View Full Version : Trump’s very bad, no good week...

12-20-18, 19:28
What a week to 10 days.
Not really apropos to any specific thread, but what the hell is going on in Trump’s head?

-The Cohen stuff which allows to Dems to seriously use ‘unindicted co-conspirator’ to describe Trump
-He got Rick-rolled on the Wall. The Dems now know he fold like a tent, or maybe he didn’t, or he did; which fricken tweet is where his head is at.
-Bump-stock stupidity.
-NK getting ballsy and lippy again.
-The Fed trying to tank the economy....
-and the Stock market is bleeding out.
-Out of the blue pulls troops from Syria? Like or hate the idea, wtf is the strategy behind the timing on that?
-Mattis leaves, even if you disagree with him on Syria, he had to keep bad guys on their toes.
-Kelly leaves

And the Dems haven’t even started to come after him.

Frankly, if this is ‘winning’, I’m getting tired of it. Trump better un-F himself or when he gets impeached, enough people will be tired of the it that enough GOP senators will turn their backs. He’ll end up like Bill Clinton, no one left to piss off because no one believes what he says, what he’ll do, or that he matters.

So many unforced errors and just bad luck. Here’s hoping that he gets the family together over the next few days and Ivanka and Jared take turn slapping the crap out of him.

12-20-18, 19:47
People act like this is some huge shock. Look at any of his businesses though, this is him to a T. Lots of talk. Lots of Bluster. Some good ideas here and there. And then it all fall apart because of him being him.

26 Inf
12-20-18, 19:59
What a week to 10 days.
Not really apropos to any specific thread, but what the hell is going on in Trump’s head?

-The Cohen stuff which allows to Dems to seriously use ‘unindicted co-conspirator’ to describe Trump
-He got Rick-rolled on the Wall. The Dems now know he fold like a tent, or maybe he didn’t, or he did; which fricken tweet is where his head is at.
-Bump-stock stupidity.
-NK getting ballsy and lippy again.
-The Fed trying to tank the economy....
-and the Stock market is bleeding out.

-Out of the blue pulls troops from Syria? Like or hate the idea, wtf is the strategy behind the timing on that?

Taking our collective minds off of all of the above?

12-20-18, 20:07
It just got worse Secretary Mattis Resigned. This is extremely worrying, i felt he was one of the few adults left in the room. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-46640114

12-20-18, 20:12
The House just passed his 5.7 Billion request for the border wall.. We'll see where this goes.

12-20-18, 20:15
Bump stocks ban is a problem. Confiscation talk is a problem.

First Step Act was a win.

Mattis resigning over globalist differences after serving a typical length of term as SecDef.

House passes wall in budget and Senate says it has the votes.

NK will always be lippy.

Fed is just it’s own problem.

Not worried about stocks.

Mueller investigation has its own exposed flaws.

It’s a mixed week. The gun control BS is the worst part, IMO.

12-20-18, 20:51
Bump stocks ban is a problem. Confiscation talk is a problem.

First Step Act was a win.

Mattis resigning over globalist differences after serving a typical length of term as SecDef.

House passes wall in budget and Senate says it has the votes.

NK will always be lippy.

Fed is just it’s own problem.

Not worried about stocks.

Mueller investigation has its own exposed flaws.

It’s a mixed week. The gun control BS is the worst part, IMO.

Bump stock ban is a problem for guys like us. Did three more transfers today and all three guys could care less. Add that to the two yesterday and I can't find a single (non-internet) gun owner other than me that's pissed.

12-20-18, 23:35
Bump stock ban is a problem for guys like us. Did three more transfers today and all three guys could care less. Add that to the two yesterday and I can't find a single (non-internet) gun owner other than me that's pissed.

They should be pissed about confiscation of private property and red flag laws. Otherwise they are ignorant of the constitution, not just guns.

I forgot to add another plus for Trump this week: legalizing marijuana.

12-20-18, 23:50
Was the hemp legalization actually an across-the-board legalization of it in it's recreational form?

12-21-18, 00:05
Was the hemp legalization actually an across-the-board legalization of it in it's recreational form?

Neither. It is for Hemp mainly to be used in industrial purposes. Not Cannabis legalization.
Products must contain less than .3% THC to remain legal.
It doesn't even really make CBD oil legal.

12-21-18, 00:20
-The Cohen stuff which allows to Dems to seriously use ‘unindicted co-conspirator’ to describe Trump - 2 year investigation and they don't have shit! This is nothing but a kangaroo court!

-He got Rick-rolled on the Wall. The Dems now know he fold like a tent, or maybe he didn’t, or he did; which fricken tweet is where his head is at. Trump got $5 billion passed by Senate today!

-Bump-stock stupidity. we all saw this coming! Its not the end of the world!

-NK getting ballsy and lippy again. - nothing different from the last 50 years, but correct me if I'm wrong, wasn't trump the only President to meet with the leader of NK and have civilized discussion?
The Fed trying to tank the economy....-and the Stock market is bleeding out. no comment, the stock market will go up or down regardless of Trump

-Out of the blue pulls troops from Syria? Like or hate the idea, wtf is the strategy behind the timing on that? - I don't know what this is about, however, several members of congress have approved of this. It is a very complex conflict.

-Mattis leaves, even if you disagree with him on Syria, he had to keep bad guys on their toes. I do think Mattis marched to the beat of his own drum and I think he and Trump clashed a lot. Mattis prefers to keep buying loyalty from our allies, I think Trump would rather our allies to pay there way. I think Mattis was a great leader!

-Kelly leaves- Not a big deal, Kelly has been outspoken against Trump and has some scandals of his own. I bet its hard for "alpha" types to serve our President.

Its a bad time but its not like he sold cartels assault rifles, got a blowjob from his intern or just left 4 Americans to die in an embassy. A lot of Trumps cabinet has either left or has been fired. I think Trump knows what to look for when building a team. All this other stuff, its just part of life.

12-21-18, 01:29
A lot of Trumps cabinet has either left or has been fired. I think Trump knows what to look for when building a team.

I mean...if you don’t think the two sentences conflict with one another....

He went from lauding Rex Tillerson’s prowess to “Mike Pompeo is doing a great job, I am very proud of him. His predecessor, Rex Tillerson, didn’t have the mental capacity needed. He was dumb as a rock and I couldn’t get rid of him fast enough. He was lazy as hell. Now it is a whole new ballgame, great spirit at State!”

"Jeff has been a highly respected member of the U.S. Senate for 20 years," Trump said in a statement. "He is a world-class legal mind and considered a truly great Attorney General and US Attorney in the state of Alabama. Jeff is greatly admired by legal scholars and virtually everyone who knows him."

One pretty obvious recusal later...we’ll we all watched that go how it did.

He may be building a team...but it’s pretty freaking obvious that he has no idea who he’ll work well with...or that nobody can stand working with him. What did Rex Tillerson have to gain by coming clean about that nightmare?

It’s like sketch comedy. How long are we going to pretend that this resembles competence in anyway? Competence would have had a team worth its salt from the beginning when he basically had green lights in every imaginable way. But we’re closing in on the next election cycle, he has to be bipartisan which is so obviously his strong suit, and the big claim to fame was a nothingburger with North Korea(though better than isolating them I agree,) “tax reform” which isn’t, and boy oh boy he got $6 billion for a wall.

Wake me up when it’s over...or when another lawyer of his spends 250K of their own money to cover up him screwing another prostitute “unbeknownst to him.”

12-21-18, 01:50
They way I see it is: Trump is NOT a career politician and did not have an inner circle of career politicians to chose from like most presidents. Trump is a business man who put together his team from mostly non-political outside experts. He has let a lot of people walk out and he has terminated a lot of people and I personally have seen this a lot in business! Its just business! In the level of US President, im sure a lot of secretaries are strong willed people, that's not a great quality for a servant role. It will all work itself out!

12-21-18, 07:44
I mean...if you don’t think the two sentences conflict with one another....

He went from lauding Rex Tillerson’s prowess to “Mike Pompeo is doing a great job, I am very proud of him. His predecessor, Rex Tillerson, didn’t have the mental capacity needed. He was dumb as a rock and I couldn’t get rid of him fast enough. He was lazy as hell. Now it is a whole new ballgame, great spirit at State!”

"Jeff has been a highly respected member of the U.S. Senate for 20 years," Trump said in a statement. "He is a world-class legal mind and considered a truly great Attorney General and US Attorney in the state of Alabama. Jeff is greatly admired by legal scholars and virtually everyone who knows him."

One pretty obvious recusal later...we’ll we all watched that go how it did.

He may be building a team...but it’s pretty freaking obvious that he has no idea who he’ll work well with...or that nobody can stand working with him. What did Rex Tillerson have to gain by coming clean about that nightmare?

It’s like sketch comedy. How long are we going to pretend that this resembles competence in anyway? Competence would have had a team worth its salt from the beginning when he basically had green lights in every imaginable way. But we’re closing in on the next election cycle, he has to be bipartisan which is so obviously his strong suit, and the big claim to fame was a nothingburger with North Korea(though better than isolating them I agree,) “tax reform” which isn’t, and boy oh boy he got $6 billion for a wall.

Wake me up when it’s over...or when another lawyer of his spends 250K of their own money to cover up him screwing another prostitute “unbeknownst to him.”

Another way of looking at it is this shows how deep state and corrupt DC is. Trump is pretty much on his own because all the other career politicians have been playing 'the game', like playing 'the game', and benefit from playing 'the game'. Trying to put a stop to 'the game" when every politician has eggs in that basket is a task to say the least. For a politician, getting rid of something that puts their careers and livelihood at risk or future with no predictability due to the unknown is not a politician characteristic whatsoever. They all make back deals and plan their future, not caring who they really step on or if it benefits the people or not. Having no deep state is pure chaos for all of them.

Doc Safari
12-21-18, 09:06
I don't think he's down for the count, yet, but definitely on the watch list.

12-21-18, 09:35
Was the hemp legalization actually an across-the-board legalization of it in it's recreational form?

I should have said “hemp.” Here’s an article with more info. It changes legal status of hemp. It’s hazy yet how it will be applied. But it’s a major shift.


12-21-18, 15:33
And now SCOTUS, really Roberts, take a piece out of Trump. While RBG unfortunately isn't going to die right away. She must blow the Grim Reaper she has whistled past the grave so many times.