View Full Version : 2019-2020 Progressive Socialist playbook

12-29-18, 15:22
Mick Mulvaney Highlights Nancy Pelosi Position to Weaponize Government Shutdown as Part of Coordinated Resistance Agenda…

Incoming chief of staff Mick Mulvaney gives an impromptu press briefing to the media highlighting the position of incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the democrat intention to weaponize the government shutdown.

Career Democrats are working through a highly coordinated political agenda, defended by institutional media allies, that involve weaponizing the House of Representatives.


12-29-18, 18:18
Did anyone really expect anything different?

Dems and libs voted "D". Republicans and conservatives voted "R". That is predictable. What isn't predictable (although the 2018 results are in keeping with past mid-term elections) is the "Mushy Middle", who don't know what the hell they want from one election cycle to the next. Thank them for these next 2+ years.

12-29-18, 18:41
Just when you think it couldn't get any worst....it does. Heaven help us if they get the presidency, the senate, go for increasing the size of scotus.

12-29-18, 22:12
Did anyone really expect anything different?

Dems and libs voted "D". Republicans and conservatives voted "R". That is predictable. What isn't predictable (although the 2018 results are in keeping with past mid-term elections) is the "Mushy Middle", who don't know what the hell they want from one election cycle to the next. Thank them for these next 2+ years.

When it comes to swing voters, I don't think it's that they're mushy or don't know what they want. I think it's the opposite; they know what they want and they go with the candidate who checks off the most boxes for them. One year that might be the Democrat candidate, and the next it may be the Republican candidate. It is also often based on how well the candidates are liked. I've known plenty of people who voted for the opposite point of view, or not voted at all, because their party's candidate was such a huge piece of shit on a personal level.

12-30-18, 08:15
When it comes to swing voters, I don't think it's that they're mushy or don't know what they want. I think it's the opposite; they know what they want and they go with the candidate who checks off the most boxes for them. One year that might be the Democrat candidate, and the next it may be the Republican candidate. It is also often based on how well the candidates are liked. I've known plenty of people who voted for the opposite point of view, or not voted at all, because their party's candidate was such a huge piece of shit on a personal level.

As far as the midterms are concerned, they tend to vote against what they voted for only two years prior. That in and of itself makes them look wishy-washy. You can't tell me there has been a sea change in politics in the two year period between a POTUS election and the next midterms. You can't reasonably make the argument that electing a solid Republican majority in the House in 2016 and then a new-wave socialist one this year is a matter of "checking their boxes" unless they've totally revamped and changed those boxes. What was elected two years ago couldn't be more different than what will take office in a few days from now.

Sorry, they're fickle. However, both the R's and the D's need them so they are pandered to. The popularity thing you mentioned is probably a much larger factor than "checking boxes", which is of course a pathetic way to choose your candidate.

12-30-18, 10:06
The wishy washy watched television for two years where the media attacked Trump 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, non stop, we never quit and the weak willed
were swayed as they always are.

12-30-18, 11:47
The wishy washy watched television for two years where the media attacked Trump 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, non stop, we never quit and the weak willed
were swayed as they always are.

This is why I sincerely hope he digs in and refuses to give in on this .gov shutdown.
I honestly hope we hit the wall on this and everyone on food stamps feels the impact because those of us who have watched 40% or more of their income go to a behemoth monster sized Federal Government to waste have felt the pain for years. Let's spread that impact around a bit so everyone feels the impact.
Threats of "Taking it to the Streets" need to be met with the full force of the .gov if they want to get all antifa about it.

12-30-18, 12:21
When it comes to swing voters, I don't think it's that they're mushy or don't know what they want. I think it's the opposite; they know what they want and they go with the candidate who checks off the most boxes for them. One year that might be the Democrat candidate, and the next it may be the Republican candidate. It is also often based on how well the candidates are liked. I've known plenty of people who voted for the opposite point of view, or not voted at all, because their party's candidate was such a huge piece of shit on a personal level.

My opinion is the swing voters are the dumb voters. The committed leftist vote their interest and the coalition of small government and liberty-minded plus the country club set vote the only option they have, R.

It’s the dumb people in the middle that voted for Obama because of his appearance or Trump because they saw him on TV shows, etc. They believe the lies they are told.

12-30-18, 17:49
My opinion is the swing voters are the dumb voters. The committed leftist vote their interest and the coalition of small government and liberty-minded plus the country club set vote the only option they have, R.

It’s the dumb people in the middle that voted for Obama because of his appearance or Trump because they saw him on TV shows, etc. They believe the lies they are told.


12-30-18, 18:15
NBCs sunday show was all about climate change. All from the left, not one right person or skeptic. They even said that everything that is legislated will be seen through how it effects climate change.

Want to stop climate change? Look how much CO2 the average Central American emits versus a resident of the US. Every person you import is leading to more CO2 and extreme weather events.