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11-03-08, 19:51
AND GO VOTE!!!!! We'll wait!

11-03-08, 19:56
Can't!! The polls don't open for another 9-1/2 hours. :D

11-03-08, 19:58
Can't!! The polls don't open for another 9-1/2 hours. :D
Better get in line now!;)

11-03-08, 19:58
I already voted!


11-03-08, 20:02
I already voted!


ME TOO!:cool:

11-03-08, 20:08
Voted for Sarah and John :) last Monday!


11-03-08, 20:28
removed, changed

11-03-08, 20:31
I voted over a week ago and it sure wasn't for OBAMA

11-03-08, 20:33
I voted a few days ago. I am in the Tampa area and I stood in line for and hour and a half. We had early voting in approx 12-13 places in Hillsborough county and the wait has been 1-2 hours unless you went real early or real late according to the workers I spoke with. The lovely wife voted at a different library same day and about the same time and she was in line for an hour and 45 minutes.

They say that crazy numbers have early voted here in the sunscam state, I gotta wonder if tomorrow will be better of worse than early voting as far as wait time goes. In this county we used papers ballots this election, complete with circles to be totally filled in with a #2 pencil for each candidate and or amendment and it sure seemed slower that touch screen or the old dangling chad punch cards of elections past. Oh well, if nothing else it will at least be over for 4 errr make that 3 years. If I never hear another Politician slam or brag it will be too soon.

11-03-08, 21:02
You guys in FL still using paper and pencil to vote????

It took me 90 minutes last Monday, but I heard reports of folks waiting up to 5 hours. That's nuts. I went in the afternoon about 6pm and they stop taking new people at 7pm, those already in line at or before 7pm were allowed to vote. There were about an hour worth of people left when I was done.

They said up to 35% of registered voters have done so in GA.

Good luck John and Sarah!

BTW, Gov. Palin was cleared of any wrong doing in the troopergate investigation.

11-03-08, 21:07
I sent my absentee ballot in a few weeks ago!

11-03-08, 21:29
Log off? Do you mean close your browser? ;)


11-03-08, 21:39
BTW, Gov. Palin was cleared of any wrong doing in the troopergate investigation.
Geez, can't believe I missed that. Must of been front page NY TIMES.:rolleyes:

11-03-08, 21:44
with 100s of voting precincts open tomorrow and only 13 or so early voting locations I am betting tomorrow won't be as bad as the early voting lines the last two or so weeks. In any case go

11-03-08, 23:00
Go take that blue pill, the matrix still needs you coppertops to keep it going! :p

11-04-08, 02:58
Geez, can't believe I missed that. Must of been front page NY TIMES.:rolleyes:

Whats funny (not really) is that i live up here (Alaska) and didnt know she was cleared of any wrong doing. I guess the Daily News and ALL the News stations "forgot" to let us know. Figures commi bastards.

By the way I voted a couple weeks ago. And if the name had a Dem. after it, that name was NOT checked.

11-04-08, 03:27
The wife and I voted early. Last week.


11-04-08, 05:41
I'm in FL and have a question: what is this paper and pencil thing someone mentioned earlier??:D

Wife and I already voted....only had to wait one hour

11-04-08, 05:51
Voted last week - took maybe 20 minutes here in central Tejas.

11-04-08, 05:58
Geez, can't believe I missed that. Must of been front page NY TIMES.:rolleyes:

Actually, that's one of the places that reported, the breaking news:

Breaking News Alert
> The New York Times
> Monday, November 3, 2008 -- 7:42 PM ET
> -----
> Gov. Sarah Palin Cleared of Ethics Charges
> Timothy J. Petumenos, the independent counsel to the Alaska
> Personnel Board, concluded that in the firing of the former
> Alaska public safety commissioner Walt Monegan, "There is no
> probable cause to believe that the governor or any other
> state official violated the Alaska Executive Ethics Act in
> connection with these matters."
> Read More:
> http://www.nytimes.com/?emc=na

30 cal slut
11-04-08, 06:33
skipped the PT this morning and arrived at the polls at 5:30 a.m.

doors opened half hour later and i was in and out in 5 min.

you're damn right i voted for mccain / palin!

i did my part - there is nothing more i can possibly do 'cept get on my soap box.

Cold Zero
11-04-08, 07:50
Voted early today. Was in and out in 10 minutes. Pulling the McCain lever felt so good.:D

11-04-08, 07:55
Actually, that's one of the places that reported, the breaking news:

Breaking News Alert
> The New York Times
> Monday, November 3, 2008 -- 7:42 PM ET
> -----
> Gov. Sarah Palin Cleared of Ethics Charges
> Timothy J. Petumenos, the independent counsel to the Alaska
> Personnel Board, concluded that in the firing of the former
> Alaska public safety commissioner Walt Monegan, "There is no
> probable cause to believe that the governor or any other
> state official violated the Alaska Executive Ethics Act in
> connection with these matters."
> Read More:
> http://www.nytimes.com/?emc=na
Miracles never cease!:eek:

11-04-08, 08:16
@ the polls arrived 5:15AM waited in a line with a few hundred other voters - chatted w/a young college age gal who was reading in the dark ...
'To Kill A Mockingbird' , ironically I watched it for a while yesterday for the 10thousandth time. She seemed BHO all the way but at least she was there. But I was done and home by 6:30AM to my wifes dismay "Why didn't you wake me?"
I got up at 4AM that shut her up as she proceeded to microwave a cup of coffee that was already was hot and it boiled over in the microwave further pissing her off but she goes and talks to her surgeon today lets pull for Kathy too ! ... BIGASS GULP. :(
I love voting out Judges I know nothing about LOL ... voted ' McCain/Palin' and generally Republican straight across the board and am proud to have participated again.


11-04-08, 08:27
Our polling place opens at 7:00am...I was in line at 6:45am. I was about 100 or so back in line.

They had a bit of trouble with the voting machines so I didn't actually vote until 8:30! Oh well, at least I wasn't at the back of the line...several hundred back...:eek:

It sure looks like a record year in terms of voter turnout.

11-04-08, 08:31
Yeah, my office is a polling location. It sure is crowded here.

I am just glad I have a designated parking spot, because they are parking in the street.

And yes, I voted last week :D

11-04-08, 08:31
My better half and I voted last Tuesday and only had to wait about ten minutes. The rest of my family (Mom, Dad, Bro., In-Laws, etc.) voted on Wednesday and did not have to wait long either. Needless to say McCAIN/PALIN all the way!!! I usually don't vote party lines but with the way our Government looks and the ideals of the Dems, it was all Republican.

To bad my four year old was not at the polls with me this time. During the primarys he shouted out "Wepublican" in front of about 40 people getting ready to vote while he waited with the wife! That's my boy!!!

11-04-08, 08:45
On my way to work, I drove by the regular polling place that I used to vote, there was no line outside the building! Traffic to work was lighter than normal. WTF?

11-04-08, 08:50
Already voted. There was a fat, long haired union guy handing out fliers there. He took one look at my USMC sweatshirt with McCain pin and stayed away.

I hate, loathe, detest, can't stand the unions.

11-04-08, 10:20
I already casted my ballot a week ago for Sarah and John.

11-04-08, 10:27
Just took my 8yo son to vote. I want him to learn the importance of this right. 1 1/2 hours in line but well worth it.


11-04-08, 10:54
Already voted. There was a fat, long haired union guy handing out fliers there. He took one look at my USMC sweatshirt with McCain pin and stayed away.

I hate, loathe, detest, can't stand the unions.

Good thing you don't live in Colorado. This year one of the amendments to the state constitution we're voting on is 47, which would give people the right to work without being coerced into joining a union. You wouldn't believe the stink unions are making over it.

11-04-08, 11:44
I'm in FL and have a question: what is this paper and pencil thing someone mentioned earlier??:D

If I mis-spoke I apologize, I was only referring to Hillsborough County FL. We had punch cards in 2000, remember dangling chads? We switched to touch screen for 2004. We now have gone full circle and are back to #2 pencils and paper ballots. Other FL. counties may have other methods for voters to cast their votes.

11-04-08, 13:10
the wife and I sat at the kitchen table on Saturday, ballots in hand and voted. Here in Oregon we have vote by mail ONLY so there's no lines to deal with at polling places because there aren't any. That's the only good thing about vote by mail.
Bad things about vote by mail (as run in Oregon):
You can register by mail and vote by mail without showing ID at any time, so anyone can vote in our elections.
Postmarks don't count. If your ballot isn't in the election office by 8PM election day, it doesn't count. if it gets lost in the mail you don't count and you don't know it.
your ballot goes into an envelope and that goes into another envelope that you sign. once at the election office, your signature is compared to the one on your voter registration card and if it is judged not to be a match, your ballot is not counted and you don't know that you didn't get to vote.

Magic Sauce
11-04-08, 13:15
Voted today.....

15 minutes in and out :eek:

That made me happy! :D

11-04-08, 13:33
Ok, despite my sore throat and not feeling too well, I'm on my way out to the polls to vote for McCain/Palin.

Every vote counts!!

ADDED: It took me almost an hour to vote: 10-minute round trip drive, 5-minutes to vote, and 45-minutes to shoot the shit with the Sheriff. :D

11-04-08, 15:30
1hr 45 min this morning. Time well spent.

11-04-08, 18:22
I did, now we have to hope for the best

11-04-08, 18:37
Put my marks upon the ballot this morning, Guess all the early voting helped keep the lines short.:D