View Full Version : Mission Impossible (Review)

01-01-19, 15:52
More like mission improbable, but it's action pretty much start to finish, some well done visuals, decent dialogue and characters, and action packed. It's probably the best in the series, but none of them have been notable in the genre per se. It does drag on probably 20 minutes longer than it needed, and I found myself looking at the time, never a good sign. A good movie ends well before you think it should. For those who like the series and the genre, harmless good fun all around, but nothing you'll be thinking about the day after. Gets a B- from me.


01-01-19, 18:27
Exactly. I was surprised that there were no negative reviews. A visual feast for sure, but park the rational mind at the door before watching.

01-02-19, 08:16
Cruz went to Airbus and learned to fly helicopters in order to be able to do the helicopter stunts. Apparently he does a vast majority of his stunts.

01-02-19, 08:54
Cruz went to Airbus and learned to fly helicopters in order to be able to do the helicopter stunts. Apparently he does a vast majority of his stunts.

You could see he was way deep into his own stunts from the camera work. I wish he'd take all that hard work and dedication to his craft to actually make some really good movies, :cool:

01-02-19, 09:26
My favorite movie franchise. Love them all, have seen them all probably ten times, except for the last one which I have only seen once.

I love me some Vanessa Kirby. That was an added bonus.

01-02-19, 10:14
I bought the 4K box set when Fallout was released on disc. Great franchise. The only one I don't love is the John Woo film. Not a fan of John Woo.

01-02-19, 10:31
You could see he was way deep into his own stunts from the camera work. I wish he'd take all that hard work and dedication to his craft to actually make some really good movies, :cool:

I honestly thought the back story on this MI movie was much more intriguing.

01-02-19, 10:50
"Ghost Protocol" and MI3 were my favorites of the franchise, but this one was better than "Rogue Nation".

01-03-19, 11:29
I watched this one on the flight home from Georgia about two weeks ago. I agree with your assessment Will. Nothing to add.

01-03-19, 11:34
I enjoyed every minute.
Well worth my 5 bucks.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

01-04-19, 19:15
I lost interest after the 17th one.

01-07-19, 16:20

It's pretty much just another "nuke hunt" movie. How many of those have you seen? Well, then you've seen this one too. It even has the usual egotistical bad guy who thinks he's going to save the world by destroying it, the good guy that turns into the bad guy, and the "angry government woman in a suit" who turns out to be a good bro to the lovable heroes in the end... :rolleyes:

Some of the action sequences were decent...but there's no way that heli crash was survivable. And frankly, the "bad guys" are pretty harmless- Cruise's character is in more danger from the Operator Cougar than the baddies...

I'd give it like 3 or 4 out of 10