View Full Version : Anyone have that "crud" that's been going around?

12-29-18, 17:55
Had it for 17 or 18 days back in November; runny/snotty nose, coughing up crap. The first week or so in the evenings I felt like shit, spiking a low-grade temp. That tapered off to just snotty nose and coughing but didn't totally go away for just shy of 3 weeks.

Now Friday of last week it started again, but without the evening crappy feeling, just snotting and coughing. So today it's 8 days. WTF? Who do I file a complaint with?

Usually every winter I get one of these things. This year is the first time it's happened twice. I work in a hospital so that may be a contributing factor, but I'm REALLY good about washing my hands and wiping off equipment (almost OC about it).

12-29-18, 18:13
Had it for 17 or 18 days back in November; runny/snotty nose, coughing up crap. The first week or so in the evenings I felt like shit, spiking a low-grade temp. That tapered off to just snotty nose and coughing but didn't totally go away for just shy of 3 weeks.

Now Friday of last week it started again, but without the evening crappy feeling, just snotting and coughing. So today it's 8 days. WTF? Who do I file a complaint with?

Usually every winter I get one of these things. This year is the first time it's happened twice. I work in a hospital so that may be a contributing factor, but I'm REALLY good about washing my hands and wiping off equipment (almost OC about it).

Yes, and I believe I live near you so it is probably the same crud going around. I ended up going to the doctor as it started to develop into bronchitis. The bronchitis went away but I still have the annoying cough. My son got it, too.

12-29-18, 18:21
Yes, and I believe I live near you so it is probably the same crud going around. I ended up going to the doctor as it started to develop into bronchitis. The bronchitis went away but I still have the annoying cough. My son got it, too.

Tell me about it. Hack your damn head off just to get a little fleck of crap up. Ugh!

12-29-18, 18:30
Last year most of winter. Constant deep lung cough and bloody noses, flem all that nasty stuff. Doc said the virus lasts just a few days, it's the aftermath that takes time to heel, I recall he said 3 weeks or so like the OP posted. My sinuses were shot, he prescribed Doxycycline Hyclate that knocked it out pretty quick. Haven't taken any antibiotics in decades. I don't even want to go thru that again. I avoid the public as much as possible.

Stomach virus going around our area now that turns into a bronchial thing after a few days. Maybe the same you are describing.

12-29-18, 18:35
Last year most of winter. Constant deep lung cough and bloody noses, flem all that nasty stuff. Doc said the virus lasts just a few days, it's the aftermath that takes time to heel, I recall he said 3 weeks or so like the OP posted. My sinuses were shot, he prescribed Doxycycline Hyclate that knocked it out pretty quick. Haven't taken any antibiotics in decades. I don't even want to go thru that again. I avoid the public as much as possible.

Stomach virus going around our area now that turns into a bronchial thing after a few days. Maybe the same you are describing.

No, didn't have any nausea or the shits either time (thank God!). I absolutely HATE stomach bugs as I would rather walk on broken glass than puke. The runs I can deal with. Barfing not so much.

12-29-18, 18:40
I had something that was stomach related and it kicked my ass for two weeks as well. It went through stages then I felt better for three days then yesterday I felt like shit all day WTF. Today better but not 100%.


12-29-18, 19:20
No, didn't have any nausea or the shits either time (thank God!). I absolutely HATE stomach bugs as I would rather walk on broken glass than puke. The runs I can deal with. Barfing not so much.

My sister in law's house had the stomach thing from the kids gathering at Christmas. Vomiting and diarrhea for 2 - 3 days, now the bronchial thing. It got everyone that visited and is going around our area. Bad stuff.

12-29-18, 19:26
Low grade fever, a persistent cough, felt a little weak, like a light version of the flu.
Lasted three weeks.

12-29-18, 19:26
Last year my wife no-shit-for-real almost died of pneumonia/bronchitis after the crap going around then. Yesterday we went in for flu and pneumonia shots, I am hoping it helps this year.


12-29-18, 20:37
The coughing sounds like what I had 2 times? late 2016 to early 2017. Last time I went to the doc and got antibiotics. No idea what it was. I knew people that had it it 3 or 4 times that winter and went to their doctor at least once each bout. Aggravating crap for sure.

12-29-18, 20:55
The coughing sounds like what I had 2 times? late 2016 to early 2017. Last time I went to the doc and got antibiotics. No idea what it was. I knew people that had it it 3 or 4 times that winter and went to their doctor at least once each bout. Aggravating crap for sure.

I haven't gone to my doctor about either time (or years past). I have heard it is a virus, and as such antibiotics won't do squat. Not trying to discourage anyone from seeing a doctor about it but more than likely he isn't going to be able to do much about it. Obviously if I had started spiking higher temps and began to have trouble breathing I would have gone, but it's mostly the annoying and persistent symptoms that ail me.

12-29-18, 21:07
2 months ago I had the funk for 3 weeks. Both my youngest kids where sick for a solid month. Coughing, hacking, sinuses, stomach...I felt bad for them.

12-29-18, 21:15
I haven't gone to my doctor about either time (or years past). I have heard it is a virus, and as such antibiotics won't do squat. Not trying to discourage anyone from seeing a doctor about it but more than likely he isn't going to be able to do much about it. Obviously if I had started spiking higher temps and began to have trouble breathing I would have gone, but it's mostly the annoying and persistent symptoms that ail me.

Likely very true and I rarely go, just weeks and weeks in a row wore thin. I was just told generic respiratory infection, but cannot begin to count the number of people I know who have received antibiotics and were diagnosed with a virus.

It actually pisses me off to go in to the doctor office and see signs up in the halls browbeating patients about not taking antibiotics for viruses. Well gee, if anyone walks out of here with antibiotics for a virus it sounds like the finger pointers need to be standing in front of a mirror when they do it.

12-29-18, 21:26
In my case the antibiotics cleared up the lung and sinus infection after virus was finished punishing me. Yes, antibiotics have no effect on a virus. Had this in winter 2016 and again 2018. Suspected to be H1N1 and H3N1. It was serious for this old guy.

12-29-18, 22:06
Wife has this, off and on for almost two weeks now.

Dr. Bullseye
12-29-18, 23:05
We desperately need one of you patriotic guys to french kiss Ruth Bader Ginsburg. For the country.

12-30-18, 02:30
I got pretty much the same thing starting Christmas day. Sore throat, low grade fever, bad congestion, and feeling extremely weak. My fever just broke about 30 minutes ago and I can sort of breath again. Hope it doesn't come back.

Worst part was the weakness. I actually struggled lifting a 40lb bad of cat litter the other day.

12-30-18, 02:30
We desperately need one of you patriotic guys to french kiss Ruth Bader Ginsburg. For the country.

Even patriotism has its limits.

12-30-18, 05:37
I think it's to much Legends Brown Ale and burrito's

12-30-18, 05:44
We desperately need one of you patriotic guys to french kiss Ruth Bader Ginsburg. For the country.

Would just annoy her for weeks on end.

12-31-18, 03:50
I coughed so hard last night, I ended up puking up my dinner.

I am entering week 3 with it. From 1600 friday to 0600 Sunday this last weekend I slept 30 hours.

12-31-18, 07:39
Throat tightened up and slightly sore in the mornings. Low grade fever a couple days. Overall low energy and mucous aplenty. I'm pretty sure my son and his g/f gave it to us when they visited for the holidays. They mentioned having to go to urgent care for their bout. Thanks for sharing!

12-31-18, 08:17
Stomach bug - Christmas MORNING. :bad:

Collapsed in my recliner for the next 36 hours. Hadn't been that sick on Christmas morning, since 1980. :bad::bad:

12-31-18, 10:05
Nasty stuff, queasy for a day or two, ok now. I think my immune system took care of it since I had the h1n3 last winter. Can be life threatening for old guys. I rested in my office chair for a little over 2 weeks. When it first hit I sat awake for almost 48 hours. As soon as I felt I could close my eyes and rest, the coughing would start. flem in the lungs, constant bloody nose. When I finally decided to go to stat care, they were really busy. Happens again, not going to waste time waiting to get over it.

12-31-18, 10:27
Had it, lasted over 2 weeks. Definitely not fun, but not as bad as full on flu.

12-31-18, 14:58
My wife and both of my kids had this about three months ago. Kids got over it relatively quickly (week and a half or so). My wife had it for close to three weeks in total and I ended up getting it as well about the time my little ones got over it. I had it about a month myself. It started out feeling like a cold turned sinus infection but after a few days the nausea hit. I can't think of another time I've ever been that nauseous. My wife was the first one to see symptoms and I thought for sure she was pregnant with morning sickness. (I have two girls, a one year old and three year old. To say I was relieved is an understatement).

Straight Shooter
12-31-18, 15:15
Got it now- deep raspiness in my chest. Have had a dry, hacking, choking cough for 3-4 days. Feels like my throat has collapsed and I struggle to breathe at times.
Aint no laying down-Ill smother & choke like crazy, got to sit up in a cool un-heated room. The heat chokes me to death.

12-31-18, 15:31
My wife and both of my kids had this about three months ago. Kids got over it relatively quickly (week and a half or so). My wife had it for close to three weeks in total and I ended up getting it as well about the time my little ones got over it. I had it about a month myself. It started out feeling like a cold turned sinus infection but after a few days the nausea hit. I can't think of another time I've ever been that nauseous. My wife was the first one to see symptoms and I thought for sure she was pregnant with morning sickness. (I have two girls, a one year old and three year old. To say I was relieved is an understatement).

You would have had the poops too but the Morning Sickness thing had your butt so tight that was a medical impossibility.

12-31-18, 15:41
Best preventative I know. Sounds stupid but I have been using them for years with amazing results:

12-31-18, 15:47
I'm retired, ut when I worked, I worked in construction, and working outside in winter insured that someone would come in with that crap, and it'd literally spread over the whole job. I've been on jobs where a 1/3 of the workforce was out sick. One of the root causes of this was guys who would get sick, and come in anyway, and spread what they had to everyone else.. It finally got to the point where contractors had to start telling their guys that if you're sick, don't come in, and, if you do, we'll send you home..

12-31-18, 20:49
Picked up a stomach bug from a nursing home patient, laid me up for a couple of days. The joys of EMS.

01-01-19, 05:44
My wife and I are in our third week of this bug. Getting better but it’s slow going. I got my flu shot back in October but I guess it didn’t cover this one. Being retired we don’t often go to town more than once a week but once was enough.

01-01-19, 09:03
Best preventative I know. Sounds stupid but I have been using them for years with amazing results:

Jury is still out on vitamin C’s preventative effect on the common cold but there are a couple of reasonably good studies that suggest some benefit. High-dose vitamin C may or may not actually help, but it won’t cause harm, so...”can’t hurt, might help”.

Vitamins aren’t regulated, evaluated, or “approved” by the FDA. As a dietary supplement, anybody can put on on the market. The net result is that vitamins are like a box of chocolates...you never know what you’re going to get.

Straight Shooter
01-01-19, 09:35
Jury is still out on vitamin C’s preventative effect on the common cold but there are a couple of reasonably good studies that suggest some benefit. High-dose vitamin C may or may not actually help, but it won’t cause harm, so...”can’t hurt, might help”.

Vitamins aren’t regulated, evaluated, or “approved” by the FDA. As a dietary supplement, anybody can put on on the market. The net result is that vitamins are like a box of chocolates...you never know what you’re going to get.

For those of us with this mess, any suggestions?

01-01-19, 10:35
For those of us with this mess, any suggestions?

If you are already in the soup, no. Ride it out. Stay hydrated, and as mentioned vitamin C will have little or no downside and some potential benefit. About 500 milligrams daily is what is commonly recommended.

Straight Shooter
01-01-19, 11:09
If you are already in the soup, no. Ride it out. Stay hydrated, and as mentioned vitamin C will have little or no downside and some potential benefit. About 500 milligrams daily is what is commonly recommended.

Thank you sir.

01-01-19, 15:05

Remember that time I had Captain Trips? This feels like worse, nobody cares, and I feel like I am pregnant with a Predalien.

01-03-19, 10:15
Wife finally able to see the doc today and doc said it's a bad respiratory infection. Gave her prednisone and augmentin (antibiotic) to help clear it out.