View Full Version : The coming Obama presidency: Foreign Policy predictions

11-04-08, 22:36
List the countries f*cked because of the Obama presidency









....any I left out?


I'm sorry our countrymen were so weak-mided that they let the Media elect this radical anti-American socialist. So many will suffer for it, but more quickly and directly those countries listed above, who chose to throw their lot in with us. The new Democracies there will soon fall to the forces of totalitarianism. I am truly sorry.

This is a dark day for Freedom.

11-04-08, 22:40
The United States of America

11-04-08, 22:44

11-04-08, 22:45
The United States of America



11-04-08, 22:46

11-04-08, 22:57
+1 for Israel

11-04-08, 23:06
++1 for U.S. OR "US"
+1 Israel

Iraq will be like we were never there in 2 years. All in vain.

11-04-08, 23:14
Another for Israel,also don't forget Lebanon. I know, that country was screwed
already but at least trying to hold down Hizbollah. Once Obama is in those
10,000 Syrian troops and tanks that amassed on the border 2+weeks ago will
be able to move in without worry. Along with Iran backed Hizbollah having free reign in Lebanon, Israel will be "circling the wagons".
The year ahead sizes up to be probably the most tumultious in modern
history, both here and abroad.

11-05-08, 00:25
Israel will fair just fine under an Obama presidency. There is video after video available of him vowing to various crowds that the US will do all that's necessary to keep Israel a Jewish state. They may not like his stance on Iran, although it's not that different from John McCain's stance...the whole behind the scenes vs. preconditions bs feels like an issue both campaigns created to make themselves seem different on that.

The United States is real loser.

*Provided we're to believe him....

11-05-08, 00:38
Watch the Europeans and Arabs lining up to get their BJs (or get it from behind nice and slow in Merckel's case).

11-05-08, 00:52
Iraq will be like we were never there in 2 years. All in vain.

And more Americans will die to fix the mistakes. Just like we have with Afghanistan and Iraq.

11-05-08, 01:38
Israel now has a clear course of action. They will strike Iran within 60 days hopefully it will cripple the Iranian nuke program to a point where it will take years to rebuild.

If not we will see a wider war erupt in the Mid East, which we may very well see as Osama pulls our troops out.

Terrorism will rise and I would venture the speculation that we could very well see a terrorist group setting off a nuke on US soil.

Its all down hill from here

11-05-08, 08:57
List the countries f*cked because of the Obama presidency









....any I left out?


I'm sorry our countrymen were so weak-mided that they let the Media elect this radical anti-American socialist. So many will suffer for it, but more quickly and directly those countries listed above, who chose to throw their lot in with us. The new Democracies there will soon fall to the forces of totalitarianism. I am truly sorry.

This is a dark day for Freedom.

....any I left out? YES !!

The United States of America

11-05-08, 09:40
Israel will be fine. I think even Iraq will be fine. Obama has to know that if he rides it out he can take credit for Bush's victory. Afghanistan will probably get more heated, as that is the way we are headed and Obama sai that's where we should be fighting. But I think after some crap talking and an initial ramp up, he slowly dumb it down and disengage. he is not a warfighter and we will eventually run out of money once his 10 billion a pop programs get underway.

the people who will get screwed are up and coming republics like Georgia nd Ukraine. You know Putin has got to be laughing himself silly over his new opponent and will probably steamrolling countries at the rapid rate.

I predict the world will love us inder the obama reign - they want us to be docile, indecisive, wimpy and non-threatening. Obama will deliver.

11-05-08, 10:49
Striker :) I and wife also think the same thing pretty much that he will take the glory for the war ending

also I think he will have to go to the middle a bit but chip away at things and get things in a row for a second term

he fooled a touch over half the american voters for two years campaigning and now he will fool them again for 4 years so he can get 4 more years

and I do think cause there will be nothing to loose the first two years of his 2nd term will be putting all the things in a row he wants then the last 2 enacting all them since he will have nothing to loose

I am hoping he wont touch the gun thing for a while as he has to much on his plate but then again ?????? who knows

I do think we are heading into a point when he has a secret police with his home based military thing he commented on ? maybe he will use the black panthers ? being paranoid :) but then again rather be paranoid then blind

at least if it was hillary you know who we are up against

11-05-08, 11:02
Israel now has a clear course of action. They will strike Iran within 60 days hopefully it will cripple the Iranian nuke program to a point where it will take years to rebuild.

If not we will see a wider war erupt in the Mid East, which we may very well see as Osama pulls our troops out.

Terrorism will rise and I would venture the speculation that we could very well see a terrorist group setting off a nuke on US soil.

Its all down hill from here

Saudis will build a bomb after Iran gets it. Nothing like a nuclear Islamofasict government!!

11-05-08, 11:26


Read his first book, Enemy Foreign and Domestic.

I think you all got it right, everyone of those countries will be screwed, especially the good old US of A. S = Socialists

I hope they're happy.

11-05-08, 12:26
I guarantee right now in Israel they are having heated disscusions about what to do now that the U.S. in going left. To bomb or not to bomb(Iran) that is question.

11-05-08, 14:35
They're celebrating. Dateline Nov 5, Palestinians/Hamas fire over 35 missles into Israeli villages. Also Syria moves more tanks and artillery up to its northeastern border with Israel.

Hmmn ,If I were Israel and knew I had to strike Iran would I attempt
it during the remainder of Bush's lame-duck period, or wait for the crowning
of King and Savior Obama so he could possibly save the day.
Geez, I'd have to think long and hard on that one.:rolleyes:

Dave L.
11-05-08, 14:42
Iraq will be like we were never there in 2 years. All in vain.

...that's what I've been saying. They are going to create another entire generation of "Viet Nam Vets"-

oh, and Israel is ****ed for sure.

11-05-08, 14:56
List the countries f*cked because of the Obama presidency









....any I left out?


I'm sorry our countrymen were so weak-mided that they let the Media elect this radical anti-American socialist. So many will suffer for it, but more quickly and directly those countries listed above, who chose to throw their lot in with us. The new Democracies there will soon fall to the forces of totalitarianism. I am truly sorry.

This is a dark day for Freedom.
The US, Israel, Iraq,

11-05-08, 16:30
I agree that if he does something stupid, everything that has been accomplished and all those who have been killed or wounded will have sacrificed for nothing. I will then be one pissed off individual. I have spent almost 4 years here in the M.E and lost several friends.

...that's what I've been saying. They are going to create another entire generation of "Viet Nam Vets"-

oh, and Israel is ****ed for sure.

11-05-08, 16:51
I agree that if he does something stupid, everything that has been accomplished and all those who have been killed or wounded will have sacrificed for nothing. I will then be one pissed of individual.

I experienced that in April of 1975 while sitting in the dayroom looking with disbelief at the TV. You and the rest of my brothers-in-arms, who feel the same way, will be welcome into the club. Our fellow Americans' memories are short.

11-05-08, 18:56
I experienced that in April of 1975 while sitting in the dayroom looking with disbelief at the TV. You and the rest of my brothers-in-arms, who feel the same way, will be welcome into the club. Our fellow Americans' memories are short.

Why didn't more vets run for national office? Or did the Rep. just not talk about it much?

11-05-08, 19:44
Why didn't more vets run for national office? Or did the Rep. just not talk about it much?

John Murtha is a vet! ;)

11-05-08, 20:42
One word: APPEASEMENT :rolleyes:

11-06-08, 05:49
everything that has been accomplished and all those who have been killed or wounded will have sacrificed for nothing.

I think that merely voting him into office did this

11-06-08, 07:50
I agree as well. We can only hope that some sanity takes hold somewhere.

"Change......one magazine at a time."

I think that merely voting him into office did this

Gutshot John
11-06-08, 08:04
A lot of this speculation presumes the GOP will curl up into fetal position and start sucking its collective thumb. I remain dubious.

American conservatism however remains intact and the Democrats now have to cleave to the center if they want to remain in power.

The GOP got thumped and will have to change, but ultimately that's a good thing. Republicans became ideological instead of pragmatic, and America fundamentally just wants a government that works.

Moreover with all this talk of the incoming Obama disaster, we do ourselves a big disfavor if it doesn't occur. If government doesn't fall apart Obama will be viewed as a success, even if conservatives know differently.

Equanimity and reflection is what is called for. Looking backwards to the bygone days of Reaganism and trying to recreate that is as unrealistic as an auto worker getting his job back from Korea.