View Full Version : Trump's Attorney General nominee is pro "red flag" legislation

01-16-19, 16:10

As some of you may or may not know William Barr is President Trump's nominee for the vacant Attorney General position, and he is currently testifying before the Senate as part of the confirmation process. When asked by Senator Feinstein "if he still believed that prudent controls on weapons won't reduce violent crime?" In his reply he said, "I also think we need to push along the ERPOs (Extreme Risk Protection Orders), so we have these red flag laws to supplement the use of the background check to find out if someone has some mental disturbance. This is the single most important thing I think we can do in the gun control area to stop these massacres from happening in the first place." In other words gun confiscation without due process!

Later, when questioned by Cornyn of Texas, Barr said this:"I personally concluded that the Second Amendment creates a personal right under the Constitution."

The Second Amendment doesn't create any rights, it affirms rights given to us by our Creator! Any attorney worth his salt should know this, and he wants to be the Attorney General?

Trump should withdraw this nomination and should instead nominate someone with a basic understanding of what our Constitution does and does not do!

01-16-19, 16:24

01-16-19, 16:25
Most people don’t care enough about guns to get upset over this.

01-16-19, 18:15
Most people don’t care enough about guns to get upset over this.

Guns? I am just here for the banter :blink:

26 Inf
01-16-19, 20:07
Guns? I am just here for the banter :blink:

QFT in many cases.