View Full Version : HPA and National Reciprocity Reintroduced for 2019

01-12-19, 01:12
Don’t understand the timing here.



01-12-19, 04:58
It's almost as if all these bills are timed so they will never really pass, but drum up talking points during election cycles....

01-12-19, 08:47
The beginning of every Congress is just a barrage of bills of every kind from everywhere. Most will never go any further.

01-12-19, 14:11
They do it just to say they did something.

Knowing it doesn't have a chance in hell of getting anywhere.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

01-12-19, 17:01
Never pass with Pelosi as Sphincter of the House. Pure theater at this point.

But it looks good when they send out fundraising letters for their re-election campaign, don'tcha know?

So for all you guys that waited on the HPA to pass before you bought cans three years ago - how did that work out for ya?

01-12-19, 18:16
Everyone complains that we aren't going on the offensive, then when we do, half of them talk about timing.

They rolled out their shit, we rolled out our. Would anyone really be happier if we were sitting on our hands. More importantly we should roll out this shit, and more, every damn year because we just might catch them sleeping one time.

01-12-19, 18:52
Everyone complains that we aren't going on the offensive, then when we do, half of them talk about timing.

They rolled out their shit, we rolled out our. Would anyone really be happier if we were sitting on our hands. More importantly we should roll out this shit, and more, every damn year because we just might catch them sleeping one time.

It's maddening that NOBODY from the pro-2A camp puts forth any effort unless they KNOW they can win. It's like everyone is too busy trying to prove how much they know about politics and meanwhile anti-2A people are throwing shit against the wall and I'll be damned if some of it doesn't stick every now and then and we're just looking around like "I'll be damned, they got that passed." With that mindset it's a wonder we haven't lost even more of our freedoms to this point.

01-12-19, 18:59
It would have been nicer if they did this a month ago

01-12-19, 18:59
Everyone complains that we aren't going on the offensive, then when we do, half of them talk about timing.

They rolled out their shit, we rolled out our. Would anyone really be happier if we were sitting on our hands. More importantly we should roll out this shit, and more, every damn year because we just might catch them sleeping one time.

They had 2 years to roll it out when Republicans had both houses.
Seems they want to say “we tried” without actually trying.

Its like walking and shooting one handed through a uspsa course. “I tried”

No you didnt.

01-12-19, 19:10
These rollouts are to show who in the GOP is trying. When you have Republicans like Ryan killing bills, you can’t blame everyone for it.

This is theater, yes. I’d like to see some more cretics theatre that can garner bipartisan support, like tax credits for gun safes. The gun community care about safety as much as anyone. To create incentives for it without dictating everyone lock em up is good for everyone.

But no, we swing for the fences and complain it doesn’t work.

01-12-19, 19:16
They had 2 years to roll it out when Republicans had both houses.
Seems they want to say “we tried” without actually trying.

Its like walking and shooting one handed through a uspsa course. “I tried”

No you didnt.

So we shouldn't do it now at all because it doesn't seem like a slam dunk? I agree it should have been done every single year, but here we are and this is what it is. Start sending emails, everyone should know the drill.

I personally wish that we went after the sporter clause when we had the majority, but we didn't. I'd be thrilled with any effort to get rid of it at any time, even now.

The Dumb Gun Collector
01-12-19, 19:41
I think they should just propose a bill to put Trump on Mt. Rushmore while they are proposing "bills we propose to stir up the base that we have no intention of passing."

01-12-19, 19:43
Presumably, all the democrats can vote against so all the republicans can now vote in favor without worry.

01-12-19, 19:55
So we shouldn't do it now at all because it doesn't seem like a slam dunk? I agree it should have been done every single year, but here we are and this is what it is. Start sending emails, everyone should know the drill.

I personally wish that we went after the sporter clause when we had the majority, but we didn't. I'd be thrilled with any effort to get rid of it at any time, even now.

They're not trying, if they were trying they would have done this when it could pass. I don't believe for one second the GOP as a whole (some exceptions) want these bills to pass. This is a half-assed attempt to make the "base" happy.

01-12-19, 21:34
I think they should just propose a bill to put Trump on Mt. Rushmore while they are proposing "bills we propose to stir up the base that we have no intention of passing."

Ya know...if we bundled Trump Rushmore with HPA and national reciprocity...we might get something.

01-12-19, 21:34
They're not trying, if they were trying they would have done this when it could pass. I don't believe for one second the GOP as a whole (some exceptions) want these bills to pass. This is a half-assed attempt to make the "base" happy.

Do you think that is how the Dems view the AW Ban every time Feinstein trots it out?

01-13-19, 00:16
How many calls did each of you make to your reps and how many emails did you send pushing to pass this?

Don’t lose hope. Don’t pussy out.

The more you push, the better.

If we get on the same team and quit this “poor us, woe is me” shit and exert our will we can make shit happen.

Spend as much time getting involved as bitching online and we may just win some for a change...

01-13-19, 08:08
Guys this is very simple. It's done in an attempt to kill the new assault weapons ban bill. If the GOP can attach this bill to the AWB then the left will usually kill their own bill. Has been done before!

01-13-19, 08:18
Sure would be nice if we could get representatives that actually represent their base...

01-13-19, 08:20
It's all our fault this hasn't happened. I know every time I go to a restaurant and learn the staff has spit in my food I don't just stop going there. I keep going back over and over until I win them over to doing what they were getting paid to do in the first place.

01-13-19, 09:23
Do you think that is how the Dems view the AW Ban every time Feinstein trots it out?
Honestly, in some regard I think they do. Granted, they actually want that to pass but I think she does it to grand stand and appeal to her base. The difference is the Dems have never had the opportunity to realistically pass it again, however reciprocity and HPA COULD have easily passed when we had the House, Senate, and Presidency. BUT because of the "optics" of Vegas (nothing to do with suppressors) they pulled it, yet again demonstrating their preference to politics and news cycle over the actual voters who put them into office.

IMO both sides could give a shit about their base as they are already locked in votes. It seems all they care about now is whatever the flavor of the day is to sway moderates/independents.

01-13-19, 09:37
Based on the 89 and 2005 Republican semi auto bans coupled with Republican majorities not repealing the 94 Democrat ban, Feinstein always stands a decent chance of getting her ban passed.

01-13-19, 09:51

01-13-19, 10:06
Guys this is very simple. It's done in an attempt to kill the new assault weapons ban bill. If the GOP can attach this bill to the AWB then the left will usually kill their own bill. Has been done before!


01-13-19, 11:53
Guys this is very simple. It's done in an attempt to kill the new assault weapons ban bill. If the GOP can attach this bill to the AWB then the left will usually kill their own bill. Has been done before!

Or....maybe the GOP does get national reciprocity and HPA attached to the AW ban, and then they vote for the whole shebang because "Oh it's such a great compromise, look how we fought for your 2A rights and got these things attached to the bill!"
And, bam, now we have an AW ban, which to me, is worse than not having national reciprocity and HPA.

I don't think this scenario is super likely because the idea of national reciprocity passing will probably drive the Dems to kill their own bill, but I could see the GOP selling us out and portraying it as some huge victory that they fought tooth and nail for.

01-13-19, 11:55
While not likely to pass, I am glad to see another attempt. I wish as much as everyone else here that the GOP would’ve done this when they had both majorities. We have what we have now, make the calls, send the emails.

01-13-19, 12:03
So we shouldn't do it now at all because it doesn't seem like a slam dunk? I agree it should have been done every single year, but here we are and this is what it is. Start sending emails, everyone should know the drill.

I personally wish that we went after the sporter clause when we had the majority, but we didn't. I'd be thrilled with any effort to get rid of it at any time, even now.

I agree they should do it now, but the fact they didnt do it the last 2 years is dissapointing to put mildly.
Should have done the sporter clause as well.

01-13-19, 12:13
Or....maybe the GOP does get national reciprocity and HPA attached to the AW ban, and then they vote for the whole shebang because "Oh it's such a great compromise, look how we fought for your 2A rights and got these things attached to the bill!"
And, bam, now we have an AW ban, which to me, is worse than not having national reciprocity and HPA.

I don't think this scenario is super likely because the idea of national reciprocity passing will probably drive the Dems to kill their own bill, but I could see the GOP selling us out and portraying it as some huge victory that they fought tooth and nail for.

Or pass the whole thing, then Trump could just unilaterally nix reciprocity and cans in the same manner as bump stocks.

01-13-19, 12:55

I like him but man does he take long to get to the point....holy crap!

01-13-19, 17:21
Calculation: Approximate probability comparable to that of my sprouting a second pecker and finding a lucrative career in "Adult Entertainment." :(

01-14-19, 03:26
People may not like it, but there is a strategy to when you propose legislation. You don't just throw shit at the wall and see what sticks.

And this is a very bad time to submit something like this. It screams of someone wanting to be able to say "Well hey, I tried"

01-14-19, 09:20
People may not like it, but there is a strategy to when you propose legislation. You don't just throw shit at the wall and see what sticks.

And this is a very bad time to submit something like this. It screams of someone wanting to be able to say "Well hey, I tried"

Truth! However, our liberal friends throw poop at the wall on a daily basis and don’t give it a second thought. AFAIC if it clogs a committee for weeks and delays some liberal drivel it’s doing something useful.

01-14-19, 09:30
HPA and National reciprocity are the same bullshit as a new assault weapons ban. People on both sides will get all worked up about both, and neither is going to pass.

Pre Vegas massacre I could have seen HPA maybe passing, not so much national reciprocity. At this point I see no improvement in laws for gun owners and its super important to not let anything slip.

01-14-19, 09:43
National Reciprocity doesn't need to be a Congress thing. It needs to be a Supreme Court ruling. It is clearly a 14th Amendment issue.

We need a state to stop accepting CA and NY drivers licenses and arresting them for operating a vehicle without a license. That is how it it needs to start. Theses Sh!t Stain states don't take our CCW then we don't take their DL. There is not a valid legal argument to accept one and not the other.

It would be a simple and fast win for the US Constitution. It is about time that the sane people of this country start to use the same laws against the liberal left as they use against freedom.

01-14-19, 10:02
National Reciprocity doesn't need to be a Congress thing. It needs to be a Supreme Court ruling. It is clearly a 14th Amendment issue.

We need a state to stop accepting CA and NY drivers licenses and arresting them for operating a vehicle without a license. That is how it it needs to start. Theses Sh!t Stain states don't take our CCW then we don't take their DL. There is not a valid legal argument to accept one and not the other.

It would be a simple and fast win for the US Constitution. It is about time that the sane people of this country start to use the same laws against the liberal left as they use against freedom.

This is correct. The original intent of the Founding Fathers was that States would have sovereignty and that the Bill of Rights only applied to the Federal Government. The 14th Amendment changed all that but the left only seems to want to accept that for things they like and disregard it for things they don’t. This was the basis of McDonald vs Chicago.

01-14-19, 11:42
National Reciprocity doesn't need to be a Congress thing. It needs to be a Supreme Court ruling. It is clearly a 14th Amendment issue.

We need a state to stop accepting CA and NY drivers licenses and arresting them for operating a vehicle without a license. That is how it it needs to start. Theses Sh!t Stain states don't take our CCW then we don't take their DL. There is not a valid legal argument to accept one and not the other.

It would be a simple and fast win for the US Constitution. It is about time that the sane people of this country start to use the same laws against the liberal left as they use against freedom.

I national reciprocity ever comes to be you can bet the regulations to get a CCW will be much tighter. It will never pass otherwise. For states that have constitutional carry or a basic equivalent it will suck.

Things you can expect to be required:
-Insurance to carry (Think car insurance)
-A national licensing authority overseeing states. (think D.O.T.)
-Regulations as to what is safe to carry (Like car safety regulation)
-Testing in proficiency to carry (like a drivers road test)

It goes on. National reciprocity is not the great thing every one thinks, unless you live in a state where it could only get better. Those who live in free states have a lot to lose. I live in a state with basically no laws about carrying, I could give a rats aas if I can go carry in California or New york.

01-14-19, 11:55
I national reciprocity ever comes to be you can bet the regulations to get a CCW will be much tighter. It will never pass otherwise. For states that have constitutional carry or a basic equivalent it will suck.

Things you can expect to be required:
-Insurance to carry (Think car insurance)
-A national licensing authority overseeing states. (think D.O.T.)
-Regulations as to what is safe to carry (Like car safety regulation)
-Testing in proficiency to carry (like a drivers road test)

It goes on. National reciprocity is not the great thing every one thinks, unless you live in a state where it could only get better. Those who live in free states have a lot to lose. I live in a state with basically no laws about carrying, I could give a rats aas if I can go carry in California or New york.

That is why I said that it does not need to be a Congress thing. That would put all CCWs in the control of the FED. We know how they like to FUC$ UP stuff like Healthcare.

If it is simply a 14th Amendment item then it will force The Criminal states to take change. It will not help those in Socialist states. But making it worse for those in a free state to help those in the Retard states is not an option. That to is socialism and would only help the left gain more ground and make it easier for them to mess with those in states are not completely socialist.

01-14-19, 11:55
The 14th should have applied the 2nd to the states.

01-14-19, 11:56
The 14th should have applied the 2nd to the states.

The 14th was created by liberals. It needs to be understood to use it against them.

01-14-19, 14:46
I national reciprocity ever comes to be you can bet the regulations to get a CCW will be much tighter. It will never pass otherwise. For states that have constitutional carry or a basic equivalent it will suck.

Things you can expect to be required:
-Insurance to carry (Think car insurance)
-A national licensing authority overseeing states. (think D.O.T.)
-Regulations as to what is safe to carry (Like car safety regulation)
-Testing in proficiency to carry (like a drivers road test)

It goes on. National reciprocity is not the great thing every one thinks, unless you live in a state where it could only get better. Those who live in free states have a lot to lose. I live in a state with basically no laws about carrying, I could give a rats aas if I can go carry in California or New york.

This is why I am not in favor of national concealed carry. Some states have it good, very good. All ccw laws are not created equal. Like in some states there are no legal teeth to prevent carry on private property where a “no guns” sign is posted. Some allow you to carry in an establishment that serves alcohol, you just cannot be intoxicated. Other states are truly restrictive. We don’t need the lowest common denominator of CCW as our national law.

26 Inf
01-14-19, 16:49
People may not like it, but there is a strategy to when you propose legislation. You don't just throw shit at the wall and see what sticks.

And this is a very bad time to submit something like this. It screams of someone wanting to be able to say "Well hey, I tried"

This video: https://youtu.be/rQ6rCSWHHRE explains the method to the madness.

I redid the GOA email message and emailed and hardcopied my state congress critters.

Plus I joined GOA, I think for the second time.

01-14-19, 19:52
This is why I am not in favor of national concealed carry. Some states have it good, very good. All ccw laws are not created equal. Like in some states there are no legal teeth to prevent carry on private property where a “no guns” sign is posted. Some allow you to carry in an establishment that serves alcohol, you just cannot be intoxicated. Other states are truly restrictive. We don’t need the lowest common denominator of CCW as our national law.

I’ve struggled with this as well. I live in PA where CCW laws are about as good as it gets. However, we are surrounded asshole states that are often traveled through ....especially where I live in SE PA. It would be nice to be able to drive into NJ, MD or DE.

01-14-19, 20:29
I’ve struggled with this as well. I live in PA where CCW laws are about as good as it gets. However, we are surrounded asshole states that are often traveled through ....especially where I live in SE PA. It would be nice to be able to drive into NJ, MD or DE.

You know, those states routinely break FOPA without batting an eye. Short of getting all of their restrictive laws overturned, the is NO F’ING WAY I would travel into those states while armed even with National ccw. They care not about federal law, only their state laws that are more restrictive. No way. You think NJ, NY, CA, etc are going to just follow a federal national ccw law? Good luck. They will jam up every gun owner they can.

I think we are better served with individual state level ccw. And focusing on getting state level semiauto rifle bans, mag bans, ammunition bans, etc heard by SCOTUS and argued on our side by the likes of someone with the horsepower to WIN the case (ie not a certain publicity hungry attorney in your neck of the woods). We need Gura. And as SteyrAUG always says, we need to go on the offensive against the 68 gca, specifically 925(d)(3) and 922(r), then go after 922(o).

01-14-19, 22:10
You know, those states routinely break FOPA without batting an eye. Short of getting all of their restrictive laws overturned, the is NO F’ING WAY I would travel into those states while armed even with National ccw. They care not about federal law, only their state laws that are more restrictive. No way. You think NJ, NY, CA, etc are going to just follow a federal national ccw law? Good luck. They will jam up every gun owner they can.

I think we are better served with individual state level ccw. And focusing on getting state level semiauto rifle bans, mag bans, ammunition bans, etc heard by SCOTUS and argued on our side by the likes of someone with the horsepower to WIN the case (ie not a certain publicity hungry attorney in your neck of the woods). We need Gura. And as SteyrAUG always says, we need to go on the offensive against the 68 gca, specifically 925(d)(3) and 922(r), then go after 922(o).

All of the federal laws need to be repealed back to the first 1.

State on down to local need to be handled like school desegregation.

01-14-19, 22:56
All of the federal laws need to be repealed back to the first 1.

State on down to local need to be handled like school desegregation.

There are many federal laws that are good. Without them we are just a collection of independent nations ripe for the picking for China and Russia.

I'm a little confused by your second statement. School desegregation was a product of federal civil rights laws.

01-14-19, 22:59
There are many federal laws that are good. Without them we are just a collection of independent nations ripe for the picking for China and Russia.

I'm a little confused by your second statement. School desegregation was a product of federal civil rights laws.

I was referring to firearms laws.

01-15-19, 19:39
Not that it matters but at least my guy is good to go. Probably only because he knows it isn't going anywhere...

Dear ....:

Thank you for contacting me with your thoughts on H.R. 38, the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017. I appreciate your input and it is an honor to represent you in Congress.

As you may know, the issuance of a concealed carry permits for firearms and laws governing their usage can vary greatly between the individual states. Additionally, each state determines whether or not to honor other states’ permits. This has led to a confusing patchwork of laws which inadvertently place law abiding and responsible citizens in violation of the law. Understandably, this has led to concerns that American citizens are unnecessarily having their Constitutional right to self-defense infringed without any justification.

In response to these concerns, Representative Richard Hudson introduced H.R. 38. This legislation would ensure that much like driver licenses, concealed carry permits would be recognized across state lines. This legislation would only pertain to the individual states that issue concealed carry permits to their citizens and would not deprive state governments from determining regulations within their borders. Additionally, this bill gives further legal protections to gun owners against frivolous lawsuits that are against the intent of this legislation. Finally, this legislation provides for permitted individuals to carry on certain federal lands such as those administered by the National Park System and Army Corps of Engineers.

As a strong proponent of Second Amendment rights and the right to self-defense I was proud to cosponsor this critical legislation and see the House pass H.R. 38 on December 6, 2017.

Again, thank you for reaching out to discuss this important legislation. Please do not hesitate to contact my office should you need any further assistance.


Chuck Fleischmann
Member of Congress