View Full Version : Financial Assault on the 2A

Doc Safari
01-10-19, 16:09

California Democrat Maxine Waters is the new chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee. To judge from the party’s past behavior and the various proposals emanating from the left, Waters’s Democrats are going to pressure banks, credit unions, and payment companies to severely curtail and even terminate their relationships with firearm manufacturers, licensed gun retailers, and law-abiding citizens exercising their right to purchase and own firearms. In other words, they will use political pressure to force private institutions into creating social policy that threatens constitutional rights.

Without a complicit administration, Democrats in Congress will likely assume the role of pressuring financial institutions to cease transactions with businesses they deem unsavory, with the firearms community at the top of their list.

Sorkin wants credit-card companies to create a new “subcode” specifically to track firearm and ammunition sales. Sorkin believes that these “subcodes” could be enforced through financial institutions’ “best practices” rules, which companies must abide by when doing business with the institution, and which can be changed at the whim of the institution. Ultimately, that could force those in the firearms community to terminate the production or distribution of completely legal firearms and accessories or risk dissolving their relationship with their institution.

Undoubtedly, House Democrats could try to bully payment companies into doing what Sorkin proposes. The question then becomes: If credit-card companies, banks, and/or credit unions start collecting information on gun and ammunition sales, what would they do with that information? How would it be disclosed? Could it be turned over to state and federal financial regulators, or even Congress?

My take: How many times do I have to say it? BUY YOUR STUFF NOW.

The Dems are pulling out all the stops to end the Second Amendment in America. Even if they don't succeed on every front, the likelihood is that gun ownership is going to be a lot more problematic in the future.

01-10-19, 17:12
Uh, just dems?

01-10-19, 17:47
If you have a carry permit, consider yourself "registered."

The real issue is making it hard for a firearms business to get merchant services. It's been over 10 years since I accepted credit cards and with most people wanting the convenience of paypal it does cut in to sales.

01-10-19, 18:24
If you have a carry permit, consider yourself "registered."

Oh definitely. It really wouldn't surprise me if that is about the only reason concealed carry has been allowed to happen in many states.

01-10-19, 18:54
Oh definitely. It really wouldn't surprise me if that is about the only reason concealed carry has been allowed to happen in many states.

As a NFA owner, not to mention a FFL/SOT, I stopped worrying about being "on the list" a long time ago. I'm definitely on the list but maybe if that list is big enough they will think twice...maybe.

01-10-19, 20:43
As a NFA owner, not to mention a FFL/SOT, I stopped worrying about being "on the list" a long time ago. I'm definitely on the list but maybe if that list is big enough they will think twice...maybe.

I'm afraid that "thinking twice" is about sooner or sooner yet. Get the big fish early you see.

01-10-19, 21:50
As a NFA owner, not to mention a FFL/SOT, I stopped worrying about being "on the list" a long time ago. I'm definitely on the list but maybe if that list is big enough they will think twice...maybe.

Honestly, i think the biggest threat to the anti-2a and anti-freedom group is pro 2a and pro-freedom personalities on social media because its a face to rally behind. The individial is 1 guy or a small group. This is one of the reasons I find the recent ourging so so disturbing.

01-11-19, 06:57
Remember when Ashley Madison got "hacked" and a buncha folks attemptimg to screw on their wives committed suicide?

I wonder...you know...about the whole glass houses bit.
If I cant buy my guns then these people shouldnt be able to buy their degeneracy

Doc Safari
01-11-19, 09:04
Remember when Ashley Madison got "hacked" and a buncha folks attemptimg to screw on their wives committed suicide?

I wonder...you know...about the whole glass houses bit.
If I cant buy my guns then these people shouldnt be able to buy their degeneracy

You win the post of the year award. NOW you're THINKING. Fight back where it hurts them the most. Forget about all this "call your Congressman" nonsense. You think they give a rat's rear end about your rights? All they care about is how much money is in it for their next re-election.

Time to "think outside the box" and anyone who opposes your rights should pay a price so steep they don't even consider messing with you.

01-11-19, 11:26
What we need is to be proactive and get regulations in place that credit card and financial services can’t discriminate like this, and how you do that is to make it that beyond looking for fraud indicators, the CC companies have to respect the privacy of their customers.

Doc Safari
01-11-19, 11:28
What we need is to be proactive and get regulations in place that credit card and financial services can’t discriminate like this, and how you do that is to make it that beyond looking for fraud indicators, the CC companies have to respect the privacy of their customers.

Or, how about pay off your cc balance, and then write them a nice, nasty letter asking them to cancel your card with the reason given.

Difficult, I know, but I've been working to get my balance to zero over the last year so I can do just that in the event my cc joins the chorus wanting to punish the gun industry.

01-11-19, 12:21
Or, how about pay off your cc balance, and then write them a nice, nasty letter asking them to cancel your card with the reason given.

Difficult, I know, but I've been working to get my balance to zero over the last year so I can do just that in the event my cc joins the chorus wanting to punish the gun industry.

I travel 30 times a year. I handle $1500 in cash a year, mostly because my barber doesn't take cards. You really can't live a modern life with out a credit card.

If they can force us out of the modern economy, then they have won a victory already. It isn't that it is one card either. As we have seen with video sharing and electronic remittance sites, they left just keeps coming after one after the other.

At least blacks got to ear at another lunch counter and the back of the bus. We are being told to starve and walk.

Doc Safari
01-11-19, 12:52
I travel 30 times a year. I handle $1500 in cash a year, mostly because my barber doesn't take cards. You really can't live a modern life with out a credit card.

If they can force us out of the modern economy, then they have won a victory already. It isn't that it is one card either. As we have seen with video sharing and electronic remittance sites, they left just keeps coming after one after the other.

At least blacks got to ear at another lunch counter and the back of the bus. We are being told to starve and walk.

There are other cards. You don't have to keep the anti-gun ones. It's been a few years but I had a card from a bank that didn't participate in the nonsense. Probably should have kept that one, but since it was paid off first and I didn't need two...

01-11-19, 13:08
While I agree 1000% that we should mount an effective strategy to derail financial attacks against FFL’s and manufacturers, the idea that they can stop sales by not allowing CC sales is ludicrous.

Not to be simple minded, but take cash to the gun shop and AmEx to the grocery store. Pay your bills with your CC and buy your guns with cash. Your LGS will love you since they won’t be paying the 3-6% swipe fees.

What will hurt is if they close off lending to gun based businesses. That’s something that needs a serious solution. If your LGS can’t get loans to buy inventory...

01-11-19, 17:26
While I agree 1000% that we should mount an effective strategy to derail financial attacks against FFL’s and manufacturers, the idea that they can stop sales by not allowing CC sales is ludicrous.

Not to be simple minded, but take cash to the gun shop and AmEx to the grocery store. Pay your bills with your CC and buy your guns with cash. Your LGS will love you since they won’t be paying the 3-6% swipe fees.

What will hurt is if they close off lending to gun based businesses. That’s something that needs a serious solution. If your LGS can’t get loans to buy inventory...

Never even heard of that. Honestly interest rates on the best loans are higher than the markup on firearms bought from any of the wholesalers. And even when I had a merchant account that 3% and 6% sales tax was almost equal to most markups which were about 10%.

So every time I sold a firearm I pretty much split the markup with the state and credit card company.

01-11-19, 17:56
The push to alienate is also a push to lose control

Enough raw drugs pour into this country hourly. Enough that even if all 330 million of us were hardcore Tommy Chongs it still would be a huge surplus.

Big Facts.

If I were a politician, I would rather let people buy their guns at Wal Mart rather than push them to equip themselves by other means.

If you REALLY want an UZI, Galil, or a freaking PKM.... there are ways. Totally divorced from US control or oversight.

Because at a certain point, writing laws can become just as pointless as calling or writing a senator.

I have yet to see or hear a legit dope boy bemoaning a new drug law. All they see is a price increase and profit margin.

You can’t put everyone in jail. Green makes the scene.

A lot of our political folks are either delusional or dopeheads the way they think. It’s no different than the King demanding that yhe tide doesn’t rise.

In 2008 a LOT of people were buying ARs and mags. Unlikely people. I had a little 20 yo girl ask me how to get an AR and ammo.
“I dunno. I just think something might happen.”

The people aren’t stupid and the people aren’t begging for more laws. Every time they start running off about laws there is a run on guns.

The whole “you don’t need that” bit is stupid and out of touch. I don’t see Marines saying “boy 10 rounds is all I need”

Same with “weapons of war”. A freaking musket is a weapon of war.

If some dude is coming at me, I want the best. If I KNEW that tonight some wrecking crew of thugaboos were gonna tune me up with shotguns or AKs then I want my SR25 topped off with 25 rounders and all the FGMM I could afford.

Other than that...I don’t got no problems.

I would love for the world to be some John Lennon song of free love, girls with hairy underarms, hair peace, flower power, and bongo drum circles.

But there are those who are always gonna see kindness as weakness and want to rob steal rape and kill.

Don’t start nothing won’t be nothing

01-11-19, 18:53
I just want to hang out in Pattaya, drink beer and pay bar fines.