View Full Version : Ocasio-Cortez likes keeping her paycheck...odd

The Dumb Gun Collector
01-05-19, 01:29
The freshly minted congresswoman seems to have changed her tune on the issue ever since she began receiving one of those $174,000 paychecks. According to the New York Post, when asked about the issue of congressional pay during the shutdown, the New York democratic socialist responded with three words.

“I’ve gotta run!”

This should come as a surprise to no one. Remember that socialism is for the people, not the socialist. The idea that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would give up her own money for any reason is somewhat laughable. As every socialist before her has proven that when they speak about spreading the wealth and living with less, they mean to say you should do that, not them.https://www.redstate.com/brandon_morse/2019/01/04/ive-gotta-run-ocasio-cortez-flees-asked-receiving-salary-shutdown-principled-stand/

01-05-19, 01:32
That's surprising said no one.

01-05-19, 06:39
Yes and now that she is in it will be a lifetime of listening to this blathering idiot trying to destroy this country. Thank you New York for your contribution.

01-05-19, 06:40
Please do not insult my future wife.

01-05-19, 08:35
Yes and now that she is in it will be a lifetime of listening to this blathering idiot trying to destroy this country. Thank you New York for your contribution.

Something that is often overlooked or conveniently glossed over by our side is that these commies are ELECTED, meaning a large enough group of people agreed with their platform to put them in office. Think about that for a minute. Shumer, Pelosi, Ocasio-Cortez, Feinswine, Barney Fwank, Booker, Kamala Harris, et al.

When I see some on here espouse that we are all at each other's throats by plan, that we really all mostly agree but some faceless evil cabal has us choking each other while they sit back and laugh.....well, that's a fantasy. The reality is that roughly half of this country has it's head firmly planted up their asses. That list of names above (and many more) is perfect evidence thereof. These socialist/commies are getting VOTED into office by constituencies that I am diametrically opposed to and mostly despise. The divide is real folks, it's not imagined.

01-05-19, 09:10
And it will be ignored &/or excuses be made for it by cannon fodder liberals just like cannon fodder conservatives ignore &/or make excuses for Republican anti gun initiatives.

01-05-19, 09:10
Something that is often overlooked or conveniently glossed over by our side is that these commies are ELECTED, meaning a large enough group of people agreed with their platform to put them in office. Think about that for a minute. Shumer, Pelosi, Ocasio-Cortez, Feinswine, Barney Fwank, Booker, Kamala Harris, et al.

When I see some on here espouse that we are all at each other's throats by plan, that we really all mostly agree but some faceless evil cabal has us choking each other while they sit back and laugh.....well, that's a fantasy. The reality is that roughly half of this country has it's head firmly planted up their asses. That list of names above (and many more) is perfect evidence thereof. These socialist/commies are getting VOTED into office by constituencies that I am diametrically opposed to and mostly despise. The divide is real folks, it's not imagined.

And these congressmen (people?) aren't content with just representing their constituents and their interests. They want to turn the rest of the country into the crime ridden socialist s#@t hole they come from.

01-05-19, 09:13
I'd do her, but that's about the only positive thing I can say about her.

01-05-19, 10:07
So i did some digging around and i couldn't find a recording or video of her saying this. Nor the reporter she said it too. And the reporting editorials have no source.

01-05-19, 10:25
As much as I want this to be true, saying “I’ve gotta run” is really a stretch for an admission of receiving pay during the shutdown.

01-05-19, 11:03
She’s on the Hot/Crazy matrix for sure.

01-05-19, 11:16
She’s on the Hot/Crazy matrix for sure.

She is near anorexic thin and in her 20s. Sure, next to Pelosi she looks hot. Next to real peers, you'd want to smack her in the head all the time to get her eyes right.

I can't wait until someone shows her the math of how raising taxes on the mutli-millionaires doesn't raise the cash that you'd think it would.

01-05-19, 12:03
I can't wait until someone shows her the math of how raising taxes on the mutli-millionaires doesn't raise the cash that you'd think it would.

You think that dingbat apparatchik is actually going to comprehend and/or care about things like facts or math?

01-05-19, 12:05
She is wretched in every way, shape and form.

She has a man face and she’s a Commie.

None of that is hot, only crazy and moronic.

I’m sure she will be keeping her paycheck and continue her tax “them” into oblivion so we can give free shit to my voters tirade.

Alex V
01-05-19, 13:06
She will be in congress for life. No way any conservative will unseat her in that district. In 30 years we will me asking how she is worth $100M being paid $174k/yr? Just like we are of Palosi.

I'd do her, but that's about the only positive thing I can say about her.

Get in line. Firefly is ring shopping.

01-05-19, 14:21
Haters gonna hate


This woman can literally do no wrong by me

01-05-19, 14:45
Beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder. I see a horse-faced looney tune, that I wouldn’t touch with Firefly’s....

01-05-19, 14:52
Libtards ALWAYS have a ready grenade... for YOU to jump on! :rolleyes:

01-05-19, 15:09
Haters gonna hate


This woman can literally do no wrong by me

Dude, are you hitting the Stoli again?

01-05-19, 15:12
She is the Marie Antoinette of Communism. A Neiman Marxist.

She is the evolutionary progeny of the Progressive movements move from 1960s liberalism, through the 90s corporate leftism, to a weird chimera of collectivist capitalism that thinks it can somehow run a command-and-control economy that carves off enough keep its disparate, and sometime contradictory, special interest groups happy and the capitalist cow still moooo-ing all wrapped up in a virtue signaling skin that is only as illogical as it is supported unquestioningly by the MSM.

Or something like that. Not that I've thought about it or anything.

01-05-19, 16:30
She’s on the Hot/Crazy matrix for sure.

She's not hot enough to be as crazy as she seems to be. Fun Zone only. She ain't stable enough for date zone.

01-05-19, 18:41
She is near anorexic thin and in her 20s. Sure, next to Pelosi she looks hot. Next to real peers, you'd want to smack her in the head all the time to get her eyes right.

I can't wait until someone shows her the math of how raising taxes on the mutli-millionaires doesn't raise the cash that you'd think it would.

Agreed, she's a 10 by congresswoman standards, but about a 6.5 to 7 by universal standards. So, not bad looking overall, generally speaking. However, if I were to put the politics aside, there's a thousand smoking hot socialist wackjob actresses in Hollywood that I would spend the night with before AOC.

01-05-19, 19:50

I’m just saying...

01-05-19, 19:52
if folks think she is hot they really need to get away from where they are at big time !!!!!

and why go after wacko chicks when there are plenty that are not that way ? just boggles my mind :)

but I also like intelectual interaction and some intelligence with the other side when I was dating :)

01-05-19, 20:35
She is the Marie Antoinette of Communism. A Neiman Marxist.

She is the evolutionary progeny of the Progressive movements move from 1960s liberalism, through the 90s corporate leftism, to a weird chimera of collectivist capitalism that thinks it can somehow run a command-and-control economy that carves off enough keep its disparate, and sometime contradictory, special interest groups happy and the capitalist cow still moooo-ing all wrapped up in a virtue signaling skin that is only as illogical as it is supported unquestioningly by the MSM.

Or something like that. Not that I've thought about it or anything.

Saved me some typing.

01-05-19, 20:43
Haters gonna hate


This woman can literally do no wrong by meAre you that strung out?

Or is all your taste in your mouth?




01-05-19, 20:59

I’m just saying...

Was that an epileptic seizure?

Man, perception is an interesting thing- I’m just sayin’...

01-05-19, 21:16
I throw up in my mouth every time I look at horse face. I should really apologize to horses for that.

Disgusting...inside and out! Not hot...at least a 12 pack.

01-05-19, 21:28
She will be in until the end.......whenever that is. Sooner than later for the lot of them please.

01-05-19, 22:56

I’m just saying...

Thousands of random girls in Broward County way hotter than that. If she had a great attitude she might be a 7 at best. All things considered she's a 3 who can't really dance.

01-05-19, 23:46
Was that an epileptic seizure?

Man, perception is an interesting thing- I’m just sayin’...

Reminds me of Breakfast Club oddly enough.


Bitch better stop culturally misappropriating images from my youth....

01-06-19, 06:07
1.) AOC is crypto and low key based, y'all just don't see it.
2.) Stop comparing muh woman to these heifers on the street
3.) You can post all her crazy eyed pictures all you want but it changes nothing. She young, hot, and dammit...if we can have a loudmouth reality TV guy as president than we can have a young money Latina who is flighty. She might jack up taxes for folks living in her district in NYC. Oh well. I ain't lost nothing in NYC. It's not like she has her finger on the nukes like some reality tv star. She young, hot, looks flexible, and I could see myself staying up late with her half lit and discussing our favorite hipster bands. That's all I care about anymore. Cheese and Crackers, y'all get uptight. At least she didnt ban Chump Stocks


If you can't handle a Porsche 911 then stick to your Ford Focuses and Subaru BRATs.

Big Facts. Mic Drop. Peace.

01-06-19, 07:39

It’s the future...

01-06-19, 08:34
1.) AOC is crypto and low key based, y'all just don't see it.
2.) Stop comparing muh woman to these heifers on the street
3.) You can post all her crazy eyed pictures all you want but it changes nothing. She young, hot, and dammit...if we can have a loudmouth reality TV guy as president than we can have a young money Latina who is flighty. She might jack up taxes for folks living in her district in NYC. Oh well. I ain't lost nothing in NYC. It's not like she has her finger on the nukes like some reality tv star. She young, hot, looks flexible, and I could see myself staying up late with her half lit and discussing our favorite hipster bands. That's all I care about anymore. Cheese and Crackers, y'all get uptight. At least she didnt ban Chump Stocks

If you can't handle a Porsche 911 then stick to your Ford Focuses and Subaru BRATs.

Big Facts. Mic Drop. Peace.

Actually she reminds me more of this 80’s movies than The Breakfast Club.


01-06-19, 08:49
Haters gonna hate

This woman can literally do no wrong by me

Firefly...she will tax you like no woman ever has...

01-06-19, 10:51
Firefly...she will tax you like no woman ever has...


01-06-19, 11:02
1.) AOC is crypto and low key based, y'all just don't see it.
2.) Stop comparing muh woman to these heifers on the street
3.) You can post all her crazy eyed pictures all you want but it changes nothing. She young, hot, and dammit...if we can have a loudmouth reality TV guy as president than we can have a young money Latina who is flighty. She might jack up taxes for folks living in her district in NYC. Oh well. I ain't lost nothing in NYC. It's not like she has her finger on the nukes like some reality tv star. She young, hot, looks flexible, and I could see myself staying up late with her half lit and discussing our favorite hipster bands. That's all I care about anymore. Cheese and Crackers, y'all get uptight. At least she didnt ban Chump Stocks


If you can't handle a Porsche 911 then stick to your Ford Focuses and Subaru BRATs.

Big Facts. Mic Drop. Peace.

Do you actually think you are being funny? Really, not joking.

01-06-19, 12:09
I can't like her because she is stupid. At some point in my life I realized smart was sexy. I can't tolerate stupid long enough to even get my pants off.

01-06-19, 12:47
Do you actually think you are being funny? Really, not joking.

Not trying to be. Not joking at all. I have learned not to get upset over politics or political people anymore. I was teetotaling pissed Nov 2008. Didn't like it. But life goes on. I was elated come Nov 2016. Loved it. Then it was just SSDD. Life goes on.

You are all angry at someone who is essentially working their first real job. It was her or a 10 term dude in a place where no Republican was ever going to win. Because we know how the Republicans care so much for our rights and dignity. They sell us just as many wooden nickels as the Dems sell the lazy asses.

Where you all see some entitled, spoiled, bitch who will ride us all on a Marxist train to a godless communist hellscape...

I see someone with youth and energy. Someone who will eventually find out she cannot have her way, she cannot spin straw to gold, that we cannot have a teddybearocracy, and for every dude wanting to see her naked there is another Angry Huhwite Male(tm) who will criticise the smallest detail about her because she has a (D) by her name and is at least honest what she believes rather than the guy trying to appeal to whomever.

She will either get disillusioned and do one term or she will have a drive to see the BS on both sides and get something accomplished. She pisses off some of the right people on the Left and she isn't totally wrong about everything.

The fact is, she is young, a lot of us aren't anymore....she was elected. none of us were...and....

She deserves a chance, hotness and personal fondness for her aside. I'm sick of the same old and busted fatass squares getting elected, doing their talking points catechism, and voting present.

I legit see potential and hope more young people run and get elected. I have found that young folks can at least be persuaded. It wasn't a young congress that bans stuff.

If you all can't be three dimensional enough to see that, I feel bad for you. At best, she breaks the norm; at worst, she totally screws the pooch but she at least lives in NYC where nobody can tell the difference (bastion of personal liberty that it is and all)

I just find her interesting...how she thinks, how she seems accessible, how she is finding her way. When she says she eats Ramen, wears unicorn PJs, and binge watched rom coms alone on a no-shave weekend...I believe it. When she questions our current trends, I feel it.

I know for a fact neither DJT and HRC have lived normally in quite some time.

what I'm saying is....someone gave you all a chance. Give her one too. Jeez...

01-06-19, 13:26
Not trying to be. Not joking at all. I have learned not to get upset over politics or political people anymore. I was teetotaling pissed Nov 2008. Didn't like it. But life goes on. I was elated come Nov 2016. Loved it. Then it was just SSDD. Life goes on.

You are all angry at someone who is essentially working their first real job. It was her or a 10 term dude in a place where no Republican was ever going to win. Because we know how the Republicans care so much for our rights and dignity. They sell us just as many wooden nickels as the Dems sell the lazy asses.

Where you all see some entitled, spoiled, bitch who will ride us all on a Marxist train to a godless communist hellscape...

I see someone with youth and energy. Someone who will eventually find out she cannot have her way, she cannot spin straw to gold, that we cannot have a teddybearocracy, and for every dude wanting to see her naked there is another Angry Huhwite Male(tm) who will criticise the smallest detail about her because she has a (D) by her name and is at least honest what she believes rather than the guy trying to appeal to whomever.

She will either get disillusioned and do one term or she will have a drive to see the BS on both sides and get something accomplished. She pisses off some of the right people on the Left and she isn't totally wrong about everything.

The fact is, she is young, a lot of us aren't anymore....she was elected. none of us were...and....

She deserves a chance, hotness and personal fondness for her aside. I'm sick of the same old and busted fatass squares getting elected, doing their talking points catechism, and voting present.

I legit see potential and hope more young people run and get elected. I have found that young folks can at least be persuaded. It wasn't a young congress that bans stuff.

If you all can't be three dimensional enough to see that, I feel bad for you. At best, she breaks the norm; at worst, she totally screws the pooch but she at least lives in NYC where nobody can tell the difference (bastion of personal liberty that it is and all)

I just find her interesting...how she thinks, how she seems accessible, how she is finding her way. When she says she eats Ramen, wears unicorn PJs, and binge watched rom coms alone on a no-shave weekend...I believe it. When she questions our current trends, I feel it.

I know for a fact neither DJT and HRC have lived normally in quite some time.

what I'm saying is....someone gave you all a chance. Give her one too. Jeez...

Give her a chance to see if she can advance her socialist agenda? Give her a chance to see if she one day might see the light and that her beloved communism is evil? Give her a chance to destroy this country we love? No thanks........ Look up her New Green Deal and see if you want to give that a chance.

01-06-19, 13:28
i can't like her because she is stupid. At some point in my life I realized smart was sexy. I can't tolerate stupid long enough to even get my pants off.


One thing about Ocasio-Cortez, she get's plenty of press and is one more Progressive Pol/Celeb doing a great job of showing folks in the middle how loony the left has become.

As far as I'm concerned, the more she opens her mouth and shows everyone how stupid and uninformed she is, the better.

01-06-19, 13:51
I’m just looking 5 years down the road. Trust me, I have a far different outlook on life at 24 than I do now.

They said Obama was gonna either plunge us into a Socialist hellhole or institute Sharia Law or inspire an epic American Race War. He was born in Kenya blah blah blah

And he was ultimately the most milquetoast Oreo who made the henpecked neighbor dude from The Boondocks look like Huey Newton in comparison.

I didn’t like it but it really didn’t bother me looking back. Everybody thought Trump was going to be this Far Right Messiah who was going to Right the wrongs. Have cash and carry suppressors. Meh it’s 2019 and blah.

I seriously doubt one little girl from NYC is going to hoist the red flag, pull a Che Guevara, and start land expropriation.

Although....she would look kinda sexy in OD fatigues toting an AK with a black red star beret and smoking a cigarillo....

But it ain’t gonna happen.
Seriously. She’s either gonna toe the line or she won’t get re-elected.

Stop letting pols get in your feelings

01-06-19, 14:33

01-06-19, 14:44
I’m just looking 5 years down the road. Trust me, I have a far different outlook on life at 24 than I do now.

They said Obama was gonna either plunge us into a Socialist hellhole or institute Sharia Law or inspire an epic American Race War. He was born in Kenya blah blah blah

And he was ultimately the most milquetoast Oreo who made the henpecked neighbor dude from The Boondocks look like Huey Newton in comparison.

I didn’t like it but it really didn’t bother me looking back. Everybody thought Trump was going to be this Far Right Messiah who was going to Right the wrongs. Have cash and carry suppressors. Meh it’s 2019 and blah.

I seriously doubt one little girl from NYC is going to hoist the red flag, pull a Che Guevara, and start land expropriation.

Although....she would look kinda sexy in OD fatigues toting an AK with a black red star beret and smoking a cigarillo....

But it ain’t gonna happen.
Seriously. She’s either gonna toe the line or she won’t get re-elected.

Stop letting pols get in your feelings

She is a total RETARD. Just plan STUPID. Politics are involved in everything. If you are speaking of relationships then those also. It is very difficult to maintain a LASTING and REAL relationship with someone who is:

A - That Stupid
B - A complete Leftist Socialist

I will caveat the above with it may work out if both parties meet all of three of the criteria.

If you can't see that then I truly feel for you. Good luck

01-06-19, 15:17
I just find her interesting...how she thinks, how she seems accessible, how she is finding her way. When she says she eats Ramen, wears unicorn PJs, and binge watched rom coms alone on a no-shave weekend...I believe it. When she questions our current trends, I feel it.

what I'm saying is....someone gave you all a chance. Give her one too. Jeez...

Internet fights are dumb and all, but I cannot endorse this sentiment enough.

She is ignorant. The worst outcome is she gets good at politics and keeps her convictions, which means she serves her community well. More likely she will learn life is complicated and get some sweet non-profit job. I hope she keeps dancing.

New York and its poisonous corruption, quasi-R and D’s, are a serious problem for the entire nation. If she can shake the NYC shitshow up a bit, good, the people deserve something better.

I will also add that my politics are way right, but generally the worst of Obama’s people had more talent than the best of Trump’s people. I work with a number of cabinet secretaries, depsecs, unders and assistants. Part of the reason Trump is so ineffectual is terrible recruitment and an administration-wide inability to run the government machine. Trump is a Bill Clinton II amateur hour scenario, but not likely to have a second term.

01-06-19, 15:24
This thread is really getting funny, firefly yanking you guys. Firefly can't be serious .. ;)

01-06-19, 15:26
She is a total RETARD. Just plan STUPID. Politics are involved in everything. If you are speaking of relationships then those also. It is very difficult to maintain a LASTING and REAL relationship with someone who is:

A - That Stupid
B - A complete Leftist Socialist

I will caveat the above with it may work out if both parties meet all of three of the criteria.

If you can't see that then I truly feel for you. Good luck

We simply disagree and that is fine. No hard feelings. I try to be positive and try to maintain my Zen.

Remember what the Zen Master says:
"We'll see"

Everyone enjoy your Sunday. Make as much love as you can, eat a good dinner, have a cigar, have some Brandy, and remember....it'll be midnight in less than 8 hours.

We start a whole new week.

01-06-19, 15:26
This thread is really getting funny, firefly yanking you guys. Firefly can't be serious .. ;)

If you only knew firefly. Lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-06-19, 15:31
We simply disagree and that is fine. No hard feelings. I try to be positive and try to maintain my Zen.

Remember what the Zen Master says:
"We'll see"

Everyone enjoy your Sunday. Make as much love as you can, eat a good dinner, have a cigar, have some Brandy, and remember....it'll be midnight in less than 8 hours.

We start a whole new week.

Same to you. Enjoy what you have left of the weekend....... And stop looking at the liberal trim.....LOL

The Dumb Gun Collector
01-06-19, 15:59
If you would have told me in 1992 that Bernie Sanders was a serious contender for the Dem nomination, that barely warmed over communists like Cortez were going to be taken seriously, I would have laughed in your face. The problem with people like her, Bernie, and Obama often isn't what they get accomplished, but how they move the needle to the left making the "center" more left. That's why you have Trump banning guns and Rubio pushing Red Flag laws. These are now "sensible" positions to everyone but hard core gun nerds like us.

01-06-19, 16:15
This thread is explaining a lot about some of the members of this board.

01-06-19, 17:43
Steve Scalise responded to Cortez about the 70% tax hike. Her supporters came out wishing he should have been killed. This is really what they want and now they can post it and say like Jane Curtin. Check the tweet captures, disgusting. Maybe this should be in the civil war thread, applies to both.


01-06-19, 17:49
If you would have told me in 1992 that Bernie Sanders was a serious contender for the Dem nomination, that barely warmed over communists like Cortez were going to be taken seriously, I would have laughed in your face. The problem with people like her, Bernie, and Obama often isn't what they get accomplished, but how they move the needle to the left making the "center" more left. That's why you have Trump banning guns and Rubio pushing Red Flag laws. These are now "sensible" positions to everyone but hard core gun nerds like us.

Like I said earlier in this thread, these people are elected, so reflect their constituency. THAT is what is frustrating and sad. Sure, she was elected in a known libtard district (is there anywhere in downstate NY that isn't?), but look at all the other socialist/communist asswipes elected to office around the country. These politicians themselves only reflect who sent them there, and therein lies the problem.

01-06-19, 18:57
Well, perhaps Firefly will get his chance, and he can flip Cortez. And, I mean idealogically and not physically, because she is still horse-faced and not hot. There's that throw-up taste again...yuk!!

01-07-19, 08:50
Troll level = 100 Firefly. Props.

01-07-19, 10:37
Well I will admit she has a LOT of self development to work on but I actually agree with her on some very basic points

1) Renewable Energy: Seriously we are basing our entire way of life around the remains of dead monsters who have not walked the earth in millions of years. Is it so wrong to perfect clean, renewable energy via electrical or biofuel?

2) You are not entitled to re-election: She campaigned on this. This is also how Trump got in. People are sick of the same career fatasses getting elected over and over promising stuff they have had decades to deliver but if you vote for me again this time will be different! Also I need a payraise. My DC McMansion and my real Mansion in my homecstate ain’t paying for itself

3) A real two state solution: Palestine isn’t going anywhere... like it or not. I know what the Bible says but it’s been 70 years. Somethings gotta give. What’s one more ethnostate in SWA/ME any damn ways? Give the baby his bottle

4) The Disenfranchised: I get to pick between Coke or Pepsi. Wow, what a choice.... How about something different? People are sick of the non-choice choice. The crazy hot latin chick may be great, may eff up royally but at least she’s hot and is a gateway that even if crazy leftist hipster ideas can get the pulse pumping then so can other stuff. Look at the dude from Texas. The SEAL guy. He looks like freaking Solid Snake and is pretty right wing. These people would have been unelectable before 2016. The whole Harvard, Yale, Princeton President Farm needs to burn down. Actual CHOICE is in play here. You may not like it, but it’s new and exciting. It’s an X factor

5) She appreciates 80s movies and pop music and she’s hot. What does that mean? She’s a real person. She has flaws. She farts. She isn’t unapproachable. She’s human.
Everyone else has their own jets and armed security.
She can always change her mind. Old people stay the course. I truly believe she is one heartbreak, one good lay, one religious awakening, one bad day away from being either /Our_Girl/ or a tyrant. You never know. It’s exciting. It’s dangerous.

It’s FUN!

It bemuses me others cant see what I see.

01-07-19, 12:13
Well I will admit she has a LOT of self development to work on but I actually agree with her on some very basic points

1) Renewable Energy: Seriously we are basing our entire way of life around the remains of dead monsters who have not walked the earth in millions of years. Is it so wrong to perfect clean, renewable energy via electrical or biofuel?
Nothing wrong with it as long as the government isn't mandating it. She wants us completely off fossil fuels in 12 years? lol yeah ok. We just found the largest reserve in history in West Texas/ Eastern New Mexico.

2) You are not entitled to re-election: She campaigned on this. This is also how Trump got in. People are sick of the same career fatasses getting elected over and over promising stuff they have had decades to deliver but if you vote for me again this time will be different! Also I need a payraise. My DC McMansion and my real Mansion in my homecstate ain’t paying for itself
Agreed. Career politicians suck and only exist to get reelected. I Ocasio Cortez the answer? No, someone with more than 2 brain cells to rub together would be my pick. NY gets what they voted for.

3) A real two state solution: Palestine isn’t going anywhere... like it or not. I know what the Bible says but it’s been 70 years. Somethings gotta give. What’s one more ethnostate in SWA/ME any damn ways? Give the baby his bottle
Two state solution may sound great but really it's not up to us. The Palestinians and Israel have to figure that out and the Palestinians(at least current leadership) don't seem to actually want a solution other than Israel needs to die or leave. Also Jerusalem is always going to be a sticking point.

4) The Disenfranchised: I get to pick between Coke or Pepsi. Wow, what a choice.... How about something different? People are sick of the non-choice choice. The crazy hot latin chick may be great, may eff up royally but at least she’s hot and is a gateway that even if crazy leftist hipster ideas can get the pulse pumping then so can other stuff. Look at the dude from Texas. The SEAL guy. He looks like freaking Solid Snake and is pretty right wing. These people would have been unelectable before 2016. The whole Harvard, Yale, Princeton President Farm needs to burn down. Actual CHOICE is in play here. You may not like it, but it’s new and exciting. It’s an X factor
Only comment here is she really isn't that hot unless you are comparing her to current female members of congress. Then sure. Come to Dallas and I could show you thousands from 20 to 50 that are in another league. Her crazy eyes tell you all you need to know. Scary

5) She appreciates 80s movies and pop music and she’s hot. What does that mean? She’s a real person. She has flaws. She farts. She isn’t unapproachable. She’s human.
Everyone else has their own jets and armed security.
She can always change her mind. Old people stay the course. I truly believe she is one heartbreak, one good lay, one religious awakening, one bad day away from being either /Our_Girl/ or a tyrant. You never know. It’s exciting. It’s dangerous.

Yeah she is a real person. She is a kid that was waiting tables a few months ago with not only no experience in any type of leadership but also no knowledge of how our government works, laws work, world affairs, etc. But she sure loves her some socialism and other peoples money.

It’s FUN!

It bemuses me others cant see what I see.

See response in red....

01-07-19, 12:26
I tried to stay out of this FF< but come on , man!

She wants to add $40 Trillion dollars to our spending. But she doesn't even know and cannot even recite the three branches of government when asked. She has been asked several times where she is going to get that money and she has NO CLUE.

Renewable energy would be great, if it were VIABLE! everything we have now cannot even exist without us as citizens propping it up through MASSIVE subsidies. It is stifling the industry and stopping nay progress, yeah lets do more of that circle dance...

#1- It's obvious we need to change the way we produce energy in the future, but what it needs to be is all individual/personal generated energy, not large government funded industries. Thats a whole other topic and I would be more than happy to discuss it with you in great lengths as I am very deep in both worlds- 1/2 may family is in the coal or oil and gas industry and I have done a ton of research on personally generating energy as I am a total do it yourself and want to be self sufficient in as many ways as possible, I hate the government and other people being in control o fly well being.

#2- Absolutely I agree no one is entitled to re-election. We do need new blood and we need change, but not the type that AOC wants and is pushing and will help make more appealing to future voters.

#3- She should focus on New York and the USA; she already doesn't know enough about our systems of governance or leadership to teach a civics class, let alone be a part of the .gov itself. I'll leave it at that.

#4- I am also sick of the 'non-choice choice". But espousing socialist and communist ideals as a fix to the problems we have isn't going to change anything for the better. Only for the worse. Again, she won't really do anything other than make it more mainstream and more appealing, she won't Che it up, she won't usher in some new way of life, she won't change the system for the better- she will just be a useful idiot to the folks who want full Statism to flourish throughout the world, she punts the ball a bit further to the left is all.

#5- I really don't care what she is into, I care about her policies and platforms and those are all wretched, ludicrous, tried before and failed miserably BS.

She hasn't a clue, she is window dressing for Socialism.

With that, I'm out of this thread.


01-07-19, 12:46
Y’all are missing the boat. We have a young, virgin 29 yo politician who even squicks out folks on the Left. The fact that she has no experience is a blessing.

Once she sees how her idealism is going to be paraded about for the young hipster vote only to put her in a compromised position will she start to shine.

She has two things going for her: youth and vitality. Because her policies and cute puppy ideas will be royally shit on by everyone.

I see the potential for a disaffected hero to blossom. Once she fully sees that nobody cares about her aside from the novelty will she buckle down, do her homework, and start shaking up the scenery. She will either go harder left or harder right.

If she goes harder left, it will inspire opposition to keep her in check. If she goes harder right, she is a sleeper.

She is still young enough that she will resist. She has her ego. And she doesn’t realize that they are whoring her image out to use her then discard her to the back.

The corner is where heroes and villains alike are born.

You may not find her sexy, qualified, intelligent, nor worldly.
But one thing you cannot take away is her status as a wildcard.

Or...maybe I’m thinking with the wrong head. We all do it. But I feel strangely optimistic about her. A hunch. A gut feeling. It’s like the wind. I can’t see it, but I know it’s there.

If I am ultimately wrong then I’m wrong.

But if I’m right......

01-07-19, 13:09
Good body, horrible face. She’ll thicken up a bit sitting in her taxpayer funded office. She’ll only get uglier in the face. She’s a left wing dreamer who would gladly enforce her views with a gun. Unfortunately the voters of New York have given her the opportunity to impose her will.

01-07-19, 13:30
Couldn't care less about her appearance or, quite frankly, her politics. I read the transcript from one of her interviews and realized she has no idea what she is talking about and that she has the vocabulary of a 6th grader.

The USA is speeding down the Idiocracy path.

As further proof of this, the Republicans feel like they need to debate everything she says and look like fools when they do.

They should have learned their lesson from Hillary - pay a group of people to send "your" tweets and "your" Facebook posts.

If they debate her on the floor, they will win.


01-07-19, 13:48
This ding bag is getting 50% of her publicity for free because conservatives is letting her live in their heads.

01-07-19, 14:38
This ding bag is getting 50% of her publicity for free because conservatives is letting her live in their heads.

Exactly. She is pulling a Trump when it comes to free air time and publicity.

01-08-19, 00:32
You know....I tell you, especially after the 60 Minutes interview why I am infatuated with AOC so....

She reminds me of this girl I knew in college in the day. She was hard left on everything. Was so obsessed with Socialism. Was a super feminist and kinda uppity. Well she put her money where her mouth was and joined the Peace Corps. Nobody sees her for a year. She was a pretty albeit annoying girl.

She ends up going to Africa. When she comes back....hoo boy. You would've thought she had done a tour in the 'Nam or something. Hair short (not like a pixie just short), chain smoking, dressing kinda dowdy, every other word the N word or F word, and just angry. She wanted someone to go gun shopping and basically whenever the gun counter guy tried to hawk her a pink keltec she was insistent she "get a real gun with a large clip". She never went into detail at all her bad experience but it changed her.

Like...She was sooooo idealistic and had all this peace symbol love and all attitude to being angry and bitter.

Like....okay it was like she died and someone took her to the Pet Sematary. It was her, but it wasn't. I lost track of her but I know folks made fun of her before then started distancing themselves after.

And in a way, I can see where AOC is idealistic. She's a girl. Most girls are just not gun toting Constitutionalists. They have these feelings. But...again, she's a girl yet...and I just think after a while she will see what it really is.

I think, in her own way, she cares about people just with unrealistic ways. I can't say she doesn't. But even the Established Left thinks she is out there.

And I just see her after a while not really giving up but maybe getting real.

Or maybe...I am the king of wishful thinking.
A lot of people here see her as the Red Menace and I just see this girl, you know?

And I'm not a white knight nor one to put it on a pedestal. I just...hear a lot of shit coming out her young mouth but see a lot of innocence and insecurity in her and hey...

I like underdogs and punchy girls.

01-08-19, 00:54
You know....I tell you, especially after the 60 Minutes interview why I am infatuated with AOC so....

She reminds me of this girl I knew in college in the day. She was hard left on everything. Was so obsessed with Socialism. Was a super feminist and kinda uppity. Well she put her money where her mouth was and joined the Peace Corps. Nobody sees her for a year. She was a pretty albeit annoying girl.

She ends up going to Africa. When she comes back....hoo boy. You would've thought she had done a tour in the 'Nam or something. Hair short (not like a pixie just short), chain smoking, dressing kinda dowdy, every other word the N word or F word, and just angry. She wanted someone to go gun shopping and basically whenever the gun counter guy tried to hawk her a pink keltec she was insistent she "get a real gun with a large clip". She never went into detail at all her bad experience but it changed her.

Like...She was sooooo idealistic and had all this peace symbol love and all attitude to being angry and bitter.

Like....okay it was like she died and someone took her to the Pet Sematary. It was her, but it wasn't. I lost track of her but I know folks made fun of her before then started distancing themselves after.

And in a way, I can see where AOC is idealistic. She's a girl. Most girls are just not gun toting Constitutionalists. They have these feelings. But...again, she's a girl yet...and I just think after a while she will see what it really is.

I think, in her own way, she cares about people just with unrealistic ways. I can't say she doesn't. But even the Established Left thinks she is out there.

And I just see her after a while not really giving up but maybe getting real.

Or maybe...I am the king of wishful thinking.
A lot of people here see her as the Red Menace and I just see this girl, you know?

And I'm not a white knight nor one to put it on a pedestal. I just...hear a lot of shit coming out her young mouth but see a lot of innocence and insecurity in her and hey...

I like underdogs and punchy girls.

So you are saying she could be ok it we just dropped her in the darkest parts of Africa for a couple of years for some "growing up" and some "real world experience."

I'm ok with that, I think I'd even be ok with tax payer dollars going towards that effort. I personally recommend Darfur. Socialism would probably be a big hit over there I think.

01-08-19, 01:12
I will give this woman a chance.

But only because Firefly so eloquently asked me to.

01-08-19, 02:07
You know....I tell you, especially after the 60 Minutes interview why I am infatuated with AOC so....

She reminds me of this girl I knew in college in the day. She was hard left on everything. Was so obsessed with Socialism. Was a super feminist and kinda uppity. Well she put her money where her mouth was and joined the Peace Corps. Nobody sees her for a year. She was a pretty albeit annoying girl.

She ends up going to Africa. When she comes back....hoo boy. You would've thought she had done a tour in the 'Nam or something. Hair short (not like a pixie just short), chain smoking, dressing kinda dowdy, every other word the N word or F word, and just angry. She wanted someone to go gun shopping and basically whenever the gun counter guy tried to hawk her a pink keltec she was insistent she "get a real gun with a large clip". She never went into detail at all her bad experience but it changed her.

Like...She was sooooo idealistic and had all this peace symbol love and all attitude to being angry and bitter.

Like....okay it was like she died and someone took her to the Pet Sematary. It was her, but it wasn't. I lost track of her but I know folks made fun of her before then started distancing themselves after.

And in a way, I can see where AOC is idealistic. She's a girl. Most girls are just not gun toting Constitutionalists. They have these feelings. But...again, she's a girl yet...and I just think after a while she will see what it really is.

I think, in her own way, she cares about people just with unrealistic ways. I can't say she doesn't. But even the Established Left thinks she is out there.

And I just see her after a while not really giving up but maybe getting real.

Or maybe...I am the king of wishful thinking.
A lot of people here see her as the Red Menace and I just see this girl, you know?

And I'm not a white knight nor one to put it on a pedestal. I just...hear a lot of shit coming out her young mouth but see a lot of innocence and insecurity in her and hey...

I like underdogs and punchy girls.

So, in the old joke context, she's a liberal that needs to get mugged...

Pretty girl, sheltered upbringing, ultra-safe seat- she is the natural outcome of her environment. Low-intelligence, low-experience with high-expectations and virtue signaling that leads to over-exposure.

01-08-19, 04:09
The only thing I will address here, is the so called two state solution.

It is dead!

The PA has not had an election in a long time because Hamas would win, which means a two state solution is not viable.

Second, the relationships between Israel and Arab countries has changed radically. The Arab states are moving away from the Palestinians, they know and hate the Palestinians more than any Israeli.

Iraq has sent government officials to Israel 3 times in the last month or so, Saudis and everyone except Qatar has sent people to Israel. Dubai has opened a synagogue and has about 300 members.

So the Iranians are making peace between us and the Arabs and the Arabs are leaving the Palestinians behind.

Lastly, the Israeli population will never allow a Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria the correct names of the so called west bank. It is the heartland of biblical Israel. I amd many others would and will rise up against any Israeli government now and in the future that wants to give our land away.

So her position on the Middle East is as old and tired as the rest of the crap that comes out of her mouth.

01-08-19, 10:42
Be honest..Firefly..
You'd bang it like a screen door in a hurricane.

Your smitten by her....and that whole Latina...sweet stuff.

I like your perception on it...but she's got cray cray my friend and it ain't good.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

01-08-19, 10:51
Stupidity for democrats is the norm. I'm just waiting for her to double down on the concept of Guam tipping over and capsizing if we maintain too many troops there.

To validate what Firefly has been saying, my eldest son told me once that the dumb ones can be fun - if not expecting a serious relationship.

01-08-19, 11:00
Please stop making stupid people famous.

01-08-19, 11:03
Stupidity for democrats is the norm. I'm just waiting for her to double down on the concept of Guam tipping over and capsizing if we maintain too many troops there.

To validate what Firefly has been saying, my eldest son told me once that the dumb ones can be fun - if not expecting a serious relationship.

Right before I met my wife 21 years ago I had met through a friend of mine a sorority sister of his wife's. She was an angry, chain-smoking, far-left feminist, but...she liked sex (she could never resolved how she did not need men in her life but she needed that). At the end of the day she was not that smart but she was incredible in the sack. Then I started sleeping with her roommate, who was actually a lot nicer and better looking, and she really hated men after that.

01-08-19, 11:15
Communism is evil. There is nothing fun or cute about it.

There are people who are just dumb or ignorant about how evil it is and buy into the propaganda. They end up oppressed or get the wall, same as everyone else after the revolution.

01-08-19, 11:49
She ends up going to Africa.

When ever I talk to somebody who is in a similar vein(liberal, socialist, etc...) I ask them if they have ever been out of this country to anywhere besides a Mexican resort or MAYBE Canada... so far I have only met like 1 person who went to Europe...

I would like people like this to go to Africa and the Middle East before they are able to spout "knowledge" of either place... Ive been to both quite a few times... Africa=shit hole outside of MAYBE Moroco and Egypt(questionable now days), even S. Africa is turning into a shit hole with all the reverse apartheid thats going on these days. Ive also been to a bunch of the middle eastern countries and the various Stan's... some nice some not nice...again if you havent been, you cant talk about them...

I can GUARANTEE that if these people would actually go see what the rest of the world is REALLY like, they would be shocked and it would change their opinion of world matters A LOT.

Something I gained from world traveling is seeing the REAL abject poverty in places like Africa, not the bull shit "poverty" we have in the USA. Somebody in the USA at the poverty income level(I think thats 9k a year or something like that) has more money than ~97% of the rest of the worlds population.

01-08-19, 13:00
Anyone who experiences real communism from the perspective of the subjugated and not the enforcer would want it destroyed.

01-08-19, 15:02
I'm gonna give Firefly one point here. We can all vehemently disagree with her politics, but we should do it in a less self-defeating manner. Half the problems we face today are because neither side has given the other an out. We slammed all the doors and locked them up tighter than a tick on a coon hound. There's no face saving way out. We'll get to see a perfect example of that tonight on TV. It's why no one is blinking and we're on a collision course with rails.

We should let her know that when she gains real world experience and figures out that everything she believes in is wrong, she's free to join our side. Politics is corrosive and caustic, but that doesn't mean we always have to be that way too.

01-08-19, 15:17
I'm gonna give Firefly one point here. We can all vehemently disagree with her politics, but we should do it in a less self-defeating manner. Half the problems we face today are because neither side has given the other an out. We slammed all the doors and locked them up tighter than a tick on a coon hound. There's no face saving way out. We'll get to see a perfect example of that tonight on TV. It's why no one is blinking and we're on a collision course with rails.

We should let her know that when she gains real world experience and figures out that everything she believes in is wrong, she's free to join our side. Politics is corrosive and caustic, but that doesn't mean we always have to be that way too.

I am sincerely touched by your sentiments. I’m at this point in my life where I am tired of being angry. I’m tired of everything being zero sum.

I just want to live on love. American love. There is always room at my table for people who see the errors and faults in themselves and try to fix it.

But then again I am that weirdo who can watch Thin Red Line over and over again but cannot stand a minute of SPR.

I wish one day we could discover that we are all sharing the same big soul in 7 billion different bodies. I further wish people wouldn’t dismiss me as being on acid when I say things like that.

Without suffering we cannot recognize hope.
For the first time in five years, as just myself; I feel sad still, but also alive and optimistic. Like I am not just waiting for the ravages of time to claim me.

01-08-19, 15:24
Gulag Archipelago. Should be required reading for all, but mostly for all in politics.

Alex V
01-08-19, 16:51
To validate what Firefly has been saying, my eldest son told me once that the dumb ones can be fun - if not expecting a serious relationship.

Totally true. I was once dating a girl who was in fashion school in Philly. Not sure why she had a class where geography was involved but she had an assignment to fill out a world map printed on an 11x17 sheet of paper. We were on the phone and she asked me where the Pacific Ocean was. I told her between California and China, to make it easier on her. Her answer: "but the page ends there." Yeah... it was like that. But damn did she have an awesome ass!

01-12-19, 10:12
She just chumped out Joe LIEberman.
The same dude who tried to ruin vidya games in the 90s and tried to take cussing and nekkid women out of heavy metal music.

LIEberman is saying she is not the future and she totally is. The Dems are scared.


based and redpilled, Our Latina is.

She almost...makes me want to try to grow a beard and hang out in OG107s and smoke cigars and ramble in spanish all day toting an AK just to be worthy of her.

If she told me to overthrow Cuba for being too right of center likeva reverse Bay of Pigs, I would while blasting Meat Loafs "I would do anything for love"

I'm seriously debating getting a box or a hut in the Bronx just so I can vote for her.

ETA: Breaking News. She quoted Rorschach by saying "None of you understand. I'm not locked in here with you. You're all locked in here with ME" in regards to the Dems trying to rein her in.


High Energy

ETA2: No not Meat Loaf. I would raid Havana for her blasting Sussudio

01-12-19, 10:34
Not worried at all, the Dems May have quite a handful with this one. Maybe she will take down the entire party herself......only to rebuild it in her “ideal socialist” image. Great fun awaits! Also, no doubt about it....she could also be trying to pull a Barry Soetoro Obama. A couple years as a junior politician and bang oh......she is running for POTUS. Don’t be fooled that t can’t happen.

01-12-19, 10:43
Not worried at all, the Dems May have quite a handful with this one. Maybe she will take down the entire party herself......only to rebuild it in her “ideal socialist” image. Great fun awaits! Also, no doubt about it....she could also be trying to pull a Barry Soetoro Obama. A couple years as a junior politician and bang oh......she is running for POTUS. Don’t be fooled that t can’t happen.

....I....I would probably vote for her. I regret nothing. I know I soumd like some teen girl squealing over an issue of Tiger Beat but I cannot resist.

01-12-19, 10:49
....I....I would probably vote for her. I regret nothing. I know I soumd like some teen girl squealing over an issue of Tiger Beat but I cannot resist.

If it’s intimacy that you are after....it would be easier (and cheaper) to find a hooker that looks like her. She might look “shaggarific” but what if you miscalculated? She might have a violent mean streak that is only revealed when she is naked, sweating, and on top of you.

01-12-19, 10:53
If it’s intimacy that you are after....it would be easier (and cheaper) to find a hooker that looks like her. She might look “shaggarific” but what if you miscalculated? She might have a violent mean streak that is only revealed when she is naked, sweating, and on top of you.


......I'm im public........

01-12-19, 12:43
....I....I would probably vote for her. I regret nothing. I know I soumd like some teen girl squealing over an issue of Tiger Beat but I cannot resist.

This explains a lot.

01-12-19, 12:53
And here I thought my infatuation with corrupt former Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra was weird.....

01-12-19, 14:48
What I don’t understand is the cult of personality with all these people, my wife has Obama socks and a RBG shirt for crying out loud. Most of the people who exhibit the same mania towards Trump seem to do so simply to drive others insane, they don’t truly believe he is emperor god king like some feel Obama should have been.

01-12-19, 15:25
What I don’t understand is the cult of personality with all these people, my wife has Obama socks and a RBG shirt for crying out loud. Most of the people who exhibit the same mania towards Trump seem to do so simply to drive others insane, they don’t truly believe he is emperor god king like some feel Obama should have been.

If you understand for many people it's a high school popularity contest and they are still doing it well into adulthood, it explains a lot.

01-12-19, 15:47
What I don’t understand is the cult of personality with all these people, my wife has Obama socks and a RBG shirt for crying out loud. Most of the people who exhibit the same mania towards Trump seem to do so simply to drive others insane, they don’t truly believe he is emperor god king like some feel Obama should have been.

Did you go into your marriage knowing your wife to be thought such things? Or did she do a switcharoo later on you?

Coal Dragger
01-12-19, 16:12
She just chumped out Joe LIEberman.
The same dude who tried to ruin vidya games in the 90s and tried to take cussing and nekkid women out of heavy metal music.

LIEberman is saying she is not the future and she totally is. The Dems are scared.


based and redpilled, Our Latina is.

She almost...makes me want to try to grow a beard and hang out in OG107s and smoke cigars and ramble in spanish all day toting an AK just to be worthy of her.

If she told me to overthrow Cuba for being too right of center likeva reverse Bay of Pigs, I would while blasting Meat Loafs "I would do anything for love"

I'm seriously debating getting a box or a hut in the Bronx just so I can vote for her.

ETA: Breaking News. She quoted Rorschach by saying "None of you understand. I'm not locked in here with you. You're all locked in here with ME" in regards to the Dems trying to rein her in.


High Energy

ETA2: No not Meat Loaf. I would raid Havana for her blasting Sussudio

OK man, here’s the deal:

I want you to go to DC, find Occasio Cortez or whatever her name is (her last name doesn’t matter.... more on that in a moment) and seduce her. Show her what actual men are like to be around. Give her the deep dicking she wants but that none of the hipster lady boys in NYC she has previously been surrounded by were capable of accomplishing. Inevitably the part of her brain that is primitive cave woman will respond to being in the presence of an actual intact male of the species. She’ll propose to you, and take your last name.

This will settle her down, and then you can go about changing her outlook on everything. Start by putting babies in her, that’s usually a game changer for women. You’re at a point in your life where you have the life experiences to be an actual parent not just some kid having kids.

She’s only a political loony tune because she doesn’t know any better due to no exposure to non flaky hipster types that espouse idiocy because they think it is “cool” and have no other life experience.

01-12-19, 17:42

01-12-19, 21:16
Hmm I dunno, I could almost go along with fly on this, but will definitely let him take lead with his viva la revolucion schtict and Ill hang back working up my 70s bader meinhof schtict while blasting The Talking Heads "Life during wartime", just in case she needs a rebound.

I need a better look at those ankles. Seriously. Kiss of death.

Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

01-12-19, 21:24
Hmm I dunno, I could almost go along with fly on this, but will definitely let him take lead with his viva la revolucion schtict and Ill hang back working up my 70s bader meinhof schtict while blasting The Talking Heads "Life during wartime", just in case she needs a rebound.

I need a better look at those ankles. Seriously. Kiss of death.

Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

Those cankels got me too...I'm a leg man and she has stumps with feet :(

01-12-19, 21:36
Cankles? nah fam.


We got nice legs and feeties.

I am not a leftist but part of me finds a romance in wearing OG107s and smoking cigars and doing things "for the people" and making love to brown spitfires who are passionate about La Revoluccíon. She makes me want to own a FAL or an AK.
Like she would lean over to me, bare and naked, peering though the hooch in our camp and say to me "The Stars....do you see anything? God? Hope? A promise of a new dawn?:

and I would look into her brown, round eyes and say...

"I just see the beautiful faults and glorious errors."

They might send a SOG team to get us...maybe even a Cobra strike. But for that moment of jungle heat and the odors of sweat, sex, fire, and Russian cosmoline....

I would feel just right. Like...it was all worth it. Just for AOC to be with me.
Vulnerable, open....just a girl looking for guidance. She only followed me because I followed her.

You...just can't get that on Tinder.

01-16-19, 06:06
The 29 year old communist waitress is now on the committee overseeing the country's financial sector. Yes, we are in the waning days of this great republic.


01-16-19, 06:12
The 29 year old communist waitress is now on the committee overseeing the country's financial sector. Yes, we are in the waning days of this great republic.


I’m not giving up on her even if everyone else has. John Hughes movies and Nicholas Sparks books show I will be vindicated

01-16-19, 06:29
There’s nothing standing in the way of fulfilling your fantasies, but air and opportunity.


01-16-19, 06:50
Cankles? nah fam.


We got nice legs and feeties.

I am not a leftist but part of me finds a romance in wearing OG107s and smoking cigars and doing things "for the people" and making love to brown spitfires who are passionate about La Revoluccíon. She makes me want to own a FAL or an AK.
Like she would lean over to me, bare and naked, peering though the hooch in our camp and say to me "The Stars....do you see anything? God? Hope? A promise of a new dawn?:

and I would look into her brown, round eyes and say...

"I just see the beautiful faults and glorious errors."

They might send a SOG team to get us...maybe even a Cobra strike. But for that moment of jungle heat and the odors of sweat, sex, fire, and Russian cosmoline....

I would feel just right. Like...it was all worth it. Just for AOC to be with me.
Vulnerable, open....just a girl looking for guidance. She only followed me because I followed her.

You...just can't get that on Tinder.

Definitely cankles in the making. Bro, those are one or two pups out from being inverted calves. Those trunks are gonna drip gravy by the time she hits 60.