View Full Version : minimalism ? anyone here like this

01-09-19, 02:06
for one it is not some millennial thing or whatever :)
but its gaining popularity these days :)
this was off that clutter crap house thread :)

quite a bit of my life has been in small places cause I used them more for living out of then living in plus island homes and weather allow that
I still prefer to cook outside etc..

besides my kids which are my world but my best times when I was single were with the least things my best time with my kids are all based on things we did and not what we did it with etc.

but the idea of stuff or junk that you do not care about so much is what I think it is :) not stark white walls etc.. just things you like you have things you do not you do not own or have ;) you do not keep things just in case especially if you can get it easy
I can't stand vases just for show or art just to have it etc..
I freaking hate clutter and junk just bugs the heck out of me in my home :)

I lived out of 3 bags for years of my life and one of those folks that have the same shirt many times :)
no thinking saves time I like em etc..
I can pack all my clothes in one bag easy

I use one coffee cup titanium insulated snow peak with no handle for %80 of my drinking and some eating and one water bottle and use a glass for dinner that is about it

so anyone like this or am I the odd man out :) hahahahahah

01-09-19, 03:31
There was a time when I had,
That one Seiko diver watch, that one AR, that one AK, that one Beretta, that one 4Runner, etc.

Can’t say it is any better hacking a dozen or more of each, but what the Hell.

Hoarding valuable, collectible stuff is different than a house full of trash.

If you come to see me, and say you would like a scotch,
I will say, Campbeltown, lowland, highland, speyside, or Islay.

If you say you want tenneseee whiskey, I will say, black label, single barrel select, or their rye.

If you need a lift in a 4WD/AWD vehicle,
I will say mid sized CUV, SUV, turbo 4 cylinder CUV, V6 CUV, or 2500 4WD, etc.

Life could be worse.

01-09-19, 03:47
There was a time everything I owned fit into one single bedroom at my grandparents house. But that was some time ago.

I had a minimum wage income but somehow it seemed I could afford to eat out more often than when I became a homeowner. The fact that I really had no bills probably helped.

I had only a few rifles a HK91, HK93, CAR-15, AR15, SP1 if we don't count my WWII collection firearms. I seemed to shoot more frequently, twice a month at a minimum than I do now.

When I was in my 20s I was a minimalist of sorts, 30 years later it's nice to have something to show for my hard work over the years. I also like collecting things and being able to display collections. If the collections have meaning, each piece reminds you of a time and place - usually associated with a loved one.

My beer can collection is essentially worthless, but my father and grandmother helped me find rare cans and each one takes me back to a time and place in my childhood where my father and grandmother were willing to spend their own time with me to help me find old beer cans of all things.

01-09-19, 04:09
If someone has ten and they could care less that is ten to many 100 and love that is cool I my book

I feel those collections of every piece you love are cool to but say 5 pieces in 100 you don’t care ditch those 5

Say that beer can collection someone thinks he likes old cans and gives you soda cans and you keep em anyway that gets away from it

I could care less about clothes and just like function fit so that was my example about me

Example I have about 16+ hammocks cause I am into them for camping etc... but each one has its use place etc..... fabric types and so on no two are duplicates
Once I don’t care about things I am ok with letting go even if I loved the stuff before time life changes ;)

Maybe to say it’s truly keeping just what you love not stuff just because
like a Xmas present you got but don’t like and keeping it just because it was a gift and not letting go

Some take it to extremes of course :)

01-09-19, 07:32
Im somewhat minimalist. When I was in college, I moved quite a bit and everything I owned fit in my car. I have a box of “keepsake” stuff from my childhood.

My wife and I have a “if you havent used it in 6mo-yr, it gets sold/trashed” rule.

I have a bit more stuff now for hobbies, tools, resource books (math and chem), etc.
My wife had decorations too, and we have a ton of cookware- but I guess that falls into hobbies since we cook multiple times a day.

I do like minimalist stuff like shoes and holsters. Cant stand men’s jewelry and own none(just wedding ring only worn when “going out”.)

Tldr: we use everything we own- get rid of stuff we dont, somewhat minimalist but not extreme.

01-09-19, 08:36
It's going to be different for everyone. I can't do tiny-house-minimalist, living in a 500sq ft home or the everything-in-one-backpack hobo minimalist (lol sorry no offense meant). But at the same time I don't have a collection of watches or any jewelery. One pair of footwear for each occasion....work, casual, dress, winter. Because I do my own cooking I have a lot of cookware and I don't use it all every time or even often but it all gets used throughout the year. Even firearms......I tried to keep it minimalist. One or two handguns, rifle. Unfortunately that doesn't work for me. I enjoy a lot of different types of firearms and they're not all for serious use. While others I bought because they seemed to fit what I was looking for only to later realize I sounded better in theory or on paper and not so much in actual use and I don't want to loose money selling them.

There are a few things I could get rid of but they don't take up so much space that they're in the way. The thing that pops into my mind immediately is my collection of diecast cars from when I was in my late teens - early 20s. I have maybe 20 or so 1:24 scale cars from Franklin and Danbury mint. I was big into that 20+ years ago but have kinda lost interest in over a decade.

Alex V
01-09-19, 08:44
I prefer minimalism in Architectural design. Not in scope/size, but but in aesthetic. I hate ornate moldings and all that stuff. When my wife watches Fixer Upper I want to puke. I would be perfectly happy living in a clean, white/grey box.

01-09-19, 12:01
When I got married at 22 years old and moved in with my wife everything I owned fit into two suitcases and a box. Now, not so much. It doesn’t take much to keep me up.

01-09-19, 14:47
I prefer minimalism in Architectural design. Not in scope/size, but but in aesthetic. I hate ornate moldings and all that stuff. When my wife watches Fixer Upper I want to puke. I would be perfectly happy living in a clean, white/grey box.

I used to think that way as well. We started with a white house.. everything was some shade of white. My wife hated it. When we remodeled, I relented and let her choose all the interior colors, and design the trims in the house. I just said "yes, ma'am" and moved on. When everything was done, I was stunned at the result. There is not one white surface in our house, but tasteful colors throughout. It is absolutely wonderful to come home after a long day to those colors. The one factor that ties all the rooms together is the same white trims throughout the house.

I am not a minimalist in any sense of the word. I am definitely a "buy once, cry once" guy though. I don't own multiple things to do the same job (you'd be surprised how few guns I keep around), but I own the right tools to do pretty much everything I encounter. I do my own carpentry, electrical, plumbing, painting, wood work, mechanics from small engine to heavy diesel, and even my own butchering and meat processing. I also reload, build AR's and shoot archery. We are also into snowmobiling, hunting and camping. You can only imagine how much shit I have to accomplish all of this. I don't care, I love life and love living it.

01-09-19, 15:51
Minimalist schminalist! I doubt I would qualify as a maximalist but I try. I oddly find some appeal in the idea of the tiny house living but I just dont think it would work out. It would end up a 50sqft miniature military museum with a pillow and woobie folded up in the corner. The minimalist thing definitely isnt for me.

Just dont be the dickish minimalist who has reduced his possesions to near zero while inflating his ego to fill the now empty space and cant shut up about his minimalist life.

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Doc Safari
01-09-19, 15:59
I've moved so many times that I don't form any long-term attachments to furniture, and I never really completely unpack if that counts.

01-09-19, 16:00
I prefer minimalism in Architectural design. Not in scope/size, but but in aesthetic. I hate ornate moldings and all that stuff. When my wife watches Fixer Upper I want to puke. I would be perfectly happy living in a clean, white/grey box.

this is pretty cool vid :) I love stuff like this the other stuff to is pretty cool for smaller spaces

I hate beds not comfy and take up so much room etc...


01-09-19, 16:08
Minimalist schminalist! I doubt I would qualify as a maximalist but I try. I oddly find some appeal in the idea of the tiny house living but I just dont think it would work out. It would end up a 50sqft miniature military museum with a pillow and woobie folded up in the corner. The minimalist thing definitely isnt for me.

Just dont be the dickish minimalist who has reduced his possesions to near zero while inflating his ego to fill the now empty space and cant shut up about his minimalist life.

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agree on the idiots :) hahahaha but that is more often millenials making youtube to get fame then you find they quit OR have some other place so much of it is fake :)
many in the islands are minimal because that is the style of living
majority of population pre war were that way to have what you need look at the size of homes how it has grown :)

I think some teens could live in a tiny house on property so they learn to cook clean and take care of things on their own and have responsibility or empty nesters I like the tiny house stuff BUT reality I would want a bit more room around 1200sqft large enough to spread out toilet on the other side :) and easier to clean than 2000+ sqft etc.. also want a simple roof line simple to heat and cool maybe a house half buried to stabilize the heat cool thing OR on wheels and just keep it moving to nice weather

01-10-19, 06:31
One day I am going to live in an RV, with groovy long hair, solving mysteries and going on adventures like them Johnny Wadd movies, having relations with beatnik chicks, and maybe even grow a mustache.

All I will carry is a 4” Model 29 and a blackjack.

And I will wear them long disco collar shirts. Yep.

Mansions seem cool but I knew a chick whose family had one and it was kinda lame. All that room filled with stuff you cant use, towels just for decoration, bathrooms you can’t shit in, and ugh.

I either want my Shaggin wagon RV or a mysterious shack in the mountains where nobody knows where I am at

01-10-19, 12:02
One day I am going to live in an RV, with groovy long hair, solving mysteries and going on adventures like them Johnny Wadd movies, having relations with beatnik chicks, and maybe even grow a mustache.

All I will carry is a 4” Model 29 and a blackjack.

And I will wear them long disco collar shirts. Yep.

Mansions seem cool but I knew a chick whose family had one and it was kinda lame. All that room filled with stuff you cant use, towels just for decoration, bathrooms you can’t shit in, and ugh.

I either want my Shaggin wagon RV or a mysterious shack in the mountains where nobody knows where I am at

so you want to be like scooby doo and shaggy ?
hey get that cortez chick ya like to be scooby :) she already has the looks hahahahaahah

sorry man to good to pass up on that :)

01-10-19, 13:19
so you want to be like scooby doo and shaggy ?
hey get that cortez chick ya like to be scooby :) she already has the looks hahahahaahah

sorry man to good to pass up on that :)

I will have a lot of girlfriends in my Travels but Alex will be my main squeeze.
She will wear skin tight jeans, a red tied up at the waist blouse, and alternate between sockless ballet flats or low Converse shoes.
She will carry an M1 Carbine in the paratrooper configuration and a snubnose model 10 and give me encouragement inyone man war against the evils of the world.

Lots of love making under the stars talking about how much God means to us and whatnot.

01-10-19, 21:40
Minimalist schminalist! I doubt I would qualify as a maximalist but I try. I oddly find some appeal in the idea of the tiny house living but I just dont think it would work out. It would end up a 50sqft miniature military museum with a pillow and woobie folded up in the corner. The minimalist thing definitely isnt for me.

Just dont be the dickish minimalist who has reduced his possesions to near zero while inflating his ego to fill the now empty space and cant shut up about his minimalist life.

Sent from my SM-J727T using Tapatalk

Oh common' I bet that guy is a vegan AND does crossfit :D

01-10-19, 21:46
Oh common' I bet that guy is a vegan AND does crossfit :DAlso blogs and considers himself a movie and food critic. Only listens to soft instrumental music.

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