View Full Version : Tell One Weird Fact About Yourself

Doc Safari
12-28-18, 13:44
I have a genetic anomaly that lets me turn my legs so that my feet nearly face all the way backwards.

12-28-18, 15:53
I am neither right-handed, left-handed, nor ambidextrous.

12-28-18, 17:00
I have a relative who was one of Ted Bundy's victims.

12-28-18, 17:08
I was on an elevator with Karl Dönitz but I didn't know who he was at the time.

12-28-18, 17:43
As an Army paratrooper I have ZERO jumps in the United States. I went to jump school in Panama (3/7 Special Forces Group ran it) and have 19 jumps in that country. I also have one jump in Honduras. However, none of them were in the U.S. If I had gone to an Airborne unit after I left Panama (like the 82nd) I would no doubt have done so, but alas I didn't. I doubt you'll find many like myself.

12-28-18, 17:51
My wife has this unusual thing. The split second before she grabs a doorknob, she knows whether it is locked or unlocked. I asked, how often are you wrong, she replied , NEVER!

12-28-18, 18:07
I can wiggle my ears.

12-28-18, 18:19
I found my biological father through Ancestry.com.

LMT Shooter
12-28-18, 18:23

Hopefully this thread doesn't go this wrong.

12-28-18, 18:34
Wow, that looks like one depressing movie.

12-28-18, 19:01
Both my wrists are double jointed. I can bend both my hands almost 180 degrees downward and I can't be put into a wrist lock; had multiple veteran SWAT officers try when I was in the academy and they couldn't get me to flinch.

12-28-18, 19:29
I’m an Inductee in both the Iowa and South Dakota Rock & Roll Hall of Fames.

12-28-18, 19:48
I am on the seventh of my nine lives.

12-28-18, 19:57
Ive known what I wanted to do with my life (career, but its also a hobby, of sorts) since I was 9 years old (and did it).

Alex V
12-28-18, 20:39
I'm afraid of heights but I have a private pilot's license and love to fly.

Wow, that looks like one depressing movie.

Dogma is an awesome movie.

12-28-18, 20:57
Errythang weird about me, dammit

12-28-18, 20:58
I'm afraid of heights but I have a private pilot's license and love to fly.

Dogma is an awesome movie.

After reading through the plot on wiki it sounds 10X worst than viewing a few clips on YT.

12-28-18, 21:41
I was a paid extra in a movie. I call it my acting career LOL


12-28-18, 21:42
I have Turrets: I developed it in high school, started out blinking my eyes heavily, but now is a noise I make in the back of my throat.

I lost my sense of smell and taste in 2012 after a head injury.

I am addicted to pain pills- been taken them for years. Seems like the last few years I've been in and out of the emergency room: ruptured appendix, having 5 teeth removed and replaced, broke elbow, 2 back surgeries and 3 oral surgeries just to name of few. I started taking pills because I liked how it made me feel and it suppressed my turrets and to be honest, I feel I am at my best, like I am at my maximum potential. Trying to ween my self off them for the last few months.

12-28-18, 22:04
It is nearly impossible for me to get brain freeze.

12-28-18, 22:08
I have Turrets: I developed it in high school, started out blinking my eyes heavily, but now is a noise I make in the back of my throat.

I lost my sense of smell and taste in 2012 after a head injury.

I am addicted to pain pills- been taken them for years. Seems like the last few years I've been in and out of the emergency room: ruptured appendix, having 5 teeth removed and replaced, broke elbow, 2 back surgeries and 3 oral surgeries just to name of few. I started taking pills because I liked how it made me feel and it suppressed my turrets and to be honest, I feel I am at my best, like I am at my maximum potential. Trying to ween my self off them for the last few months.

Wow, that's tough to hear. Please hang tough and fight those pills. I'll be praying for you. Do you have family or church brethren support?

12-28-18, 22:42
I have Turrets: I developed it in high school, started out blinking my eyes heavily, but now is a noise I make in the back of my throat.

I lost my sense of smell and taste in 2012 after a head injury.

I am addicted to pain pills- been taken them for years. Seems like the last few years I've been in and out of the emergency room: ruptured appendix, having 5 teeth removed and replaced, broke elbow, 2 back surgeries and 3 oral surgeries just to name of few. I started taking pills because I liked how it made me feel and it suppressed my turrets and to be honest, I feel I am at my best, like I am at my maximum potential. Trying to ween my self off them for the last few months.
Here in New Mexico, it's spelled Tourette's. There's a guy in Las Vegas, New Mexico who rides his bicycle all around town, stopping at most of the shops and stores. His nickname is "Witches". He will be speaking normally, then he goes into an uncontrolled Tourette's attack which is: "Witches, witches, shit, piss, f#@k, witches......". It goes on for about 10 seconds while he is jerking his head around. After the attack, he returns to normal. No clue as to when the next performance takes place, but he usually delivers. All smaller towns have their own special characters. In Las Vegas, it's Witches.

VIP3R 237
12-28-18, 22:47
I’ve had 15 surgeries and operations, and I can speed read at 1600 wpm. (Not related)

It is nearly impossible for me to get brain freeze.

That’s super power. I can’t get drunk at sea level, my sister is the same.

12-28-18, 22:47
I Trying to ween my self off them for the last few months.

Hang in there. Sent you a pm.

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12-28-18, 22:51
I could tell you but then I’d have to kill you.

All of you.

And undoubtedly I’d have to whack someone who voted for me and that’s just wrong.

But on a lighter note, when I was stationed in Schweinfurt, an NFL cheerleader team showed up and my Gunny work me from a drunken slumber to get a shower get dressed and be one of the cheerleaders escorts that day on the base. I was hungover but managed to wake up to what I was doing around lunch. My “date” ansi corresponded for several months and had a sort of a LDR. I saw her when I went home on leave but eventually went separate ways.

12-28-18, 22:57
I spend too much time on M4C GD.

12-28-18, 23:29
I am the cover model on a book. Didn't even know until the photographer's wife texted me a photo of the book they stumbled upon while shopping at a Cabela's. Funny thing was that he didn't know either. I tease my kids about my modeling "career."

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12-28-18, 23:43
I helped save hip hop

12-28-18, 23:45
I am the cover model on a book. Didn't even know until the photographer's wife texted me a photo of the book they stumbled upon while shopping at a Cabela's. Funny thing was that he didn't know either. I tease my kids about my modeling "career."

Sent from my Pixel using TapatalkMy high school photo appears on the cover of a book.

12-28-18, 23:57
I’ve never broken a bone but have badly sprained the same finger 7 times.

12-29-18, 00:05
I was contacted in the Fall of 2004 by someone probably forgotten by many - Col. David Hackworth. He was doing some article with a back-story angle to Operation Gothic Serpent, and wanted to interview me. We met in Albuquerque at a restaurant, and later at Kirtland AFB in the Officers Lounge, and discussed me going from Intel to Aviation, and the operations I was involved in. I could tell he was not in the best of health at the time, but he was interesting. He died late Spring the following year and the article was never published to my knowledge. He offered money for allowing him to publish my story and promised to let me read it before printing. I told him the dinner was pay enough. Really energetic fellow despite his failing health. I was almost famous.

12-29-18, 00:05
I helped save hip hop

I used to be a battle DJ.


12-29-18, 00:45
I hate flying. So much so that I've walked away from a vacation while in the walkway thing that leads to the inside of the airplane......3 times!

12-29-18, 03:16
Here in New Mexico, it's spelled Tourette's. There's a guy in Las Vegas, New Mexico who rides his bicycle all around town, stopping at most of the shops and stores

I went to a "counseling" session and there was a cute girl who snapped both of her fingers, turned her neck sideways, closed her eyes and whistled at the same time. I took another look at myself and thought, "eh..mines not that bad" and left. Mine just sounds like I'm clearing my throat in church. They say its a "tick" and triggered by stress or anxiety, I think mine comes from boredom.

12-29-18, 03:24
I was contacted in the Fall of 2004 by someone probably forgotten by many - Col. David Hackworth...

I would have loved to meet Colonel Hackworth. Saw him on Fox News a few times and I’ve read some of his books but I respect him for putting his beliefs ahead of politics.

12-29-18, 05:19
Sleep in a hammock

The Rat
12-29-18, 06:16
One time in Mosul, I had to hold in a gigantic, prairie dogging dump for 12 hours.

It was a long day.

The sprint to the porta shitter when we got back to base to refuel was thunderous.

12-29-18, 06:35
Here in New Mexico, it's spelled Tourette's. There's a guy in Las Vegas, New Mexico who rides his bicycle all around town, stopping at most of the shops and stores. His nickname is "Witches". He will be speaking normally, then he goes into an uncontrolled Tourette's attack which is: "Witches, witches, shit, piss, f#@k, witches......". It goes on for about 10 seconds while he is jerking his head around. After the attack, he returns to normal. No clue as to when the next performance takes place, but he usually delivers. All smaller towns have their own special characters. In Las Vegas, it's Witches.

I've sat in on several training meetings where I wished I had Tourette's....
I spent a lot of hours sitting in them either angry as hell or trying to figure out how we were going to accomplish all this stuff with half the people we needed and then getting angry as hell.

12-29-18, 06:38
I could tell you but then I’d have to kill you.

All of you.

And undoubtedly I’d have to whack someone who voted for me and that’s just wrong.

But on a lighter note, when I was stationed in Schweinfurt, an NFL cheerleader team showed up and my Gunny work me from a drunken slumber to get a shower get dressed and be one of the cheerleaders escorts that day on the base. I was hungover but managed to wake up to what I was doing around lunch. My “date” ansi corresponded for several months and had a sort of a LDR. I saw her when I went home on leave but eventually went separate ways.

I was in Schwienfurt from 1981 to 1989, I wonder if ...

12-29-18, 07:00
According to any database I can find, there's only been 3 members of the Army with my last name. One was my grandfather, the other was in the same brigade at the same time as me in Iowa for over 15 years but we never met.

LMT Shooter
12-29-18, 07:12
I am neither right-handed, left-handed, nor ambidextrous.

I'm curious, could you please elaborate?

I just read Firefly's post. If my question is inappropriate, I apologize.

12-29-18, 07:34
I'm curious, could you please elaborate?

I imagine he either has hooks or them robot hands.

Doc Safari
12-29-18, 09:27
I'm kind of eccentric. I've had some adventures at the ranch and live a kind of Indiana Jones fantasy in my head. I wear a green safari hat with puggaree nearly everywhere I go. It's an Australian slouch hat. I removed the clip hardware that lets you pin the brim up on one side so it looks more like the safari hats in the jungle movies. In short, I look like my avatar.

12-29-18, 13:51
My favorite Jello pudding pop flavor is chocolate.

12-29-18, 14:48
I've fractured 15 bones, from a dozen separate incidents.

12-29-18, 17:08
I still listen to disco in my car... loudly.


I helped save hip hop


12-29-18, 17:20
I had six wisdom teeth. The extra two were smaller and above my wisdom teeth in upper jaw. My sister had a small tooth that grew from the roof of her mouth like a little tusk. Must be my hillbilly genetics.

12-29-18, 17:28
I appeared on the VH1 reality show known as Tough Love Miami.

12-29-18, 17:32
Went to the GM Nationals at Carlisle PA one year. Dominated the wing eating challenge and was on National TV chugging beer in celebration at 16 years old.

It was litty

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12-29-18, 17:43
Went to the GM Nationals at Carlisle PA one year. Dominated the wing eating challenge and was on National TV chugging beer in celebration at 16 years old.

It was litty

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That’s pretty gangster

F the Man!

12-29-18, 17:50
That’s pretty gangster

F the Man!


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12-29-18, 18:11
I was a paid extra in a movie. I call it my acting career LOL


Me too! 2nd grade. School safety movie. Got a box of thin mint cookies as payment.

@telecustom.... Are you "Jay"

@Arik -- I've -almost- done the same thing. Was sitting on the plane, and just stood up started walking towards the front to get off. It wasn't in flight. Got halfway down the isle and turned around. My wife said where where you going? I just said I needed to get off the plane. I think she got a little upset since we were headed for Jamaica and I didn't mention my plans as I was leaving. I used to not mind flying. I would get on the plane and go to sleep the instant I hit the seat. Wake up at my destination. I just got to a point I couldn't stand it.

12-29-18, 18:17
I knocked Chevy Chase on his ass one night in Vegas...

12-29-18, 18:20
I knocked Chevy Chase on his ass one night in Vegas...

Any chance for a repeat performance on say Alec Baldwin?

12-29-18, 18:21
I hate writing the number 3.

12-29-18, 18:34
I hung out with Garry Shandling and showed him the town in Toledo early 80s. Garry had a solid character, one of the good guys. RIP.

12-29-18, 18:41
I was alone at the Mosul palace for 24 hrs. Due to a miscommunication, the corps of Engineers evacuated the place but nobody told me.
So for a brief moment in 2003, the entire palace was empty except for me.
A puny E5.

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12-29-18, 18:44
I once got a BJ from my godfather’s niece after his wedding in Jersey in 2002, he later went on to pose for PlayBoy. I was 19 at the time and she was a senior in high school. I saw her in the lingerie issue 9 months later while in Ft Drum getting ready to deploy. I’m surprised I’m still alive, the whole family is old school Jersey and Long Island Italian.

Whoops, what a difference one letter makes hahaha

12-29-18, 18:49
I once got a BJ from my godfather’s niece after his wedding in Jersey in 2002, he later went on to pose for PlayBoy. I was 19 at the time and she was a senior in high school. I saw he in the lingerie issue 9 months later while in Ft Drum getting ready to deploy. I’m surprised I’m still alive, the whole family is old school Jersey and Long Island Italian.Sooooo you got a Bj from a transgender?

That's...ummm weird..

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12-29-18, 19:03
Sooooo you got a Bj from a transgender?

That's...ummm weird..

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LMAO, fixed that error

12-29-18, 19:24
My Grandmother was a Bootlegger and made a wide variety of spirits. She used to have my uncles carry her supplies up a creek so there would be no trail for anyone to follow. I think he was more concerned about someone ripping off her goods rather than being caught by the law.
She explained to me that She had a code for when she had made a run and what was available based upon the color of handkerchiefs she had on the clothes line. She was proud to mention that Doctors could write a prescription for alcohol during Prohibition, but the Doctors in town all came out to buy from her.

12-29-18, 19:29
There's no shame in the tranny game.
A lot of people are aware of my fixation with Bailey Jay. I dare say she is in some ways my muse. She's come a long way from being a much too thin urchin of her Linetrap days to now broaching her 30s and looking like a milfy Jay Leno.

I think...like...I could grow old with her.

I still maintain that quality trannies are the SFOD-DELTA of women. Like...all the plusses, no minuses. Light speed, No drag.

Regular, boring women are merely born.
But trannies, y'all, they clock in work. Age better.
RuPaul is like 60 and still fine as hell.

There I said it. on open M4C. I said it and it feels good.
I regret nothing

12-29-18, 19:38
There's no shame in the tranny game.
A lot of people are aware of my fixation with Bailey Jay. I dare say she is in some ways my muse. She's come a long way from being a much too thin urchin of her Linetrap days to now broaching her 30s and looking like a milfy Jay Leno.

I think...like...I could grow old with her.

I still maintain that quality trannies are the SFOD-DELTA of women. Like...all the plusses, no minuses. Light speed, No drag.

Regular, boring women are merely born.
But trannies, y'all, they clock in work. Age better.
RuPaul is like 60 and still fine as hell.

There I said it. on open M4C. I said it and it feels good.
I regret nothing

Yeah, but didn't you also say RBG was fine back in the day?

To each their own...

12-29-18, 19:39
My Grandmother was a Bootlegger and made a wide variety of spirits. She used to have my uncles carry her supplies up a creek so there would be no trail for anyone to follow. I think he was more concerned about someone ripping off her goods rather than being caught by the law.
She explained to me that She had a code for when she had made a run and what was available based upon the color of handkerchiefs she had on the clothes line. She was proud to mention that Doctors could write a prescription for alcohol during Prohibition, but the Doctors in town all came out to buy from her.

Did she call it the recipe? ;)

12-29-18, 19:53
Yeah, but didn't you also say RBG was fine back in the day?

To each their own...

She was though..
but Alex Occasia-Cortez is my bae.

She is a hardcore Communist, a Marxist, probably on drugs, has noticeable crazy eyes but...like...I know I could not change her, don't know if I'd want to, but man....if I lived in NYC I'd vote for her just to be able to see her on the news in some crazy outfit saying crazy shit.

I got like...I dunno a complex or something.
Man craves danger and he craves sport so therefore he craved uninhibited women for they are the most dangerous plaything.

Politics aside, I bet we would spend late rainy nights dancing in nothing but socks blasting The Cure stopping only to to recharge on powerade and pizza hut.

12-29-18, 19:58
Me too! 2nd grade. School safety movie. Got a box of thin mint cookies as payment.

@telecustom.... Are you "Jay"

@Arik -- I've -almost- done the same thing. Was sitting on the plane, and just stood up started walking towards the front to get off. It wasn't in flight. Got halfway down the isle and turned around. My wife said where where you going? I just said I needed to get off the plane. I think she got a little upset since we were headed for Jamaica and I didn't mention my plans as I was leaving. I used to not mind flying. I would get on the plane and go to sleep the instant I hit the seat. Wake up at my destination. I just got to a point I couldn't stand it.When I was little I loved flying. Don't know what happened. One day I was like...NOPE! Last flight was a vacation to Holland in 08. Flight was perfect both ways! No turbulence, no nothing. Very smooth however I was tense the whole way. Prior to getting to the airport I drank a bottle and half of cognac and didn't feel a thing. Landed in Holland after being up for 24hrs and had no desire to sleep. After that flight ....the next 3 vacations I got to the door of the plane and turned around

12-29-18, 20:06
Any chance for a repeat performance on say Alec Baldwin?

Ha! All parties involved were inebriated... and luckily his two massive bodyguards were pretty cool. Alec Baldwin, I hope to get the chance some day.😀

12-29-18, 20:07
Arik...when I fly...I have a plan.

If the plane is probably going to crash...I am straight up cold cocking the dude next to me and then forcefully mouthkissing the nearest stewardess. I mean total xenomorph face hugger is how far my tongue is going in and down.

If we die, at least I was able to distract myself to accept my sudden and cruel fate.

If the plane rights itself, then I'll be all like "Hey man we just survived a plane crash. Isn't life grand?! Is not our mere existence enough to overlook cosmically inconsequential humbugs?"

It's how I make my peace with it

12-29-18, 20:23
Arik...when I fly...I have a plan.

If the plane is probably going to crash...I am straight up cold cocking the dude next to me and then forcefully mouthkissing the nearest stewardess. I mean total xenomorph face hugger is how far my tongue is going in and down.

If we die, at least I was able to distract myself to accept my sudden and cruel fate.

If the plane rights itself, then I'll be all like "Hey man we just survived a plane crash. Isn't life grand?! Is not our mere existence enough to overlook cosmically inconsequential humbugs?"

It's how I make my peace with it

Jerk. You made perfectly good bourbon exit my nose onto my lucky fishing shirt.

Doc Safari
12-29-18, 20:26
Firefly, whatever it is you're smoking, I WANT SOME.

12-29-18, 20:33
Firefly, whatever it is you're smoking, I WANT SOME.



video showing dat Stoli life.

26 Inf
12-29-18, 20:34
There's no shame in the tranny game.
A lot of people are aware of my fixation with Bailey Jay. I dare say she is in some ways my muse. She's come a long way from being a much too thin urchin of her Linetrap days to now broaching her 30s and looking like a milfy Jay Leno.

I think...like...I could grow old with her.

I still maintain that quality trannies are the SFOD-DELTA of women. Like...all the plusses, no minuses. Light speed, No drag.

Regular, boring women are merely born.
But trannies, y'all, they clock in work. Age better.
RuPaul is like 60 and still fine as hell.

There I said it. on open M4C. I said it and it feels good.
I regret nothing

Well, sometimes when you unburden yourself if puts an undue burden on others.

This might be one of those cases.

Naah, never mind, the brothers here are all inclusive, one for all, all for one.

12-29-18, 21:18
I rode bulls for a couple of years after I got out of the army - I wasn't good enough to make it pay - and I can make a water drip sound like Cameron on Ferris Bueller's Day Off.


12-29-18, 21:31
Firefly, whatever it is you're smoking, I WANT SOME.

So, you want to lust after porn trannies too? Youser!

12-29-18, 21:46
I started laughing, then realized Bailey Jay must be a porn star and you know who she is...

12-29-18, 21:52
I had to look it up....I'm sorry I did.

12-29-18, 21:53
2nd weird thing about me - my right leg is twisted since birth so my foot is at about a 45 degree angle. The Army doc passed me in my first physical because I was in the National Guard; when I went active Army the doc passed me because "you finished basic, so it must be OK". When I retired, the VA said "Your feet are perfectly normal".


12-29-18, 22:07
2nd weird thing about me - my right leg is twisted since birth so my foot is at about a 45 degree angle. The Army doc passed me in my first physical because I was in the National Guard; when I went active Army the doc passed me because "you finished basic, so it must be OK". When I retired, the VA said "Your feet are perfectly normal".


If this is not a joke you need to sell it to Seinfeld. I would hold out for high 5 figures.

The reason I say Seinfeld is because I'm not sure the young comedians actually know what a joke is. and he has money.

Doc Safari
12-29-18, 22:28
So, you want to lust after porn trannies too? Youser!

Uh...no. HELL NO. I just want to be "high on life" like that individual. There's some high quality chemicals irrigating that brain.

12-29-18, 22:30
Uh...no. HELL NO. I just want to be "high on life" like that individual. There's some high quality chemicals irrigating that brain.

Just checking.

12-29-18, 22:42
The weirdest thing about me now IMO... I like Die Antwoord. I've always been the "he listens to weird music" guy.

I can remember many many years ago we were hanging out and I was at some friends house and I said Prince was going to be like some sort of Jimi Hendrix type deal. ..... ...... ... ... silence ... "So who wants to listen to some John Prine?"

12-29-18, 23:03
Uh...no. HELL NO. I just want to be "high on life" like that individual.

Yeah... he had me way back at "Rachel Maddow" is hot. I knew anyone that could say that was flying(no pun) in his own real world. Respect to Firefly. Don't care to live it but damn... gotta respect it.

12-29-18, 23:12
I was in the audience for Bob Hope’s Christmas Special in 1990. During the national telecast there was a solid 2 second close up of me laughing and applauding during his monologue. I’m still waiting for my other 14:58 minutes.

VIP3R 237
12-29-18, 23:18
I love die antwoord.

The weirdest thing about me now IMO... I like Die Antwoord. I've always been the "he listens to weird music" guy.

I can remember many many years ago we were hanging out and I was at some friends house and I said Prince was going to be like some sort of Jimi Hendrix type deal. ..... ...... ... ... silence ... "So who wants to listen to some John Prine?"

Doc Safari
12-29-18, 23:18
I was in the audience for Bob Hope’s Christmas Special in 1990. During the national telecast there was a solid 2 second close up of me laughing and applauding during his monologue. I’m still waiting for my other 14:58 minutes.

LOL. In college this female DJ had the hots for me and let me improvise a comedy routine at a remote promoting some business. I GUARANTEE I did a perfect impression of Robin Leach.

Hope she didn't get fired over that. I think that was the last time I saw her. Lisa Hardesty. If you read this: sorry if I got you in trouble.

That was my fifteen minutes.

12-29-18, 23:36
I love die antwoord.

Everyone should

but I'm 64 years old and that just seems weird to some.

12-30-18, 00:27
I was best friends with the kid that played Allen on Punky Brewster for a couple years in high school.

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12-30-18, 01:25
I knocked Chevy Chase on his ass one night in Vegas...

If you said Al Franken I'd have been way more impressed.

12-30-18, 01:33
She was though..
but Alex Occasia-Cortez is my bae.

She is a hardcore Communist, a Marxist, probably on drugs, has noticeable crazy eyes but...like...I know I could not change her, don't know if I'd want to, but man....if I lived in NYC I'd vote for her just to be able to see her on the news in some crazy outfit saying crazy shit.

I got like...I dunno a complex or something.
Man craves danger and he craves sport so therefore he craved uninhibited women for they are the most dangerous plaything.

Politics aside, I bet we would spend late rainy nights dancing in nothing but socks blasting The Cure stopping only to to recharge on powerade and pizza hut.

I think I'd have more fun just shoving her off a tall building and then seeing that look of shock on her face when her "nothing bad can really happen to me because I'm a hardcore commie baller" bubble pops before she falls to her demise.

Everybody is all "gangster is cool" until they come up against real gangsters.

12-30-18, 03:27
I was in Schwienfurt from 1981 to 1989, I wonder if ...


What unit?

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12-30-18, 04:25
This thread is amazing. And just shows that I am boring.

12-30-18, 04:28
I think I'd have more fun just shoving her off a tall building and then seeing that look of shock on her face when her "nothing bad can really happen to me because I'm a hardcore commie baller" bubble pops before she falls to her demise.

Everybody is all "gangster is cool" until they come up against real gangsters.

Because I was taught everyone can be redeemed, we should let Firefly attempt to **** the crazy out of her first. If she doesn't wake up conservative, then we try your way...

12-30-18, 07:43
I'm curious, could you please elaborate?

I just read Firefly's post. If my question is inappropriate, I apologize.

I do an equal amount of things left handed as I do right handed, but I can't do things with either equally. I write left handed, but use scissors right handed. I played hockey left handed, but baseball right handed. I shoot with cameras left handed, but shoot fire arms right handed. Things like that.

12-30-18, 07:57
Everybody is all "gangster is cool" until they come up against real gangsters.

Three years after his funeral, the FBI was still interviewing friends and family trying to find my uncle Vinnie... yes I actually had a Sicilian uncle named Vinnie. He ran a "store" out of his living room stocked with items that "fell off a truck". My mother's side of the family is... colorful.

12-30-18, 08:38
I’ve had my intestines on the outside of me. Long story, involving a crazy car accident and a lot of luck being involved in me surviving with minimal lasting affects from the injury. Got some gnarly scars from the whole experience as well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Alex V
12-30-18, 09:16
Before he because a famous actor, Jesse Eisenberg lived in my town and we went to the same HS. I wasn't his friend, but we had a mutual friend. One day I ended up at his house, can't remember the reason. This was around 1999 or 2000. His sister was Haley Eisenberg, the girl in the Pepsi commercials. She came downstairs and being the asshole that I am, I asked her to get me a Pepsi. She told me to go F myself. She was like 7 or 8. I was never in Jesse' house again.

She was though..
but Alex Occasia-Cortez is my bae.

She is a hardcore Communist, a Marxist, probably on drugs, has noticeable crazy eyes but...

Ever since she got famous I've said that I think she may have nice cans. Hard to tell in those dumb outfits. Plus, the crazy might make her a lot of fun in bed. I would make her call me Vladimir Ilyich and have her bring her friends in bed with us, cause you know, Communism.

12-30-18, 09:40
I can wiggle my ears.

I can wiggle just the edges of my ears.

12-30-18, 09:49
Clean it up a bit. This isn't a free for all, or opportunity to out-shock each other.

And remember to carefully consider the public comments you make about the elected officials of a national body.

12-30-18, 09:50
I've fractured 15 bones, from a dozen separate incidents.

Evel Knievel is still alive, folks!

LMT Shooter
12-30-18, 11:46
I do an equal amount of things left handed as I do right handed, but I can't do things with either equally. I write left handed, but use scissors right handed. I played hockey left handed, but baseball right handed. I shoot with cameras left handed, but shoot fire arms right handed. Things like that.

Interesting. That's somewhat the answer I anticipated, I'm glad that Firefly was wrong, because he had me thinking I'd just said something asinine to a veteran who lost limbs in combat, or something super foot-in-mouth like that.

Alex V
12-30-18, 12:11
I do an equal amount of things left handed as I do right handed, but I can't do things with either equally. I write left handed, but use scissors right handed. I played hockey left handed, but baseball right handed. I shoot with cameras left handed, but shoot fire arms right handed. Things like that.

The lefty camera thing has me scratching my head. Do they make lefty cameras?

I play hockey lefty as well but do everything else righty.

12-30-18, 12:37
Seems to be a bunch of Ambidextrous members here. I grew up Left handed but in school they tried to change that - didn't work. I am Left Eye dominant, but I shoot right handed. At Fort Knox in 1978, they found it weird that I would cock my head over the M16 to use my left eye to shoot. It looked weird but I got my Expert rating with that rifle. Here's a breakdown of my Ambidextrous weirdness:

1. Was a place kicker in High School - I kick with my right foot
2. Use a knife in my left hand, fork in my right hand
3. Hold a glass or cup with my right hand
4. I bat in baseball left handed
5. Use a screwdriver in the left or right hand equally
6. Use scissors in my right hand
7. I write left handed
8. Arm wrestle right handed or left handed equally

A doctor once told me that if I ever had a stroke, I'd still have one side of my body to allow me to function. I would prefer to not put that ability to use.

12-30-18, 13:14
LMAO, fixed that errorSooooo your now backtracking..

I said it's weird..never said it's bad...it's ok if you like that kind of stuff..

A man has a right to experiment...


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26 Inf
12-30-18, 14:45
I’ve had my intestines on the outside of me. Long story, involving a crazy car accident and a lot of luck being involved in me surviving with minimal lasting affects from the injury. Got some gnarly scars from the whole experience as well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You win.

12-30-18, 16:36
Predominantly left handed. To the point that I'll use my left hand to cut food while holding it with the fork in my right hand. Then switch and use the fork in my left hand to eat, then switch again to cut. I don't notice it but people think it's weird.

Also, I'm right eye dominant so I tilt my head on the AR, AK, and pretty much anything else. You should see me using side mounted, off set Russian scopes!

12-30-18, 18:10
Shoot, write, eat (as in fork or spoon), play guitar (if I could), all left-handed. Best kicking leg is left one.

Bat, golf (if I did), fighting stance, throw, all right-handed.

Seems "fine" motor skills tend to be left-handed, more "power" movements are right-handed.

Doc Safari
12-30-18, 18:32
I was born left-handed but due to a temporary injury in childhood I switched to being right-handed. I've shot right-handed all my life until my right eye lost some vision due to glaucoma.

I thought I was screwed as far as shooting until I discovered unbeknownst to me I'm left eye dominant.

I actually shoot just as well or better now than when I was using my right eye.

26 Inf
12-30-18, 18:47
Tell One Weird Fact About Yourself

I think I must have been a spy or some type of secret agent in my earlier life and been programmed to forget.

12-30-18, 18:51
I was born left-handed but due to a temporary injury in childhood I switched to being right-handed. I've shot right-handed all my life until my right eye lost some vision due to glaucoma.

I thought I was screwed as far as shooting until I discovered unbeknownst to me I'm left eye dominant.

I actually shoot just as well or better now than when I was using my right eye.

My maternal grandfather was a Marine in WWII. He went into the Corps in August of 1941, several months before Pearl Harbor. He too shot left-handed (probably where I get it from). At Parris Island they were still using Springfield 1903's so they made him learn to shoot right-handed. Guessing if you were all slinged-up then it was a no-go to be left handed with a right-handed bolt gun.

At any rate he did it and said that not long after after boot camp they were issued M1 Garands, so having to learn to shoot right-handed became a moot point! He switched back to being a lefty apparently as he had a custom-made Savage 30.06 hunting rifle built for him in the 1950's......and the bolt was on the left side!

Doc Safari
12-30-18, 18:56
LOL-- I guess it's a good thing I switched from AK's to AR's since AK's are less southpaw friendly.

12-30-18, 19:18
LOL-- I guess it's a good thing I switched from AK's to AR's since AK's are less southpaw friendly.As a lefty.... don't see a difference. In fact some things on the AR are less friendly.

Grab a VZ58 and you'll wonder if it wasn't made for a lefty in mind. I don't see how right handed people found this rifle comfortable. As a lefty it's perfect. Mag release on the left side right in front of the trigger finger, safety on the thumb side for a lefty. Charging handle same as AK

Doc Safari
12-30-18, 19:38
I tried training to shoot an AK lefty and just couldn't get the hang of operating the safety.

Evel Baldgui
12-30-18, 19:43
I can surf but can't snowboard.

12-31-18, 00:45
I can surf but can't snowboard.I can snowboard but can't surf.

12-31-18, 02:23
I tried training to shoot an AK lefty and just couldn't get the hang of operating the safety.

You use the safety when shooting an AK?

12-31-18, 02:46
People still shoot AKs?! To me, that's a gun you only shoot because you have to....

The only real "classic" gun I still care for is the G3/HK91. FN FALs, even the originals, could be a touch finicky with the gas system. In my early 20s, I had an STG 58. It was good for the time but not something I care to reclaim. I sooorta want to do a G3K clone one day or at least get a PTR91 since I have over a 100 G3 mags ('memba when they were going for a dollar a pop?)

They aren't near as accurate as an SR25 anything, but are way less maintenance of the legacy battle rifles. I know they got AR 10 clones now but...meh, get a more modern one. Iron sights hold it back. But a G3 always gets attention, runs well, holds decent groups, and for longer folks feels pretty comfy.

12-31-18, 04:39
People still shoot AKs?! To me, that's a gun you only shoot because you have to....

The only real "classic" gun I still care for is the G3/HK91. FN FALs, even the originals, could be a touch finicky with the gas system. In my early 20s, I had an STG 58. It was good for the time but not something I care to reclaim. I sooorta want to do a G3K clone one day or at least get a PTR91 since I have over a 100 G3 mags ('memba when they were going for a dollar a pop?)

They aren't near as accurate as an SR25 anything, but are way less maintenance of the legacy battle rifles. I know they got AR 10 clones now but...meh, get a more modern one. Iron sights hold it back. But a G3 always gets attention, runs well, holds decent groups, and for longer folks feels pretty comfy.

I have an old Imbel and so long as you go two clicks past on the gas setting they are reliable. I also have some DSA variants and they all run fine. That said it's well known I'm an HK junkie and it all started with the 91 and 93 I got back in 83.

But AKs are what they are. I've had some Polytechs that run fine and are a pleasure to shoot, I enjoy my SLR and SGL rifles as well. My favorite are probably my Bulgarian 74s, they are what they are.

Bolt actions do some things better than others, pumps and levers do other things better than some and semi autos come in a wide range or performance characteristics. I have dedicated "oh shit" guns, everything else is fun, nostalgia or my continuing efforts towards a reference collection.

They are a long way from practical but I have some 1920s era Remington 97s, 1911s, Colt 1908 (.380) and a few other gangster guns. Fun just owning stuff from a time and place.

12-31-18, 07:40
People still shoot AKs?! To me, that's a gun you only shoot because you have to....


Yeah I don't have that problem. It's a firearm, it shoots, I'm happy!

01-01-19, 22:55
When I was a young cop, I caught the serial killer Joel Rifkin with a hooker in a a unregistered/ uninsured car, with paper plates. I cut him lose with a warning. To weeks later the State Police pinch him is the same car with a dead hooker in the back.

01-02-19, 08:32
When I was a young cop, I caught the serial killer Joel Rifkin with a hooker in a a unregistered/ uninsured car, with paper plates. I cut him lose with a warning. To weeks later the State Police pinch him is the same car with a dead hooker in the back.

I think your story wins.

01-02-19, 11:17
I hate writing the number 3.

Just write a backwards E. Chemists write backwards '3' for E's.

I have an extra rib, or that was how it was explained to me as a kid. It is over my heart, and when I was a skinny kid that side was higher than the other.

Only have three teeth between my lower incisors. No record of the adult tooth being pulled or knocked out. Never had braces or any cavities.

For awhile, it looked like my kids might only have three teeth also, but they are normal.

I'm a naturally up-armored, dentistry profession-killing genetic freak.

01-02-19, 14:03
I once played a random pick up game of 3 on 3 basketball with Dan Marino and two of his sons. I was in the 9th grade, and we were vacationing on Kiawah Island. My cousin and his friend and I were just shooting hoops when Dan and his sons walked up and asked if we wanted to play. Dan was super cool and friendly, but his two sons were pretty douchy, especially the older one.

01-02-19, 14:59
I met Potus GWB in Waveland Missi during Katrina.

He called me Kiddo...

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

01-02-19, 20:51
Just ONE? Well, since it's all issues related to my eyes I'll count all this as just one.

Unsure if it's the weird miswired senses that are frequently found with the autism spectrum, or some other issues somewhere between cornea and cerebral cortex, but I have really weird eyes: I can see better than normal in low-light conditions than normal but the tradeoff is I have to wear polarized lenses under most normal lighting conditions beyond brief periods of exposure--you might say like natural "starlight scopes," but with natural color instead of a green tint.

Also, I see better at about a 15- to 20-degree angle to either side than straight ahead, which back in college my range buddies used to like exploiting for sucker bets teeing up "bet you can't outshoot the blind kid." (They used to jokingly compare me to The Who's "Tommy," cracking wise about "that blind kid shoots by sense of smell." Ironically not far off the mark, without my glasses my good eye is 20/400, so bad that if I took them off right now I couldn't read this laptop screen a foot in front of my face.)

01-02-19, 21:34
I literally can't think of anything about myself that isn't too creepy or depraved to post....which I guess is a weird fact in and of itself.

01-02-19, 21:41
Before I was married, I wanted to live as a hermit--a legit hermit--somewhere on a mountain.

01-02-19, 21:51
Before I was married, I wanted to live as a hermit--a legit hermit--somewhere on a mountain.

That's not weird. Every boy who read a Jack London book wanted to do that.

Still do

01-02-19, 21:54
That's not weird. Every boy who read a Jack London book wanted to do that.

Still do

You must be weird like me. :cool:

01-03-19, 06:49
Before I was married, I wanted to live as a hermit--a legit hermit--somewhere on a mountain.

I still want to do that......

01-03-19, 06:51
I still want to do that......

I read a lot of Jack London books as a kid, but the desire to live like a hermit came after marriage...

Doc Safari
01-03-19, 07:04
LOL. I forget what famous person said it, but I've always lived by the philosophy that "Hell is the presence of other people."

01-03-19, 10:43
Just before I met my wife, I had decided that I was going to be a bachelor for the rest of my life. Once I finished school I was going to leave California and basically become a hermit, working from home so I wouldn’t have to deal with other people.

01-03-19, 15:45
That's not weird. Every boy who read a Jack London book wanted to do that.

Still do

Call of the Wild/ White Fang made me want to go to Alaska, but just for a year to experience all of the seasons.

01-03-19, 18:14
I guess wanting to cut myself off from society isn't as abnormal as I thought...at least not among us. :laugh:

Another weird thing that I had actually forgotten about is that, up until I was about 10, I was allergic to shoe adhesive. I had to wear specially-made shoes that had sewn-on soles. I finally grew out of it, and have been wearing normal shoes ever since.

01-03-19, 21:23
I spent two weeks on a nude beach. Spectacular scenery.

01-03-19, 21:35
I spent two weeks on a nude beach. Spectacular scenery.

Now you're just bragging.....unless she said the same thing.

01-03-19, 21:42
This was back in the day before sun block.

01-03-19, 22:17
Hmm... 3 come to mind:

I spent over 10k creating my 2 original CD's and have sold less than 15 of them.

As an Intelligence Specialist in the Navy, I was awarded Enlisted of the Year for Atlantic Intelligence Command at the age of 19. Ironically, the only part of my rate exam I passed and knew was the administrative side yet somehow I won the award and got out of the Navy as an E5 in 4 years (and went in as an E1).

I met Grant because I was his escort (at the SCIF in the Joint Training Analysis and Simulation Center in Suffolk, VA ;)

01-03-19, 22:17
I spent two weeks on a nude beach. Spectacular scenery.

I spent one day at Black's Beach in SoCal. The hike and the natural scenery were great. The human scenery (including me) was anything but spectacular. I imagine all nude beaches aren't created equal, like any other beach.

Doc Safari
01-04-19, 07:28
So G &R means "Grant & Roxanne" I'm assuming.

01-04-19, 09:55
I guess wanting to cut myself off from society isn't as abnormal as I thought...at least not among us. [emoji23]

Another weird thing that I had actually forgotten about is that, up until I was about 10, I was allergic to shoe adhesive. I had to wear specially-made shoes that had sewn-on soles. I finally grew out of it, and have been wearing normal shoes ever since.That reminds me ....up until I was about 16 or so I had an allergic reaction to food. Any time I ate anything, no matter what or how much or little, I would have a red rash on my right cheek. It wouldn't hurt or itch but it was a bright red line running from my ear, across my cheek down to the front of my jaw.

01-04-19, 11:55
So G &R means "Grant & Roxanne" I'm assuming.

Yes, and a weird fact about G&R is that it started in 2002 as G&R Tactical Outfitters. (And the & in a business name is a huge mistake that I always warn new business owners about when naming their companies!)

Doc Safari
01-04-19, 12:58
Yes, and a weird fact about G&R is that it started in 2002 as G&R Tactical Outfitters. (And the & in a business name is a huge mistake that I always warn new business owners about when naming their companies!)

Why is the Ampersand a mistake?