View Full Version : Trump got his wall! Senate approves bill!

12-20-18, 19:28
Trump owns this shutdown!!


12-20-18, 19:31
More here;
The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday added $5 billion to a government spending bill for President Donald Trump's wall on the southern border with Mexico, a move that boosted the odds of a partial federal shutdown on Saturday.
The bill must return to the Senate, where it is unlikely to find the Democratic votes needed to pass it. If the impasse continues, funding for agencies responsible for federal law enforcement activities, airport security screenings, space exploration and farm programs will lapse at midnight on Friday.

My Take;
The fight aint over and it aint built yet, but it's a step.

12-20-18, 20:19
Fight ain't over, but at least he can blame the Dems in the Senate.

Alex V
12-21-18, 07:50
House approved the funding. Not Senate. Or am I missing something?

12-21-18, 10:16
Smoke and mirrors and quite unnecessary with implementation sound foundation of policy that already exist within the confines of Our unchallenged, non-implemented Republic ... Even if it does get approved it's just more debt to temporarily prop up the ponzi scheme.