View Full Version : VA People- Northam Wants To Go Fulll Retard On Gun Laws

01-10-19, 23:45
Heads up for VA. Northam and cronies want the whole nine yards
(Posting In GD since regional is low traffic)


He said the package includes measures to require universal background checks; establish an Extreme Risk Protective Order; reinstate Virginia’s One Handgun a Month law; prohibit individuals subject to final protective orders from possessing firearms; ban assault firearms; prevent children from accessing firearms; and require individuals to report lost or stolen firearms to law enforcement.

The bill also modifies the definition of assault firearm to any firearm that is equipped with a magazine that holds more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

01-11-19, 05:36
Yeah, word has bee getting around. I'm telling all interested parties to link up with the VCDL and FPC.

I don't think the most egregious portions have a chance in hell this year, but in the next few...

Sad thing is that I escaped California to come to Virginia. All those nuts out there chirping, "Move to a free state!" can blow.

01-11-19, 06:46
Yeah, word has bee getting around. I'm telling all interested parties to link up with the VCDL and FPC.

I don't think the most egregious portions have a chance in hell this year, but in the next few...

Sad thing is that I escaped California to come to Virginia. All those nuts out there chirping, "Move to a free state!" can blow.

That's why we need to actually start pushing back. We're running out of "free states" to run to.

01-11-19, 07:10
VCDL (Virginia Citizens Defense League) works very hard to protect Virginia's 2A rights. I highly recommend joining and, at a minimum, sign up for their email updates (VA Alerts, link: https://www.vcdl.org/VA-ALERT )

Lobby day (MLK day) is a strong venue to voice your opinions at the Capital Building in Richmond. VCDL organizes an impressive force for it and can always use more voices to be heard.

01-11-19, 11:03
Yeah, word has bee getting around. I'm telling all interested parties to link up with the VCDL and FPC.

I don't think the most egregious portions have a chance in hell this year, but in the next few...

Sad thing is that I escaped California to come to Virginia. All those nuts out there chirping, "Move to a free state!" can blow.

Great advice, and no kidding. Republicans still hold a slim majority in the state legislature, but this is an election year and it may only be a matter of time before the anti grown wins the few extra seats they need to push this sort of nonsense through. And with a rabidly anti-gun Governor leading the charge that Dem majority would be disastrous. We'd go full NJ/NY/MA?MD crazy within a few years.

VCDL (Virginia Citizens Defense League) works very hard to protect Virginia's 2A rights. I highly recommend joining and, at a minimum, sign up for their email updates (VA Alerts, link: https://www.vcdl.org/VA-ALERT )

Lobby day (MLK day) is a strong venue to voice your opinions at the Capital Building in Richmond. VCDL organizes an impressive force for it and can always use more voices to be heard.

Amen. VCDL is a strong pro 2A voice in Virginia. It's well worth the effort to join and participate when you can.

01-11-19, 15:30
Join VCDL and give them money!

01-11-19, 18:31
isn't he the clown, that wants Route 81 to be a toll road.

Friggin libs of Northern Va and with Amazon moving in, hold onto your pants! Friggin state will be forever BLUE.

01-11-19, 19:15
If we keep putting up terrible candidates. These hard social conservatives don't have a prayer in hell. The state wants to stay red but we do everything in our power to put up candidates that will never win the general.

01-12-19, 01:59
If we keep putting up terrible candidates. These hard social conservatives don't have a prayer in hell. The state wants to stay red but we do everything in our power to put up candidates that will never win the general.and... we don't show up to vote.

01-18-19, 07:46
Good news from VCDL president Philip Van Cleave via VA Alerts email:

1. Legislative Update

Tonight was an excellent night for Virginia gun owners! THAT SAID, IF WE DON'T VOTE IN GOOD PEOPLE IN SEPTEMBER, THIS COULD ALL CHANGE NEXT YEAR.

The anti's behaved themselves tonight. Of course it helped that a Capitol police officer was in the room the whole time to serve as a reminder to keep things civil. Chairman Farris made it clear in his initial remarks that incivility would NOT be tolerated.

Even Richmond Mayor Stoney, with interim police chief in tow, was there to push gun control.

BIG THANKS TO THE REPUBLICANS, WHO ALL VOTED CORRECTLY TONIGHT: Matt Fariss, Mike Webert, Nick Frietas, and Jeffrey Campbell.

NOTE: Keep Democrat John Bell in your prayers. He had to leave the subcommittee early tonight because of a tragedy within his family. No further information at this time.


Here are the bills and their status:

HB 2399, Delegate Lopez, allows police to drag their heels in approving gun purchases. KILLED by a 4 to 1 vote!

HB 2244, Delegate Sullivan, prohibits the possess or transport a firearm for someone committing a crime that is a MISDEMEANOR. KILLED by a 4 to 1 vote!

HB 1956, Delegate Toscano, bans guns during a "permitted event." KILLED by a 4 to 1 vote!

HB 2479, Delegate Plum, Universal Background Checks. KILLED by a vote of 4 to 1!

HB 2285, Delegate Hayes, makes it a felony if an someone under 18 gets access to a firearm. KILLED by a vote of 4 to 1!

HB 2492, Delegate Tran, "assault" firearms that have magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. KILLED by a vote of 3 to 1!

HB 2604, Delegate Ward, One Handgun a Month bill. KILLED by a vote of 4 to 1!

HB 2253, Delegate Pogge, makes State Police issue non-resident CHPs in 45 days (currenttly taking 5 months). PASSED 4 to 2 and heads to full committee Friday morning!

HB 1763, Delegate Sullivan, Red Flag law. KILLED by 4 to 2 after long debate!

HB 1691, Delegate Simon, expands ban on completely-plastic guns. KILLED by a 4 to 2 vote!

HB 1644, Delegate Bourne, punishes gun owner who does not report a lost or stolen gun quickly enough with a fine and opens up civil and criminal liability. KILLED by a 4 to 2 vote!

HB 1992, Delegate Price, bans guns at local government meetings. KILLED by a 4 to 2!

HB 1654, Delegate Rasoul, prohibits loaded rifles in certain localities. KILLED by a 4 to 2!

HB 1856, Delegate McQuinn, bans guns in libraries. KILLED by a 4 to 2 vote!

01-18-19, 08:30
As usual the VCDL is doing an awesome job. If you read this and live in VA please consider joining and giving money - https://www.vcdl.org. They have done an outstanding job of fighting off the gun grabbers even as the state creeps blue.

Bruce in WV
01-19-19, 06:27
Good news about VIrginia Republicans defeating the Govenor's bills in committee. VCDL is doing a good job on this.
