View Full Version : Census Form in the Mail

01-05-19, 12:04
I got a form and a some follow-up letters about some Census form that I must fill out under penalty of law. Are these legit? Seems like the greatest phishing tool ever made. Names, birthdates, ethnicity and cultural background, income and expenditure data? GFY.

01-05-19, 12:10
I got a form and a some follow-up letters about some Census form that I must fill out under penalty of law. Are these legit? Seems like the greatest phishing tool ever made. Names, birthdates, ethnicity and cultural background, income and expenditure data? GFY.
They're from .gov

Since I am in the cattle growing business, and an incorporated operation, I receive Department of Agriculture census forms inquiring as to the size of my operation. Because this is a corporation, we receive census forms inquiring into particulars of the business. They are legit, and they also threaten penalty of law for a no response. I have received these the past three years or so, and have not responded to one yet. If push comes to shove, mail service in rural New Mexico is shitty at best. It's a little over 20 miles for me to the closest P.O. Box. Mail does not come here to rural ranching operations, and no UPS or FedEx Service.

01-05-19, 19:19
I got a form and a some follow-up letters about some Census form that I must fill out under penalty of law. Are these legit? Seems like the greatest phishing tool ever made. Names, birthdates, ethnicity and cultural background, income and expenditure data? GFY.

Was it sent registered mail? If not then you didn't get it. ;)

01-05-19, 19:29
Was it sent registered mail? If not then you didn't get it. ;)
Regular mail, and at first thought it was junk mail - technically it is junk mail based on my non-response. The intrusiveness is not appreciated.

Dr. Bullseye
01-05-19, 19:31
I do not participate in the census. Doing so only penalizes white people.

01-05-19, 22:48
I do not participate in the census. Doing so only penalizes white people.

Please explain...

01-06-19, 07:57
I got a form and a some follow-up letters about some Census form that I must fill out under penalty of law. Are these legit? Seems like the greatest phishing tool ever made. Names, birthdates, ethnicity and cultural background, income and expenditure data? GFY.

I never responded the last time this came to my house. I think they sent three or four before I never saw one again. I'm still free, and was never fined or sent to jail so ....

01-08-19, 16:34
I got a form and a some follow-up letters about some Census form that I must fill out under penalty of law. Are these legit? Seems like the greatest phishing tool ever made. Names, birthdates, ethnicity and cultural background, income and expenditure data? GFY.

Somewhere on there should be the option to take the census survey online. That's what I did. Before completing the survey, I did a web search and found out which questions I was required by law to answer, which are very few. I did the survey online and it was accepted WITHOUT answering any of the questions NOT required by law to be answered, thus allowing me to maintain the PERSEC of my household. :)

Doc Safari
01-08-19, 16:39
For the last census I wrote in big bold letters across the front: "There are two adults of voting age at this residence. THAT IS ALL YOU GET."

I never heard another peep out of them.