.

I could not agree with you more. This is exactly why we are headed to a civil war in this country. I don't want to reach across the isle, hear their side, meet half way, nothing. I want to crush the Left using any means necessary.

Trump should get a judge in Texas to reverse this.

No only that, every time Trump does anything he should be sued in a very conservative District Court just so he can get a positive ruling and preempt District 9.

12-19-18, 19:20
So how many uninoculated, child-selling dreamers is Judgey-poo gonna be holding up at his crib?

[Cricket Chirping Intensifies]

12-19-18, 20:28
So how many uninoculated, child-selling dreamers is Judgey-poo gonna be holding up at his crib?

[Cricket Chirping Intensifies]

Shut up peasant and do as you're told! You're lucky I don't give you 20-to-life for your obvious hatethink!

12-19-18, 20:58
This is what a weaponized judiciary does.

12-19-18, 21:39
So how many uninoculated, child-selling dreamers is Judgey-poo gonna be holding up at his crib?

[Cricket Chirping Intensifies]


12-19-18, 23:08
Pull a Comey and say we don’t know where we put them....

12-20-18, 05:51
Serious question: can the edict be ignored while it goes up the food chain? I can't imagine some bottom-feeder level judge having sway over an entire administration's actions.

Doc Safari
12-20-18, 06:29
And we have a winner in the "Overreaching Looney Liberal of the Year" award...

12-20-18, 07:25
Serious question: can the edict be ignored while it goes up the food chain? I can't imagine some bottom-feeder level judge having sway over an entire administration's actions.

It can absolutely be ignored. Trump needs to put on his big girl panties and remind folks that he is the commander in chief of the armed forces. No judge can MAKE him do anything.

I am also pretty certain that matters concerning non-citizens who are outside the borders of the U.S. are not in the scope of the judicial branch's authority.

12-20-18, 07:26
Did the judge SPECIFY, "dead" or "alive?" :rolleyes:

12-20-18, 16:39
Pull a Comey and say we don’t know where we put them....

Is that a Comey or a Koskinen? I can't keep up anymore... :(