View Full Version : Blue Collar Logic: Did the Parties Switch Sides?

01-06-19, 23:26
As I posted in an earlier thread that I started, I recently discovered the Blue Collar Logic channel on YouTube, and I have really found their videos to be insightful and knowledgeable. This one on the two parties switching sides is no exception.


01-07-19, 09:16
This falsehood has been spread for a couple of decades. I bet you could even find this being "Taught" in our schools.
Democrats love this fictional account.

01-07-19, 10:05
For the most part, federalists (big government of the time) became whigs, then whigs became republicans. Following the civil war, democrats have became more like republicans than vice versa.

01-07-19, 10:17
I never get sick and tired of this spiel. I have had people shout me down blue in the face insistent that the parties magically mystically changed out of nowhere c. after the War of Northern Aggression, maybe like the 50s or something.

Nope. It’s long been a party of war, slavery, Jim Crow, etc.
The Republicans were LONG despised in the South until maybe Nixon. I dare say ultimately Reagan. The whole deal of Carpebaggers was in reference to Northerners coming down and trying to get elected as Republicans.

What turned the South ultimately Republican is that, simply put, legal slavery simply wasn’t coming back, black folks have the vote no matter what, and hey, what fewer taxes and a return to morals and work ethic was appealing.

The Republicans campaigned enough to appeal more to the Middle whereas the Democrats rested on their laurels and tried to expand on “the Great Society”

I still maintain that all the propaganda and ‘for the boys’ “sacrifice” (i.e food rationing, rubber rationing, metal rationing) had very little if anything to do with the war effort and everything to do with conditioning Americans to accept intrusion and restriction on their personal lives to gain more political power. Which is why they go after the guns and money every single time.

Looking back.....do you really, honestly think Germany and Japan could have Red Dawned the US, Canada, AND South America by force? Really?

We have states bigger than them and the Ivans were giving the krauts holy hell as it was with eyes on Japan.

It’s all BS, lies, and people deluding themselves to keep voting left because higher taxes magically fix everything

01-07-19, 15:20
This falsehood has been spread for a couple of decades. I bet you could even find this being "Taught" in our schools.
Democrats love this fictional account.

this came up playing some online games :) a few in the group are younger then me but still adults with kids and the one did say NO I was wrong he learned this in school and was taught in college

so yeah it is being taught as truth

he was also never told that slavery was world wide and only the US did it !!!! and when I mentioned the slavery in Central and South America he did not want to believe it that no it was only a US thing

but the same time you had some idiots in our colleges talking about how bad Christopher Columbus treated the Indians on the East coast of the US !!!!!

01-07-19, 15:43
It wasn't until the mid fifties to early sixties that membership in the KKK was any problem for Democratic politicians in the South.
They had a few scandals over the years, but it's history. It wasn't very well hidden for decades.

01-07-19, 17:50
It wasn't until the mid fifties to early sixties that membership in the KKK was any problem for Democratic politicians in the South.
They had a few scandals over the years, but it's history. It wasn't very well hidden for decades.

Yep, Senator Robert Byrd created a KKK chapter and was Exalted Cyclops.

In December 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo:

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.

In 1946, Byrd wrote a letter to a Grand Wizard stating, "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation."

01-07-19, 18:08
I got a spicy, Stoli fueled opinion:
For all the bullshit segregationists talk....all these light skinneded black girls had to come from somewhere.

And you know...I won't damn lie...they gonna be the death of me. I cannot get enough. It's all good, man. It's all good.

But KKK are drunk rednecks and Huhwite Nationalists are bitches who look up interracial stuff on the blue websites.

The point is, to quote the bard; "Methinks they doth protest too much"

01-07-19, 18:55
I believe their was some talk about Byrd having a daughter with a house keeper.
At the forefront of desegregation was President Eisenhower, he pushed the desegregation of the Armed Forces. If you look at it in the context of pure history, I believe that might be the foot in the door for others to follow his lead.
We like to believe what we want to believe, and liars always have a fan club these days. I'm glad I am old enough to have lived through a lot of this recent history because it enables and emboldens me to call the Left on their lies.

01-07-19, 19:07
and clintons were good friends with byrd and I think she said something like he is like a father to me :)

01-07-19, 20:10
and clintons were good friends with byrd and I think she said something like he is like a father to me :)

Yes, She did and I believe she spoke at his funeral.

26 Inf
01-07-19, 20:45
I believe their was some talk about Byrd having a daughter with a house keeper.
At the forefront of desegregation was President Eisenhower, he pushed the desegregation of the Armed Forces. If you look at it in the context of pure history, I believe that might be the foot in the door for others to follow his lead.
We like to believe what we want to believe, and liars always have a fan club these days. I'm glad I am old enough to have lived through a lot of this recent history because it enables and emboldens me to call the Left on their lies.

I thought President Truman started that during his Presidency. I'm sure it took a couple years to get through to all the knuckle heads.

01-07-19, 21:01
I thought President Truman started that during his Presidency. I'm sure it took a couple years to get through to all the knuckle heads.


01-07-19, 21:11
LBJ is famously quoted as saying he would have those "N-----s voting Democrat for 200 years." He signed in to law a bill that had very little "real" support from Dems. Sure some voted for it, but it wasn't what they wanted, and they filibustered it HARD.

Here is what LBJ was really about though:

MSNBC on LBJ (http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/lyndon-johnson-civil-rights-racism)

LBJ worked a political ploy that the public school educated masses sopped up in the decades after that law's passing. The ignorant actually believe that LBJ is some sort of racial justice hero.

01-07-19, 21:35
Yep, Senator Robert Byrd created a KKK chapter and was Exalted Cyclops.

In December 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo:

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.

In 1946, Byrd wrote a letter to a Grand Wizard stating, "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation."

Robert Byrd was a mentor of Hillary Rodham Clinton. Clinton supporters should let that sink in for a moment.

01-07-19, 22:18
I believe their was some talk about Byrd having a daughter with a house keeper.
At the forefront of desegregation was President Eisenhower, he pushed the desegregation of the Armed Forces. If you look at it in the context of pure history, I believe that might be the foot in the door for others to follow his lead.
We like to believe what we want to believe, and liars always have a fan club these days. I'm glad I am old enough to have lived through a lot of this recent history because it enables and emboldens me to call the Left on their lies.

And who was President when the NG forced things at Little Rock in 1957? Yep, that was Ike again, but the civil rights movement seems to forget what Republicans did and when.

But here is an easy who was who list.


Anyone wanna guess which political party is most represented? Especially during the civil rights movement. It was mostly southern Democrats who were actually KLAN members fighting northern Republicans.